Big 'E' Welcomes TOBY KEITH!

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SHUTTLE USS Enterprise (CVN 65) - Sunday, April 24, 2011

Big ‘E’ welcomes


Sunday, April 24, 2011


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Enterprise News

Big ‘E’ hosts country music star Toby Keith

Photo by MCSN Jared M. King

Country music star Toby Keith spends time with Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) prior to his performance. By MC3 Michael Croft

USS Enterprise Public Affairs

USS ENTERPRISE, At sea - Country music superstar Toby Keith visited thousands of Sailors and Marines on the deployed aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) April 23. Toby Keith has long been associated with his public support of the U.S. Military and has participated in many USO tours and performances for deployed troops. The trip to Enterprise is Keith’s first time touring a deployed U.S. Navy ship. Before performing for the

crew in the ship’s hangar bay, Keith and his bandmembers got a chance to tour the ship, to meet the crew and see exactly what it is they do on the cityat-sea called Enterprise. “Spending time with our troops around the world is something I’ve always regarded as a privilege and honor,” said Keith. “I won’t forget for a second who’s really doing the heavy lifting to keep this country safe. And that’s why I’ll keep going back and spending time with those good folks every chance I get.” Prior to the show, some Sailors and Marines had

the opportunity to eat dinner with Keith and his crew. “I had a great time at the dinner,” said Yeoman Seaman Joshua A. Wright. “It’s not everyday you get to eat dinner with Toby Keith and his crew.” During the show Keith wore an Enterprise tee shirt to show the crowd how proud he is with the ship and her crew. “I think the concert was great for the crew,” said Master-at-Arms 1st Class (SW/AW) Darren Villano “After what this ship has been through so far this deployment, this concert is exactly what the doctor

ordered. This is such a morale booster for the crew.” Keith spent most of the time on stage singing his award-winning songs and spoke to the crowd in between them. He received extremely loud cheers when he began his hit song ‘Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue,’ which is a song about 9/11 and Operation Enduring Freedom which the ship has supported during its current deployment. “I am thankful for every one of you and what you do for our country. I will remember this trip for the rest of my life.”

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011


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APRIL 23, 2011

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Book Review

“Navigating the Seven Seas”

to service helped change the Navy’s outlook toward and messmen. An intricate detail of profound mentorship stewards His vision ensured that all Sailors had the and Navy Deckplate Leadership opportunity to advance By CSCM(SW) Thaddeus T. Wright officer ranks. in a new rating that could USS Enterprise Supply Department What I love about this support upward mobility “Navigating the Seven book that it really is about and appointment in billets Seas: Leadership Lessons LEADERSHIP. You have of senior management. of the First African a father and son who Williams Sr.’s American Father and Son bring their success into accomplishments truly to Serve at the Top in the the classroom and solve paid respect to those U.S. Navy” highlights the the leadership equation by messmen who came esteemed naval careers breaking down the context before us, just as the mess of Master Chief Mess of leadership into seven management specialist Management Specialist key elements that leave rating paid an honor and (SS) (retired) Melvin G. you in awe regarding their debt to a past generation Williams Sr. and Vice testimony of unsung Adm. (retired) Melvin G. as well heroes who Williams Jr. as the served their This father-son challenge country autobiography is indeed within honorably the epitome of naval yourself (“The leadership, history and in regard Messman heritage all wrapped into to being Chronicles” one. These American a leader. by Richard heroes are indeed the Their Miller paints Navy’s dynamic duo! methods their story in Together their story and great detail). covers all areas of the legacies Sailors leadership spectrum, are serving as from the makings of a relevant culinary successful senior enlisted to all, specialists subject matter expert to regardless today should the makings and distinct of be grateful achievements of a flag profession and/or for Williams Sr.’s ongoing officer. background. If one is contributions and hold In addition to their looking for means of him in high regards just career achievements, both being successful, you’ve like we do Dorrie Miller, father and son opened found it here! William Pickney, Leonard several doors that were Williams Sr. is truly Harmon and the rest of once closed due to a lack one of the founding our heroes. of diversity in the Navy. fathers of the mess Williams Jr.’s success Their foresight, vision, management specialist starts off from the solid and love of service to rating since he has the foundation set by his their country and fellow submarine, surface, parents to life lessons Sailors have made major carrier, and White House learned and ultimately contributions for Sailors flag mess experience. a variety of major that have followed them His unselfishness, honor, assignments throughout in both the enlisted and courage and commitment his various commands.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The book paints a vivid picture of the admiral in action in the day-to-day dealings with his staff. Realizing the effects of Williams Jr.’s accomplishments and efforts on a global scale leaves the reader astonished. From growing up as a Navy dependent to interviewing with Admiral Rickover regarding the Navy’s nuclear program and becoming Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet. Williams Jr. helped to bring 2nd Fleet to the forefront of humanitarian assistance by increasing the Navy’s role in the Arctic, supporting both Iraq and Afghanistan efforts, fighting piracy on the seas, increasing joint operations and leading the charge in tomorrow’s littoral combat platforms. There are so many accolades, but Williams Jr. simply explains the leadership traits that made him and his father so successful throughout their years in the Navy. I strongly recommend this book to all those who wish to learn and benefit from the successful and timeless legacies of two of the most inspiring Sailors to serve in the U.S. Navy to this day. Williams Jr. and Sr. both valued and served the men and women who served with them, as true leaders should, and I hold them both in the highest regard.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


