The Washington Surveyor October 18, 2021

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URVEYOR Vol. 21, Issue 21 Oct. 18, 2021







USS George Washington (CVN 73) Commanding Officer

Executive Officer

Vol. 21, Issue 21 Oct. 18, 2021

Surveyor Magazine Command Master Chief

Editor-in-Chief Lt. Cmdr. Javan Rasnake

Copy Editors MCC Christina Shaw MC1 Stacy Atkinsricks MC2 Robert Stamer

Capt. Brent Gaut

Capt. Michael Nordeen

CMDCM Christopher Zeigler

MC2 Anthony Hilkowski

Media Department


EDUCATING GW’S SAILORS Information about how the ESO can help you.



The crew celebrates the Navy’s birthday on the aft mess deck.

Sailors assigned to the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group disembark following the ship’s return to its homeport at Naval Station Norfolk.

2 • The Washington Surveyor

Media Team

Public Affairs Officer

Capt. Brent Gaut, center, cuts a cake to celebrate the Navy’s 246th birthday with CS2 Margaret Varela, and HMCS Paul Duncan.

MC2 Elizabeth Cohen

Lt. Cmdr. Javan Rasnake


MC3 Tatyana Freeman MC3 Jacob Van Amburg


ABEs install the rotary retraction cable on the flight deck.

MC3 Aislynn Heywood

Departmental LCPO

Departmental LPO

MC3 Dakota Nack

MCC Christina Shaw

MC1 Stacy Atkinsricks

MC3 Joseph Negusse MC3 Dyxan Williams


MC3 Joshua Cabal

Media Department Requests


Sailors attend the Supply Customer Service Review Board.


MCSN Preston Cash MCSN Jack Lepien



MCSA Corbin Hagman

E-MAIL CVN-73 Media Print Requests

J-DIAL: 5615

MCSN Shanice McNulty




ON THE COVER: Sailors assigned to the George Washington’s V-2 division install the rotary retraction engine cable in aircraft catapult 3.



Located in 3-180-0-Q

TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT CALL J-5397 A special thank you to all those who let us tell your stories to the crew and to the fleet. The Washington Surveyor is an authorized publication for Sailors serving aboard USS George Washington (CVN 73). Contents herein are not the visions of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Commanding Officer of USS George Washington. All news releases, photos, or information for publication in The Washington Surveyor must be submitted to the Public Affairs Officer.

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OS2 Jacob Miracle

Joshua, Texas


OS2 is currently an assistant zone manager in the Operations Department.


Miracle says that his biggest hobby is reading and learning about new things.


OS2 says, “I loved seeing the skeleton of the ship, and then the ship coming all back together.”


He was very suprised that he was selected and feels proud that he was chosen.


He assisted in the clearing of 184 zone inspection deficiencies resulting from ten zone inspections. He was essential in the painting of the gertrude trunk and updating compartment check-off lists for all 72 operations departments spaces. OS2 is a dedicated hard charger who consistantly set a high standard and then delivers on meeting that standard. 4 • The Washington Surveyor





PSC Mishell Brownlee LNC Ivan Diaz-Bass

ACCS Matthew Cuppernoll AOC James Cooksey

ITC Brandon Glassco

Cmdr. Steve Yargosz Lt. Brandon Merritt


for GW Sailors

Story by MC3 Joseph Negusse Graphic by MCSN Preston Cash and MC3 Jacob Van Amburg

The Educational Service Office (ESO) is the hub for all educational and advancement benefits offered to the Sailors aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). “We deal with things like the advancement exam,” said Personnel Specialist 3rd Class Andrew Gumieny, the leading petty officer of the ESO. “We have to order, administer, and then ensure the exam is stored properly. We make sure our services are there for the people, and that they know we are here to answer any of their questions.” The opportunities for Sailors both coming in and preparing to leave the Navy are vast, and the ESO can inform and educate Sailors on the variety of options that are open to them. “As an ESO member, I will check to see what Sailors are trying to get from their educational benefits,” said Gumieny. “If they are trying to go to school while on active duty, I’ll inform them that they can use their G.I. Bill. If they are planning on using tuition assistance, I’ll make sure they understand the guidelines and what they need to do to apply.” Tuition assistance is a popular program offered to Sailors, but the process of receiving it can be arduous at times. The ESO is a great benefit to anyone seeking an education. “Regarding tuition assistance, there is a new guideline that states you have to be in for three years and have at least twelve months remaining on your contract.” said Gumieny. “We make sure they are eligible according to the guidelines, then show them which sites they need to visit as well which trainings they need to complete and who they would need to set up a counseling with.” The advancement exam is crucial to all Sailors trying to rise through the ranks and make the Navy their career. The ESO is solely in charge of the entire exam process aboard George Washington. Even before test day, they provide avenues for Sailors looking to prepare themselves for the big day. “The three busiest points of our year are January, March, and September, and that is due to the advancement exam,” said Ensign Katrina Ryu, the educational service officer aboard George Washington. “The ESO focuses on military educational services and benefits that can help with non-military education.”

