Liberty: It’s A Mission

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USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

The Shuttle Newsletter Edition

“We are Legend”

May 14, 2012 Issue

Liberty: It’s A Mission Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class (SW) Jeffry A. Willadsen with, or a bigger issue such as public drunkenness or properly addressing women, it’s important that we are especially careful here.” Young stresses how essential it is to know these cultural sensitivities before liberty call. Enterprise provides several resources that are aimed toward this goal. These include the port brief that is televised on Big E’s SITE TV system, liberty pamphlets, and information put out in the “Big E Shuttle” newspaper before port call. These resources provide a variety of information that ranges from cultural sensitivities and taboos, to common phrases in the host country language, to off-limits areas and maps. They are designed to provide all the information you need for a successful and incident-free liberty experience. “It’s important to be informed and aware,” said Young. “If you aren’t informed you never know Sailors stationed aboard aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) enjoy what kind of trouble you could get into and not even liberty while in port visiting the city of Athens, Greece. realize. And if you do get into trouble, that not only affects you, but our mission in this part of the world USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – If you were to ask a Sailor as well.” aboard aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) what their Young also emphasized the importance of planning when it reasons where for joining the Navy, it is very likely that one comes to a Sailor’s liberty experience. This not only includes of their top answers would be: “To see the world,” or “To see where a Sailors plans to go and what they plan to do, but also foreign countries.” who they plan to go with. According to Young, proper planning Sailors gain this opportunity during liberty, the privilege to is essential for staying smart on liberty. leave the ship and explore the local area while in port. An important part of this planning is going on liberty with a Liberty is an important morale booster to Sailors on designated non-drinker. This facet of the liberty buddy system deployment, but in recent years it has become a hot button issue is intended to ensure that at least one member of a liberty party in the Navy, due to its potential effect on the Navy’s mission. abstains from alcohol and is,therefore, better able to make the According to Master Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate(AW/ right decision in any situation. SW) Eric J. Young, Enterprise’s Command Master Chief, This designated non-drinker helps keep everyone else safe liberty not only affects the mission, but is a mission in itself. and smart while on liberty. In a sense, the designated non“Liberty isn’t just a time to unwind after weeks at sea, it drinker is the most important part of the liberty plan. If a Sailor is also an opportunity to be ambassadors for our country,” or Marine chooses to be the designated non-drinker, they need said Young. “For some host country citizens we are the to stick to the plan in order to keep their Shipmates safe. only Americans they have come into contact with. We are “It’s all about your intentions,” said Young. “We all know representatives (of the United States) and we directly affect what is smart to do on liberty and what is not. If you plan on how the citizens of that country view Enterprise, the Navy, and being smart and staying out of trouble and you go out with the United States. Making that example a good one is a vital people you know have the same intentions, I can virtually mission.” guarantee you will not get into trouble in a foreign port.” Young mentioned how Sailors act on liberty is especially Enterprise provides as many options as possible to make important in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. your experience in ports of call as favorable as possible. “In this part of world there are many cultural sensitivities that seem foreign to us. Whether it is which hand you shake

LIBERTY continued on page 2

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