2013 Yearbook

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usta missouri valley information President & executive Director's message..4 volunteers ............................................................................. 5 board of Directors ........................................................ 6 District & committee chairs ................................ 7 staff ........................................................................................... 8 annual conference ....................................................... 9 Hall of fame .................................................................... 10 section awards ........................................................11-12 community tennis adult Programs..................................................................13 youth Programs ............................................................. 14 Pro tennis and other Programs ...............15-16 Junior camps Junior camp listing .......................................... 17-18

usta missouri valley 6400 West 95th street | suite 102 overland Park, ks 66212 913.322.4800 888.368.8612 toll free 913.322.4801 fax office Hours monday - friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. missourivalley.usta.com usta National office 70 West red oak lane White Plains, Ny 10604 914.696.7000 914.696.7167 fax usta.com usta Player Development office 10399 flores Drive boca raton, fl 33428 561.962.6400 561.962.6401 fax

Juniors Junior competition contacts .......................... 20 2012 Junior sportsmanship awards ........... 21 2012 Junior rankings ................................... 22-23 adult leagues league section champions .................... 24-27 2012 adult rankings ...................................... 28-29 crosscourt the serve with mackenzie Hill .......................... 33 13 in 2013 ......................................................................... 34 usPta mv President angie koumaris ........ 35 on court with mary Weatherholt.................... 37 Net Notes ........................................................................... 38 2013 events calendar ...............................................39

usta member services 800.900.usta (8782) memberservices@usta.com Distribution of the yearbook the usta missouri valley yearbook is mailed free of charge to usta missouri valley members (on a request-only basis). if members did not request a copy, but would like one, please email yearbook@movalley.usta.com to receive your copy. correspondence - advertising reproduction the usta missouri valley yearbook is a publication of the usta missouri valley. all correspondence regarding the editorial material should be directed to the missouri valley office (c/o marketing Director). the usta missouri valley may grant permission to reprint any and all articles published in the yearbook unless copyrighted by a third-party, upon written request. No photographs and/or logos may be reproduced without the written approval of the usta missouri valley.

year in review 2012 year in review ....................................... 41-43 Districts Heart of america ............................................. 44-46 iowa .............................................................................. 48-50 kansas .......................................................................... 51-53 missouri ..................................................................... 54-55 Nebraska .................................................................. 57-59 oklahoma .................................................................. 61-63 st. louis ..................................................................... 65-66



member organizations listing ......................................................................... 67-68 bonus online content - Photo section

mailing and address changes to change your address, please contact usta member services at the phone number or email address listed to the left, or log into your member account at usta.com/membership. Digital Publications the 2013 usta missouri valley yearbook was produced digitally with a limited print run. this publication, as well as previous yearbooks and every issue of crosscourt is available online in digital format free of charge. 2013 yearbook contributors the yearbook is produced by the usta missouri valley marketing communications Department with assistance from various program managers and volunteers.

mission statement the united states tennis association missouri valley is a not-for-profit organization covering a five-state region of iowa, kansas, missouri, Nebraska and oklahoma, as well as parts of illinois. as one of the 17 sections of the usta, the usta missouri valley has more than 24,000 individual members and 400 organizational members. the usta missouri valley offers recreational and competitive tennis for all ages and abilities. the mission of the usta missouri valley is to promote and develop the growth of tennis. Non-Discrimination statement in accordance with the civil rights act of 1964, no person, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, shall be excluded from, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of the usta missouri valley. any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against should write to the usta missouri valley office, c/o executive Director. aDa statement in compliance with the americans with Disabilities act (aDa), the usta missouri valley strives to provide quality recreational programs to individuals of all abilities. if you, or anyone you know has a disability and would like more information on the accessibility of our programs or any facilities in our section, call toll-free at 888-368-8612. We would like to work with you to continue to improve program and facility accessibility. also, please contact us if you experience difficulty or have concerns about gaining access to any of our programs or facilities. if you have specific questions or concerns about programs, please contact the executive Director (contact information on page 8). missourivalley.usta.com



MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR “feWer, biGGer, better.” “fewer, bigger, better”is the major theme for the upcoming year. at every level, it means a renewed focus on customer service and program development. We in the missouri valley translate that into both playing and serving the sport we all love. our main goals are to introduce new people to the game and retain current players while improving our existing programs and opportunities for play. this involves everything from volunteer development to infrastructure of facilities to hosting top-notch events within our section. all of these lead to a better tennis experience for our members, and that’s what we’re all about. as you will see on the next page, we are always looking for volunteers willing to help grow our sport in the missouri valley. there are a multitude of ways to serve and no shortage of events and activities to attend (as seen on page 39). some examples of these are national events held in the section every year, and 2013 is no exception. several take place in the kansas city area, such as the usta National Husband and Wife Hard court championships and the us open National Playoff championships. there is also the us open usta Wheelchair tennis championships in st. louis and several Pro circuit tournaments across the five-state area. this year we welcome the return of the National Public Parks tennis championships, from July 27-august 4 in springfield, missouri. in addition to this high-profile action, the usta missouri valley will continue to focus on youth tennis and tennis festivals. these festivals can provide meaningful opportunities to engage more children and to reach out to new communities. We are continuing to develop follow-up programming in order to keep these populations active and involved. to that end, the section office is working to fill two open staff positions - a youth Pathway manager and a competition coordinator. these openings present a chance to add even more innovation and creativity to an already wonderful staff. through the cooperation of section staff, volunteers and leadership, we can streamline our focus in 2013 and beyond. if we truly implement our motto of “fewer, bigger, better,” we can discover even better ways “to promote and develop the growth of tennis” in the missouri valley.

mary buschmann executive Director 4

scott Hanover President facebook.com/ustamissourivalley


are you looking for a fun and meaningful experience which allows you to give back to the sport you love? Help make a lasting difference in your tennis community by becoming a usta missouri valley volunteer today! the usta missouri valley has a strong and celebrated history of volunteerism. in fact, the breadth, depth, and top-notch quality of our tennis programs and services would not be possible without a dynamic partnership between our paid professional staff and our volunteers. their passion and commitment to working together at every level of the game makes it possible for the usta missouri valley to meet its everyday mission – “to promote and develop the growth of tennis.”




there are many ways that you can volunteer with usta missouri valley: • • •

serve on a committee Help at a tournament coach new players

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assist at special events teach tennis skills to players of all ages and much more!

tell us what talents and skills you would like to share, and chances are there is a volunteer need made especially for you! let’s get started and see how we can connect you to the “sport of a lifetime” by matching your interests and your time commitment to the right volunteer opportunity. for more information on becoming a usta missouri valley volunteer, please contact marissa moment brown by phone at (913) 322-4822, by email at brown@movalley.usta.com, or get in touch with your district’s volunteer coordinator. We look forward to welcoming you into the usta missouri valley volunteer network. together, we can leave a legacy of service to the game that has given so much to our lives and our communities.








usta missouri valley executive committee (l-r): kim reser, barbara fackel, scott Hanover and susan true. seated (l-r): stuart Dusenberry, larry Haugness and alex lee. Not pictured: shelley George. President scott Hanover 8500 N. Winfield ave. kansas city, mo 64153 ptcguy@yahoo.com 816.891.7251 home 816.784.5100 office

vice President susan true 5111 NW 85th street kansas city, mo 64154 sstrue37@kc.rr.com 816.741.3641

treasurer kim reser 1923 N. Weller springfield, mo 65803 kreser@springfieldmo.gov 417.864.1328 day

first vice President stuart Dusenberry 9 ridge road atlantic, ia 50022 sddins62@yahoo.com 712.243.4806 day 712.243.6958 night

vice President larry Haugness 2331 e. Pythian springfield, mo 65802 lhaugness@springfieldmo.gov 417.837.5826 day

secretary alex lee 10305 e. Peppertree ct. Wichita, ks 67226 alexl17@aol.com 316.523.4972 day 316.630.0550 night

Delegate barbara fackel bjftrain@aol.com 309.786.1159 immediate Past President shelley George ihawk10s@aol.com 315.443.2850 day 315.403.1484 night

PAST USTA MISSOURI VALLEY PRESIDENTS 2009-10 2007-08 2005-06 2003-04 1999-2002 1997-98 1995-96 1991-94 1989-90 1987-88 1985-86 1981-84 1979-80


shelley George richard m. Perry kevin Nebergall verne Weber Pam sloan Dave riley barbara fackel Jodie adams mervyn Webster richard f. Haitbrink steve Gerdes Joy rodenberg leigh strassner

iowa city, iowa enid, oklahoma cedar rapids, iowa omaha, Nebraska kansas city, missouri tulsa, oklahoma rock island, illinois springfield, missouri Wichita, kansas overland Park, kansas omaha, Nebraska lincoln, Nebraska st. louis, missouri

1977-78 1975-76 1973-74 1971-72 1969-70 1967-68 1965-66 1963-64 1961-62 1958-60 1956-57 1946-55

Don Gardner carl a. simonie francis baxter Wilmer rompf marvin P. richmond John l. brown Jack e. buss s.e. freund o.b. martin t.H. "curly" vaughn Herbert thomas Jr. Dr. keedy campbell

Wichita, kansas kansas city, missouri oklahoma city, oklahoma Des moines, iowa kansas city, missouri omaha, Nebraska Des moines, iowa st. louis, missouri oklahoma, city, oklahoma Winfield, kansas little rock, arkansas kansas city, missouri




in what district do i live?

iowa District - all of iowa (except Pottawattamie county), as well as rock island county in illinois.

Nebraska District - all of Nebraska, as well as Pottawattamie county in iowa.

Heart of america bruce baldwin bruce@homesolvers.com




st. louis District - 10 missouri counties (franklin, Jefferson, lincoln, Perry, st. charles, st. francois, st. Genevieve, st. louis, Warren and Washington; parts of illinois within a 30-mile radius of st. louis city Hall.

iowa kevin Nebergall Nebergallkevin@imonmail.com kansas bob keeshan bob@sqwblaw.com

kansas District - all of kansas except those counties in the Heart of america district.

missouri marianella Padron marianellapadron@hotmail.com Nebraska troy saulsbury troysulz@frontiernet.net oklahoma lisa minihan lisa.m.minihan@gmail.com st. louis Jason mathes jason_mathes@ml.com

oklahoma District - all of oklahoma.

Heart of america District - seven kansas counties (atchison, Doniphan, Douglas, Jefferson, Johnson, leavenworth and Wyandotte); and 10 missouri counties (andrew, atchison, buchanan, cass, clay, Holt, Jackson, Nodaway, Platte and ray).

missouri District - all of missouri, except those counties in either the Heart of america or st. louis districts.

USTA MISSOURI VALLEY COMMITTEES adult competition committee chris carey chris@careytennis.com staff liaison: lori therrien adult league committee terry Jackson tcj857@sbcglobal.net staff liaison: lori therrien awards committee kristy rich kristy@rollacity.org staff liaison: manon eilts Diversity and inclusion committee Darren chiao Darren.chiao@gmail.com Nick taylor nickryantaylor@yahoo.com staff liaison: fred Johnson Grievance committee bruce vosburg bvosburg@fitzlaw.com staff liaison: mary buschmann Hall of fame committee Jodie adams jadams5557@aol.com staff liaison: eli Gieryna missourivalley.usta.com

Junior competition & High Performance committee interim chair: simon Norman simon@genesishealthclubs.com interim staff liaison: marissa moment brown Nominating committee shelley George ihawk10s@aol.com staff liaison: mary buschmann

volunteer Development committee brian sullivan mwceagle@gmail.com staff liaison: marissa moment brown youth Pathway committee kevin Heim kevin@woodstenniscenter.com staff liaison: marissa moment brown

officials committee verne Weber vaweber10s@aol.com staff liaison: mary buschmann

youth Pathway sub chairs team tennis Dee Wharton jdw452@earthlink.net staff liaison: tba

Personnel committee shelley George ihawk10s@aol.com staff liaison: mary buschmann

10 and under tennis amanda smith asmith@springfieldmo.gov staff liaison: laura Puryear

tennis industry relations committee bunny bruning bunnybfs@aol.com staff liaison: mary buschmann

schools susan Provance sprovance@springfieldmo.gov staff liaison: susan riemann

tennis on campus committee austin Harris isuace70@gmail.com staff liaison: tba

infrastructure steve Henry okctenniscenter@att.net staff liaisons: Jodi Gordon and John terpkosh




usta missouri valley staff (front row l-r): emily steinwart, kara Heim, lori therrien, manon eilts, mary buschmann; (middle row l-r): laura Puryear, carolyn clemons, marissa moment brown, Jodi Gordon, sue riemann; (back row l-r): eli Gieryna, selene Werkowitch, John terpkosh, fred Johnson, scott Howes and connie robertson.



usta missouri valley 6400 West 95th street suite 102 overland Park, ks 66212 913.322.4800 888.368.8612 toll-free info@movalley.usta.com

marissa moment brown community tennis Director 913.322.4822 brown@movalley.usta.com

Jodi Gordon tsr - Heart of america 913.967.9925 gordon@movalley.usta.com

sue riemann tsr - st. louis 913.967.9137 riemann@movalley.usta.com

selene Werkowitch finance Director 913.322.4823 werkowitch@movalley.usta.com

mary buschmann executive Director 913.322.4824 mbuschmann@movalley.usta.com

kara Heim tsr - Nebraska 913.967.9452 heim@movalley.usta.com

connie robertson tsr - kansas 785.887.6730 crobertson@movalley.usta.com

tba competition coordinator

carolyn clemons administrative assistant 913.322.4845 clemons@movalley.usta.com

scott Howes tsr - missouri 913.967.9930 howes@movalley.usta.com

emily steinwart Public relations & Graphic Design coordinator 913.322.4838 steinwart@movalley.usta.com

manon eilts marketing & communications Director 913.322.4826 eilts@movalley.usta.com

fred Johnson Diversity manager 913.322.4828 johnson@movalley.usta.com

eli Gieryna Digital media coordinator 913.322.4827 gieryna@movalley.usta.com

laura Puryear tsr - oklahoma 913.967.9147 puryear@movalley.usta.com

tba youth Pathway manager

John terpkosh tsr - iowa 913.967.9926 jterpkosh@movalley.usta.com lori therrien Program manager - adult competition 913.322.4829 therrien@movalley.usta.com facebook.com/ustamissourivalley


more than 200 people attended the usta missouri valley annual conference from November 30 -December 2 at the sheraton Hotel in overland Park, kansas. the conference theme, “making tennis make a Difference - it’s all about teamwork� encapsulated the weekend as the speakers and workshops demonstrated the many opportunities to work together to the grow the game in the coming years. tom Gullikson, one of the earliest usta Player Development coaches and current coach at the usta National training center, contributed to a friday workshop for high performance coaches. Gullikson and several other experts held classroom training in the morning and on-court demonstrations in the afternoon at midtown athletic club. the clinic gave examples of drills, games and other tips for coaches to use when working through progressions with junior players.

in addition to the high performance workshop, friday featured a half day of training for usta league coordinators as well as a workshop for tournament directors. there was an informational session for customer and volunteer resources along with committee meetings for each of the major usta programs, including community tennis, collegiate tennis, adult competition, diversity and many more. the conference offered several opportunities for networking, including a panel with Gullikson and chanda rubin, Director at large of the National usta board of Directors, on friday night and tennis and mingling at midtown athletic club on saturday evening.




the usta missouri valley honored its 2012 Hall of fame class during a luncheon on saturday. inducted this year were Judy Dippold (st. louis, missouri), micki schillig feldmann (cedar rapids, iowa), edmund serrano (st. louis, missouri) and meredith Geiger Walton (edmond, oklahoma). the four new members of the missouri valley Hall of fame bring the total number of members to 108. also honored saturday were more than 20 missouri valley award winners and 10 junior sportsmanship winners. the conference concluded on sunday with a meeting of the association, as well as open and closed board meetings. to open the meeting rubin gave a few brief remarks regarding teamwork at the national and sectional levels. it was a wonderful summation of the weekend and year as well as a great inspiration heading into 2013. the 2013 usta missouri valley annual conference will be held December 6-8, at the sheraton Hotel in overland Park, kansas.

above (l-r): laura Puryear, tom Gullikson, bradley frye, Geoff russell, chanda rubin, todd Dissly and marissa moment brown on court at the high performance workshop

above: attendees in the tournament directors workshop.

tom Gullikson missourivalley.usta.com

chanda rubin

above (l-r): Hall of fame committee chair, francis baxter, and 2012 Hall of fame inductees micki schillig feldmann, meredith Geiger Walton and Judy Dippold

Hall of fame luncheon



HALL OF FAME usta missouri valley section Hall of fame criteria in order to be eligible to be inducted into the usta missouri valley Hall of fame, a nominee must meet one of four criteria: a usta missouri valley resident for five or more years or, be a player who has participated in numerous section and/or national championships and gained a ranking high enough to be considered an outstanding player or, made a substantial contribution to tennis (i.e. tournament directors, teaching pros, coaches and umpires) or, shown exemplary sportsmanship and character on and off the court. Deadline to submit nominations is July 31. for more information, contact Jodie adams at jadams5557@aol.com.

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Judy Dippold st. louis, missouri served as a national tournament director for more than 20 years first-ever executive Director of the st. louis district recognized by the st. louis district 20 times for outstanding tournament, and seven times by the missouri valley section continues to run 17-20 tournaments per year, including four national events edmund serrano st. louis, missouri Won the first-ever st. louis city high school tennis championship in 1905 as an inventor, created the tennis robot machine, among the first ball machines ever invented also invented the serrano No awl racquet stringer, which greatly reduced the time and effort involved in stringing

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micki schillig feldmann cedar rapids, iowa three-time all-american player at san Diego state university, compiling a career record of 105-36 Played in the first-ever Ncaa women’s singles final in 1982 toured for three years on the pro tour, playing in four us opens and three times at Wimbledon coached for nine seasons at the university of iowa, and was named the big ten coach of the year in 1990 meredith Geiger Walton kingwood, texas finished her junior career with 10 usta Gold balls and four silver balls and went undefeated during four-year career at casady High school in oklahoma city Won the bill talbert National sportsmanship award in 1988 Played collegiate tennis at arizona state and was twice named an all-Pac-10 player during her career there served as head women’s tennis coach for four seasons at the college of William & mary in Williamsburg, virginia

USTA MISSOURI VALLEY HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES 2012 Judy Dippold..........................................................................st. louis, mo. micki schillig feldmann ................................ cedar rapids, iowa edmund serrano ................................................................st. louis, mo. meredith Geiger Walton .....................................kingwood, texas 2011 rex coad .................................................................................. Wichita, kan. James “buddy” fields ................................................... Wichita, kan. Janet thomas Griffith ........................................................tulsa, okla. Jane Pratt ................................................................................st. louis, mo. kim steinmetz ......................................................................st. louis, mo. 2010 charles "Goose" Doughty, Jr. .............................. Wichita, kan. tommy english .............................................. oklahoma city, okla. Paul lockwood .............................................................. Norman, okla. James Wadley ............................................................. stillwater, okla. 2009 Nick taylor ........................................................................... Wichita, kan. skip Walther ..................................................................... columbia, mo. sheldon Weiner ............................................................ rock island, ill. 2008 Gayle David bradshaw.......................Ponte vedra beach, fla. Patricia Graham .........................................................kansas city, mo. steve Prosser.........................................................................Desoto, kan. leigh strassner....................................................................st. louis, mo. 2007 barbara fackel..................................................................rock island, ill. ken flach...................................................................................st louis, mo. bob mckinley ..................................................college station, texas 2006 Dave freeborn ..........................................................................tulsa, okla. Jay louderback ..........................................................south bend, ind. terry miller.............................................................. overland Park, kan. Dave riley .....................................................................................tulsa, okla. russell Warner ..........................................................................tulsa, okla. 2005 John allen been ............................................................Houston, texas Dr. Harry clifton burrus ..................................Winter Haven, fla. Jacque croft ......................................................... overland Park, kan. richard mechem ........................................... fredericksburg, texas frank a. thompson Jr....................................................st. louis, mo. 2004 John bregin ..........................................................................merriam, kan. Don Dippold............................................................................st. louis, mo. Don Gardner .......................................................................... Wichita, kan. ken lidie .................................................................................bellevue, Neb. su oertel .........................................................................mason city, iowa


2003 bill brown ..............................................................arroyo Grande, calif. cliff buchholz ..............................................................fort collins, colo. bob Green ...............................................................atlantic beach, fla. Nancy Pearce-Jeffett ...................................................... Dallas, texas Phil landauer .......................................................................... Hillard, ohio 2002 Patsy rippy-bond .................................................................sandy, utah William Davis ................................................................... seminole, okla. ralph Hart................................................................................st. louis, mo. bill rompf .................................................................................. Newport, r.i. mary Norwood-rompf.................................................... Newport, r.i. 2001 Junior coen....................................................................kansas city, mo. Dick Gilkey............................................................................edmond, okla. Gene land ........................................................... oklahoma city, okla. Gerry Perry ........................................................................springfield, mo. Don mcNeil .....................................................................chickasha, okla. 2000 marilyn mueller ....................................................................st. louis, mo. louis Gerdes .......................................................................... omaha, Neb. ollie Gresham ............................................................................tulsa, okla. Homer robinson .....................................................................tulsa, okla. Dr. bryce young..........................................................Hilton Head, s.c. Judy levering ..............................................................Hilton Head, s.c. 1999 David bryant ...................................................... oklahoma city, okla. Dr. George milton ............................................................emporia, kan. cliff Price .......................................................................................tulsa, okla. J. Hal surface Jr. ........................................................kansas city, mo. Dr. steve Wilkinson ......................................................st. Peter, minn. 1998 W.e. steve broadie ........................................................... Wichita, kan. Dr. Donald klotz .............................................................iowa city, iowa J.c. louderback ....................................................arkansas city, kan. Jim reed .................................................................................. Winfield, kan. s.l. shofner............................................................................Prescott, ariz. 1997 lucien barbour................................................................... Winfield, kan. frank Ward .................................................................................Jenks, okla. anna Guerrant .............................................................. scottsdale, ariz. Dick Johnson ...........................................................................ballwin, mo. Nora Prosser........................................................................merriam, kan.