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“It’s our job to fully prepare for [the advancement exam], as well as prepare our fellow Sailors,” said Ryu. “We offer a variety of services, but our biggest job is to provide aid regarding military programs, like tuition assistance, Navy credentialing opportunities, and Navy College Program for Afloat College Education.” The Navy offers a wide variety of opportunities, whether it be tuition assistance, help with the advancement exam, or even the programs meant to help Sailors transition out of the military. It is the individual Sailor’s job to take advantage of the benefits offered and when it is time to take that initial step, the ESO will be there, ready to answer questions and guide Sailors to their goals.

“It’s our job to fully prepare our fellow Sailors.” - Ensign Ryu -

The Washington Surveyor • 7

CSSN Anthony Howay wipes down tables in preparation of the day crew.

Catapult Installation Photos by MC3 Dakota Nack Aviation Boatswain’s Mates (Equipment), or ABEs, work to install the rotary retraction engine cable in Aircraft Catapult 3. These ABEs are responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing the equipment necessary to launch and recover aircraft. 8 • The Washington Surveyor

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Always Resilient Always Ready Story by MC2 Anthony Hilkowski Photos by MCSN Corbin Hagman

On October 13, 1775 the Continental C o n g re s s e s t a b l i s h e d w h a t i s n ow t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s N av y. T h e f i r s t f l e e t o f t h e C o n t i n e n t a l N av y c o n s i s t e d o f o n l y t wo ve s s e l s t h a t we re o u t f i t t e d w i t h t e n g u n s a n d c rew s o f 8 0 m e n . N ow t h e N av y h a s a l m o s t 5 0 0 s h i p s a t i t s d i s p o s a l a n d ap p rox i m a t e l y 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 S a i l o r s w h o p ro u d l y s e r ve . T h e f i r s t t wo s h i p s t h a t we re p u rc h a s e d m a r ke d t h e l o n g a n d p ro u d t r a d i t i o n o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s N av y. F ro m e a r n i n g o u r i n d e p e n d e n c e f ro m G re a t B r i t a i n t o t h e a t t a c k o n Pe a r l H a r b o r a n d n ow t h e l a s t i n g e f f e c t o f t h e C OV I D - 1 9 p a n d e m i c , t h e N av y h a s e n d u re d a l o t . T h e o n e t h i n g t h a t h a s a l w ay s s t o o d re a d y a n d re s i l i e n t a re t h e S a i l o r s t h a t h ave s e r ve d a n d a re c u r re n t l y s e r v i n g . T h e S a i l o r s a b o a rd t h e N i m i t z - c l a s s a i rc r a f t c a r r i e r U S S G e o r g e Wa s h i n g t o n ( C V N 7 3 ) a re n o d i f f e re n t . “ I a m ve r y p ro u d o f b e i n g a p a r t o f t h e N av y,” s a i d C u l i n a r y S p e c i a l i s t S e a m a n Jacob Gomez, assigned to supply department a b o a rd t h e N i m i t z - c l a s s a i rc r a f t c a r r i e r U S S G e o r g e Wa s h i n go t n ( C V N 7 3 ) . “ We h ave b e e n t h ro u g h a l o t w i t h eve r y t h i n g t h a t i s g o i n g o n , b u t i f t h e re i s o n e t h i n g I h ave l e a r n e d i s t h a t w i t h o u t e a c h o t h e r we wo u l d n ’t b e a b l e t o c o m p l e t e o u r m i s s i o n a n d g e t t h i s s h i p b a c k o u t w i t h t h e re s t o f t h e f l e e t .” Capt. Brent Gaut, center, cuts a cake to celebrate the Navy’s 246th birthday with CS2 Margaret Varela, and HMCS Paul Duncan.

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“Resilience shows that you have the potential to overcome anything.” - CSCS ValenciaA Sailor serves a piece of birthday cake.

Senior Chief Culinary Specialist Joseph Magri lays out decoration for the Navy’s 246th Birthday.

