JUNE 22-25



Congratulations on your acceptance into the USTA Missouri Valley 2023 Summer L3! It is a well-deserved honor to be here! Your hard work and effort at practice and match play have paid off!

USTA Missouri Valley is grateful for the hospitality extended by LaFortune Park Tennis Center while hosting this tournament. The event staff is working overtime to make this Summer L3 tournament fun and memorable. Please help us acknowledge their efforts through shows of appreciation and consideration throughout the event.

This year, we hope the competition and sportsmanship you experience at the Summer L3 will inspire you to be a lifelong tennis player! You are one of the best players in USTA Missouri Valley, and we look forward to watching some great tennis!

Best of luck to all of our players!
Visit playtennis.usta.com/tournaments for the full schedule and draws

Tournament ID: 23-65925
LaFortune LaFortune
Racquet & Health 91
3030 E 91st St, Tulsa, OK 74137
Jenks East Middle School - 6.5 miles from LaFortune (7 courts, first come basis with public use)

3933 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74137
Manion Park - 2.5 miles from LaFortune (5 courts first come basis with public use)

3003 E. 56th St. Tulsa, OK 74105

Whiteside Park - 2.5 miles from LaFortune (2 courts first come basis with public use)
4009 S. Pittsburg Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135
Carnegie School - 1.6 miles from LaFortune (1 court first come basis with public use)
4309 E. 56th St. Tulsa, OK 74135
Inclement Weather:

Embassy Suites
3332 South 79th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145
10 min away from LaFortune.
Rate of $149 per night.
2 bedroom suite with a sofa bed and includes an evening happy hour and full hot breakfast.

PARENT/PLAYER MEETING: Wednesday, June 21 7:00 PM All attendees will be put into a drawing for section prize giveaways.
Thursday, June 22nd 4:30-6:00 PM

Singles: Best of 3 tiebreak sets with a 10-point tiebreaker in lieu of third set
LaFortune Park Tennis Center
Player Check-in: 4:30 PM
Josh’s Sno Cone Shack: 5:00 PM

Singles: Best of 3 tiebreak sets with a 10-point tiebreaker in lieu of third set
Games: Ping Pong, Bocce Ball, Cornhole, and Spike Ball
Doubles: 8 game pro-set with a 7-point tiebreakat 8-all

Doubles: 8 game pro-set with a 7-point tiebreakat 8-all tiebreak at 8-all
Thursday, June 22
Friday, June 23
Saturday, June 24
Sunday, June 25
*Doubles draw is single elimination.


Every time a player is nominated, they receive an entry into a drawing, increasing the odds of their name being pulled.

USTA Missouri Valley will draw 8 names per quarter.


The winner receives a $50 Amazon gift card. The only rule is you cannot nominate yourself!

Tournament Parent Guide
Ensure your child has all their equipment including a racquet, suitable clothing (shorts, t-shirts and a hat/sunscreen if they are playing outside), tennis shoes and water.
Talk to your child about the importance of fair play and enjoyment, ensuring they try their best and focus on any goals they have worked on with their coach in training.
Make sure your child is committed to playing and completing the tournament in its entirety. Withdrawing from a tournament without a valid excuse can result in a player being penalized.
Check the tournament home page frequently for any updates on schedule, draws or other relevant tournament information.