1995 Jodie H. adams..............................................................springfield, mo. carol Hanks aucamp .....................................................st. louis, mo. mary ann eisel beattie.................................................st. louis, mo. 1994 Wray brown............................................................................st. louis, mo. earl "butch" buchholz Jr. ..........................................st. louis, mo. beverly k. buckley .................................................Des moines, iowa Joy rodenberg .....................................................................lincoln, Neb. mervyn Webster ................................................................. Wichita, kan. 1993 c.J. Hixon .......................................................................................tulsa, okla. Wally smith ....................................................................Ponca city, okla. Dave snyder .......................................................................... austin, texas 1992 Jack buss ......................................................................Des moines, iowa lucile Davidson .....................................................independence, mo. ed Doane .....................................................................................tustin, calif. 1991 clarence Dyer........................................................................Durant, okla. the Ward Parker family ..............................................st. louis, mo. tom mcspadden ........................................................muskogee, okla. 1990 francis baxter ...................................................................edmond, okla. earl H. buchholz sr..............................................................sedalia, mo. charles D. cunningham.....................................................tulsa, okla. bill Price.....................................................................................st. louis, mo. len Prosser...........................................................................merriam, kan. 1989 Gerald Perry ......................................................................springfield, mo. 1988 D. keedy campbell ...................................................kansas city, mo. Harris m. coggeshall............................................Des moines, iowa marvin P. richmond ..................................................... leawood, kan. t.H. "curly" vaughan ....................................................... Winfield, kan. 1986 Dwight f. Davis ....................................................................st. louis, mo. charles mckinley ...............................................................st. louis, mo.

1996 Harold "buck" balzer ......................................................... buhler, kan. Justina bricka ......................................................................st. louis, mo. kate cushing ..............................................................................tulsa, okla. ted Drewes .............................................................................st. louis, mo. Phillip l. edwards ...............................................................st. louis, mo.



adult recreational Player of the year Dona Zanotti yukon, oklahoma

community service excellence Heart of america tennis buddies leawood, kansas

Distinguished service susan true kansas city, missouri

event of the year slammin’ & Jammin’ for Genesis kansas city, missouri

facility of the year midtown athletic club overland Park, kansas

outstanding adult/senior tournament topeka Jayhawk adult open topeka, kansas

Junior recreational Player of the year maddie christensen audubon, iowa

Junior Player of the year (male) David liu omaha, Nebraska

outstanding Junior tournament summer section championship Norman, oklahoma

outstanding High school coach Donna stauffer Wildwood, missouri

outstanding community tennis association topeka tennis association topeka, kansas

outstanding contributor youth High Performance simon Norman Wichita, kansas

if you have questions regarding the section awards, please contact the awards committee chair, kristy rich at kristy@rollacity.org or the staff liaison, manon eilts, at eilts@movalley.usta.com. missourivalley.usta.com







outstanding contributor usta league Program carobeth kelly st. charles, missouri

President’s award steve Gerdes omaha, Nebraska Nick taylor Wichita, kansas

outstanding official Dean richardville tulsa, oklahoma

the following awards were also presented, but are not pictured: 10 and under tennis Provider adult Player of the year Junior Player of the year (female) media excellence member organization of the year tennis family of the year the mark allen family edmond, oklahoma

outstanding contributor youth tennis Programs usta Jr. team tennis organizer outstanding tennis on campus Program

marc claudé Norman, oklahoma Heather fleming, robins, iowa katherine Desloge st. louis, missouri the mercury manhattan, kansas Greens country club oklahoma city, oklahoma Dan skaer, swansea, illinois tracy cooper Prairie village, kansas st. louis university st. louis, missouri

Find a USPTA-certified Missouri Valley professional today! • 12

 



ADULT PROGRAMS usta league tennis is one of the most successful recreational sports programs in the country. Players can make friends and compete not only in matches against players with similar abilities, but also as part of a team. usta leagues has more than 18,500 participants in the missouri valley and includes more than 800,000 players from all across the nation, making it the world’s largest recreational tennis league. in addition to competing locally, you can vie for district, section and even national championships – just as long as your team keeps winning. Players range in age from 18 to 90 (and beyond), so there’s a team for you to play singles, doubles or mixed.




usta flex leagues packages all the thrills of organized league tennis into a flexible schedule so everyone, regardless of time constraints and ability, can play. With flex leagues, it’s your call. the flex league format groups players of similar ability together in an organized seven to ten week league that allows participants to schedule matches on their own terms. flex leagues can be either singles or doubles, within NtrP ratings or by gender, ensuring fair and competitive matches. Go to ustaflex.com. there are many adult and senior tournaments offered at the district and section level. these tournaments are for players of all levels and players can enter to compete in either singles or doubles. these tournaments match players by skill level or age and they are a great way to maintain or improve your tennis skills playing against new competitors who are on your level. find a list of adult and senior tournaments in your area on tennislink. usta tennis on campus program is a natural extension to a college or university’s physical education tennis classes, intramurals/extramurals program or recreational league. it’s the chance to begin, or continue another type of education while in college, your tennis education! usta tennis on campus programs offer students and faculty the chance to compete in a friendly and competitive playing environment. the playing format of usta tennis on campus is designed to be flexible, so that it will work on any campus and incorporate players of all ability levels and teams of all sizes. beginning players may elect to concentrate more on skill building and the social aspects of tennis, while more advanced players might opt to form a sport club team and compete against nearby schools. visit tennisoncampus.com for a list of schools and details on how to start a team. varsity collegiate tennis in the united states provides opportunities for thousands of players to continue their tennis careers while earning a college degree. there are three associations governing collegiate athletics: the National collegiate athletic association (Ncaa), the National association of intercollegiate athletics (Naia), and the National Junior college athletic association (NJcaa). each association sponsors a seasonending National championship for its divisions. the intercollegiate tennis association (ita) serves as the governing body of collegiate tennis in the united states. the ita administers a comprehensive calendar of tournaments and events and a far-reaching awards program. the goal of the ita is to improve the level of intercollegiate tennis competition and the quality of college tennis coaching. visit www.itatennis.com for more information on the ita.




YOUTH PROGRAMS 10 and under tennis follows the same logic as other youth sports like baseball or soccer, which use kid-sized courts and kid-sized equipment. With 10 and under tennis, balls bounce lower, don’t move as fast through the air and are easier to hit. racquets are sized for small hands while courts are smaller and easier to cover. by using this format, the benefits are immediate and, within a short time, kids are rallying, playing, and excited to keep playing. that means kids will have more fun and less frustration. they’re playing real tennis and having real fun—and that’s what is most important. the new rules require that 10-and-under tournaments be played using slower-moving and lower-bouncing balls, on smaller courts and utilizing shorter, lighter racquets. the rule change follows the international tennis federation’s recent rule change and applies to all usta-sanctioned events for children 10-and-under. visit 10andundertennis.com for more information. Jr. team tennis offers girls and boys age 8 to 18 the opportunity to play on teams in local competitions that emphasize fun, fitness and friends. leagues match players of similar age and ability using the Jr. National tennis rating Program (JNtrP). teams play against each other in one of the following divisions based on age and skill level: • 8 & under: 10 and under tennis • 10 & under: 10 and under tennis • 12 & under eligible to advance to section and • 14 & under: intermediate, or advanced national championships. • 18 & under: intermediate, or advanced a league consists of a minimum of two teams in the same division, with at least three boys and three girls on each team. visit jrteamtennis.usta.com for more information.


Junior tournaments give youth the opportunity to advance their game by getting on the court, learning from the best and connecting with friends. competing in junior tournaments will help take their game as far as they want to go – high school, college or the pros. youth can compete in their town, district, section or nationally. Junior competition includes events for everyone- from first time competitors to top level tournaments for more experienced competitors. Participating in multiple formats gives you more chances to compete - round robin, multiple elimination and team events. find more junior tournaments using the junior tournament listing on the usta missouri valley homepage. usta school tennis is a program designed to introduce the sport to youth through Pe classes and extracurricular activities. children will learn the basics of tennis in Pe class, then play games on teams in intramural or interscholastic after school programs. funding is available to help initiate those leagues. the missouri valley will also provide free teacher workshops that demonstrate lessons from the usta’s tennis curriculum which was developed for teachers with large numbers of students in schools without traditional tennis courts. schools with usta membership may access discounted equipment and grants. register your program on the new school registry at usta.com/schooltennis and receive the school tennis handbook and a usta schools clipboard. the usta National Junior tennis & learning (NJtl) is a nation-wide network of community tennis organizations seeking to develop the character of young people through tennis and education. the goal of NJtl is to reach out to those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to play the sport, instilling in youngsters the values of leadership and academic excellence and giving all kids (regardless of income, race, or gender) the opportunity to fully develop their tennis skills so they can derive a life time of enjoyment from the sport. the NJtl is a great way for kids to get exercise, make friends, and have fun in a team-oriented and safe environment. NJtl offers a variety of on and off-court programming, emphasizing educational and life-skill components to enhance overall development. this curriculum is offered at little or no cost to the participant. 14


the usta Pro circuit, the pathway to the us open and tour-level competition for aspiring tennis players, and a frequent battleground for established professionals, begins its 34th season this year. the 2013 usta Pro circuit will make 89 stops in local communities throughout the country, including four in the missouri valley, delivering nearly $3 million in total prize money and awarding the valuable atP and Wta ranking points that players need to ascend to the next level. the largest developmental tennis circuit in the world, the usta Pro circuit has launched the careers of such current stars as victoria azarenka, John isner, mardy fish, andy murray, maria sharapova and caroline Wozniacki, as well as past champions andre agassi, Jim courier, lindsay Davenport, Justine Henin and Pete sampras. many tournaments conduct community involvement activities while the tournament is in progress to create awareness of the Pro circuit, and to provide a fun experience for people in the community. these events also provide an opportunity for people to give tennis a try. visit procircuit.usta.com for more information on Pro circuit tournaments. mylan World teamtennis always offers fans plenty of thrills, but it is extra exciting in the usta missouri valley, home to the springfield lasers. for three weeks in July, professional tennis players bring some of the finest tennis around to our section. the usta is a minority owner and promotional partner of mylan World teamtennis. Wtt and the usta are teaming up on a number of initiatives, including development of 10 and under tennis. for more information, visit wtt.com.

OTHER PROGRAMS adaptive tennis recognizes four main categories of disabilities: 1) Developmentally disabled (learning disabilities, autism, Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities) 2) Physically disabled (birth defects, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, muscular dystrophy, hearing impaired, stroke, etc.) 3) consumers of mental health services (psychiatrically disabled, emotionally disturbed) 4) at risk/environmentally disabled (substance abusers, mentally and physically abused, homeless, Hiv positive individuals, persons within the juvenile justice system, etc.) for each of these groups, usta missouri valley adaptive tennis provides grant money, equipment and resources for specificallytailored programs that provide fun, fitness and a positive social experience for participants. regional clinics and instructional programs are held throughout the country. the enjoyment, physical well-being and contact shared by participants has proven to be a positive source of self-esteem, helping open doors to a more positive lifestyle. usta adaptive tennis program works to provide opportunities to all populations to enjoy and realize the benefits of tennis and its life changing opportunities. Wheelchair tennis is one of the fastest growing and most challenging of all wheelchair sports. to meet this demand, usta offers programs geared towards the wheelchair player. rules are the same as stand-up tennis, except the wheelchair player is allowed two bounces of the ball. usta Wheelchair tennis provides persons with disabilities the opportunity to share in activities with their peers, whether able-bodied or disabled. Playing usta Wheelchair tennis adds to socialization and the normalization of life after sustaining a disabling injury. Proficient wheelchair users can play and actively compete against stand-up players. learning mobility on the court is exciting and challenging, and helps build strength and cardiovascular ability. for more than 10 years, National Parks and recreation association (NPra) has partnered with the united states tennis association (usta) to bring parks and recreation agencies, tennis in the Parks (tiP). tiP is a strategic initiative designed to help you improve and expand opportunities in communities nationwide, for the public to learn and play the lifelong game of tennis. tennis in the Parks (tiP) and all associated program resources are free to eligible agencies that are committed to growing and improving tennis programs and infrastructure in the community.



OTHER PROGRAMS community tennis associations (cta’s) can be defined as any incorporated, geographically defined, not-for-profit, volunteer-based tennis organization that supports or provides programs which promote and develop the growth of tennis. as an association, the group works to coordinate and maintain tennis programs and services; guaranteeing that they are open and accessible to all. fueled by local volunteers, they exist to promote and develop the game of tennis in the community. for more information, visit www.usta.com/cta. the usta missouri valley hosts hundreds of tournaments a year and none of them would be possible without the use of officials. if you are interested in becoming an official, there is an on-going program for the recruitment and training of new officials that offers an opportunity for tennis enthusiasts to become involved in a variety of officiating roles. these roles range from overseeing local junior/senior tournaments and collegiate events, to officiating on-court at the us open. for more information, visit www.missourivalley.usta.com/officials/officials. there are numerous volunteer opportunities within the usta. volunteers may serve on committees, assist at tournaments and events, staff usta booths, help with mailings, maintain websites, and assist in many more ways. every district has different needs and different volunteer opportunities. Whatever your interests or talents, there is definitely a volunteer opportunity for you. for more information, visit www.missourivalley.usta.com/get_involved/volunteer.

USTA MISSOURI VALLEY RESOURCES the usta offers two unique types of on-court trainings: recreational coach Workshops and 10 and under tennis Workshops. applications for the ten and under Workshop and the recreational coach Workshop are unavailable until further notice. Please check the schedule for a workshop near you. www.missourivalley.usta.com/grants_and_resources/oncourt_trainings/ the usta and the usta missouri valley offer a variety of grants to help grow the game of tennis in many ways. check out all the available grants and requirements for the missouri valley section. www.missourivalley.usta.com/grants_and_resources/grants_and_scholarships/ increase awareness of your usta programming and bring more people into the game with customizable marketing materials available online. these tips and templates are designed to make marketing your programming easy and effective. check out all the available templates and designs. www.missourivalley.usta.com/grants_and_resources/marketing_materials/ order usta Program resources to help develop and implement your local tennis program. www.tennisawards.com/content/156.htm

Diversity and Inclusion Statement embracing diversity and encouraging multicultural outreach efforts is essential to achieving the usta missouri valley section’s mission to grow the sport of tennis. We are committed to fostering a tennis environment that is more inclusive and inviting to all people. in working to expand the image of tennis, the usta missouri valley section is focused on broadening and increasing diversity participation in the sport and serving as a model for all organizations that aspire to successful growth and an inclusive environment.







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2/11/13 1:03 PM








.W I N F O R KC .


JUNIOR CONTACTS the Junior competition committee (Jcc) is made up of one volunteer from each district and other appointed members. the Jcc sets the policy and procedures for the usta missouri valley Junior section events and serves as the tournament committee for the usta missouri valley sweet 16 during segment ii. these are the volunteers who comprise the Jcc for the usta missouri valley: Heart of america elliott mcDermed elliottmcdermed@hotmail.com

Nebraska tba oklahoma eric Wedemeyer ewedemeyer1@cox.net

iowa Jeff benson benson@dmgcc.org

st. louis allison Wilson awilson@watson.wustl.edu

kansas - interim chair simon Norman simon@genesishealthclub.com missouri larry Haugness lhaugness@springfieldmo.gov

the role of the usta missouri valley Parent advisory committee (Pac) is to act as a liaison between parents of players and the missouri valley. the committee will meet regularly with the usta missouri valley staff to provide feedback and express concerns/suggestions that they receive from other parents within the missouri valley. the committee will not be involved in any decision making that pertains to the missouri valley Junior circuit. the committee's role is strictly to provide feedback in hopes of improving the overall process for junior players competing on the junior circuit.


usta missouri valley has two usta certified regional training centers (rtcs) that will enhance the training and development of junior players in the usta missouri valley. in addition to continuing their already existing programs, the usta certified rtcs will also host usta Player Development camps for players, ages 8-12, in their respective regions. these players will be selected in conjunction with the usta National coaching staff and their respective usta section coaching commission. the centers will also help identify talent in players as young as 6-years-old, run 10 and under programs and host 10 and under tournaments for players 8-and-under and 10-and-under. kansas city united tennis academy at the Plaza tennis center kansas city, missouri




Please feel free to contact your district representative by email below: Heart of america brian kelly bjkelly@kc.rr.com

missouri Paul Nahon johnpaulnahon@aol.com

iowa stu cochrane stu.cochrane@johnsonlawia.com

Nebraska mark Warren mtwarren@cox.net

kansas syd Dippel sdippel@smokyvalley.org

oklahoma stacey lilley mlilley@aol.com

st. louis lisa stuhlmann saharajo4@aol.com

the tucker tennis academy at the Grand Health & racquet club tulsa, oklahoma

the competition coordinator implements the usta missouri valley section competition system, which includes coordinating junior circuit events and development of programs for all age groups.

the community tennis Director supervises the competition department of the usta missouri valley. marissa moment brown brown@movalley.usta.com 913.322.4822



2012 Junior sportsmanship Winners with Hall of fame inductees (back row l-r): mackenzie Hill, francis baxter, Jordan Henry, micki schillig feldmann, meredith Geiger Walton, Judy Dippold, ellea ediger, seth moore and travis osland. (front row l-r) stratton brown, vanessa ong and Jack Wenzel. Not pictured: emily kantrovitz and Grant bowman.

PAST USTA MISSOURI VALLEY SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD WINNERS 2011 - Jeff “buddy� Wren, rohit chouhan, Will Welte, Jordan Henry, Garrett lewis, christopher Dean, brianna liu, kat rosenberger, michelle Han, briana menolascino 2010 - Jason Nayar, anna rada, tyler raclin, Jacqueline engelbrecht, Jack Desse, sarah stuhlmann, alex Jones, breana feemster, Greg marifian, audrey coventry 2009 - samantha mannix, eliza fike, adrienne Jensen, sammi Hornbarger, claire Dreyer, David streller, kevin cahoy, bailey merkel, robert tung, Naveen Nath, Danny Delao 2008 - sydney Harlow, alena frye, adrienne Jensen, ashley tiefel, lindsay Weideman, caleb shudak, adam Dellos, Jackson o'Gorman-bean, connor mulhall, charlie caris 2007 - teresa kaiser, lauren tondl, kathryn Dillingham, brooke urzendowski, claire Dreyer, laura richardson, Peter West, Joey Dulle, robert tung, travis Neilson, Nate kirk 2006 - alli Hodges, andrea kinnerk, katie thome, merritt Whitley, casey miller, David liu, anthony Delcore, travis Neilson, charlie caris, Patrick collins 2005 - adrienne Jensen, alecia kauss, tiana bark, chloe Jones, rebecca Parks, vinh Pham, connor mulhall, Paul Nahon, abraham souza, milo Johnson 2004 - mimi fotopoulos, christine mcGaffigan, Jackie lincoln, leigh mccoy, Jackson Withrow, Will Humphreys, malcolm Harrison, blake strode 2003 - samantha chao, chloe Jones, kali krisik, stephanie smith, michael swank, rod bastani, brett Waite, chad faulk missourivalley.usta.com

2002 - Gillian Hush, kirby bridges, kara Hickey, emily Wang, chris banerjee, rod bastani, blake strode, stephen mcGaughey 2001 - megan matter, stephanie Johns, christine Derouin, kristina stastny, andrew mellen, logan buck, Will Gray, chris Gerdes 2000 - Pat callaghan, cameron Hubbs, rob simpson, Peter mccorkle, Nicole ruiz, amanda Pratzel, kevin otto, megan Wedepohl 1999 - lindsay mcconnell, kyle tosie, eric Hines, chelsea orr, Naren clark, laura Gravino, angie Goodrich, George Hinkle 1998 - kari sloboth, lauren Jensen, branden Joost, ryan rowe, kimiko Glynn, ryan friend, annie menees, scott brown, amanda cervantes, Josh kopmeyer 1997 - Danielle Patton, katie mcGaffigan, lindsay marvel, katarina statsny, ian fillmore, lee Dustin Gregg, stuart Waters, Jarin skube 1996 - corey steven, kari stark, tara mcGuire, tina Harrison, chris schultz, kevin otto, Jon Navarro, kelsey moran 1995 - laura mcGaffigan, tiffany streeter, shereee schwartz, lyndy Gegen, matt Davis, Dylan bird, Justin menolascino, matt White 1994 - sheryl Posch, melissa iqbal, brooke Nelson, amy michael, andrew murray, brandon Hall, omar ahmed, adeel Qalbani 1993 - Jenny mcGaffigan, Jennifer vaughn, Jill stouffer, molly racette, Josh kopmeyer, marc mccallister, Dusty beard, richie slivocka 1992 - Gigi Greenwood, kendra leese, aimee Hites, kalie buehler, Greg collins, adam Jackson, eddie ernest, brian kelly 1991 - emmy cilek, kate cilek, laura baxter,




aimee Haas, ashley miskell, billy bemis, blake thompson, Danny timblin, todd montgomery 1990 - megan russell, christie sim, siri eklund, leanne mos, Josh barber, Jack oxler, tom Derouin, scott athey 1989 - Heather mowery, Janet rausa, Joan Heckman, kara brady, adam coldsnow, Paul kloberdanz, steve Griesener 1988 - Naomi Zeff, brandi swan, blair strassner*, leslie sue Jones, eric enloe, bryan smith, erik West, Patrick Huewe 1987 - shana levitt, ann backhaus, lynn clark, tracey ruder, Jonathan klampe, mel brown Jr., David leslie, Joe fackel 1986 - kimberly Webster, carolyn strassner, kristy Jessen, stacey stotts, Jonathan Poor, Derek Wooten, David roberts, andrew Dailey 1985 - Jennifer lauck, lydia chiu, barbara knudten, ann christine Johnston, Joe Gonzales*, scott Wolf, Doug flach, mark fentriss 1980 - David Goodman, sally sulentic 1979 - Darrell smith, Patsy lukas 1978 - Jim connor, micki schillig 1977 - Walt mitchell, sue clark 1976 - David mantor, Diana myers 1975 - champ cudahy, karen bunag 1974 - roger knapp, sue briggs 1973 - clark Phipps, melanie mann * National award Winner