From the Fleet

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Enlisted Early Transition Program Extended By MC1(AW) LaTunya Howard Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs Office

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- With the release of NAVADMIN 142/11, April 22, the Navy has extended the Enlisted Early Transition Program (EETP) to Sept. 30, 2013. Due to the Navy’s unprecedented retention and successful recruitment, Sailors are being offered a voluntary early separation option. “Our end strength and our over-manning in certain ratings was a consideration for the extension of this program,” said Mike Dawson, head enlisted community manager, Navy Personnel Command. “Our community managers have also received a lot of feedback from Sailors and the Fleet that they would apply for an early-out if they were eligible.” EETP differs from the Early Career Transition Program (ECTP) which allows Sailors to transition into the Selective Reserve (SELRES) prior to their End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS) by submitting a request three to 15 months in advance. EETP allows Sailors to request early separation up to 24 months prior to their scheduled EAOS or extended EAOS. “The ECTP is a program that regardless

of the time a Sailor has left on his EAOS, he or she can transition to SELRES,” said Dawson. “Technically, a Sailor could have just signed a six year contract and decide today that they want to complete the remainder of their commitment in SELRES. EETP, on the other hand, is an early-out.” Qualified Sailors may submit their request for early separation to Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM) via their commanding officer (CO). Commanding officers have final disapproval authority under this program and should not forward a request they cannot support.

COMNAVPERSCOM has final approval authority for requests with positive CO endorsement. MILPERSMAN 1910102 requirement for “separation by reason” does not apply to this program. Sailors are not required to state a reason for making the request since this is a voluntary program. Approval for Sailors with critical Navy Enlisted Classifications (NEC) will be based on individual community requirements. Early separation requests will not be approved for Sailors: • In nuclear ratings • In receipt of permanent change of station orders

Photo by MC2 James R. Evans

Personnel Specialist 2nd Class Raynard Grant, left, Personnel Specialist Seaman Reanna Bostic, and Personnel Specialist 3rd Class Kenneth Kirlin, all assigned to the administration department’s X-3 division, process administrative separations in the personnel office aboard the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70).

• Identified to fill or currently serving on a Global War on Terrorism/Overseas Contingency Operation, or Individual Augmentee assignment whose rotation date would be affected • In the National Call to Service Program • In any sea warfare combat program • Sailors serving in a rating and/or holding an NEC listed in any enlistment bonus, Selective Reenlistment Bonus, or similar special and incentive pay program in effect at anytime within the fiscal year of the request or separation • Assigned to a Department of Defense area tour and have not completed the tour requirement, including overseas tour extension incentive program for which a benefit has been received • Who are retirement eligible. “Sailors who are no longer interested in staying in the Navy are highly encouraged to apply,” said Dawson. For more on the EETP read NAVADMIN 142/11, email cscmailbox@navy. mil or contact your career councilor.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011




Down 1 Hard knocks 2 Evict 3 Dayan contemporary 4 Curved shape 5 Archimedean machine 6 Metric area unit 7 Actress Virginia 8 Immediately 9 “Dallas” ranch 10 Cringed 11 Small terriers 12 Divine messenger 13 Writer of verse 18 Composer’s work 22 With fervor 24 Aid a felon 26 “Believe” singer 27 Acting job 28 Relieved 30 ___ John 32 Moustache type 34 Lasso 35 Is in debt 37 Nativity 38 Consumes 41 Correspondence 43 Prodded 45 Make bubbly 46 Baby doll’s cry 47 Go away 49 Valleys 50 Excess flesh 51 Snooty one 53 French possessive 54 Analogy words 55 Mariner’s cry 58 African antelope

Across 1 The Eternal City 5 Himalayan holy men 10 Applaud 14 “Clan of the Cave Bear” author 15 Muse of lyric poetry 16 Cry of dismay 17 1964 Beatles hit

19 Emolument 20 Narrow band 21 Doing a film shoot 23 Aqua __ 25 For a group of singers 26 Boorish 29 Old-fashioned cold remedy 31 Green target

32 Norse underworld queen 33 Seasoned veteran 36 Plumbing joint 37 Power source 39 Miss Piggy? 40 Land, as a fish 42 Sturdy tree 43 “The Dunciad” poet

44 Green 46 Biblical lawgiver 47 Diminutive 48 Black Hills state: Abbr. 50 Plumage 52 Aviator Earhart 56 Better than never? 57 Asian nation

59 Declare 60 Make amends 61 Model T, e.g. 62 Hospital capacity 63 Picture puzzle 64 Priam’s domain

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