The Washington Surveyor - February 25, 2019

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Feb. 25, 2019


By MCSN Jack Lepien

By MC3 Trey Hutcheson





By MCSN Tatyana Freeman

By MC3 Adam Ferrero





washington surveyor Commanding Officer Capt. Glenn Jamison

ICSN Evan Suchecki EM3 Jana Smith FA Ra’Kayla Jones HM2 Dushan Hunter MC3 Kristen Yarber MA3 Morgan Beebe MM3 Peter Moreno MM3 Wesley Brassfield MMN3 Patrick Bail ETN3 Zachary Sellinger MM2 Andrew Wiley

Executive Officer Capt. Daryle Cardone

Command Master Chief CMDCM Maurice Coffey

Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Stephanie Turo

Deputy Public Affairs Officer Lt. Tyler Barker

Departmental LCPO MCCS Reginald Buggs

Divisional LCPO MCC Mary Popejoy


MC3 Adam Ferrero

Content MC1 Gary Johnson MC2 Kenneth Gardner MC2 Alan Lewis MC2 Mandi Washington MC3 Michael Botts MC3 Carter Denton MC3 Trey Hutcheson MC3 Kyle Loree MC3 Marlan Sawyer MC3 Zack Thomas MC3 Julie Vujevich MCSN Elizabeth Cohen MCSN Tatyana Freeman MCSN Samuel Pederson MCSN Jack Lepien DCFA Steven Young The Washington Surveyor is an authorized publication for Sailors serving aboard USS George Washington (CVN 73). Contents herein are not the visions of, or endorsed by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy or the Commanding Officer of USS George Washington. All news releases, photos or information for publication in The Washington Surveyor must be submitted to the Public Affairs Officer.

ESWS Coordinators HMC Knesha Wimbush CSC Joe Magri

EAWS Coordinators

EIWS Coordinators

ABHC Rodney Martinez ITC Xica Johnson ABH1 Jade Cobb IT1 Johnathan Kuehn

“It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious.” ~George Washington


MM2 Austin Huizar Machinist Mate 2nd Class Austin Huizar, from Coloma, Michigan, and a Sailor assigned to the work control division of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), joined the Navy December 2014 to be part of something bigger than himself. His favorite part of his job is being the “technical guru” of work authorization forms and tagouts. His favorite movies are “The Life Aquatic” and “Into the Wild.” He likes the bands “Attila” and “City and Color.”


Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) read to kindergarten students at Richneck Elementary School. (U.S. Navy photo by MCSN Tatyana M. Freeman)


he celebration of George Washington’s birthday was not confined to just a ceremony at Mount Vernon on Presidents Day or the USS George Washington Birthday Ball Feb. 22. Sailors assigned to the Nimitzclass aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) also celebrated the birthday of the first president by visiting local elementary school students in the Newport News area and going classroom to classroom reading about the history of George Washington to kindergarten and firstgrade students. “I love giving back to the community and seeing children learn,” said Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Christopher Carpenter of Huntington, Delaware, and a lagging team member assigned to George Washington’s weapons department. Sailors visited Richneck Elementary School Feb. 19 and

Greenwood Elementary School Feb. 20, stopping in each kindergarten and first-grade classroom to read the book “I am George Washington” by Brad Meltzer and then handed out crayons and coloring books created by George Washington’s media department. “Knowing how much the [executive officer] loves George Washington and wanting to partner something with the George Washington birthday ball, we put our heads together and came up with the best opportunity to use some of those funds to give back to the community,” said Lt. j.g. Chandler Whitman from Memphis, Tennessee, one of USS George Washington’s chaplains. Students were encouraged to ask questions and interact with Sailors during the reading of the book. “It’s interesting seeing little kids’ perspective of things,” said Information Systems Technician 3rd Class Michael Skibicki from

Greenville, South Carolina, and a message center operator assigned to George Washington’s combat systems department.

“For the students, it shows them that people that work in this community also care about them...” -Lt. j.g. Chandler WhitmanStudents also had the opportunity to sit with and talk to Sailors while they colored their new coloring books. “Their smiles were the best part,” said Carpenter. The students of both elementary

AOAN Christopher Carpenter from Huntington, Delaware, a Sailor assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) holds a book for kindergarten students at Richneck Elementary School. (U.S. Navy photo by MCSN Tatyana M. Freeman)

schools were enthusiastic to listen to the story about their first president and to listen to the Sailors talk, often clamoring around the Sailor reading and inquiring about certain passages read. “For the students, it shows them that people that work in this community also care about them and want to take time out of their day to do this,” said Whitman. Sailors also received the opportunity to sign the books they read to each class. “I would do this again,” said Skibicki. “I think anyone coming to talk to them helps.”

