April 28, 2020 Graduation Edition - Utah Statesman - Utah State University

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Week of April 28, 2020 www.usustatesman.com (435) 797-1742 TSC Room 118 Free single copy



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WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Dear 2020 Graduates, Congratulations on the completion of your degree program at Utah State University! We celebrate this significant accomplishment during a time when the global pandemic has kept us physically apart, but it cannot quell our Aggie spirit of togetherness. During this celebration of your graduation, I invite you to share your success, not only with fellow students, but also with family and friends who have supported you on your academic journey. I am grateful for the legacy you leave at Utah State University. However, remember this phase of your education is not an ending – it is a beginning upon which you will build a life and career. In late July, the university will mail your diplomas just like any other year, but this time they will come in the diploma covers you would have received during Spring Commencement. Please watch your mailbox for this package. In August, we hope to gather for a formal celebration on campus dependent on directives from public health officials. Your successes at USU are certainly worth celebrating. I am thrilled to have you join an amazing group of Aggie alumni around the world who are making significant impacts in numerous ways. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed your time at Utah State University and I look forward to hearing what you accomplish after graduation. Congratulations Class of 2020. In the meantime, stay safe and stay Aggie strong! Sincerely, Noelle E. Cockett President Utah State University


Alexa Black’s USU experience as a first-generation student By Taylor Cripe NEWS SENIOR WRITER

Alexa Black’s Utah State University story is about the Aggie

spirit of perseverance.

Black decided to come to Utah State after visiting campus

with her parents. She said the campus culture, “felt like

home.” Black was also impressed with USU’s diversity and

said it was important to her to meet people with different backgrounds.

“I grew up religious LDS and in a multiracial household, so

being around different cultures has always been essential to me,” Black said. “USU gave me that option.”

As a first-generation college student, Black said even prepar-

ing herself mentally to go to college was a challenge. Things

other students took for granted, like writing essays and pre-

paring for the ACT, were made even more difficult because she couldn’t go to her parents for advice.

“I knew I was going to college, there was never a question,”

Black said. “But I couldn’t communicate with my parents because they have no experience with college. It made the whole process a lot more work.”

When she finally came to USU for her first semester as a

freshman, Black had a tough time adjusting.

“I was one of only two minorities in the house, and it was

immediately evident we all came from very different worlds,” she said.

Black added there were many times she thought she wasn’t

going to make it. However, after months of hard work and en-

couragement from her parents, she started to find her place at USU.

Black is graduating this semester with a degree in psychol-

ogy. In the fall of 2018, she took a research methods course

from psychology lecturer Kathryn Sperry. Sperry appreciated Black’s resilience and work ethic.

“She took feedback seriously and has improved in all of her

academic skills and just overall professionalism,” Sperry said. It was in Sperry’s class that Black began to work on a re-

search project that would define much of her career at USU.

Her project, a research paper that addressed gratitude and

white fragility, made an impression with Sperry. When Black

approached Sperry about an undergraduate teaching fellow-

ship and working on a research project with her, Sperry told Black she wanted to use Black’s paper about white fragility and gratitude for a university research project.

“It was a very controversial topic,” Black said. “It was fasci-

nating to me though because I’m a Latin student, and I was working on this project with a Caucasian professor.”

Black’s hypothesis, which positively correlated white privi-

lege with white guilt, was also designed to observe if white cisgender women and white members of the LGBTQ+ com-

munity would respond differently on the white privilege

scale, considering they are also members of marginalized groups.

After a year and a half of surveying students and entering

data, Black found her hypothesis was correct. White minori-

ties, such as females and LGBTQ+ members, were found to be more grateful and, as a result, more willing to learn. White students who felt more guilty overall also had more gratitude.

Black and Sperry submitted the research to the university

for a grant and were denied multiple times.

“After the third rejection, I was done,” Black said. “Then, as I

sat crying about it, my professor told me to take the feedback

and submit my research to a psychology conference that was coming up.”

Even though she thought she was going to get rejected

again, within two months of submitting her data to the Rocky

PHOTO COURTESY OF Alexa Black Alexa Black, graduating senior, found her passion in teaching while attending USU.

cepted, and she was invited to present to the association in

“She has a fun personality but she’s also great to work with

Mountain Psychological Association, Black’s research was acApril.

Unfortunately, Black will not get to speak at her conference

due to COVID-19, but says she plans to continue research

work after graduation. She is going to apply to different grad

schools and hopes to get accepted at Arizona State University. “Throughout this process, I fell in love with teaching and

decided I want to work in academia,” she said. “I want to be able to work with students and see those ‘ah-ha’ moments. Those are important to me.”

Sperry wants people to know how incredible Black is to

work with.

because of her work ethic, diligence and persistence,” she said.

For next year’s incoming freshman, Black had some words

of encouragement.

“Remember why you came,” she said. “I told my mom I was

going to drop out a million times. When you have those mo-

ments, just remember who you are and why you are here. It will be worth it in the long run.” —taylorcripe@gmail.com @cripe_taylor

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Dillan Passmore: Renaissance man By Sydney Dahle STUDENT LIFE CONTENT MANAGER

In his short four years at

Utah State University, Dillan

Passmore managed to be a

part of six organizations, all of which he left his mark on. From residence life to an in-

ternship in Washington for Senator Mike Lee to working

for student media, Passmore has done it all.

However, attending Utah

State is something that almost did not happen.

Growing up in Rigby, Ida-

ho, Passmore knew most of his friends would attend Brigham



ty-Idaho, but he never had

an interest in following the trend.

“When I was a junior in

high school, I had a couple of friends I tried to convince to go to Utah State with

me,” said Passmore. “I was

in band, and we went down there for a competition. We

ended up touring the cam-

pus, and I really liked it. I

said, ‘you guys, we can all go to USU, room together,

and it’s even better — it’s not BYU-I.’ We all applied and I was the only one that actually came.”

Passmore has never regret-

ted his decision. After serv-

ing a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Baltimore, Mary-

land, he arrived at Utah State

in the spring of 2017 eager to learn. Inspired by his love

of Spider-Man, the comic book hero who, when not

tackling crime or studying, took photos for the fictional newspaper The Daily Bugle.

He originally was majoring in journalism and even wrote for The Utah Statesman for a while.

Soon, Passmore began to

have second thoughts. In one of his classes, the pro-

fessor told students “being a

journalist sucks,” according to Passmore.

“Between writing, myself,

and reading about all the struggles



through, I thought, man, maybe I don’t want to do

this,” he said. “So I looked into doing emphasis in Communications.”

During research into other

possible careers, Passmore

came across political science.

It was something he didn’t

ations about being a journal-

ways had an interest in. He

joy writing. While spending

know much about but albegan to spend free time ev-

ery week sitting in Michael Lyons’s lectures just to get a better idea of what he would be getting himself into.

“When I talk to people, I

think a lot of them think I

had this big plan from the

ist, Passmore said he did en-

the summer as an intern in Washington D.C. doing data

analytics for the National Endowment of Humanities,

Passmore made a mark on his roommate, Jared Worwood.

“I could tell from the get-

beginning of what I wanted

go that Dillan was a ‘one of

I wanted to be,” Passmore


to do in college and what said. “Truth be told, every-

a kind person,’” Worwood

And then the two came up

thing I’ve done I’ve done be-

with an idea for a satirical

had a plan, but I did what I

for Utah State.

cause it sounded fun. I never thought I would enjoy.”

website specifically catered

“This started out as a joke,”

This is how Passmore met

said Passmore. “Honestly, I

department head for Jour-

Utah Statesman, and I wrote

Cathy Bullock, the interim

nalism and Communications. “I hired Dillan as my UTF

because he struck me as smart and dependable,” Bullock said. “He’s a thinker, quiet, but the wheels are always

was a little upset with The

this letter of ways to improve

the paper. I said it should have a satire column, but I never gave this letter to anyone.”

Instead, Passmore suggest-

turning. I knew he’d be an

ed the two could start their

uate Teaching Fellow. I was

wood was all for.

effective, caring Undergrad-

right, and I was fortunate to

own version, which Wor-

“We were joking around

convince him to work with

about it and decided that it

That wasn’t all. Passmore

“So we designed a website,


also worked with Bullock on

two research projects, one of which he studied media cov-

erage of sexual assaults in Utah. After picking up Political Science as a second ma-

jor, Passmore got into data analytics and statistics.

“In terms of professors that





helped me, Bullock is the

reason I am the way I am,” he said. “She’s an amazing lady who really influenced my life.”

This past fall, Passmore

assisted Bullock as the editor of Aggie BluePrint. Although they were only able

to get out one edition before

COVID-19 struck, Passmore

has been working hard to

make sure the magazine can

would be really fun,” he said. got a whole bunch of writers

together, and made it happen.”

PHOTO COURTESY OF Dillan Passmore Dillan Passmore graduates this May with a degree in both Political Science and Communications.

Thus The Utah Bull was

started as a joke but actually

he was put on the alternate

plenty of rejection but never

To date, it has produced

some thing,” Passmore said.

months later, that the experi-

incoming students is to reach

of which got thousands of

reading stuff we write. It’s

born in the summer of 2018.

turned into this really awe-

more than 150 pieces, some

“I mean, 10,000 people are

views. One got more than

really cool.”

site, alone.

ing, editing for Aggie Blue-

10,000 people to visit the

Amidst the club brainstorm-

“We ended up writing an

stitution at 2 a.m. in the Worwood


“After making what would probably be the silliest club

proposal in the history of USU, Dillan decided that The Utah Bull actually needed

on him.

“I got to know a lot of my

residents really well and liked to think I was able to

out and seek opportunities,

rather than waiting for them. “I learned throughout my

time at USU that if I waited

for opportunities to come to

tirical integrity.”

Print and not one, but

of individuals who started

more was the vice-chairper-

eventually lost their drive or

the College Republican Na-

self included — “Dillan kept

two years as a Resident As-

Although the number of

Carter Harrison, who not

me, whether or

not I thought I was I




missed out on

a lot of things,” he said. “There have been sev-

eral times I’ve

— Carter Harrison, friend and fellow D.C. intern

to be independent of USU’s clubs in order to retain its sa-

ence would leave an impact

let it get to him. His advice to

Everyone who knows Dillan is better off because they’ve met him.”

entire club charter and conmorning,”

list, only to be called a few



even though I

knew I wasn’t the most

Though Worwood said a lot

two D.C. internships, Pass-

help them in some ways,”

qualified. Sometimes doors

out writing for the Utah Bull

son for the USU chapter of

life-changing, but I wanted

be involved and build your

got too busy — himself my-

tional Committee and spent

it alive and going.”

sistant for Merrill Hall.

voice speaking up on cam-

posts has decreased over the

only served with Passmore

see, the stronger I think the

make sure it stays around.

from College Republicans,

what people like reading. It

in rebuilding membership in

continue after his graduation and Bullock’s retirement.

“Dillan’s work through Ag-

gie BluePrint, a student-initi-

ated, student-run magazine,

is one way he made his mark at Utah State,” Bullock said.

“Aggie BluePrint is a student pus. The more of that we campus will be.” Despite



to help in little ways of an-

swering questions like ‘oh, where is this building, or

“It’s been interesting seeing

the group over the past two


This was something Pass-

organization he participated “Despite all of the energy

and passion that Dillan pours

they’ve met him,” Harrison

curricular life, he somehow

ciples, rather than default

combative political discourse like they often do in today’s climate.”

Harrison added that Pass-

more never let a person’s differences stop him from be-

ing kind or helpful. He was

open-minded, a trait that he

into his academic and extra-

still makes time to invest in others,” said Worwood. “Dil-

lan is always finding ways

to include individuals who were different or quirky. He

is good at creating a safe space where people can feel

with him as he said the people here are some of the nicest people he’s ever met.

“I’ll miss walking around





friendly people are. I’ll miss it when the bells of Old Main chime and I’ll miss how pret-

ty the campus is especially in the spring and fall. It’s a gor-

geous campus that has a real ambiance of the aggie fami-

ly,” said Passmore. “I’ll never forget my time here.”

Although the future may be

been his friend, roommate,

Dillan Passmore will never

I feel very blessed to have and brainstorming buddy.”

Although his last semester

beginning he only applied

plenty of time to reflect on

Passmore knew as soon as

knows Utah State will stay

uncertain, one thing is for

at USU was cut short, Pass-

because he needed a job, but

School at Brigham Young

useful, special, and accepted.

not only showed in CR but

also his time as an RA. At the


their lives be better.”

“Everyone who knows Dil-

focus on values and prin-

Passmore will be attend-

University in the fall, but he

more was able to do in every

his role in helping the group

of rejection.”

want to help people and help

said Passmore was crucial

said “I was appreciative of

experiences. Don’t be scared

ing the J. Reuben Clark Law

ship?’ At the end of the day, I

years, Passmore has plans to


open. Find opportunities to

how do I apply for a scholar-

in D.C. but also knew him

lan is better off because

Passmore poses in front of the national Mall in D.C. during his internship for Sen. Mike Lee.

he said. “I don’t think I was

more has allowed himself

his academic career. He went

through many failures and

sure. The people who know

forget his kindness and leadership.

—sydney.dahle@gmail.com @dillydahle


WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Riley Plogger: Crossing home Utah State softball outfielder sets run record before career ends abruptly ed on the time she spent playing softball. Lee-

Ann Plogger, Riley’s mother, said the moment

she realized that her daughter had “arrived” was during her time playing travel ball at 12.

She said a favorite moment of hers was

watching Plogger hit a three-run home run her

freshman year against Fresno State. “Her work ethic and the teammate she was to others always made us very proud,” she said.

Plogger’s father, Rick, said he looks back fond-

ly on their backyard practices, countless hours in the batting cage and playing catch.

Plogger said her grandparents were some of

her biggest fans. They reminisced on the time they spent watching Plogger grow, from “an

adorable, funny little girl” to the accomplished person she is currently.

Perhaps one of her biggest supporters was her

brother Matt, who is only a year younger. He

believes that their closeness in age was “a big asset” for the pair. He also noted her ability to be a compassionate, driven leader.

“She has always been a role model and a lead-

er since day one,” he said. “I am excited to see the great future she has in store for her.” PHOTO BY Iain Laurence

Riley Plogger bats for USU at their game against UNM on April 5. Plogger ended her career as Utah State’s all-time run record holder. By Scott Froehlich SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

On March 7, during what wound up being the

final game of the softball season for the Utah State University Aggies, Riley Plogger crossed home plate for the 114th time in her college

career, setting an all-time school record. For the senior outfielder, the achievement was one of

many record-busting statistics and helped cap off an inspiring exhibition season for the team.

Unfortunately, Plogger and the rest of the

Aggies did not get the chance to showcase their improvement in conference play, as the

COVID-19 pandemic cut the season short. Plogger was especially impacted, as the conclusion of the season also marked the end to her time as a college athlete.

“I was preparing for my career to end,” she

said.”It was quite the blindside.”

The Redlands, Calif. native spent the majority

of her life playing sports. She started playing

softball at the age of four while also dabbling in soccer. While bouncing between the two, Plogger ultimately stuck with softball at 13 after her

parents urged her to choose a sport to pursue

seriously. Not only did she dive nose first into the sport, she ended up playing for 14 years.

Plogger credits former Arizona Wildcat out-

fielder Caitlin Lowe as a significant softball role model, but it was her childhood-favorite

Vladimir Guerrero of the Los Angeles Angels,

who inspired her to wear the number 27 on her jersey.

“I loved that he could hit any pitch out of the

park,” she said.

In addition to becoming enthralled by Lowe

during the 2006 College World Series and be-

yond, Plogger had the opportunity to receive

hitting lessons from Lowe while she was in high school.

“I wanted to be just like her and I wanted to

mimic everything she did,” she said.

After years as a travel ball-player, her play

took off in high school, where she spent all four years at Redlands East Valley High School.

There, she was named Rookie of the Year in her 2012-13 freshman outing.

She was later named MVP as a senior, round-

ing out her high school career as a four-year letter winner. In addition, Plogger held a .361

batting average, recorded 114 hits and played club ball for So Cal Athletics.

Plogger caught the eye of college scouts

across the country. One of the interested scouts was Auburn’s then-coach Steve Johnson. He first became aware of Plogger in 2012 when

she attended a satellite camp Johnson held in California. The following summer, he was hired on at USU to coach the Aggies softball team.

Lowe’s familiarity with Plogger carried over

to USU. It was her multifaceted athletic talent,

consisting of great ball instincts in the outfield

and a strong arm, that drew the coach’s at-

was setting the all-time career runs record.

team’s first recruits and felt she was “someone

the play leading to her record-setting run. “You

tention to her. He wanted her to be one of the we could build a program with.”

As for Plogger, the decision to become an Ag-

gie came with slight hesitation. At first, the op-

“It was an incredible moment,” she said of

eventually forget details from games, but you don’t forget moments like that.”

“The fact that it was a walk-off hit was even

portunity to play in a larger program, such as

more special, because it meant a win for the

“I can remember the moment when he told

Although her career came to a grinding halt,

Auburn, was a dream.

me,” she said. “I remember looking at my mom and being like, ‘where in the heck is Utah State?’”

However, once she attended training camp

and explored the town and Utah State’s cam-

team,” Plogger said.

mere months before she was set to graduate,

Plogger remained optimistic and grateful for

her time at USU, as well as her playing days in the past.

“I had a very blessed career, was blessed with

pus, she “fell in love.” Plogger recalled telling

a lot of opportunities,” she said.

was going to take any offer the team gave her.

and her coaches, Plogger left an impact, from

on the Aggies softball team. Coming in as a

diamond through the last.

her mother on the plane ride home that she It didn’t take Plogger long to find her place

freshman, she earned a spot as a starter, a role

in which she flourished. In addition to earning a second all-conference team and academic honors in the Mountain West, her performance made it to the USU

Plogger also embraces the value of the bond

they shared growing up, considering him a best

With the support of her family, teammates

the first moment she stepped onto a baseball

Looking back, moving forward

Her family, whom supported her from the

very start, speaks highly of Plogger and reflect-

friend and sibling-coach during games.

“My brother would text me during games and

be very invested,” she said.

Speaking to the leadership role that Plogger

embraced, Johnson believes that, while she did a good job setting an example for her younger teammates, it will be difficult to replace her.

“She’s done a good job of working with others

to step into that role,” he said. “You hope someone can fill in [for her] on the field.”

Moving on from her playing days, Plogger

plans to use her bachelor’s degree in commu-

nicative disorders and deaf education to one day become a speech language pathologist. Af-

ter her graduation this semester, she plans to spend a year as a speech language pathology

assistant. Then in the future, she plans to get her master’s in speech pathology, and hopes to become a coach in a graduate assistant position.

— swfroehlich@gmail.com @froehlich.scott

record book several times.

With a .370 bat-



earned 39






placed the




record list for runs and sixth for RBIs

over the same span of time. Additional-

ly, she placed sixth for her five triples,

recorded over 51 games.The


didn’t stop there, with her excellence for the Aggies con-

tinuing throughout her college career.

Her senior season

culminated in a historic, though bittersweet, fashion.

With the season

limited to only 24

games, Plogger still

managed to climb USU’s


Moving up the list in multiple catego-

ries, such as fifth for career slugging percentage


and fourth in career walks (74), her ul-

timate achievement

Plogger (27) celebrates with her teammates during Utah State’s game against UNLV in the 2019 season.

PHOTO BY Chantelle McCall

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Wearing many hats Kristin Ackerman as a mom, photographer, role model and student By Maggie Mattinson STUDENT LIFE STAFF WRITER

Utah State University senior

Kristin Ackerman has had an extraordinary college career.

From starting her own business as a student, to travelling the world with her husband, to raising a daughter, all while managing full time

school, getting her degree in photography has been anything but easy.

‘Conventional’ isn’t a word

known to Ackerman. Initially, she studied special education and occupational therapy. This is where she met

her husband and discovered a passion for working with

individuals with disabilities, which she would return to in later photography projects.

After Ackerman was mar-

ried, she and her husband moved to China to teach English.

“When I returned, I felt that

although both of the previous degrees I pursued were

amazing and still very much went well with my personality, by the time I finished the

necessary school I’d be ready to start a family and per-

haps never use the degree,” Ackerman said. “That’s why I decided to switch to pho-

tography. I had always liked photography and taking pictures on my adventures, so I thought an education in it

would be fun and allow me to

Ackerman pictured with her daughter, Edelweiss, will be graduating in May with a degree in photography. She is most known for her “Fertile Footprint” project.

PHOTO COURTESY OF Kristin Ackerman

take good pictures of my life

It changed my priorities,” she

has already completed two

ways thought it was a little

and passions within photog-


was more than about creat-

took my second sign language

campus,” she said, “so when

Chantelle McCall, who has

and future children if nothing Ackerman and her husband

have a 2 1/2-year-old daugh-

ter named Edelweiss. Having her daughter while being a

full time student challenged Ackerman, but only made her

said. “It made it so that it ing beautiful work but about

creating meaningful work. If

I was going to be sacrificing time away from my daughter

then it needed to be worth it.” Ackerman got special per-

grow stronger.

mission from her professors

that I was busy all of the time.

es and jokes that Edelweiss

“Having a child made it so

to have her daughter in class-

years of her own degree. “I class when she was about six months and she learned a ton

of sign while I was taking that class.”

Ackerman’s daughter has,

understandably, had a great

impact on her perspective on life.

“Before I had a child, I al-

bit strange to see children on


I had her, I always felt awk-

been friends with Ackerman

but I quickly had to get over

to the photography program,

ward carrying a child around that as she would talk to everyone that we passed on

campus or whoever we were

sitting next to on the city bus to campus.” Being a mother also impacted her perspective

since they were both accepted

points out Ackerman’s Fertile

Footprint project as one of her most striking works. In

this project she highlights the

physical effects childbirth can see “Ackerman” PAGE 8

Open for Business to Serve You During This Time!


WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Kara Bachman Student Sustainability Office Food Intern

Nathan Barber VP Science Council, Family Place Volunteer

Alison Berg Utah Statesman News Manager

Spencer Cox Lieutenant Governor of Utah, Utah Gubernatorial Candidate

Brandon Ellis Aggie Radio Station Manager

Neil Abercrombie USU Director of Government Relations

Taylor Adams Assistant VP of Statewide Campuses

Patrick Belmont Watershed Sciences Professor

Sierra Benson Aggie Radio Events Director

Emma Brain USUSA Service VP

Drake Fresh Government Relations Council, Blue Crew, SigEp President

Jared Fry Graduate Studies Senator, VITA Tax Lab Administrator

Daria Griffith Former SAA President, Undergraduate Researcher

David Higashi USUSA Volunteer, Blue Crew President

Lyle Hillyard Utah State Senator

Sonia Manuel-Dupont Speech-Language Pathology Associate Professor

Mica McKinney USU General Counsel

Lynne McNeill Folklore Professor

Paulina Rivera-Soto USUSA Student Advocate VP

Josh Segobia HURD Committee Member

Steve Sharp Political Science Instructor

Sam Merrill Ketzel Morales Utah State Men’s Basketball Senior USU Inclusion Center Senior Intern

Liz Stillings Panhellenic President

Nicole Troumbley USU Spirit Squad Head Coach

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Tarren Jessop USUSA Student Alumni VP, SAA President

Crista Sorenson Logan Pride Foundation Director, USU Extension Incubator Farm Manager In Memoriam

Hayden Vossler Former IFC President

Andreas “Baron” Wesemann Professor in Applied Science for the Aviation Department

Teams behind Online Learning (AIS, USU IT) Members of the teams that keep learning going during a pandemic

Michael Cherry President of Delta Sigma Phi

Noelle Cockett President of Utah State University

Autumn DeHarde Utah State Gymnast

Derick Earle

Legendary Utah State Athletics Supporter

Erik Fogth IFC Recruitment VP Resident Assistant

Keaton Howell A-Team Coordinator, Arts Council Member

Boston Iacobazzi Aggie Special Olympics Director

Whitney Johnson President of the Women in Politics Club, SAA Executive Assistant

Bryce Johnston USU Student Sustainability Office Engagement Intern

Cooper Low USUSA Student Events VP

Kelli Munns English Equestrian Team Head Coach

Jessica Peters Business Ambassador President

Shannon Peterson

Morgan Pratt HDSA Utah Chapter Director, Political Campaign Comm. Director

Sarah Rasmussen USUSA Traditions Director

Raymond Veon Assistant Dean for Arts Education of CCA

Bobby Wagner All-Pro NFL Linebacker

Claire Wever SAA Alumni Engagement Executive

James Wirth AmeriCorps VISTA with the Utah Food Corps

Director of Global Programming, Institute of Government and Politics

In Memoriam

USU COVID-19 Task Force

Team of interdisciplinary members determining USU’s response to COVID-19


WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Tessa Burrows: Engineering all-star rate for studying age-related


macular degeneration.

Graduating this spring with

a Bachelor of Science degree in



and minors in chemistry and

mathematics, Tessa Burrows is a College of Engineering all-star.

Coming to Utah State from

Denver, Colo., Burrows start-

ed her education studying mechanical engineering, but

her work in the lab shifted her passion to biological engineering.

“I have always been inter-

ested in en-

gineering, and my first

year at USU,

I really wanted



to bridge the gap


“I love working on projects

undergraduate students don’t have.”

osity and her commitment to

an Undergraduate Research

and apply it to experiments I have in progress.”

Fellow, and served as an of-

ficer for the USU Society of Women Engineers.

“I was in the Society for

Burrows has worked closely

Women in Engineering which

Lab, as well as through the

and kind people that gave

with Dr. Vargis in the Vargis University Honors program and the Society of Women Engineers.

Dr. Vargis admires Burrows

for her ability to recognize

is full of strong, determined, me some of the tools and opportunities I needed to grad-

uate and pursue a career in

engineering,” Burrows said. “I have great memories of

I really think she will change the world for the better with her work.

biological and

thetics and the integration of

the sense of touch and pressure into a prosthetic,” Burrows said. “My work in the

lab has shifted my focus and helped me discover my pas-

sion for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.”

During her time at USU,

Burrows worked in Dr. Eliz-

abeth Vargis’ lab conducting research to improve the cur-

rent model of the retina in order to make it more accu-

and work through her limitations.

“The best part about Tessa

is her acknowledgement of

her own limitations, in terms of her ability to do research,

whether the techniques or the actual time in her schedule. Once she recognizes her limitations, she speaks to some-

one about it, so we can work

on solutions and alternative

approaches,” said Dr. Vargis. “This extremely mature char-

acteristic is something most


peer mentor in the Vargis lab, as an officer for the Society of

Women Engineers, and as a URF,” Sand said. “Whenever

we need a student to step up

and provide some boots-onthe-ground insight, she’s in the mix.”

Sand is inspired by Bur-

row’s positive attitude and as a model for how to be a successful person in both re-

“It’s pretty rare in a person

perspective (humor, a certain dash of cynicism), and still be

as completely dedicated and

absorbed in her research,” her develop as a science com-

retreats, workshops, confer-

ences and study halls that helped me discover what I

love about engineering, and how I can use my knowledge

municator, and I really think

she will change the world for the better with her work, and make anyplace she does work a better place.”

Burrows will be starting

and position to support engi-

her Ph.D. in Biomedical En-

Alexa Sand, associate vice

of Minnesota Twin Cities in

neers from all walks of life.

president for research at Utah State, has worked closely

with Burrows through the Undergraduate Fellowship




admires her brilliant mind, great sense of humor, and re-

on your well-deserved success! The Division of Student Affairs wishes you the best as you move towards new goals and ventures.

Go Aggies!

has played an active role as a

said Sand. “I’ve loved seeing



helping others succeed. She

so young to have so much


with a deeper look into pros-

really stands out is her gener-

search and academics.

— Alexa Sand, Assistant Vice President for Research



University Honors program,

lab work,” Burrows said. “It’s

about something in lecture


she’s a superstar, but what

rows was a member of the

incredibly satisfying to learn


While at Utah State, Bur-

where I get to apply the ma-

terial I learn in class to my

markable commitment.

gineering at the University the fall, specializing in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

“I had a great experience at

USU and really found a great community in my major, research, and at my work,” Bur-

PHOTO COURTESY OF Tessa Burrows Burrows looked closer into the world of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

rows said. “I’m sad to leave

gan is to drive up to Bear Lake

tiful sunsets behind, but I am

friend and some coffee,” said

all the mountains and beau-

excited to continue to apply my major to my work.”

Outside of academics, Bur-

rows enjoys playing Dun-

to watch the sun rise with a Burrows. “It means waking

up super early, but the sights are worth it.”

As an exemplary student

geons and Dragons with her

and an experienced research-

concerts, and the outdoors.

to her fellow Aggies: “Know

friends, attending plays and “When I’m back home in

Colorado I love to go hiking in the mountains, especially

the 14ers, and national parks. My favorite thing to do in Lo-

“Ackerman” FROM PAGE 5 have on a woman’s body.

“This is what I love about her work,” McCall

said, “her passion to show the everyday struggles of the remarkable people in our community.”

Ackerman said the project was inspired by

her own journey of pregnancy and her postpartum body. “I think there are so many beau-

tiful details of women’s bodies during the

maternal journey that represent the journey it takes to create a life,” she said. “Sometimes these marks are looked at as ugly by society,

but I wanted to show the beauty and empowerment in these marks. They create life.”

Empowering women is a common theme in

Ackerman’s work. She focuses on birth pho-

tography, a project in which she photographs the vulnerable, raw moments of childbirth. As explained on her website, “Birth photogra-

phy preserves the long awaited first embrace

you share with your child, the moment that has nine months of sacrifice leading up to. It

shows the support shared between you and

your partner during labor, the first time you

er, Burrows offers this advice your limits and don’t be

afraid to turn down opportunities.”




see your baby, the first time you hold their hand.”

Ackerman explained part of the reason she

is drawn to this is the authentic nature of it.

“I honestly think it is one of the only situa-

tions that a photographer can capture some-

thing that is fully authentic. During birth a mother can’t focus on the fact that there is a

camera present, so she can’t put up walls or

present a more beautiful version of herself,” she said. “In short it feels empowering.”

Ackerman said the process is not only em-

powering to the women giving birth but to her, as well.

“Going forward I hope to continue to create

series that promote the importance of rela-

tionships, diversity, and personal identity,” Ackerman said. “I think that these are such important messages during this time. I also plan to continue work as a birth photogra-

pher and continue to empower women in that way.”

Ackerman’s work can be found on her web-

site kristinjayne.com.


WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Never stop improving Sam Nelson’s journey as a Utah State pole vaulter and team leader By Jacob Nielson SPORTS STAFF WRITER

Utah State University pole vaulter Sam Nel-

son went from being a walk-on to a confer-

ence champion in his time dawning the Aggie uniform.

The senior from Boise, Idaho won the indoor

and outdoor Mountain West Championships in 2018 and earned three All-Mountain West

honors. He holds the sixth-best pole vault

mark in Utah State history at 5.17 meters.

But his most cherished memories in his time with the Aggies are not the first place ribbons he won, but what he was able to accomplish

amidst adversity and what he learned from it. “My best accomplishment, even though it’s

not first place or anything, I took third last

year, and I was dealing with an injury,” Nelson said.

Despite not being at his best physical ability

at the 2019 Mountain West indoor championships, Nelson managed to jump 5.10 meters,

good for third place and 6 points for his team.

Injuries continued to plague the high-flying

vaulter and kept him from the competition in the 2019 outdoor season. He then redshirted

the 2020 indoor season in preparation for a final outdoor season that would never come.

Throughout a difficult stretch of fighting

through injuries and trying to keep his focus on track, Nelson began to have some doubts.

“There were a lot of times where it was just

like, is this kind of a sign I need to throw in the towel and start focusing on other things?” he said.

But Nelson’s love of track persevered.

“I just felt like it was an opportunity for me

to grow and learn that just because there’s ob-

stacles or hurdles that I need to overcome, it’s not a reason for me to find something else to

do,” he said. “It’s a way for me to get stronger and figure out how to deal with things.”

Nelson also found strength in advice from a

friend who is a pole vaulter at the Air Force

Academy: “I am in charge of how I direct my attitude toward situations.”

The advice from his buddy was something

Nelson took to heart, on and off the field. And

it may have been good preparation for what was to come, as he soon found out that his final season was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“A lot of stuff went through my mind when

I heard about all of this,” Nelson said. “When

you think about it, I’ve spent the last 10 years

just (pole vaulting) and working towards something — it was my last year to finish off with that.”

“He really wanted to break the school record

and we both believed he could do it this sea-

son,” USU track and field’s multi events and jumps coach Erik Rasmussen said in a recent

interview. “For him to lose those opportunities is heartbreaking.”

Nelson had trained so hard to return for

his final season, all for it to be taken away.

But something happened that made him put things in perspective. His friend and team-

mate, Roman Ruiz, suffered a life-threatening

brain injury on March 7 — just days before the spring sports season was canceled.

“That was another big eye-opener for me to

know that there’s a lot more to life than track and field,” Nelson said. “Although I’ve learned a lot of life lessons from track and field, there’s


a lot of other things that I can learn from.”

Though his final season was cut short, Nel-

son’s lasting legacy at Utah State will be what he was able to accomplish despite the roadblocks.

Before Rasmussen was hired in 2017 to

coach the jumpers, none of the coaches knew how to pole vault, so Nelson was essentially his own coach.

“It took a lot of YouTube and self-training,”

he said.

Nelson worked his way into a scholarship

and won the two conference championships, and then he continued to be a leader on the

team while fighting his injuries.

“It is amazing how far Sam came as an ath-

lete,” Rasmussen said. “He only jumped 14

And according to Rasmussen, this attitude

has been crucial for the team’s success.

“His experiences as an athlete allowed him

feet, 6 inches in high school. He improved by

to share valuable insight when others were

very rare.”

to be successful,” Rasmussen said. “He is a

over three feet. That’s pretty remarkable and The team captain hopes that his efforts have

had an impact on his teammates.

“I’ve just tried to show that everything you

do in life, whether it’s track or school or working or things like that, just try to be the best,

give 100% in everything that you do,” he said.

struggling with performance, injury, and how great leader, friend, and one of the best people I ever had the opportunity to work with.” — jacobnielson12@yahoo.com @jaconnielson12

Open for Business to Serve You During This Time!


WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


GRAPHIC BY Keith Wilson

The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the cartoonist.

An open letter to the class of 2020 By Taelor Candiloro OPINION EDITOR

With graduation ceremonies

postponed until the end of sum-

mer — and many USU students returning from whence they came much earlier than expect-

ed — it would appear the end

of the school year has passed us all by.

The school year is essentially

over, and while many are left with the absence of school-

work, it might be difficult to find a sense of finality. The pan-

demic response might be a nice break for some, creating oppor-

tunities to meditate away from the normal ebb and flow of pro-

fessional and academic life, but

for some graduates this might

mean plans are up-ended or

though. Know that the weird

cation process in a personal

about your own ability to adapt

that the mere act of finishing a

ever, this looming uncertainty

tration you might be feeling is

you’re passionate about and

the waves, or to hunker down

graduate degree this semester

put on hold permanently. How-

may herald new opportunities for personal and professional

soup of excitement and frusnormal, and you’re not alone.