Allow enough time for your journey including allowances for delays. If you are going to be delayed, let the tournament director know as soon as possible.
Do not expect the tournament to wait for you if you are running late. Depending on the tournament schedule, the referee may or may not be able to delay the match.
Remember that tennis matches vary in length, so be prepared for a wait, particularly if a tournament has been affected by bad weather.
Your child should avoid playing if they are injured or ill. They need to give their body time to recover properly from injury or illness.
Point your player to the tournament desk at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled match time and remain close by for the tournament director to call your match.
• Check in to the tournament desk at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled match time and remain close by while waiting for the tournament director to call your match.
• Make sure your child has plenty of water and uses the restroom before going on court.
• Confirm that your child knows what scoring format is being used and check with the tournament referee if unsure.
• Each player is responsible for calling all out-balls on their side of the net clearly and fairly even if it costs them the point. Such calls should be clearly audible or a hand signal may be used.
Ensure each player is responsible for calling all out-balls on their side of the net clearly and fairly even if it costs them the point. Such calls should be clearly audible or a hand signal may be used.
• The player serving should call the score before every point clearly and audibly.
Reinforce your player serving to call the score before every point clearly and audibly.
• Teach your child to always treat their opponent with respect. Good sportsmanship and honesty are extremely important regardless of whether they win or lose.
• Encourage your child to raise their racket for a referee or o icial if there is an issue.
racquet for a referee
• Make sure your child shakes their opponent’s hand no matter the outcome.
• Check that your child reports their score to the tournament desk even if they lost.
• Find out your child’s next match time. The number of matches your child plays will depend on the draw format. If in doubt, check with the tournament director.
• Help your child to stay calm and relaxed and check that they have everything that they need to take onto the court.
• Encourage your child to stretch and warm up off court, as the on-court warm-up is limited to five minutes.
• Swearing, throwing racquets/balls in temper or behaving in an unsportsmanlike manner is unacceptable and can result in a player being penalized.
• Coaching your child during a match is not allowed, but feel free to show other signs of encouragement and support between points.
• If you can, make sure to watch their whole match regardless of their performance.
• Be prepared to wait between matches and be patient with the tournament director who will always try and get matches on court as soon as possible.
• Encourage consistent positive behavior from your child regardless of the result.
• Remember to thank the tournament o icials. They are hardworking, dedicated people and many are volunteers.
The Code for Players
• Play fairly and have fun.
• Abide by The Code and USTA rules.

• Respect officials and accept their decisions.
• ALWAYS give benefit of doubt on a call to your opponent.
• Use your best efforts in competitive matches.
• Refrain from the use of bad language and inappropriate gestures.
• Refrain from ball/racquet abuse. • Refrain from the use of coaching during competition. • Never use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage on or off the court.

• Respect opponents and always shake hands at the end of a match.
Win with grace and lose with dignity.
When everything is said and done the bottom line is good sportsmanship - treat others the way you want to be treated!
JULY 14-16, 2023
BG12-14: Midland, Michigan
BG16: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minn.
BG18: St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis, Mo.
Entry deadline is June 22 at 10:59am CST.
Battle of the Sections (National Level 1): July 29 - August 2
For the 16’s and 18’s, a new Level 1 Team Championship, called “The Battle of the Sections” will take place as a lead-in for the USTA National Championships. Each USTA Sectional Association will send a team composed of eight (8) players, four (4) of which will be 16-and-under players and the remaining four (4) will be 18-and-under players. Together, these eight players will play as one team and participate in four (4) singles and (4) doubles matches over the course of the tournament.

The Boys 16-18s event (ID: 23-94552) will be held at Courtney Tennis @ Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. The Girls 16-18s event (ID: 23-28191) will be held at the Claremont Club in Claremont, California.
Entry deadline is June 30 at 10:59am CST.
Congratulations to all of our top finishers from Missouri Valley over the last year! We could not be more proud of your accomplishments and will be cheering you on as you finish this year strong!
USTA National Clay Court Championships
July 9-17, 2022
Madeleine Bridges - G12 Doubles - 2nd Place
Ian Bracks - B16 Singles - 3rd Place
USTA National Championship - Mobile, AL
August 5-14, 2022
Cooper Woestendick - B16 Doubles - 1st Place
Micah Ward - B14 Doubles - 4th Place
USTA National Doubles Championships
August 26-28, 2022