2012 JUNIOR RANKINGS (TOP 50) - BOYS 1 2 3 4 5 6

boys 12 rhett rollins Pierce rollins Nathan Han bradley frye Jacob Weber brett thomas slezak


Pierce rollins


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

kamran farid Nam Quoc Pham ritik sundaram monif Habib ben remis matthew Dubuque timothy m. ellis alexander H Downing rami samir Hemaidan Gabriel Willbourn sam reed atkinson Graydon lair samuel lincoln faulk ty sherman landon Hover rami andrew scheetz Jason Patrick Nayar reid matthew Jarvis bradley mittleman Zachary Weber Noah ryan crist carson kelly Gates Dominic lyle roman tristan Proulx-morin Neel vallurupalli luke a bouchard Zachary trimpe matthan tharakan Jackson Hans atherton Justin Good kavin anand Wes robertson William kaiser David montgomery alexander richards Donovan Walsh brett arthur seaton finn Wartick owen thomas mulcahy Noah H. Winton clayton c Hughes Daniel Wilkins Haley luke robert switzer William everett

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

boys 14 alexander brown christopher Dean rohit l. chouhan carson Haskins Justin a. leslie fletcher m. scott rex serituk

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

thomas kennedy micah Jacob cash Darryl roman stratton J. brown Zeke clark brady Draheim thompson Duong tong Jiung Jung rhett rollins eddie Griesedieck Dillon thomas ketcham austin Diehl William Gleason bradley frye trey Huelskamp read a. streller alec christopher Powers yaswanth mylavarapu P J Panesar michal Gabriel Porubcin brian William baker Nathaniel m singh Zale a. shah ben friedman erik lukas Weiler easton christopher ewy joshua bortnick max c. kurzban Pierce rollins caleb belden vineel mallavarapu christopher J. choe Justin t. Nogalski Jackson William mcNair Nathan Han Henry Joseph Goeke Henry miller Zeiders Parker mclain muller sam reed atkinson alex mailes aaron canfield carson kelly Gates mason alexander meier

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

boys 16 William little John Goodwin David Hager lee-shawn stein march m. Zheng William Genesen austin Williams David liu blake oetting alexander m. Pozo Jack santilli micah klousia austin Hoose bryan lilley michael Peters Zeke clark anil Jashwant Patel mitchell Worley micah Jacob cash tommy Hunter connor P. finerty blake langston Daniel langston Joseph louis mcallister blake l. Hunter brooks kendall travis osland brady richard anderson Joey m. Dulle austin Diehl alex J. koca

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Nick Harvey funches karl W. Wenzel tyler Walter raclin Jack richard evans Jamie foster mcDonald Joe e. o’connor trevor D. allen alexander brown trent schneider Jack s. Desse Justin a. leslie mccann m. bell charlie Humes alexander G. Punj samuel eliezer beren Jonathan lowe rohit l. chouhan andrew a. ellis andrew reese mong boys 18 trey Daniel William little Jeremy lynn Nathan roper Dylan steffens Jake c. Norman kenneth boykin vinh Quoc Pham austin Williams mac rechan chase Gordon march m. Zheng connor P. finerty alex Qin chandler mccray court c. clark Jack fay James c. mcmanus brooks kendall bradley scott Gleason bryan lilley matt David becker alexander r. Jones Jake Glazer

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

matthew Wong alex bernt Joey m. Dulle matthew rodgers mitchell samuelson Grant bond alexander m. Pozo William matthew swift kevin r. kochersperger David Hager alec kaczkowski riley a. Hale Derek bell James raymond majors

David Hager

thomas kwanchanok Pitcher

mason bridegan adam casanova brady richard anderson lee-shawn stein sam Wert John Nogalski brandon ralph Harris alex J. koca Zack royle max aaron katcher brandon J. schneider

trey Daniel



Girls 12 samantha marie mannix Jenna Noel Julia m king evelyn chang brooklyn Hunter anna alons taylor leslie chloe kuckelman Grace Griggs ellie claire kuckelman Davi rose Patterson emma koch vanessa ong sarah ann lounsbury kinsey Gayle fields sneha sinha sarah katherine reilly cari Naanep madison Daminato isabella susanne Dunlap madison marie kiani kiki eve Peters lauren Harvey chloe adele mcisaac alisa Prinyarux lucy anne kendall olivia fain mary Grace sullivan mary kate streller emilia anna Porubcin bianca Dean madeline cameron emma Heiderscheit maria angela brandt andie rae Williams cadence lynn kelly Nicole maeda emily sloane Johnston reagan miley fidan ibrahimova megan Janice Demo brianna liu sarah Weber tristen caskey Gabriella thornton macey lynn miller Peri elise sagun eleanor fay brayden lee steven isabella Diaz

samantha mannix

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

ashley kristin Debauge Jeryn britton Jack caroline e. Pozo riley madison clarke yurie Heard kate elizabeth Paulus sarah Wilcox sarah Nicole cameron Hayden siegfried Josephine cao lauren o’brien lizzie Harwood anna alons athena Hartini tran kimmie c. koors vanessa ong karen yan rylee Noelle tucker meghan king lauren elizabeth stubbs shaun Williams yuri takenaka morgan bergen Grace ball kylee Dawn White Hannah marie Pohl elena Wilner Johnna marie lowe rebecca Davis samantha marie mannix faith ann Wright Nina Jabrzemski rebecca falkner Joie beth freirich suzanne lawton brown

kate vialle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Girls 14 victoria P. flores caitlin J. calkins morgan coppoc trisha sundaram Jaci cochrane alexa N. tiefel caroline m. morton margo brooke Gerke


44 45 46 47 48 49 50

claire elise Neil eren sagun erin k epperson allie Whiting lindwall elsa marin brundige Nicole Han Jocelynn o. Horton

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Girls 16 brooke Withrow morgan steffes madeline Hill caitlin J. calkins sarah Jane stuhlmann melinda sue Johnson victoria P. flores mckinleigh lair olivia sneed olivia k. Hauger tess olivia Herder mckinney Harwood alena frye Jaci cochrane yurie Heard katie morgan fries michaela ann Henne risa takenaka katherine cao morgan coppoc caroline m. morton colleen mellinger teresa Hutnick kaiser Grace virginia schaffer Josephine cao mary Hill ashley kristin Debauge courtney a. lubbers sydney Harlow Jordan lee Henry alix Williams Jenny bond alexa N. tiefel Jaci brakelle smith stephanie marie Wilcox elizabeth sutherland aidan Helene epstein brittany Green alexis Grace czapinski

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

sarah J. bowen elizabeth barnickel olivia k. Hauger lauren e. Pickens shea e. flanagan lindsey a. Whitehead tess olivia Herder madeline Hill rosemary Pelch lauren mabe riley marie Nizzi carly N. cassity sara Goodwin Piper Huey camden Newton Peyton e. Jennings abby m. stevens Jocelyn m. koester Nadege Jorda courtney Warren katherine louise sims lauren l. Huddlestun mariah alexandra burke taylor revling caroline elise Greenberg carly sutton sophi i. farid brydie k. o’connor tawni cristine Griffey morgan coppoc mckinney Harwood maya aileen Hamaker Haleigh chobanian elizabeth ann Wilcox taylor christine monken miranda celeste Hamilton elizabeth sutherland maddy kayser vilune sestokaite

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Nadege Jorda bridget mayfield margo brooke Gerke caroline e. Pozo madeleine tadros olivia conway katie conrad maya aileen Hamaker alexis lucas trisha sundaram Jacqueline engelbrecht

47 48 49 50

alexandra Q. Dick mckinleigh lair anna marie sieckhaus alexis Grace czapinski

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Girls 18 adrienne o. Jensen kate m. vialle madison Westby ann c. Pepper katherine e. Nelsen emma t. schelble olivia sneed


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

victoria flores



these are the final 2012 junior rankings for the usta missouri valley. visit usta.com/tennislink for specific and up-to-date standings lists.





2.5 Women, oklahoma# - alison louise mcfarlane

3.0 Women, oklahoma^ - carol reyes

3.0 men, oklahoma^ - brian copsey

3.5 Women, Heart of america# - marcia Jacelone

3.5 men, Heart of america# - Gene Humphreys

4.0 Women, Heart of america^ - marla lovinggood

4.0 men, Heart of america^ - mike ulm

4.5 Women, st. louis# - cindy bick



4.5 men, Heart of america# - chris cox

5.0 men, st. louis^ - bill Hornbarger

6.0 mixed, oklahoma^ - Jason Dickman

7.0 mixed, iowa* - sharon Wilkinson

8.0 mixed, Heart of america - Joe rishmany

3.0 senior Women, oklahoma# - trenna kay kaut-strauss

3.5 senior Women, missouri^ - kelly kramer

3.5 senior men, kansas^ - bob bundy







4.0 senior Women, st. louis - ava munoz 3rd Place at Nationals


4.5 senior Women, st. louis^ - cindy bick

8.0 senior mixed, iowa* - tim White

4.0 senior men, oklahoma# - Woody fugate 4th Place at Nationals

7.0 senior mixed, st. louis* - roy taylor

9.0 senior mixed, st. louis* - cindy bick/John kinsella

Key ^ - Photo by All Net Photo * - Photo by Mike Gullett # - Photo by Daniel Freesmeier Not Pictured 4.5 senior men: oklahoma captain: chuck bond

7.0 super senior Women, Heart of america^ - barbara meigs


9.0 mixed: st. louis captain: cindy bick




7.0 super senior men, kansas^ - bob bundy

8.0 super senior men, oklahoma* - stephen shaw

8.0 super senior Women, Nebraska* - cindy bluml

9.0 super senior men, kansas^ - Jim bauersfeld







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2012 ADULT RANKINGS (TOP 20) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 16 17 17 19 20

mens open singles michael-ray Pallares ryan a. ashner Daniel usieto colin foster luis f. fernandez michael alan barnes bobby miller Nelson shreve steven rodriguez Nick baker michael bryan thomas ben mccouch Zack Hicks brandon ambroske Nick a. Hays matthew t. smith sean m. mcWilliams John thomas Gernon Jeffrey s. modean rodney D. lewis

11 12 13 14 14 1 2 2 4 4 6

randall J. Jensen michael e. Delong Guy morris brian arasmith tom finholm mens open Doubles bobby miller/ michael D. strand J eduardo riveros/ Nick baker Daniel usieto/ J eduardo riveros Daryl s. Greenstreet/ luis f. fernandez michael frederick Wiskirchen/ rick Paul Nelson shreve/ ben mccouch

mens 4.5 Doubles Dave moore/ Jeffrey s. modean 2 Jake ohlhausen/ Griffin smith 3 kirk aaron schlueter/ adam king 3 thomas verdi/ thomas ohnemus 5 H Damon osborne/ Jeff e. fredricks 5 bobby miller/ Jesse sherer 7 brad Harding/ eric a. santon 8 clark D. roberts/ brad stivers 8 frank Noreet/ brandon ambroske 10 Phillip barber/ Dan langenberg 10 frank e. Gagnon/ terry l. schaffer

1 2 3 4 5

mens 50 singles lorry W. lazenby John bunselmeyer scott b. bieber Gardner lee James f. Hunt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10

mens 55 singles chris leonard Gregory russell brad P richison bruce a. van maanen Dennis W. morris alex lee Dr. James m. lewis Joseph snorgrass William s. richards Norman J. mechlin charles Wesley chappelle timothy Dale Woods

1 2 3 4 4

mens 60 singles richard m. randall Howard cloogman ed Douglas mickey e. Gage lanny Daise

1 2 3 3 5 6

mens 65 singles mickey e. Gage c. raymond. lake michael l. cooper roger l. Dabney ted J. Hollembeak robert bailey


1 2 3 4

mens 70 singles Walter l. trammell robert Whitacre John malarky James shanklin mens 75 singles ronald D. Perdue James shanklin


1 2

mens 40 Doubles Dave moore/ Jeffrey s. modean Hollis Worthen/ kim i. spalding John smith/ bond f. marrs Joseph rishmany/ tim cowick


mens 45 Doubles David s. Debyle/ lorry W. lazenby Dan k. Gaskell/ James f. Hunt Henry c. menghini/ William s. richards Dr. James m. lewis/ rodney D. lewis



1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 18 18 18 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

mens 4.5 singles brian sasser Danny r Williams brian Goates Jake ohlhausen Dan langenberg Joshua e. Douglass adam king andrew arthur Wagner Griffin smith Phillip m. becker Gardner lee veselin Nenkov todd m. kaminski tom shino Jeff e. fredricks terry Jackson eric D emmanuel kirk aaron schlueter andrew Z. Jones steven lesko mens 4.0 singles Jeff Harding Dennis W. morris bond f. marrs Daniel knox Joseph Paxton Hunter aaron tyler stout scott kirsch Junping yang brent Douglas Hall David Pendleton Witold rzepnicki Joseph a. Jacelone Harrison Hill mark mills michael sullivan calvin morris marco Wong mitchell bennett scott vester Gary a. kuzmich

1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10

mens 3.5 singles John Greving ryan P. barrett tim Dunning robert madison christopher ramsey chuck Johnson Joseph snorgrass stephen maxwell David latzman Doug knox

mens 4.0 Doubles brent Douglas Hall/ Jeff Harding ryan monley/ scott Hanover Zach kahl/ Joseph Paxton Hunter blake thorne/ David Pendleton rod D. Zimbelman/ lanny Daise James m. cooke/ scott vester lonnie boeding/ bond f. marrs robert madison/ marlin t. carlson Delwyn catley/ Daniel o. curley Zsolt szladovits/ stephen Nettelhorst Joseph l. rishmany/ mitchell bennett

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 1 2 3 4

mens 40 singles Joshua e. Douglass Danny Wilson todd r. chapple J. eduardo riveros

2 3 3 5

mens 50 Doubles lanny thomas Wake/ brad stivers richard a. kochuyt/ bruce a. van maanen tom J o’brien/ Patrick l. cleary David s. Debyle/ lorry W. lazenby randall Dailey/ archie michael

1 2 3 4

mens 55 Doubles Dale frates/ terry mcNabb richard a. kochuyt/ bruce a. van maanen Dennis W. morris/ mark D. milligan ted J. Hollembeak/ ronald D. Perdue


Womens open singles kristen stivers

1 2 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 9

Womens 4.0 singles cyndi Penyock anneline Hatutale carla elaine bergman Nova Jamie Politte Patti cole kimberly a. Gradoville lindsey Wainscott angelica Horst lori a. therrien shell freeman

1 2

Womens 3.5 singles lindsey Wainscott Nova Jamie Politte

1 1

2 3


7 8 9 10

12 13 14 14

1 2 2 4

Womens 4.5 Doubles trudy a. erisman/ Deanna meredith erinn Janay metcalf/ marcia e. espinosa Womens 4.0 Doubles Nancy b. Wilson/ katie a. shappard kathy Goggin/ mary Daniels christy leslie/ lara maple robin l. rottinghaus/ elizabeth kettlewell kelly lee fuchs/ Patti cole lisa thompson/ michelle r. Dvorak Julie c. scott/ laura b. North amy redfield/ kimberly a. Gradoville andrea l. root/ ruth knox carol van Waarde/ Jane Wellman kathy Helms batrouny/ kristy marie francis Helen s. cochran/ cheryl t. lady lois mckinley/ Helen m. sherwood marcia s. Jacelone/ ruth knox sharon l. rensenhouse/ brenna Gray Womens 3.5 Doubles kelly lee fuchs/ Patti cole lindsey Wainscott/ susan Geick amy Warren/ kay leslie acuff cynthia Gerdes/ susan mcconkey facebook.com/ustamissourivalley



mary ann luchtel/ sheryl a. lamkin 6 Heidi Hilton smith/ leigh b. lewis 7 tiffany madison/ tasha l. evatt 8 cynthia Gerdes/ alice edwards 8 Debbie thomas/ ann k. vogel 10 Pamela ann Protzman/ Jill ackerman 10 Patricia mitchell/ lisa savoie 1 2 3 4

mixed 35 Doubles michelle r. Dvorak/ terry l. schaffer frank Noreet/ kayron anderson tony torres/ amy s. torres timothy Griddine/ tracie lynn Griddine

NtrP combined mixed 9.0 Doubles 1 Jackie Gehrke/ scott Hanover 1 Harrison Hill/ Deborah m. roith 3 Joann christian/ al Hilden 4 erinn Janay metcalf/ thomas ohnemus 5 valerie Holmes/ Danny Williams 6 shell freeman/ eric emmanuel

6 6

frank Noreet/ kayron anderson Harsh Gupta/ Nora marie bohumil

NtrP combined mixed 8.0 Doubles erinn Janay metcalf/ stephen alan Hirtzel 2 carol D. Doria/ Dean J. Doria 2 adam Gerard fuchs/ kelly lee fuchs 4 kimberly ann Hunt/ eric l. Nelson 5 kelli sweeney alldredge/ ryan monley 6 tim Dunning/ amy redfield 7 marcia s. Jacelone/ Joseph a. Jacelone 8 kathy Penka/ bond f. marrs 9 scott kirsch/ mary Daniels 9 lindsey Wainscott/ adam schere 11 Jessica marie schmitt/ James m. cooke 11 kathy Goggin/ Delwyn catley 11 chuck Johnson/ kate k. Johnson

1 2 3


1 2 3

Husband & Wife combo 120 Glen spielbusch/ Nancy c. spielbusch terry mcclain/ Jody mcclain Jose vicente Guerra/ Pilar Guerra Husband & Wife combo 100 steven t. osborne/ Gayle D. osborne Doug knox/ victoria knox susan mcconkey/ Greg summers

1 2 3

1 2

1 1

Quad Wheelchair open singles Grady landrum

1 2 3

mens Wheelchair a singles Darryl rahn tony kurtenbach christopher Parnell

1 2

mens Wheelchair b singles Nhat Dinh Grady landrum

1 2 3 4

mens Wheelchair c singles brett a. roufs lydell r. otley eric kingery rick Haith

mens Wheelchair a Doubles tony kurtenbach/ Nhat Dinh christopher Parnell/ Darryl rahn eric kingery/ Grady l. landrum mens Wheelchair b Doubles Nhat Dinh/ lydell r. otley eric kingery/ Grady l. landrum mens Wheelchair c Doubles rick Haith/ brett a. roufs






CrossCourt Spring 2013

13 IN 2013:











CrossCourt The USTA Missouri Valley publishes CrossCourt quarterly, focusing specifically on the members and events in the section. All material copyright USTA Missouri Valley, unless otherwise noted.

Your feedback is welcomed.

USTA Missouri Valley 6400 West 95th Street Suite 102 Overland Park, Kansas 66212

missourivalley.usta.com crosscourt@movalley.usta.com

(913) 322-4800 (888)368-8612 Toll Free





13 IN 2013







Mackenzie Hill, a high school senior from Topeka, Kansas, talks about good sportsmanship and her love of the game.

Thirteen reasons and ways to get your child involved in 10 and Under Tennis this year, as well as a Q & A with USPTA Missouri Valley president, Angie Koumaris.

Mary Weatherholt – a Missouri Valley native and senior at the University of Nebraska – discusses winning the US Open National Playoffs Sectional Qualifying Tournament and the semifinals of the US Open National Playoffs.

Get the latest news from all around the USTA Missouri Valley including World TeamTennis, Nick Taylor and more.

Keep this calendar handy to stay on top of all the important events taking place in the Missouri Valley this year.

(913) 322-4801 Fax twitter.com/USTAMoValley youtube.com/user/mvusta facebook.com/USTAMissouriValley Scott Hanover President



Mary Buschmann Executive Director Manon Eilts Marketing Communications Director Emily Steinwart Public Relations and Graphic Design Coordinator Eli Gieryna Digital Media Coordinator

For questions about your USTA membership, please contact USTA Member Services at 1-800-990-USTA, or visit the Membership Center at www.usta.com/membership. If you would like additional copies for your facility, please contact CrossCourt at the address above.



spring 2013 //





Mackenzie Hill

Mackenzie Hill, a high school senior from Topeka, Kansas, earned the 2012 USTA Missouri Valley Girls 18 Sportsmanship Award. She shared her thoughts about being a good sport and why she loves the game with CrossCourt. 1. How and when did you get started playing tennis? I didn't start playing tennis until I was 13. I heard there were tryouts for the middle school team so I randomly decided to go out and I fell in love with it, then I started getting competitive with it from there. 2. What’s your favorite thing about playing tennis? My favorite thing about tennis would have to be being independent on the court, and knowing I only have myself to rely on. Also, almost all of my best friends I have are those I met through tennis. 3. Do you play any other sports? I used to play competitive softball for years, but eventually I quit just to focus more on tennis. 4. Why is being a good sport important to you when you’re out on the court? Being a good sport when you're playing is incredibly important because at the end of the day that one tennis match probably will not affect your life a significant amount, and you will move on from either the loss or win. It's relative to real life; you're going to have some off days and people show their true colors when they experience defeat, it just matters how you handle it. 5. Who is your favorite professional tennis player, and why? My favorite player is Victoria Azarenka. I've always loved the way she plays and how much fire she has. 6. What items do you always make sure you have in your tennis bag? No matter what I always have to have my lucky towel, Biofreeze, my iPod and headphones. 7. What is your best shot? My best shot is probably my backhand down the line. 8. What is your favorite tennis memory? My favorite tennis memory would probably be my sophomore year when my doubles partner, Gwen Shepler, and I came back in a super tiebreak from being down 4-9 and qualified for the semis of our 6A state, and then to look over and see my other teammate win a tiebreak in her singles match to qualify for the semis also. 9. You’ll be graduating high school this spring. Do you have any plans yet after graduation? After I finish my senior year, I plan on going to play tennis at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). 10. What do you like to do when you’re not playing tennis? When I'm not playing tennis I'm always on the go, either working or spending time with my friends and family.


// Spring 2013



13 Reasons & Ways To Get Your Child Involved in 1. Tennis is wonder f ul for your he alt h b e c ause it’s a g re at source of exercise t hat work s your ent ire b o dy. According to st udies of c alor ic exp endit ures, comp et it ive tennis bur ns more c alor ies t han aerobic s, inline skat ing or c ycling.

