Vice Chief of Naval Operations Visits Enterprise

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USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

The Shuttle Magazine Edition

“We are Legend”

August 15, 2012 Issue

Vice Chief of Naval Operations Visits Enterprise Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brian G. Reynolds vital. Your presence here demonstrates our continued commitment to regional partners and allies, provides needed capability and is in direct support of our new defense strategy.” Benning also stressed the importance of Enterprise’s role in the area and underlined the importance of war fighting. “War fighting is our first priority,” said Benning. “Our Sailors need to remain ready through great training and operating in the environment in which we fight when necessary, but protect Adm. Mark Ferguson, Vice Chief of Naval Operations, speaks to Sailors in the hangar bay. (Photo by MC3 Scott Pittman) through our always important presence. USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – Vice Chief of Naval Operations There is no substitute for (VCNO) Adm. Mark Ferguson, and Navy Total Force/ the force multiplier that is a proven deckplate-leading Sailor at Manpower, Personnel, Education and Training (MPT&E) Fleet sea.” Master Chief, Fleet Master Chief (SW/AW/SCW) Scott A. While aboard the Big E, Ferguson and Benning took the Benning visited aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) Aug. opportunity to engage with thousands of Enterprise Sailors and 14 as the ship continued its historic 25th and final deployment. Marines. Ferguson and Benning visited Enterprise as a part of an During the visit, Ferguson and Benning conducted question ongoing tour during which they are visiting and thanking and answer sessions with several of Enterprise’s departments Sailors deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of including Reactor, Engineering, Weapons, Supply, Aviation operations. Intermediate Maintenance, Operations, Deck and Enterprise’s Following their arrival aboard the Big E, Ferguson and embarked air wing, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1. Benning were greeted by Rear Adm. Walter E. Carter, During many of these sessions, Ferguson stressed the commander, Enterprise Carrier Strike Group and Capt. William critical nature of what Sailors do on a daily basis and how the C. Hamilton, Jr., Enterprise’s commanding officer, before importance of their efforts cannot be overstated. embarking on a tour of the ship. “The demonstrated flexibility and professionalism that During his visit aboard the Navy’s first nuclear-powered has long been the hallmark of U.S. Naval forces is on display aircraft carrier, Ferguson stressed the importance of the everyday throughout the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group as you Enterprise Carrier Strike Group’s (ENTCSG) role in ensuring carryout the Chief of Naval Operations tenets of ‘war fighting that the sea lanes remain open to trade and commerce in the first, operate forward and be ready,’” said Ferguson. U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility (AOR). Enterprise is currently deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet AOR “The security of our nation depends on freedom of the seas conducting maritime security operations, theater security – particularly at the maritime crossroads,” said Ferguson. “For operation efforts and support missions as a part of Operation this reason, the Central Command area of operations remains Enduring Freedom.

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