Sarah Yan - G16 Doubles - 2nd Place
USTA National Indoor Championships
November 25-28, 2022
Ian Bracks - B18 Singles - 3rd Place
Kale Mize and Declan Galligan - B18 Doubles - 4th Place
Nicholas Patrick - B16 Doubles - 3rd Place
Hunter Nelson - B14 Doubles - 3rd Place
Anish Poojari and Shaan Patel - B14 Doubles - 4th Place
Elena Daskalova - G16 Singles - 2nd Place
Elena Daskalova - G16 Doubles - 3rd Place
Orange Bowl
December 2-11, 2022
Nicholas Patrick - B16 Doubles - 2nd Place
USTA National Winter Championships
December 28, 2022 - January 3, 2023
Declan Galligan and Kale Mize - B18 - 4th Place
Ariel Madatali - G18 Singles - 4th Place
Brewer Team Cup
March 4-7, 2023
Bears coached by William Brown - B18 - 2nd Place Saints, Shaan Patel - B16 - 1st Place
Bears coached by William Brown - B16 - 2nd Place
Easter Bowl
March 15-April 1, 2023
Declan Galligan and Kale Mize - B18 Doubles - 2nd Place
Ian Bracks - B16 Singles - 1st Place
Ian Bracks - B16 Doubles - 3rd Place
IFA FILA International Junior Championship
March 13-19, 2023
Cooper Woestendick - B18 Singles - 1st Place
Upcoming L2, L3, L4 2023 Events
October 28-30
July 14-16
BG12-14 - Midland, MI
Tournament ID: 23-61837
BG16 - Minneapolis, MN
Tournament ID: 23-39501
BG18 - St. Louis, MO
Tournament ID: 23-29387
Deadline: June 22

July 22-24
BG12-14 - St. Louis, MO
Tournament ID: 23-84269
BG16-18 - Edmond, OK
Tournament ID: 23-75785
Deadline: July 12
September 2-4
BG12 - Omaha, NE
Tournament ID: 23-70425
BG14 - Oklahoma City, OK
Tournament ID: 23-09946
BG16 - St. Louis, MO
Tournament ID: 23-36861
BG18 - Springfield, MO
Tournament ID: 23-72712
Deadline: August 23
B12 - Lawrence, KS
Tournament ID: 23-11800
G12 - Omaha, NE
Tournament ID: 23-01494
B14 - Kansas City, MO
Tournament ID: 23-93215
G14 - Wichita, KS
Tournament ID: 23-37445
B16 - Oklahoma City, OK
Tournament ID: 23-04020
G16 - TBA
Tournament ID: TBA
B18 - Tulsa, OK
Tournament ID: 23-49390
G18 - Overland Park, KS
Tournament ID: 23-95084
Deadline: October 18
November 4-5
B12 - Kansas City, MO
Tournament ID: 23-96386
G12 - Merriam, KS
Tournament ID: 23-35277
B14 - Tulsa, OK
Tournament ID: 23-85905
G14 - Omaha, NE
Tournament ID: 23-83476
B16 - Overland Park, KS
Tournament ID: 23-88370
G16 - Lincoln, NE
Tournament ID: 23-47234
B18 - Edwardsville, IL
Tournament ID: 23-43952
G18 - St. Louis, MO
Tournament ID: 23-67328
Deadline: October 25
L2 Closed Team IntersectionalBattle of the Mississippi L4 Open USTA Missouri Valley #4 L4 Open USTA Missouri Valley #5 L3 Closed USTA Missouri Valley #2 L4 Closed USTA Missouri Valley TeamThe ITA Tennis-Point Summer Circuit powered by WTN provides a great opportunity for some competitive match play during the summer.

The ITA created the Summer Circuit to provide incoming first-year student-athletes and current collegiate players the chance to compete in the summer months However, due to NCAA compliance purposes, the events are categorized as “open,” which means anyone including high-level juniors and adults is eligible to compete in these events as long as he/she is a current ITA player member. The ITA Tennis-Point Summer Circuit powered by WTN is held over six consecutive weekends, beginning in mid-June and continuing through July
ITA Player Membership
All participants must purchase a 2023 ITA Player Membership ($35) in order to compete in a Summer Circuit event. Participants can only purchase an ITA membership through the ITA website
2023 Schedule of Events in USTA Missouri Valley
One June 24-26, 2023
Two July 1-3, 2023
Three July 8-10, 2023
Four July 15-17, 2023
Five July 22-24, 2023
Six July 29-31, 2023
2022 Summer L3 Recap
Eight junior tennis players around the USTA Missouri Valley five-state area captured singles championships at the 2022 Summer L3 Championship.The tournament was held June 2326, 2022 at the Case Tennis Center in Lafortune Park, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Singles Champions
Boys 18s: Creed Skinner d. Russell Lokko
Girls 18s: Elena Daskalova d. Sarena Biria
Boys 16s: Lawson Prather d. Ronin Kasday
Girls 16s: Kinley Vanpelt d. Sydney Fuger
Boys 14s: TJ Shanahan d. Anish Poojari
Girls 14s: Madeleine Bridges d. Lily Clark
Boys 12s: Damian Gutheil d. Connor Feehan
Girls 12s: Zoe Katsavelis d. Avery Cothren
Doubles Champions
Boys 18s: Brett Keeling/Danny Radke
Girls 18s: Lera Alexin/Zoie Epps
Boys 16s: Ian Bracks/Lawson Prather
Girls 16s: Sydney Fuger/Kinley Vanpelt
Boys 14s: Hunter Nelson/Anish Poojari
Girls 14s: Kalya Chan/Briana Rademacher
Boys 12s: Damian Gutheil/Kee Rui Law