There’s no way to avoid the

development for 2020 gradu-

fear and instability many fields

The process of adjusting to

freezes and postponed intern-


new circumstances this past spring has been difficult for many of us. For some wres-

tling with anxiety or others

isolated by depression, this

transition has only magnified the daily battles we were al-

ready fighting. Add graduating — and entering the workforce

as a professional — onto these

are currently facing. Hiring ships might mean that your

plans will be on hold for a bit but coping with the liminal

space of this transition process

Personalizing your approach to

a bit impersonal.

It is true that entering the

recipe for failure or stagnation.

experts are suggesting tailor-

cult. But to combat this, many ing the job search and appli-

For many of us, work doesn’t

of other post-graduates while

dren to feed and a host of other

also avoiding sending out appli-

cations en masse. Focus on the jobs you genuinely want.

You’re free — if only for a brief

due soon, or that you’ve got to

process that can sometimes feel

and brace for impact.

stop when classes do. There

less likely to get lost in the sea

infuse your personhood into a

personal development and to

to changing tides, to ride out

post-graduate life means you’re

moment — from the nagging

professional world will be diffi-

These struggles are human,

the goals you’ve set for yourself.

is an opportunity to reflect on

seemingly insurmountable ob-

stacles and it might seem like a

way — be honest about what

feeling that an assignment is study for an upcoming exam. Don’t forget to allow yourself a deep breath or two. You’ve

worked tirelessly for at least

a few years. Now is the time to step away from the endless

stream of deadlines and learn

are bills to pay, sometimes chilexpenses that come with sim-

ply being human. Graduating doesn’t magically erase these realities, but it does provide

you with another tool to add to your toolbox. Having a degree on your resume opens a lot of

doors that may help with those bills and expenses. Post-gradu-

bachelor’s or master’s or post-

is a feat in and of itself. Your community of learners, edu-

cators and administrators here at USU are proud of the things you’ve accomplished during your time here. We may not be

able to hold an immediate ceremony, but that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten how much

hard work has led you to this moment.

Congratulations class of 2020! Taelor Candiloro is an under-

ation life will not be easy. But

graduate transfer to the Anthro-

of your accomplishments.

ing her study on American ways

this doesn’t diminish the value

It remains important, now

more than ever, to emphasize

pology department at USU focusof constructing meaning.

A way-too-early look at the 2024 presidential nominee field part 2 By Sam Paepke OPINION COLUMNIST

Editor’s note: This column is

the second in the “way-too-early look” series. The first was published in last week’s paper.

Election season can be repet-

itive and tiresome. Both major parties have their (presump-

tive) nominees at this point, and we are still six months away from the general election.

In the spirit of variety, and con-

tinuing upon the first column

which focused on potential democratic nominees, here is a way-too-early look at the 2024

presidential candidates for the Republican Party.

Much of the republican field

in 2024 hinges on President

Trump’s re-election hopes in 2020. If he is re-elected, the

party will likely mirror his strat-

egy in style and popularity (at

least among republicans), with an unapologetically conversative leader, as well as someone

who has worked well with the

ing to his Senate biography,

Household names like Ronald

— and they show an ability to

iac University poll which found

should the president fail to se-

Supreme Court — and won

Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas

in a polarized political environ-

cluding favorable ratings from

president. On the other hand, cure a second term, republicans may return to a less polarizing “establishment”


Frankly, I think the field is less

interesting without a second Trump term, so I will focus my thoughts here with the assump-

tion that he serves a second term. Historically speaking, he also has advantages, not the

least of which is the power of incumbency -- since 1900, 14

of 19 presidential incumbents have won reelection. Here are

some potential candidates to watch:

Josh Hawley — The senator

from Missouri, as well as the youngest senator in Congress, has only served for two years,

“he fought Obamacare at the — as one of the lead attorneys

in the landmark Hobby Lobby

case.” He has already made a

name for himself as one of the

most vocal conservative voices

in Congress, and he brings new ideas to the table, including his and Senator Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN) legislation proposal to move most bureaucra-

cy jobs outside D.C. and closer to communities which their pol-

icy affects. I mentioned Senator

Hawley in a previous article on the Hong Kong protests as well — not only was he a strong ad-

vocate for the people of Hong Kong, he traveled there personally amidst the protests.

Ron Desantis — The current

but don’t let that fool you into

governor of Florida is another

Senator Hawley, a Yale law

ing recent presidents George

thinking he’s inexperienced. graduate and former attorney general for Missouri, has considerable legal chops. Accord-

candidate to watch. (Includ-

W. Bush and Bill Clinton, 17 presidents served as governors

before winning the presidency.

Reagan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jefferson all served as gover-

nors as well.) Gov. DeSantis

receive bipartisan support even ment.

Nikki Haley — The former

also has legislative experience,

governor of South Carolina has

gressman until resigning to

times fiery political demean-

serving for five years as con-

focus on his governor election

campaign. What makes Gov. DeSantis stand out most are

his record approval numbers, even though he won the gov-

ernorship by a razor-thin 0.4%

margin. In February, DeSantis’s approval numbers were around 65%, with only 21% disapprov-

ing (a net positive of 44%). This beat approval numbers for both

Florida senators and President

Trump. His approval specific to the handling of coronavirus

in Florida is lower, though still positive, with 51% approving and 46% disapproving. DeSantis’s approval numbers are im-

portant because they indicate a strong base of support in Flori-

da — the perennial swing state

the experience and the some-

or to capitalize after a second

Trump term. After serving as governor, she served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for the Trump ad-

ministration where she was known for her willingness to be straightforward, especial-

ly when addressing the U.S.

high job approval ratings, in75% of Republicans, 63% of

Independents and 55% of Democrats, respectively. Her job ap-

proval of around 55% among

Democrats at the time was nearly identical to both Senate

Minority Leader Chuck Shumer and then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Keep an eye on

Haley, as she will enter the race with experience and a track re-

cord of high approval ratings in prior positions.

It’s way too early to say which

response to North Korean ag-

of these three might eventually

Trump administration’s staunch

then again, this is a way-too-

gression and representing the

support of Israel. On top of her political experience, Haley also

enjoys high name recognition.

CNN even ran a piece in April of 2018 — while then-Ambas-

sador Haley was still serving at the U.N. — titled “Is Nikki Ha-

ley the most popular politician in America?” It cited a Quinnip-

secure the nomination — but early take. Look for Nikki Haley

to secure the nomination, and perhaps the first female presidency, in 2024.

Sam Paepke is a USU under-

graduate studying in the Huntsman School of Business.

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


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College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Kenneth L. White, Dean Agriculture Systems Technology and Education Adams, Caleb Lee, BS; Adams, McClendon, BS; Adams, Trevor Reed, BS; Alghamdi, Abdulrahman Abdulkarim, BS; Alghamdi, Mohammad Abdullah, BS; Alhujayri, Mahmoud Mustafa, BS; Aljebali, Yazeed Ali, BS; Alkhanani, Mohammed, BS; Amundson, Vivian Leigh, BS; Andersen, Jacee Heidi Malan, BS; Anderson, Kyson Sean, C, AAS; Anderson, Liza Kate, AAS; Anderson, Megan Noel, BS; Anderson, William, AS; Angus, Shantelle, AAS; Arnold, Carter David, AAS; Arnoldsen, Angela, BS; Austin, Kurtis Chandler, BS; Ayotte, Tyler J, BS; Baczuk, Matthew David, BS; Bailey, Brandon Scott, BS; Bailey, Marissa, BS; Bainbridge, Mason Kingsley, AAS; Bair, Kailee Lin, AS; Bair, Shari Lyn, AS; Ballif, Jed Berrett, BS; Barclay, Kaleb Matthew, AS; Barton, Jennifer Lynn, BS; Bartschi, Austin Young, BS; Baumert, Drake Sebastian, BS; Beckstead, Marin, AS; Behunin, Drew Michael, AAS; Bell, Dillon Edward, BS; Bell, Madelyn D, AS; Bennion, Haley, BS; Beyeler, Curtis Lee, BS; Bierer, Justin, AAS, BS; Bigham, Toria Camille, BS; Bingham, Logan J, AAS; Bingham, Tyler Van, BS; Bishop, Cassity, BS; Blackburn, Tyler Kenneth, BS; Blackman, Randall Chance, BS; Blackshear, Ted, BS; Bodily, Rachel Ivy, BS; Boehme, Brianna Gotchy, BS; Boehme, Taylor, AS, BS; Bogedahl, Christopher Takashi, BS; Bolton, John Curtis, AAS, BS; Bradley, Jessica J, AS; Bradshaw, Jenna, AS; Bradshaw, Nicholas Joel, BS; Brady, Tyler James, BS; Brown, Sidney Lauren, AS; Brown, Stonie Bayles, AAS; Buhler, Olivia, AAS; Bullock, Brighton Trie, AAS; Burbidge, Ian G, BS; Burge, Erika, BS; Call, Natalie, BS; Capener, Kasen Nielsen, AAS; Carlson, Makayla Marie, AAS; Carpenter, Alyssa Mary, BS; Carpenter, Iain Scott, C; Cates, Jordan R, BS; Chambers, Shandee Rae, BS; Charlton, Connor Joseph, BS; Chico, Ronnie, C, AAS; Cho, Jeongmin, BS; Christensen, Eric Thomas, AAS, BS; Christensen, Jasen Sessions, AAS; Christensen, Justin Max, AS; Christoffersen, Derek Joseph, AAS; Clark Jr, Jonathan James, BS; Clayton, David, BS; Cline, Justin Daniel, AAS; Cline, Troy Darrell, C; Connelly, Michael J, BS; Conover, Melanie, BS; Cooper, Bradly Gerald, AAS; Cox, Conor E, BS; Crook, Alec Just, AAS, BS; Crystal, Jessica Ariane, AAS; Dalebout, Kyle Bronson, BS; Daugherty, Christopher Gaje, AAS; Davenport, Christian Kay, BS; Davis, Ashleigh M, BS; De La Torre, Juan P, BS; DeCoursey,

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Kayla, BS; DeSpain, Devon Andrea, BS; Diederich, Eli David, BS; Downs, Kellstin Reese, BS; Downs, Kyler Frank, BS; Drollinger, Benjamin Robert, BS; Droubay, Tanner Loyd, BS; Dubanowich, Griffin Thomas, AAS, BS; DuFault, Cameron Thomas, BS; Dugger, Claire, BS; Dunlap, Trevor S, BS; Eckert, Hayden Grant, BS; Edwards, Kallie Ann, BS; Ellis, Andrea Elizabeth, BS; Emmart, Raymond W, BS; Finlinson, Kamron, BS; Fisher, Bennett Reece, BS; Fitch, Jordyn Marie, AAS; Flores, Luis Ignacio, BS; Floyd, Nelson Tate, AS, BS; Frandsen, Justin, AAS, BS; Frank, Carlee Morgan, BS; Frazier, Nathan A, BS; Fuller, Nicholas Michael, BS; Funk, Zack Tyson, C, AAS, BS; Gailey, Nathan Clark, BS; Garcia, Angela Lynn, AS; Gardner, Bryant, AS; Gardner, Kortni Marie, BS; Gardner, Taylor M, BS; Garner, Stegan LaMar, BS; Garrett, Makell, BS; Garvin, Brady McKay, BS; Garvin, Colby B, BS; Garvin, Thomas Brady, BS; Gibbs, Edward Braden, BS; Gibbs, William Wyatt, BS; Gilbert, Brandon Clay, BS; Gilbert, Nate Roger, AS; Goodrich, Jack Ytac, BS; Guerrero, Jessica Leigh, BS; Gunnell, Jayden, C, BS; Guyer, Jesse David, BS; Guymon, Hans Samuel, C, AAS; Halton, Nicholas Tyler, BS; Hanes II, Bennie Ray, BS; Hansen, Ryan Brett, BS; Hanson, Kolton Paul, BS; Harmon, Samuel Zachariah, AAS; Harrison, Abby A, AAS; Heath, Raina Sophia, AAS; Hebert, Adam Gerard, BS; Henderson, Kimball Guy, BS; Hendricks, Casey Allen, BS; Hendrix, Hunter, BS; Henke, Preston Micheal, AAS; Higbee, Stephen Paul, BS; Hill, Sarah Margaret Eileen, AAS; Hills, Weston, BS; Hintze, Douglas Mathews, BS; Hojhalli, Besim, BS; Holliday, Wyatt Mark, BS; Holmes, Kenneth Andrew, AS; Holtman, Wil Gustave, AS; Honeycutt, Courtney Lyn, BS; Hopkins, Kiora, BS; Hopkins, Nicole, BS; Horn, Bailey Bleu, BS; Horne, Collin James, BS; Horne, Kyra Ann, AAS; Hortin, Nicholas W, BS; Hoskins, Cody C, BS; Hosteen, Cody William Robert, BS; Huber, Kellan Scott, BS; Hughes, Riley C, BS; Hulse, Karen E, AAS; Huskinson, Bailee, BS; Hutchinson, Benjamin Jake, BS; Hyer, Nathan Andrew, AAS; Iverson, Hunter Verl, BS; Jasperson, Auston Thomas, BS; Jensen, Brandon Jay, BS; Jensen, Bryken Jake, AAS; Jenson, Kirsten Marie, BS; Jenson, Linsey Walker, AS; Jeon, Hyung Jin, BS; Jeske, Devin C, BS; Johnson, Lindsey Adair, BS; Johnson, Marci Alene Rydalch, BS; Johnson, Morgan Lee, BS; Jonas, Skyler Nelson, BS; Jones, Logan Demarcus, BS; Julien, Jake Wheeler, BS; Jung, Jaedong, BS; Karam, Spencer Anthony, BS; Keller, Jerald Andrew, AAS; Kemp, Mitchell, AAS, BS; Kepsel, Zachary V, AAS; Kim, Hee Joong,

BS; Kipp, Austin Michael, BS; Kittleson, Ian Alder, AAS; Klingenhofer, Erik Richard, C, AAS; Knight, James Bryson, BS; Kofford, Jed C, AAS; Kotter, Lindsee, BS; Kuehl, Zachary Alex, AAS, BS; Kumpf, Joshua Scott, BS; Kunz, David P, BS; Kyung, Doohyun, AAS, BS; LaBarge, Alex Norman, BS; Lane, Emma Marie, BS; Lanouette, Philippe R, AS; Larson, Emma Lee, BS; Larson, Terence Keene, BS; Lawver, Richard Caleb, BS; Leckie, Jemini Kib, BS; Lee, Andrew Robert, BS; Lee, Jennsen, BS; Lee, McKenzie Pearl, BS; Lee, Seung Ho, BS; Lee, Taehee, BS; Leishman, McKenna Yeck, AAS; Lloyd, Dallin Parke, BS; Lockwood, Cortland Elliott, BS; Long, Michael Levi, BS; Lopez, Dominic, C, AAS; Louhinejadian, Sheereen Noor, AAS; Loya, Brenda, AAS; Lundquist, Adam Christopher, BS; Luthy, Kristopher David, BS; Lysy, Jeffrey A, BS; Manning, Jared Samuel, AAS; Marsh, Hank Kenneth Henderson, BS; Marshall Jr, Steven Clark, AAS, AS; Martin, Tyson Rae, BS; Mayer, Joshua Scott, BS; Mayne, Christian Doyle, BS; Mazzu, Caden Anthony, BS; McAllister, James Almon, BS; McCashland, Shelby Montana, BS; McClure, Jonathan David, BS; McDaniel, Wyatt B, BS; McDermott, Collin Jeffrey, BS; McDonald, Coralie Maughan, BS; McErlean, Nicholas Patrick, BS; McFarland, Samuel D, BS; McGarry, Jennifer Leigh, AS; McKay, River Tiona, BS; McLean, Christian Nathaniel, AS; Mcneil, Brittyn Elise, AAS; Meza, Adrian, BS; Migliori, Tyeray, C; Miller, Austin Lee, BS; Miller, Nathan Don, BS; Monson, Jaymes Allan, BS; Monson, Weston Thomas, BS; Morris, David Alexander, BS; Morris, Taylor Neil, BS; Morse, Bradley, AS; Mosdell, Jeffery Michael, BS; Mote, Kassidy A, AS; Mueller, Kaysi E, BS; Nakata, Austin Masahiko, BS; Nash, Jamie Lynn, AAS; Neeley, Andrew James, BS; Nell, Amelia Spree, BS; Nielsen, Kadee, AS; Noble, Kimberly Ann, AAS; Norr, Derek T, BS; Okerlund, Hunter Barrett, BS; Oliver, Jessie J, BS; Olsen, Dustin, BS; Oman, Carly Lou, BS; Orton, Kayla Rachelle, BS; Ottley, Braden Edward, BS; Owens, Shawn Thomas, AAS; Pacheco I, Tommy, AAS; Palmer Sr, Stetson Trent, BS; Park, Jihyun, AAS; Perry, Cole Weston, BS; Perry, Kathryn R, BS; Petersen, Savannah, AS; Peterson, Amanda Claire, BS; Piechowski-Begay, Shanidiin, AAS; Pitkin, Trishelle Marie, AAS; Potter, Zachary, AAS, BS; Powell, Chris James, BS; Pugmire, Shaylee Anna, AS; Reddish, Sarah, AAS; Reed, Brianna Richele, BS; Rees, Devin Cooper, BS; Reese, Austin R, BS; Reidhead, Ryan J, C, AAS; Rhodes, Kolton K, AAS; Rice, Michael Joshua, AAS; Rich, Garrett Larsen, C, AAS; Richards, Chance Jordan, AAS; Richardson, Spencer, BS; Ricks, Caitlyn, BS;

Riding, Miriam V, C; Rinta, David Matthew, C; Roberson, Shelby Rae, AAS; Roberts, Dillion Doraine, AAS; Robinson, Alecia, BS; Robinson, Jesse Gerald, BS; Rodriguez, Alejandro Miguel, C; Rollins, Traci, BS; Ross, Logan Troy, AAS, BS; Sabaitis, Tori Ann, BS; Sage, Sabrina Noreen, BS; Salazar, Shawn Walter, BS; Saltmarsh, Tyler Robert, BS; Sampson, Harley David, AAS; Sanchez, Dylan Jerald, AAS; Sauer, Jacob Devon, C, AAS; Scoggins, Johnathon Edwin, AAS; Shafloot, Abdulaziz Mohamed, BS; Shearer, Justin Tyler, AAS, AS; Shippen, Austin Emmett, BS; Shoaf, Frances Rose, BS; Shupe, Whitney Jane, AS; Siddoway, Luke G, BS; Siggard, Hunter W, BS; Simpkins, Devan E, AAS, BS; Singh, Love-Deep, BS; Skaggs, William Alexander, C, AAS ; Smith, Colten Justen, BS; Smith, Hallie Pearl, AAS; Smith, Shelby Morgan, BS; Smith, Tanner Eldon, BS; Sorensen, Lexie Drew, BS; Sorensen, Logan Cushing, BS; Spackman, Adam Dallas, BS; Spackman, McKay Michael, C, AAS, BS; Spackman, Ryle Kelcey, BS; Spencer, Mariah Anne, BS; St Clair, Loran, AAS; Stagg, Nathaniel Robert, C, AAS; Stagg, Steven Garth, BS; Stevens, Alan Austin, BS; Stock, Hannah Breann, AS; Stump, Riley Dean, BS; Sweat, Emili Ann, BS; Sweatfield, Stetson Kory, BS; Taggart, Hayley, BS; Taylor, Emali Christine, AS; Taylor, Nathon E, BS; Thacker, Ryker, BS; Thaxton, Anthony, BS; Theurer, Josh Bradley, BS; Thomas, Casey James, C; Thomas, Levi Benjamin, BS; Thomas, Payton Craig, BS; Tilley, Colton Henry, BS; Tippetts, Jacob Shepherd, BS; Todd, Brandon Spencer, AAS, BS; Trock, Nicholas Johannes, BS; Trujillo, Deija Jade, BS; Tueller, Bryce Christian, AAS, BS; Tuttle, Mason Davis, BS; Uhart, Katlyn Laree, BS; Urie, Nathan Wayne, BS; Utsugi, Go, BS; Valeriano, Efrain Jr, BS; Van der Sluys, Halston D, AAS; Van Tassell, Hayley Kristine, BS; Vasquez, Anthony John, BS; Venegas, Cristian Armand, BS; Wade, Alison Rae, BS; Wade, Tyler Ann, BS; Walker, Jeffrey, C; Wangsgard, Jared R, AAS; Wanlass, Logan Jeffrey, BS; Ward, Leah Natasha, BS; Wardle, Andrea Denice, BS; Warr, Jaxon Keith, BS; Webb, Aaron Thomas, AAS, BS; Weerakkody Patiratnage, Akila Buddhika Dissanayake, AAS, BS; Welch, Jessen Rhay Scott, C, AAS; Wells Jr, Daniel Clayton, AAS, BS; Wentz, Rachel Ann, AAS; Weston, Sage Montgomery, BS; White, Devin Benson, BS; White, Jacob Lester, BS; Whiting, Oakley Marie, BS; Whittaker, Seth Darren, BS; Williams, Spencer, BS; Willie, Lynnea T, C; Willis, Taylor Craig, BS; Wilson, Chloe, AAS; Wolfe, Jamon Franklin, BS; Woodall, Taylor A, BS; Workman, Shihayla Michelle, AAS; Wright, Morgan

Ann, BS; Wrigley, Alyson, AAS, BS; Wyatt, Jamie, AAS; Wynn, Jordan Ryan, C, AAS; Yang, Taewoo, BS; Yates, Aaron R, BS; Yocom, Tavia Ann, AAS; Yoon, Jiwon, AAS; Young, Cameron Don, BS; Young, Cheyenne, BS; Young, Connor Faux, BS; Young, Corban M, C; Zamora, Jose Javier Paniagua, BS; Zhu, Yu, BS; Zollinger, Zachary Thomas, AS; Zundel, Keanyn Rosel, BS.

Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences Arnold, Analise Marie, BS; Barfuss, Tawney Willa, BS; Barroso, Dustin, BS; Bauman, Shawnee, BS; Bayles, Sarah Ashley, BS; Boden, Caleb, BS; Bodkin, Sarah Elizabeth, BS; Bullock, Emmalee Renee, BS; Burbidge, Megan A, BS; Christensen, Brock Aaron, BS; Clinger, Henry W, BS; Cooper, Tye Brooks, BS; Daugs, Alissa Dawn, BS; Day, Madison Leigh, BS; Dunn, Makenna Jean, BS; Dyson, Bailey P, BS; Ellertson, Tyler James, BS; Ence, Kaydn D, BS; Erickson, Kayla May, BS; Essman, Ariana Kathleen, BS; Fisher, Briana L, BS; Folland, Matthew David, BS; Goodey, Chase Todd, BS; Gordon, Tayler M, BS; Green, Ryder W, BS; Guyer, Georgia Ann, BS; Hess, Kathryn Elise, BS; Humphrey, Noah Rece, BS; Hurd, Tucker Ron, BS; Jensen, Kennady D, BS; Kirkland, Kristin Alexa, BS; Krieger, Samantha Hillary, BS; Larson, Aubrey Tess, BS; Lindberg, Brittany M, BS; Lusk, Christopher Gheen, BS; McGuire, Raysha Ann, BS; McKenzie, Ashley Renee, BS; McKinnon, Cassie D, BS; Mikesell, Bailee Joe, BS; Mullen, Kristina Hill, BS; Munns, Judd Laren, BS; Ortiz, Fawn Ardith, BS; Osborne, Makenna Lee, BS; Oyler, Martin Jed, BS; Patenaude, Kaylyn Elyse, BS; Patrick, Tayler McColl, BS; Richins, Kenzie, BS; Roberts, Amanda E, BS; Selin, Taylor Lynn, BS; Sparks, Sarah Emily, BS; Streng, Nora Ann, BS; Timbimboo, Serenity Lee, BS; Tripp, Madison Marie, BS; Tucker, Reyanna Elsa, BS; Vanderlinden, Casey June, BS; Villaneuva, Lilly L, BS; Visser, Rebecca Anne, BS; Wallwork, Maline Shanai, BS; Wilding, Jace Kameron, BS; World, Alexis Jenna, BS; Zulick, Sidney Elizabeth, BS. Applied Economics Anderson, Darlene Denise, BS; Bagley, Walker, BS; Bartschi, Azdyn Jeffrey, BS; Bean, Justin C, BS; Bell, Madelyn D, BS; Bennett, Ethan R, BS; Bingham, Bailey A, BS; Brogan, Garrett S, BS; Castillo Pedraza, Jaime, BS; Cranney, Aleiha, BS; Dixon, Mason J, BS; Donaldson, Wade H, BS; Egan, Jarum H, BS; Garman, Peggy, BS; Garn, Whyatt Mikael, BS; Greene, Emily Dawn, BS; Greenhalgh, Angela, BS; Gunnell, Jayden, BS; Harper, Matt G, BS; Hawkins, Jasmine Rachelle, BS; Hawks, Justin Benson, BS; Hendrix, Hunter, BS; Hoiland, Connor J, BS; Jensen,

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WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 Joshua D, BS; Kayembe, Ruth Kamuanya, BS; Klein, Sean Anthony, BS; Knight, Coleman Sameul, BA ; Kunzler, Jared Jacob, BS; Lindley, Cody Rick, BS; Malcarne, Zachary Mark, BS; Moon, Alex Ned, BS; Pandol, Stefanie Anne, BS; Rasmussen, Kaylee Ann, BS; Robertson, John Michael, BS; Rollins, Dustin Shawn, BS; Silva, Alec L, BS; Thacker, Jonathan D, BS; Vitale, Christopher David, BS; Wright, Lance W, BS. General Studies Baker, Dalton Cameron, BS; Baldwin, Sharlene Kay, BS; Barstow, Shawn A, BS; Boden, Lindsey, BS; Breeze, Chelsea, BS; Clawson, Christina Elaine, BS; Clegg, Zak James, BS; Davis, Ashlee Dawn, BS; Dent, Mackenzie, BS; Duhamel, Kenneth Roger, BS; Grover, James Liam, BS; Grow, Kirby Keith, BS; Hansen, Alexander Neil, BS; Herrera, Melissa M, BS; Hesketh, Taryn Amanda, BS; Hufford, Jordan, BS; Langford, Lauren Barbara, BS; Leigh, David Terrance, BS; Leishman, Aaron, BS; Lewis, Joseph Charles, BS; Lindhardt, Cooper Douglas, BS; Morris, Kirsti A, BS; Paskett, Nathan Dennis, BS; Priskos, Andrew Alexander, BS; Stanworth, Stephen D, BS; Still, Kimberly, BS; Tobler, Hailey, BS; Tulius, Joseph M, BS; Young, Alynn Makell, BS. Health Professions Benally, Monique, C; Clement, Sherry, C; Jarman, Cortnie Lee, C; Joe, Kenissha Nelda, C; Lupo, Makayla Alyssa, C; Schmidt, Shelbie Tirae, C. Interdisciplinary Studies Buxton, Hunter L, BS; Grant, Madeline, BS; Huffman, Luke Chandler, BS; Kruckenberg, Ellison M, BS; Nahrwold, Frederick Dixon, BS; Smith, Todd D, BS; Tomlinson, Madeline Renae, BS; Tran, Hao Thanh, BS; Waters, Celeste Rasmussen, BS. Landscape and Environmental Planning Ahlstrom, Jared Gary, BLA; Balls, Ethan Michael, BLA; Castillo Gonzalez, Willy Survier Mahatma, BLA; Green, Hannah, BLA; Grover, Clifton Russell, BLA; John, Michael Dennis, BLA; Jones, Corrin Brenda, BLA; Jones, Natalie Beckstrand, BLA; Leven, Paige Marie, BLA; Lindberg, Travis, BLA; Lloyd, Lindsay Ann, BLA; Lozanoff, Rob Alec, BLA; Manzione, Anthony David, BLA; Marshall, Malynn, BLA; Martin, Donna Katherine, BLA; Miskin, Braden Oscar, BLA; Parker, Allison Paige, BLA; Pong, Madison Ivy, BLA; Schofield, Agustus J, BLA; Smith, Lindsie Carolann, BLA; Smith, Tommy Webb, BLA; Snow, Matthew Aaron, BLA; Tooley, Sarah, BLA; White, Jared Phillip, BLA.

Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences Alley, Michelle E, BS; Anderson, Madison Daynes, BS; Bagley, Alexis, BS; Bangerter, Lydia, BS; Bateman, Emily, BS; Beutler, Lauren Sue, BS; Briggs, Trista Christene, BS; Buhler, Jared F, BS; Cates, Courtnee Anne, BS; Clark, Benjamin Emmett, BS; Cloward, Jennifer J, BS; Conley, Jonathan, BS; Cox, Kristin Lynn, BS; Creer, Madalyn, BS; Crosby, Kyler, BS; Daybell, Tayler Lynne, BS; Eaton, Sarah Marie, BS; Flint, Kate Elsie, BS; Francis, Paige, BS; Gough, Jessica Anne, BS; Hales, Nicole Karen, BS; Hildebrandt, Norah Elizabeth Ashby, BS; Holden, Melanie Hicken, BS; Hoobler, Rachel Elizabeth, BS; Huber, Claire Joy, BS; Hynek, Hailey Layne, BS; Knowles, Melissa, BS; Lindsay, Shonia Leigh, BS; Lott, Taylor Anne, BS; Marsh, Melissa Abigail, BS; Mathews, Jessica Marie, BS; Mathis, Ashley Karen, BS; McNeil, Lindsay Paige, BS; McRoberts, Madison Kristae, BS; Mejia Ruiz, Maria Fernanda, BS; Morales, Emily Christine, BS; Nicholson, Heather Soleil, BS; Pack, Chelsie Marie, BS; Ponath, Jennifer Kaitlyn, BS; Richens, Rachel Janeen, BS; Ruesch, Victoria Hazel, BS; Shuaibi, Taiba, BS; Simmons, Cierra A, BS; Simmons, Konner James, BS; Stevens, Keshele Elizabeth, BS; Stoker, Jenna Marie, BS; Sundell, Abbigail Jean, BS; Terry, Jacob Matthew, BS; Thomas, Abigail Hobbs, BS; Yang, Jung Mun, BS.

Plant, Soils, and Climate Andersen, Naomi Koyle, BS; Armstrong, Rachel, BS; Armstrong, Zackary Ray, AAS, BS; Ashby, Kaylynn, BS; Bates, Jayden E, BS; Berrett, Jessica, C, AAS, BS; Boynton, Andrea Lee, C, AAS, BS; Braeger, Alexander Todd, BS; Carpenter, Kord Gail, BS; Clarine, Joseph Peter, BS; Cobbley, Andrew Joseph, C, AAS, BS; Coker, Miles Zhi-yuan, BS; Croft, Emily I, BS; Davis, Alesha Marie, BS; Dent, Mackenzie, C; Diehl, Rebecca, C, AAS, BS; Duran, Andy J, AAS, BS; Duryea, Kaitlyn Nicole, BS; Escobedo, Monica Angelique, C; Esplin, Kristin, BS; Eynon, Thomas John, BS; Fitch, Samantha Susan, BS; Freebairn, Margaret N, AAS, BS; Freestone, Mollie, AAS; Gardner, Shelbie Lee, C, AAS ; Gonzales, Paula Rose, BS; Greenland, Michael Steven, BS; Hamilton, Eric Taylor, C, AAS, BS; Hampton, Hailey Kay, BS; Hart, Elizabeth Marie, BS; Heward, McKay M, BS; Hood, Cassidy Nichole, BS; Howard, Meghan Nicole, BS; Huish, Lisa Nicole, BS; Hull, Richard Jon, BS; Israelsen, Benson F, BS; Jacobson, Jacob Kelly, BS; Johnson, Hayden J, BS; Johnson, Wyatt Glen, BS; Jones, Amanda Rose, AAS; Kilcrease, Michael Garland, BS; Lankford, Bryan Lane, BS; Loertscher, Shelisa Michele, C, AAS, BS; Lyman,

Colin Andrew, BS; Mazyck, Mario Martinez, BS; Mears, Alexa Rae Wride, C, AAS, BS; Measom, Parker Ty, BS; Moon, Jahna K, BS; Norton, Wendie Moon, C, AAS, BS; Nye, Mackayla Westover, BS; Oman, Melody Makenzie, AAS; Palmer, Alyssa L, BS; Pieper, Amanda Sue, BS; Potter, Kaden James, BS; Reed, Becky, C; Rohde, Jennifer Ruth, BS; Romney, Eric William, BS; Simmons Graves, Jennifer, C, AAS; Smith, Cameron Wayne, BS; Stanko, Lauren B, C, AAS, BS; Stults Lopez, Ayla G, BS; Tracy, Jessica Elizabeth, AAS, BS; Vanderkuyl, Ryan T, BS; Weimer, Madison Brooke, C; Willis, Jazmin Kayla, BS; Zook, Tera Christine, BS. •••• Caine College of the Arts Rachel Nardo, Dean Art and Design Ackerman, Kristin Jayne, BFA; Allen, Mariah K, BS; Baldwin, Hannah, BID; Barton, Brandon Kent, BID; Branen, Avery Elizabeth, BFA; Brock, Rebecca Chyenne, BFA; Brooks, Brianne Nicole, BID; Bruggeman, Jill, BFA; Carlson, Chandra Beverly, BFA; Casey, Morgan Nicole, BS; Cepeda, Keisha Kanagawa, BFA; Chidester, Hanna, BID; Christiansen, Levi C, BS; Cook, Charles Richard, BFA; Cook, Kristen Barbara, BID; Crapse, Marcus JohnConway, BA; Devey, Marissa Nicole, BFA; Diaz, Vanessa Raquel, BA; Dinsdale, Emily, BFA; Dowdle, Madison, BFA; Findlay, Mikayla Anne, BA; Folsom, Mary Kathryn, BID; Garbett, Abigail Grace, BFA; Gibson, Alaina Aislinn, BID; Hadden, Elizabeth Anne, BID; Hancey, Rachel Catherine, BFA; Hansen, Kristen Aubrey, BID; Harris, Macazlyn, BID; Hathaway, Hannah Kay, BFA; Hawley, Brenda, BFA; Hoffman, Zarya Patrice, BFA; Hogge, Sierra Elizabeth, BID; Howell, Keaton Kelly, BFA; Hughes, Shaylee Christine, BID; Hunsaker, Anna Maria, BS; Hyatt, Bailey, BS; Jimenez, Kassandra, BFA; Kershisnik, Mira, BS; Kimball, Ryker Scott, BFA; King, Alise Ann, BFA; Knight, Cydney L, BFA; Knighton, Hailey Breanne, BS; Koyle, Alexis K, BFA; Lancaster, Jamie Rae, BFA; Laurence, Iain McKay, BA; Lee, Woo Yeol, BS; Liston, JayLee Braquel, BID; Low, Jesslyn Mae, BA; Lundell, Allison Phyllis, BFA; Lundell, Joel Andrew, BFA; McCall, Chantelle M, BFA; McGarry, Jacquelyn Brooke, BFA; Meyer, Lydia Jane, BFA; Millar, Maureen, BID; Miner, Catherine S, BA; Okerlund, Alexa May, BFA; Pauly, Gelyn, BFA; Purnell, Marissa Kaylee, BS; Rezac, Zachery, BFA; Rich, Alison M, BFA; Robertson, Mariah Louise, BFA; Robles, Samantha Liliana, BA; Roghaar, Harold Pace, BS; Rydalch, Brooke Kimberly, BID; Schmidt, Catelyn, BA; Shi, Lah Poe, BFA; Stephens, Maren Kathryn, BFA; Summers,

Annette G, BFA; Taylor, James Wesley, BFA; Thorn, Oakley Erin, BFA; Treasure, Hailey Camille, BFA; Tumia, Emily Marie, BFA; Turner, Kylee Bea, BFA; Weaver, Jennifer C, BID. General Studies Coburn, Philip, BS; Kov, David S, BS; Vance, Sydney Lorraine, BS. Music Anderson, Katelyn, BM; Baldwin, Kaylyn Taylor, BM; Bringhurst, Taylor, BS; Buck, Tarasine Anne, BS; Bush, Bridger Douglas, BM; Call, Emma, BA; Campanella, Joshua Andrew, BM; Carter, Sophie May, BM; Chadwick, Austin M, BM; Christensen, Aubrey West, BS; Christensen, Jennifer Lynn, BM; Clark, Taylor Rich, BM; Cook Tubbs, Alexandra Hazel, BM; Corrigan, Laura, BS; Coyle, Kasey Glee, BS; Creer, Sydney, BM; Dalton-Basegoda, Hillary Ann, BM; Davies, Kathryn Rebecca, BS; Dean, Abigail Morgan, BS; Dickson, Samuel K, BM; Draper, Audrey Rose, BS; Evans, Kylie A, BM; Fields, Daniel James, BA; Finnegan, Aubrey Christine, BM; Fry, Samantha Michelle, BS; Garrett, Karley Hunter, BM; George, Camille Laurie, BA; Gillespie, Kaelie Janae, BS; Hansen, Chelsey Kendra, BA; Harper-Hague, Sophia, BS; Hawks, Katarina Noel, BA; Hedman, Keri Rene, BM; Huld, Erin K, BM; Jackson, Hannah, BM; Jessee, Christopher Gordon, BM; Jones, Corinne, BA; Julian, Madeline Renee, BM; Larsen, Rachel, BM; Linford, Linda Marie, BM; Mountcastle, Sarina Allegra, BM; Packard, Haley, BA; Patton, Alexandria Castleton, BS; Perfidio, Caesar James, BM; Ricks, Rockie Lee, BA; Roderer, Laurana Wheeler, BM; Roderer, Patrik Ernst, BM; Runyan, Tirzah Earl, BS; Salisbury, Emily Ann, BS; Scott, Nathan Jeffrey, BS; Seare, Sariah Marie, BM; Smart, Jeffrey Braden, BM; Smith, Dorothy Gene Petersen, BS; Sorenson, Bethany Camille, BS; Stewart, Dominic Aaron, BA; Thacker, Amy E, BM; Thompson, Olivia J, BM; Wadsworth, Laura Wride, BA; Warburton, Megan, BM; Wood, Emily Ann, BS; Wray, Tyler, BS; Young, David James, BM. Theatre Arts Bond, Connor Christopher, BFA; Brenna, Stirling Blair, BFA; Brundy, Blake Stephen, BFA; Dixon, Noah Gentry, BFA; Eastland, Cameron, BFA; Evangelho, Catherine Grace, BFA; Fletcher, Scott David, BFA; Hansen, Cosette Anne, BFA; Landroche, Alyssa Anne, BFA; Liddell, Madeline C, BFA; Lythgoe, Callie E, BFA; Neeley, Cameron S, BFA; Nielson, Madison Abigail, BFA; Shorthill, Stacey Mae, BFA; Smith Jr, James Alexander, BFA; Sproul, Samuel Hayden, BFA; Swan, Rebecca Diane, BFA; Washburn, Larissa May, BFA; Williams, Eboni Rajae, BFA.

••• Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Douglas D. Anderson, Dean Accounting Aagard, Matthew Conard, BS; Acevedo, Kalina Nichole, BS; Adams, Samuel, BS; Alvey, Christopher Brett, BS; Anczak, Tyler Robert, BS; Annis, Devon Jeffrey, BS; Arnold, Brandon, BS; Atkinson, DeAnza Yazzie, BS; Baldwin, Tyler David, BS; Banner, Colby, BS; Barson, Steven Ross, BS; Beltran Figueroa, Daisy, BS; Berghout, Ryan L, BS; Bernhisel, Melissa K, BS; Berrett, Anna Susan, BS; Boardman, Joshua Robert, BS; Bowden, Mary Alexyn, BS; Brashears, Kinsey Kaye, BS; Bremmer, Kylee J, BS; Carmona, Berenice, BA; Carter, Derek Michael, BS; Carter, Shelby Danielle, BS; Carter, Sophie May, BS; Cellan, Bailey E, BS; Christensen, Rachael Sara, BS; Clark, Dakota, BS; Clark, Taylor Rich, BA; Coppin, Benjamin Lance, BS; Crofoot, Cody D, BS; Davis, Marinda, BS; DeLisle, Jonas Paul, BS; Edmunds, Matthew Craig, BS; Elder, Allison Renee, BS; Erickson, Rebekah Kay, BS; Fender, Andrew J, BS; Fox, Coal River, BS; Fronk, Garrett John, BS; Gephart, Tyler Daniel, BS; Gillespie, Chelsey Rowley, BS; Goodwin, Daniel Todd, BS; Gudmundsson, Sindri Hrafn, BS; Gunnell, Brooke, BS; Hancock, Mckenzie Nicole, BS; Hansen, William Morris, BS; Harvey, Natasha, BS; Haws, Christopher K, BS; Hinkle, Joshua Tory, BS; Hintze, Bradley B, BS; Hlavaty, Hannah Paige, BS; Hong, Benjamin, BS; Horrocks, Tanner, BS; Humphreys, Lisa Elizabeth, BS; Ingram, Lydia Anne, BS; Jeffers, Colby, BS; Johnson, Alec Edward Earl, BS; Johnston, Benjamin Michael, BS; Kellmer, James Richard, BA; Kimball, Zachary Ross, BS; Kinross, Carson Eugene, BS; Knudsen, Kayley, BS; Knudsen, Kourtney Allison, BS; Labrum, William Riley, BA; Larsen, Christian Troy, BS; Larson, Brynlee M, BS; Lee, Ryan Gordon, BS; Leishman, Hanna Jean, BS; Lindsley, Tayvia Shey, BS; Liu, Chang, BS; Long, Nathan Laurence, BS; Loosle, Matthew Stratford, BS; Lowry, Braydon Jay, BS; Lucas, Forrest F, BS; MacPherson, Mekena A, BS; Mansfield, Brookelle L, BS; Maurer, Austin McKay, BS; May, Jaeden Gonzalez, BS; Mendoza, Jose Fabian, BS; Meyer, Jonna Jayne, BS; Millett, Colten Leon, BS; Morazan, Germaine Olivia, BS; Naegle, Andrew Wright, BA; Neil, Andrew Stephen, BS; Newman, Kaylee J, BS; Nielson, Tyler Dean, BS; Nieman, Alec J, BS; Niemann, Jason Henry, BS; Nisbet, Scott Leslie, BA; Olson, Alexis, BS; Openshaw, Max, BA; Pali, Cody Ken, BS; Parkinson, Charity Smith, BS; Patino, Jenny Karen, BS; Pemberton, Tyrel, BS; Perkes, Kason Tate, BS;

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni


Perry, Rebecca, BS; Peters, Jessica Rachelle, BS; Phillips, Abigail, BS; Quezada, Daniel John, BS; Quincy, Alyssa Marie, BS; Reynolds, Brian Mikel, BA; Robinson, Tanner Joel, BS; Scott, Dallin Jay, BS; Seeley, Morgan Wade, BA; Smith, Jessica Jo, BS; Smith, Samuel Riley, BS; Smith, Tanner Matthew Fox, BS; Snow, Malissa Marie, BS; Solos-Newton, Mikala Marie, BS; Squire, Rachel Ann, BS; Stewart, Katrina, BS; Stocks, Adam Blake, BS; Strong, Halen, BS; Student, Jane, BS; Swasey, Katelyn E, BS; Taylor, Jay N, BS; Tervort, Steven Jay, BS; Tolbert, Kelsie L, BS; Tonc, Zachary, BS; Tracy, Landon P, BS; Trujillo, Austin Karl, BS; Tuttle, Tess Ranae, BS; Ung, Peang Hung, BS; Vaterlaus, Elizabeth Marie, BS; Wallentine, Katie, BS; Whipple, Kelton Frank, BS; Winegar, Dane Penrod, BS; Wood, Devin Mark, BS; Yami, Yemisrach D, BS; Young, Mykelle Marie, BS. Economics and Finance Aagard, Matthew Conard, BS; Acevedo, Taylor David, BS; Alder, Jacob Cannon, BS; Allred, Mark J, BS; An, Yang, BS; An, Zhelun, BS; Anczak, Tyler Robert, BS; Andersen, Dakota Neil, BA; Anderson, Cayden J, BS; Anderson, Steven Carl, BS; Archibald, Lincoln Dent, BS; Bai, Puxian, BS; Baldwin, Ross Owen, BA; Baldwin, Scott Reed, BS; Barber, McKell Mouritsen, BS; Barclay, Joshua Paul, BS; Barnes, Landon Christopher, BS; Bass, Austin Guillaume, BS; Bernhisel, Tyler Scott, BS; Bi, Ziwei, BS; Bigelow, Christopher Jordan, BS; Billings, Kaiden Christopher, BS; Black, Jared Christian, BS; Black, Warren Navar, BS; Blackburn, Gretchen Faith, BS; Bohrer, Abigail, BS; Bowles, Wyatt J, BS; Brinkerhoff, Grant Reese, BS; Brooksby, Austin Cole, BS; Bryson, Connor James, BA, BS; Cai, Shi, BS; Candedo, Francisco, BS; Cao, Jinqi, BS; Cao, Kairui, BS; Cao, Kun, BS; Cao, Ningshan, BS; Cao, Wenxin, BS; Cao, Yuqing, BS; Carter, Morgan David, BS; Casperson, Jake Coltin, BS; Cederlof, Justin Philip, BS; Chan, Chun Yu, BS; Chan, San Ying, BS; Chase, Blake Brian, BS; Checketts, Dallin F, BS; Chen, Han, BS; Chen, Jialai, BS; Chen, Jiayi, BS; Chen, Junyu, BS; Chen, Linghao, BS; Chen, Ruowen, BS; Chen, Sihan, BS; Chen, Xi, BS; Chen, Yang, BS; Chen, Yingrun, BS; Chen, Yiwen, BS; Chen, Yu, BS; Chen, Yuyang, BS; Chen, Zixi, BS; Cheng, Qijing, BS; Cheng, Simin, BS; Chow, I Ling, BS; Christiansen, Bailee, BS; Clayburn, Braiden Stacy, BS; Cluff, Tyler Scott, BS; Connor, Jaden C, BS; Coombs, Mitchell Thomas, BS; Cottle, Christopher Glen, BA; Cui, Hengchen, BS; Curameng, Adriana Malene, BS; Curtis, Preston Gerald, BS; Dai, Guangzhao, BS; Dai, Yangyang, BS; Daulton, Laura Lee, BS; Daybell, Max Turner, BS;

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Congratulations De, Jicuo, BS; DeBloois, Evan Douglas, BA, BS; Dellos, Triston Andrew, BS; Dichosa, Isaiah Clyde Sales, BS; Ding, Jiawei, BS; Ding, Meiyue, BS; Du, Shuaihang, BS; Du, Xiaojie, BS; Du, Xuan, BS; Du, Yao, BS; Duan, Lanfeng, BS; Duan, Yumeng, BS; Durham, Daniel George, BS; Durham, Thomas Reed, BS; Dutry, Riley Trent, BS; Erickson, Kylan Mason, BS; Evans, Josh Mahonri, BS; Evensen, Stokton Jay, BS; Ezeh, Ekeoma Ugoezi, BA; Fan, Linyue, BS; Fan, Xuming, BS; Fang, Jianliang, BS; Fang, Yiren, BS; Fender, Andrew J, BS; Feng, Lu, BS; Feng, Xinrui, BS; Foo, Tsoi Ying, BS; Foster, Quade Clifford, BS; Fu, Lintong, BS; Fuhriman, Kyler Brent, BS; Fullmer, Tad Dustin, BS; Gajkowski, Baron R, BS; Gale, James Russel, BS; Gallacher Sr, Cameron, BS; Gao, Changze, BS; Gao, Cheng, BS; Gao, Shuang, BS; Gao, Tianyu, BS; Gao, Wuqianguizi, BS; Gao, Ya, BS; Garlick, Chet Dean, BS; Gee, Jacob D, BS; Geng, Jialu, BS; Gou, Lanyi, BS; Grgich, Aleisha T, BS; Gua, Ketian, BS; Gunnell, Brooke, BS; Guo, Ruolan, BS; Guo, Tingxuan, BS; Guo, Tong, BS; Hall, Alexander B, BA; Han, Jing, BS; Han, Meixiang, BS; Hansen, Ethan, BS; Hanson, Haley, BS; Hao, Liangji, BS; Hao, Renming, BS; Hao, Tian, BS; Harper, Kevin, BS; Harrison, John Carter, BS; Hashimi, Afshin, BS; Haws, Jonathan Randall, BS; He, Ruiyang, BS; He, Xinyue, BS; Heine, Edward Maxwell, BS; Heiner, Sterling Andrew, BS; Henson, Autumn R, BS; Ho, Oi Ling, BS; Hofman, Coleson Campbell, BS; Holt, Whitney, BS; Homer, Blake Vincent, BS; Hou, Jingwen, BS; Hou, Pu, BS; Hu, Bo, BS; Hu, Ke, BS; Hu, Qiushi, BS; Hu, Shuyang, BS; Hu, Tianyi, BS; Hu, Tianzuo, BS; Hu, Xiaoqing, BS; Hu, Xuanhao, BS; Hu, Yifeng, BS; Hua, Pengjie, BS; Huang, Chuanze, BS; Huang, Yujia, BS; Huang, Zhuoqing, BS; Hubbard, Hayden Garff, BS; Hymas, Carson Allen, BS; Jenkins, Caden Bish, BS; Jenkins, Mark Wayne, BS; Jewkes, Richard William, BS; Ji, Zhuo, BS; Jia, Ping, BS; Jia, Yuekun, BS; Jia, Yuqing, BS; Jiang, Boyan, BS; Jiang, Jiaming, BS; Jiang, Jun, BS; Jiang, Siyu, BS; Jiang, Yixiao, BS; Jiang, Zhuoyi, BS; Jiao, Ruiao, BS; Jie, Rui, BS; Jin, Dazhao, BS; Jin, Limeng, BS; Jin, Wenya, BS; Jing, Yang, BS; Johnson, Daniel Jackson, BS; Johnson, Samuel Bengtzen, BS; Jones, Cooper Wade, BS; Jones, Lindsay Elizabeth, BS; Kang, Shiying, BS; Kaur, Sundeep, BS; Kayembe, Ruth Kamuanya, BS; Kies, Brandon, BS; Knight, Peyton Ann, BS; Ko, Tik Hang, BS; Kong, Dezhao, BS; Kong, Lingcong, BS; Kong, Shuai, BS; Krebs, Logan Rick, BS; Kumar, Vinod, BS; Kwok, Sheung Ying, BS; Lai, Yi, BS; Lam, Wai

Tsun, BS; Lamb, Mitchell, BS; Larkin, Sean Michael, BS; Larsen, Levi Morin, BS; Larsen, Trevor Farrel, BS; Lau, Ka Yiu Cynthia, BS; Lau, Yat Yee, BS; Lei, Yiming, BS; Li, Boru, BS; Li, Chaoran, BS; Li, Diancheng, BS; Li, Fangchao, BS; Li, Guorong, BS; Li, Haoru, BS; Li, Jialin, BS; Li, Jiaxin, BS; Li, Jiayin, BS; Li, Jing, BS; Li, Jingyi, BS; Li, Kairui, BS; Li, Ke, BS; Li, Linhao, BS; Li, Linlin, BS; Li, Mengdi, BS; Li, Qifan, BS; Li, Qilin, BS; Li, Rui, BS; Li, Ruiyuan, BS; Li, Ruochen, BS; Li, Shuyang, BS; Li, Sixu, BS; Li, Tianyu, BS; Li, Wanlin, BS; Li, Wei, BS; Li, Wenyu, BS; Li, Xiaohan, BS; Li, Xin, BS; Li, Xinyao, BS; Li, Xinyu, BS; Li, Yang, BS; Li, Yang, BS; Li, Yanyan, BS; Li, Yueyi, BS; Li, Zhengwei, BS; Li, Zhiheng, BS; Li, Zhongnan, BS; Li, Zhujun, BS; Li, Zhuo, BS; Li, Zixian, BS; Li, Zixuan, BS; Lian, Zishen, BS; Liang, Chao, BS; Liang, Hengrui, BS; Liang, Linjie, BS; Liang, Muzi, BS; Liao, Xianghui, BS; Lin, Fubin, BS; Lin, Lin, BS; Lin, Manting, BS; Lindsley, Tayvia Shey, BS; Liu, Aimin, BS; Liu, Chuan, BS; Liu, Guilin, BS; Liu, Hangyi, BS; Liu, Huazhen, BS; Liu, Jiao, BS; Liu, Jiaqi, BS; Liu, Jiawei, BS; Liu, Jingting, BS; Liu, Jingyi, BS; Liu, Shuhan, BS; Liu, Shuiqing, BS; Liu, Sihan, BS; Liu, Siyi, BS; Liu, Tian, BS; Liu, Tong, BS; Liu, Xiaoyang, BS; Liu, Yazhuo, BS; Liu, Yunxuan, BS; Liu, Yutu, BS; Liu, Zhennan, BS; Liu, Zhongmo, BS; Lo, Chun Er, BS; Loosle, Brayden Spencer, BA; Lu, Dongping, BS; Lu, Junjie, BS; Lu, Xiyue, BS; Luan, Sen, BS; Luo, Dewen, BS; Luo, Hengzhong, BS; Luo, Huirong, BS; Luo, Linyu, BS; Lythgoe, Joshua Christian, BA; Lyu, Qiaochu, BS; Ma, Danni, BS; Ma, Liang, BS; Ma, Xiaoqiao, BS; Ma, Xiaoyu, BS; Ma, Yuqi, BS; Machin, William Gordon, BS; Maden, Asmita, BS; Mann, David B, BS; Manwaring, Keaton Michael, BS; Mao, Shuaiyu, BS; Marshall, McKlayne Paul, BS; Martinez, Yadira, BS; Mattingley, Isaac Joseph, BS; McKee, Braxton Kade, BS; Meiners, McKay Ender, BS; Melville, Sarah Judith, BS; Meng, Yi, BS; Merrill, Riley Jaques, BS; Michie, Elizabeth M, BS; Miller, Cameron James, BS; Mortola, Allyn Joy, BS; Moynier, Kasey David, BS; Mu, Linyan, BS; Mu, Qinyuan, BS; Munns, Alex, BS; Murdock, Alyssa Taylor, BS; Murdock, Trevan Allen, BS; Murphy, Russell Allan, BS; Naegle, Andrew Wright, BA; Neal, Zachary Thomas, BS; Nelson, Samuel Crane, BS; Newton, Kiana Liane, BS; Niederhauser, Ethan Barrett, BS; Nielson, Brock Burdean, BS; Niemann, Jason Henry, BS; Niu, Dali, BS; Nordell, Matthew Jaren, BS; Octave, Rebecca Lucy, BS; Openshaw, Max, BA; Orgill, Tyler Reed, BS; Ortega, Amanda De La Caridad,

BS; Oyler, Jacob Jeff, BS; Pan, Baizhu, BS; Pan, Qi, BS; Pan, Yue, BS; Pan, Zexin, BS; Pang, Bo, BS; Pang, Ziyi, BS; Pearson, Nichole Kara, BS; Peng, Peng, BS; Peng, Shen, BS; Penrod, Logan Cloward, BS; Peterson, Anika Claire, BS; Peterson, Tristan James, BS; Pierson, Jared Mark, BS; Pitt, Cameron Douglas, BS; Pollock, Jake Rockwell, BS; Poulson, Jake Bryan, BS; Pulsipher, Matthew McCarty, BS; Qi, Sijia, BS; Qian, Xiaotao, BS; Qiao, Kailai, BS; Qin, Yirong, BS; Qiu, Jingwen, BS; Qu, Xiaobing, BS; Ran, Jiaqi, BS; Rawlins, Kimberlie, BS; Ren, Zonghao, BS; Rhees, Paden Brian, BA, BS; Rice, Austin Kevin, BS; Richins, Clint Dallas, BS; Roberts, Skyler B, BS; Rollins, Dustin Shawn, BS; Romero, Saren LuJuana, BS; Ross, Hannah Rachael, BS; Ross, Joy E, BS; Rowan, Colten Christopher, BS; Rucker, Zachary John, BS; Rupp, Zane Michael, BA; Sanchez, Allen Rafael, BS; Scott, Steven Deron, BS; Searle, Connor Jacob, BS; Shan, Bingliang, BS; Shan, Yiqiao, BS; Shan, Yiran, BS; Shao, Jiayuan, BS; Sheets, Hannah, BS; Shen, Kanglin, BS; Sheng, Ting, BS; Shi, Jie, BS; Shi, Qiannan, BS; Shi, Xiaoyu, BS; Sims, Colton, BS; Smith, James R, BA; Smith, Justin Tyler, BS; Song, Hao, BS; Song, Jiahang, BS; Song, Jiashuai, BS; Song, Mingyu, BS; Song, Weixuan, BS; Song, Xiang, BS; Song, Yanlin, BS; Song, Yaxin, BS; Song, Yifei, BS; Song, Yixuan, BS; Song, Zhipeng, BS; Spencer, Dillon Daitatsu, BS; Spofford, Robert K, BS; Steffenhagen, Casey Wade, BS; Stewart, Parker, BS; Stoker, Tanner Elijah, BS; Stucki, Alicia, BS; Sun, Chumeng, BS; Sun, Jian, BS; Sun, Mengfei, BS; Sun, Mingxu, BS; Sun, Tiantian, BS; Sun, Wanqi, BS; Sun, Weican, BS; Sun, Weiwei, BS; Sun, Xiyue, BS; Sun, Yichen, BS; Sun, Yitong, BS; Sun, Yu, BS; Tang, Jingyi, BS; Tang, Yixuan, BS; Tarbet, Gregory Logan, BS; Tebbs, Alexandra, BS; Terrill, Audrey Kate, BS; Thigpen, Koddy, BS; Thomas, Cameron John, BS; Thomas, Jonathan Mark, BS; Thorley, Tiernan Jay, BA; Thuet, Reed Joseph, BS; Tian, Xueyang, BS; Tong, Siliang, BS; Vaterlaus, Elizabeth Marie, BS; Vera, Benjamin Ascencion, BS; Voges, Ryan Scott, BS; Walker, Halea A, BS; Walton, Dagen, BS; Wan, Jiangzhou, BS; Wan, Shunran, BS; Wang, Bin, BS; Wang, Chaoran, BS; Wang, Du, BS; Wang, Hao, BS; Wang, Hexuan, BS; Wang, Heyu, BS; Wang, Hongcong, BS; Wang, Hongtao, BS; Wang, Hua, BS; Wang, Jianfei, BS; Wang, Jianing, BS; Wang, Jing, BS; Wang, Jingyi, BS; Wang, Jiuhong, BS; Wang, Lulu, BS; Wang, Luying, BS; Wang, Meiqi, BS; Wang, Meiyi, BS; Wang, Mengya, BS; Wang, Shaoqi, BS; Wang, Shixiang, BS; Wang, Shuang, BS; Wang, Shun,

BS; Wang, Siyu, BS; Wang, Tianjian, BS; Wang, Tianyu, BS; Wang, Wanxu, BS; Wang, Xinru, BS; Wang, Xinyue, BS; Wang, Xiwei, BS; Wang, Xuewei, BS; Wang, Xueying, BS; Wang, Yanshu, BS; Wang, Yaojia, BS; Wang, Yihan, BS; Wang, Yingjian, BS; Wang, Yuheng, BS; Wang, Yuxi, BS; Wang, Zhaoyang, BS; Wang, Zixi, BS; Wang, Zixuan, BS; Wang, Ziyi, BS; Warnock, Jared, BS; Webb, Nathan Ray, BS; Wei, Chujun, BS; Wei, Shaopeng, BS; Wei, Sijia, BS; Wei, Xianying, BS; Wells, Sierra Lauren, BS; Weng, Yuhang, BS; Whaley, Shad William, BS; Wheeler, Dallin Thomas, BS; Wilson, Jarod C, BS; Wong, Chun Yu, BS; Wong, Wai Ting, BS; Wu, Feng, BS; Wu, Jiacheng, BS; Wu, Jianan, BS; Wu, Lingwei, BS; Wu, Renpinghe, BS; Wu, Weiren, BS; Wu, Xiaoyu, BS; Wu, Xueqi, BS; Wu, Zhaohan, BS; Wu, Zheyu, BS; Wu, Zixia, BS; Wun, Dai Yi, BS; Xia, Lin, BS; Xian, Ning, BS; Xiang, Peirong, BS; Xiao, Boyuan, BS; Xiao, Shuai, BS; Xie, Jingwei, BS; Xie, Songnan, BS; Xiong, Ziqi, BS; Xu, Bicheng, BS; Xu, Chi, BS; Xu, Haoran, BS; Xu, Haowen, BS; Xu, Lingxiao, BS; Xu, Zihan, BS; Xuan, Jiabing, BS; Xue, Haonan, BS; Xue, Mingrui, BS; Yan, Nannan, BS; Yan, Qiannan, BS; Yang, Chen, BS; Yang, Gancheng, BS; Yang, Jiarui, BS; Yang, Leyu, BS; Yang, Lu, BS; Yang, Xintian, BS; Yang, Yiling, BS; Yang, Yuntong, BS; Yang, Zhi, BS; Yao, Shiqi, BS; Yardley, Damon D, BS; Ye, Kunpeng, BS; Ye, Xinyan, BS; Yin, Jiufang, BS; Yin, Weixi, BS; Ying, Shujian, BS; You, Zhichao, BS; Yu, Dongzheng, BS; Yu, Junwei, BS; Yu, Meng, BS; Yu, Mingtong, BS; Yu, Qing, BS; Yu, Taoming, BS; Yu, Xintong, BS; Yu, Yang, BS; Yu, Yu, BS; Yu, Zaiyang, BS; Yu, Zongming, BS; Yuan, Lu, BS; Yuan, Tianmingzhu, BS; Yuen, Ting Ting, BS; Yun, Siyi, BS; Zhang, Chuanlin, BS; Zhang, Gongyi, BS; Zhang, Haiyang, BS; Zhang, Han, BS; Zhang, Huaijin, BS; Zhang, Jiaqi, BS; Zhang, Jielin, BS; Zhang, Jing, BS; Zhang, Junrong, BS; Zhang, Liyuan, BS; Zhang, Ruoyu, BS; Zhang, Shengbin, BS; Zhang, Shiya, BS; Zhang, Tianji, BS; Zhang, Weixu, BS; Zhang, Wenlu, BS; Zhang, Xiaonan, BS; Zhang, Xintong, BS; Zhang, Xinyue, BS; Zhang, Xinyue, BS; Zhang, Yating, BS; Zhang, Yifan, BS; Zhang, Yilan, BS; Zhang, Ying, BS; Zhang, Yiwen, BS; Zhang, Yueqian, BS; Zhang, Zhuoqun, BS; Zhang, Ziwei, BS; Zhao, Hanying, BS; Zhao, Jinghan, BS; Zhao, Liwen, BS; Zhao, Tiancheng, BS; Zhao, Ting, BS; Zhao, Yixuan, BS; Zhao, Yu, BS; Zheng, Yan, BS; Zheng, Zhiwei, BS; Zhong, Sinan, BS; Zhou, Pinjing, BS; Zhou, Shan, BS; Zhou, Yuan, BS; Zhou, Ziqi, BS; Zhou, Zixiao, BS; Zhu, Kaiming, BS; Zou, Yiqi, BS.

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

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WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 Management Aland, Nathan Roger, BS; Alvarado, Allanah, BS; Anderson, Candice Lynn, BS; Arias, Daniel Pelayo, BS; Atwood, Jordan, BS; Baca, Ryan Hunter, BS; Badalato, Brandon Nicholas, BS; Baker, Trishten, BS; Bauman, Spencer A, BS; Bennett, Breanna Lynn, BS; Berensen Sr, Jayden Tyler Bradley, BS; Bladen, Tyler Robert, BS; Blaylock, Natalie, BS; Blotter, Justin Scott, BS; Brenchley, Ryan Matthew, BS; Brog, John Michael, BS; Buttars, MaryKate, BS; Campbell, Katelyn Marie, BS; Carter, Blake Victor, BS; Carter, Jennica, BS; Chamberlain, Alton Chase, BA; Chandler, Garrett William, BS; Christensen, Amberley K, BS; Christensen I, Jordan Kelly, BS; Christensen, Joseph P, BS; Christensen, Russell Scott, BA; Clark, Dakota, BS; Clark, Tiffany Jean, BS; Copeland, Sabrina Ann, BS; Cotton, Brock, BS; Crockett, Kristine B, BS; Cunningham, Erika A, BS; Cushman, Daniel Robert, BS; Cutshall, Chris, BS; Dalton, Aaron Paul, BS; Davis, Katrina, BS; Dennis, Nikela R, BS; Desimone, Elijah Perry, BS; Dixon, Samuel Robert, BS; Doty, Madeline Jeanne, BS; Downing, Jonathan Taylor, BS; Dwiggins, Kyle Albert, BS; Eby, Alexander P, BS; Edman, Reagan Rich, BS; Egbert, Joshua Gary, BS; Eifert, McKinlee Rose, BS; Fardos, Lauren Nicole, BS; Fausett, Nathan K, BS; Federico, Kameron Jay, BS; Forrest, Austin Morgan, BS; Forster, William David, BS; Fuentes, Fernando, BS; Funk, Alora Clarissa, BS; Gammell, Tucker Michael, BS; Gibson, Garrett Benny, BS; Gier, Natalie Mae, BS; Gillman, Aimee, BS; Glabe, Michael Tyler, BS; Gould, Joely May, BS; Hagen, Aliyah Makai, BS; Hamid, Wahaib T, BS; Hamilton, Tyson Eugene, BS; Hansen, Rebecca, BS; Hathaway, Mykaleen, BS; Haws, Kari Jane, BS; Heald, Daniel Colin, BS; Henderson, McKell Andrew, BS; Herrera, Said Johan, BA; Hinkle, Joshua Tory, BS; Hogge, Evan Karl, BS; Hokanson, Ashkeya Moriah, BS; Hosea, Konisi Tetuaitererai Lui, BS; Hunsaker, Casey Lynn, BS; Hunsaker, Jess R, BS; Hunt, Easton River, BS; Inman, Cheyenne C, BS; Israelsen, Samantha Leigh, BS; Ivie, Anisha Nikkita, BS; Jensen, Jacob, BS; Jensen, Scott W, BS; Jenson, Brandon, BS; Johnson, Brady Morton, BS; Johnson, Kyle Cameron, BS; Jolley, Adam Timms, BS; Jones, Scott Thomas, BS; Jones, Tanner K, BS; Jones, Tyler Glenn, BS; Jones, Wyatt Durrell, BS; Keehn, Tanner James, BS; Kelso, Lauren Elizabeth, BS; Kirkham, Ashton Delaney, BS; Kong, Shuai, BS; Kosiak, Abigail Lynn, BS; Lambrose, Alexander Russell, BS; Lamping II, Robert Cass, BS; Larsen, Brodie R, BS; Larson, Nicole Marie, BS; Laub, Eric James, BS; Leiseth, Sydney, BS; Lekve, Selma