2. Tennis c an b e playe d a s an indiv idual sp or t, te am sp or t or a fam ily sp or t.

3. A s a te am sp or t it helps to develop so cial sk ills and is a g re at way to ma ke new f r iends. Tennis out p er for m s golf and most ot her sp or t s in developing p osit ive p er sonalit y cha rac ter ist ics, according to Dr. Jim Gav in, aut hor of “T he E xercis e Habit.”

5. T here a re so many ways to play tennis - you don’t even ne e d a cour t!

6. It te aches sp or t smanship and ment al toughness. Tennis player s score d higher in v igor, opt im ism and s elf-este em while scor ing lower in depression, anger, conf usion, an x iet y and tension t han ot her at hletes and nonat hletes, according to Dr. Joan Finn and colle ag ues at Sout her n Conne c t icut St ate Univer sit y.

8. Tennis ma kes children use cr it ic al t hink ing sk ills. Since tennis re quires aler t ness and t ac t ic al t hink ing, it may generate new conne c t ions b et we en ner ves in t he brain and promote a lifet ime of cont inuing development of t he brain, rep or te d scient ist s at t he Univer sit y of Illinois. 34


Spring 2013 //


4. Tennis develops hand-eye co ordinat ion by judging t he sp e e d of t he oncom ing ball and t he t im ing of one’s sw ing. It also helps w it h agilit y b e c aus e a player c an b e force d to change dire c t ion a s many a s five t imes in 10 se conds dur ing a t y pic al p oint.

7. It’s t he sp or t of a lifet ime! Pe ople who pa r t icipate in tennis t h re e hour s p er we ek at a mo derately v igorous intensit y cut t heir r isk of de at h in half, according to t he late Dr. Ralph Paffenba rger.

9. Be c aus e it’s F U N – he alt hy fe elings of enjoy ment, comp et it iveness and physic al challenge a re inherent to t he sp or t. Source: www.usta.com/Improve-Your-Game/Sport-Science/114688_Health_Benefits_ of_Tennis_Why_Play_Tennis/

10. Visit USTA.com to find infor mat ion on 10 & Under Tennis and Jr. Te am Tennis.

11. At tend a Tennis Fest ival che ck out YouthTennis.com to find one in your a re a. 13. According to t he annual

12. Find a Tennis Across A mer ic a event in your a re a by going to USP TA.com.

pa r t icipat ion sur vey conduc te d for t he USTA and t he Tennis Indust r y A sso ciat ion, 2012 pa r t icipat ion among ages 6-11 wa s up 13 p ercent f rom 2011. Get your child in on t he ac t ion! Visit:

Angie Koumaris, USTA Missouri Valley Oklahoma member, was recently elected president of the United States Professional Tennis Association Missouri Valley division. She is dedicated to teaching tennis to anyone who wants to learn!



mes .

1. How did you get started teaching tennis? Actually, I started teaching tennis lessons in my hometown, Ponca City, Oklahoma. I played for my high school team and later in college and thought it was a great way to earn money and continue playing the sport I have always loved! After college, I got my first “real” tennis job at Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club. I started off in 2001 as Associate Professional and was promoted to Head Professional in 2007. I have been teaching at Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club for 12 years.

5. Do you see 10 and Under Tennis making an impact on how kids are learning the game? Yes! I think 10 and Under Tennis is helping kids improve faster than they would just doing dead ball drills with yellow balls. It also gets kids playing matches sooner so they can see how fun tennis can be. Also, more children can be accommodated on one court, and they are not standing around. It is amazing to see children who have only played a handful of times playing matches and being successful. That is making a tennis connection for life.

2. Tell us a little bit about the USPTA Missouri Valley. The USPTA Missouri Valley is one of the smaller USPTA divisions with 314 active members across the five-state area. The USPTA offers continued education throughout the year including our divisional convention in February.

6. What is one thing people don’t realize they can benefit from being a member of USPTA Missouri Valley? There are so many reasons to be a USPTA member. Two of the main assets are the online USPTA education and other resources. Visit USPTA.com and click on Benefits to learn more.

3. Why did you want to become president of the organization? I have been a member of the USPTA Missouri Valley board for eight years. When I became a member of the board I never really thought that I would eventually be President. I had many different roles on the board to prepare myself: Member-at-Large, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President. When the time came I was actually a little reluctant. Then I remembered why I wanted to be a member of the board in the first place; to make a difference.

7. What 13 things are in your tennis bag? I probably don’t even know everything in my bag. Scary! Two Head Extreme racquets, a towel, visor, Penn marathon balls, sunglasses, sun screen, athletic tape, bandaids, extra socks, flipflops, change of clothes and my phone (which of course is off during matches)!

4. What is the biggest opportunity for pros to grow the game? Running grassroots programs and incorporating 10 and Under Tennis into their free events. Pros also need to take advantage of all the resources offered to them through the USTA and the USPTA.

8. Finally, the number 13 – lucky or not? Lucky!


// spring 2013




mary weatherholt Mary Weatherholt – a Missouri Valley native and senior at the University of Nebraska – won the 2012 USTA Missouri Valley US Open National Playoffs Sectional Qualifying Tournament, starting a run that took her all the way to the semifinals of the US Open National Playoffs. As registration opens for the 2013 section event, Weatherholt took the time to talk with CrossCourt about her experience in last year’s tournament and her run in the national event. 1. What made you want to play in the 2012 US Open National Playoffs? To get some practice matches in before my last year of college tennis. 2. You had a long battle in your title match against Sherazad Benamar, of France, even being down triple-match-point in the third set. How did you come back from that? I believed that I could. I love battles and high-pressure situations, so I just approached it without fear and played the best I could and it worked out. Having a big crowd cheering for me was also a major factor in that. 3. You had the opportunity to play in the US Open National Playoffs in Connecticut, against the other section winners. You made it to the semifinals and even beat a top-500 player (Nika Kukharchuk of Russia) in the process. What was the atmosphere like at the tournament? The atmosphere was amazing. I was blessed to be able to play night matches, which I love, and to get some really great competition. 4 What would your advice be to anyone who’s thinking of playing in this event? Never give up and enjoy each match! 5. Switching gears, you were named the Big Ten Women’s Tennis Athlete of the Year in 2012. What did that mean to you to receive that honor? It was a pleasant surprise. 6. You hold many different records at Nebraska (singles winning percentage, season records for combined victories and singles victories). Do you have any goals for your senior season? I don’t really care about records and those things. My goals for the season are to help my team achieve our team goals and to enjoy my last season at Nebraska!!! 7. Do you have any plans yet for after graduation? Nope!

June 27-30, 2013 Homestead Country Club missourivalley.usta.com

// Spring 2013



Taylor, Wagner Notch Another Grand-Slam Title in Melbourne Nick Taylor and his long-time doubles partner, David Wagner, notched their fourth Australian Open Grand Slam doubles title, January 25, in Melbourne. The duo defeated Anders Hard of Sweden and Andy Lapthorne of Great Britain, 6-2, 6-3. The three-time Paralympic quad doubles gold medalists regained the title they last won in 2010. Taylor and Wagner then broke first-time doubles pairing Hard and Lapthorne to move 3-1 ahead en route to taking the first set. In the first game of the second set, Lapthorne and Hard broke Taylor and Wagner and came back from game points down to level the set at 2-2. But Taylor and Wagner’s history as partners proved valuable as Hard and Lapthorne missed out on an opportunity to pull a game back and Taylor and Wagner took no time sealing the victory. The win kicked off a strong start to 2013 for the pair, which won the Paralympic gold medal in London in 2012 and was subsequently named the Paralympic Team of the Year.

George Honored with ITA Award The Intercollegiate Tennis Association and United States Tennis Association have named veteran head coaches Peter Wright and Chuck Willenborg as recipients of two of the most prestigious awards in college tennis. Past President of the USTA Missouri Valley Shelley George was also honored for her work as associate women’s tennis coach at Syracuse University. A graduate of the University of Iowa, George was the head girls’ tennis coach at City High in Iowa City from 1986-2005, and was named the USPTR Coach of the Year in 2004. She served as the Missouri Valley section’s President from 2009-2010, and its Section Delegate from 2011-2012. She is currently in her sixth season as Associate Head Coach at Syracuse. “I am honored to receive such a prestigious award,” said George. “At Syracuse University we feel that our partnership with the USTA and the community are essential for a successful tennis program. It’s a win for everybody when the community and university partner together to grow tennis!” Nationally, Peter Wright of the University of California, Berkeley, is the winner of the 2012 USTA/ITA National Campus & Community Outreach Award, while Johns Hopkins University’s Willenborg has earned the honor of being the 2012 USTA/ITA National Campus QuickStart Provider of the Year.

World TeamTennis News Andy Roddick is returning to the tennis courts -- and the Missouri Valley section -- this summer. The former world number one was the top pick in the Mylan World TeamTennis Marquee Draft. Roddick, who first started with WTT in 2000, will play for the Springfield Lasers. This will be Roddick’s seventh Mylan WTT season and his first since 2010. In other WTT news, the Explorers have played their final match in Kansas City. Jeff Launius, co-owner of the World TeamTennis franchise, announced in February that the team was leaving Kansas City after 20 years and moving to Irving, Texas. The Explorers arrived in 1993, playing at Municipal Auditorium, Kemper Arena, Hale Arena and the Plaza Tennis Center until 2006 when it moved to Barney Allis Plaza. Our best wishes go out to Jeff and his new team, the Texas Wild.



spring 2013 //


Two Section Organizations Receive USTA Serves Grants USTA Serves, the National Charitable Foundation of the United States Tennis Association, announced that it has granted 34 community tennis and education organizations in the U.S. more than $340,000 in grants. Combined with scholarship awards, USTA Serves distributed $1.7 million in 2012. Two organizations in the Missouri Valley, Genesis School Inc. (Kansas City) and the YMCA of Greater Kansas City were among the organizations that received grants. The bi-annual grant process, a national initiative of USTA Serves, was developed to provide disadvantaged, at-risk youth with the opportunity to participate in tennis and strive for academic excellence, and to help combat childhood obesity by promoting healthy lifestyles.

SHARE YOUR NEWS Have news for CrossCourt? Send an email to CrossCourt@movalley.usta.com

2013 Calendar



L o c at ion

USTA Missouri Valley Tennis on Campus Section Championships

March 2-3

Springfield, Missouri

USTA Annual Meeting & Conference

March 16-18

Weston, Florida

USTA Missouri Valley Semiannual Meeting

April 6

Kansas City, Missouri

Oklahoma City Pro Circuit Tournament

Week of April 8

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

USTA Missouri Valley Adult 5’s and Open Indoor Championship

April 12-14

Joplin, Missouri

6th Annual Eastern Iowa Adapted Sports Clinic

April 13

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

SportAbility of Iowa Wheelchair Tournament

April 14

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Wheelchair Tennis Weekend

April 26-27

Lincoln, Nebraska

USTA Missouri Valley Central Regional NTRP Championships

May 3-5

St. Louis, Missouri

USTA Missouri Valley Adult NTRP and Open Indoor Championship

May 17-19

Overland Park, Kansas

USTA Missouri Valley Segment 2 Super I

May 31-June 4

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Adaptive Tennis All-Star Team Event

June 1-2

Omaha, Nebraska

USTA Missouri Valley Segment 2 Super II

June 7-11

Omaha, Nebraska

Jim Thorpe Games Tennis Tournament

June 9-15

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

USTA Missouri Valley Segment 2 Sweet 16

June 18-23

Kansas City, Missouri

US Open National Playoffs

June 27-30

Prairie Village, Kansas

USTA Missouri Valley Senior and Super Senior Husband and Wife Championship

July 5-7

Kansas City, Missouri

Joplin Pro Circuit Tournament

Week of July 15

Joplin, Missouri

Godfrey Pro Circuit Tournament

Week of July 22

Godfrey, Illinois

National Public Parks Tennis Championships

July 27-August 4

Springfield, Missouri

Jr. Team Tennis Section Championships

July 29-31

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Edwardsville Pro Circuit Tournament

Week of August 5

Edwardsville, Illinois

USTA Missouri Valley Adult League Section Championship I

August 8-11

Des Moines, Iowa

USTA National Women’s Senior 65, 75, 85 Indoor Championship

August 12-18

Overland Park, Kansas

USTA Missouri Valley Adult League Section Championship II

August 22-25

St. Louis, Missouri

USTA Tennis Teachers Conference

August 23-26

New York, New York

US Open USTA Wheelchair Tennis Championships

August 26-September 1

St. Louis, Missouri

USTA Semiannual Meeting & Conference

August 31-September 4

New York, New York

USTA Missouri Valley Super Doubles League Section Championship I

September 11-17

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

USTA Missouri Valley Super Doubles League Section Championship II

September 25-October 1

Springfield, Missouri

USTA Missouri Valley Adult NTRP and Open Outdoor Championship

October 4-6

Kansas City, Missouri

Staff Development Workshop

October 28-31

Denver, Colorado

Community Tennis Development Workshop

November 1-3

Denver, Colorado

USTA Missouri Valley Annual Meeting

December 6-8

Overland Park, Kansas

visit missourivalley.usta.Com For event details missourivalley.usta.com

// spring 2013



2013 year in review 1

2 1. Trey Daniel and Anthony Delcore teamed up to win the Boys 18s doubles finals at the Sweet 16 Championship. 2. Coaches and players attend the College Showcase breakfast as part of the Sweet 16 Championship. 3. 10 and Under Tennis participants demonstrated their skills at a press conference announcing the return of the Pro Circuit event to Joplin, Missouri. 4. The University of Oklahoma tennis club took home the USTA Missouri Valley Tennis on Campus Section Championship. 5. Emma Schelble and Ann Pepper won the Sweet 16 doubles championship in the Girls 18s division.


3 4


Left: Mary Weatherholt (left) and Sherazad Benamar (right) finished first and second, respectively, at the US Open National Playoffs Missouri Valley Sectional Qualifying tournament in Prairie Village, Kansas. Right: The USTA US Open Wheelchair Championships were held in St. Louis, Missouri, for the fourth straight year. The event showcased some of the best wheelchair tennis players from around the globe.

Left and below: Special Olympians from throughout the Missouri Valley section traveled to Des Moines, Iowa, in June to participate in the second annual ALL Stars’ Day.


Left: Kids attended a play day at the 2012 Jim Thorpe Games in Oklahoma City. Right: The USTA National Husband and Wife Mixed Hard Court Championships took place at the Plaza Tennis Center in Kansas City in July.

Left: Districts were divided into two divisions (north and south) to compete in the 10 and Under Spring Team events in Springfield, Missouri, and Kansas City in May. Below: Children participate in the Fit and Fiscal Family Sports Festival in Kansas City in April.



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Helen elliott 913.522.7933 helliott@kc.rr.com

BOARD OF DIRECTORS tracy cooper 913.963.6867 tennismom@kc.rr.com kirsty elliott 785.424.5065 kirsteenelliott@hotmail.com George Harris 816.309.3552 georgeh275@aol.com rick kochuyt 913.710.2019 rkochuyt@kc.rr.com terry miller 913.341.8209 ttm10s@aol.com mark rosewell 660.541.2450 mrosewe@nwmissouri.edu


Deborah roith 913.424.9299 littlesade@hotmail.com


Paul yaple 913.897.9469 pvyaple@gmail.com




President bruce baldwin 816.809.3300 bruce@homesolvers.com

vice President - adults richard kohn 816.820.0136 rinaner007@gmail.com

treasurer susan Nealy 913.438.7547 heaven2earth@att.net

vice President - Juniors elliott mcDermed 913.579.5727 elliottmcdermed@hotmail.com

secretary kathy loepp 816.420.0421 klo@kc.rr.com

Jodi Gordon 3503 emerald lane st. Joseph, mo 64506 913.967.9925 gordon@movalley.usta.com

COMMITTEE CHAIRS adult tournament brad bicknell 816.505.9144 brad.bicknell@ingenix.com

Diversity ken Dozier 816.305.1007 kdozier@linkcity.org

membership margo cabillonar 816.587.0984 mcabillonar@kc.rr.com

adults 55+over frank Gagnon 913.649.7066 fgagnonlos@hotmail.com

robert madison 913.515.3069 rotisam.madison@gmail.com

Daniel Wellington 203.676.8443 wellingtondwj@aol.com

assistant tennislink coordinator Pat sibenaller 816.822.1276 pat.usta@gmail.com

Grants stephanie cunliff 816.686.2275 stephanie.cunliff@mofb.com

officials bob boulware 913.782.8017 hoaofficial@gmail.com

adults 65+over and 70+over barbara meigs 913.681.3887 bgmeigs@yahoo.com

tennis in the schools sara Deere 816.377.3204 smd22001@yahoo.com

Daytime league Peggy Parrish 913.322.1276 mrsparrish@everestkc.com

Paul yaple 913.897.9469 pvyaple@gmail.com

flex league scott Hanover 816.891.7251 ptcguy@yahoo.com

awards tracey Johnson 913.515.0991 tdjlaw@hotmail.com budget susan Nealy 913.438.7547 heaven2earth@att.net community Development Deborah roith 913.424.9299 littlesade@hotmail.com District outreach George Harris 816.309.3552 georgeh275@aol.com

Grievance bob bates bates-robert@sbcglobal.net Hall of fame scott Hanover 816.891.7251 ptcguy@yahoo.com Jr. team tennis coordinator tracy cooper tennismom@kc.rr.com marketing/Pr ryan kimbrell 816.452.3501 rkimbrell@uscentral.org mike ulm 913.669.0547 mulm@sbcglobal.net

volunteer coordinator Peggy Parrish 913.322.1276 mrsparrish@everestkc.com Webmaster richard Dedor tennis@richarddedor.com adult league terry miller 913.341.8209 ttm10s@aol.com

mixed Doubles 18+over Patty morton pattymort@yahoo.com mixed Doubles 40+over Deborah roith 913.424.9299 littlesade@hotmail.com

2012 FINAL RANKINGS (TOP 20) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

boys 12 - open bradley frye Nam Quoc Pham alexander Downing landon Hover bradley mittleman Noah ryan crist carson kelly Gates Donovan Walsh owen mulcahy blake savidge Jeremy ouyang ashvath Gondesi cooper Wilkinson Nicholas moody Juan Pablo acosta John campbell scott

17 18 19 20

raghav Gupta Garrett lewis Hagen colton edward Hess sawyer Zachary Nickel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

boys 14 - open Justin a. leslie fletcher m. scott thompson Duong tong bradley frye yaswanth mylavarapu Joshua bortnick max c. kurzban Justin t. Nogalski Henry Joseph Goeke carson kelly Gates reagan Walsh

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

matt richard schuetz Nam Quoc Pham michael Paul collin klumb ryan a. moody owen James Dixon alexander Downing brady flanagan marcus John elsey

1 2 3 4 5 6

boys 16 - open John Goodwin march m. Zheng Jack santilli anil Jashwant Patel brooks kendall alex J. koca

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Jack richard evans Jamie foster mcDonald Joe e. o’connor Justin a. leslie Jonathan lowe James lowe taylor robert ficke alexander Paul kartsonis reese a. Goulding thompson Duong tong connor Garrett thomas James irick Nicolas e. riveros Horst franklin Zhong

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

boys 18 - open trey Daniel vinh Quoc Pham march m. Zheng chandler mccray brooks kendall Jake Glazer John Nogalski alex J. koca Zack royle max aaron katcher matthew rodgers mitchell samuelson kevin r. kochersperger Will Welte steven Wirtz taylor robert ficke


HEART OF AMERICA 2012 AWARD WINNERS family of the year tiefel family leawood, kansas

adult recreational Player of the year Paul yaple overland Park, kansas

community service christian boschert leawood, kansas

max katcher overland Park, kansas

outstanding adult tournament National Women’s 65, 75, 85 indoor overland Park, kansas volunteer of the year susan Nealy shawnee mission, kansas outstanding contributor usta league tennis richard kohn overland Park, kansas

Jack santilli christopher frye austin mitchell crist Jackson o’Gorman-bean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 12 - open evelyn chang taylor leslie chloe kuckelman ellie kuckelman sarah ann lounsbury sneha sinha alisa Prinyarux lucy anne kendall cadence lynn megan Demo tristen caskey Gabby lee callie Jo flanagan elizabeth trupp amanda bounds eva kresovic Pranathi Gannavaram maggie shea fielder katie boyd Jacqueline kincaid

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Girls 14 - open alexa N. tiefel margo brooke Gerke yurie Heard kate elizabeth Paulus sarah Wilcox Josephine cao lauren o’brien athena Hartini tran karen yan meghan king lauren elizabeth stubbs kylee Dawn White rebecca falkner Joie beth freirich suzanne lawton brown


Distinguished service bruce baldwin kansas city, missouri

Junior recreational Player of the year Jack santilli Westwood, kansas

outstanding Junior tournament tennis set Junior Novice kansas city, missouri male Junior Player of the year march Zheng leawood, kansas

shawna foreschl adult sportsmanship ryan barrett lawrence, kansas female Junior Player of the year olivia sneed Prairie village, kansas outstanding official bruce baldwin kansas city, missouri

16 17 18 19 20

elsa marin brundige taylor leslie evelyn chang sarah ann lounsbury kelen caskey

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 16 - open morgan steffes melinda sue Johnson olivia sneed tess olivia Herder alena frye yurie Heard katie morgan fries michaela ann Henne katherine cao Grace virginia schaffer Josephine cao alexa N. tiefel stephanie Wilcox aidan Helene epstein alexis czapinski margo brooke Gerke madeleine tadros camryn Parnell adele royle erica chang

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Girls 18 - open kate m. vialle olivia sneed elizabeth barnickel shea e. flanagan tess olivia Herder lauren mabe riley marie Nizzi sara Goodwin katherine louise sims lauren l. Huddlestun carly sutton brydie k. o’connor elizabeth ann Wilcox vilune sestokaite

adult Player of the year Jackie Gehrke kansas city, missouri media excellence bob martin - radio Disney kansas city, missouri

15 16 17 18 19 20

alexis czapinski Jennifer lowe alena frye melinda sue Johnson lauren allison miranda erisman