Some Sailors enjoyed spending time with students so much that they stayed with some of the classes and ate lunch with them. “Interacting with adults, especially people that serve the country – they appreciate that,” said Religious Program Specialist 3rd Class Jenny Williams from Trenton, New Jersey, the community relations coordinator for George Washington. George Washington Sailors visited 20 classrooms between the two elementary schools. “Today was awesome, just to see them smile when you walk in and out of the room,” said Williams.

George Washington was born Feb. 22, 1732 in Virginia, and went on to become the commander of the Continental Army, first president of the United States, and among many other accomplishments, the namesake of USS George Washington. Every year, Sailors assigned to his namesake ship honor him by participating in community service events, visiting his home and final resting site in Mount Vernon, and learning more of George Washington’s history. The United States observes George Washington’s birthday by celebrating Presidents Day, which became a national holiday in 1971. “For our Sailors, while we are in [refueling complex overhaul], finding things to better themselves pairs with the [commanding officer’s] training,” said Whitman. “Training is not just getting better in our rates or in our jobs. It’s about making ourselves better people holistically when we can serve our community.”

AOAN Christopher Carpenter, top, from Huntington, Delaware, a Sailor assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) colors a coloring book with kindergarten students at Richneck Elementary School. (U.S. Navy photo by MCSN Tatyana M. Freeman)

George Washington Honored During Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Mount Vernon

By MC3 Trey Hutcheson Capt. Daryle Cardone, executive officer aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), gives a speech before laying a wreath at the tomb of George Washington for his 287th Birthday Ceremony at Mount Vernon, Virginia. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Trey Hutcheson)


n honor of Presidents Day 2019, thousands of visitors from around the world visited Mount Vernon, Virginia to admire the legacy of the hero of the American Revolution, and the first president of the United States of America. For the second time since beginning its refueling complex overhaul (RCOH), Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN

73) were invited to participate in Presidents Day commemoration events at Mount Vernon, the home and final resting place of the first president, George Washington. “What better way to honor his memory and celebrate his birthday than to showcase to the world that the men and women of the United States Navy, and all of our armed forces, continue to follow his example, sacrificing for our country

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) color guard marches to present the colors during George Washington’s 287th Birthday Ceremony at Mount Vernon, Virginia. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Trey Hutcheson)

and defending the ideals of upon which he founded and forged this nation,” said Capt. Daryle Cardone, executive officer aboard USS George Washington. The Mount Vernon Ladies Association invited USS George Washington crewmembers to participate in commemoration events for just the second time in 26 years of the ship’s service. “George Washington’s Mount Vernon feels a special bond with the ship that carries his name,” said Rob Shenk, the senior vice president of visitor engagement at Mount Vernon. “Having Capt. Cardone, [Command Master Chief] Coffey and other members of the crew laying a wreath at George Washington’s tomb was a special moment on this day in which we celebrate the 287th birthday of our founding father.” Members of USS George Washington’s color guard attended the 287th Birthday Ceremony to present the colors during a wreath-laying ceremony at George Washington’s tomb. “I volunteered because I wanted

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) color guard stands ready to parade the colors during George Washington’s 287th Birthday Ceremony at Mount Vernon, Virginia. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Trey Hutcheson)

to represent our command at George Washington’s home and show the audience members there what USS George Washington Sailors are all about,” said Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class Alyssa Kean, from Louisville, Kentucky, a rifleman in the color guard. USS George Washington Sailors also toured Mount Vernon, spoke to, and posed for photographs with visitors to the estate. “Having Sailors from the George Washington at the estate today helped to strengthen the connection between George Washington’s role as our first commanding general and the men and women whom today serve our nation in the armed forces of the United States,” said Shenk. “Washington would be proud to know today’s Sailors as I know many of our guests are.” After the wreath-laying ceremony, Sailors went to the George Washington education center at Mount Vernon to speak with visitors. “I enjoyed speaking with the children at the meet and greet we

had after the wreath-laying,” said Kean. “The kids were curious about the Navy and excited to speak with us about what we do in the Navy.” The associates of Mount Vernon want USS George Washington Sailors to have a connection to George Washington and their ship. “I hope that their visits to Mount Vernon deepens their appreciation of George Washington and builds an even tighter bond to USS George Washington,” said Shenk. A trip to Mount Vernon gave the

Spirit of Freedom crew and those in attendance the chance to reflect on the life, sacrifices, and leadership of George Washington. He was a husband, farmer, soldier, and statesman who “was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen,” famous words about George Washington from his eulogy written by Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee (www.mountvernon. org). Happy 287th Birthday to our first president, and our namesake!

The wreath presented by the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) waits to be laid at the tomb of George Washington. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Trey Hutcheson)

On Your Marks... U.S. Navy photos by MCSN Jack Lepien


By MCSN Jack Lepien “The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777” by John Trumbull


ome men are born into

the age of 15, Washington used his

retired his commission in 1758 and

greatness. Some are born into

aptitude for mathematics to become

returned home to Mount Vernon. He

opulent wealth. Others are

a surveyor and spent his wages on

was elected to the Virginia House

acquiring land of his own.

of Burgesses, where he served until

born into royalty. George Washington

1774. During this time he fell in love

had none of those things. He was a

In 1751, Washington traveled to

simple farm boy who became one

Barbados with his older half-brother

with and married a widow named

of the single most important men in

and mentor, Lawrence, where they

Martha Dandridge Custis, who had

American history through hard work,

hoped the warmer climate would

two children from her previous

dedication, and the rampant pursuit

aid Lawrence’s tuberculosis. The

marriage. Washington was a devoted

of the idea of freedom.

weather didn’t help and in 1752,

husband to Martha and a loving

Lawrence died, leaving his estate on

stepfather to her two children.

Born Feb. 22, 1732, to Augustine and Mary Ball Washington, George

the Potomac River, Mount Vernon, to

Washington spent his early years


By the late 1760s, Washington had grown tired of the rising British taxes

helping with the family farm of

In December 1752, Washington

and served as a representative to the

Pope’s Creek, near modern-day

joined the Virginia militia, and was

First Continental Congress in 1774.

Fredericksburg, Virginia. When

appointed adjutant with the rank of

Less than a year later, the Second

Washington was 11, his father died,

major, and then given the honorary

Continental Congress convened,

and he began to play a much more

rank of colonel in 1755, thanks to

where Washington was appointed

active part in tending to the farm

his intellect and charisma. Later that

general of the Continental Army.

and helping his mother raise his five

year, he was made commander over

As the commander in chief,

younger siblings.

all of Virginia’s militia forces.

After finishing his education around

Despite this success, Washington

Washington was best known not for his strategies and tactics, but

rather for his unwavering leadership,

Washington gave in to public

before he became president. In

keeping together a new, poorly-

opinion and won the presidency in

December 1799, Washington caught

supplied army with the power of his

a landslide. The nation inaugurated

a cold, which developed into a throat

words and actions. Soldiers starved,

Washington as the first president of

infection, and died Dec. 14, 1799.

froze, went without shoes, fought

the United States of America on April

with farming implements like rakes

30, 1789.

and hoes, but Washington held the

Knowing that his actions would set

Washington’s legacy lives on, with his face appearing on the one dollar bill and quarter coin, the capital of

army together with his guidance and

a precedent for all future presidents,

the country bearing his name, and a


Washington acted with civility,

United States Navy aircraft carrier

morality, and kindness in his dealings

named in his honor. Washington

war with the help of the French,

with Congress, the Supreme Court,

is entombed at his home at Mount

Washington returned to Mount

and the leaders of other countries.

Vernon, which is now open to visitors

Vernon to live a life of peace and

He established a national bank and


quiet. However, the citizens of

formed a cabinet of advisors to help

the newly-established nation had

with decisions. He also favored a

additional information about our

something else in mind.

position of neutrality with other

nation’s first president, can be found

world conflicts.