Langoey, BS; Loertscher, Emily, BS; Lundberg, Alex, BS; Lundell, Hannah Martine, BS; Lyman, Arthur Chad, BS; Martin, Sterling McKay, BS; Mattson, Bridger Clayton, BS; McCall, Spencer Kolton, BS; McClure, Kylee Marie, BS; Merchant, Colton Jay, BS; Merrill, Sam, BA; Merryweather, Kamron, BS; Meyers, Jonathon Nicolas, BA; Miller, Jamen Aaron, BS; Mitchell, Sharlene, BS; Monje Quiroga, Xavier Antonio, BS; Moon, Koleton Michael, BS; Morgan, Mikaylee, BS; Mower, Kaden Derrell, BS; Muir, Jenna Shailynn, BS; Nelson, Kendyll Natalie, BS; Nield, Justin Seth, BS; Nilsson, Allison, BS; Oscarson, Bennett Walker, BS; Painter, Joseph Cole, BS; Park, Tanner, BS; Parker, Isabel Grace, BS; Parker, Sage Colton, BS; Parkinson, Ryan Mark, BS; Parkinson, Spencer Lee, BS; Peczuh, Daniel Frank, BS; Petersen, Jared Dean, BS; Phippen, Blake Terril, BS; Pobanz, Joel John, BS; Pollock, Jake Rockwell, BS; Price, Melissa Catherine, BS; Rasband, Tyler Lincoln, BS; Reid, Brittany Marie, BS; Resendes, Aubriana, BS; Reynolds, John W, BS; Rhoades, Dane Thomas, BS; Richards, Ethan Jeffrey, BA; Riddle, Dallin West, BS; Rigby, Brett Avery, BS; Rivera Arevalo, Oscar Alfredo, BS; Robinson, Veronica, BS; Roylance, Jayden S, BS; Saldivar, Beatriz, BS; Sanders, Hannah Jo, BS; Sermon, Jamison R, BS; Sexton, Taylor M, BS; Shields, Logan Gardner, BS; Siegel, Matthew Charles, BS; Simmons, Benjamin, BS; Simpson, Alex, BS; Slade, Alexia, BS; Smith, Daniel Timothy, BA; Smith, Jacob Raymond, BS; Smith, Jenner Douglas, BS; Smith, Shea Thomas, BS; Smoot, Tanner James, BS; Sorensen, Shelley, BS; Steinagel, Mikaela Lee, BS; Stevenson, Paul Jerri, BS; Sullivan, Kevin Philip, BS; Swapp, Braydon Noah, BS; Tatulyan, Angela, BS; Taylor, Ayden JoHannah, BS; Taylor, Brian Joshua, BS; Taylor, Matthew Steven, BS; Tolleson, Casey M, BS; Ung, Peang Hung, BS; Vanderwood, Mitchell Robert, BS; Veile, Caylee Mishel, BS; Villarreal, Alyssa Marie, BS; Vossler, Hayden Brooks, BS; Waddoups, Adrianne J, BS; Watson, Todd Chandler, BS; Watterson, Cade Crawford, BS; Weaver, Laura Nicole, BS; Weaver, Savannah Key, BS; Wendel, Jessica, BS; Whitaker, Maesa Chalet, BS; Wilberg, Amy L, BS; Williams, Lindsey Marie, BS; Windfelder, Colton Lee, BS; Winmill, Brayden Shad, BS; Wolford, Jordan, BS; Wood, Brady, BS; Woody, Maddison, BS; Woolley, Olivia J, BS; Woolstenhulme, Emily J, BS; Zippay, Contessa Cherise, BS; Zwahlen, Michael, BS. Management Information Systems Al-Derham, Ali Ahmad, BS; Ali, Arin Adnan, BS; Alrashid, Ahmed Abdullah, BS; Al-sayegh, Abdul-

la Ahmad, BS; Alstrom, Caitlin Paige, BS; Ashley, Katherine Michelle, BS; Badalato, Tanner Anthony, BS; Bair, Brandon Phillip, BS; Baldwin, Parker M, BS; Banham, Randon Barlett, BS; Barber, McKenzie A, BS; Barr, Christopher Paul, BS; Bassett, Ross Stuart, BS; Baugh, Ashley Taylor, BS; Ben, Arianna C, BS; Benson, Mason Lowell, BS; Berrett, Ethan Madison, BS; Black, Jared Christian, BS; Bresee, Justin Jeffery, BS; Brinkerhoff, Grant Reese, BS; Call, Justin Darwin, BA; Campbell, Kaden Robert, BS; Cherrington, Logan Brent, BS; Christiansen, Tess Aubrey, BS; Claybaugh, Kort J, BS; Colvin, Joshua Kapp, BS; Connor, Jaden C, BS; Crofoot, Cody D, BS; Crowley, Jonathan Gary, BS; Davis, Bradey Duke, BS; Dean, Brian Lynn, BS; Demorest, Craig William, BS; Driggs, Steven, BS; Engle, Forrest James, BS; Ensign, Hunter Paul, BS; Evans, Jacob Samuel, BS; Featherstone, Parker James, BS; Fender, Brianna Lynn, BS; Fullbright, Shelby Wayne, BS; Gardner, Sydney, BS; Geddes, Wesley Chadwick, BS; Gomez Moran, Bianca Elizabeth, BS; Greder, Zachary David, BS; Greenwalt, Elsa, BS; Greer, Joseph Scott, BS; Hansen, Adam Richard, BS; Hatch, Dallin Leroy, BS; Heath, Trevor Scott, BS; Hendrix, Colby, BS; Herman, Zachary R, BS; Herzog, Spencer William, BS; Higham, Stephen Del, BS; Hoggan, Casey D, BS; Holmgren, Michael Howard, BS; Holt, Nicholas Ney, BS; Huber, Tessa Anne, BS; Iverson, Jace Shawn, BA; Ivins, Regan Berl, BS; Ivory, Tyler Randall, BS; Jensen, Brekka S, BS; Johns, McKay Daniel, BS; Johnson, Matthew Evan, BS; Johnson, Zachary Taylor, BS; King, Alexander C, BS; Kingsford, Parker L, BS; Knudsen, Nathan B, BS; Law, Kellen Craig, BA; Lemon, Sterling G, BS; Lovato, Justin William, BS; Lowham, Sessions Alexander, BS; Marshall, McKlayne Paul, BS; Martin, Andrew Jacob, BS; Mashhadi, Mohammed Hussain, BS; Maughan, Justin P, BS; McCracken, Cordell Scott, BS; McKenna, Megan Zoe, BS; Miles, Kevin Jacob, BS; Morgan, Kaydon G, BS; Nuehring, Cody James, BS; Olsen, Henry I, BS; Orlob, Matthew Nicholas, BS; Ott, Arden Chandler, BS; Parkinson, Samuel Howard, BS; Petersen, Matthew, BS; Pobanz, Joel John, BS; Price, Laura Thuy Linh, BS; Probst, Jackson Dale, BS; Renn, Shae Loftus, BS; Riggs, Jadon J, BS; Ritchie, Faith D, BS; Robinson, Jared Colin, BS; Sanchez, Carlos G, BS; Sears, Stephen Brett, BS; Shauers, Darbee Shayne, BS; Shelton, Dallin T, BS; Sherpa, Omu T, BS; Smith, Benton D, BS; Smith, Grant David, BS; Smith, James R, BA; Smith, Lincoln Kaye, BS; Smith, Michael Dennis, BS; Smith, Stokton Tyson, BA; Sorenson, Kendall Laren, BS; Southwick,

Dallin Scott, BS; Steadman, Jacob Charles, BS; Steen, Sean, BS; Steenblik, Ben, BS; Summers, Zachary Edward, BS; Tanner, James N, BS; Thurgood, McKade Charles, BS; Tippetts, Kyle Eugene, BS; Weldon, Camille, BS; Wells, Justin Bret, BS; Westlake, Christian, BS; White, Alexander Warden, BS; Wiggins, Cord Justin, BS; Zwirb, Frederick Paul, BS. Marketing and Strategy Abalharith, Abdalrahman, BS; Ai, Xin, BS; Anderson, Candice Lynn, BS; Arreola, Perla Karina, BS; Atkinson, Kate C, BS; Austad, Aaron Robert, BS; Baca, Jarred David, BS; Baker, Trishten, BS; Bartlett, Cortland, BS; Batt, Dillon Carl, BS; Baxter, Hayden J, BS; Bingham, Jonathan James, BS; Birrell, Alicia Marie, BS; Blaylock, Natalie, BS; Boyce, Hannah O, BS; Brown, Nicholas Warren, BS; Burnett, Olivia Elizabeth, BS; Burningham, Josh Alan, BS; Buttars, MaryKate, BS; Carr, Kenneth Hayes, BS; Casey, Morgan Nicole, BS; Chandler, Garrett William, BS; Chilvers, Matthew William, BS; Clark, Dakota, BS; Clayton, Connor Paul, BS; Cox, Taylor Daniel, BS; Cunningham, Erika A, BS; Curtis, Eli William, BS; Cutshall, Chris, BS; Dalton, Aaron Paul, BS; Davis, Mykel, BS; Daybell, Max Turner, BA; DeFriez, Natalie Susan, BS; Dennis, Nikela R, BS; Dent, Sara, BS; Desimone, Elijah Perry, BS; Devey, Ethan, BS; Dredge Jr, Stephen Wade, BS; Eberle, Dominik Christian, BS; Eckhardt, Breanna Jean, BS; Egan, MiKell, BS; Egbert, Joshua Gary, BS; Eggertsen, Chad Michael, BS; Ellis, Brandon Todd, BS; Erickson, Anna M, BS; Evans, Trevor David, BS; Fife, Glen Kaleb, BS; Flitton, Kayla, BS; Frandsen, Sterling Thomas, BS; Garrison, Mackenzie Grace, BS; Gier, Natalie Mae, BS; Giesea, Emma Kapiolani, BS; Giles, Abby Elizabeth, BS; Gilson, Hunter William, BS; Gordon, Matthew Richard, BS; Gould, Joely May, BS; Greene, Mitchell James, BA; Gunnell, Kaylisha Colette, BS; Gutierrez, Christopher Alexander, BS; Haacke, Benjamin, BA; Hagen, Aliyah Makai, BS; Hansen, Hailey Anne, BS; Hardy, Taylor Amanda, BS; Hatch, Brandon, BA; Herrera, Yahir D, BS; Hill, Logan Ryker, BS; Hinkle, Joshua Tory, BS; Hokanson, Ashkeya Moriah, BS; Howard, Austin, BS; Hunsaker, Jess R, BS; Hunt, Easton River, BS; Jensen, Cameron T, BS; Jenson, Brandon, BS; Johnston, Hailey Elizabeth, BS; Jones, Eric Todd, BS; Kelsch, Scott B, BS; Kelso, Lauren Elizabeth, BS; Larsen, Levi Morin, BS; Larsen, Rachel LeAnn, BS; Love, Hayden T, BS; Lund, Kelsey, BS; Magana, Alexis Antonio, BS; Malcarne, Zachary Mark, BA; Mantz, Garrett Lynn, BS; McCall, Spencer Kolton, BS; Mertlich, Sadie A, BS; Meyer, Taylor Lane, BS; Mills, Megan B, BS;

Morgenegg, Nicole Elizabeth, BS; Muir, Jenna Shailynn, BS; Octave, Rebecca Lucy, BS; Park, Tanner, BS; Paul, Taylor Marie, BS; Peck, Jayden K, BA; Petersen, Jared Dean, BS; Petersen, Lexie, BS; Rasband, Tyler Lincoln, BS; Rice, Lydia Marie, BS; Robins, Marci, BA; Rosado, Sarina, BS; Searle, Connor Larry, BS; Steadman, Jacob Charles, BS; Stevenson, Cache, BS; Taylor, Katelyn Anne, BS; Taylor, Shelby, BS; Thomason, Haylea Rae, BS; Thompson, Abigail Nicole, BS; Tilt, Quinn Valentine, BS; Tingey, Kyler Brian, BS; Villarreal, Alyssa Marie, BS; Vrska III, Michael Dean, BS; Watts, Kyle Edward, BS; Whitworth, Jared Hal, BS; Wilkins, Caroline Thuet, BS; Willams, Lindsey Marie, BS; Woolstenhulme, Emily J, BS; Zhou, Jiayi, BS. ••• Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services Beth E. Foley, Dean Aggies Elevated Anderson Sadie Ruth, C; Krebs, Derek, C; Larsen, Andrew Trevor, C; Peay, Jonathan, C; Urquhart, Lucille, C. Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Adams, Callie N, BS; Alam, Asma, BS; Almaguer, Mary Bernadette, BS; Andrade, Justine Arlene, BS; Angell, Sadie Louise, BA; Anzai, Kelsey, BS; Arriagada, Rodrigo Alejandro, BS; Avalos, Suzana, BS; Baadsgaard, McKayla Colleen, BS; Bagley, Megan, BS; Bailey, Jenna Julia, BS; Balcorta, Auburn Janelle, BS; Ball, Michaela, BS; Banz, Nanette Camille, BS; Barker, Kristin, BS; Barnhart, Laci Rene, BS; Barnhart, TeeJay, BS; Barrus, Alison, BS; Bartels, Katie Elizabeth, BS; Barton, Alexandra, BS; Bateman, Marilynne Paige, BS; Beck, Amy Ellen, BS; Beckman, Danielle, BS; Benavidez, Lucia, BS; Bender, Monica Jean, BS; Benson, Brooklyn N, BS; Benvenuto, Cynthia Elizabeth, BS; Blackburn, Belle, BS; Blake, Andrew, BS; Bradac, Molly, BS; Bradley, Mallorie Kate, BS; Bradley, Rhiannon Judy, BS; Briggs, Avery Ann, BS; Brinson, Amanda Grace, BS; Brogan, Nicole, BS; Buck, Rachel Elizabeth, BS; Buckley, Sarah Danielle, BS; Budd, Abigail Anne, BS; Burrell, Cody True, BS; Buttars, Starlee Anne, BS; Bybee, Karisa M, BS; Cahill, Hannah Joy, BS; Calderwood, Celeste, BS; Cannon, Jordan, BS; Cannon, Shelby Ann, BS; Carlson-Zapata, Nancy, BS; Carlton, Stephanie Ann, BS; Cerecedes, Andrea Rainey, BS; Chai, Mary Ann, BS; Chan, Cheryl Cheok-Io, BS; Chaudhary, Henna, BS; Christian, Charla, BS; Clark, Rachel Suzanne, BS; Clifford, Bridget, BS; Clouse, Alexis Lillian, BS; Coffin, Lindsay, BS; Cohen, Monica Raquel, BS; Conkelton,

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Amanda Victoria, BS; Conley, Virginia B, BS; Contreras Loreto, Elizabeth, BS; Cook, Laura, BS; Costales, Nichole Michelle, BS; Crafts, Belinda Kay, BS; Crist, Amy, BS; Cruz, Yeraldy, BS; Dabb, McKenzie Ciera, BS; Damianos, Shelbee Dawn, BS; Daud, Firdaus, BS; Daum, Zara, BS; Dayley, Melissa A, BA; De Aro, Kelly, BS; De La Torre, Mayra Alejandra, BS; DeBartolo, Deanna Christine, BS; Deese, Tara, BS; Deiner, Helene Perree, BS; Delgadillo, Melissa Dawn, BS; Delgadillo, Viridiana, BS; DeMann, Robyn Elizabeth, BS; Dempsey, Clare, BS; Despot, Jeffrey Kenneth, BS; Dianaty, Kathryn Tess, BS; Diehl, Alyson Young, BS; Dieringer, Alexandria Rose, BS; Dixon, Sarah, BS; Drollette, Jared Vincent, BS; Ducote, Taryn Anne, BS; Dugmore, Janeal, BS; Duong, Celina, BS; Durrant, Melissa, BS; Eldridge, Paige Annika, BS; Ellis, Shannon D, BS; Ellison, Marissa Taylor, BS; Enos, Jenna Mealiianolani, BS; Espinoza, Mildred Stephanie, BS; Evans, Amy Weber, BS; Fallon, Ryan Richard, BS; Farr, Brooke Rochelle, BS; Fatool, Ashley Elaine, BS; Fetters, Hanna Elizabeth, BS; Flammer, Lauretta Weston, BS; Fletcher, Baylee, BS; Flores, Jacquelyn, BS; Forbis, Jessica Elizabeth, BS; Fraley, Amanda Nicole, BS; Frandsen, Ami, BS; French, Aimee, BS; Froerer, Cecily, BS; Fronk, Janine A, BS; Frost, Alyssa, BS; Frost, Maycee Maud, BS; Fuller, Rachel Marie, BS; Fuller, Sydney Lee, BS; Garcia, Carla, BS; Garcia, Nadeline L, BS; Garcia-Diaz, Kayla Rae, BS; Gardner, Alyson Lee, BS; Gates, Allison Leigh, BS; Gatten, Jessica Michelle, BS; Gaydos, Hayley Grace, BS; Geraghty, Mikayla Ann, BA; Geyerman, Sydnee, BS; Gillespie, Rachel Erin, BS; Givens, Josie, BS; Goates, Shauna, BS; Godfrey, Anna Katherine, BS; Godfrey, Kristin Alaina, BS; Golinveaux, Cassidy Michelle, BS; Golub, Nichol Danielle, BS; Gomez, Noemi Jennifer, BA; Gonzales, Jodi Noelle, BS; Gonzalez, Laura Edith, BS; Gonzalez, Tamara, BS; Goodman, Lindsey R, BS; Graff, Shayne Ryann, BS; Granillo, Laura Elizabeth, BS; Gray, Sarah Kathryn, BS; Green, Nicole K, BS; Griffith, Brooke Lynne, BS; Grim, Alexander, BS; Grogg, Ann Margery, BS; Grooms, Rielly Janay, BA; Gustaveson, Makayla Ann, BS; Haralson, Taryn Ann, BA; Hargus, Christopher Lucas, BS; Hart, Jennifer, BS; Hauck, Rebecca Anne, BS; Hayden, Jacey Ann, BS; Haynie, Jenna Michaela, BS; Hazelhofer, Cameron Michael, BS; Hein, Jillian M, BS; Heithaus, Ritu, BS; Hemer, Laura Chamblee, BS; Henkel, Keely Anne, BS; Henno, Rachel Catherine, BS; Hernandez, Alma Yanely, BS; Hernandez, Natalie Marie, BS;

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Congratulations Herrington, Ashley Olivia, BS; Hidalgo, Saydi Luz, BS; Hill, Markita, BS; Hill, Sara Michelle, BS; Hirz, Amber Lee, BS; Hlasney, Erin Elizabeth, BS; Hoffman, Lindsay Lee, BS; Holbrook, Rebekah Rachelle, BS; Holland, Kathlyn Marie, BS; Holmes, Catherine Louise, BS; Hudson, Leslie Kyle, BS; Huebner, Edwina, BS; Huff, Lynae Glenda, BA; Hulse, Marianne, BS; Hunsaker, Emily, BS; Hunt, Heidi Diane, BS; Hurley, Ann Elizabeth, BS; Igwe, Joy Linda O, BS; Jacobson, Trevin, BS; Jenkins, Britnie Ruth, BS; Jenkins, Shalee, BS; Jensen, Ashley Ann, BS; Jeppesen, Samantha Lyn, BS; Job, Brianna Camille, BS; Johnson, Wendy Christine, BS; Jordan, Kaitlyn Christine, BS; Jordan, Sean Robert, BS; Kadish, Mari, BS; Kalpakci, Nevin, BS; Kang, Elizabeth Hae Sil, BS; Kasch, Enola Jean, BS; Keller, Aleisha Marie, BS; Kema, Kailee Pualani, BS; Keogh, Rebakah Dawn, BS; Kilber, Haylee Kristina, BS; Kim, Esther K, BS; King, Niki, BS; Kipp, Heather KayLynn, BS; Kirk, Kendra Marie, BS; Kirtley, Amanda, BS; Klein, Katie Lynn, BS; Klenck, Kristin Marie, BS; Knight, Amber, BS; Knutson, Olivia S, BS; Kotter, Trena Marie, BS; Kuzan, Jessica Lanell, BS; Lagasse, Roxanne K, BS; Lane, Haley, BS; Larson, Caitlin Elizabeth, BS; Larson, Emma E, BS; Leavitt, Lindsey Sarah, BS; Lee, Ann Marie, BS; Lee, Stacey Joanna, BS; Lee, Taylor Nicole, BS; LeFevre, Rachelle Romney, BS; Leon, Marisa, BS; Letosky, Joseph, BS; Lindstrom, Bailey, BS; Loa, Angelina Doris, BS; Lonergan, Brenda Marie, BS; Lopez, Alexander Albert, BS; Lopez, Imelda Rocio, BS; Loveland, Dean S, BS; Lucier, Brianna, BS; Lundquist, Levi Ronald, BS; Lunt, Cali Janae, BS; Luter, Mary Cynthia, BS; MacArthur, Stephanie Ann, BS; Machado-Potestio, Nicole, BS; Mackay, Erin Elizabeth, BS; Magallon, Miryan Selene, BS; Magre, Sadie, BS; Maki, Jennifer Lynn, BS; Mallory, Annie Michelle, BS; Malloy, Mallory, BS; Mancia, Diana Yvette, BS; Manwaring, Haley M, BS; Mathew, Natasha S, BS; May, Sophia, BS; McCann, Jamie Beth, BS; McCarthy, Jennifer Lee, BS; McDaniel, Ellicea, BS; McGreevy, Monica, BS; McKeon, Laura Grace, BA; McNeill, Erica Leigh, BS; McRae, Cindy L, BS; Meggers, Cate Colleen, BS; Merida, Jennifer Idania, BS; Merrell, Traci, BS; Metzger, Jacqueline, BS; Meyer, McKenna K, BS; Meyer, McKinley, BS; Miles, Callie Michelle, BS; Miller, Christina Marie, BS; Miller, Mary Rebecca, BS; Mills, Noelle Marie, BS; Modereger, Paige Sara, BS; Moffitt, Braxtyn, BS; Monson, Aubrey Elise, BS; Moon, Jessica, BS; Moore, Aspen, BS; Moravec,

Ashley Ann, BS; Morgan, Madison Danielle, BS; Morris, Erin Rose, BS; Muhlestein, Monica Nichole, BS; Murdock, Rachael Kristine, BS; Myler, Kristen, BS; Newsome, Elsa, BS; Nguyen, Hoang Quan Thi, BS; Nguyen, Kimanh Thi, BS; Nichols, Taylor Andrea, BS; Nielsen, Kristina Lucille, BS; Nielsen, Trista J, BS; Noto, Nicolete Kayomi, BS; Nowak, Nicole Marie, BS; Ochoa, Brenda Natalie, BS; Ohman, Camille Jo, BS; Olson, Garrett, BS; Orchard, Erin Ann, BS; O'Toole, Dianna, BS; Ott, Sarah Blanche, BS; Passalacqua, Veronica, BS; Pearce, Jamie Marie, BS; Pearson, Elise, BS; Perry, Julia Rose, BS; Peterson, Irelyn Shea, BS; Peterson, Michelle, BS; Phippen, Natalie, BA; Pierre, Altagrace Roxanne, BS; Plogger, Riley Ann, BS; Polad, Shelbi Lillian, BS; Porter, Meghan, BS; Portrey, Tiffany Lavonne, BS; Powell, Kathryn Marie, BS; Pratt, Erin Kelly, BS; Pulido-Wycoff, Anna Kim Lan, BS; Purcell, Casey, BS; Rafeel, Tatyana, BS; Ramirez, Alice, BS; Ramirez, Julie, BS; Rasmussen, Shalise, BS; Reddig, Cynthia Jeanne, BS; Reese, Cassidy Marie, BS; Reichel, Mandee Helen, BS; Renteria, Janine, BS; Reusch, Holly Margaret, BS; Reyna, Miriam Elizabeth, BS; Rhoda, Courtney Elizabeth, BS; Rich, Kylie, BS; Richerson, Lisa Nicole, BS; Riter, Audreigh Marie, BS; Robertson, Alyssa Jane, BS; Robinson, Emily A, BS; Rodriguez, Monica, BS; Rogulina, Anna, BS; Romero, Justin Brandt, BS; Rowley, Jewel Lee, BS; Rudy, Ruth Nichole, BS; Runia, Monica, BS; Russo, Rita Carol, BS; Saavedra, Jane Pryor, BS; Sadowski, Staci, BS; Sakamaki, Mary Margaret, BS; Sanchez, Olga Medellin, BS; Sarancha, Jenny, BS; Sassoon, Yosef, BS; Sauceda, Mariam, BS; Saunders, Elizabeth Alice, BS; Scalf, Jessica Renae, BS; Schliesser, Johana, BS; Schmit, Noelia Fabiana, BA; Scribner, Natalie Catherine, BS; Searle, McKae, BS; Seldon, Caitlin Mauro, BS; Sereno, Chase Michael, BS; Sessions, JoAnne Elizabeth, BS; Shak, Kristen Kealani, BS; Shariq, Maryam, BS; Sharp, Allison Johanna, BS; Sidwell, Kelsi, BS; Silva, Kristin, BS; Simien, Heather Cecile, BS; Simms, Gabriel Kade, BS; Sinayoko, Fanta, BS; Smith, Hannah Jean, BS; Snow, Vanessa Megumi, BA; Snyder, Katlynn Marie, BS; Sohrabnejad, Sepideh, BS; Solano, Claudia Jennie, BS; Somerset, Baylie Aspen, BS; Spackman, Emily Paige, BS; Spencer, Whitney Hope, BS; Splan, Rachel Marie, BS; Steele, Amber, BS; Steenblik, Natalie N, BA; Steng, Lisa Valerie, BS; Stiner, Tamani-Lachelle, BS; Strate, Tiana Bernice, BS; Stringer, Marjean Hurst, BS; Styler, Savannah Mary, BS; Supik, Hannah Lynn, BS; Sutton, Christina Ashley, BS;

Swenson, Emily, BS; Tate, Natalie Anne, BS; Tattersall, Taylor Marie, BS; Taylor, Devinee Christine, BS; Teel, Bernadette Marie, BS; Terasaki, Mariko Grace, BS; Thanatanon, Yanothai, BS; Thomas, Sara Nicole, BS; Thomas, Taylor Ann, BS; Thompson, Ginger Rose, BS; Thompson, Kenna M, BS; Tibbets, Kolbee Lynn, BA; Toledo, Jorge, BS; Townsend, Phillip Bruce, BS; Utley, Mary Margaret, BS; Valencia, Alexandra Isabella, BS; Vanourney, Thomas Allen, BS; Vazquez, Elizabeth Ann, BS; Vu, Ariel Nhu, BS; Walters, Amanda Janet, BS; Walters, Celeste Nicole, BS; Ward, Hannah Marie, BS; Wardle, Caleb James, BS; Watson, Ethan Lynn, BS; Wayman, Nathan Garth, BS; Webber, Lexi, BS; Weiler, Susan, BS; Weller, Christina Beth, BS; Western, Janae, BS; White-Meridian, Theodore, BS; Wilcox, Kaitlyn Mckell, BS; Williams, Carolyn Deyerle Tomfohr, BS; Williams, Chelse Rhea, BS; Williams, Erika, BS; Williams, Thomas E, BS; Williams, Trevor Austin, BS; Winterton, Jenice, BS; Winward, Carlene, BS; Winward, Kristin Larsen, BS; Wolf, Katherine Elizabeth, BS; Wootton, Marlisa Jane, BS; Wright, Celina, BS; Zechiel, Christina, BS; Zelaya, Jennifer Astrid, BS. General Studies Allen, Sarah Elizabeth, BS; Barber, Austin Michael, BS; Bolingbroke, Mara, BS; Brian, Hannah Ruth, BS; Bright, Gerold Maurice, BS; Buckman, Jeffrey Peter, BS; Carver, Jonathan R, BA ; Cerroni, Virginia L, BS; Cottle, David Jeffery, BS; Cunningham, Tracy Ann, BS; Dudley, Rebecca Ann, BS; Espinoza, Ana, BS; Ewell, Joshua, BS; Garner, Kelsey Joanne, BS; Hart, Douglas Scott, BS; Hawkes, Madeline Kaye, BS; Hawkins, Cheyanne Ivey, BS; Huber, Steven Rey, BS; Jenkins, Trinity M, BS; Jensen, Melissa, BS; Johnson, Michele Alies, BS; Kelson, Katie L, BS; Larsen, Amber Nicole, BS; Larson, Leandra Lynn Sutton, BS; Leilua, Ioane Utufua, BS; Lloyd, Amanda Irene, BS; Lloyd, Jarrod Don, BS; Lovin, Anna Elisabeth, BS; McCabe, Taylor Marie, BS; Midgley, Brianne Marie, BS; Migliori, Meredith Lee, BS; Morgan, Adam Charles, BS; Page, Demetri T, BS; Porras, Sierra Lynn, BS; Pratt, Debra Lynn, BS; Quayle, Kenden Anne, BS; Rasmussen, Sarah, BS; Raymond, Savannah, BS; Ricks, Nelson Andrew, BS; Roderick, Matthew Garland, BS; Snell, Elaina Olsen, BS; Sudweeks, Taylor Janae, BS; Vieyra, Alejandro, BS; Walker, Andrea Lillian, BS; Whitman, Camilla Marie, BS; Willis, Carissa Austin, BS. Human Development and Family Studies Adamson, Courtney R, BS; Albrecht, Amber Taire, BS; Ander-

son, Alena Cloward, BS; Anderson, Tandem Penelope, BS; Angus, Samantha Ray, BS; Arehart, Allesha McKeen, BS; Arellano, Isaiah L, BS; Ashby, Kara Dixie, BA; Avery, Tara Nicole, BS; Baker, Miranda Marie, BS; Barlow, Felicity Ann, BS; Barlow, Shaurie Coleman, BS; Beecher, Haleigh Cathleen, BS; Bell, Hailee Marie, BS; Bolander, Elizabeth Hales, BS; Bowden, MaKenzi Kay, BS; Bowler, Hailey Maqael, BS; Brunsdale, Natalie, BS; Checketts, Juliane Berglund, BS; Christensen, Carley Madison, BS; Christensen, Jennifer Lee, BS; Clarke, Caitlyn V, BS; Cook, Matthew Lawrence, BS; Corbridge, Kaylee, BS; Costanza, Alyssa N, BS; Cox, Capri M, BS; Cronquist, Taysha, BS; Curtis, Sarah Nicole, BS; Cutler, Marilyn Ellen, BS; Danielson, Carlee Ann, BS; Davis, Monica, BS; Davis, Paige Nicole, BS; Deere Leavitt, Josie Anna, BS; Derrick, Lauren, BS; Devitt, Abigail, BS; Drake, Marissa May, BS; Dunn, Katelyn Cozzens, BS; Egan, Spencer Brock, BS; Eslinger, Oaklee Anderson, BS; Federico, Aniesha Nikol, BS; Flitton, Ashlee, BS; Freckleton, Kira Layne, BS; Freeze, Courtney, BS; Fridal, Brianna Eyre, BS; Garcia Cruz, Jennifer, BS; Garrett, Audrey J, BS; Gehret, Mickell, BS; Gibbons, Brianna Lynne, BS; Gilpin, Amara Rose, BS; Glenn, Raechel Patrice, BS; Gray, Savannah Jordan, BS; Guinn, Thomas Jordan, BA; Gunther, Shemay, BS; Hadlock, Andrew, BS; Hadlock, Anna Mariah, BS; Hales, Emily Shaffer, BS; Hammond, Nicole, BS; Hamrick, Paden Merae, BS; Hanni, Kelli A, BS; Hansen, Natalie N, BS; Hansen, Taylor Lynn, BS; Harrison, Chloe Rebekah, BS; Hartzell, Hannah Elise, BS; Harvey, Rebecca Ellen, BS; Hatch, Kaylie Joy, BS; Heaton, Chelsea, BS; Hobbs, Lindsay, BS; Hogg, Annie Lou, BS; Hogge, Olivia Marie, BS; Hollingsworth, Rachel C, BS; Holmes, Leah Christina, BS; Hoskins, Caroline, BS; Houseman, Lindsey Alexandra, BS; Houston, Cassie, BS; Howard, Bailey Morgan, BS; Hoyt, Lesli Michelle, BS; Hymas, JoLacey Autumn, BS; Jacobson, Jessica Sandra, BS; Jaussi, Lauren Marie, BS; Jenkins, Erika F, BS; Jensen, Aubrey Elizabeth, BS; Jenson, Emily Moana-Bennett, BS; Jeppsen, Tonya Ann, BS; Jimenez, Grecia Andrea, BS; Johnson, Molly T, BS; Jones, Rachel Diana, BS; Judd, Megan Rachel, BA; Ketterer, Megan Jacquel, BS; Kitchen, Camille Jane, BS; Krygsman, Emma Birgitta Astrid, BS; Lacy, Jessica Lynn, BS; Larson, Talin Dallas, BS; LeVitre, Brianna, BS; Lewis, Alyssa Patrice, BS; Lopez, Amber Nichole, BS; Lott, Mallory Jacqueline, BS; Loucks, Katasha Marie, BS; Lundberg, Makendra, BS; Lundberg, Marta C, BS; Lundgren, Annika Sylvia, BS; Lyons, Cayleen Ann, BS; Madsen, Aspyn N, BS; Manwaring, Kortney Dawne, BS;

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 Martinez, Abigail Hess, BS; McFarlane, Kelsey Grace, BS; Mendoza, Celeste, BS; Meono, Alivia, BS; Merrill, Kanyan, BS; Michel, Jesse, BS; Mikhail, Rachael Eileen, BS; Morrison, Abbey, BS; Morrison, Nicole, BS; Munford, Carrie Jane, BS; Munyan, Allyson Maritza, BS; Murdock, Bailey Dean, BS; Murray, Rita Ann, BS; Netzley, Annalise M, BS; O'Donnell, Tauni Ackerman, BS; Olivares, Kasi Lee, BS; Olsen, Darci Jara, BS; Parry, Staci Oberg, BS; Pearce, Erin Marie, BS; Pena, Veronica Natali, BS; Percival, Jessica Megan, BS; Perry, Rylee Jo, BS; Petersen, Andrea Jolynne, BS; Potter, Melece Marie, BS; Poulson, Taylor Brooke, BS; Powell, Bobby Sue, BS; Rarick, Lisa S, BS; Rawle, Joseph Alexander, BS; Reese, Isaac MacKay, BS; Reynolds, Merikay, BS; Richards, Rebecca E, BS; Rigby, Ashlee Sue, BS; Roberts, Jaycie Lynne, BS; Robinette, Amanda, BS; Robinson, Emma Angela, BS; Robinson, Savannah S, BS; Rodriguez, Alexis, BS; Roos, Britian Breanne, BS; Rydalch, Catherine Soriene, BS; Sanchez-Martinez, Jacklynn Lenora, BS; Schiess, Madisen Faith, BS; Scoffield, Taylor Jo, BS; Seegmiller, Tesa Elizabeth, BS; Sharp, Jessica Ashlee, BS; Shields, Sierra B, BS; Smith, Bracken, BS; Smith, Haley Jean, BS; Smith, Kezlynn, BS; Sorensen, Brenna Lynne, BS; Stapley, Sarah, BS; Steeneck, Kelsey Marie, BS; Sutherland, Caitlin Alysa, BS; Swain, Sherice W, BS; Swenson, Sophie McKlane, BS; Taggart, Tiffany, BS; Takai, Aimee Schenk, BS; Tate, Breanna Kaye, BS; Taylor, Kayla, BS; Taylor, Kristi Breanne, BS; Taylor, Krystal Estelle, BA; Thompson, Lyndie Sue, BS; Torrie, Kylie Dawn, BS; Torrie, Tia Richelle, BS; Trimble, Sabrina Joy, BS; Turner, Makenzy S, BS; Valli, Sydnee L, BS; Walker, Ciara L, BS; Walker, Kaydee Anne Bair, BS; Walters, Sierra Dawn, BS; Warner, Elizabeth, BS; Westerberg, Becky B, BS; Weston, Sheryl S, BS; Wheelwright, Jenna Kay, BS; White, Kelly F, BS; White, Whitney Jo, BS; Wilhelmsen, Cady Jordan, BS; Wilkey, Jennifer Lynn, BS; Williams, Amy Nicole, BS; Williams, Mikayla Nicole, BS; Woodward, Shailey Ann, BS; Worthen, Audrey Brielle, BS; Yancey, Ashley Dawn, BS. Interdisciplinary Studies Braden, Tanner Lorenzo, BS; Cowley, Stewart Jesse, BS; Humphreys, Whitney Anne, BS; Mendell, Megan Alexandra, BS. Kinesiology and Health Sciences Acker, Samantha Jane, BS; Alles, Sydney Le, BS; Althouse, Dianne, BS; Anderson, Hayden Hensley, BS; Anderson, Sadie, BS; Angilau, Tonga John, BS; Aniambossou, Marlene Elodie Egyptia, BS; Applegarth, Eric Robert, BS; Arnold, Beth, BS; Ashton, Whittney

Nicole, BS; Ashworth, Leandra Kylie, BS; Baker, Caleb W, BS; Bates, Eron, BS; Baty, Kasey Lynn, BS; Baty, Zachery Cole, BS; Bawden, Kaitlyn, BS; Beck, Rossana, BS; Beckstead, Makenzie Lee, BS; Bednar, Rebekah J, BS; Behunin, Kylee Sandra, BS; Bennett, Bret Shirl, BS; Bennion, Eric Ward, BS; Bernhisel, John Michael, BS; Bird, Tiffanee, BS; Bitner, Lane F, BS; Bonifazio, Macey Alexandra, BS; Bower, Ryleigh MyKole, BS; Bradford, Jan B, BS; Bradley, Connor Edwin, BS; Brandley, Levi, BS; Brenchley, Lance Austin, BS; Bridge, Shannon Jeane, BS; Brito, Diogo Emanuel De Sousa Anjo, BS; Brown, Stonie Bayles, BS; Brunson, Inez Katrina, BS; Bunderson, Haden Earl, BS; Burningham, Cortney May, BS; Cantera, Caroline Grace, BS; Carver, Patrick William, BS; Casos, Kristina Makay, BS; Chaparro, Bharti Singh, BS; Chavez, Josafat Alessandri, BS; Chilvers, Halle P, BS; Christensen, Kelsi Marie, BS; Christian, Kelby Lewis, BS; Clark, Emmalee Collette, BS; Cobbley, Trevor Lynn, BS; Conaway-Walker, Kenneth Michael, BS; Critchfield, Abby Lee, BS; Crockett, Chandler, BS; Crosby, Kylie Anne, BS; Crowley, Bailey Lynn, BS; Cueto, Francisco Javier, BS; Curley, Catari B, BS; Curtis, Tonya Lee, BS; Damele, Katie E, BS; Diamond, Robert S, BS; Didericksen, Michelle, BS; Doman, Kenslee Karen, BS; Duve, Brecken Elise, BS; Earley, Garen James, BS; Edwards, Amy Emmett, BS; Edwards, Talmage Fulton, BS; Erickson, Jacob Leon, BS; Fagg, Elisa Renée, BS; Farnes, Meghan Ann, BS; Feyedelem, Jake Christopher, BS; Fitzgerald, Corbin Roy, BS; Fletcher, Bryan Thurston, BS; Flight, Frank T, BS; Foltmer, Kailei Christina, BS; Ford, Jonathan Taylor, BS; Fouts, Hannah E, BS; Fowler, Patrick Charles, BS; Francis, Cassandra Marie, BS; Freeman, Abigail, BS; Fridal, Ethan Joseph, BS; Fullmer, Alana, BS; Furner, Taylor Jan, BS; Gaillard, Skyler Thomas, BS; Gamble, Tucker Gregory, BS; Garcia, Emily Kathryn, BS; Garcia, Forrest C, BS; Garrard, Morgan Elizabeth, BS; Garry, Jillian Ellen, BS; Gatten, Hayliann, BS; Gibson, Kealey Bladen, BS; Gifford, Emily, BS; Gilbert, Adam Comish, BS; Gilbert, Hayden Troy, BS; Greenland, Kimberly Paige, BS; Griffiths, Nathan Thomas, BS; Grootfaam, Roche Gilliano, BS; Guild, Teancum Joe, BS; Gunnell, Aubrey Mary-Lee, BS; Hadley, Morgan, BS; Hale, Tembree Lynn, BS; Hamilton, Emily, BS; Hanks, Kaylee Kathryn, BS; Hansen, MaKady Ann, BS; Harlan, Chloe Noel, BS; Hassell, Alexis, BS; Haws, Trevorjon Alan, BS; Haws, Tyler M, BS; Helm, Brooke Michelle, BS; Helsley, Jordan LaMar, BS; Henrie, Baylie Joy, BS; Hernandez, Tony, BS; Hilton,

Lindee Jo, BS; Hinton, Isabella, BS; Hoggan, Brittney Elisabeth, BS; Horton, Bailey Joan, BS; Hunsaker, Jake Ryan, BS; Hurst, Kyle, BS; Ingleby, Megan Rose, BS; Ipsen, Jordan S, BS; Ipsen, Miranda Berchtold, BS; Jackson, Rhiannon J, BS; Jeffries, Emma Wallace, BS; Jensen, Austin Brent, BS; Jensen, Lindsey Madison, BS; Jeppesen, Brittany M, BS; Jeppson, Zachary Vaughn, BS; Johnson, Ashlee JoAnne, BS; Johnson, Hailey Marie, BS; Johnson, Hanna Mousley, BS; Johnson, Megan Elizabeth, BS; Jolley, Blake Lee, BS; Jolley, Lauren Ione, BS; Jones, Chantelle LaNae, BS; Jones, Jordan Lynn, BS; Jude, Nakyla Renae, BS; Karabachian, Maximilliano Garabed, BS; Karren, Katherine Delta, BS; Kartchner, Mark Aaron, BS; Kee, Marissa, BS; Kelley, Teresa, BS; Kime, Tia Mei, BS; Kindt, Cambry G, BS; King, Hailie, BS; Klein, Madelyn Noel, BS; Knowles, Tayla, BS; La, Kaitlin, BS; Lambert, Timberly Lois, BS; Lane, Makayla, BS; Lansford, Chase Conor, BS; Larsen, Annabelle Helen, BS; Larsen, Katie JoLane, BS; Larsen, Kelsee Dawn, BS; LeDuc, Rebecca, BS; Lewis, Brittany Lee, BS; Liljenquist, Skyler Kip, BS; Lindsay, Dylan Ray, BS; Litchfield, Tanner Cole, BS; Lloyd, Stephanie Lynn, BS; Long, Eliza Josephine, BS; Love, Jordan Alexander, BS; Lovett, Hannah Eleanor, BS; Lyman, Abigail Faith, BS; May, Matthew Scott, BS; Mcconnell, Logan S, BS; McDonald, Lyndsey Cheyenne, BS; McOmie, Kevin Morris, BS; Meacham, Esther H, BS; Meikle, Courtnie Elisabeth, BS; Mendenhall, Alexis Nikole, BS; Millington, Tiffany Ann, BS; Mills, Jonathan, BS; Monson, Ashley, BS; Morgan, Emily Katherine, BS; Moser, Jared, BS; Mosman, Jensen, BS; Mund, Carson LaVoy, BS; Munns, Sara Kaye, BS; Murri, Kimberly J, BS; Nelson, Deborah Kathleen, BS; Nelson, Hannah Margaret, BS; Newton, Ian Paul, BS; Nielsen, Alec James, BS; Nielsen, Katelyn, BS; Nielsen, Ryan Paul, BS; Olsen, Michelle Marie, BS; Outsen, Sydney Sage, BS; Pack, Chelsie Marie, BS; Padilla, Rozanna, BS; Painter, Jami Marissa, BS; Parker, Chance C, BS; Parkinson, Kortnee, BS; Payton, Rhendi Rae, BS; Pedersen, Karen Lynette, BS; Permenter, Quinten Michael, BS; Perry, Janelle Lyn, BS; Petersen, Bradley Sterling, BS; Petersen, Levi Daniel, BS; Peterson, Anthony Allen, BS; Peterson, Jo Riley, BS; Plant, Daniel Jackson, BS; Popper, Hannah Mae, BS; Prescott, Mackenzie Susan, BS; Proudfit, Amanda Lee, BS; Rabi, Julius Espena, BS; Rapier, Andrew Scott, BS; Rapier, Tara Anne, BS; Raschke, Megan M, BS; Redford, Carolyn Rose, BS; Rencher, Devin Scott, BS; Riddle, Aubree A, BS; Robins, Baylee Lyn, BS; Rock, Hannah Genevieve, BS; Roe, Tiana, BS; Rueckert, Rondie,

BS; Russell, Lisa Marie, BS; Sacco, Justin, BS; Sadler, Chelsie L, BS; Scherer, Keaton Greg, BS; Schmutz, Raquel, BS; Schwenke, Breanna C, BS; Scott, McKenzie Joyce, BS; Seegmiller, Heather Louise, BS; Sharp, Lexie Dee, BS; Shepherd, Madelyn Christina, BS; Shook, Danielle N, BS; Sidharthan, Srisurya, BS; Skeem, Rylee, BS; Smith, Abigail Marea, BS; Smith, Elizabeth Camille, BS; Smith, Rachel Kelly, BS; Smyer, Lauren Mikell, BS; Snyder, Alyssa Brooke, BS; Solberg, Austin Arthur, BS; Sorensen, Ashley, BS; Soto, Quincee Danae Kingston, BS; Spackman, Quinn, BS; Spendlove, Ammon, BS; Sroufe, Sierra Ann, BS; Steffensen, Matthew Joseph, BS; Stevens, Ashley Noelle, BS; Stoker, Jenna Marie, BS; Street, Tyler R, BS; Strong, Colby Austin, BS; Strong, Mindi, BS; Stuart, Brady Earl, BS; Swensen, Kira Lyn, BS; Talbot, Morgan, BS; Tambe, Keith, BS; Tassinari, Megan Susanne, BS; Taylor, Quinn Aaron, BS; Thomas, Jared, BS; Thompson, Jared Scott, BS; Thorpe, Taylor, BS; Thorson, Haven Charity, BS; Thunell, Lindsay A, BS; Tibbitts, Jamie Lee, BS; Tiev, Jalen Mon, BS; Tirrell, Austin Leigh, BS; Ure, McKenna Hall, BS; Vail, Macy Marie, BS; Valdez, Aubrey Margaret, BS; Vanfleet, Michelle Eileen, BS; Vincent, Charity Mae, BS; Volmar, Megan, BS; Vombaur, Cameron Reuel, BS; Vuksinick, Andi Lyn, BS; Wakley, Shantel, BS; Walkenhorst, Devan Neal, BS; Wallace, Connan Ellis, BS; Wallentine, Porter D, BS; Ward, Jackson Moroni, BS; Watterson, Mitchell Wayne, BS; Wedgworth, Allison Nicole, BS; Weed, Mallory Kate, BS; Weeks, Cassidy, BS; Welch, Riley S, BS; Wengert, Derek Allen, BS; Westover, Riley B, BS; Whitelock, Tami, BS; Whitney, Samantha Kay, BS; Wilcox, Ashlea Joy, BS; Wilde, McKenzi, BS; Williams, Caitlyn, BS; Willis, Megan Elaine, BS; Wiltbank, McKenna Marie, BS; Woodhall, Kathryn Elizabeth, BS; Woods, Marcus Emerson, BS; Woodworth, John Randall, BS; Wright, Elizabeth McKenzie, BS; Yazzie, Kameica R, BS; Yazzie, Kristen B, BS; Yazzie, Tisheena, BS; Ysursa, Ariana Nikole, BS; Zilkey, Michala Marie, BS; Zollinger, Kasey Brooke, BS; Zollinger, Stirland R, BS. Nursing and Health Professions Ackerman, Haley, BS; Allen, Zachary George, AAS; Ames, Nadine Marie, AAS; Arellano-Lopez, Ashley Rae, C; Arrien, Melissa A, AAS; Ashworth, Jamie C, AAS; Bean, Joanne P, C; Bedoni, Vincynthia D, C; Behling, Judy Anne, AAS; Belnap, Lindsey Rose, BS; Benn, Tondra, C; Black, Brittany, C; Black, Sage M, C; Bogdin, Brenna Lynn, C; Bothwell, Marci Dawn, C; Bowring, Hunter Michael, C; Bristol, Shae Breanne, AAS; Brooks, Paige Dayle,

BS; Buck, Candice, BS; Burdett, Christine Jeane, AAS; Call, Rachel Marie, BS; Carnahan, KaitLynn Jean, AAS; Carvajal, Andrea Christina, AAS; Catmull, Bryson J, BS; Charley, Latanya, AAS; Chavira, Giovanna Edith, AAS; Christensen, Hailey, BS; Christenson, Ashlyn Ray, AAS; Clark, Kristi Renee, AAS; Cloward, Haley Elise, C; Conrad, Hudson Ray, BS; Curtis, Ailese, AAS; Davis, Erica Lynn, C; Dayley, Megan Marie, AAS; Delgadillo, Lidia Jamilette, C; DiLego, Dawn, AAS; Dodge, Quencavies, C; Downs, Riley Danielle, C; Eliason, Jeremy, C; Estes, Malia Kailey, BS; Feichko, Dakota Ann, AAS; Fischer, Leona Ranae, AAS; Freestone, Stenson Daniel, C; Friend, Alice Marion, AAS; Garner, Sadie Jayne, AAS; Grover, Jens Christian, AAS; Grover, McKady Jennette, C; Guild, Teancum Joe, BS; Gurney, Brin, BS; Guymon, Alyssa Rose, AAS; Gygi, Kayla Elizabeth, BS; Hajdukovich, Megan Kathleen, BS; Hall, Megan Jessica, C; Hall, Samantha Ann, C; Hansen, Hannah Eliza, BS; Harjo, Britny N, C; Hartley, Blake Parker, BS; Hawke, Tiffany Marie, AAS; Haws, Nicole Kearl, BS; Hazleton, Teina Renae, AAS; Heath, Alisann Camille, C; Heppler, Jessica L, AAS; Horrocks, Bridget Marie, C; Howell, Lisa Ann, BS; Howell, Tiffany Jae, C; Hull, Jessica D Ann, C; Imundo-Simons, Amanda, BS; Iverson, Addisyn Jo, BS; Jackson, Kecia, AAS; Jensen, Beatrice Jean, BS; Jensen, Jamie Nicole, AAS; Jensen, Morgan Riley, AAS; Joe, Kenissha Nelda, C; Johnson, Christine Jamie, C; Johnson, Raberta Jo, AAS; Jones, Nichole Louise, C; Kellogg, Rhandi Yvonne, AAS; Lain, Christina Michelle, AAS; Lear, Gatlin Craig, BS; Lewis, Annalisa, AAS; Littlefield, Acacia MacKenzie, AAS; Long, Michelle Jeanette, C; Maloney, Alexis, C; Marchant, Lilibeth Melissa, AAS; Marchello, Aspen Kyra, AAS; Massey, Cathleen, AAS; McClintick, Candace, AAS; McGuire, Mary Kathryn, BS; Migliori, Jashea, AAS; Miller, Ashley, C; Minchey, Blanca Lesly, AAS; Moreno, Douglas Jene, C; Munoz, Brianna Shelby, AAS; Myers, Stephanie, BS; Naseyowma, Michael Gregory, C; Nelson, Bradley Ray, BS; Nielson, Gabriella E, C; Nielson, Heidi, BS; Norris, Kaylee L, AAS; Notestine, Heather, AAS; Olsen, Teonna M, AAS; Palmer, Bethanie Ann, C; Palmer, Kammy Lynn, AAS; Paskvan, Kaitlin Rose, AAS; Perna, Samantha Linn, AAS; Perrizo, Donald Mark, C; Pope, Calyl, AAS; Porter, Claresa Lee, C; Prestwich, Jazmyne Lou, AAS; Priano, Michelle, AAS; Rasmussen, Gina A, C; Redd, Kristi, C; Richens, Kimberlee, AAS; Rivas, Ricky Andy, AAS; Robbins, Analicia Portteus Lowe, BS; Roberts, Jennifer B, C; Ross, Makayla A, AAS; Rushton, Courtney Del, AAS; Sanders, Cheryl Jean, AAS;

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Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni


Sasser, Raegan N, BS; Schade, Vanessa Jay, AAS; Schmidt, Ashley Marie, AAS; Sharpe, Samantha Cathrin, AAS; Sheriff, Mallory, C; Shumway, Crystal Lee, CC, AAS; Sitterud, Katie Lesa, AAS; Smith, Rebecca, AAS; Speirs, Stephanie Cook, AAS; Stock, Jessica Evelyn Caldwell, BS; Stong, Shayna Madison Elise, BS; Talbert, Daysha Lynn, AAS; Taylor, Emma Gwenllian, BS; Timothy, Amy Camille, AAS; Todecheene, Nykesha, C; Townsend, Maria Hyde, AAS; Troendle, Richelle Lee, AAS; Turek, Rachel Carley, BS; Turner, Angelique, BS; Wagoner, Garrett Allen, BS; Wennell, Elen Coelho, C; Whitehair, Shannon Marlena, C; Whitehair, Sylvana Leona, C; Wigington, Bodee Kyle, AAS; Wilbur, Amanda Christine, AAS; Williams, Nicole Mattie, C; Wilson, Aleksus Kaye, AAS; Wright, Jana Mae, AAS; Yazzie, Marlaina Janice, AAS; Yazzie, Maxine, C; Young, Natalee Ann, C; Zukor, Katherine, BS. Psychology Alleman, Whittli Mikel, BS; Alvey, Eliza Rose, BS; Anderberg, Amanda Candace, BS; Andersen, McKenna Leah, BS; Anderson, Heidi E, BS; Austin, Samantha Hansen, BS; Avery, Tracy, BS; Badger, Casey Troy, BS; Bailey, Lydia Anne, BS; Baker, Joseph Dallin, BS; Baker, Kimberly Ann, BS; Barton, Arissa C, BS; Barton, Erin Marie, BS; Barton, Matthew Scott, BS; Beckdol, Brooklyn Kay, BS; Beckert, Brent Troy, BS; Beecher, Timothy Oren, BS; Behm, Rachel Annette, BS; Bera, Jac'lyn, BS; Bijerring, Kylee Ann, BS; Bills, Jameson R, BS; Black, Alexa R, BS; Bowman, Saige, BS; Bradley, Jessie, BS; Bradshaw, Dallas C, BS; Brady, Aspen M, BS; Brandley, Levi, BS; Buckner, Alison, BS; Burgess, Jessica Ann Marie, BS; Burns I, Wyatt Clark, BS; Butterfield, Lara Kye, BS; Carda, Samuel Joseph, BS; Carter, Shalee, BS; Chino, Rebekah May, BS; Cho, Hyun Jin, BS; Choo, Jia Pan, BS; Christensen, Sari Faye, BS; Clay, Connor Del, BS; Cook, Emily, BS; Cooper, Megan Marie, BS; Cragun, Levi Ervin, BS; Cramer, Alexa Danielle, BS; Cundick, Mason Kraig, BS; Dahl, Katie Bonnie, BS; Dayley, Megan R, BS; DiScuillo, Jocelyn Hikari, BS; Dobbins-Thorn, Jennifer, BS; Draper, Pamala, BS; Durham, Abigail Kathleen, BS; Ellsworth, Sarah A, BS; Esparza, Rylie Ann, BS; Evans, Ashley Dawn, BS; Evans, Jaisha A, BS; Ewell, Bethany, BS; Fredrickson, Saige Lyn, BS; Gadd, Haylee Mary, BS; Gammon, Morgan Caroline, BS; Gates, Rebecca Danielle, BS; Geddes, Dominique Mortensen, BS; Geddes, Taylor William, BS; Gerry, Alyssia Monica, BS; Gibbs, Lucas Blake, BS; Gines, Zackary D, BS; Greenhalgh, Halsey A, BS; Griffith, Daria N, BS; Gudmundson, Samantha Jane,

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Congratulations BS; Gulley, Aspen, BS; Halowell, Taryn Shay, BS; Hammer, Cathryn Celeste, BS; Haroldsen, Hyrum Batty, BS; Harris, Brook, BS; Hassler, Jenna Paige, BS; Hawkins, Matthew Joesph, BS; Haws, Erin Nicole, BS; Haynie, Emily H, BS; Hellstern, Rylan B, BS; Henderson, Shauna Dee, BS; Henrie, Tyler G, BS; Herzer, Taylor Rain, BS; Hill, Madeline Naomi, BS; Howell, Mariah Leigh, BS; Irish, Travis A, BS; Jackman, Samantha Cecilia, BS; Jenkins, Justin Ron, BS; Jensen, Nathan Robert, BS; Jeon, Hyung Ho, BS; Jessop, Carlie Ann, BS; Jessop, Tarren, BS; Johnson, Heather, BS; Johnson, Ileah R, BS; Johnson, Jason A, BS; Johnson, Mariah L, BS; Johnson, Molly T, BS; Johnson, Shelbee Melodee, BS; Johnston, Elizabeth Mae, BS; June, Justin David, BS; Kaminski, Kylen Andrew, BS; King, Taessia Ginn, BS; Kish, Zoe Lynne, BS; Knoppel, Kamille Bingham, BS; Kobe, Ryan, BS; Kurtz, Jeremiah Bruce Monroe, BS; Laoyan, Karen Delos Santos, BS; Lassen, Kimberlie Jo, BS; Leakehe, Daniel Matai, BS; Lewis, Jessica Marie, BS; Magre, Alexandre, BS; Maloney, Shannon Kelli, BS; Menendez, Demetria, BS; Merkley, Ashlyn Nicole, BS; Merrill, Annaleece, BS; Mitchell, Julianne Marie, BS; Morrissey, Kailey Nicole, BS; Neves, Igor S, BS; Niedergerke, Alex Russell, BS; Nielsen, Garrett John, BS; Nielsen, Stratton Wesley, BS; Nielsen, Trista J, BS; Olsen, Landon Boyd, BS; Openshaw, Hinanui B, BS; Orlow, Bradley Jay, BS; Pace, Rebecca Taylor, BS; Panoussi, Franchessca Winward, BS; Paskett, Tanner Ryan, BS; Passey, Austin Michael, BS; Paulus, Kyla Renee, BS; Peckham, Makayla Lorriane, BS; Peralez, Christina Elizabeth, BS; Peterson, Anna Christine, BS; Peterson, Austin Gregory, BS; Peterson, Conner Edward, BS; Peterson, Dustin Jay, BS; Peterson, Kimberlee Ann, BS; Pfaff, Jaylene, BS; Plott, Riley Alexa, BS; Pollard, Anne Louise, BS; Porritt, Kinley Ray, BS; Porter, Justin Lee, BS; Prettyman, Lauren Taylor, BS; Raisor, Cory David, BS; Ramstetter, Josie, BS; Rayas, Hailee, BS; Reasch, Kristen Michelle, BS; Rebalkin, Shasta Marie, BS; Reid, Adam Bennett, BS; Reid, Joshua Reynold, BS; Richins, Hannah Rose, BS; Rindlisbacher, Kassidy Beth, BS; Robinson, Melissa Reggie, BS; Romano, Annie Alexis, BS; Romo-Gonzalez, Ari Y, BS; Roos, Riley J, BS; Rowbury, Aaron, BS; Schmidt, Charity Hope, BS; Schollars, Nichole Marie, BS; Sedgwick, Alexandra Nicole, BS; Segobia, Joshua Hamilton, BS; Shakespear, Jarrett Don, BS; Shupe, Morgan Sariah, BS; Simmons, Konner James, BS; Simpson, Michael Elswood, BS; Smith, Maysen Marie, BS; Smith, Tanner Aaron, BS; Snyder, Alyssa Brooke, BS; Sparrow, Jacob Scott, BS; Starrett, Elizabeth Jacqueline, BS;

Steadman, Abriel, BS; Steenblik, Kylie Briana, BS; Stephenson, Alisa, BS; Stevens, Amanda N, BS; Stewart, Randall W, BS; Stinson, Jeremy, BS; Stokes, Mollie M, BS; Storey, Nate J, BS; Stott, Colton Vear, BS; Stroshine, Nathan Robert, BS; Suitter, Keaton Jake, BS; Symons, Maren Elizabeth, BS; Thompson, Madeleine, BS; Thompson, Somer, BS; Thornton, Amber Christine, BS; Tidwell, Noah, BS; Tindall, Lara Wardle, BS; Torgerson, Alayna M, BS; Tracy, Amy Ann, BS; Trickett, Sara Nicole, BS; Tucker, Emily, BS; Tullis, Linsey, BS; Wagner, Kyle Spencer, BS; Waldron, Brookelin J, BS; Walker, William E, BS; Wall, Jocelyn, BS; Wallace, Cherie Lorraine, BS; Walters, Sara Nicole, BS; Warr, Seth Nathaniel, BS; Watkins, Rachel, BS; Webb, Jaxson, BS; Welch, Phoebe A, BS; Weston, Melanie Buchanan, BS; Wickenhiser, Matthew Owen, BS; Williams, Makaela Nicole, BS; Wiscomb, Emily Anne, BA ; Witbeck, Kendal McKelle, BS; Wood, Madison, BS; Wright, Connor Richard, BS; Young, Camry Kaylene, BS; Young, James, BS; Zizumbo, Brita, BS. Special Education and Rehabilitation Ables, Rebecca Pritchard, BS; Ahmad, Kamaal Saleem, BS; Alapa, Terrance Ka'au, BS; Anderson, Dianna, BS; Anderson, Shawnee Lee, BS; Arbuckle, Nicole Marie, BS; Archibald, Katie Amelia, BS; Aschliman, Heidi, BS; Ashby, Renee Diane, BS; Ashcraft, Natalie Brynn, BS; Bartholomew, Jessica Jo, BS; Bertolio, Anne S, BS; Blackburn, Ericka, BS; Booth, Kimberly N, BS; Brothwell, Clarissa J, BS; Bublitz, Sarah Louise, BS; Burgon, Mindy, BS; Burrows, Robert Leon, BS; Caldwell, Emily Mae, BS; Chamberlain, Alyssa, BS; Chamberlain, Shelley Heed, BS; Christensen, Briana, BS; Christensen, Louis Jed, BS; Christiansen, Gwen Marie, BS; Clifton, Audrey C, BS; Cook, Kallee, BS; Cowley, Lexi Barrett, BS; Dickson, Sarah, BS; Edwards, Claire Elaine, BS; Enos, Jenna Mealiianolani, BS; Feuerstein, Madison Breanne, BS; Ford, Emily Susan, BS; Ford, Laurie, BS; Geddes, Amelia J, BS; George, Angela Rose, BS; Gianchetta, Scott D, BS; Gowans, Jorjee H, BS; Graham, Johnni Joshe, BS; Gundersen, Taler Rawlins, BS; Haag, Alicia, BS; Hamilton, Mariah Chelsea, BS; Hancock, Andrea, BS; Hatfield, DeVanie Anne, BS; Herrington, Manea L, BS; Hinckley, Bruce, BS; Holmes, McCall LaRee, BS; Howard, Holly Ann, BS; Hyde, Sadie G, BS; Johnson, Decota C, BS; Krause, Kymberly, BS; Lamjav, Amy, BS; Lee, Kristen, BS; Lemke, Kaitlin Elizabeth, BS; Lenhart, Allison Marie, BS; Limb, Kensi, BS; Mangum, Judith Kaelene Raines, BS; Matthews, Shelby DeeAnn, BS; Mazeika,

Alta Marie, BS; McKnight, Julie Ann, BS; Mendez, Vicci Kae, BS; Micheel, Emma G, BS; Morgan-Craig, Ethel Kerlan, BS; Newson, Heidi Lynne, BS; Nunn, Brandi Lee, BS; Ober, Madison Marie, BS; Otsuki, Kumiko, BS; Pearce, Shanna W, BS; Peterson, Amanda Lee, BS; Peterson, Karlee Janell, BS; Ramos, Jennifer Elizabeth, BS; Rawlins, Alisha Ann, BS; Reyhani, McKenna Evett, BS; Sant, Jennifer, BS; Saylor, Karen L, BS; Shao, Shiquan, BS; Singley, Caitlyn, BS; Slater, Lichelle, BS; Steed, Hannah C, BS; Storey, Marissa Anne, BS; Stubbs, Jennifer Ellsworth, BS; Tanner, Betty Lou, BS; Taylor, Benjamin Richard, BS; Thueson, Shantell Marie, BS; Timothy, Kallie K, BS; Wally, Laura Jane, BS; Warner, Kathleen, BS; White, Amy C, BS; Wilkins, Denise Marie, BS; Wood, Cassidy Lynn, BS; Ybarra, Abigail Mary, BS; Young, Tia Michele, BS; Zehner, Amber Jean Belle, BS. Teacher Education and Leadership Acosta, Alice Natalie, BS; Adams, Clare Elise, BS; Allred, Stephanie Marie, BS; Atack, Alexis, BS; Atkinson, Mitchell B, BS; Atwood, Kayleigh Nicole, BS; Avery, Samantha Renae Westwood, BS; Bailey, Jennifer Lynn, BS; Barton, Gabrielle Elizabeth, BS; Bautista, Lilly Jean King, BS; Bawden, Kylee, BS; Beddes, Caitlyn, BS; Begay, Charity Dawn, BS; Bell, Brittany Kay, BS; Bell, Sharley A, BS; Boone, Christina Sadie, BS; Bowerbank, Alex William, BS; Braden, Rebekah Lynn, BS; Burr, Annelise Elisabeth, BS; Burton, Sarah M, BS; Burwell, Rylee Alixe, BS; Bybee, Jazmin Paige, BS; Carlsen, Shawnah Emily, BS; Chase, Rebekah R, BS; Christensen, Katie Ann, BS; Clark, Ashley, BS; Cole, Christine Marie, BS; Cox, Rebecca Rose, BS; Craig, Kortnee Lynn, BS; Crane, Heather, BS; Daniels, Jason Thomas, BS; Davis, Jace Lexon, BS; Dennis, Brittney Rae, BS; Deschene, Kirstin Amber, BS; Dittman, Brooklyn, BS; Dobson, Rachel Elisabeth, BS; Duncan, Jenna Bree, BS; Ellis, Jessica Erin, BS; Falcon, Triana Julia, BS; Farr, Brooke Rochelle, BA; Feuz, Riley Jannette, BS; Fife, McCall F, BS; Figueroa, Delmy Melissa, BS; Finlinson, April Anderson, BS; Finnerty, Courtney Ann, BS; Fowler, Emily Elizabeth, BS; Froehlich, Jessica Diane, BS; Gardner, Jessica, BS; Gates, Taleechia Maree, BS; Gatherum, Kayla Redmond, BS; Goodrich, LaRissa Ann, BS; Goodwin, Kenedi Gentry, BS; Grange, Makaila Tanarra, BS; Gray, Brittany Ann, BS; Hall, Taran Dawn, BS; Hambleton, Chelsie Ruth, BS; Harris, Heather Christine, BS; Harris, Kaitlin Adler, BS; Hatch, Kialey, BS; Herd, Marisa P, BS; Horrocks, Heather, BS; Hullinger, Monica Nicholes, BS; Humphreys, Tessenie Barber,

BS; Hunt, Mikayla Elizabeth, BS; Hunter, Michael George, BS; Iverson, Brianna, BS; Jenkins, Kaitlin Marie, BS; Jenson, Annika, BS; Johnson, Madison Marie, BS; Johnson, Samantha Anne, BS; Johnstun, Kazia Ann, BS; Jonart, Maci D, BS; Jones, Rylee M, BS; Kabel, Hannah Noel, BS; Keeslar, Kathryn Ann, BS; Kelley, Alexander James, BS; Lambert, Megan E, BS; Lange, Bayley A, BS; Larsen, Hailey Brooke, BS; Larson, Elizabeth K, BS; Lofthouse, Marcy, BS; Loftin, Erika Lynn, BS; Longhurst, Kennady Ann, BS; Lynch, Tyler, BS; Madsen, Cassidy Rose, BS; Magill, Courtney Lynn, BS; Markosian, Andrew James, BS; Mason, Melissa Gayle, BS; Mathison, Arayanna J, BS; Mayers, Aubrey Shea, BS; McDougal, Taylor Nicole, BS; Mckenzie, Rileyann, BS; Melville, Bradley Joseph, BS; Melville, Elsie, BS; Merrill, Abigale Jean, BS; Meyer, John Dhylan, BS; Migliori, Katie L, BS; Miner, Braunte Marie, BA; Morales, Makenna, BA; Morris, Whitney, BS; Mueller, Alicia Christine, BA; Muse, Courtney, BS; Neeley, Marissa Rose, BS; Olvera, Matilde, BS; Onishi, Cherydan Tamia, BS; Ostler, Nichole, BS; Paddock, Mackenzie Kaitlyn, BS; Palmer, Cami Lee, BS; Park, Riley Jae, BS; Parks, Shannon Marie, BS; Perkes, Madyson Bree, BS; Phillips, Caroline Victoria, BS; Phillips, Kiana Celeste, BS; Pike, Lindsey Marie, BS; Prince, Zachary Robert, BS; Pugmire, Nicholle Kathleen, BS; Quiroz, Danisha, BS; Randall, Brynli Michelle, BS; Raschke, Tami, BS; Ray Jr, John William, BS; Read, Lindsey, BS; Reid, Robin, BS; Rhea, Vanessa Marie, BS; Ross, Tracy, BS; Roundy, Mika M, BS; Santistevan, Emma Isabel, BS; Schvaneveldt, Laura Marie, BA; Scott, Julia H, BS; Scott, Natalie Michelle, BS; Shellman, Elizabeth Lin, BS; Shepard, Peri Glora, BS; Shoemaker, Merralee, BS; Simmons, Shinnea Sue, BS; Simpson, Jessica S, BS; Skewes, Jenny Atwood, BS; Skidmore, Bailey Terrese, BS; Sloan, Richelle A, BS; Smuin, Lauren Jae, BS; Snapp, Hadley Jean, BS; Sorensen, TyLee Bagley, BS; Sperry, Martha Michelle, BA; Stam, Riley Rose, BS; Starkey, Deverey, BS; Steel, Victoria Anne E, BS; Stewart, Haley Nicole, BS; Sudol, Andrea Christine, BS; Sundberg, Megan Jean, BS; Tangen, Emily Marie, BS; Taylor, Shantell Sarah, BS; Thompson, Maggie L, BS; Thompson, Ryann, BS; Tohsonii, Chassity Amber, BS; Tuttle, Ashley, BS; Twede, Paige June, BS; Vargason, Anna Lynn, BS; Walker, Emily Anne Teuscher, BS; Wallis, Jelena, BS; Warr, Annie Lynn, BS; Wells, Joset Grace, BS; Willey, Julie Anna, BS; Williams, Breanne, BS; Willie, Baylianne, BS; Wolfe, Mequelle Montgomery, BS; Ybarra, Abigail Mary, BS; Zuech, Carlee Michelle, BS. •••

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 College of Engineering Jagath Kaluarachchi, Dean Biological Engineering Accordino, Jacob Giovanni, BS; Ayers, Tyler Jamison, BS; Babcock, Michaela Camille, BS; Bach, Lindsey Catherine, BS; Bahe, Cassie Lynn, BS; Barney, Jacob T, BS; Barney, Nathan Lusk, BS; Bishop, Morgan Marie, BS; Burbank, Bryan Mark, BS; Burrows, Tessa, BS; Burton, Thomas James, BS; Cowley, Ryan M, BS; Crandall, Jeffrey Dean, BS; Crook, Nathan Samuel, BS; Daniel, Joshua Coy, BS; Derrick, Daniel Kade, BS; Einreinhof, Michael P, BS; Ellis, Dylan Tanner, BS; Freuler, Siarra Renee, BS; Hanson, Eryn, BS; Heap, Mitchell Glen, BS; Hendricksen, Laurel Wrenn, BS; Israelsen, Rachel, BS; Jackson, Kyle Alan, BS; Jenkins, Joshua Charles, BS; Llewellyn, Brayden James, BS; McFarland, Bailey J, BS; Pack, Alice Ruth Petranilla, BS; Parkinson, Jace Cameron, BS; Parkinson, Katelyn Ann, BS; Perez, Evan Daniel, BS; Porter, Drew Clifford, BS; Thomson, Caleb James, BS; Tuttle, Derek Wayne, BS; Vandermeyden, James Dayley, BS; Visker, Norah Johnston, BS; Wald, Banner Joan, BS; Walker, Caleb Troy, BS; Walters, Andrew James, BS. Civil and Environmental Engineering Alosaimi, Turky Oweed N, BS; Amata, Braiden Hutch, BS; Arnold, Calyn Glyn, BS; Ashley, Benjamin Marc, BS; Barth, Simon, BS; Bench, Colby, BS; Bennion, Josephine M, BS; Benson, Zachary Max, BS; Bowcutt, Blake Bart, BS; Browning, Jordan Austin Richard, BS; Campana, Patrick L, BS; Carmellini, Amy Christine, BS; Consalvo Jr, Paolo Alexander, BS; Cooper, Jessica Claire, BS; Cox, Daniel Lorenzo, BS; Curtis, Chase Thomas, BS; Daniels, Tyler, BS; Dansie, Robert George, BS; Davies, Robert, BS; De La Hoz, Daniela Carolina, BS; Denison, Dane S, BS; Devitt, Ryan Wesley, BS; Durocher, Ethan Charles, BS; Erickson, Andrew Barry, BS; Flake, Laren Kade, BS; Fuhr, Steven Dean, BS; Garcia, Michael Vinisius, BS; Gillins, Camden Corey, BS; Grint, Kaleb Mackenzie, BS; Hansen, Thaddeus Jacob, BS; Horne, Daniel Thomas, BS; Hueramo, Eduardo, BS; Jacobsen, Johnathan, BS; Johnson, Carter, BS; Kendall, Tyler James, BS; Kerkvliet, Joshua, BS; Lambert, Adam Lee, BS; Lantz, Wyatt, BS; Luebke, Jacob Albert, BS; Mabey, Bailey Aline, BS; Makin, Jacob Mark, BS; McColl, Katrina, BS; McCrea, Trygve Joseph, BS; Mott, Jesse Max, BS; Munoz, Lourdes Paola, BS; Naulu, Eliesa Elliot, BS; Nielson, Spencer P, BS; Osguthorpe, Joseph Hyrum, BS; Pace, Collin Matthew, BS; Pali, Zackary Bart, BS; Payne, Hunter Neal, BS; Petersen, Robert B, BS; Polson,

Dallin Mark, BS; Price, Timothy D, BS; Raine, Nathan James, BS; Rasmussen, Mariah June, BS; Rasmussen, Micah John, BS; Rees, Brennan Ryan, BS; Reese, Taylor William, BS; Reynolds, Jonathon Richard, BS; Roundy, Caitlin, BS; Schow, Ethan Gregory, BS; Sharkey, Hayley Jo, BS; Shelley, Devin Vernile, BS; Silva, Ariel Nicole, BS; Simmons, Camron Scott, BS; Snyder Echard, Jade, BS; Steele, Colin, BS; Stewart, Morgan Elizabeth, BS; Story, Benjamin B, BS; Stubbs, Samantha, BS; Su'a-Filo, Stephen Fogalepolo, BS; Tanner, Spencer Bernard, BS; Tennant, Madeline, BS; Thompson, Jared Bryce, BS; Tousley, Clayton Jack, BS; Valencia, Allison C, BS; Vause, Nicole Sonne, BS; Vigil, Joseph Devon, BS; Wagner, Mitchell D, BS; Wakjira, Kano Aberra, BS; Walker, Derek Brycen, BS; Ward, David Robert, BS; West, Joseph W, BS; Whitfield, Travis O'Neal, BS; Wilcox, Austin Troy, BS; Wilding, Jacob Raymond, BS; Winger, Carson, BS; Withers, Chad, BS; Zhu, Lihan, BS. Electrical and Computer Engineering Anderson, Cayden J, BS; Bosco, Daniel William, BS; Bradshaw, Thomas Lewis, BS; Byers, Jacob Eric, BS; Call, Alex Benjamin, BS; Christensen, Tyler Clarke, BS; Clarke, Zachary James, BS; Clemens, Erik Alan, BS; Corretjer, Jonathan, BS; Corry, Clark Austin, BS; DeVore, Anthony R, BS; Free, Steven Craig, BS; Hall, Merrill Wayne, BS; Halling, Bryce, BS; Hansen, Carter L, BS; Hansen, Matthew Jeffrey, BS; Helzer, William Sebastian, BS; Hunt III, Jon, BS; Imlay, Tanner Fenton, BS; Johnson, Alex B, BS; Johnson, Katelyn Emily, BS; Johnston, Jordan David, BS; King, Glendyn Darryn, BS; Lord, Jaydon Chad, BS; Lunt, Collier J, BS; Mathias, Alan James, BS; Maul, Ethan JW, BS; McKay, Jordan David, BS; Mermigas, John M, BS; Merritt II, Charles Rich, BS; Mortensen, Parker J, BS; Nimri, Reebal Majed, BS; Olsen, Tyson Allen, BS; Patrick, Mitchell, BS; Ransom, McKay Taylor, BS; Rawlings, Anthony Richard, BS; Reed, Brandon Andrew, BS; Roylance, Paul Eugene, BS; Sharp, Mitchell L, BS; Sjoblom, Parker Andrew, BS; Sorensen, Jarrett S, BS; Sullivan, Koby Keaton, BS; Waldvogel, Austin McKay, BS; Walker, Christopher Daniel, BS; Wall, Sterling Hamilton, BS; Williams, Quincy Clair, BS; Womack, Esteban Turner, BS; Wooten, Joshua Kade, BS; Workman, Derek Sterling, BS; Wright, Rosalyn, BS; Zaugg, Josh Michael, BS; Zinke, Taylor Arthur, BS. General Studies MacKay, Phillip David, BS; Mathews, Madeline Lena Fronk, BS.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Althouse, Dianne, BS; Ames, Parker Clifford, BS; Anderson, Parker R, BS; Andrus, Tyler Michael, BS; Archibald, Ryan James, BS; Atkin, Kayden, BS; Baer, Brennan, BS; Bahr, Taylor, BS; Balin, Trent Edward, BS; Barlow, Nathan, BS; Barton, Brayden Richard, BS; Bennett, James Fredrick, BS; Bennett, Matthew T, BS; Bird, Alexander James, BS; Black, Adam, BS; Black, Ammon Steven, BS; Boam, Jonathon Max, BS; Bowman, Jacob Douglas, BS; Broadbent, Kaitlyn Mckell, BS; Buxton, Ashley Nielson, BS; Call, Braden N, BS; Calvin, Matthew John, BS; Casutt, Bryant Loren, BS; Catano, Jorge Luis, BS; Child, Tyler Michael, BS; Christensen, Alexander Joel, BS; Christensen, Cory Scott, BS; Christensen, Joshua Vernon, BS; Clark, Kaitlyn Nicole, BS; Clarke, William Alfred, BS; Clayton, Daniel James, BS; Cornia, Daniel Trent, BS; Cottle, Trevan Joseph, BS; Craig, Weston D, BS; Creager, Corey James, BS; Curtis, Kaulin David, BS; Debenham, Christopher James, BS; Douglas, Kyle G, BS; Droske, Scout Cody, BS; Dyer, Bradley Kirk, BS; Elliott, Jack C, BS; Elliott, Peter Glen, BS; Fallentine, Tyler D, BS; Fassler, Aaron Christopher, BS; Fisher, Brady L, BS; Fisher, Bryce D, BS; Flinders, Bryce, BS; Frisby, Aaron James, BS; Funtanilla, Noah, BS; Galovich, Tyson A, BS; Gamble, Talon Dirk, BS; Gardiner, Jason Stewart, BS; Gardner, Daniel Blair, BS; Garrett, John William, BS; German, Emma Elizabeth, BS; Ghabayen Sr, Reem Said, BS; Gibson, James Thomas, BS; Gray, Kylee Paige, BS; Green, Alyssa Courtney, BS; Greenwell, Harrison Wright, BS; Gull, Kai Wieland, BS; Hacking, Ryker Paul, BS; Halton, Matthew Milton, BS; Halverson, Travis Karl, BS; Hanks, Emily Rachel, BS; Hansen, Benjamin James, BS; Hansen, Jed Darrin, BS; Harmon, Hayden Kelly, BS; Harris, Carygn Riley, BS; Hartvigsen, Samuel Thomas, BS; Hawkins, Troy W, BS; Haws, Brandon, BS; Haws, Case Griffin, BS; Hendrickson, Kevin Trent, BS; Hill, Benjamin David, BS; Hirschmann, David, BS; Howell, Brian, BS; Hulme, Oliver Philip, BS; Jeppsen, Ian, BS; Jessop, Caden D, BS; Johnston, Ty R, BS; Jones, Colby Bradner, BS; Jones, Ridge Clayton, BS; Juhasz, Robert Kalan, BS; Kelley, Cody Boyd, BS; Khamidova, Kamila, BS; Killian, Kevin S, BS; Laub, Jake John, BS; Leavitt, Keith A, BS; Litton, Addison John, BS; Litton, Carly Ann, BS; Lofthouse, Carly Marie, BS; Luci, Christian Freeland, BS; Madson, Duke Joseph, BS; Marriott, Christian John, BS; McCammon, Jesse William, BS; McCarthy, Ammon Marshall, BS; Mears, Ryan Davis, BS; Miller, Cameron P, BS; Moulton, Benjamin, BS; Mumford, Dako-

ta James, BS; Naumann, Trevor N, BS; Needham, Jacob Tyler, BS; Oaks, Chandler Robert, BS; Ogden, Mckay W, BS; Olsen, Kurt Christian, BS; Onkes, Mason Merritt, BS; Osterhout, Luke Caleb, BS; Ostler, Jeffrey Thomas, BS; Page, Justin Edward, BS; Parberry, James E, BS; Paskett, Matthew Ray, BS; Paskett, Rachael Susanna, BS; Payne, Bradley Milton, BS; Payne, Kelsey Amanda, BS; Peng, Jinshuo, BS; Petersen, Hayden Robert, BS; Petterborg, Cody, BS; Pistorius, Steven Tyler, BS; Porter, Natalie R, BS; Prieto, Daniel Alonso, BS; Pugsley, Trent W, BS; Pulli, Daniel Tyler, BS; Reid, Christopher Judd, BS; Rigby, Cynthia Mary, BS; Robbins, Jeron Douglas, BS; Rossberg, Clifford R, BS; Schoenfeld, Justice T, BS; Servedio, Anthony, BS; Sherman, Erik Daniel, BS; Shingleton, Ryley Anderson, BS; Shoell, Broxton Charles, BS; Simpson, Perry, BS; Smart, Colton Reed, BS; Smith, Derek Thomas, BS; Smith, Trevor Chad, BS; Snow, Sabrina Alicia, BS; Stubbs, Joshua Call, BS; Sueng, Jean Eduardo, BS; Toone, Conner Henry, BS; Turley, Colter Pierce, BS; Van Dyke, Thory Hayes, BS; Velazquez, Benjamin Matias, BS; Walston, Cole Jefferey, BS; Ward, Morgan Robert, BS; Wartena, Christopher, BS; Wells, Michael Kendrick, BS; Whipple, Michael Anthony, BS; Wilkins, Derek Ryan, BS; Williams, Austin Douglas, BS; Williams, Jessica M, BS; Wiser, Jeremy Kent, BS; Witmer, Garrett Stephen, BS; Wright, Glen C, BS. ••• College of Humanities and Social Sciences Joseph P. Ward, Dean English Abel, Emily, BS; Allen, Maria, BS; Allsop, Leslie Linnaea, BS; Anderton, Riley Elizabeth, BS; Ballard, Arielle, BS; Barker, Madison, BS; Bell, Rachel Elizabeth, BS; Benson, Tanner Douglas, BA; Bladen, Andrea Morgan, BS; Bradley, Samantha Joy, BS; Bresee, Andrea K, BS; Budge, Kelly Elizabeth, BS; Burbank, Tiahna Rachele, BS; Butler, Josee, BS; Casler, Leigh, BS; Chalfant, Tiffany Elaine, BS; Condie, David Mitchell, BS; Cook, Carley Seyfried, BS; Copeland, Sierra Elizabeth, BS; Corrington, Sara Nicole, BS; Corwin Jr, Donald R, BS; Crane, Spencer Michael, BA; Crane, Terin Essie, BS; Dahlgren, Lacey Lynn, BS; Davidson, Heather Glena, BA; Davis, Beau R, BS; Davis, Miriam J, BS; Decker, Andrea R, BS; Domingos, Jesse Moses, BS; Duve, Brecken Elise, BS; Eby, Monica R, BS; Ensign, Abigail K, BS; Eralie, Megan, BS; Esplin, Janan G, BS; Fielding, Stephanie Lydia, BS; Gates, Vivian Gail, BS; Gheen, Jared Spencer, BS; Graham, Amy, BS; Grant, Jenae Katherine, BS; Hahn, Jessica

Ann, BS; Hallock, Emma Antonie, BA; Hanson, Libbey A, BS; Hanyon, Hannah Anette, BS; Hardy, Justyn Lance, BS; Hardy, Nathan David, BS; Hillyard, Bryson J, BA; Hirschi, Lena Lucinda, BS; Isaacson, Andrew Jerry, BA; Jarrett, Andrea J, BS; Jensen, Mia Nicole, BS; Jones, Andraea, BS; Jones, Jessica Elizabeth, BA; Kirkham Esq, Daniel Robinson, BS; Lang, Madison Kathryn, BA; Lascano, Alesha Mae, BA; Leatham, Sabrina Ann, BA; Leishman, Mary Rebecca, BA; Liddiard, Hannah Elizabeth, BS; Lloyd, Cassidy, BS; Lueckler, Sarah Amy, BA; Lund, Savannah Nicole, BA; Lyon, Zachary Hunter, BS; Mattinson, Megan Ann, BS; McBride, Mia Victorhea, BS; McDonald, Taia Eloise, BS; McMurray, Melissa, BS; McNeff, Mariah, BS; Mele, Ashelynn Hope, BS; Miles, Mason D, BS; Monson, Alison Mackay, BS; Nasvik, Nathan Taylor, BS; Oldaker, Crystal Camille, BS; Olson, Kylee Morgan, BS; Ottesen, Kira Lee, BS; Owens, Shane G, BS; Pearson, Taylor, BS; Perkes, Tanner D, BA; Phillips, Kortland Davis, BS; Porroa, Audrey Lynne, BA; Prestwich, Lindsey, BS; Price, Carrigan, BS; Ragsdale, Camille, BA; Randall, Natalie M, BS; Rasmussen, Rachael Anne, BA; Reid, Rachael L, BA; Reisewitz, Shannen, BS; Resch, Natalie, BS; Rhoades, Morgan, BS; Riebeek, Nickolas William, BS; Rogers, McKaleigh E, BS; Rose, Ashtin Marie, BS; Rudd, Dawn Renae, BS; Sadler, Anna E, BS; Sagers, Andrea Belle, BA; Sandberg, Kaitlyn Nicole, BS; Sargent, Benjamin Lee, BS; Scott, Deidra Deann, BS; Searle, Erin M, BA; Sears, Emily Ann, BA; Secrist, Lorin Kaye, BS; Silva, Madison Maria, BS; Smith, Kylie Pat, BS; Smith, Maysen Marie, BS; Smith, Shawn Michael, BS; Spunaugle, Aimee Cherie, BS; Stewart, Cora Reagan, BA; Stewart, Janet, BS; Stuart, Ryan, BS; Swenson, Abigail Paige, BA; Taylor, Krystal Estelle, BA; Thomas, Madeline Jane, BS; Thompson, Ashley Jennifer, BS; Thorson, Ellie Faye, BA; Vance, Justin Daniel, BS; Walston, Tiffany, BS; Watson, Margaret, BS; Wengreen, Colby H, BA; Whipple, Morgan Paige, BS; Whitaker, Shenna Lily Marie, BS; Womack, Makensey Swanson, BS; Woodbrey, Harlee Ann, BS; Woodland, Mariah Jane, BS; Woolf, Kelsy Ty, BS; Worthington, Alyssa Marie, BS; Wright, Joseph Oliver, BS; Zimmerman, Jacob Charles, BA; Zollinger, Nathalia, BA. General Studies Black, Annastatia Lorraine, BA; Bond, Shaquez, BS; Edwards, Brett C, BS; Hodges, Joseph Alan, BS; Jessop, Tyler, BS; Johnson, Karris Malik, BS; Martini, Brandon M, BS; Schwartz, Lisa Louise, BS; Ward, Alana, BS; Wertz, Tyler Edward, BS.

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni


History Allsop, Leslie Linnaea, BA; Ames, Lindsey N, BA; Badger, Tiffany T, BA; Baum, Zackery Josh, BS; Becce, Samuel Rocco, BS; Blanchard, Austen Robert, BS; Bobella, Alexandra Margot, BS; Braegger, Nicolas Allen, BS; Carpenter, Kent Ryan, BA; Caruthers, Tiffany, BS; Christensen, Abigail, BA; Christensen, Kaden Nephi, BS; Christiansen, MaKena, BS; Dellinger, Noelle Karmarose Francine, BA; Dimick, Dawn M, BA; Dooley, Lance Eduard Michael, BA; Duncan, Brad Douglas, BA; Edmunds, Logan, BS; Eggett, Hope Andreana, BA; Froehle, Benjamin Richard, BS; Fuhriman, Kaycie, BA; Furner, Jeremy William, BA; Gates, Vivian Gail, BS; Grace, Noah Stein, BS; Hahn, Andrew Walker, BS; Hart, Forrest D, BS; Hathaway, Tylor Brent, BS; Jarvis, Natalya Marie Johnson, BA; Jenkins, Justin Ron, BA; Jones, Sussy Ivonne, BA; Jorgensen, Rachel Jane, BA; Kay, Michael Anthony Ray, BS; Kendell, Kaylee Lynne, BS; Kirk, Kathleen Leone, BS; Labrum, Kenneth, BS; Lalicker, Katherine Elaina, BS; Larsen, Abigail, BS; Makin, Danielle, BA; McKnight, Bryan Patrick, BS; Morgan, Hunter Walter, BS; Nielsen, Sabrina Marie, BA; O'Brien, Christian Thomas, BS; Ormond, David William, BA; Packard, Allison, BS; Peterson, Rhett, BA; Randall, Elizabeth Luisa, BS; Reeder, Julie Vellys, BS; Ryan, Brenna Aileen, BA; Sierra, John-Gregory, BA; Stoker, Chelsie Marie, BS; Strickland, Caitlin Marie, BA; Sturgill, Chloe Madlin, BS; Tervort, Hannah Goudy, BS; Tibbitts, Lauren Lee, BA; Williams, Jennifer McCall, BS; Young, Clare Marjan, BA. Interdisciplinary Studies Anderson, Devon, BS; Bengoechea, Maiah Louise, BS; Brophy, Ty Christopher, BS; Camp, Joshua James, BS; Carlson, David Sean, BS; Coates, Brandon, BS; David, Talan Haynes, BS; Edmondson, Bailey Michelle, BS; Fairbanks, Alec Matthew, BA; Galeai Jr, Tipa Tei, BS; Garcia, Joia Miriah, BS; Goodwin, Marissa Kay, BS; Haws, Kelly Colleen, BS; Holland, Christian Cole, BS; Holmes, Ryann Baylee, BS; Kachocki, Madeline Klein, BS; Krievins, Jessica, BS; Lefeged Jr, Troy, BS; Lewis, Bailey Marianne, BS; Mangelson, Saydi Elaine, BS; Nester, Erin Smith, BS; Palmer, Michael, BS; Parra, Rissely Dias, BS; Pedersen, Jacob Richard, BS; Skinner, Bernice Marie, BA; Smith, Emily Briggs, BS; Smith, Rebecca, BS; Stone, Joseph Albert, BS; Swallom, Devan, BS; Tashima, Christopher, BS; Thurber, Madison Rae, BS; Van Alphen, Michael Cameron, BS; Yates, Darren Paul, BS. Journalism and Communication Adamson, Brynne, BS; Alexander,

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Congratulations John Kade, BA; Allred, Allison Mae, BS; Anderson, Kaden Randy, BS; Asay, Ashtyn Lynn, BS; Berg, Alison M, BS; Bolerjack, Brody, BS; Bown, Kaitlin, BS; Browning, Jeffrey Gordon, BS; Castro, Tanner Reed, BS; Cavaness, Paige Ann, BA; Cazier, Kylee, BS; Chau, Tommy Baxter, BS; Church, Kaylee, BS; Clements, Emmalee C, BS; Clouse, Taylor, BS; Crabtree, Jacey Nicole, BA; Deakins, Charles Hunter, BA; Dean, Brandon, BS; Densley, Shae Duane, BS; Dickson, Cole Franklin, BS; Duke, Jordan Matthew, BS; Elder, Austin Lee, BS; Gardner, Kortni Marie, BS; Giles, Jeffrey Maxwell, BA; Graham Wood, Erick Lemuel, BS; Grewe, Andrew Thomas, BS; Gunnell, Lisa, BS; Hansen, Daniel Barlow, BS; Hill, Emily N, BS; Jensen, McKay Alexander, BS; Jessop, Jansen Wesley, BS; Johnson, Jaden Crockett, BS; Johnson, Lindsey Adair, BS; Johnson, M'Taya Lanae, BS; Johnson, Shaelee Jane, BS; Jones, Hannah Janet, BS; Judd, Chandler J, BS; Kay, Michael Anthony Ray, BS; Kent, Steven David, BS; Lane, Emma Marie, BS; Larson, Adam Joseph, BS; Likens, Ayanna Marie, BS; Ludwig, Jeremy Brian, BS; Lyon, Zachary Hunter, BS; Mason, Conor Lance, BS; McCormick, Lexie K, BS; Merrill, Ansley Ensign, BS; Miller, Eli Lavord, BS; Monson, Tyler John, BS; Mortensen, Matilyn Kay, BS; Nelson, Meghan Christine, BS; Olsen, Madison Ashby, BS; Packer, Keslie J, BS; Palsson, Miranda K, BS; Passmore, Dillan Garrick, BS; Perkins, Savannah Toni, BA; Petersen, Glennon, BS; Porath, Nicholas Kent, BS; Pyper, Ariana Grace, BS; Raymond, Sadie Nicole, BS; Rimando, Jason Victor, BS; Salisbury, Andrew Michael, BS; Schwendiman, Katie Lynn, BS; Shoell, Kaleb Livingston, BA; Smith, Shelby Morgan, BS; Snyder, Hannah Jamison, BA; Solarte, Cassandra J, BS; Solorio, Kim, BS; Spencer, Mariah Anne, BS; Steed, Krista Maria, BS; Stillings, Elizabeth Katherine, BS; Stoker, Chelsie Marie, BS; Tatom, Meghan Janine, BS; Teare, Ammon Jacob, BS; Theurer, Josh Bradley, BS; Uhart, Katlyn Laree, BS; Ward, Naomi Yoko, BS; Webb, Katie Beth, BS; Williams, Nathan Samuel, BS; Williams, Stockton John, BS; Wolf, Carson Alexandra, BS; Wright, Stephanie, BS. Languages, Philosophy, and Communication Studies Adachi, Kengo James, BA; Adams, Justina L, BS; Ahlstrom, Anthony Philip, BS; Alder, Brachen Reo, BA; Alder, Briana, BA; Aldrete, Nancy Elizabeth, BA; Anderson, Madilyn Adele, BA; Anderson, Porter, BA; Anderson, Spencer McKay, BA; Andrew, Ellery Elizabeth, BA; Andrus, Kyle C, BA; Andrus, Roman Merrill, BA; Andus, Riley, BA; Aratari, Joseph William, BS; Arreola, Perla Karina, BA; Art-

ist, Chad, BS; Atalaya, Bertha, BA; Austin, Trevor Joseph, BS; Avila, Sarai, BA; Bailey, Caitlin Nicole, BS; Baldwin, Ross Owen, BA; Bartlett, Marci Lyn, BA; Baxter, Alicia Rose, BA; Beane, Nathan Thomas, BA; Behan, Megan June, BS; Bell, Kellen Carson, BA; Beorchia, Marquis Jade, BS; Bergon, Travis, BS; Bickmore, Tanner John, BA; Bird, Rhett Kevin, BA; Bishop, Charish Rannae, BA; Bleach, Brandon Douglass, BA; Bowen, Hannah M, BS; Broadhead, Austin Shaun, BA; Brunson, Kallen Jade, BA; Buchanan, Stephanie Ann, BS; Bulger, Taylor, BS; Burnett, Olivia Elizabeth, BS; Bustos, Brian R, BA; Campbell, Emily Hamilton, BA; Carver, April Orella, BS; Casaday, Katie, BA; Chatham, Laura Jane, BS; Child, Nathan Troy, BA; Child, Rebecca Lynn, BA; Choi, Jiyi, BA; Chrisney, Lessli Yudit, BA; Christensen, Cole Lew, BA; Christensen, Courtney T, BA; Cichoski, Lucas Jerome, BS; Clawson, Emma Louise, BA; Cluff, Reagan Emma, BS; Cochran, Thomas Roger, BA; Compton, Jessica Jan, BA; Cook, Christopher Allen, BA; Cook, Mattiah Rae, BA; Cortez, Karla Guadalupe, BA; Corwin Jr, Donald R, BS; Cruz, Nataly Melissa, BA; Dalton, Erik Adams, BA; Dalton-Basegoda, Hillary Ann, BA; Day, Addison Marie, BS; DeGraw, Megyn, BA; Dursteler, Ethan Evans, BA; Dursteler, Jonathan Eric, BA; Ellis, Juliann Ruth, BA; Emery, Gabrielle, BA; Esser, Grant, BS; Evans, Rebekah Wheatley, BS; Fenton, Taneshia Marie, BS; Fluckiger, Brandon Larry, BS; Foster, Chantel Telly Parker, BA; Fuentes, Jessica Joyce, BA; Furner, Liberty A, BS; Gonzalez, Saul, BA; Greer, Bannon Bryce, BA; Gregory, Jacob Miles, BS; Griffith, Daria N, BS; Grooms, Rielly Janay, BA; Hall, Annie Berlynn, BA; Hall, Weston, BA; Hallmark, Heidi Erin, BA; Hammon, Sarah Jane, BS; Hampton, Morgan Averie, BS; Hansen, Kylie, BS; Hardin, Stanley L, BA; Harris, Emma Jayne Elizabeth, BA; Hatcher, Ashlee, BA; Haws, Tyler M, BA; Hayes, Annie B, BA; Hendrix, Darren Verl, BA; Hicken, Dustin, BA; Hoggan, Aubrie Ann, BS; Hull, Jake David, BA; Hunsaker Jr, Jaren David, BA; Hunt, Alean Kay, BS; Hunt, Nachelle Sharon, BA; Isaac, Alexa Rae, BS; Jensen, Kyle Brian, BA; Jimenez, Grecia Andrea, BA; Johnsen, Makenzie A, BA; Johnson, Allison Nicole, BA; Johnstone, McKayla Nicole, BS; Kelly, Carolyn Lydia, BA; Kidd, Chelsey Wright, BA; Kishikawa, Yuko, BA; Korbanka, Judith, BA; Lam, Johnny, BA; Larsen, Marielle Chloe Aline, BA; Laurence, Iain McKay, BA; Lee, Olivia, BS; Lewis, Brooke, BS; Lind, Breanna Nicole, BS; Lindsay, Cortlyn Shae, BS; Lindsay, Zachary Hunter, BS; Ludwig, Jeremy Brian, BS; Mair, Arlene M, BA; Mann, Rachel Dianna, BA; Manning, Chase James,

BA; Martinez, Carter Louis, BA; Mayfield, Andrew William, BA; McArthur, Kaden S, BS; McGary, Afton Marie, BA; Merrill, Ansley Ensign, BS; Miles, Taylor Craig, BS; Miller, Kelton Joseph, BA; Morales, Ketzel Viridiana, BA; Moran, Madison Elizabeth, BA; Mormando, Samantha Josephine, BA; Mortensen, Iliana Jacqueline, BA; Moyle, Nicholas J, BS; Mugleston, Kara, BA; Murphy, Alyssa, BS; Nelson, David Randall, BA; Nelson, Jason Tanner, BA; Nelson, Meghan Christine, BS; Niederhauser, Austin Nathan, BS; Nilsen, Corey Donald, BA; Nyman, Reggie Paul, BA; Olson, Magaly E, BA; Ortiz, Federico, BA; Oswald, Olivia Natale, BS; Packer, Emma Lee, BS; Palacios, Alan, BA; Parker, Nicole, BS; Paul, Sarah Alyssa, BA; Pedersen, Joseph Brandon, BA; Penrose, Erin M, BS; Perkins, Lincoln Douglas, BA; Pham, Lyann Thuy, BA; Pierce, Jonathan Harrison, BS; Pierson, Weslee Jennifer, BS; Pope, Elizabeth Sara, BS; Price, Caleb Joseph, BA; Price, Jordan, BA; Rasmussen, Rachael Anne, BA; Rayfield, Cole, BA; Raymond, Joshua Jeffrey, BA; Reed, Alexander Troy, BA; Richards, Austin, BA; Robertson, Eve Taylor, BS; Rodriguez, Harrison Colette, BA; Saavedra, Claire J, BA; Segura, Samantha Nikole, BA; Shaw, Jacob P, BA; Silimon, Nina L, BA; Simmons, Tanner Matthew, BA; Smith, Halley, BS; Smith, Shanna Lynne, BS; Sogla, Nathan Blake, BA; Sorensen, Parker Ian, BS; Southwick, Madeline Joan, BA; Sproul, Spencer W, BA; Stone, Jackson Dellon, BA; Stott, Allycia Joyce, BA; Strader, Sveta, BA; Stratton, Elise Christina, BA; Teare, Rachael A, BS; Thueson, Breann, BA; Tippetts, Kimberley Nicole, BS; Uchida, Naoki, BA; Urie, Karla, BS; Van Slyke, Mark Andrew, BS; Van Wagenen, Marci, BS; Veibell, Abby, BA; Ward, Evan Arthur, BA; Ward, Naomi Yoko, BS; Weaver, Casey Kimberly, BS; Webb, Kaleb Stone, BS; Wendel, Maryanna Coburn, BA; Whipple, Christine E, BA; Whitehead, Amelia Crandall, BA; Whitehead, Brandon, BA; Whitney, Tyler K, BA; Williams, Makaela Nicole, BS; Windley, Maddison Haddock, BA; Winters, Lauren Victoria, BA; Wolfley, Robert Eugene, BS; Worthington, Alyssa Marie, BS; Wright, Todd, BA; Zilkey, Michala Marie, BS. Political Science Almond, Frank Edward, BS; Ball, Ashley Anne, BA; Bates, Austin Christopher, BA; Baum, Carol Kathryn, BA; Bauman, Spencer A, BS; Bell, Giselle, BS; Bickmore, Tanner John, BA; Biggs, Darby Marie, BS; Birkholz, Hannah Marie, BA; Boyle, Macie Anne, BA; Brazell, James Everett, BA; Brunson, Kallen Jade, BA; Caines, Vincent, BS; Cline, Michael Joseph, BA; Cook, Andrew Powell,

BA; Cosman, Cherish Elise, BS; Dimick, Dawn M, BA; Durante, Eliana Monique, BA; Eisenbarth, Jenna Lynn, BA; Ellsworth, Logan W, BS; Friant, Kyle, BS; Funk, Rachel Nancy, BA; Goodrich, Krista Colette, BS; Green, Bryce Connor, BS; Grigg, Larry Paul, BA; Hajdukovich, John Milo, BS; Hall, Zoe Elizabeth, BA; Hansen, Ethan Budge, BA; Harrison, John Carter, BS; Harvey, Katherine Anne, BA; Hellstern, Braxton Brandt, BS; Hendricks, Samantha, BS; Hirase, Bailey, BA; Hunsaker, Nanette M, BA; Hunt, Alean Kay, BS; Ingleby, Kelli L, BS; Johnson, Whitney Jo, BS; Jones, Ruth Ann, BA; Korbanka, Judith, BA; Larsen, Allison Paige, BA; Loertscher, Stephen Todd, BA; Loftis, Logan Madison, BS; Lyman, Kayla Rae, BA; McArthur, Kaden S, BS; Merrill, Zacery Joseph, BS; Metcalf, Sydney M, BA; Millward, William Cody, BA; Miner, Catherine S, BS; Mirza, Zeeshan Ahmed, BA; Mortensen, Cameron Brad, BS; Mullins, Melanie, BA; Nelsen, Jonah Stanley, BA; Nilsen, Abigail, BA; Ortiz, Federico, BA; Orton, Abigail Patricia, BS; Parson, Maxwell Charles, BS; Passmore, Dillan Garrick, BS; Perkes, Dallin Ray, BA; Peterson, Conner S, BS; Peterson, Natalie, BS; Peterson, Tristan James, BS; Pillar, Madeline J, BA; Porter, Sarah Joan, BA; Randall, Elizabeth Luisa, BS; Rasmussen, Meg Elizabeth, BA; Reid, Jordan Neil, BS; Riddle, Mariah Sue, BA; Rivera-Soto, Paulina, BA; Roberts, Kathleen Amelia, BA; Robles, Samantha Liliana, BA; Rogers, Carter Harrison, BS; Rummens, Andrew Ryan, BS; Rushton, Kelsie, BA; Rust, Kristen Rachel, BA; Safsten, Micah Robert, BS; Sheets, Hannah, BA; Smith, Riley Thomas, BS; Sproul, Spencer W, BA; Stanford, Lydia Camille, BA; Stewart, Kimberly Janae, BA; Sticht, Madeline C, BA; Stolworthy, Aubree Ann, BA; Sweeten, Elizabeth Anne, BS; Talentino, Scott Michael, BA; Templeton, Sierra Diana Nicole, BA; Trappett, Brianne Nicole, BS; Tuttle, Kali Nickole, BS; Wadsworth, Madison Racquel, BA; Walton, Morgan Esther, BS; Wayment, Brooke, BA; Whitney, Tyler K, BA; Williams, Ross Fischer, BA; Wilson, Jarod C, BA; Wood, Mallory Ann, BS; Woolf, Madelynn K, BS; Zalar, Trevor James, BS. Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology Acosta, Fatima G, AS ; Albertoni, Alexis Ruby, BS; Allen, Ashley, BS; Allred, Montana Josie, AS; Anderson, Alexandria M, BS; Anderson, Breanna K, BS; Anderson, Weston Brian, BS; Andrus, Kayleigh Ann, BS; Arrowood, Sara, BS; Bailey, Destiny Tayrah, BS; Barber, Teri Ann, BS; Barlow, Parker John, BS; Bastian, Cassidy June, BS; Biddulph, Kendra Maj-len, BS; Biggs, Tracy Alex-

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 andra, BS; Bogdin, Brielle Marie, AS; Bonzo, Kourtney Elaine, BS; Brady, Aspen M, BS; Brinton, Zoe Marie, BS; Bronson, Kabrielle, BA; Burnett, Taryn J, BA; Burnside, Breanna L, BS; Burrows, Aspen Rae, BS; Burton, Fielding Gray, BA; Buys, Alan Parley, BS; Caines, Rita Marie, BS; Call, Shanna Lee, BS; Campbell, Michael Taylor, BS; Cebollero, Aubri Ann, BS; Chism, Meghan, BS; Christensen, Courtney T, BA; Clark, Emilia Kim, BS; Clark, Jessica Lee, BS; Coe, Casey Michael, BS; Coldesina, Gillian Elise, BS; Conway, Kooper Nate, BS; Coon, Camille Yvonne, BS; Coulter, Lauren E, BS; Cragun, Levi Ervin, BS; Crummitt, Rachel A, BS; Curameng, Brian Corla, BS; Dalton, Hailey Jo, BS; D'Amico, Nicolas Rayne, AS; Davis, Sierrah Delilah, BS; Dayish, Anthony V, AS; Diamond, Kelsey Lynn, BS; Dillon, Hailie Beatrix, BS; Duncan, Brad Douglas, BA; Eborn, Courtney Brooke, BS; Eggett, Hope Andreana, BA; Elliott, Russel, AS; Estrada, Jessica, BS; Ethington, Eri, BS; Evans, Rylee Beth, BS; Fietkau, Megan Ann, BS; Fishler, Allison Rebecca, BS; Fray Benoit, Clive Leaugen, BS; Frost, Timothy Peter, BS; Furner, Becca Ruth, AS; Gabossi, Joshua Arik, AS, BS; Gale, Kelsey Dawn, BS; Garrett, Zachary, BS; Garside, Megan Irene, BS; Gibson, Richelle, BS; Gingery, Bryce David, AS; Godard, Robert James, BS; Godfrey, Taya, BA; Goodman, Rylee McClay, BS; Graves, Savannah, AS, BS; Griffin, Karen Dianna, BS; Guanzon, Jasmine Garcia, BA; Gubler, Natalie JoAnn, BS; Hall, Candice Lynn, BA; Hall, Zoe Elizabeth, BA; Haller, Sarah Elizabeth, AS; Hamblin, Jyeles Jade, BS; Hancey, Sophie Victoria, BS; Harris, Rebecca Ann, BS; Hatch, Mandilyn, AS, BS; Haycock, Erin Celeste, BS; Heaton, Clarissa, BS; Hernandez, Kemberli Vicky, BS; Higginson, Shayla M, BS; Hillyard, Rachel S, AS; Hines, Christopher Derek, BA; Hlavaty, Michael Scott, BS; Hofman, Brooke Nikol, BS; Hope, Madison Haylee, BS; Howell, Holly, BS; Hutchinson, Sheridan, BS; Ingram, Ja'Marcus Austin, BS; Jarvis, Madison Rebecca, BS; Jenkins, Braedon Shane, BA; Jenkins, Kayla MarJean, BS; Jensen, Sarah Elizabeth, BS; Jenson, Eden Lucille, BS; Jeppson, Carmen M, BS; Jessop, Tarren, BS; Jim, Michelle Ruby, AS; Joe, Ronalda, BS; Johnson, Amber, AS; Johnson III, Benjamin Francis, BS; Johnson, Jennifer A, BS; Johnson, Julianne, BS; Johnson, Micaela Marie, BS; Judd, Jordan Shea, BS; Kaminski, Kylen Andrew, AS, BS; Kelley, Allison R, BS; Killion, Erin Jean-Marie, BS; King, Sydney L, BS; Kirk, Erin Cluff, BS; Kurtz, Jeremiah Bruce Monroe, BS; Lappens, Maren S, BS; Larson, Michael August, BS; Latu, Ofa Liahona, BS; Laub, George Scott, BS; Laws,

Grant Asa, BS; Leavitt, Olivia Nicole, BS; Longshaw, Alexandra Elizabeth, BS; Lopez, Chamique Maria, AS; Lopez, Lakesia L, BS; Losada, Annabel, BS; Love, Jordan Alexander, AS; Lundholm, Lindsey Marguerite, BS; Manley, Delaney, BS; Martinsen, Alyssa Anne, BS; Maughan, DeEsta M, BS; Maxwell, Kollin Shad, BS; Mckee, Diana Ruth, BS; McKinstry, Kaitlin Margret, BS; Meikle, Emma Ann, BS; Merchant, Cody W, AS, BS; Michie, Elizabeth M, BS; Mitchell, Ashley S, AS; Moore, Kaylee, BS; Moore, Ryker Obray, BS; Murdock, Lexie, BS; Nathan, Jordan Anthony, BS; Nebeker, Kendra Rene, BS; Nelson, Dakota, BS; Nichols, Kendra, BS; Nuehring, Nicole Kimball, BS; Olson, Candice, BS; Olson, Kira Esly, BS; Ori, Frankie C, BS; Oslund, Tyler Marie, BS; Oviatt, Roy James, BS; Pada, Brandon Michael, AS; Page, Abigail Rose, BS; Palma, Dianna Belen, BS; Palmer, Kate Rich, BS; Passey, Rachel Ann, BS; Peterson, Erin Rebecca, BS; Pickett, Sarah Jane, BS; Place, Hillary Jane, BS; Powell, Danyan M, BS; Powell, Tiffany C, BS; Price, Sarah Michelle, BS; Rabe, Lydia M, BS; Ramirez, David, AS; Ramirez Pimentel, Nidia, BS; Ramos Trevizo, Irma Lucia, BA; Randall, Raelynn N, BS; Rawlings, Brock Troy, BS; Red Bird, Ocianna Sirene, AS; Reese, Kylie N, AS; Ririe, Nichelle Amber, BS; Roberts, Llewynn H, BS; Robertson, Jennifer Joan, BS; Robertson, Kaitlin, BS; Robinson, Kira Dawn, BS; Robinson, Timothy Elden, BS; Rodriguez, Lizbeth, BA; Rutherford, Abigail Amelia Ann, BS; Saavedra, Claire J, BS; Schade, Jay Richard, BS; Scott, Brady Lachlan, BS; Sessions, Brian Christopher, BA; Shafloot, Abdulaziz Mohamed, AS, BA; Sherpa, Omu T, BS; Shiner, Devan Marie, C, BS; Shore, Emily Brooke, BS; Siaki, Sione G, AS; Silas, Reionna Leyonka, AS; Silimon, Nina L, BA; Simmons, Kamrie B, BS; Smith, Sierra E, BS; Smith, Veronica Jo, BS; Snow, Caitlin Rae, BS; Sorensen, Maria Christine, BS; Starkey, Tara Jo, BS; Stettler, Presley, BS; Stock, Rebecca Claire, BS; Stockett, Brooke, BS; Stuart, Ryan, AS; Sullivan, Veronica H, BS; Sunderland, Taylia Ann, BS; Sweeney, Emma Anne, BS; Sykes, Daniel Thomas Bixby, BS; Tache, Kenneth H, BS; Tafere, Trhas Redda, BS; Talbert, Daysha Lynn, BS; Tapoof, Koralene, BS; Taylor, Alex Lindsey, BS; Thompson, Nathan Jimmy, BS; Thorpe, Josie Lynne, BS; Turner, Brandon Riley, BS; Tuttle, Natalie L, BS; Uasike, Mohelika Saineha, BS; Unga, Christopher Marinus, BS; Wagner, Elisabeth Pearl, BS; Wallace, Cherie Lorraine, BS; Wengreen, Reagan Quinn Anderson, BS; Wheeler, Shylee J, BS; White, Edgar F, BS; White, Tasha, AS; Wilkins, Ashlin Rose, BS; Williams, Dorian Jerome, BS;

Wimmer, Jessica Shea, BS; Withers, Eden Brook, BS; Woolston, Ashley Marie, BS; Zinn, Meghan Anne, BS. ••• S.J. and Jessie E Quinney College of Natural Resources Chris Luecke, Dean Environment and Society Arnold, Beth, BS; Beattie, Luke Joseph, BS; Broadbent, Thomas J, BS; Bullough, Logan, BS; Carroll, Mari Lin, BS; Cherry, Bridger Dallan, BS; Child, Courtney, BS; Cotner, Kacey D, BS; Crowley, Cornelius Joseph, BS; Daddow, Carrie L, BS; Dickson, Kristy Lynn, BS; Gibby, Tyler John, BS; Golden, Cierra, BS; Goodrich, Aleisha, BS; Guest, Brandon Ryan, BS; Hanson, Bayli Ray, BS; Harper, Helena Oleana, BS; Hillyard, Tayli Rebecca, BS; Holmquist, Kaia Marie, BS; Houskeeper, Lauren Michelle, BS; Hughes, Clinton Ericsson, BS; Johns, Allison, BS; Lammers, Dalton D, BS; Lansing, Dylan D, BS; Leidich, Kirsten Marie, BS; LeMaire, Megan Elise, BS; Lowe, Jordan Allen, BS; Lundell, Travis Taylor, BS; Marty, Zoey K, BS; Mathews, Tanon, BS; Meneses, Maurhy Alfredo, BS; Montgomery, Chelsea Elaine, BS; Nelson, Janelle Kuchar, BS; Nichols, Kendra, BS; Pace, Terra Elizabeth, BS; Pacheco, Angie Elizabeth, BS; Pearce, Lacy Jo, BS; Pennie, Malorie, BS; Schooley, Catherine Irene, BS; Sparks, Sydnee Rachel, BS; Tango, Lauren, BS; Taylor, Savannah C, BS; Wayment, Jordan Scott, BS; Weiler, Caroline Jennie, BS; Woodruff, Timothy R, BS. General Studies Adey, Leonard Lewis, BS; Barnes, Gypsy Rain, BS; Barnhart, Ryan David, BS; Bean, Tiffany Charlotte, BS; Bybee, Cassidy Shianne, BS; Cardeli IV, Serafin Tuero, BS; Kinzie, Coral Lee, BS; Knight, Trevor K, BS. Watershed Sciences Anderson, Dylan H, BS; Burgert, Zachary John, BS; Dart, Riley, BS; Goodwin, Kenen Brysen, BS; Griffin, Tylynn Marie, BS; Hatch, Tyler Braden, BS; Helfrich, Andrew Joseph, BS; May, Emmanuel J, BS; O'Brien Jr, Steven Michael, BS; Orton, Kiersten Mary, BS; Payne, Carly Ann, BS; Sedgwick, Samuel Aaron, BS; West, Ryan, BS; Willey, Darianne Amanda, BS. Wildland Resources Abbott, Meghan Kathrine Arlene, BS; Anderson, Dylan H, BS; Bass, Kayla M, BS; Benson, Connor Brooks, BS; Brown, Quisheima Bette, BS; Bufton, Ali, BS; Butikofer, Erin, BS; Chamberlain, Rachel, BS; Childress, Taralyn Elizabeth, BS; Clark, Debbie, BS; Cornwall, Justine N, BS; Danninger, Jessie NIcole, BS; Elgiar, Tyler Raymond, BS; Ellis, Amber,

BS; Farnsworth, Paige Marie, BS; Forsyth, Kyle Cameron, BS; Golightly, Anna, BS; Goodwin, Kenen Brysen, BS; Gottschalk, Jake Patrick, BS; Hammer, Ethan Christopher, BS; Hanson, Jordan Jared, BS; Hatch, Megan, BS; Hebertson, Alexandra LeAnne, BS; Henry, Gabriel Seth, BS; Jensen, Cody R, BS; Johnson, Jacob Lloyd, BS; Jones, Connor Davis, BS; Kearns, Tanner Remington, BS; Kirkland, Hanna Noelle, BS; Martin, Jacob Luke, BS; Mathias, Rachael Rich, BS; Mero, Nicholas Robert, BS; Norris, Sage J, BS; Parkinson, Hayley, BS; Peatross, Brittany Michelle, BS; Peterson, Preston Michael, BS; Prescott, Annie Elizabeth, BS; Price, Tiana, BS; Rasmussen, Kailea Monea, BS; Scothern, Forest R, BS; Shelley, Nora, BS; Sidwell, Jeni Sage, BS; Soto, Jody Vanessa, BS; Stapleton, Michael James Beedham, BS; Swisse, Ty Ray, BS; Taylor, Justin R, BS; Towns, Emily Faith, BS; Traslavina, Angelica Jazmin, BS; West, Stetson D, BS; Wickel, Jordan Dawn, BS; Worwood, Justice Travis, BS. ••• College of Science Maura E. Haggan, Dean Biology Ahart, Austin Alan, BS; Allen, Adam Andrew, BS; Allen, Shanena Kerrie, BA; Andersen, Jacob Rex, BS; Anderson, Brett Christian, BS; Anthony, Zachery Mark, BS; Arreola, Jose Antonio, BS; Ashcraft, Tanner Rulon, BS; Ayers, Tyler Jamison, BS; Baggoo, Mathew, BS; Bartlett, Ashley, BS; Behunin, Trenton E, BS; Benson, Katheryn Jamieson, BS; Beus, Nicklaus J, BS; Bills, Rachel Ann, BS; Bobella, Alexandra Margot, BA; Bovee, Cassandra Emalee, BS; Braddy, Mara Elizabeth, BS; Brewer, Ryan Jens, BS; Brian, Douglas Scott, BS; Buchmiller, Kaedon Izaac, BS; Buck, Daken Tanner, BS; Busche, Samuel Ethan, BS; Bybee, Taylor K, BS; Byington, Jordan Spencer, BS; Calley, Brandon Jerry, BS; Carlson, Cole, BS; Chovil, Grace M, BS; Clark, Carl Dustin, BS; Comer, Drake M, BS; Courtright, Jay W, BS; Crouch, Michael Blake, BS; Curtis, Hannah Kirsten, BS; Dahl, Tyler Aaron, BS; Dalton, Erik Adams, BS; DeMille, Van Dale, BS; Diehl, Spencer Nathan, BS; Elkins, Kelsi Lynn, BS; Evans, Justin Brent, BS; Flitton, Drew Trent, BS; Fronk, Jonah Antony, BS; Ghita, John Ashley, BS; Gomez, Daniel, BS; Gonter, Chade Tanner, BS; Goold, Rowan M, BS; Grandy, Raustin Josef, BS; Haemmerle, Xavier Kroos, BS; Halls, Benjamin Joseph, BS; Halls, Jesse Daniel, BS; Hamilton, Kelsea A, BS; Hansen, Natalie, BS; Harrell, David Charles, BS; Harris, Braden Scott, BS; Hart, Janna B, BS; Harward, Brinnlie Ellen, BS; Hatch, Bridger Joseph,

BS; Henderson, Brennon Gene, BS; Hirschi, Charles Coulton, BS; Hlavaty, Steven S, BS; Hohman, Stetson Robert, BS; Hornberger, Anna Lee, BS; Howlett, Corinne Amber, BS; Huffcutt, Galen Perry, BS; Huish, Allison Jean, BS; Hullinger, Chase Joseph, BS; Humphries, Shannon Rose, BS; Hunt, Robert Ivan, BS; James, Pearson Thomas, BS; Johnson, Jonas Michael, BS; Jones, Daniel Thomas, BS; Keller, Kandyce Glynn, BS; King, Katherine, BS; Lasley, Elizabeth Anne, BS; Leavitt, Jeremy Logan, BS; Linford, Loren, BS; Lish, Alexandra Marie, BS; Lofley, Scott, BS; Loftus, Quincee S, BS; Loveland, Nathan Tanner, BS; Luu, Calvin, BS; Lynch, Cooper Allen, BS; Magby, Andrea L, BS; Mangum, Ty I, BS; Manning, Michael Ammon, BS; Matthews, Kiley Marie, BS; Matthias, Alexander Kamaehu, BS; McClellan, Hailey, BS; McDonough, Isaiah T, BS; Midgley, Michael Blake, BS; Miller, Kiarra Anne, BS; Mitonzi, Emmanuel Busiku, BS; Montgomery, Howard Heath, BS; Munns, Sara Kaye, BS; Murray, Cameron Dallin, BA; Nelson, Clarissa Nicole, BS; Nguyen, Christina, BS; Nielson, Andrew Bryant, BS; Northrup, Connor Derrick, BS; Oakeson, Justin, BS; Ockey, Kaden Thomas, BS; Olson, Marleigh Amanda, BS; Penrod, Preston William, BS; Peterson, Megan Nicole, BS; Porter, Callie M, BS; Pyper, Madisen K, BS; Rapp, Joseph Kent, BS; Richardson, Kate Vivian, BS; Richens, Andrew William, BS; Rodriguez, Bjorn, BS; Rowan, Colten Christopher, BS; Salisbury, Joshua, BS; Schank, Adam James, BS; Schvaneveldt, Jacob Brent, BS; Searle, Nicholas B, BS; Shaw, Kaitlynn, BS; Shepherd, Taylor Shane, BS; Short, Stephen Robert, BS; Skabelund, Whitney Melea, BS; Smith, Martin M, BS; Sperry, Nathan Bakkevig, BS; Stone, Dallen Shawn, BS; Strong, Rebecca J, BS; Taylor, Austin M, BS; Thompson, Mariela Carmelita, BS; Thueson, Camren Marc, BS; Tidwell, Bryson Ray, BS; Tillmann, Nicole Elyse, BS; Tirrell, Justin G, BS; Tollefson, Savannah Veva, BS; Tonks, Adam Charles, BS; Townsley, Alexandra Brooke, BS; Treat, Camden Edward, BS; Trickett, Sara Nicole, BS; Tucker, Timothy Jackson, BS; Uhl, Jessica Lynn, BS; Vance, Madison Taylor, BS; Vassar, John Samuel, BS; Vivas, Sara Lynn Kekahi, BS; Wahlen, John S, BA; Walker, Bryce Frank, BS; Watson, Jonathan Paul, BS; Webber, Parker Chase, BS; White, Ryan Ronald, BS; Willett, Parker Wayne, BS; Wipfler, Taylor Joseph, BS; Withers, James, BS; Woo, Doliver B, BS; Wood, Robert Glenn, BS; Woolf, Hillary Shelton, BS; Worley, Joshua Rhead, BA; Yeager, Tyler, BS; York, Carissa A, BS. Chemistry and Biochemistry Allen, Adam Andrew, BS; Allred,

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Joseph Robert, BS; Behunin, Trenton E, BS; Carpenter, Elsie, BS; Cloward, Tara Gregory, BS; Coleman, Jamie Lee, BA ; Comer, Drake M, BS; Cox, Kevin Austin, BS; Crowther, Ryden Blake, BS; Francis, Samantha, BS; Gallagher, Caitlyn Erin, BS; Geddes, Bryon Israelsen, BS; Goff, Austin Tanner, BS; Gonzalez, Saul, BS; Hansen, Nathaniel Jay, BS; Harmon, Nathan Addison, BS; Hulet, Mitchell William, BS; Hunt, Walker Reed, BS; Jones, Abigail Lillian, BS; Lappens, Maren S, BS; Lish, Alexandra Marie, BS; Lloyd, Nathanael R, BS; Luu, Calvin, BS; McDonald, Daniel Alan, BS; Pack, Franklin W, BS; Parkinson, Cody Jack, BS; Patten, Helen G, BS; Peterson, Austin Charles, BS; Price, Bo Julian, BS; Richwine, Mitchell Bryon, BS; Roberts, Paul H, BS; Rouse, Owen P, BS; Shelton, Kurtis Steven, BS; Short, Stephen Robert, BS; Simmons, Phillip James, BS; Thornton, Kade Alan, BS; Thueson, Camren Marc, BS; Williamson, David L, BS. Computer Science Adams, Aaron Joseph, BS; Alexander, Paxton Ray, BS; Andersen, Aylee Ann, BS; Aposhian, Andrew S, BS; Avery, Bridger Keith, BS; Balling, Spencer Nicholas, BS; Barton, Christian Peter, BS; Barwick, Kayson K, BS; Beal, Leo Phillip, BS; Bell, Eric Michael, BS; Bigler, Marc Alma, BS; Bouwhuis, Bingham Jacob, BS; Bowden, William Kirk, BS; Butterfield, Kimball Scott, BS; Chan, Jordan, BS; Chap, Shaun Chun, BS; Christensen, Bryan Kent, BS; Cline, Stanford, BS; Cordova Panchana, Eduardo Daniel, BS; Davies, Hannah, BS; Dawson, Joshua Curtis, BS; Devey, Joel Stephen, BS; Emery, Aristarchus Wilson, BS; Fehlauer, Garrison Paul, BS; Fowler, Gavin Dee, BS; Francis, Elise, BS; Fryar-Ludwig, Kenneth, BS; Garlick, Chet Dean, BS; Gates, Keisha Ranae, BS; Gohier, Daniel Levi, BA ; Goodman, Ryan Joseph, BS; Gray, Dax C, BS; Griffin, Spencer D, BS; Gunsay, Asher Metin, BS; Hadley, Jacob Shane, BS; Hart, Kaden F, BS; Higham, Joshua Taylor, BS; Hook, Zachary Ammon, BS; Hooper, Tanner Calvin, BS; Jackson, Alexander Ray, BS; Jibson, Joshua L, BS; Johnson, Jake Andrew, BS; Johnson, Scott Isaac, BS; Jugganaikloo, Nicolas Y, BS; Knudsen, Jordan Chris, BS; Kunz, David P, BS; Lafitte, Aaron Jean, BS; LaFollette, Tyson Jack, BS; Landroché, Darrin, BS; Larsen, Christian J, BS; Larsen, Makenzie Lynn, BS; Le, Kent, BS; Lindholm, Kimberly C, BS; Linson, Phillip William Joseph, BS; Lister, Matthew Robert, BS; Loveland, Calvin, BS; Lovell, Nathaniel Reed, BS; Lundquist, Caleb, BS; Manna, Jacob, BS; Maughan, Caleb Paul, BS; Maxwell, Jazlyn McKenzie, BS; McCammon, Jesse William, BS; Medlyn, Ryan A, BS; Merkley, Christopher Jen-

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


sen, BS; Merrill, James Phillip, BS; Mikulecky, Rachel Lyn, BS; Milne, Cameron K, BS; Miranda, Jack, BS; Moe, Chit, BS; Moore, Jeremiah Mark, BS; Mortensen, Chase Kyle, BS; Nance, Conner D, BS; Nielsen, Logan Michael, BS; Oliver, Quinton Harold, BS; Ovard, Benjamin David, BS; Palmer, Samuel Gus, BS; Pena, Melanie Jazmin, BS; Pougher, Ian David, BS; Price, Kristoffer Kelly, BS; Prinster, Connor Michael, BS; Reid, Richard Gavin, BS; Rhodes, Suzanne, BS; Rodgers, Nicholas Scott, BS; Roylance, Jefferson Mark, BS; Runyan, Connor James, BS; Scott, Steven Deron, BS; Shelton, Mitchell David, BS; Shepherd, Cole David, BS; Short, Brandon M, BS; Simcox, Steven Dale, BS; Skabelund, Bryce Tex, BS; Skabelund, Kyle John, BS; Skinner, Rogan Douglas, BS; Smith, Brandon Kevin, BS; Smith, Justin Riley, BS; Smith, Morgan Todd, BS; Sneddon, Nathaniel Val, BS; Sorenson, Carson W, BS; Squires, Brandon Tanner, BS; Stauffer, Nicholas Scott, BS; Steele, Mitchell C, BS; Stucki, Clay Jacob, BS; Sullivan, Kyson Carl, BS; Svedin, Brady Joseph, BS; Taylor, Benjamin Connor, BS; Tompkins, Theodore C, BS; Turcotte, Joseph E, BS; Tyger, Taylor Joseph, BS; Ware, Rigdon Evan, BS; Watson, Ethan Scott, BS; Wheeler, Tanner Leon, BS; White, Abraham Douglas, BS; Williams, Austin Michael, BS; Williams, Ryan Lincoln, BS; Williams-Gilchrist, Andrew C, BS; Yates, Jordan Russell, BS.

General Studies Bergeson, Sean Dan, BS; Cottrell, Matthew Reasch, BS; Donoso, Carlos Eduardo, BS; Hopkins, John Andrew, BS; Humble, Katrina Alyse, BS; Humphreys, Jaron Reese, BS; Hunter, Tyson, BS; Jensen, Melissa Brooke, BS; Lundgreen, Amber, BS; Mendoza, Rakel Natalee, BS; Powell, Dionne, BS; Smith, Alyson Joyce, BS; Smith, Andrus G, BS; Trimble, Derek Lee, BS; West, Jason, BS. Geology Brophy, Dana P, BS; Bryan, Jared Thomas, BS; Condie, Bruce John, BS; Cook, Charles Richard, BS; Crouch, Kaitlyn, BS; Gardner, Christyna Anne, BS; Johnson, Devin Bruce, BS; Lee, Carly Kay, BS; Lundgreen, Bethany Medley, BS; Nicholls, Jordan T, BS; Perkins, Andrew John, BS; Rasmussen, Randi Lynn, BS; Rowe, Fallon Eve, BS; Schubert, Myles, BS; Simpson, Cory Scott, BS; Taylor, Madison Paige, BS; White, Coleton Jacob, BS. Interdisciplinary Studies Taylor, Weston Charles, BS; Walton, Jared Keith, BS. Mathematics and Statistics Bedke, Malyssa Louise, BS; Bickmore, Ryker Tann, BS; Bladen,

Kelvyn Keith, BS; Burns, Jordan, BS; Callis, Gabrielle, BS; Carr, Mckensie Kaitlyn, BS; Coggins, Brooklyn H, BS; Collantes, Alex Cesar, BS; Cutler, Monica Madeleine, BS; DeAngelo, Matthew Franklin, BS; Dykman, Hayley Noelle, BS; Fernandes, Kasidy F, BS; Frederickson, Bryce, BS; Frederickson, Sarah Alice, BS; Fredrickson, Landon C, BS; Funk, Rachel Nancy, BS; Galioto, Brendan John, BS; Gottschalk, Jake Patrick, BS; Hansen, Mariah Lynne, BS; Hansen, Samuel, BS; Hansen, Tyler Stenberg, BS; Heine, Edward Maxwell, BS; Henson, Autumn R, BS; Higham, Terra Dillman, BS; Hilyard, Cody, BS; Hoffmann, Greg Logan, BS; Holt, Whitney, BS; Howard, Christian David, BS; Isaac, Alexa Rae, BS; Jasper, Brian Kenneth, BS; Jennings, Garrett James, BS; Kennedy, Aaron Ronald, BS; Kosiak, Abigail Lynn, BS; Larsen, Amanda Rey, BS; Lehmann, Lukas David, BS; Linson, Phillip William Joseph, BS; Mansell, Benjamin Michael, BA ; Miranda, Jack, BS; Moore, Jeremiah Mark, BS; Mork, Courtney Michele, BS; Murdock, Kennedy Elizabeth, BS; Negale, Tanyia Rosha, BS; Norton, Tessa Alexandria, BS; Olsen, Jaden Darren, BS; Outsen, Jacqueline, BS; Palmer, Holly Dawn, BS; Pierson, Lauren E, BS; Rowley, Tiana Mai Xiaogu, BS; Sharp, JoDee Michele, BS; Simonsen, Kip Reid, BS; Smith, Mathew R, BS; Sorenson, Darian, BS; Stucki, Alicia, BS; Swallow, Seattle Marie, BS; Tellez, Rigoberto, BS; Vance, Justin Daniel, BS; Vaughn, Hannah H, BS; Warren, Michael Allen, BS; Waung, David J, BS; Westfall, Nicole Breann, BS; Wheeler, Haylee Jill, BS; Wheeler, Jesse, BS; Wheeler, Justin Kory, BS; Wheeler, Tanner Leon, BS; Wilson, Heidi Noel, BS. Physics Adams, Dane Paul, BS; Boman, Joshua Lewis, BS; Britt, Jonathan Edward, BS; Bryan, Jared Thomas, BS; Burns, Jordan, BS; Childers, Preston Eugene, BS; Cole, Ridge D, BS; Dudley, Thomas William, BS; Hansen, Tyler Stenberg, BS; Johnson, Bo, BS; Johnson, Robert Michael, BS; Keeler, Ashlan, BS; Kinch, Chandler David, BS; Kirkman, Alexander Alan, BS; Maxfield, Isaac, BS; Moser, Seth David, BS; Muhwezi, Walter Davis, BS; Ormsby, Jeffrey Allan, BS; Rickenbach, Erin Rae, BS; Thompson, Tanner Logan, BS. ••• Provost’s Office Francis D. Galley, Provost General Studies Abplanalp, Lauren McKell, AS; Adams, John Quincy, AS; Adey, Leonard Lewis, AS; Allen, Abigail J, AS; Allen, Sierra, AS; Allen, Zachary George, AS; Allred, Brady

J, AS; Allred, Deborah Deann, AS; Allred, Shaylee Ann, AS; Allred, Taylor Brooke, AS; Anderson, Ashlynn Rae, AS; Anderson, Bryndee Kaylene, AS; Anderson, Hannah Karen, AS; Anderson, Lydia Wilma Ann, AA; Anderson, Spencer Mathew, AS; Andreasen, Jens Frederick, AS; Angulo, Joseph, AS; Angus, Shantelle, AS; Archambault, Gabrielle D, AS; Arellano, Trista Elaine, AS; Arellano-Lopez, Ashley Rae, AS; Arrington, Taylor Andrew H V, AS; Arroyo, Uintah Marie, AS; Arvanitas, Veneta, AS; Ashby, Mikayla May, AS; Ashmead, Morgan Nichole, AS; Astel, Adam C, AS; Atcitty, Vanessa Mae, AS; Atkinson, Kierra, AS; Atkinson, Sadie Lyle, AS; Atwood, Alexandria Marie, AS; Austin, Torrie Linn, AS; Babcock, Cassidy Anne, AS; Baczuk, Matthew David, AS; Baggaley, Megan Amanda, AS; Bailey, Tanner Rick, AS; Bailey, Thatcher Eugene, AS; Bair, Baylee Xe, AS; Baker, Jared T, AS; Baker, Vivian, AS; Baldwin, Taylor, AS; Balls, Kirstin Erin, AS; Banks, Emma Jean, AS; Barnes, Susanna Louise, AS; Barnett, Kailey Elissa, AS; Barney, Zachary Scott, AS; Barr, Shanae, AS; Barrett, Shanna, AS; Barrus, Andrew Ryan, AS; Barrus, Jessica A, AS; Bartholomew, Bailey Day, AS; Barton, Amberlie Ruth, AS; Basinger, Ashley Victoria, AS; Bastian, McKenna Lynn, AS; Bates, Tyler Rebekah, AS; Beacham, Mitchell Bunker, AS; Beckstead, Cody Brinn, AS; Bedoni, Vincynthia D, AS; Beeston, Nathan Robert, AS; Begay, Makeena Alexis, AS; Begay, Tisha Louise, AS; Begaye, Alyssa Ja-lena, AS; Behunin, Drew Michael, AS; Beishline, Andelin Georgia, AS; Bell, Ashton Rae, AS; Bell, Asia L, AS; Bell, Hayden Scott, AS; Bell, Kylee Josephine, AS; Bell, Lauren, AA; Bell, Sierra, AS; Belliston, Heather Michele, AS; Ben, Shaila Jeane, AS; Benally, Autumn D, AS; Benn, Lyandra Michelle, AS; Bennion, Liberty Anne, AS; Benton, Candi S, AS; Bera, Racquel, AS; Bergen, Casey Lin, AS; Berghout, Keon Joseph, AS; Berry, Amber J, AS; Berry, Chase Corwin, AS; Beus, Bridger P, AS; Biggs, Mindy Shantel, AA; Bills, Quincy Dylan, AS; Bingham, Joseph D, AS; Bishop, Charish Rannae, AS; Bishop, Hannah, AS; Bitner, Mary Kate, AS; Black, Brittany, AS; Black, Carver Bruce, AS; Black, Keya Bryne, AS; Black, Kylie N, AS; Black, Porter S, AS; Blackburn, Bryce Isaac, AS; Blackwing, Raiden, AS; Blanton, Miranda Marie, AS; Bliss, Gregory Alexander, AS; Blosch, Ethan, AS; Bodily, Kaden Scott, AS; Bogden, Alexia N, AS; Bohn, Kristina Marie, AS; Bonacci, Hayden Michael, AS; Bonacci, Johnnie Danelle, AS; Bookout, Nathanael D, AS; Boone, Madison Ray, AS; Boone, Timothy, AS; Boss, Mariah Paige, AS; Bossow, Regan Reece, AS; Bott, Lisa Elaine, AS; Bowen, Danielle Marie, AS; Bowler,

Morgan S, AS; Bowman, Alyssa B, AS; Bowring, Dominique, AS; Bowthorpe, Breanna Larene, AS; Bradshaw, Nicholas Joel, AS; Brady, Gabrielle W, AS; Brady, Jenna Lauren, AS; Braegger, Rylee Letitia, AS; Brenchley, McKenzie Ann, AS; Brewer, Benjamin J, AS; Brewer, Elizabeth, AS; Brewer, Taylor Marie, AS; Brian, Ryker Douglas, AS; Brinkerhoff, Bailey Sue, AS; Brinkerhoff, Blake, AS; Broderick, Morgan Page, AS; Brough, Ariel S, AS; Brown, Bethany Shalae, AS; Brown, Ellianna J, AS; Brown, Emma E, AS; Brown, Grant Alexander, AS; Brown, Kelsey Jae, AS; Bruns, Jacob Riley, AS; Buck, Elizabeth Marie, AS; Bueno, Mariana J, AA; Bullion, Sara L, AS; Bullock, Brighton Trie, AS; Burgoyne, Morgan Hilary, AS; Burke, Hannah Lavona, AS; Burke, Pridaniya J, AS; Burnham, Shannon LeAnn, AS; Burningham, Kyle S, AS; Burr, Kate Mitchell, AS; Buttars, Braden Cade, AS; Butterfield, Cade Tam, AS; Butterfield, Caden S, AS; Butterfield, Emma Joel, AS; Cahoon, Joel Morgan, AS; Caldwell, Samantha Jo, AS; Carlisle, Harley Dean, AS; Carlson, Makayla Marie, AS; Carpenter, Amanda Kay, AS; Carranza, Yeni Lizeth, AS; Carter, Landon Philip Ray, AS; Carvajal, Andrea Christina, AS; Carver, Janica Nicole, AS; Casey, Tiffany M, AA; Castle, Mykenzie, AS; Castro, Brayan D, AA; Catalano, Landri, AS; Chamberlain, Shalice Marie, AS; Chambers, Aubry Ann, AS; Chapman, Colton R, AS; Chaves, Darla Poulette, AS; Cherry, Hunter T, AS; Chidester, James McKay, AS; Choffin, Mackenzie Janelle, AS; Christensen, Brittany L, AS; Christensen, Erik Benjamin, AS; Christensen, Greg R, AS; Christensen, Jodi, AS; Christensen, Kazia H, AA; Christensen, Madison, AS; Christensen, Matthew Grant, AS; Christiansen, Brittany Allyn, AS; Christoffersen, Derek Joseph, AS; Clark, Kody Elaine, AS; Clark, Kyler, AS; Clawson, Madison, AA; Clayburn, Tauzya Donna, AS; Clement, Kennedy Ann, AS; Clifford, Joseph Thomas, AS; Cline, Troy Darrell, AS; Coates, Kassidy, AS; Cobbley, Andrew Joseph, AS; Coburn, Emilee, AS; Coburn, Hannah, AS; Collier, Dakota D, AS; Collings, Tyler Jason, AS; Conover, Haley Breanne, AA; Cook, Braden Daniel, AA; Cook, Bryant Dale, AS; Cook, Emily Elizabeth, AS; Coombs, Trevor Wyatt, AS; Coon, Nicole, AS; Cooper, Jessica M, AS; Corbett, Stuart, AA; Coric, Lamija, AS; Cortez, Randi Denise, AS; Cowboy, Lita Marie, AS; Cox, Amelia Elizabeth, AS; Cox, Sarah Jayne, AS; Crabb, Tyler Wayne, AS; Cragun, Amanda L, AS; Cragun, Morgan Shae, AS; Cranney, Wayne D, AS; Crockett, Carson Lee, AS; Crosby, Patrick Scott, AS; Crosgrove, Emma June, AS; Crowford, Samuel Kaleb, AS; Crowther, Angelia Darci, AS;

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Class of 2020 Crozier, Hanna Mykal, AS; Cruz, Alicia, AS; Cubas, Kimberly Dajabi, AS; Cutchen, Taylor Mayes, AS; Cutler, Christopher C, AS; Daley, Sandra, AS; Daly, Faith G, AS; Damele, Katie E, AS; Daniels, Annika, AS; Dansie, Megan Paige, AS; Darby, Caleb James Robert, AS; Davis, Alisha Marie, AS; Davis, Danielle, AS; Davis, Elizabeth Leanne, AS; Davis, Emily, AS; Davis, Hailey Nicole, AS; Dawson, Brock Wayne, AS; Deakins, Charles Hunter, AS; Deamer, Maddison, AS; Dean, Alexis May, AS; Dean, Allysa Rhiannon, AS; Deaver, Natalie Jill, AS; Decker, Maquilla Jace, AA; DeDen, Adam Jeffrey, AS; Dees, Jeff Cortez, AS; Deeter, Dustin Don, AS; DeMille, Dariel Angelique, AS; Denison, Daniel Mckay, AS; DeSandre, Emelia Grace, AS; Diaz, Jonathan Maxwell, AS; Diaz, Rhya Anna Rose, AS; Dodge, Mckay, AS; Dopp, Madison Ann, AS; Dougal, Michael Kurt, AS; Doughty, Grace Caroline, AS; Dowd, Jessica Rose Catherine, AS; Dransfield, Taitlin, AS; Draper, Angela Elizabeth, AS; Duffin, Kaitlin Dawn, AS; Dugan, Brittany LeAnn, AS; Dugmore, Bryce Gale, AS; Duncan, Jordan Dennis, AS; Duran, Logan Mackenzie, AS; Durfee, Justin Bret, AS; Durfee, Kamryn Sadie, AS; Durrans, Anna C, AS; Dutson, Hannah Grace, AS; Dutton, Donann, AS; Duvall, Christopher John, AS; Dygert, Elizabeth M, AS; Dymock, Jason Reed, AS; Eaton, Aubrey Sarah, AA; Edvalson, Anna Meilin, AS; Egley, Hayden Jae, AS; Ehlert, Chandler Michelle, AS; Ekins, Denalin Bailey, AS; Eliason, Ali Mae, AS; Elliott, Ashley Rae, AS; Ellis, Jaycee, AS; Elm, Darnell Howard, AS; Elwood, Braxton Lynn, AS; Emery, Kammi Louise, AS; Erickson, Hannah Renee, AS; Ervin, Maklen Saige, AS; Espiritu, Jared Michael, AS; Estrada, Diana Laura, AS; Evans, Desiree Marie, AS; Evans, Eric Scott, AS; Evans, Erica K, AS; Evans, Kylie A, AS; Evans, McKay, AS; Evans, McKenzie Lee, AS; Evans, Tanner David, AS; Eyre, Sarah Marie, AS; Eyre, Swaysie J, AS; Facemyer, Bailee Annalye, AS; Fairbourn, Devin Jeffery, AS; Fairchild, Josephine Connely, AS; Falslev, Brooklyn Jean, AS; Falslev, Cindy, AS; Fasching, Kyle Allen, AS; Fender, Eliana Ofeina, AA; Fender, Kelline Raynae, AS; Ferrin, Carly Taylor, AS; Fielding, Matthew, AS; Fisher, Daniel Joe, AS; Fitch III, Zachary Aaron, AS; Flores, Andrea Valene, AS; Flores, Elsie Denette, AS; Foote, Ethan Thomas, AS; Ford, Ayanna R, AS; Forster, William David, AS; Fossat, Cali J, AS; Fossat, Melissa Marie, AS; Fox, Erin Diane, AS; Frandsen, Anna E, AS; Frandsen, Taylor L, AS; Freeman I, Garrett R, AS; Freeman, Robert Sterling, AA; Frost, Megan Emily, AS; Fryer, Timothy Tyler, AS; Fuhriman, Melissa Marie, AS; Fultz, Maken-

zie Xela, AS; Funk, Avery Lauren, AS; Funk, Courtney, AA; Funk, Karen, AS; Gadd, Makayla Alice, AS; Gagnon, Sarah Mae Marguerite, AS; Galvan, Vanesa, AS; Gao, David, AS; Gardner, Aubry J, AS; Gardner, Chandler John, AS; Gardner, Emma Marie, AS; Gardner, Samuel E, AS; Gardner, Shelbie Lee, AS; Garfias, Biby Nathalie, AS; Garner, Kenidy Debra, AS; Garrett, Cheneil Leavitt, AS; Garrett, Makenna, AS; Garrett, Skyler Sidney, AS; Garrison, Kimberly Ann, AS; Garver, Jessenia R, AS; Garvin, Sarah, AS; Garza, Thomas J, AS; Geddes, Braden Neal, AS; Gee, Alia M, AS; Gee, Emily Pearl, AS; Gee, Jacob D, AS; Gentry, Amber, AS; George, Alissa, AS; George, Antonia Jeannette, AS; Gerratt, Sonya, AS; Geurts, Jordan Rae, AS; Geurts, Joseph Robert, AS; Giles, Madison Rose, AS; Gillman, Tye Kade, AS; Glauser, Megan Rachel, AS; Glenn, Sophia Lucille, AS; Goff, Alexyss Nicole, AS; Gold, Aubrey Rose, AS; Gonzales, Alexander Vincent, AS; Gonzales, Angel Marie, AS; Gonzalez, Cecelia Ambria, AS; Goodrich, Talin Jacob, AS; Goodwin, Mitchell Reed, AS; Goodwine, Carlyn, AS; Gord, Elle S, AS; Gordon, Dalton Shane, AS; Gordon, Katie Christine, AS; Gordon, Randy Flash, AS; Gossard, Carissa Lee, AS; Gotsch, Felicity A, AS; Graf, Camille Elizabeth, AS; Grant, Collin K, AS; Graves, Jillian Marie, AS; Gravley, Gage, AS; Greco, Mckenna Leigh, AS; Green, Rebecca, AA; Greenwood, Shaely Dee, AS; Griffin, Peter William, AS; Griffith, Emily Susan, AS; Groll, Katherine Joyce, AS; Grover, Jens Christian, AS; Grover, McKady Jennette, AS; Grow, Elizabeth Carol, AS; Guadarrama, Elizabeth, AS; Gulley, Trent Aaron, AS; Gunn, Sharlene Elizabeth, AS; Gunnell, Bayler Moab, AA; Guyaux, Keeley Shae, AS; Hackett, Cassidy Lauren, AS; Hackwell, Jasalene Tami, AS; Hadlock, Madison Rae, AS; Hagans, Sean Patrick, AS; Hall, Leah Lorrain, AS; Hall, Melinda, AS; Hall, Morgan J, AS; Hamadi, Mohamud, AS; Hamilton, Cazlyn Michelle, AS; Hamilton, Eric Taylor, AS; Hamilton, Joann, AS; Hanks, Brooke Elise, AS; Hannah, Josephine Nicole, AS; Hansen, Aubrienne Alexis, AS; Hanson, Regan LaVon, AS; Hardy, Brittlyn, AS; Hardy, Dansie A, AS; Hardy, Kyra, AS; Harjo, Britny N, AS; Harlan, Ariana Rae, AS; Harmon, Shelbi M, AS; Harris, Kelsey A, AS; Harris, Nathan Lee, AS; Harrison, Alice Emily, AS; Harvey, Curestine Ashley, AS; Harvey, Hadlee Ann, AS; Haslam, Andersen Wade, AA; Hassell, Cambree, AS; Hatch, Mallorie A, AS; Hatch, Sydney, AS; Hauser, Aubrey Leigh, AS; Hawkes, SiriKay, AS; Haws, Baylee, AS; Haycock, Erin Celeste, AS; Hayward, Leilani Marie, AS; Hedglin, Max Riley Joseph, AS; Hekking, Taya Wothern, AS; Heller,


McKenna S, AS; Herbon, Brooklyn Ann, AS; Hermann, McKenna Brianne, AS; Hill, Elizabeth Jane, AA; Hill, Harley Michael, AS; Hill, Madelyn R, AS; Hill, Mason, AS; Hill, Sydnee, AS; Hodges, Emaly Marrie, AS; Hofstetter, Jacklyn Hilda, AS; Hola, Malia R, AS; Holdaway, Bailey Makele, AS; Holden, Tyson R, AS; Holman, Emily Anne, AS; Holmes, Madison Ivy, AS; Holmes, Paige Lynne, AS; Holmquist, Lisa, AS; Horne, Collin James, AS; Horrocks, Samantha Elizabeth, AS; Howell, Mariah Leigh, AS; Howell, S Christian, AS; Hubbard, Samuel Dalton, AS; Huffaker, Charmayne, AS; Huffcutt, Patrick Allen, AS; Huggard, Ali Leanne, AS; Hughston, Ella Christeen, AS; Hulme, Katherina Leilani, AS; Hunsaker, Jensen S, AS; Hunsaker, Kaitlin Jill, AS; Hunt, Bailey G, AS; Hunt, JoAnne Lorraine, AS; Hunt, McKay Bryce, AA; Hutchinson, Christian Matson, AS; Hyatt, Krystle, AS; Hyde, Brantson D, AA; Hyde, Hannah Brooke, AS; Ipsen, Jordan S, AS; Ipsen, Miranda Berchtold, AS; Israelsen, Makelle DeAnn, AS; Ivins, Stephanie, AS; Jackson, Denise Ashley, AS; Jackson, Dylan R, AS; Jackson, Jacob J, AA; Jacobson, Nicole Marli, AS; Jacobson, Taylor J, AS; Jake, Madison Sydney, AS; James, Adrian Micheal, AS; James, Aubrey Ann, AS; James, David Patrick, AS; Jankowski, Garin Scott, AS; Jardine, Emily Paige, AS; Jardine, Madyson Lyn, AS; Jay, Gerrianna A, AS; Jeffrey, Alyssa Hope, AS; Jenkins, Wynn, AS; Jensen, Bailey K, AS; Jensen, Brandon Jay, AS; Jensen, Brooke Michelle, AS; Jensen, Conrad, AS; Jensen, Danielle Ray, AS; Jensen, Jaron Lewis, AS; Jensen, Lainee, AS; Jensen, Madison Kaye, AS; Jensen, Makayla Gene, AS; Jensen, Morgan Riley, AS; Jenson, Cameron Dean, AS; Jenson, Jessika, AS; Jenson, Kylee, AS; Jessop, Madeleine K, AS; Jewkes, Stephen Richard, AS; Jim, Dawnrae, AS; John, Kyra Kandice-Morgan, AS; Johns, Hannah, AS; Johnson, Adrie Lia, AS; Johnson, Andrew Edward, AS; Johnson, Brayden Thomas, AS; Johnson, Brianna D, AS; Johnson, Cora Lynn, AS; Johnson, Ellissa Anne, AS; Johnson, Jillian Nicole, AS; Johnson, Julianne, AS; Johnson, Patience Marie, AS; Johnson, Renae Noelle, AS; Johnson, Riley D, AS; Johnson, Shannon, AS; Johnson, Spencer Matthew, AS; Johnson, Tanner Lynn, AS; Jolley, Lindsy Brooke, AS; Jones, Abby J, AS; Jones, Angel Nizhoni, AS; Jones, Brenna P, AS; Jones, Christopher Mark, AS; Jones, Madeleine, AS; Jones, Tamera, AS; Jones, Tanner Kevin, AS; Jonson, Kenya, AS; Jordan, Esther, AS; Jordan, McKenzie Lynn, AA; Jorgensen, Tenielle Mae, AS; Joss, Olivia Beth, AS; July, Helen Deresa, AS; Juracan, Harmony Blue, AA; Kamachi, Tasha McCall, AS; Kampeshi,

Kunda, AS; Kartchner, Lorin Ky, AS; Kearns, Jacob G, AS; Keddington, Christina, AS; Kellmer, Mark Alan, AS; Kelsch, Autumn Shari, AS; Kendrick, Shayley Nicol, AS; Kim, David Joung, AS; King, McKayla Paige, AS; Kingsbury, Christopher Brian, AS; Kister, Trista Marie, AS; Knight, Afton N, AS; Knudson, Camille, AS; Knutson, TaraLee, AS; Kunz, Avery, AS; Kunzler, Makaylie, AS; Kuss, Laceigh, AS; Kwizera, Jojea, AS; Labrum, Danielle Rose, AA; Lacy, Nizhoni Donica, AS; Lain, Christina Michelle, AS; Lambert, Angel Nicole, AS; Lameman, Ian Cal, AS; Landrum, Maddie Belle, AS; Largo, Ernestine, AS; Laris, Bryson Matthew, AS; Larsen, Amanda J, AS; Larsen, Augustine Claire Elisa, AS; Larsen, Katelyn N, AS; Larson, Kamri, AS; Larson, Lily Faye, AS; Larson, Monte Jo, AS; Latimer, Sierra Rose, AS; Law, Ollie, AS; Lawson, Logan C, AS; Leautaud, Ashley Ann, AS; Lee, Bahozhoni Omni, AS; Leerskov, Loran K, AS; LeFors, Teneya K, AS; Leishman, Alexa, AS; Leishman, Emme, AS; Leishman, Katherine Nicole, AS; Lemmon, Kaelie Noel, AS; Lennon, Sarah Elizabeth, AS; Lerwill, Anyia, AS; Lesmeister, Traykun Wayne, AS; Lester, Daniel Cameron, AS; Lewis, Audrey Hannah, AS; Li, Suchen, AS; Liddell, Richard Blake, AS; Limon, Isabel Esmeralda, AS; Lindberg, Travis, AS; Lindsey, Courtney, AS; Lines, Rachel, AS; Littlecrow, Brianna Lea, AS; Llewellyn, Makayla B, AS; Lloyd, Abigail Kathleen, AS; Loertscher, Shelisa Michele, AS; Losada, Annabel, AS; Ludlow, Audrey Lyn, AS; Lund, Bailey Claire, AS; Lundgren, Annika Sylvia, AS; Lusko, Alex Maurice, AS; Lyman, Devin C, AS; Lynch, Rebecca Dawn, AS; Mackay, Hannah Maree, AS; Mackley, McKenzie Ann, AS; Madsen, Adriana Estel, AS; Madsen, Megan Sara, AS; Madsen, Michael M, AS; Madsen, Ryan, AS; Mafi, Sarah Mahealani, AS; Magill, Courtney Lynn, AS; Mahrt, Kristen Maurie, AS; Malan, Tyler S, AS; Manheimer, Jaiauna Unique, AS; Mankin, Carson Jae, AS; Maple, Andrea, AS; Marchant, Lilibeth Melissa, AS; Marlowe, Ellie Maay, AS; Marsden, Kendrick, AS; Martin, Jessica Jamiel, AS; Martinez, Macy Aspen, AS; Martushev, Hope N, AS; Marziale, Cameron Reed, AS; Mascarenas, Maleah, AS; Math, Nikhil Shivanand, AS; Matheson, Jarrett Stryker, AS; Maughan, Abby L, AA; Maughan, Anna Marie, AS; Maughan, Hailey Alyssa, AS; Maxfield, Marina Lyn, AS; May, Sutton B, AS; Mays, Cameron, AS; McBride, Zachary Scott, AS; McCary, Whitney Kayla, AS; McCleary, Mason Mcrae, AS; McClellan, Lauren LeeAnn, AS; Mcclune, Quinn Aaron, AS; McKeachnie, Conner Jared, AS; McKee, Tonya Lynn, AS; McKin-

non, Taylor Joan, AS; McMahon, Talisa, AS; McMullin, Emree Jessee, AS; Mcmullin, Justice S, AS; McMullin, Kelsie Boswell, AS; Mcneil, Brittyn Elise, AS; McUne, Ashlee Sage, AS; Mears, Andie Linn, AS; Medlyn, Carissa Grover, AS; Melendez, Airam Alejandra, AS; Merkley, Callan Dean, AS; Merkley, Coltin Jay, AS; Merkley, Logan Del, AS; Merkley, Rebecca Ileen, AS; Merrell, Brock James, AS; Merrick, Chanelle S, AS; Merrill, Cody Kent, AS; Merrill, Jordan Mark, AA; Migliori, Aubreyona F, AS; Mikhail, Rachael Eileen, AS; Mikulecky, Zakari Don, AS; Milch, Nathan A, AS; Miller, Debra, AS; Miller, Kaysha Lashell, AS; Miller, Meycelle, AS; Miller, Nicole Renee, AS; Mills, Allison Carrie, AS; Misener, Lindsey Marie, AS; Miskimins, Keyra A, AS; Mitton, Keegan Trent, AS; Moe, Jordan M, AS; Mohler, Hannah M, AS; Molinar, Marisol, AS; Money, Taylor M, AS; Monson, Olivia N, AS; Monson, Steven Cole, AS; Moore, Heather Emmalee, AS; Moore, Sarah Elizabeth, AS; Morales, Makenna, AS; Morby, Kenton Thomas, AS; Morley, Ellen Marie, AS; Morris, Ericka Diane, AS; Morrow, Lauren K, AS; Morse, Bradley, AS; Mortensen, Braxton C, AS; Mosher, Jennifer Emily, AS; Moulton, Kamela P, AA; Mueller, Carmen Elise, AS; Muhwezi, Crystalyn Wilson, AA; Murphy, Addison, AS; Murray, Brysen D, AS; Murry, Kaitlyn, AS; Myers, Hayleigh, AS; Myrup, Shanna Rae, AS; Nader, Mckenzie, AS; Nakai, Natalie Ann, AS; Nash, Jamie Lynn, AS; Neering, Braxton Andrew, AS; Nelson, Caleb C, AS; Nelson, Hope, AA; Nelson, Kylee J, AS; Nelson, Laken Kaye, AS; Nelson, Nathan Christian, AA; Newton, Adam Reese, AA; Ngo, Miyah Alicea, AA; Nicholls, Madison, AS; Nicholson, Shaylee Ann, AS; Nickle, Rebekka, AS; Nicol, McKenzie, AS; Nielsen, Jayden Marie, AS; Nielsen, Michelle Alexandria, AS; Nielson, Elizabeth Donn, AS; Nielson, Grace M, AS; Nisbet, Maurie Mae, AS; Nix, Hayden Archer, AS; Noble, Kimberly Ann, AS; Noriega, Miranda Camille, AS; Norr, Kassidy Amanda, AS; Norton, Gerrick John, AS; Nosler, Eden Catherine, AS; Noyes, Kennedy Nicole, AS; Oberle, Zoe, AS; Odette, Chaylen Nicole, AS; Oliver, Clarinda Rae, AS; Oliver, Crystal Rae, AS; Olsen, Aleisha Marie, AS; Olsen, Brady Brian, AS; Olsen, Landon P, AS; Olsen, McKenzi, AS; Olson, Patricia, AS; O'Neal, Kyle Patrick, AS; Ormond, David William, AA; Orton, Ashley M, AS; Orton, McKenzie Rose, AS; Osuna, Angela, AS; Owens, Shawn Thomas, AS; Pace, Joseph McClure, AS; Packer, Brinley M, AS; Packham, Kaitlyn Jane, AS; Painter, Brock John, AS; Palmer, Kimberly A, AS; Pantoja, Maria Isabel, AS; Paraso, Cody D, AS; Park, Juliette

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni


Lynn, AS; Parrish, Colette Ann, AS; Parson, Gabrielle, AS; Patterson, Jerron N, AA; Patterson, Leslie Ann, AS; Peart, Erica C, AS; Peatross, Alyssa, AS; Peet, Tyler David, AS; Peisley, Kevin Jason, AS; Penrose, Alyssa Nicole, AS; Percival, Cassidy, AS; Perry, Devin Raymond, AS; Petersen, Anna Elizabeth, AS; Petersen, MaKayla Jean, AS; Peterson, Andrea Estelle, AS; Peterson, Angie R, AS; Peterson, Avarie, AS; Peterson, Jacob Layne, AS; Peterson, Kasidy Fae, AS; Peterson, Makenzie, AS; Peterson, Spencer Thomas, AS; Petmecky, Dean Davis, AS; Petrie, Anna L, AS; Pett, Hailee Madison, AS; Phelps, Cody Aaron, AS; Phillips, Alexandra, AS; Phillips, Kiana Celeste, AA; Phippen, Taylee Suzette, AS; Piippo, Kristen Carlee, AS; Pike, Carrie E, AA; Piper, Jenica, AS; Piper, Melissa Ann, AS; Pitchford, Alyssa Ann, AS; Pitkin, Trishelle Marie, AS; Pitt, Braden Todd, AS; Plowman, Emily Anne, AS; Plute, Emma Rose, AS; Poll, Breanna, AS; Pollock, Teylor W, AA; Pond, Shaelyn Rose, AS; Pope, Karter C, AS; Porter, Niki Lynn, AS; Poulsen, Kristen M, AS; Poulton, Whitney Cramer, AS; Powel , Maggie Mary, AS; Powell, Fawn Rose, AS; Price, Alex Reed, AS; Prince, Lindsey Ann, AS; Prue, Kylee MaKelle, AS; Prue, Nathalie Rose, AS; Pulsipher, Vanessa Lynn, AS; Purser, Michael N, AA; Pyue, Pan, AS; Quackenbush, Daniel James, AS; Quilter, Wade Elliot, AA; Quinn, Kacie Kae, AS; Quinton, Sydney Susan, AS; Raab, Jordan Scott, AS; Racine, Sydnee Nicole, AS; Ramirez, Paul Abraham, AS; Randall, Cameran Rae, AS; Randall, Hannah Paige, AS; Rasmussen, Carissa Marie, AS; Rasmussen, Julie Ann, AS; Rasmussen, Kearah Marie, AS; Rawlings, Brock Troy, AS; Reber, Heidi M, AS; Recor, Alexandra, AS; Reed, Carly B, AS; Reed, J Connor, AS; Reeves, Cailey Bizhnibah, AS; Reid, Nathan Shaun, AS; Relyea, Savannah Michelle, AS; Reynolds, Payton Dee, AS; Rhead-Crozier, Tyelar L, AS; Rhoades, Gracie R, AS; Rich, Corbin DeLon, AS; Richards, Maximillian George, AS; Richards, Megan, AS; Richards, Molly Anne, AS; Richardson, Cadie Michelle, AS; Richardson, Tanner Blaine, AS; Richens, Samuel Douglas, AS; Riddle, Justin Aaron, AS; Ritchie, Renee, AS; Ritchie, Riley Kaye, AS; Robb, Sarah Grace, AS; Robbins, Aubrie, AS; Robbins, Lizzie B, AS; Roberts, Emily K, AS; Roberts, Sage, AS; Robertson, Abby Jo, AS; Robertson, Melissa, AS; Robinett, Gavin J, AS; Robinson, Zowie Elizabeth, AS; Roche, Annabelle Jean, AS; Rodriguez, Dylan Norberto, AS; Rodriguez, Lizbeth, AA; Rollins-Carlson, Indigo Jean, AA; Romero, Alea Marie, AS; Romney, Mikayla Pfau, AS; Roper, Kayla, AS; Rossi, Zaharah Veronica, AS; Roy, Harleah A'Lisa, AS; Royer,

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Mikael Anne, AS; Rudd, Parker Bryce, AS; Russell, Alyssa Massey, AS; Ruzek, Vojtech, AS; Ryan, Richard Shaelin, AS; Sabin, Nicole Marie, AS; Saccomanno, Frank Adam, AS; Sacks, Harrison G, AS; Sakurada, Zachary K, AS; Saltmarsh, Tyler Robert, AS; Sam, Cassandra Misty, AS; Sanchez, Dylan Jerald, AS; Sanchez, Ileana Milan, AS; Sanchez, Izaac Paul, AS; Sandberg, Jessica, AS; Sasaki, Vanessa Skye, AS; Satterthwaite, Samantha Marie, AS; Sauer, Jacob Devon, AS; Savoy, Chandler John, AS; Schaugaard, Madison Jean, AS; Scheetz, Stephanie Ann, AS; Schiffman, Bethany Raylynn, AS; Schmidt, Aubrey Vanessa, AS; Schneiter, Morgan Odet, AS; Schoonmaker, Spencer Child, AS; Schwendiman, Tiffany J, AS; Scott, Breanna, AS; Scott, Kirsten Lynn, AS; Scovill, Samantha R, AS; Seas, Matthew Paul, AS; Seipert, Kelly, AS; Selley, Easton Leigh, AS; Selman, Sabrina Courtney, AS; Sever, Jaron R, AS; Shaw, Miranda M, AS; Shaw, Sara A, AS; Shearer, Stephanie Ann, AS; Sheets, Camille, AS; Sheffield, Tammy Lynn, AS; Shepherd, Bryton T, AS; Shepherd, Dayna Marie, AS; Shepherd, Tate Behling, AS; Shipley, Ashley K, AS; Shoaf, Micah Janel, AS; Short, Daryn Jeanne, AS; Short, Kenadi Rose, AS; Shumway, Caleb Craig Christopher, AS; Sierra, Haylie Miranda, AS; Simmons, Alexis Kimberly, AS; Simmons, Brittany, AS; Simmons, Olivia Ann, AS; Singleton, Shantel Lynn, AS; Skelly, McKay Harrison, AS; Slim, Lucinda Rose, AS; Smith, Brett M, AS; Smith, Camryn Sue, AS; Smith, Ethan Michael, AS; Smith, Jenna Elise, AS; Smith, Loretta, AS; Smith, Madeleine Ruby, AS; Smith, Payton Kelsey, AS; Smith, Spencer E, AS; Smith, Vincent M, AS; Smoot, Kassidi Leigh, AS; Smuin, Davis Shane, AS; Snarr, Karley Jaydan, AS; Sneddon, Ashlyn Marie, AS; Snell, Hannah, AS; Snow, Parker R, AS; Snyder, Rylin, AS; Sonderegger, Reta Helen, AS; Sorensen, Dillon Jay, AS; Sorensen, Jaycee De, AS; Sorenson, Courtney Rachael, AA; Sorenson, Eyra Vanessa, AS; Sorenson, Kaylynn, AS; Southam, Kaitlyn, AS; Sparks, Bridger B, AS; Speakman, Mackenzie Michelle, AS; Spencer, Jacob Andrew, AA; Spencer, Jared Broderick, AS; Spencer, Travis J, AS; Sperry, Heidi Amanda, AS; Stafford, Chandler Douglas, AS; Stagg, Nathaniel Robert, AS; Staley, Andrew, AS; Stanley, Jasmine, AS; Stapel, Kendall Ruth, AS; States, Adrianna Elizabeth Rae, AS; Steed, Savannah Lynn, AS; Stembridge, Shalese Marie, AS; Stenberg, Ayden Albert, AS; Stengel, Katelyn Ann, AS; Stephens, Aubree, AS; Stephens, Caroline Victoria, AS; Stephenson, Robert Benjamin, AS; Stevens, Jasmin Aubri, AS; Stevenson, Jeren Jed, AS; Stirling, Mason Robert, AS; Stoker, Brooke, AS; Stone,

Jackson Richard, AS; Stone, Joseph Albert, AS; Straight, Jalisa N, AS; Stringer, Amanda Eve, AS; Stuart, Jordan Randy, AA; Stuart, Landon Thomas, AS; Stuart, Marci Lynne, AS; Suarez, Marcos, AS; Sullivan, Petrina Mae, AS; Sulz, Madison Rylie, AS; Summerhays, Holland R, AS; Swan, Taylor Ann, AS; Swanson, Kelsey Rose, AS; Sweat, Mariah Elizabeth, AS; Sweet, Dallin P, AS; Swenson, Bonnie Jean, AS; Swenson, Hannah, AS; Swenson, Sydney Ann, AS; Swett, Sherry Valerie, AS; Taggart, Wyatt, AS; Talbot, Kitiara L, AS; Tallerico, Alexis Michele, AS; Tallerico, Alisa Dawn, AS; Tarwater, Richard Braydon, AS; Taylor, Daniel William, AS; Taylor, Malachi Orion, AS; Taylor, Mckinzie Janean, AS; Taylor, Tyra Lynn, AS; Terry, Alec Viktorea, AS; Terry, Rebekah Autumn, AS; Tew, Emily Rebecca, AS; Thayn, Alex Diego, AS; Thoelke, Paul Warren, AS; Tholen, Alexander Edsel, AS; Thomas, Madison, AS; Thomas, Olivia Ann, AA; Thomas, Racquel, AS; Thomas, Sydney, AS; Thompson, Makaylie, AS; Tia, Amiperia Rhonda, AS; Tim, Eryn Alyssa Glenn, AS; Tingelstad, Isabelle Grace, AS; Tingey, Kylee Emma, AS; Tobiasson, Rylie, AS; Toluono, Morgan L, AS; Toole, Jocelyn Lee, AS; Toponce, Hallie, AS; Torgerson, Abby Renee, AS; Tresner, Katelyn Emily, AS; Tripp, Nicolas Wintch, AS; Trujillo, Karris Jaye, AS; Trusty, Sarah C, AS; Tucker, Destiny Dawn, AS; Tuckett, Stephanie, AS; Turner, Karla Marie, AS; Tuttle, Kamber, AS; Udy, Connor Mitchell, AS; Utley, Aidan Clarissa, AS; Utley, Rachel Elizabeth, AS; Valdivia, Christian A, AS; Valentine, Austin Edward, AS; Valentine, Kori Brittany, AS; Van Leeuwen, Rachel, AS; VanDerwerken, Hannah Marie, AS; Vonk, Mary J, AS; Vasquez, Meggane J, AS; Vaughn, Paris Nicole, AS; Von Niederhausern, Joshua David, AA; Wagner, Camie Jo, AS; Wagstaff, Emmery Ashton, AS; Waldron, Emily, AS; Walker, Desiree, AS; Wallace, Lindsey, AA; Wallace, Nicholas K, AS; Wallis, Hailey Beth, AS; Walton, Rachel Lynn, AS; Wamsley, Lauren Nicole, AS; Ward, Joshua Thomson, AS; Warner, Ashlynn, AS; Warren, Holly Nicole, AS; Warren, Nizhoni Lovely, AS; Waters, Anthony Lair, AS; Watson, Elaina Katherine, AS; Watterson, Mitchell Wayne, AS; Webb, Kalynn, AS; Welch, Jessen Rhay Scott, AS; Welling, Kamryn L, AS; Wendel, Ammon Gabriel, AS; Wengert, Jordan L, AS; Weston, Sheryl S, AS; Westover, Erin Jeannine, AS; Wheeler, Reiley Grace, AS; Whitaker, Debora Bryn, AA; Whitaker, Lynden Murdock, AS; White, Alice Rose, AS; White, Breanna Gail, AS; White, Cassandra Carine, AS; White, Rachel Anne, AS; White, Tyanna T, AS; Whitehair, Sylvana Leona, AS; Widdison, Ashlie Bree, AS; Wiggins, Anisetaysha Gabrielle,

AS; Wilbur, Amanda Christine, AS; Wilcox, Kallen Jessie, AS; Wilcox, Laurie D, AS; Wilcox, Mariah Sue, AS; Wilder, Tara Lynn, AS; Wiley, Jesse Alan, AS; Wilkins, Weston Hunter, AS; Wilkinson, Asami Melissa, AS; Willeto, Ophelia Alice, AS; Williams, Alexis Olivia, AS; Williams, April L, AS; Williams, Brad W, AS; Williams, Hannah Joy, AS; Williams, Katelin A, AS; Williams, Matthew Braden, AS; Williams, Shannah Saphire, AS; Williams, Zane Brunvand, AA; Williamson, Aerin Grace, AS; Willis, Janice De Leon, AS; Wills, Chantel Lydia, AS; Wilson, Deeona Billy Clitso, AS; Wilson, Karson Dee, AS; Wilson, Kyle, AS; Wilson, Kyler Dale, AS; Wilson, Laynee Lorraine, AS; Wilson, Megan Marie, AA; Winkel, Jennifer, AS; Winn, Emma Elise, AS; Winn, Riley Tayler, AS; Winslett, Lindsi Jo, AA; Winward, Kali Brooke, AS; Wiscombe, Jantzen Thorn, AS; Wiscombe, Sarah, AS; Wolford, Michaela A, AS; Womack, Chenelle Rose, AS; Wood, Hunter W, AS; Wood, Natalie, AS; Woolfenden II, John Charles, AS; Woolston, Amanda Shay, AS; Wright, Hailey Lisa, AS; Wright, Rachel Elizabeth, AS; Wyatt, Jamie, AS; Wyllie, Savanah Matice, AS; Wynn, Jordan Ryan, AS; Yang, Lily, AS; Yazzie, Jeremiah Elvis, AS; Yazzie, Roecale Marie, AS; Yazzie, Shiyenne, AS; Yellowman, Shaycie Renee, AS; Young, Corban M, AS; Young, Daniel Ethan, AS; Young, Halle, AS; Young, Neil Aaron, AS; Zarate, Emily, AS; Zarco, Karina, AS; Zito, Bostyn Todd, AS; Zivanovic, Dominik, AS; Zwahlen, Hudson, AS. Integrated Studies Anderson, Tracy, BS; Armajo, Michael L, BS; Ash, Kaitlyn Rae, BS; Baird, Chandler Scott, BS; Barton, Ryan, BS; Beard, Nicole Ann, BS; Beck, Joshua David, BS; Berger, Anna, BS; Bills, Dylan Keith, BS; Black, