USS Enterprise (CVN 65)
The Shuttle Newsletter Edition
“We are Legend”
June 8, 2012 Issue
Enterprise Wins Environmental Quality Award Story by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Gregory White
USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise Readiness Division of the Office of the Chief of Naval (CVN 65) received the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Operations. Environmental Quality Award June 5 in recognition of the In his letter, he noted that “Enterprise is being recognized carrier’s stellar environmental for its efforts to protect the protection programs and initiatives environment while ensuring during fiscal year 2011. mission readiness.” Lt. Caity Bourgoine received He also noted that Enterprise the award on behalf of Enterprise had won an award in this category at a ceremony held at the United in the fiscal year 2007 competition. States Navy Memorial’s Heritage “We make sure the ship Center in Washington D. C. is complying with EPA Lt. Robin M. Schubauer, (Environmental Protection Agency) Enterprise’s assistant safety laws,” said Damage Controlman officer and afloat environmental 1st Class Jay C. Colston, protection coordinator, said the Enterprise’s assistant safety CNO Environmental Quality leading petty officer and assistant Award is given every year and it afloat environmental protection alternates between “big decks” and coordinator. “The most basic “small decks.” step to ensuring environmental “This year two carriers won,” protection is making sure all of our said Schubauer. “The Reagan won people are properly trained and it for the west coast and Enterprise qualified to run the equipment and won it for the east coast.” do their jobs.” Enterprise submitted a package Schubauer and Colston agreed in November 2011 highlighting that environmental protection is all of its environmental programs everyone’s responsibility. along with an endorsement letter “The thing about environmental from the ship’s Commanding protection is that it often involves Officer, Capt. William C. Hamilton, Lt. Caity Bourgoine accepts the CNO Environmental the little things we do everyday,” Quality Award from Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Jr., stating that Enterprise Sailors said Colston. Adm. Mark Ferguson. are “committed to the reduction of “From separating your trash,” harmful environmental emissions said Schubauer. and discharges through sound management practices while “To putting a lid back on you can of paint,” said Colston. continuing to meet every operational challenge placed before The two also agreed that winning the award is a huge honor them.” for Enterprise. The nomination package included accomplishments such Colston said it means that the people and equipment as partnering with Naval Facilities Environmental to plan and aboard Enterprise are all working properly and that the crew is organize a “pier environmental compliance training DVD.” consciously trying not to harm the environment. The DVD is now mandatory training for all Norfolk-based Enterprise is a 50-year-old ship with greater challenges than ships. Other accomplishments included the refurbishing of the some of the newer carriers when it comes to environmental ship’s solid waste incinerator, which ensured proper and safe protection. Colston said that this sets the Enterprise apart and disposal of thousands of tons of hazardous trash and classified makes it a real honor to have won the award. material, air pollution control through the reduction of Volatile “Environmental protection is an all-hands effort,” said Organic Content vapor and the use of closed-loop refrigerant Colston. “From the newest deck seaman to the admiral, charging and evacuation systems. everyone plays a part.” Enterprise was notified that it had won the award via a letter “The Environmental Award is everyone’s award” said from the deputy director of the Energy and Environmental Schubauer.