Girls 12s: Jessa Arant/Seraphine Besong
Sportsmanship Winners
Boys 18s: Mason Fair
Girls 18s: Lucy Latham
Boys 16s: Micah Ward
Girls 16s: Sydney Fuger
Boys 14s: JohnPaul Huston
Girls 14s: Audrey Crooks
Boys 12: Wyatt Marcum
Girls 12s: Belinda Qiau
Boys 10 Singles
Andre Flores
Ryan Leap
Nam Pham
Donovan Walsh
Kamran Farid
Girls 10 Singles
Hannah Bowen
Alexa Tiefel
Samantha Mannix
Jenna Noel
Brianna Liu
Tournament History Past Sportsmanship Award Winners
Boys 12 Singles
David Hager
David Liu
Carson Fournier
Zeke Clark
Christopher Dean
Nathan Han
Zachary Trimpe
Alex Han
Brian Kim
Carter Olson
Caleb Bartels
Joshua Kim
Shaan Patel
Micah Cortinas
Wyatt Marcum
Girls 12 Singles
Madison Westby
Victoria Flores
Sarah Stuhlmann
Hayden Siegfried
Sarah Cameron
Vanessa Ong
Madeline Cameron
Samantha Remis
Elizabeth Choate
Elizabeth Choate
Abby Gaines
Avery Jennings
Emerey Gross
Ava Lohmeyer
Belinda Qiau
Boys 14 Singles

Kevin Hornbeck
Christopher Frye
David Hager
David Hager
Austin Hoose
Rex Serituk
Thomas Kennedy
Pierce Rollins
Timothy Ellis
Cameron Luhring
Luke Bracks
Brian Kim
Cooper Woestendick
Micah Ward
Trenton Kanchanakomtorn
JohnPaul Huston
Girls 14 Singles
Ashleigh Chiaf
Safaa Aly
Adrienne Jensen
Teresa Kaiser
Alexa Tiefel
Lizzie Harwood
Anna Alons
Anna Alons
Emily Johnston
Ciarra Rose
Arunadee Fernando
Abby Gaines
Lera Alexin
Lily Clark
Haley Hibbets
Audrey Crooks
Boys 16 Singles
Travis Neilson
John Warden
Jake Norman
Will Welte
David Hager
Austin Hoose
Will Genesen
Nathaniel Singh
Jiung Jung
William Gleason
Jake Fraunfelder
Joe Harris
Will Ecklund
Danny Radke
Micah Ward
Girls 16 Singles
Haley Martin
Audrey Coventry
Audrey Coventry
Adrienne Jensen
Emma Schelble
McKinney Harwood
Sydney Harlow
Trisha Sundaram
Karen Yan
Taylor Leslie
Bianca Rademacher
Anatta Charoenkul
Elizabeth Barlow
Greta Stechschulte
Sydney Fuger
Sydney Fuger
Boys 18 Singles
Nate Kirk
Max Frey
Ryan Proctor
John Warden
Jake Norman
Nathan Roper
Jake Norman
Austin Crist
Daniel Langston
Brady Draheim
Ethan Henry
Alex Richards
Brett Seaton
Keegan McLaughlin
Daniel Lu
Mason Fair
Girls 18 Singles
Kelly Gebert
Karma Parbhu

Whitney Ritchie
Ashleigh Chiaf
Stephanie Wei
Adrienne Jensen
Alena Frye
Jordan Henry
Alexa Tiefel
Alexa Tiefel
Lily Feldman
Emily Johnston
Macey Miller
Ariel Madatali
Lucy Latham