Enterprise’s Last Shooters

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USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

The Shuttle Newsletter Edition

“We are Legend”

May 16, 2012 Issue

Enterprise’s Last Shooters Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Scott Pittman USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – Without its complement of Christopher Maurer, Air department’s V-1 division officer and a embarked squadrons, it’s not difficult to see that aircraft carrier shooter. USS Enterprise (CVN 65) would not be nearly as effective a Enterprise shooters will continue launching aircraft up until military asset. the final days of the ship’s deployment and eventual return to The crew that works the flight deck and arresting gear give homeport. This will mark the final time shooters will actively the ship her ability to launch planes, a vital function of any work on the flight deck of Enterprise, the last days a naval aircraft carrier. One important role on Big E’s non-skid is the aviator will stand on the flight deck in a yellow float coat with catapult and arresting gear officer, or flight deck “shooter.” painted-on pistols, firing off the hand signals to inform pilots to A shooter is a naval aviator, a pilot or a naval flight officer, prepare for launch. on their disassociated sea tour. This means they’ve completed two squadron rotations and have been assigned to an aircraft carrier where they get the chance to experience the other side of naval flight, the safe launch and recovery of aviators and their aircraft. Shooters also serve as division officers for different divisions of the ship’s Air department. “It’s the only job I wanted to do on a ship,” said Lt. Luke Whitmore, Air department’s V-3 division officer and shooter. “There are a few other jobs we can do out to sea, but you work with good people on the deck, get a lot of leadership opportunities as a division officer, and it’s a lot of fun shooting aircraft.” The transition from the cockpit to the flight deck can be difficult for some. “It can be very overwhelming at first as most of the shooters aboard Enterprise are land-based aviators. For some of us, Big E was the first time we were on the deck of a carrier,” said Whitmore. “However, the Sailors that have been on the ship Lt. Patrick Oneill, a flight deck shooter aboard aircraft carrier for a while taught us a lot about where to go and how to keep USS Enterprise (CVN 65), directs the launch of an F/A-18E Super ourselves out of harm’s way on the flight deck. You have to Hornet, assigned to the Checkmates of Strike Fighter Squadron keep your head on a swivel, because if you get lazy, that’s when (VFA) 211, on the flight deck. (Photo by MC3 Scott Pittman) people get hurt.” However, as a pilot launching multiple aircraft, the risk can “It’s pretty cool, but it’s a humbling experience being on be considered well worth the reward. Enterprise’s final deployment,” said Maurer. “We’re the last “The most gratifying part of being a shooter is that you are ones on a long list of people, and it’s an honor.” the last system of checks and balances for an aircraft before “It is fortuitous to be one of Enterprise’s last shooters,” said it leaves the flight deck,” said Lt. Gary Ramsey, V-4 division Ramsey. “Especially when you think about the heritage of this officer and shooter. “You are the last link the warfighter has to ship, the history, the nation’s calls answered…it’s nostalgic the flight deck (until they return).” thinking about all of the shooters who have gone before us.” This level of responsibility makes it easy for Enterprise’s These may be the final days for shooters aboard Enterprise, shooters to stay energized. but their work in the Navy is far from complete, as other “It’s easy to stay motivated with all of the jets launching and carriers continue to deploy, and new carrier designs are being flying around you, especially now that we’re in 5th Fleet, flying built. Though the procedures and protocols may change, the actual combat missions,” said Whitmore. foundation of the shooter remains the same. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the recovery of aircraft Enterprise is currently conducting maritime security is equally as important and just as risky. operations, theater security cooperation efforts and supporting “We’re (also responsible for) making sure each approaching missions as part of Operation Enduring Freedom in the U.S. 5th aircraft is identified and the proper weight setting of every Fleet area of responsibility, all as a part of her final deployment individual aircraft is set for the arresting wires,” said Lt. before decommissioning.

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