1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 9 10 11 11 13 14 14 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

boy 12 - challenger blake savidge chase eric mikkelson Garrett lewis Hagen JuanPablo acosta Jack Nels mikkelson owen thomas mulcahy Jeremy ouyang matthew berkley John campbell scott ben burnett Jacob lawrence tilton ashvath Gondesi casey Patrick mcliney connor J. Parrish Daniel Hamilton allen michael verhoeven maxwell Goeke Garrett t. o’brien Nathan turtledove owen Patrick vanderark Patrick barnickel colton Hess raghav Gupta seth allen forstner John michael flannagan logan stevens

1 2 3 4 4 6 7

boys 14 - challenger avery Don cutter crockett sanders blake savidge marcus John elsey ryan a. moody schen liang ong matthew sparks sheridan

8 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 15 15 15 19 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 15 16 17 17 19 20 1 2 3 3 5 6

matthew styslinger tony r. cheng benjamin rohleder alec michel bergeron sean reagan tudas Pranav suppal rafae Pasha reser Hall robert W. Dakan Nicholas claerhout kellan campbell aaron besgrove-Zaun cole conderman boys 16 - challenger michael rohleder marcus John elsey sam Phillips tanner levi ferrell Nate sterns michael michaelis frank Gianni Paris charlie anderson kevin schupbach Paul freeman conner Petty rohit bhagat Jackson Hubble Daniel a. Han Gregor Petakovic Hunter sanders robert mccarthy Walsh caleb book Dustin Wallace Jonathan morton boys 18 - challenger brent Henderson miles stevens travis Hopkins chad stohlmann andrew caldwell austin Douglas bachar

member organization of the year Homestead country club Prairie village, kansas oustanding usta Jr. team tennis organizer tracy cooper Prairie village, kansas Hall of fame inductee sue krizman overland Park, kansas John shaw overland Park, kansas

7 8 8 8 8 8 8 14 15 16 16

sohil bhagat Gary theodore Nichols caul Pearson cole mowrer Jonathan morton andrew artzer Wesley Wilde Dysary Nicholas urban brad kent carr Joshua boehm Nathan morse

1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 12 12 12 16 17 17 17 17

Girls 12 - challenger tristen caskey Pranathi Gannavaram megan Demo Gabby lee kelly Parrish kansas Dreps bentley brianna Walters Hannah tadros issa sullivan Hannah thurlby lilly mcNeill catherine rieke katie boyd alexandra Dodd elizabeth trupp tatum kay trysla emily elaine buck anna Peard lauren olivia fries sarah an Duong

1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8

Girls 14 - challenger aspen kelley Walters Gretchan cooper sara Dorothy Green madeline Doherty caitlin Dodd megan root kelen caskey emily o’Neill


17 18 19 20

stephanie Waterman Junior sportsmanship award yurie Heard kansas city, missouri

facility of the year midtown athletic club overland Park, kansas

visit Heartofamerica.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

outstanding 10 and under tennis organzier anthony Perkins shawnee, kansas

event of the year slammin’ & Jammin’ for Genesis kansas city, missouri



visit Heartofamerica.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo



9 10 11 11 11 14 15 15 17 18 18 20

karen yan Nida ali alexandra rogers cadence lynn melissa Jiang emily anderson mary rielley karsyn lore sara eileen carlsen elizabeth meinzenbach Natalie Grace myers emily katherine lively

1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 13 18 18 19

Girls 16 - challenger mary catherine rielley mackinzie conard carely marie mitus emily roberts karen yan taylor Westrom morgan Zaslavsky claire elizabeth kollars maggie ann brown ciara megan o’reilly laura bartig beta lear kylee Dawn White Joie beth freirich elizabeth West Waugh Nicole ost allison kay finneseth maddie shramek amanda rebori

Girls 18 - challenger 1 stephanie Wilcox 2 lindsay Haight 3 miranda erisman 3 cindy Jiang 5 cindy Xindi Wang 5 alyssa kay chance 7 alison Hagen 7 sydney ruffin 7 taylor marie laures 7 claire Gordon 7 meredith shackelford 7 sydney Jackson 13 kylee Dawn White 13 olivia taylor-butler 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

mens open singles michael-ray Pallares Daniel usieto ryan ashner Nick baker ken veney bobby miller Nick Hays Zack Hicks brandon ambroske michael thomas Paul Province Jeffrey modean adam bales benjamin schraeder cody Pflugradt bradley martin Javier Gomez William Wiseman

1 2 3 4

mens 4.5 singles Jake ohlhausen Joshua Douglass Griffin smith andrew Wagner

5 5 7 8 9 10 10 12 13 13 13 16 17

tom shino todd kaminski Phillip becker Gardner lee bradley martin Javier Gomez John robertson tyler Watson raymond lake terry Jackson kevin arnhold Jeff kren Jeffrey modean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

mens 4.0 singles scott kirsch aaron stout Daniel knox bond marrs Jeff kren David Pendleton Witold rzepnicki mark mills Joseph Jacelone Harrison Hill marco Wong Gary kuzmich scott vester Nate morris michael sullivan John Gaston scott Hanover mitchell bennett calvin morris mark carman

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

mens 3.5 singles John Greving robert madison Joseph snorgrass stephen maxwell bennett comfort christopher ramsey matt shaffer David latzman randall Jensen vlado Gjorgjioski matt Hood ryan barrett aaron stout Doug knox Neal White brad vonada steve baker michael Delong troy caskey brian michael laures

1 2 3

mens 3.0 singles vlado Gjorgjioski charles chappelle Greg tebbenkamp

1 2 3 4

mens 35 singles marco Wong frank Norfleet James Hunter mitchell Derek Dillingham

1 2 3

mens 40 singles Joshua Douglass todd chapple J. eduardo riveros

1 2 3

mens 45 singles ken veney Jeffrey modean stephen Wiles

1 2 3

mens 50 singles brian Dennis Greg tebbenkamp Gardner lee


mens 55 singles Joseph snorgrass


mens 60 singles Howard cloogman

1 2

mens 65 singles raymond lake michael cooper

David Pendleton rod Zimbelman/ lanny Daise 5 James cooke/ scott vester 6 mark carman/Jeff kren 7 Hollis Worthen/ scott vester 8 James cooke/ Jefffrey Harned 9 kevin o’farrell/ed otero 10 randy swearengin/ michael sullivan 11 lonnie boeding/ bond marrs 4

1 2


mens 70 singles John malarky

mens open Doubles Daniel usieto/ J. eduardo riveros 2 michael Wiskirchen/ rick Paul 3 reagan Walsh/ rick Walsh 4 Neil katcher/ max katcher 5 Patrick smith/ ian cunliff 6 ryan cope/ bradley martin 7 todd chapple/ James secrest 8 J. eduardo riveros/ Nick baker 9 frank Norfleet/ brandon ambroske 10 brad Harding/ eric santon 11 ricardo salas/ Jeffrey modean 12 Harsh Gupta/ adam bales

3 4


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3

mens 4.5 Doubles Dave moore/ Jeffrey modean Jake ohlhausen/ Griffin smith thomas verdi/ thomas ohnemus brad Harding/ eric santon Gardner lee/ tim reynolds bryan milberger/ Daneel malherbe brian Harris/ adam ritscher frank Norfleet/ brandon ambroske clark roberts/ brad stivers mens 4.0 Doubles Nathan mooney/ matthew cox ryan monley/ scott Hanover blake thorne/


1 2 3 4 5 6

Womens 4.0 singles cyndi Penyock anneline Hatutale Nova Jamie Politte lindsey Wainscott carla bergman angelica Horst

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Womens 3.5 singles lindsey Wainscott kimberly-rene Giannola kimberly ann Hunt kathy Penka ellen latzman maria Hedrick alice edwards laura marie rowzee stephanie campbell barb Jo Ginavan Priti Patel

1 2

Womens 3.0 singles lori edwards mary ellen sanchez

3 4 5

11 12 13

michelle Dvorak andrea root/ruth knox traci atzenweiler/ kandace terpstra Julie scott/ laura North kathy Helms batrouny/ kristy marie francis marianne Jones / cheryl lady amber Heineman/ mona Palmer amy sullivan/ ann crampton molly toler/ elizabeth kettlewell kathy Helms batrouny/ marcia Jacelone Helen cochran/ cheryl lady lois mckinley/ Helen sherwood

Womens 3.5 Doubles amy Warren/ kay leslie acuff 2 lindsey Wainscott/ susan Geick 3 cynthia Gerdes/ susan mcconkey 4 mary ann luchtel/ sheryl lamkin 5 lindsey Wainscott/ stephanie campbell 6 cynthia Gerdes/ sheryl lamkin 7 robin yaple/ susan Geick 8 lindsey Wainscott/ susan mcconkey 9 cynthia Gerdes/ alice edwards 10 tiffany madison/ tasha evatt 1

Womens open singles kristen stivers michelle Hall Nicole Jara Helena malinakova




1 2 3 4








mens 3.5 Doubles matt shaffer/ stephen Hirtzel matt Hood/ robert madison sean sullivan/ michael Delong ron Hopkins/ steve baker barry vonada/ brad vonada mens 40 Doubles Dave moore/ Jeffrey modean Hollis Worthen/ kim spalding John smith/bond marrs


6 7


1 2 3

mixed open Doubles Nicole Jara/ Deon botha mixed 3.5 Doubles stephen Hirtzel/ kathy Penka ronnie Dyer/ Jennifer Jo snively ellen latzman/ David latzman

Womens 4.0 Doubles kathy Goggin/ mary Daniels Nancy Wilson/ katie shappard christy leslie/lara maple robin rottinghaus/ elizabeth kettlewell lisa thompson/ facebook.com/ustamissourivalley



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President kevin Nebergall 1512 Whitters Way NW cedar rapids, ia 52405 319.364.2928 nebergallkevin@imonmail.com

mark blume 2400 N Dodge st. iowa city, ia 52245 319.400.8857 markblume@mchsi.com

Past President mark Jackson 1604 forest avenue red oak, ia 51556 712.623.3853 rohardware@iowatelecom.net

vice President cindy rasche 808 14th Place camanche, ia 52730 563.259.8669 clrasche@yahoo.com

first vice President brian Dahlstrom Qctc, 1522 47th avenue moline, il 61265 309.762.2400 quadcitytennisclub@mchsi.com

treasurer kelly Drake 813 timber court coralville, ia 52241 319.354.6295 kdrake.tennis@gmail.com

vice President ann carder 1604 forest avenue red oak, ia 51566 712.623.3853 acarder@creighton.edu

secretary bob ryan 2018 cambridge Drive coralville, ia 52241 319.351.2440 raryan@mchsi.com

adult competition mark blume 319.400.8857 markblume@mchsi.com adult leagues Jan koder 13275 ashleaf Drive clive, ia 50325 515.223.3074 home iowa-usta@hotmail.com

Diversity bonnie beechum 808 Harrison street Davenport, ia 52803 563.322.7363 work bbeechum1@aol.com

recreation carole Hoffman Po box 107 audubon, ia 50025 712.563.2243 hoffmancjb@yahoo.com

Grievance cindy rasche 563.259.8669 clrasche@yahoo.com

special Pops/Wheelchair sue Nelson 3607 74th street moline, il 61265 309.738.8774 cell sanelson611@mchsi.com

Hall of fame barb fackel 319.398.5899 nebergallkevin @imonmail.com

awards carol Ward 2036 riverfront court muscatine, ia 52761 563.607.0743 cell cwrd50@gmail.com

Junior competition Jeff benson 15406 tanglewood Drive urbandale, ia 50322 515.326.5908 jbenson@dmgcc.org

collegiate brenton kuchera 3301 cobblestone cir. apt. 2 Waterloo, ia 50701 319.296.5933 bkuchera@cvcatholic.org

marketing kathy anderl Wtc, 3511 18th ave sW cedar rapids, ia 52403 319.396.7060 work ganderl@mchsi.com

community Development barbara fackel 1440 31st avenue rock island, il 61201 309.786.1159 work bjftrain@aol.com

membership ann carder 712.623.3853 acarder@creighton.edu Nominating/Personnel mark Jackson 712.623.3853 rohardware@iowatelecom.net

John terpkosh 1775 Diehl avenue Des moines, iowa 50320 913.967.9926 jterpkosh@movalley.usta.com


COMMITTEE CHAIRS 10 and under tennis brian Dahlstrom 309.762.2400 quadcitytennisclub @mchsi.com


umpires (officials) Donna farley 2279 rice ridge lane Ne North liberty, ia 52317 319.626.6470 home farleys@inav.net


adult league coordinator Jan koder 515.223.3074 home iowa-usta@hotmail.com adults/mixed/seniors cathy linn 4539 amber court bettendorf, ia 52722 563.332.4847 clusta22@yahoo.com Web manager scott Drake 813 timber court coralville, ia 52241 319.354.6295 scottdrake.ita@gmail.com

community service excellence mike cranford bettendorf, iowa Donna farley outstanding official marla frantum adel, iowa

outstanding High school coach chuck schupbach cedar falls, iowa facility of the year birdland tennis complex Des moines, iowa member organization aspen athletic club clive, iowa

Junior female Player of the year alexa butera Johnston, iowa

outstanding Junior tournament southeast iowa slam fairfield, iowa

Junior male Player of the year alex brown urbandale, iowa

outstanding adult tournament baird iowa Jr. open cedar rapids, iowa

adult Player of the year Heather fleming robins, iowa

media excellence award scott unash (kGym radio) cedar rapids, iowa

recreational adult Player of the year Janet messman Waukee, iowa

Distinguished service ron capps cedar rapids, iowa

recreational Junior Player of the year maddie christensen audubon, iowa outstanding contributor to youth Programs iowa city Women volunteers iowa city, iowa outstanding community tennis association Great river tennis association muscatine, iowa

event of the year all star event adaptive tennis Play Day Des moines, iowa President's award mark kuhn charles city, iowa Julie Ghrist rwanda, africa tennis family of the year the Nissen family audubon, iowa




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 14 singles vineel mallavarapu Noah Hunter ridgway Jiung Jung Nicholas fifield sriram sugumaran Parker mclain muller sam Jones Joseph robert Hoff Jarrett benson austin Grossmann chandreshwara morales cole J. schneider ty sherman shaddy khalafallah timothy m. ellis ryan charles smith Joe Drey David James conway connor larry crippes Peyton r. Parker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 16 singles karl W. Wenzel andrew reese mong trent schneider Jiung Jung mac Delsol alexander G. Punj andrew a. ellis chandreshwara morales William Johnson rommy khalafallah christopher fifield Jarrett benson sriram sugumaran vineel mallavarapu solaris r.G. Nite trey van Hemert Noah Hunter ridgway samuel riggins benjamin rhys curley steffen John timmer


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 18 singles alex Qin brady richard anderson brandon J. schneider alex bernt karl W. Wenzel thomas kwanchanok Pitcher David Dileo ryan andrew shomo brennan ashwood chad moklestad trent schneider bryson cale kenneth Goins christopher Habermann Joshua shawn swagler Jack m. benson anthony michael kaiser tim Paulson kyle Paul D’mello Nate Howard

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Girls 12 singles Jamie Zhang Davi rose Patterson bailey Nock olivia fain Peri elise sagun roshni Penmatcha lily samantha feldman lauren couves elizabeth fiepke audrey koch Grace rebecca o’Donnell mackenzie klein

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 14 singles anna rose corell Hannah Jean Humes eren sagun abby reis emma koch madison mccann kelly mitchell king beckett royce finley valentina caro samantha blair brisch Jamie Zhang sara rae Wadle madison l. renner magdalena caro emily J. Nutt kayla Peterson Hannah smigel abbigail Jans maria Wright samantha blair brisch

1 2 3 4 5 6

Girls 16 singles eren sagun Jessica Pedersen megan Jans allison Joan Jasper Davi rose Patterson aubrey Grant

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

eve Diane small brittani kay langland susanna c Gianola meera Prasad elisabeth cathern Parr s kathleen Hutchinson maria burtch kylie DeWees beckett royce finley

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Girls 18 singles eve Diane small mary Hill chloe a. Jefferies alexandra mccarthy kerr michelle vanroekel Payton kintz Dana arp Waterman liz rucker elena marie Wilson rachel faith faircloth marina elizabeth Johnson

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

boys 12 Doubles John Wenzel Jackson Nicholas lucy Joe John schneider Neil vijayram sura kiran marla Will Heath Hutchinson Nick Weyers

boys 14 Doubles 1 vineel mallavarapu 2 sriram sugumaran 3 Joseph robert Hoff

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

boys 16 Doubles rami samir Hemaidan trent schneider shaddy khalafallah rommy khalafallah billy Goins kyle Paul D’mello sriram sugumaran cole J. schneider vineel mallavarapu andrew Jaspers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

boys 18 Doubles kenneth Goins alex Qin thomas kwanchanok Pitcher austin schoeck alex bernt bryson cale karl W. Wenzel Joshua shawn swagler anthony michael kaiser brennan ashwood Nate Howard Joel e.D. Wood Derrick stabler sean meikle mullan kyle Paul D’mello

16 17 18 19 20

roy Ju alexander G. Punj Greg Power andrew besteland brown samuel bailey stickels

Girls 14 Doubles 1 Hannah Jean Humes 2 emily J. Nutt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Girls 16 Doubles beckett royce finley eve Diane small susanna c Gianola aubrey Grant Hannah sherman chloe a. Jefferies lilly Hartman brittani kay langland megan Jans kylie DeWees

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

mens open singles matthew t. tyler alan c. reed Joshua shawn swagler David Joseph bouska timothy James kahl matthew a. mandeville Javier sanchez


mens 4.5 singles chris koehn

1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

mens 4.0 singles chad W. Hansen christopher morphew Jordon chidester tim muller Nicholaus J. Daniel yesu thommandru michael boyer randy W. childers stephen ludovico Jeramy James mcNace

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

mens 3.5 singles Javier sanchez Darren bullard sudhish madhavan aaron White kelly Watson ram srikanth matthew thompson muntasir khan

1 2 3

mens 3.0 singles bill Walsh Panyot Puapanpattana robert ryan trusty


boys 12 singles Neil vijayram sura rami andrew scheetz cameron luhring timothy m. ellis Noah azeem burmeister John Wenzel Jackson Nicholas lucy Nick Weyers samuel shin erick klein shiv Puri Joe John schneider spencer Wakeland alex meyer lance maharry John David Devito kiran marla Jackson eells emilio soliz alex Hinrichs

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

mens 35 singles 1 robert c. armbrust 2 randy W. childers

1 2 3 4

mens 45 singles carl k. Hartman chuck W. lampe David G. Dellos randy W. childers


IOWA 1 2 3 4 4 6

mens 55 singles Warren lock steven yellin James m. moran David edwin irons alan c. reed kevin l. Nebergall


visit ioWa.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

mens 65 singles 1 thomas l. bullinga 2 tom Wickham 3 James s. Determan


1 1 1 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 18

mens open Doubles scott r. stegemann travis J. Horton curtis edward Newman Patrick s. cote matthew t. tyler Damian D. Papish aaron forsberg ryan roeth steven etheridge kelsey James moran Jeffrey c. Damisch Danny Wilson James melvin scranton brady richard anderson steve J. tyler Phillip a. Williams John P. miniter bob m. fuhrman Joseph bowser Daniel bowser blake oetting

1 1 3 4 4 6 7 7 9 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18

mens 4.0 Doubles Nicholaus J. Daniel tim J. White randy W. childers chad W. Hansen Jeramy James mcNace christopher morphew mike J. brocka trey leech keith Grant kenneth Goins Darren bullard Dorian Punj eric Johansen rob edwards eric David branstad kevin lewis burton Dennis mascardo Daniel l. ekstrom anthony J. Gabriele

1 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6

mens 3.5 Doubles Darren bullard abel sanchez kelly Watson matthew thompson Joshua shawn swagler Javier sanchez Gary Gilbert asheesh malpani bernard bialzak charles Notis

1 1 3 3

mens 35 Doubles kenneth Goins christopher morphew robert armbrust James vernon russell

1 2 2 2 5 5

mens 45 Doubles carl k. Hartman Patrick J. Deignan scott Nau Jay Wickham tom leicht richard allebach

1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 9 9

mens 55 Doubles Warren lock richard m. tubbs Philip Pitzen John P. Delorbe Pete sixbey rod sears James D. miller David edwin irons rod otis braun steve J. tyler

1 1 3 3 5

mens 65 Doubles Jerry schubick Paul Dupont tom Wickham robert f. mitchell David D. tammel

Womens open singles 1 Jenna morris 2 alexandra mccarthy kerr 3 eve Diane small Womens 4.0 singles 1 Hope edwards konrad 2 linsay burkart 3 christine amelon

1 2 3 4 5 6

Womens 3.5 singles Jessie Welsh laurie susan moore kim bradfield sheila Goins Dawn allen brianna Joy kennel


Womens 3.0 singles Joan lynn skogstrom

Womens open Doubles 1 molly a. Garber 1 kristine Diehl 3 amie villarini

Womens 35 Doubles 1 m. Julie Westercamp 1 maureen bortscheller 3 Natalie Nemmers

3 3 3 7 8 8 8

Jacqueline Pedersen laura birky eve Diane small Jennifer J. ortega mary l. fiala lin Driscoll lindsay k. Dunkirk

1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 7 10 11 12

Womens 4.0 Doubles Julie k. bruntz carole e. kron tiffany ann earl susan Neff mary linde tricia miller kristen m. Johansen libuse brachova Janet m. Johnson linsay burkart connie vanroekel Dawn allen

1 2 2 2 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 18

Womens 3.5 Doubles lori mascardo amy infelt sara beth mitchell sandra r. Hart kim bradfield ellen e. mulherin amy christine chatham Jessie Welsh melinda Jean boyd Dawn allen sheila Goins kristin J Davis laurel l farrell Joy bachmann kelly bruggeman Janet messman amy m. bemus colleen stone

1 1 1 1 5

Womens 3.0 Doubles barbara sedgley ann mckinstry lisha coffey Willow bauer suzy DeWolf

1 2 3 4 4 4 7 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 15

mixed open Doubles Jennifer Jordan bradfield molly a. Garber mark D. blume allison Davidson motoyama tom Jennings renato motoyama Justin bradfield Phillip a. Williams tiffany ann earl Daniel bowser Joshua Downham emily carol bowser amie villarini chris lueth Jennifer J. ortega