W i t h re f u e l a n d c o m p l e x ove r h a u l (RCOH) performed on George Wa s h i n g t o n , a n d t h e l a s t i n g e f f e c t s o f C OV I D - 1 9 , t h e s h i p ’s e nv i ro n m e n t i s n ’t what some Sailors expected. “ I t i s i m p o r t a n t t o s h ow re s i l i e n c e b e c a u s e re s i l i e n c e s h ow s t h a t yo u h ave t h e p o t e n t i a l t o ove rc o m e a ny t h i n g ,” s a i d S e n i o r C h i e f C u l i n a r y S p e c i a l i s t Jo s e Va l e n c i a , t h e l e a d i n g culinar y specialist assigned to supply d e p a r t m e n t . “ A ny s i t u a t i o n , n o m a t t e r h ow b a d i t i s , we a s S a i l o r s h ave t h e re s i l i e n c e b u i l t i n . We a d ap t a n d ove rc o m e , a n d we m a ke i t h ap p e n .” To s h ow re s i l i e n c e , G e o r g e Wa s h i n g t o n ’s m e d i c a l d e p a r t m e n t h a s f o u g h t h a rd t o h e l p ke e p t h e c rew m a i n t a i n i t s re a d i n e s s b y c o n d u c t i n g m u l t i p l e C OV I D - 1 9 v a c c i n a t i o n eve n t s t o e n s u re t h e c rew i s c a n o p e r a t e a t i t s m o s t c ap a b l e c o m p a c i t y t o c o m p l e t e RCOH as quickly and efficient as possible.

The Navy Birthday Cake prepared by the Culinary Specialists aboard George Washington.

14 • The Washington Surveyor

“ S t ay re a d y, s o yo u d o n ’t h ave t o g e t re a d y,” s a i d Va l e n c i a . “ T h a t ’s w h a t I t e l l my S a i l o r s a t eve r y q u a r t e r s . We a re s u p p o s e d t o b e a t s e a , we a re a s e a go i n g c o m m a n d , R C O H i s a n e c e s s a r y ev i l , b u t o n c e we a re c o m p l e t e we c a n t a ke t h e p l a c e o f a n o t h e r s h i p i n t h e f l e e t t o p rov i d e re l i e f .” T h e c rew o f G e o r g e Wa s h i n g t o n h a s s h ow n t h a t eve n i n t h e t o u g h e s t o f t i m e s S a i l o r s a re re s i l i e n t a n d w i l l i n g t o h e l p e a c h o t h e r s o l ve t h e p ro b l e m s a n d d i f f i c u l t t i m e s t h a t come with a pandemic and RCOH. “ T h e N av y h a s a l o n g a n d p ro u d t r a d i t i o n w i t h i t s s h i p s a n d S a i l o r s ,” s a i d L e g a l m a n 2 n d C l a s s D a n i e l D e n i s e n ko a s s i g n e d t o L e g a l D e p a r t m e n t . “ We a re i n R C O H a n d d e a l i n g w i t h C OV I D - 1 9 , eve n t h o u g h we a re a l l i n d i v i d u a l S a i l o r s w i t h o u r ow n j o b s , we h e l p e a c h o t h e r a n d a c t a s b r i c k s f o r t h e N av y t o b u i l d o f f o f a n d c o n t i n u e t o p u s h t h ro u g h t h e b a d t i m e s a n d i n t o a b e t t e r f u t u re .”

Sailors serve birthday cake to commemorate the Navy’s 246th Birthday.

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Let Your VOICE Be Heard Story and Photos by MCSN Jack Lepien

From time to time, Sailors from E-1 to O-6 convene a Supply Customer Service Review Board (CSRB) to mention problems and discuss solutions involving each and every division inside of Supply. The board covers the breadth and depth of services, including the galley, dispersing, hazmat, the ship’s store, laundry, barber services, and many others. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) is home to over 2,500 Sailors and communication can often be difficult with such a large crew. That’s why the ship holds meetings like the CSRB that address a wide variety of topics. “These meetings are held with the supply department to discuss how we can assist the ship and grow better and stronger as a crew,” said Ensign Sean Murphy, the hazardous materials officer aboard USS George Washington. “We usually focus on a menu review for [the galley], but we also get great feedback on things like operating hours for all our divisions.” With most supply divisions operating in a customer service capacity, operating hours are critical to meeting the needs of their customers. “We received feedback at the last CSRB about our hours, asking us to open earlier and stay open later,” said Murphy. “Now, we have three different hazmat issue and drop-off locations that are all open for much longer, helping Sailors [to] complete our mission of building this ship.”

(Top) Lt. j.g. Justin Cooper and Ens. Ernesto Cortes record critques during the October 2021 Supply Customer Service Review Board.