After the United States won the

In 1787, Washington was asked to head the committee to establish a

In 1796, Washington declined to

All facts in the article, as well as

us-presidents/george-washington and

constitution in the United States, and

serve a third term as president and

due to his excellent leadership, was

retired to Mount Vernon. He spent


also recommended to become the

his time and efforts restoring the

nation’s first president. Reluctantly,

plantation to the glory it had shown

Photo of Mount Vernon (Mount Vernon Historical Society)


By MC3 Adam Ferrero Sailors assigned to the medical department aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) conduct stretcherbearer training on the floating accomodation facility (FAF) for Sailors on duty. (U.S. Navy photo by DCFR Steven Young)


he sound of bells being

equipment, personnel, and

to actually go do what you learn

rung in quick succession

procedures used to treat medical

about creates a more positive

echoes through the ship’s

casualties,” said Lt. Stephanie

learning environment. It’s the next

passageways. The rumbling of

Horigan of Boston, George

step. Hear about it, learn about it,

“medical emergency” being

Washington’s ship’s nurse. “We

do it. Let’s say this was wartime,

announced through the speakers

conduct drills that allow the crew

a bomber hit, and general quarters

of the 1 Main Circuit (1MC) sets

and medical staff to practice

were to be called. It’s important that

Sailors into a whirlwind of motion.

and improve their skills and

everyone knows what they’re doing.

As they rush to respond, all their


Now I’m not worried that I have

training and preparation rises to

Medical response knowledge

to do everything. I can have faith

the forefront of their minds. No

often begins with standard training,

in my shipmates that they can do

hesitation. Rapid response.

but the drills conducted on the ship

something. They can actually save

and floating accommodation facility

my life if I needed them to, and not

(FAF) take it a step further.

just vice versa.”

Settling into the shipyard environment, the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George

“Training goes hand-in-hand with

Regular training is incredibly

Washington (CVN 73) has

drills,” said Hospital Corpsman

important, but all the knowledge in

continued to emphasize the

3rd Class Dean Washington of

the world won’t help if a Sailor is

importance of maintaining a well-

Tallahassee, Florida, a Sailor

unable to perform under pressure.

trained crew. Amongst the training

assigned to George Washington’s

Sailors participate in, medical

medical department. “Corpsmen

common for adrenaline and

drills may be one of the most

have thick training books, and

emotions to affect a Sailor’s

fundamentally significant.

we go over training every day in

thought process and responses,”

“It is important for Sailors

our duty sections. It’s nice to talk

said Horigan. “This is a common

to participate in medical drills

about it, and it’s nice to see it and

reaction for both medical and non-

to become familiar with the

be able to use the equipment, but

medical crew members. Drills

“During emergencies, it is

“Try to help out and do the best

help instill muscle memory and a

“Sailors can get the most from

frame of reference to rely upon to

each drill by actively participating

that you can,” said Washington.

help overcome the natural stress

and asking questions,” said

“The drills are not just for the

response and be able to function

Horigan. “The corpsmen and I love

corpsmen, they’re for bystanders


to teach, and drills are the perfect

too. Most of the time when we drop

Without properly testing the

time to practice because you can’t

a body, we’ll ask people to help.

readiness of its Sailors, an entire

kill “Rescue Randy.” Every day we

Sailors should go in and know what

ship could find itself in dire straits

offer 310 stretcher bearer training,

to do or ask how to help or what to

when an emergency happens.

and we conduct a minimum of

do. Be proactive instead of reactive.

two ship-wide medical drills each

If I were injured, I wouldn’t want

month. Receiving the training

to be left there because nobody is

“Improper training adversely affects the ship by making it less


safe, and therefore less battle-

Executing drills isn’t just about

ready,” said Washington. “Let’s say there was a mass casualty,

going through the motions. A life

which is three patients or more.

could very well be hanging in the

[Medical Regulating Team] 1 and

balance. “Medical engages in three to five

MRT 2 are out on the ship. The

departmental training evolutions

first two patients may be taken care of, but the

and drills each week

third patient could

in addition to the

possibly die or be

ship-wide drills,”

further injured. Who

said Horigan. “We

knows? They will

also utilize the

not get the care that


they need because

simulation center

nobody knows what

at Naval Medical

to do. They may have heard about

Center Portsmouth to engage in

it, but they don’t necessarily know.”

higher-level trauma training. All the training that we do only matters

Washington used applying a tourniquet to stop a hemorrhage as

if our patients are alive when we

an example.

get to them. This is why it is so important that the crew be able

“If someone’s never put a

to react and render aid to medical

tourniquet on before, they won’t be able to do it right,” said

to obtain the 310 qualification,

casualties until we are notified and

Washington. “There are two types

being active participants in drills,

provide treatment.”

of tourniquets: a double buckle and

or joining the command medical

a single buckle. The tourniquets we

training team are all great ways to

place, and even with a multitude of

have are double buckle. If they try

be involved in preparing yourself

safety measures in place, injuries

to go in and put on a single buckle

and others.”

and other medical emergencies are

tourniquet, the tourniquet won’t

Drills are, by nature, unexpected.