1 1 3 3

mixed 9.0 Doubles Pete sixbey lynette D. brown kristen m. Johansen benjamin J. lehnen

1 2 3 4 4 4 7 8 8 8 11 11 13 13

mixed 8.0 Doubles brandon b. Willett Janet m. Johnson mary elizabeth Neumann ed Hill brooke Zrudsky christopher Wundram tim J. White Jillayne Daughney Pinchuk mark mueller Paula m. sander stephen ludovico michelle Graham michael boyer christine amelon

1 2 3 4 4 6 7

mixed 7.0 Doubles lori mascardo Dennis mascardo arthur khaw laurie teresa mead Jeremy s. mead kim bradfield Neil schmitz

1 1 3 3

mixed 35 Doubles ryan a. flaherty lisa m. flaherty mary l. fiala Doug r. Wenzel




myron Pushyk 1551 N. rock road Wichita, ks 67206 316.634.6111 mpushyk@ genesishealthclubs.com

18+ and 40+ Women’s coordinator

tahnee maples 14223 e North Point Drive Wichita, ks 67230 316.680.7441 tahnem@me.com 18+ and 40+ men’s coordinator Danny Williams 3562 sW summerwood road topeka, ks 66614 785.221.2433 DrW7@aol.com



President bob keeshan 1520 sW stratford road topeka, ks 66604 785.267.0040 ext. 102 bob@sqwblaw.com

first vice President/leagues ron Wherritt 3030 W bluebird Wichita, ks 67204 316.260.8956 ronW117@aol.com

secretary ken brown Po box 708 independence, ks 67301 620.331.4100 work kbrown@indycc.edu

second vice President/Juniors simon Norman 1551 N rock road Wichita, ks 67206 316.634.6111 day snorman@genesishealthclubs.com

treasurer tba


55+ and 65+ men’s coordinator Dennis Patterson box 33 leon, ks 67074 316.573.7170 DPatterson@frontieroil-eld.com 55+ and 65+ Women’s coordinator robbin stafford 1231 N saint andrews Drive Wichita, ks 67230 316.733.2446 rastafford@earthlink.net at-large league committee Jeff clark 551 Nims Wichita, ks 67211 316.337.9257 JPclark@wichita.gov

District league coordinator Jason Doll 4229 N ironwood court Wichita, ks 67226 316.214.8923 ustakansas@gmail.com

Diversity & inclusion co-chair ron thompson ront702@yahoo.com Diversity & inclusion co-chair Grady landrum 3033 W 2nd street N Wichita, ks 67203 316.744.3693 Grady.landrum@gmail.com

connie robertson 1974 e. 300 road lecompton, ks 66050 785.887.6730 robertson@movalley.usta.com

finance Greg brown salina, ks 785.826.7630 Gregory.brown@mssb.com Grants bob Warkentine 2144 columbine court salina, ks 67401 785.819.0580 bob.warkentine@kwu.edu mixed league coordinator Diana Holmes 2510 sW chauncey Drive topeka, ks 67230 785.224.4214 Diana@engellawpa.com

officials co-chair John seal 1011 b ohio street Pittsburg, ks 66762 620.778.2289 netjts@yahoo.com officials co-chair J.k. Patel 3706 sW Woodglen street topeka, ks 66611 785.228.2529 Jipatel@wcnoc.com Webmaster Jason rose jlrose@martinpringle.com

visit kaNsas.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

2012 AWARD WINNERS Junior male Player of the year matt becker Goddard, kansas

outstanding contributor usta youth High Performance simon Norman Wichita, kansas

facility of the year independence tennis association independence, kansas

Junior female Player of the year brooke Withrow Wichita, kansas

outstanding Junior tournament segment i sweet 16 Wichita, kansas

tennis family of the year matt conrad family Wichita, kansas

outstanding adult tournament Jayhawk adult open topeka, kansas

media excellence the mercury manhattan, kansas

President’s award George milton emporia, kansas

outstanding contributor usta league Program Danny r. Williams topeka, kansas

adult Player of the year Nick taylor Wichita, kansas outstanding contributor usta youth Programs mcPherson advantage Junior tennis club mcPherson, kansas Distinguished service rick thompson andover, kansas missourivalley.usta.com

member organization of the year Genesis Health club Wichita, kansas

outstanding official Jitesh Patel topeka, kansas

event of the year Wilander on Wheels topeka, kansas recreational adult Player of the year linda lee topeka, kansas recreational Junior Player of the year Wonjoon cho Wichita, kansas outstanding community tennis association topeka tennis association topeka, kansas outstanding usta Jr. team tennis organizer Jack oxler Wichita, kansas

outstanding 10 and under tennis organizer Janie bremyer mcPherson, kansas community service award kristen reith mcPherson, kansas Junior sportsmanship stratton brown (b14) salina, kansas




travis osland (b16) Wichita, kansas ellea ediger (G14) mcPherson, kansas mackenzie Hill (G18) topeka, kansas




visit kaNsas.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

2012 FINAL RANKINGS (TOP 20) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12

boys 12 singles rodney steven Jason Patrick reilly andrew michael klimiuk Daniel Harkin soumi vesali Jarrod michael Nowak Nolan William schrader Pierce klaassen christopher Davis J. W. Johnson Johnny barrett steven evan Joseph kruse

1 2 2 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 10 12 12 12 15 16 17 18 19 19

boys 14 singles Zachary Woods berett oscar Hollis ian lee farris James lawrence michel kerry Dunn seth michael law collin Queal Wonjoon cho adam ford rodney steven lakelin conrad Jason Patrick reilly bodie kolter morris Jamil scott alkhoury bryce easton andrew David snell Daniel James fallis shawn bontrager Nicholas Perry luke van Winter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 9 11 11 13 14 15 15

boys 16 singles samuel eliezer beren matthew Jordan rochat micah Harris logan cayton riley Pauls kingsley anthony treweeke Zachary Woods todd christian rilinger Wonjoon cho kerry Dunn kristopher snyder Joshua sorrin larson samuel David barker isaac Penner eric banning Dylan sione stos

17 18 19 20

christian raftopoulos John thomas stoller kaleb Ward Westin biays

1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 9 9 12 12 14 14 16 17 17

boys 18 singles Payton Hays Nick moyers travis osland austin Davids matthew everett barlow austin michael Jacobs logan bevis Jeffrey michel brandon lee Williams Joshua carlgren matthew Zemanick Griffin koupal benjamin Davidson Nicholas scott Wherritt Jenson tyler kingsley marccus Pyles matthew William murray braden michael baker

1 1

boys 16 Doubles kyle Doerksen blake brunner

boys 18 Doubles 1 travis osland 1 reid osborn 1 matthew William murray 4 austin Davids 4 marccus Pyles 6 Griffin koupal 7 Jeremy selley 8 brandon lee Williams 9 micah Harris 10 cameron Waters 10 Nathan osborn 10 trey robert flair

1 2 3 4

Girls 12 singles brayden lee steven emma marie Queen riley Paige ruffin lauren conrad

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 13 14 14 16 17 18 18

Girls 14 singles claire calvert ellea marie ediger Hannah osland colby fugit morgan bergen cathy lei mackenzie Hughes maddie marie thrasher madison lynn Hearne katelyn ann Hageman macy moyers abigail Decker rachel linn ivers ashley sherrow brittany mcbride carmen mindt morgan Holopirek robyn Nicole fritze addyson rae maples

1 2 3 4 4 6 7 7 7 10 11 11 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20

Girls 16 singles Jaya maria mantovani Heidi klaassen Gwyneth schuler morgan bergen morgan Hughes Hannah Hills camry Holle emily ann ediger ellea marie ediger katie Hurocy emily brooke ramsey cara anderson allie Whiting lindwall rebecca ann king caitlyn ann White morgan francis taylor swartzendruber mac rene thrasher katie carol Nussbaum ashley fonger kelsey Joann Jump

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Girls 18 singles amy fugit sydney mikael shields Hannah carlgren Heidi klaassen brenda cecilia sanchez emily ann ediger amber Zimmerman Jessica vanranken

1 1 1 4 4

Girls 14 Doubles ellea marie ediger rachel linn ivers morgan bergen allie Whiting lindwall carmen mindt

1 2 3 3 5 5

Girls 16 Doubles morgan bergen katie carol Nussbaum emily brooke ramsey allie Whiting lindwall Hannah osland claire cervantes

1 2 3 4 5

Girls 18 Doubles irene Nicolae Hannah carlgren ally burr Janelle Headrick courtney saia

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

mens open singles matt David becker miles medaris luis fernandez brandon lee Williams austin Davids brad bietau Jeffrey allen Wherritt andrew Davids ben mccouch

1 2 3 4 5

mens 4.5 singles Danny Williams Jesse sherer cameron Prichard ben moore eric sparks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

mens 4.0 singles larry armstrong David barkes randy allen martin Javier Gutierrez mark moran trevor Joe adams radu teodorescu steven younger


mens 3.5 singles chris chaney

1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8

mens open Doubles brad bietau Phillip Jelinek alberto Gonzalez matt David becker Doug moyer Paul Darrough rod becker luis fernandez

1 2 3 4 4

Womens open singles Hannah Hills sydney mikael shields lexis linn Hibbs rachael Hageman ashley suhr

1 2 3 3 5 5

Womens 4.0 Doubles Joann lind yu Welch rebeka boydston margo stewart valerie Holmes sarah craig cox

1 1 3 3

Womens 3.0 Doubles Jodi Gee Gayle shaw carol ann tenpenny Joan silovski

1 1

mixed open Doubles Danny Williams valerie Holmes

for complete junior and adult rankings rules, visit the kansas District website at kansas.usta.com 52


KANSAS 2013 RULES adult rankings rules 1. Player must be a resident of the state of kansas, a member of an armed forces family stationed in kansas, a non-citizen holding a green-card, or a student who attends a kansas school and maintains a kansas district residence on their usta membership. 2. Players must present a current usta membership card, or new membership proof, prior to entry into kansas district sanctioned tournaments. 3. the usta computer ranking system of points per round reached is used by the kansas District for ranking procedures. this system allows for additional ranking points to be awarded for more participation by a player, as well as for participation in heavier weighted tournaments.

7. Players must have a minimum of one win in the event they wish to be considered in for a ranking. the best four results from kansas district tournaments will be used for kansas district adult tournament rankings. 8. if a player is NtrP rated, they may not participate or be ranked in a level lower than their NtrP rating. 9. if a player enters a tournament but finds they will not be able to participate, they must notify the tournament director at least one day prior to tournament start. Without notification, a no-show will not count positively towards the requirement of participation for rankings. 10. any discrepancies involving rankings will be handled by the ranking committee.

5. to be ranked in singles, players must play a minimum of two (2) tournaments sanctioned by the kansas district. Junior rankings rules 1. to receive a kansas district junior singles ranking a player must compete in at least three (3) sanctioned district tournaments in the same age-group in the calendar year to be ranked in that age-group. 2. to receive a kansas district junior doubles ranking a player must compete in at least two (2) sanctioned district tournaments in the same age-group in the calendar year to be ranked in that age-group.



Out? Become a USTA Tennis Official

We Need Officials! Do you enjoy tennis? Do you have sharp vision and the ability to concentrate? Do you have good communication skills?

Where Can I Officiate? Junior and Adult Tournaments State High School Championships District and Section Events Collegiate Matches

Are you interested in giving back to tennis some of what it has given you?

National Championships

Have you considered becoming a tennis official?

Challenger Series

What Does an Official Do? While serving as a referee, chair umpire, rover or line umpire, a tennis official makes sure that a tennis match is conducted under the fairest possible conditions.

How do I become an Official?

To get started as a USTA official you must: be an active USTA member, have corrected 20/20 vision and pass a written rules test.


Future Series Tour Level Events Over 8,000 Tournaments Throughout the Country

For More Information


We need trained, certified umpires and referees for tournaments and college matches across the Missouri Valley. We offer the training to get you started in a rewarding and exciting part of the game-tennis officiating. Accept the challenge, you’ll be glad you did.

visit kaNsas.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

4. the ranking committee will determine which tournaments will be weighted heavier for ranking purposes. additional points will be awarded for participation in one of these tournaments: mid-continent open and the topeka Jayhawk open.

6. to be ranked in doubles, players must play at least two (2) tournaments sanctioned by the kansas district with the same partner.

If you are interested in becoming an official for the USTA, please either e-mail the USTA Missouri Valley Officials Chair, Verne Weber at vaweber10s@aol.com, or call us at (888) 368-8612. For further information, visit us online at missourivalley.usta.com and click on Officials




visit missouri.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo


President linda Peters marianella Padron 2331 e. Pythian 1227 N. range line road springfield, mo 65802 Joplin, mo 64801 417.837.5826 day 417.206.0202 day 417.837.5804 fax 417.206.8907 fax lpmotennis@mediacombb.net marianellapadron@hotmail.com

first vice President amanda smith 2331 e. Pythian springfield, mo 65802 417.837.5800 day asmith@springfieldmo.gov

District league coordinator, volunteer coordinator & Webmaster linda Peters 417.837.5826 day lpmotennis@mediacombb.net Joplin league coordinator susan richards sm1023richards@gmail.com

Junior competition larry Haugness 417.837.5800 day lhaugness@springfieldmo.gov District assistant chair official & springfield league coordinator steve Webb sWebb@springfieldmo.gov

springfield league coordinator Huong Doan HDoan@primeinc.com umpires cindy baine 1010 s. florida Joplin, mo 64801 tennismenace@cbaine.com

2012 FINAL RANKINGS (TOP 20) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

boys 12 singles kamran farid finn Wartick reid Jarvis matthew tharakan Garret lewis evan acosta Noah Winton matthew Zengel Nathan Herting tate mahnken cyril Dela rosa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

boys 14 singles brian baker Hayden fulk Jason Nayer Noah Dela rosa michael Nacy Garrett Howard reid Jarvis tucker ethridge Jack Gold alec Jarvis tyler acosta John swift Jackson mach boys 16 singles Jacob Winton clint Jung ian Pohl Jadyn cearnal tucker ethridge

6 Nathan Horvit 7 samuel Willcoxon 8 Derek young

2 eleanor fay 3 anna tharakan

boys 18 singles 1 James majors 2 William swift 3 richard Perry 4 thomas uhl

1 2 3 4 5

boys 12 Doubles 1 matthew tharakan 2 kamran farid 3 finn Wartick 4 Noah Winton

Girls 16 singles 1 sydney attebery 2 tess lovig 3 amanda schmidt 4 cielo Dela rosa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

boys 14 Doubles tucker ethridge Hayden fulk John swift michael Nacy Noah Dela rosa reid Jarvis tyler acosta evan acosta

boys 16 Doubles 1 ian Pohl 2 David clausen boys 18 Doubles 1 James majors 2 William swift 1

Girls 12 singles corinne farid


treasurer Donna ryan Jackson, mo 63755 djryan10s@att.net secretary susan Provance 2331 e. Pythian springfield, mo 65802 417.837.5800 day sprovance@springfieldmo.gov

second vice President ray Perry aurora, mo 65605 eldop@centurytel.net


1 2 3 4 5


immediate Past President larry Haugness 2331 e. Pythian springfield, mo 65802 417.837.5800 day 417.837.5804 fax lhaugness@springfieldmo.gov

1 2 3 4 1

Girls 14 singles Hannah Pohl emily kroutil ellie Grace kayser alexys carroll emma ethridge

Girls 18 singles maddy kayser sophi farid abbey belote allison baker Girls 12 Doubles corinne farid

Girls 14 Doubles 1 Hannah Pohl 2 emily kroutil 3 emma ethridge 4 ellie Grace kayser 1

Girls 16 Doubles sydney attebery

Girls 18 Doubles 1 sophi farid 2 maddy kayser

scott Howes 6400 West 95th st., ste 102 overland Park, ks 66212 913.967.9930 cell 913.322.4821 direct howes@movalley.usta.com

2012 AWARD WINNERS male Junior Player of the year micah klousia springfield, missouri

Junior sportsmanship awards boys 10 alex shunyakov springfield, missouri

female Junior Player of the year Jacqueline engelbrecht Joplin, missouri

bradley Neil carthage, missouri

oustanding contributors to usta youth tennis scott maples (knob Noster) rhonda kaissi (columbia)

boys 12 evan acosta Dillion turner springfield, missouri

outstanding officials steve Webb amanda smith springfield, missouri

boys 14 tucker ethridge (rogersville) michael Nacy (springfield) boys 16 clint Jung springfield, missouri

families of the year shirley and ferguson feemster family springfield, missouri the Jay engelbrecht family Joplin, missouri event of the year tennis Day in Joplin millennium tennis & fitness club, Joplin athletic tennis complex, missouri southern state university volunteers of the year Huong Doan & melissa Hartin (springfield) susan richards (Joplin) media excellence the Joplin Globe

boys 18 billy swift columbia, missouri Girls 10 amanda acosta springfield, missouri Girls 12 caroline Holman carthage, missouri ansantae Haanstad springfield, missouri Girls 14 emma ethridge rogersville, missouri Girls 16 Phoebe boeschen columbia, missouri





v ouri


2013 JUNIOR RULES siNGles/Doubles: the usta missouri valley missouri district encourages junior players to use the following guidelines in order to receive an annual singles and an annual doubles district ranking (determined by the tennislink ranking system). 1. be domiciled within the usta missouri valley missouri district. 2. Hold current usta membership. 3. must enter the age division for which player wants to be ranked. you are eligible to play in your age division until the month you age up (your birthday month).

for example: if you are twelve years old and have a birthday in June, you must play in the 14s Division entering any tournament in the month of June. you may elect to play in an older age division before you are required to. 4. to receive a usta missouri district ranking, a player must play three usta missouri district sanctioned tournaments or two (2) usta missouri district tournaments and compete in one usta missouri valley section team event either representing the missouri district or “filling in” for another district within the age group for which the player is attempting to receive a ranking in a calendar year. in the event that you are unable to compete in a usta missouri valley section team event, the usta missouri valley summer section tournament may be used as the third tournament towards your annual usta missouri District ranking. 5. Will be penalized if he or she withdraws from a tournament after the draw has been made, for any reason, except illness, injury, or death in family. the usta missouri valley section suspension Point system will be in effect at sanctioned tournaments. 6. for all usta missouri district sanctioned tournaments a player is eligible to play in only one age division in a tournament even if that tournament is held on different dates and sites. for example, the missouri District segment ii endorsement tournament will be played at 3 different sites on three different dates with each one providing different age divisions. a player must choose the age division they want to compete in and may only play in that one division.


ersville) gfield)

7. the 2013 usta missouri valley rules and regulations as well as the 2013 rules and regulations set forth in the friend at court will apply. 8. endorsement tournaments scoring shall be the best of three sets with a 10-point tiebreak in lieu of the third set. 9. 10 and under Divisions. the itf and usta have mandated the use of the red, orange, and green ball for tournaments/events. there are however no national or section rankings for players 10 and under. these players are in the learning how to play and enjoyment stage of the game. using age/skill appropriate equipment allows them to learn the entire game as quickly as possible. for other scoring options and information please refer to the 2013 friend at court pages 132-140. a) Green tournaments (12 yrs and over beginners) • court – the court shall be a 78-foot court. • ball – stage 1 (green ball). • racket – there are no restrictions. • scoring – the scoring shall be the best of three sets with a 10-point tiebreak in lieu of the third or the same as orange ball play. b) orange tournaments • court – 60 x 21-foot court. • ball – stage 2 (orange ball). • racquet length may not exceed 25 inches. • scoring – the scoring shall be the best of three short sets with a 7-point tiebreak in lieu of the third. c) red tournaments • court-36 x 18 court • ball-stage 3 (red or foam ball) • racquet length may not exceed 23 inches • scoring- play the best two out of three games. each game shall consist of a 7-point tiebreak.

for usta missouri district tournament information, please visit missouri.usta.com and select tournaments.

visit missouri.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

102 12





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President troy saulsbury 2014 W. 37th street kearney, Ne 68845 308.338.0911 night troysulz@frontiernet.net

President-elect kevin Heim 401 south 33rd street lincoln, Ne 68510 402.441.7095 kevin@woodstenniscenter.com

secretary mike Willman 1425 West 9th street fremont, Ne 68025 402.727.9048 night 402.720.3864 day mikewllmn@aol.com treasurer charlie campbell 6 eastridge avenue york, Ne 68467 402.362.4558 campbell@alltel.net

vice President Dan bratetic 8137 south 101st street la vista, Ne 68128 402.699.7487 dbratetic@gmail.com


kara Heim 2948 Wendover avenue lincoln, Ne 68502 913.967.9452 heim@movalley.usta.com

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Grievance bruce vosburg 615 North 65th street omaha, Ne 68132 402.342.1000 day bvosburg@fittslaw.com

officials tammy sanderfer 9030 turnberry circle lincoln, Ne 68526 402.486.1036 tJsanderfer@aol.com

adult competition ron betts 16558 adams street omaha, Ne 68135 402.598.0487 rbetts4@cox.net

Hall of fame verne Weber 902 Hackberry ct. #2411 bellevue, Ne 68005 402.682.5862 day vaweber10s@aol.com

Parks & recreation carol Hodges 12432 Ponca road omaha, Ne 68112 402.453.7701 cbhodges444@gmail.com

awards committee verne Weber 402.682.5862 day vaweber10s@aol.com

Junior competition open

tournament Jeff schoch 1112 West keating Drive lincoln, Ne 68521 402.730.1845 day twelvetoes@gmail.com

collegiate kevin Heim 402.441.7095 kevin@woodstenniscenter.com community Development Dan bratetic 402.699.7487 dbratetic@gmail.com Diversity Jane Hines 402.522.6310 janehines@gmail.com

Junior recreation ben Wigert 7428 Potter street omaha, Ne 68122 402.590.7393 bgwigert615@yahoo.com league coordinator Jennifer allison 904 Hackberry court, #2401 bellevue, Ne 68005 402.218.6255 jallison31@netzero.net membership committee open Nominating Jane Hines 402.522.6310 janehines@gmail.com


curt smith 3109 calvert street lincoln, Ne 68502 402.326.3484 day curtten@gmail.com


