Charlottetown Visits Big E

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USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

The Shuttle Newsletter Edition

“We are Legend”

May 10, 2012 Issue

Charlottetown Visits Big E

Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Clas (SW) Britney Epps

USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea -- Sailors from the Royal Canadian navy frigate HMCS Charlottetown (FFG 339) arrived aboard aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) May 9 for a scheduled cross-pollination event. Cross pollination visits allow Sailors from different nations to work together to promote communications, interoperability and partnership for the shared goal of maintaining the safety and security of the region’s sea lanes. This is accomplished by allowing Sailors from other Navies to see how their foreign counterparts conduct operations. “It is important to establish a good working relationship with the ships in this area of reference so we know how we can integrate our forces for different operations or exercises,” said Cmdr. Richard D. Brawley, the surface operations officer for the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group. “Charlottetown had the opportunity to work with ENTCSG during the last deployment but, with crew turnover, it is important to get a refresher about the different ship handling challenges working with a CVN during flight operations.” Charlottetown is currently assigned as an escort to

Enterprise, assisting as a horizon reference unit, providing aircraft a visual reference to land safely. Enterprise is using this opportunity to strengthen an already established relationship with one of its closest allies. “This is a great opportunity for the crew of the Enterprise and the crew of the Charlottetown to get to know one another through cross pollination events and allow us to practice our anti-submarine (operations),” said Brawley. Charlottetown will also assist Enterprise with upcoming operations. “We will assist Enterprise in any upcoming passing exercises (PASSEX) or anything like that,” said Cmdr. Wade Carter, the commanding officer of Charlottetown. “Any type of operations Enterprise needs our help with, we will help.” Photo by MCSN Gregory White During their visit to Enterprise, the Canadian Sailors were able to speak with their American counterparts about how the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group functions and tour the ship. The tour, which lasted for about three hours, included a tour of the hangar bay, the flight deck, the ship’s medical spaces, flight deck control, primary flight control, “Starboard Joe’s,” the ship’s coffee shop, and the ship’s catapults. “The tour was amazing,” said Carter. “I don’t think I’ve ever been that close to a plane taking off before.” Following the visit, the Canadian Sailors returned to Charlottetown to continue their mission but hope to work with Enterprise again in the future. “Right now Charlottetown is deployed to the Arabian Sea to conduct counter-terrorism operations,” said Carter. “On an opportunity basis we will work with Enterprise.” Prior to their departure, the crew of the Charlottetown presented Enterprise with a plaque expressing their appreciation and friendship. “It was a treat, and I know the crew loved it, too,” said Carter.

The Shuttle

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Big E Happenings

Photo by MCSN Heath Zeigler

Photo by MC3 Britney Epps

Photo by MCSN Gregory White

Photo by MCSN Gregory White

Photo by MCSN Gregory White

Photo by MC3 Britney Epps

The Shuttle USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

The Shuttle is published and printed daily underway and bi-weekly in port by the USS Enterprise (CVN 65) Media Department, FPO AE 09543-2810. This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Please direct all story ideas, questions and comments to MC1 (SW) Steve Smith at smithsw@cvn65.

Photo by MCSN Gregory White

Commanding Officer Capt. William C. Hamilton, Jr.