“These meetings promote real change in all our divisions,” said Murphy. “However, I do believe that it’s a combined effort between the [commanding officer’s] suggestion box, the supply suggestion box, and these meetings that demonstrate a need for change. Reiterating the issue allows us to make the changes the crew needs.” Although Murphy has been to several of these meetings, for some Sailors, like Logistics Specialist 3rd Class Katherine Medinacruz, a Sailor assigned to George Washington’s supply department, the October CSRB was their first. “I’d never been to a meeting like that before,” said Medinacruz. “It was a great experience. I thought it was only for [chiefs and officers], but there were Sailors from all ranks there. I think it’s great that we get feedback from all ranks.” The CSRB allowed Sailors to address a variety of issues. “We [received] advice from all the different divisions,” said Medinacruz. “For me personally, I had no idea how [Morale, Welfare, and Recreation] issued funds or the process for getting refunds on the vending machines.” The board also serves as a way to inform the crew about processes they might not know exist.

“With the vending machine refund policy, that happened to me several times, but I didn’t know where to go, so I just let it slide,” said Medinacruz. “Now I know what to do, so the next time it happens to me, or another Sailor around me, I can say ‘Hey! Disbursing will help you out if you just go talk to them.’” The board consists of representatives from six different departments, but they hope more Sailors will come next time. “Anyone’s allowed to come, so I think everyone should come by,” said Medinacruz. “After all, how will anything ever change if you don’t speak your mind?”

(Left) LSC Tania Montalvo, center, discusses changes to the stock control division’s issuing policies during the October 2021 Customer Service Review Board.

(Below) Cmdr. Mordocai Kiflu delivers the opening remarks at the October 2021 Supply Customer Service Review Board.

LS3 Katherine Medinacruz, right, records the meeting minutes during the October 2021 Supply Customer Service Review Board.

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M OV I E S C H E D U L E Channels 202 & 203 on SITE-TV

From Mallory Shelbourne, Iwo Jima ARG


The Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) arrives at its homeport of Naval Station Mayport, Florida, Oct. 11, 2021.


Oct. 18



1700: Windtalkers

1930: Captain America

1930: Bridge/River Kwai

1930: Jumani (Remake) 1930: Little Women

1930: Playing with Fire



1700: Beverly Hills Cop 1700: Beverly Hills Cop 2 1930: Dark Waters 1930: Cats


1930: Iron Man 3


1700: Pacific Rim 1930: 15:17 to Paris




1700: The Grudge



1700: Gemini Man




1700: Motherless Brooklyn


1700: The Matrix

1700: The Matrix: Reloaded

1930: Friday

1930: Star Trek (Remake)

1930: Yesterday




1700: Bombshell

1700: Queen and Slim

1700: Countdown




1930: Mamma Mia

1930: Richard Jewell

1930: Abominable

1930: Zombieland 2



1930: A Few Good Men

1700: Peggy Sue Got Married



1700: Harry Potter 4


1930: American Woman

1930: Uncut Gems

1930: Black Christmas

1930: Maleficent

1930: Black and Blue

1930: Steel Magnolias

1700: 2 Guns

1700: Harry Potter 5

1700: Midway

1700: Midsommar


1700: Leap! 1930: Logan Lucky

S I T E -T V C h a n n e l s

DirectTV 100 - CMT 101 - FOOD 102 - Paramount Network 103 - Golf 104 - CNBC 105 - Fox News Channel 106 - Fox Business Network 107 - MSNBC 108 - RFDTV 109 - Science 110 - NFL 111 - Fox Sport 1 112 - Fox Sport 2 113 - Cooking Channel 114 - CBS Sports Network 115 - Comedy Central 116 - AMC 117 - BBC America 118 - AE 119 - History 120 - Weather Channel 121 - VICE 122 - HSN 123 - Freedom 124 - National Geographic 125 - TRAV 126 - DSC 127 - OWN 128 - HGTV

129 - Animal Planet 130 - Nat Geo Wild 131 - Jewelry TV 132 - FX 133 - USA 134 - DIY 135 - TNT 136 - truTV 137 - TBS 138 - FX Movie 139 - COM (West) 140 - Hallmark 141 - Disney Jr. 142 - Nickelodeon (East) 143 - Disney XD 144 - Discovery Family 145 - ESPN 146 - ESPN 2 147 - NFL 148 - REELZ 149 - NBC Sports 150 - E! 151 - NHL 152 - ESN 153 - SyFy 154 - MTVC 155 - MTV 156 - VH1 157 - MTV2 158 - Life