10 and under tennis talor Wain 401 south 33rd street lincoln, Ne 68510 402.875.3403 tj_wain@hotmail.com

visit Nebraska.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

steve Hossack 14936 shirley street omaha, Ne 68144 402.697.8786 sehossack@cox.net

immediate Past President Jane Hines 510 s. 157th circle omaha, Ne 68118 402.522.6310 janehines@gmail.com

Website steve Hossack 402.697.8786 sehossack@cox.net Jane Hines 402.522.6310 janehines@gmail.com




visit Nebraska.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

2012 FINAL RANKINGS (TOP 20) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

boys 12 singles connor P. vandewege samuel lincoln faulk brett thomas slezak Gabriel Diaz William alexander everett Zachary Weber Jack bergmeyer Will mcallister Gleason tristan Proulx-morin mason alexander meier andre robert mccoy Nick r. o’shea Graham, r. Hedstrom Jonathan timm fink Zachary Z. kuo Joe Harris

1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18

boys 14 singles Will mcallister Gleason Pierce c. lam Jacob Weber Grant Hubbard benjamin robert faulk sam ortgies Jackson William mcNair christopher l. moore Hank Harold massey max vernon Prochaska andrew thomas bristol ben stuart Drew Hedstrom mason eugene Williams Haydn richard muir Jack bruning mark richard endacott ben Harris

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 16 singles Jonathan merrick meyer max H. ferguson Justin brinkman alex Heywood ben termaat arcane Haxe boles cameron spurrier Jaron ahmann Dillon thomas ketcham matt karnes christian Hedstrom raymond c. thai matt reynoldson Jackson William mcNair alex Woodward tyler Grove bryce G. medhi Nicholas a. tran kipper lucas marsh reis Dylan Pieper

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


boys 18 singles matthew a. case Jordan Nash michael koch trent Gardner andrew Plamann Daniel Pacheco ceballos Philip Wier

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

max W. cuppens tyler Grove matthew Hilfiker luke strawhecker Nick G. Wimmer ben termaat sean-michael ruppert

boys 12 Doubles 1 William alexander everett 2 Jack bergmeyer 3 tristan Proulx-morin 4 mason alexander meier 5 brett thomas slezak 6 samuel lincoln faulk 6 Will mcallister Gleason 8 Gabriel Diaz 9 Nick r. o’shea 10 Jonathan timm fink 11 cameron michael tran

1 1 3 4 5 6 7

boys 14 Doubles Grant Hubbard Haydn richard muir Drew Hedstrom connor P. vandewege raymond c. thai sam ortgies andrew thomas bristol

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

boys 16 Doubles max H. ferguson christian Hedstrom Justin brinkman cameron spurrier ben termaat raymond c. thai Nicholas a. tran

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

boys 18 Doubles matthew a. case Jordan Nash max W. cuppens Nikita fomichev andrew Plamann ben termaat Nick G. Wimmer

1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19

Girls 12 singles Julia m. king madison marie kiani sarah Weber katherine anne krueger fidan ibrahimova isabella Diaz Hannah e. raymond samantha marie mannix brianna liu kristal kuo chloe Dworak bianca Dean anne kathryn Wiltfong bianca rademacher Jane elizabeth krueger morgan sara eby mary clarice faulk alexis m. rouse abbigail b. rouse

1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 9 10 11 12 13

Girls 14 singles claire elise Neil samantha marie mannix Hannah e. raymond lexi N. Jensen lizzie mcclure olivia Grace faulk spencer Grace roach clare crockett isabella Diaz olivia marie miller morgan G. crockett fidan ibrahimova alexandra mccashland

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Girls 16 singles teresa Hutnick kaiser lauren caroline bruning Jenna Hope krager elizabeth Jean rentfro madilyn a. Pickering madison eckstrom Hannah marie everett anna m. rouw ashlyn N. saeger Jessamyn Proulx-morin sydney Harlow Holly cope anna marie tussing elizabeth ann tyler

1 2 3 4 4 6

Girls 18 singles kaley clark emma t. schelble emma caroline Neil katherine e. Nelsen Jamison kaylene linscott katie carlson

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Girls 12 Doubles samantha marie mannix Hannah e. raymond madison marie kiani Julie m. king bianca Dean fidan ibrahimova kristal kuo isabella Diaz brianna liu

1 2 2 4 4

Girls 14 Doubles spencer Grace roach morgan G. crockett clare crockett morgan sara eby erin kruger

1 1 3 3 5 6 6 8 9 9 11 12 12 14 14 16 16

Girls 16 Doubles Jenna Hope krager marissa elise calabro Grace marie rapp taytem chapman lauren caroline bruning kaitlin marie fosler madison alaina lockhorn emma caroline Neil anna marie tussing ashlyn N. saeger Jamie lynn Healy Phoebe N. Placzek Holly cope elizabeth ann tyler kathryn m.J. shehan kaitlin cech Hailey Janine bird

1 2

Girls 18 Doubles maddison mcconnaughhay Danielle amy kostal

1 2 3 4 5

mens open singles Noel Hoig august b. Hogan colby Hoshor carl moseley Daniel ryan lightner

1 2 3

mens 4.5 singles Jerry brocky Greg Hepfner tracy Wright

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

mens 4.0 singles rick a. Hansen mark Jackson trevor Davis brian a. richmeier brad e. miller mike Day michael J. Pivovar ryan P. kellogg Daniel ryan lightner

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7

mens 3.5 singles robert mcGovern kirk marvin bratka michael martin mike Day ben katt scott Hagewood Jerry a. Pivovar Duane William lantz

1 2 3 3 3

mens open Doubles marcus W. Hansen eric r. mcknight Joseph Wier erick ryan anderson Philip Wier

1 1 3 3 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12

mens 4.0 Doubles brian Joe kounovsky Jonathan Daniel Holtz Joseph lopez-Wilson mark Jackson brett lieske Paul rios ryan P. kellogg andrew abe brian allan mark Dana J. mark Jonathan Jameson thomas m. andrews rodney owen spencer mark ciriaco

1 2

Womens open singles Jacqueline baude Diana i. Dobey


Womens 4.0 singles Jacquie l. Dierks

1 2 3

Womens 3.5 singles stehpanie theis shannon brinkman Jennifer Piatt


Womens 3.0 singles tracy D. menten

1 2

Womens open Doubles Jessica m. koraleski alexandra G. schelble


Womens 4.0 Doubles mary seyler

1 2

mixed open Doubles Jennifer allison Noel Hoig


mixed 8.0 Doubles Joni s. Woodruff

1 1

mixed 7.0 Doubles stephanie theis ben katt


2012 AWARD WINNERS 10 and under tennis Provider talor Wain lincoln, Nebraska adult Player of the year ron betts omaha, Nebraska adult recreational Player karla cassels omaha, Nebraska community service excellence kevin Heim lincoln, Nebraska Distinguished service bo Dowling lincoln, Nebraska event of the year tennis Day in omaha omaha, Nebraska

media excellence ron Powell lincoln Journal star lincoln, Nebraska outstanding adult/senior tournament omaha baird NtrP adult open omaha, Nebraska Junior tournament of the year kearney Junior open kearney, Nebraska outstanding contributor usta league tennis Jon keller lincoln, Nebraska outstanding contributor to usta tennis youth Programs troy saulsbury kearney, Nebraska

facility of the year (large) Woods tennis center lincoln, Nebraska

Junior team tennis organizer ron bender Grand island, Nebraska

Junior female Player of the year katherine Nelson omaha, Nebraska

outstanding High school coach tim tibball lincoln, Nebraska

Junior male Player of the year David liu omaha, Nebraska

outstanding cta omaha tennis association omaha, Nebraska

Junior recreational Player Jared mattley kearney, Nebraska

outstanding recreational tournament omaha city championships & family Doubles omaha, Nebraska


No. 2 Doubles - max cuppens/ Nick Wimmer lincoln southeast

tennis family of the year tom tipton family lincoln, Nebraska

Nebraska class b High school Girls state champions 2012 team title - omaha skutt catholic

Website of the year Nebraska tennis association

No. 1 singles - Hylan miller elkhorn south

Hall of fame inductee chris foster omaha, Nebraska

No. 2 singles - addie litterick beatrice

Nebraska class a High school Girls state champions 2012 team title - omaha Westside No. 1 singles - katherine Nelsen omaha marian No. 2 singles - Dylan Harlow omaha Westside No. 1 Doubles - mckinney Harwood/ andrea kinnerk omaha Westside No. 2 Doubles - lauren Works/ sharah Hove lincoln southwest Nebraska class a High school boys state champions 2012 team title - omaha creighton Prep No. 1 singles - David liu millard North

No. 1 Doubles - emilee Johnson/ stephanie kaiser omaha skutt catholic No. 2 Doubles - bianca lowe/ lauren camenzind omaha skutt catholic Nebraska class b High school boys state champions 2012 team title - elkhorn south No. 1 singles - Nikita fomichev elkhorn south No. 2 singles - Zahler Zandt elkhorn south No. 1 Doubles - Jared karlson/ Walker Hohensee Holdrege No. 2 Doubles - alex carlson/ tanner Hill-bloyd lincoln christian

No. 2 singles - bobby curry lincoln southeast No. 1 Doubles - michael koch/ Nikolaos Piperis omaha creighton Prep


facility of the year (small) Pawnee Park columbus, Nebraska

outstanding contributor to youth High Performance Program ed Hubbs omaha, Nebraska

outstanding usta official sharon ongert elkhorn, Nebraska

visit Nebraska.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo






• Co-ed, socially competitive play • Local, regional and national competition levels • USTA Missouri Valley Campus Cup For more information, contact the section office at (913) 322-4800!



immediate Past President bill Nelson 580.332.8043 home 580.320.4700 cell skunny31@hotmail.com

vice President - Juniors martin brody 918.494.5874 home 918.728.9339 cell martinebrody@yahoo.com

treasurer billy little 405.323.0304 cell tennisbilly@gmail.com

secretary lisa k. Gragg 405.247.9876 work 405.933.1492 cell anadarkoadulted@ yahoo.com

President lisa minihan 405.366.8859 work vice President - adults lisa.m.minihan@ steve Henry gmail.com 405.226.1722 cell 405.946.2739 work okctenniscenter@att.net

QUADRANT REPRESENTATIVES NW Quadrant bill towler (oklahoma city) 405.590.5260 billtowler@visi-health.com

COMMITTEE CHAIRS adult competition steve Henry 405.946.2739 work okctenniscenter@att.net awards sherry sakoski 405.360.1560 home dsakoski@cox.net

sW Quadrant brian sasser (lawton) 580.704.7875 cell briansasser85@aol.com

collegiate marc claude 405.366.8859 work 405.640.9638 cell marcaclaude@gmail.com community Development vickie Gorton 214.676.1803 vgorton@gmail.com

Grants lisa Gragg 405.247.9876 work anadarkoadulted @yahoo.com Hall of fame francis baxter 405.341.0602 home 405.919.1298 cell francisbaxter@cox.net Junior competition martin brody 918.728.9339 cell martinebrody@yahoo.com

usta District league coordinator Jose falcon 918.357.1561 home 918.629.5782 cell tulsausta@gmail.com membership vickie Gorton 214.676.1803 vgorton@gmail.com Nominating bill Nelson 580.320.4700 cell skunny31@hotmail.com sanctions & scheduling bill riggan 405.329.1994 home 405.650.6076 cell wmriggan@aol.com umpires francis baxter 405.341.0602 home 405.919.1298 cell francisbaxter@cox.net

2012 FINAL RANKINGS (TOP 20) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Girls 12 satellite emily Nelson lauren Houston berry erika vanDoren Nicole merrill issabella Pensavalle marissa teter kate miley madison Galbraith katherine Hubner regan Hayworth


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Grace yoon Houston Jennings reagan miley kalley Jo smith mckenzie miley kalynn schwandt Zoe Hammond Harper rutz amulya Devasamudram mei yan Zhang

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

boys 12 satellite michael Wagman Haley benjamin castleberry austin sonne Gabriel augusto da silva Prado

Will Pellegrini lukas elmborg William redman conner Wood alex Han Daniel Wilkins Haley

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

aiden robinson ishan Pasricha ashwin chandrasekar luke Graham Parker conway blake vanDoren eric abbott brendan kiely ryan cherry lucas martin

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Girls 14 satellite molly morgan emily killough brookelyn acuna Natalie evans mackenzie mccuan ashley spears reagan miley maria fernanda vergara kaylee mach Hannah Herrold


se Quadrant skip Griese (ada) 580.332.3400 home 580.310.7260 (x 8118) work griese@cableone.net grieses@adapss.com

Diversity Darrell alfred 405.752.0256 home 405.740.2383 cell dalfred4@cox.net General counsel/ Grievance charles laster 405.273.2910 home charlielaster @sbcglobal.net

budget & finance billy little 405.323.0304 cell tennisbilly@gmail.com

Ne Quadrant shari singleton (tulsa) 918.706.6927 oreomakes3@gmail.com

laura Puryear 2100 Pine view terrace edmond, ok 73003 913.967.9147 puryear@movalley.usta.com

visit oklaHoma.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

David urich 918.269.3065 ustaoklahoma@ gmail.com





visit oklaHoma.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


victoria rose Peters mccall DeQuasie Haylee klima melody Holcomb emily ornelas mckenzie miley valentina ricaurte-cabas Gianna martucci-fink sarah Post lauryn Davis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 14 satellite scott Hjelm Declan kiely andrew Webber brooks koenig christian Demaio levi chasteen Preston Gray alexander tyrrell alex Webber mark oliver logan rogers David Hoffman luke Hamar blake Dempewolf braden merrill Gavin Hannagan Greg valdez adam Ward Parker canada William Garner

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 16 satellite bailey simon maranda leggs audrey thomas elizabeth ray courtney coston lauren Hjelm Parker tidwell isabella roy lindsay Harrison cassidi Gooch michaela Gulasy kathryn Dyer Gianna martucci-fink valentina ricaurte-cabas sonali Demla kaitlyn Gulasy emma Hills kristyn schein brittany ann calhoun Zoee Zuerker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

boys 16 satellite blake Graham tyler Hallett blake young Nicholas Patchen austin Wingfield Nick bryant Jacob roush connor angleton Will booker Jesse roy michael Nhin ryan Warren

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Hunter Gomez matthew tyndall chance Nichols stephen Doidge Josh callaway Nathan kuykendall malik yaser taleb conner Geist

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

boys 18 satellite alan tran skyler yock Jeremy Pelotte clark Watson charles sturdivan andrew Wilmes Jonathon tolle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5

boys 10 kyler melton Jesper ohlson reid rainwater JD robertson cristian Pensavalle rohan shrestha Joseph edwards vipulan sritharan brennen berry landon Hill owen cantrell karson melton Hunter Henry ashwin chandrasekar luke thomas Will Pellegrini slater miller Nathaniel ross brett keeling William miller boys 12 Wes robertson Gabriel Willbourn monif Habib William kaiser conner Wood Daniel Wilkins Haley luke switzer alexander richards Dominic roman aaron brewer Jake Golightly William redman Jacob switzer michael Wagman Haley Jimmy Huy ma Gavin Hannagan carson blevins Graydon lair Jackson atherton clayton Hughes boys 14 caleb belden rhett rollins trey Huelskamp anthony Ducote Darryl roman

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

sam atkinson Nathan Han Jacob Willing Grant Griffin seth fitter Henry Zeiders Juntong lai William reynolds aaron canfield Jack kaiser James li ben courtney Jesse Hanska brock buchanan Jake Golightly boys 16 micah cash craig mays mccann bell matt Nicolo austin Hoose Jacob Plant tate atkinson Joseph romano seth moore blake langston cameron austin Nick funches blake crawford travis christensen Jordan Dotson John Zerby timothy fischer marko tardio brody swan Daniel langston boys 18 bradley Gleason riley Hale connor finerty mason bridegan sam Wert John tasker Joseph Davenport Grant bond Joshua Noel chase Gordon steven Wolfe Jacob Gillespie andrew ahshapanek austin canfield Pierce bryant matthew taber bryan lilley samuel Gray kenneth boykin blake crawford Girls 10 Zoe Hammond issabella Pensavalle Genesis franks Houston Jennings Julia spaulding lauren Heathcock Gracie epps

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

annika schoenhofer tia Habib Peyton mccuan Grace Holliman annalisa avdeyeva Harper rutz sofia ohlson ana boggs khorey shirley ashleigh lindstrom klara blumenthal breanna lewis allison Heathcock Girls 12 Grace Griggs Jenna Noel mary kate streller andie rae Williams reagan miley sarah katherine reilly macey lynn miller vanessa ong alyssa Nicole Zayat lora boggs lauren Harvey emily Johnston lindsay Perkins isabella Dunlap madeline cameron elizabeth smith ashley mabrey chloe Golightly Natalie evans Natalia ada Jabrzemski

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 14 mallory brookover shaun Williams vanessa ong kimmie koors Zoe Gray Nina Jabrzemski Jenna Noel erin epperson samantha court kenzie rains katelyn blumenthal savannah blasi skyler miller Jeryn Jack mia Goulart kinley Quillen victoria Dill kinsey fields valentina ricaurte-cabas asha Hamaker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Girls 16 alix Williams Jordan lee Henry alexis lucas katie conrad Gabrielle Dick caitlin calkins alexandra bowers emily faulkner laura lorenzo

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Jaci brakelle smith rylee tucker erin Holsted Jenny bond maggie marcum mallory brookover lindsay terry Nina Jabrzemski kelsi Williams Jessica craig sarah cameron

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 18 maya Hamaker Peyton Jennings mariah burke miranda Hamilton Nadege Jorda Piper Huey olivia charvat brittany toone alexandra Dick lauren Pickens sarah cameron samantha cassidy morgan coppoc maggie marcum alexis blasi Danielle roberts kathryn camp Dillingham alexandra klingler kaitlin owen maria marcos

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 18 bradley Gleason riley Hale connor finerty mason bridegan sam Wert John tasker Joseph Davenport Grant bond Joshua Noel chase Gordon steven Wolfe Jacob Gillespie andrew ahshapanek austin canfield Pierce bryant matthew taber bryan lilley samuel Gray kenneth boykin blake crawford


OKLAHOMA 2012 AWARD WINNERS facility of the year the Greens country club oklahoma city

oustanding High school coach Doug Hennigan broken arrow

member organization of the year the Greens country club oklahoma city

oustanding 10 and under tennis Provider marc claude´ Norman

family of the year the mark allen family edmond

community service excellence suzanne labelle & the Greens country club oklahoma city

Junior sportsmanship Winners boys 12 alex richards tulsa

Junior tournament of the year summer section championship Norman

mens open singles Jeff sasser John sedlak trent broach bruce maytubby brian sasser chuck Gomes anthony White

outstanding community tennis association oklahoma city tennis association oklahoma city

boys 18 seth moore yukon

outstanding media excellence saxum oklahoma city

Girls 12 vanessa ong oklahoma city

mens 4.5 singles brian sasser Jay berry David linebarger James berry John ulrey ben ramsey anthony White

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

mens 4.0 singles Jeff Harding Dennis morris Hector Hugo Perez Joseph belanger Nick Wolf brent Hall tyler bortmess


2012 Hall of fame inductees ronald c. cox rick lashley r. vance mcspadden Jr. susan russo

Girls 14 Zoe Gray oklahoma city

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

mens 3.5 singles fred ross michael bargas bryon Hanawalt Jason little Jose luis ocque Jake flaniken John Hunter Noe cruz aaron killough colt Parks shawn marler roy ballou rob clark Joe kincaid

1 2 3

mens 4.5 Doubles bryce lilley/Drew burkhart bart ramsey/ben ramsey bill towler/Josiah Daniel

1 2 3

mens 4.0 Doubles todd court/leonard court Paul Wright/ernesto lang brent Hall/Jeff Harding

1 2 3

mens 3.5 Doubles andrew Davenport/brandon clark robert Dailey/vaughn conway David kever/todd marshall


mens 50 singles Dennis morris

1 2

Womens 4.0 singles machelle Wright mary Nhin


mens 55 singles Dennis morris


Womens 3.5 singles kim Plant

1 2 3

mens open Doubles trent broach/stefan Walia cristian easton/Javier easton William Popejoy/randy robinson


Womens 3.0 singles angela Holmberg

1 2 3

Womens 4.0 Doubles andrea tipton/amy kent susan Grubb/Jane kinsinger mary Nhin/anousone Jensen

1 2

Womens 3.5 Doubles victoria sanchez/Dona Zanotti Jennifer Weiss/vickie Gorton


8.0 mixed Doubles Dona Zanotti/tuan Ngoc richmond

1 2 3 4

7.0 mixed Doubles mark shuck/tina shuck sheryl Harding/Jeff Harding robert Dailey/vickie Gorton thanh thanh le/bryon Hanawalt

1 2

mixed open Doubles tim shanahan/christy Greenly mary frates/trent broach


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

male Junior Player of the year sam Wert oklahoma city, oklahoma

boys 14 tanner brown edmond

event of the year one-on-one Doubles fundraiser Willow creek Golf & country club oklahoma city

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

female Junior Player of the year sarah bowen oklahoma city, oklahoma

visit oklaHoma.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

outstanding adult/senior tournament 7th annual “tournament of Hope” oklahoma city

Junior recreation Player of the year blake crawford oklahoma city, oklahoma

outstanding official Dean richardville tulsa

oustanding contributor to usta youth Programs lynda marcos Willow creek Golf & country club oklahoma city

adult recreational Player of the year Dona Zanotti yukon

Girls 18 maria marcos oklahoma city

Distinguished service ellen maddon oklahoma city

oustanding Jr. team tennis organizer lynda marcos Willow creek Golf & country club oklahoma city

adult Player of the year Jeff bowser oklahoma city

Girls 16 Jordan Henry oklahoma city






mary vassar 11901 olive blvd., suite 212 st. louis, mo 63141 314.432.3990 day 314.432.3959 fax director@sldta.com

immediate Past President Gwen moore 314.422.3648 gwen898@sbcglobal.net

President Jason mathes 830 Demun avenue, suite 212 clayton, mo 63105 314.324.6648 jason_mathes@ml.com

coordinators adult league coordinator (18+, 40+) beth spengler 314.432.3990 day leagues@sldta.com adult leagues (55+, 65+) Jan bushnell 314.432.3990 day seniors@sldta.com Jr. team tennis leagues carobeth kelly 314.313.2217 kellycarobeth@gmail.com

vice President - Juniors allison Wilson 636.579.6733 cell awilson@watson.wustl.edu vice President - adults bob faust 636.259.4609 cell bjfaust1@msn.com

vice President community Development bob rodgers 314.882.9797 robert.rodgers333@ sbcglobal.net treasurer Patty Hudson 618.401.5848 phudsoncpa@yahoo.com secretary beth causey 314.322.8911 brcausey@gmail.com