The shipyard can be a dangerous

still a genuine possibility. However,

be effective, and it could cause the

Sailors will get much more out of

by staying sharp and testing their

patient to lose their life.”

each experience by overcoming

knowledge through medical drills,

indecision and doing their best to

every Sailor can become a first


responder and save a life.

As with any training, the best way to learn is to be proactive.

NAVY NEWS The littoral combat ship USS Tulsa (LCS 16) was commissioned as the Navy’s newest surface combatant in a ceremony in San Francisco Feb. 16. The Independence-variant LCS is the Navy’s second ship to be named for the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. “She truly is an amazing ship and an amazing addition to the fleet, but as impressive as she is, she would be nothing without the Sailors you see lining her deck this morning,” said Cmdr. Drew Borovies, Tulsa’s commanding officer. “And as much as they have already accomplished, they know their true greatness lies ahead as Tulsa enters the fleet and stands ready to answer her nation’s call. They are the finest Sailors our Navy has to offer. They are tough, able and ready to take our nation’s newest warship to sea.” Indeed, in little more than three years, the ship has progressed from its keel laying in Mobile, Alabama, to its commissioning. Kathy Taylor, ship’s sponsor and former Tulsa mayor, was present for both events and many in between. “I have gotten to know the crew of this exceptional USS Tulsa, and I know they will fight when they must,” said Taylor. “I know they will protect this country at all costs, because they know everything they fight for and they protect keeps the promises made to all Americans.” Current Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum emphasized the bond between the people of Tulsa and the Sailors who serve aboard the Navy’s newest ship. “Wherever you are in the world, whatever day it might be or whatever hour in that day, we hope you know that there are hundreds of thousands of your fellow Tulsans who are thinking of you, and who are honored to be associated with you and are so proud of you,” said Bynum. The crew visited the city little more than a year ago to learn more about it and its people. Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford recounted some of the characteristics of the city and its people beginning at the city’s founding as the destination of a forced migration of Native American people, through

USS Tulsa Commissioned as Navy’s Newest Surface Combatant By MC1 Woody Paschall, Littoral Combat Ship Squadron 1 Public Affairs

Guests listen during a welcoming speech for the commissioning ceremony of littoral combat ship USS Tulsa (LCS 16). LCS-16 is the fifteenth littoral combat ship to enter the fleet and the eighth of the Independence variant. (U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Jacob I. Allison/Released)

booming growth and cultural turmoil and into a city renowned for its diversity and beauty. “When you arrive at any port of our nation or any port around the globe, you will bear all of our names and all of our history,” said Lankford. “You are capable of operating in all environments. Your mission is to protect our seas and deter aggression, but when deterrence fails, we also know you are fully capable of restoring the peace. Your actions, your words, your faith, your discipline and your power will reveal to a curious world just who we are as Americans. You are our ambassadors for freedom and you bear the name Tulsa and the United States of America.” Tulsa will join the fleet at a time of expansion of capability as well as increased demand on the Navy forces. Assistant Secretary of the Navy James Guertz noted Tulsa is the fifth ship the Navy has commissioned in the past 50 days and one of 13 ships slated to be commissioned this year – up from eight a year ago – as part of broader efforts to ensure the nation’s maritime freedom. “Having the right mix of ships with the right number of ships, to include Tulsa,

makes us ready to execute prompt and sustained combat operations at sea to fight and win against any adversary,” said Adm. John C. Aquilino, commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet. “Let there be no doubt, that is what Tulsa is ready to do.” After the ceremony, the ship will transit to San Diego to join Littoral Combat Ship Squadron 1 and eight other littoral combat ships currently homeported at Naval Base San Diego. Tulsa is the 15th littoral combat ship and the eighth of the Independence variant. Littoral combat ships are high speed, agile, shallow draft, mission-focused surface combatants designed for operations in the littoral environment, yet fully capable of open ocean operations. As part of the surface fleet, littoral combat ships have the ability to counter and outpace evolving threats independently or within a network of surface combatants. Paired with advanced sonar and mine hunting capabilities, the littoral combat ships provide a major contribution, as well as a more diverse set of options to commanders, across the spectrum of operations.



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