Executive Officer Capt. G. C. Huffman

Command Master Chief ABCM (AW/SW) Eric M. Young

Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Sarah T. Self-Kyler

Editors MC2 (SW) Kristin L. Grover MCSN Brian G. Reynolds

The Shuttle

Thursday, May 10, 2012

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In the News

Al-Qaeda Plot to Bomb Airliner Thwarted

By Greg Miller and Karen DeYoung, WASHINGTON POST The CIA and overseas intelligence partners disrupted an specific flight, let alone take steps to smuggle the explosive al-Qaeda plot to blow up civilian aircraft using an advanced onboard. U.S. officials declined to provide key details about the explosive device designed by the terrorist network’s plot, citing concern about protecting sensitive intelligence affiliate in Yemen, U.S. officials said. sources and operations. Officials would not say whether a President Obama was made aware of the threat in April, suspect had been caught or specify where the device was U.S. officials said, and the plot was stopped before any seized. aircraft or passengers could be put in danger. The timing of the alleged terrorist plot coincides with a Obama “was assured that the device did not pose a major escalation of the clandestine U.S. drone campaign in threat to the public,” said Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman Yemen. U.S. officials said the explosive appears to have for the National Security Council. been assembled by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or U.S. officials said the FBI is examining the device — AQAP, a Yemen based affiliate that has been linked to highmodeled on the “underwear bomb” used in an attempt to profile attacks against the United States. bring down a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day “AQAP is the responsible group here,” said a senior 2009 — to determine whether airport security systems U.S. official who, like others, spoke on the condition of would have detected it. anonymity to share sensitive intelligence. “We believe U.S. officials said the CIA and other agencies tracked AQAP produced the device, and we believe it was intended the plot for about a month before moving to seize the to be used by a suicide bomber on an aircraft.” device in recent days in the Middle East outside Yemen, In addition to the 2009 airliner bombing plot, AQAP has where the bomb was built. been tied to an unsuccessful 2010 attempt to mail parcels Officials said that the bomb or its components were packed with explosives to addresses in Chicago and a 2009 in transit when intercepted, but that the device was not attack in Saudi Arabia in which a suicide bomber was killed seized at an airport and that al-Qaeda had yet to target a during a gruesome attempt to assassinate the kingdom’s top counterterrorism official, Mohammed bin Nayef. U.S. officials said the new device was designed to overcome technical problems and detection schemes that had thwarted previous AQAP plans. The bomb was built with a more advanced detonator than the one that fizzled during the foiled Christmas Day By Stuart Pfeifer, LOS ANGELES TIMES attack, in which the would-be bomber, Omar Farouk Memorial Day has become an opportunity for Abdulmutallab, was subdued by other passengers alarmed criminals to target veterans as well as active-duty by plumes of smoke rising from his seat. military personnel and their families, the Better The new device was also devoid of metal or telltale Business Bureau said in a recent bulletin. components, meaning that it might have been difficult for Older veterans are often targeted by scams this any but the most sophisticated airport security systems to time of year, the BBB said. “The unique lifestyle of detect. our service members makes them prime targets for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate scammers,” said Brenda Linnington, director of the Select Committee on Intelligence, described the device as BBB’s military division. “a specific type of bomb that is of new design and very Some scams target service personnel and their difficult to detect by magnetometer.” families directly, while others go after people In a written statement, she said, “It was similar to what attempting to contribute to military charities. . . . Abdulmutallab wore in his underwear.” “Donors need to watch out for questionable charities That device and others are thought to be the work of that raise funds on behalf of military organizations,” Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, an accomplished AQAP-affiliated added Art Taylor, president of the BBB Wise Giving bombmaker who remains at large. Alliance. The disclosure of the plot, first reported by the One such scam involves a telephone call in Associated Press, comes less than a week after the which a criminal poses as a Veterans Administration anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden and amid representative and asks for credit card, bank or other recent efforts by the Obama administration to make its financial information, the BBB said. counterterrorism accomplishments a central issue in the presidential campaign.

Schemes Target Veterans, Troops and Donors to Military Charities

The Shuttle

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sailors of the Day Yeoman 2nd Class Matthew K. Gordon

Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Kindrick D. Richards

YN2 Matthew Gordon, from Cooper City, Fla., joined the Navy five years and four months ago to better his life and future endeavors. He enjoys spending time with his family and being outdoors. In the future, Gordon plans to start a family and become a professional fisherman.

CS2 Kindrick Richards, from Charleston, S.C., joined the Navy eight years ago to travel and further his education. Richards enjoys playing sports, playing his PS3 and spending time with his family and friends. His future goals are to earn a college degree and better himself personally and professionally.

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