District support/committees

Junior coordinator martha Davis 314.432.3990 day juniors@sldta.com

10 and under tennis taskforce Noel Quevreaux 314.616.0798 noel@sunsettenniscenter.com

mixed leagues (18+) leah voyles 314.432.3990 day mixed@sldta.com mixed leagues (40+) Patti stewart 314.432.3990 day seniormixed@sldta.com

collegiate/tennis on campus chris Nasrallah 314.872.9928 cell nasrallahchris@hotmail.com Diversity and inclusion erma owens 314.265.7911 cell ermaowens@charter.net


sue riemann 457-a south clay avenue kirkwood, mo 63122 913.967.9137 riemann@movalley.usta.com legal advisor andy Glaser 314.231.6700 day afg@hcmllp.com st. louis association of tennis officials lew conley weslc61@yahoo.com vWebmaster charles Welton charleswelton@gmail.com

tri-level leagues (18+) bob faust bjfaust1@msn.com

visit stlouis.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo

2012 AWARD WINNERS adult Player of the year kevin lackey

facility of the year Westminster christian academy

outstanding adult tournament lewis and clark men’s 10k futures

adult recreational Players of the year rick Delaney laurie burke

member organization of the year the club at chesterfield

outstanding Jr. team tennis organizer anne muren outstanding contributor to 10 and under tennis Programs steel shop tennis club

community service excellence Jane Hartmann

outstanding High school coach annie menees visitation academy

Distinguished service ken Hayden

outstanding official Dee Wharton

event of the year volleyfest - celebrate tennis

Judy Dippold Junior Player of the year katherine Desloge

Junior sportsmanship awards boys 10 Grant bowman

family of the year the mcisaac family

Junior recreational Player of the year Jeffrey murphy

boys 12 matthew Dubuque

outstanding contributor usta adult league Programs carobeth kelly

outstanding contributor youth High Performance mike miller, miller academy

boys 14 eddie Griesedieck

outstanding contributor usta youth Programs Dan skaer

outstanding Junior tournament the Prince series, craig sandvig


media excellence bill roseberry edwardsville intelligencer

Girls 10 emily kantrovitz Girls 12 madison Daminato Girls 14 riley clarke Girls 16 sarah stuhlmann Girls 18 rosemary Pelch




boys 16 tyler raclin boys 18 adam casanova




visit stlouis.usta.com for District NeWs aND iNfo



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 12 singles matthew s. Dubuque cade J. cunnane Zachary trimpe edward michael Quan Zachary s. luhmann Jai vallurupalli samad arif James calvin faris David m. montgomery Danny lombardi Justin Good Derek fesser benjamin reid langton Noah Hoppenjans matthew fan andres manny vidal brendan J. cunnane aaron James umen Neel vallurupalli Grant William bowman

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 14 singles erik lukas Weiler ritik sundaram P J Panesar Dillon r. youngberg mehal Hetal amin kenji liu yanaba Daniel Wolf kiland t. sampa Neel vallurupalli benjamin cobin Zachary trimpe max charles mangum ben remis carson J Ware max skaer Justin Good robert roy baisch Derek l. Henke matthew Dubuque eddie Griesedieck

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

boys 16 singles brett evan Helbig allan bower tyler Walter raclin Jack s. Desse trevor D. allen eddie Griesedieck P J Panesar constantine veronikis Jonathan t. koons chase stumne Joseph l. mcallister Neal shekar kylel Wang Gillam collin m. mayer Zale a. shah William michael tong Daniel schneller rohit l. chouhan blake austin brinkman kobi Zane Phillips

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

boys 18 singles Dylan G faulkenberg austin Diehl matthew Wong adam casanova robert Nicolli aaron skaer Joey m. Dulle tyler John rutz Derek bell Joey bartholomew Jacob kanter

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

andy Graf brandon ralph Harris elliott miller michael J lesko matthew James Dunn logan Paul Ware Zachary lucas fields michael essma tatsumi yanaba

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 12 singles mary Grace sullivan kelly Nicole maeda maria angela brandt isabel burwitz Payton clara riedl Gabriella thornton kate Janet stengel madison Daminato isabella Hoppenjans maria Way lauren cowulich samantha remis Janel l. Dean chloe adele mcisaac elizabeth choate lauren buschur keeley van antwerp reilly kathleen Howard Nicole ann murphy abigail mcisaac

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 14 singles Grace elisabeth klutke claire elizabeth martin kylie mccarthy katarina rosenberger riley madison clarke rebecca Davis yuri takenaka Nidhi bhaskar elena Wilner emma Wings lipe chloe adele mcisaac maria N mezo athena annie Zeng madison Daminato anna Holland mary Grace sullivan elaine chen mackenzie shelton kelly Nicole maeda emily k. lombardi

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 16 singles Janelle e. Wilson callaghan m. adams megan a. larose risa takenaka brittany Green arianna D. Demos kayleigh thurwalker mallory N. abert abby c. carpenter kayla Neskar cesiley lauren king bridget mayfield Jessica mary rakers rebecca mcisaac connor l. cassity anna christine olsen ali squellati kenna Hughes Janet marie auclair kate Grace Dolan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Girls 18 singles Haleigh chobanian Janelle e. Wilson trisha sundaram lauren a. Jin meredith Heitland anna marie sieckhaus shrarre ariel smith sara Nicole Janulavich angeline veronikis kelly m. carpenter Jocelyn m. koester elizabeth m. Wolf caroline e. Greenberg alexis Newcomb Paige bequette katie connor taylor c. monken camden Newton megan a. larose marielle e Newell

mens open Doubles ryan Dickherber/ michael laycob 2 David reinhart/ shawn Walburn 3 steve a. moehn/ Dave fuhrig 4 kirk aaron schlueter/ adam king 5 robert c. curtis/ richard m. randall 6 stephen arnstein/ William Hornbarger 6 max m. shapiro/ matt Jessee 8 Patrick kella/ chicara kidera 9 Drew morris/ michael rubinelli 10 Joseph murphy-baum/ adam king

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19

mens open singles kevin lackey martin r. Damm adam king Daniel adalberti kirk aaron schlueter Patrick kella chicara kidera David conley Drew morris romeo J monzones eric mccollough brett m. brannon caio claudino Joseph murphy-baum kelly l. Hair lance vodicka richard r. frank tim P. Hasara John keith brunnquell brett sorum


mens 35 singles richard r. frank

1 2

1 2 2

mens 3.5 singles trey shaffer brian Way Jeff Wagner


1 2

mens 4.0 singles Dragos cristian enea bernie marglous

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

mens 5.0 singles martin r. Damm kelly l. Hair richard r. frank eric schrumpf David conley cristian Gavaller fernando alarcon lyndon J. morgan michael Nurmela matt Jessee michael W. kaiser Dragos cristian enea charles c. Welton keith J. Hertel t.J. schaefer eric Wonsidler kyle J. laramie chi-tsai tang



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 5 6 6 8

1 2 3 3 1 2

1 2 3 4

mens 3.5 Doubles Jamie trimble/ Greg maloney


mens 4.0 Doubles stefan marenbach/ michael Papes Del cloninger/ Joe schumacher William spencer/ aaron Wyatt Jim Jaacks/ Joe schumacher Daniel Nieva/ David elles karges Dean millonas/ Joseph voyles Gregory Joseph veluz/ matt mullen brian Way/rob Hill


mens 5.0 Doubles brett Hartig/Jason rule michael levan/ terry mcNabb Jimmy Walley/ eric schrumpf yao-Jan Wu/ Jimmy Walley brad tinnon/ lyndon morgan William schlueter/ charles Welton tony estopare/ Jim r. Diekroeger keith Hertel/ charles Welton



Womens open singles 1 laurie burke 2 sarah e. corbitt 3 sharon l. taysi 4 krista s. fisher 1 2

Womens 3.0 singles Denise Hoxsey Jenine kinne Harris

1 2

Womens 3.5 singles krista fisher margaret taylor

4 1 2



3 4

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Womens 4.0 singles laurie burke sharon taysi sara ellen Helton colleen corbett Womens open Doubles laurie franz/ Jennifer luten cindy bick/ Jennifer stenson Womens 3.5 Doubles krista fisher/susan Way Joan Jennings/ velma carey Diana stevenson/ Pamela rodriguez maureen Hurley/ tammy koch Womens 4.0 Doubles sonia Patel/ elizabeth spencer Patricia Hudson/ Norma feldman kristin Zimmerman/ Dawn balk Judy frain/sharon taysi Womens 4.5 Doubles leah voyles/ erica Peterson stacy sabino/ Denise inman mixed open Doubles Jennifer stenson/ t.J. schaefer 9.5 mixed abbie bradley/ John shaw kathy arnold/ brian Holdenried art staden/libby sharp timothy Nolan/ Judy sindecuse 8.5 mixed timothy Nolan/ Judy sindecuse krista fisher/ ahren Jetensky Dan roddy/Patty roddy 8.0 mixed timothy Nolan/ Judy sindecuse krista fisher/ ahren Jetensky Dan roddy/Patty roddy 7.5 mixed rick Delaney/ carrie Warren Dan roddy/Patty roddy timothy Nolan/ Judy sindecuse


Heart of america act sports services action braxton’s tennis camp advantage sport coatings aristocrat motors tencap league baldwin city recreation commission blue Hills country club blue valley recreation commission brookside charter school city of leavenworth city of raymore city of raytown Parks & recreation Department clayview country club education first, athletics second coalition elite squad tennis club elkhorn elementary Genesis school inc. Greater kansas city Jr. tennis league Hallbrook country club Heart of america District Hilltop racquet club Homestead country club independence Parks & recreation independence tennis association indian Hills country club Jayhawk tennis center kansas city united tennis lawrence Parks & recreation Department lawrence tennis association lee’s summit North High school lincoln Prep High school metro east tennis center midtown athletic club Northland racquet club old Pike country club overland Park racquet club Park board Plaza tennis center rockhurst university round Hill bath & tennis club shawnee Parks & recreation st Paul’s episcopal Day school st. Joseph’s tennis & swim club stephanie Waterman tennis foundation the barstow school underwood elementary usta missouri valley Wellington academy of tennis l.l.c. Woodside tennis & Health club ymca of Greater kansas city iowa 7 flags fitness & racquet club all iowa lawn tennis club ames racquet & fitness center ankeny Parks & recreation art of conservation, inc. aspen athletic clubs atlantic community tennis association audubon tennis association augustana college club tennis bi-state community tennis association black Hawk tennis club boone tennis association cedar rapids recreation Department cedar rapids tennis association central iowa tennis alliance city of manchester Parks & recreation cityof sioux city Parks & recreation clarinda recreation Department


clark racquet center clinton Department of Parks & recreation coralville Parks & recreation Department council bluffs Park & recreation Department creston community schools Davenport Park & recreation Department Decorah Parks & recreation Des moines Golf and country club Des moines Parks & recreation Drake tennis club Dubuque Golf & country club Dunkerton community schools fairfield Parks & recreation fort Dodge tennis association four oaks family & children's services Glenwood tennis association Great river tennis association Greater Des moines tennis association iowa city tennis association iowa state university tennis club lemars area family ymca luther college mason city recreation mayors youth empowerment Program montgomery county ymca muscatine Park & recreation NJtl of Des moines North Dodge athletic club North liberty recreation Department oelwein community schools okoboji community tennis association orthotic & Prosthetic activities foundation osceola Parks & recreation oskaloosa tennis club Pella tennis association Peosta community centre Qca adaptive sports association Quad city tennis club se iowa community tennis association shenandoah Parks & recreation sioux city community school special olympics iowa sportability of iowa tennis umpires of iowa united Neighbors inc. university of iowa vinton Parks & recreation Department Wakonda club Wartburg college tennis teams Waterloo leisure services West union Parks & recreation Westfield tennis club Winterset Parks & recreation kansas abilene Parks & recreation Department arkansas city High school tennis club arkansas city recreation Department arkansas city tennis association bethel college blythe family fitness tennis body first tennis & fitness center boys and Girls club of topeka chapman elementary school chapman High school chapman middle school cheney recreation commission city of Wamego recreation city of Wellington clearwater usD264

collegiate tennis organization council Grove recreation Department cowley county community college tennis crestview country club Deerfield recreation commission ellsworth High school franklin elementary fredonia tennis association Garden city recreation commission Geary county boys & Girls club Genesis racquet club Genesis West central Health Goddard tennis association Grandview elementary Great bend recreation center Hayden High school Hesston usd 460 Hillsboro recreation commission Holliday Park kids community tennis association Holyrood recreation commission Hutchinson recreation commission independence tennis association kansas state university kansas Wesleyan university kapaun mt. carmel catholic High school kickapoo boys & Girls club kossover tennis center liberal Parks & recreation lincoln/Garfield elementary school lindsborg kansas tennis association lowell elementary school marysville tennis maureen connolly brinker foundation inc. mcadams community tennis foundation mcPherson county tennis association meade usD 226 meadowlark ridge elementary school ottawa recreation ottawa university Pittsburg High school-usD250 Pittsburg state university tennis club Progressive tennis ralph Wulz riverside tennis center salina High school south salina Parks & recreation Department salina south middle school scott community foundation sheldon coleman tennis complex south branch ymca sunflower marketing sunflower state Games the boys & Girls club Prairie band of the Potawtomi Nation topeka tennis association topeka West High school Washburn university Wellington recreation commission Whittier elementary usD465 Wichita country club Wichita Public schools Wichita West High school Windfield High school Windfield middle school Winfield recreation commission missouri aurora Park board boonville Parks & recreation boys & Girls clubs-springfield branson Parks & recreation Department







cape Girardeau Parks & recreation carthage r-9 school District caruthersville Parks & recreation cecil floyd city of california city of Hermann, Parks Department columbia elementary school columbia Parks & recreation community support services of missouri cooper tennis complex country club of missouri Duenweg elementary east middle school eastmorland elementary emerson elementary irving elementary Jefferson city country club Jefferson city Parks & recreation Department Jefferson elementary Joplin High school kelsey Norman school knob Noster Park & recreation ytP marshall Junior tennis marshall Park and recreation Department mckinley elementary millennium tennis & fitness club missouri state High school mst tennis club North middle school ozark Parks & recreation Poplar bluff Parks & recreation Department rogersville community betterment Group rolla Parks & recreation roy blunt bolivar ymca royal Heights elementary sedalia Parks & recreation south middle school springfield tennis association stapleton elementary the Joplin Parks & recreation Department thomas Jefferson iDs usta missouri District Warrensburg Parks & recreation West central elementary


Nebraska alliance tennis club city of bellevue recreation Department city of scottsbluff Parks & recreation Dawes middle school fremont family ymca fremont tennis association friends of Woods tennis, inc. Grand island tennis association Justin balfany memorial tennis association kearney Parks & recreation kearney tennis association lexington tennis association lincoln tennis association lincoln tennis buddies lochland country club madonna rehab Hospital Nebraska city tennis association Nebraska tennis center Norfolk country club North Platte Parks & recreation North Platte tennis association omaha Parks & recreation omaha tennis association o’Neill tennis Program

Prairie Winds community center racquet center of Grand island saint mary’s Grade school tennis buddies Western Nebraska tennis association Woods Park tennis association World medical tennis society york community tennis association oklahoma ada schools advantage in sports foundation anadarko Public schools bartlesville tennis association inc. bixby Public schools chickasaw Nation city of enid Park board city of mcalester city of muskogee DtPa Duncan High school edmond Junior tennis foundation elk city tennis association enid tennis association Henryetta tennis association Heritage Hall indian springs country club Jenks West elementary kickingbird tennis center lacy tennis lafortune tennis center/tulsa county Parks lawton country club lawton tennis association mcclemdon tennis center millwood Public schools muskogee Parks & recreation Norman tennis association North tulsa tennis association oak tree country club oakwood country club oklahoma city Golf and country club oklahoma city indian clinic oklahoma city tennis center oklahoma tennis coaches association oklahoma university tennis club Pauls valley tennis association Philcrest ladies tennis association Ponca city Park & recreation seminole state college tennis shadow mountain racquet club south oklahoma city community tennis association southeastern oklahoma state university stillwater tennis association tennis competitors-tulsa the Grand Health & racquet club the Greens country club tulsa area tennis association tulsa Park & recreation tulsa tennis club tulsa union Public schools university of tulsa Weatherford Parks & recreation Westwood tennis center Willow creek Golf & country club youth at Heart inc.

alton Park & recreation Department beginner’s World tennis bellefontaine Neighbors belleville township High school brentwood Parks & recreation city of belleville Parks & recreation city of fairview Heights city of o’fallon Parks & recreation city of richmond Heights city of Washington Parks & recreation Department clayton Parks & recreation Department collinsville area recreation District collinsville High school craigwell, inc. creve coeur Parks & recreation creve coeur racquet club Disabled athlete sports association Dwight Davis tennis center edwardsville High school edwardsville ymca eGHm foundation forest lake tennis club francis Howell North High school franklin county community tennis association frontenac racquet club Gibault catholic High school Hazelwood Parks & recreation incarnate Word academy Just us tennis foundation kings Point racquet club kirkwood Parks & recreation Department lafayette High school lewis & clark community college lift for life academy maplewood richmond school District mathews-Dickey boys and Girls club moline Parks & recreation Net rushers tennis association o’fallon Parks & recreation o’fallon township High school old Warson country club river bend community center st. charles Parks & recreation Department st. louis association for tennis amateurs st. clair tennis club st. louis aces st. louis country club st. louis District tennis association sunset Hills Parks & recreation sunset tennis center the club at chesterfield the Daybreak inc. the Gateway confluence Wheelchair sports tower Grove Park university city Park & recreation Department village of Godfrey Washington university Watson trail Park Webster Groves tennis center Wentzville Parks & recreation West James courts inc. Westminster christian academy Woodsmill racquet club youth learning center

*list current through february 19, 2013

st. louis alton High school alton middle school



2013 seCtion CHamPionsHiP dates and loCations Adult Section Championship I August 8-11, 2013 Des Moines, Iowa Adults 18 & Over: 3.0, 4.0, 5.0+ Adults 40 & Over: 3.5, 4.5+

Super Doubles Section Championship I September 11-17, 2013 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Adult 65 & Over: 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 Adult 18 & Over Mixed Doubles: 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0

Adult Section Championship II August 22-25, 2013 St Louis, Missouri Adults 18 & Over: 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 Adults 40 & Over: 3.0, 4.0

Super Doubles Section Championship II September 25-Oct. 1, 2013 SpringďŹ eld, Missouri Adult 55 & Over Women & Men: 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 Adult 40 & Over Mixed Doubles: 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0


FREE 1-YEAR USTA 10 AND UNDER JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP Until December 31, 2013, kids 10 and under, new to the United States Tennis Association, can receive a FREE 1-Year Junior Membership – a $20 value!

NOW IT’S EASIER THAN EVER FOR KIDS IN YOUR ORGANIZATION TO GET IN THE GAME. Tennis has new rules. Kid-sized racquets. Slower, lower-bouncing balls. No courts necessary. Kids can play tennis anywhere, anytime, at any level.

And now, for a limited-time, kids can join the USTA for FREE! USTA Junior Membership Benefits Include: • An annual subscription to Bounce* newsletter • Access to play USTA Jr. Team Tennis** • Access to play USTA Junior Tournaments**

JOIN NOW Go to www.tryusta.com/juniorfree Or call 1-800-990-8782 and mention source code FYF13CNS

Offer Expires: December 31, 2013

FOR NEW 10 AND UNDER MEMBERS ONLY. No purchase necessary. Offer open only to U.S. residents and applies only to new 10 and Under 1-Year Junior membership (regular price: $20). Individual must be aged 10 or under at time of enrollment to qualify. Other qualifications apply. Terms of membership and benefits subject to change in the USTA’s sole discretion. USTA Membership is not transferable. Offer expires 11:59 p.m. ET on 12/31/13. Visit www.usta.com/membership or call 1-800-990-8782 for complete terms and conditions and enrollment instructions. Individuals (and their parent(s)/legal guardian(s)) must agree to adhere to the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the USTA (available on www.usta.com). © 2013 United States Tennis Association Incorporated. All rights reserved. *For Adult, Family, Senior, Life, and Organization Memberships, $10 of your annual membership dues is allocated to a 1-year subscription to TENNIS magazine and Tennis 15-30 digital magazine. For Junior Memberships, $10 of your annual membership dues is allocated to a 1-year subscription to either Bounce a targeted newsletter for kids 10 or under or Tennis 15-30 digital magazine. The amount allocated annually is not deductible from membership dues. Terms of membership and benefits subject to change in the USTA’s sole discretion. USTA Membership is not transferable. Please contact memberservices@usta.com with questions. Visit usta.com/terms for terms and conditions. **Fees may apply for tournament and league participation.

8083 FYF_Membership_Ad_MoValley_9x11.25.indd 1

1/25/13 2:19 PM

19 PM


June 27-30

H O M E S T E A D C O U N T RY C L U B PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KANSAS T he US Open National Playoffs provides the oppor t unit y for all players 14 years of age and older to ear n a ber th into the US Open. T he tour nament will include mixed doubles in addition to men’s and women’s singles competition. T he winners of each Sec tional Qualif ying Tour nament will advance to the US Open National Playoffs to be held in New Haven, Connec ticut in August. Don’t miss out on the oppor t unit y of a lifetime!

R E G I S T R AT I O N O P E N S M A R C H 1 5 Tournament ID: 400016813 Visit usopen.org/nationalplayoffs or missourivalley.usta.com for more information

6400 West 95th Street, Suite 102 Overland Park, Kansas 66212 missourivalley.usta.com

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