1700: Terminator: Dark 1700: Toy Story 4 Fate 1930: Crawl 1930: Harriet


1700: Hotel Transylvania






1700: Jurassic Park

18 • The Washington Surveyor



1700: Winchester

1700: Super Troopers

and U.S. aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) in 5th fleet, while Carter Hall made multiple port calls in Bahrain, the Navy noted in its news releases. “We traversed a good portion of the world, from the Arctic Circle to the Arabian Gulf, conducted LCAC and flight operations, delivered our Marines safely and efficiently wherever they needed to go to accomplish the mission, and even ran a facility ashore overseas supporting personnel evacuating from Afghanistan. I cannot say enough about the crew’s flexibility and resiliency, and we are excited to return home to our families who have supported us throughout this challenging but rewarding year,” San Antonio commanding officer Capt. Robert Bibeau said in a separate 2nd Fleet news release. The Iwo Jima ARG with the Camp Lejeune, N.C.-based 24th MEU embarked deployed in late March after finishing a composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX), USNI News previously reported. Combat Logistics Battalion 24, the 1st Battalion, 8th Marines and the Medium TiltRotor Squadron (VMM) 162 Reinforced – as well as a Light Armored Reconnaissance detachment – made up the 24th MEU. The Iwo Jima ARG began its journey home last month, as the Essex Amphibious Ready Group arrived in U.S. 5th Fleet.





Marines from the 1st Battalion, 8th Marines and Combat Logistics Battalion 24 deployed from the Iwo Jima ARG to Afghanistan in mid-August to help with the noncombatant evacuation operation, USNI News reported at the time. Sailors assigned to amphibious transport dock ship USS San Antonio (LPD 17), part of the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group (IWOARG) disembark following the ship’s return to its homeport at Naval Station Norfolk Oct. 8, following a six-month deployment to the U.S. 5th and U.S. 6th Fleet areas of operation. US Navy Photo While part of the deployment focused on support for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the ships in the ARG also drilled with multiple navies and made various port calls throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean. “The IWOARG as a whole supported a variety of mission sets ranging from passing and communication exercises with naval forces from our allied and partner nations including the British, Hellenic, and Egyptian navies, to participation in numerous interoperability and partnership exercises such as Fleet Battle Problem, Ragnar Viking, Portuguese PHIBEX, Joint Warrior, Steadfast Defender, Exercise Nemesis Raptor, and Operation Allies Refuge,” according to a U.S. 2nd Fleet news release. Iwo Jima drilled with U.K. Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08)



1700: Kung Fu Panda

The three ships that make up the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group pulled into their respective homeports the last few days, ending a deployment that supported the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) reached Naval Station Mayport, Fla., on Monday, while USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) arrived at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek, Va., last Thursday, according to two Navy news releases. USS San Antonio (LPD-17) pulled into its homeport at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., on Saturday. The Iwo Jima ARG with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit embarked primarily operated in the U.S. 5th Fleet and U.S. 6th Fleet areas of responsibility and supported the U.S. withdrawal from the 20-year war in Afghanistan during the second half of the deployment. The return comes six weeks after 13 U.S. service members – 11 Marines, one soldier and a Navy hospital corpsman – died in a suicide bomb attack at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul during evacuation efforts that were part of the withdrawal. One of the Marines killed in the attack – 23-year-old Sgt. Nicole Gee – was deployed as part of the Combat Logistics Battalion 24 with the 24th MEU.


159 - MBL 160 - Sportsman Channel 161 - Oxygen 162 - Bravo 163-178 - NFL 179 - PRST 180 - CBSe 181 - Fuse 182 - FRFM 183 - CNN 184 - Victory 185 - Comedy Central 186 - Home 187 - BET 188 - Univision 189 - NFL 190 - JTV Shipboard Broadcast System 200 - NMPS Movie 1 201 - NMPS Movie 2 202 - NMPS Movie 3 203 - NMPS Movie 4 204 - Information 1 205 - Information 2 206 - Training DVD Pier Cable TV 400 - AMC 401 - USA 402 - MTV 403 - FOOD

31 202

1700: The Addams Family 1930: Nightmare on Elm Street


1700: SAW 1930: Mother!

404 - TRAVEL 405 -TNT 406 - HISTORY 407 - FOX NEWS 408 - CNN 409 - ESPN 410 - ESPN2 411 - FS1 Local Over the Air TV 600 - AMC 601 - USA 602 - MTV 603 - FOOD 604 - TRAVEL 605 - TNT 606 - HISTORY 607 - FOX NEWS 608 - CNN 609 - ESPN 610 - ESPN2 611 - Quest 612 - whroWorld 613 - Antenna TV 614 - Grit 615 - COZI 616 - H&l 617 - Laff 618 - Mystery 619 - Stadium 620 - Comet

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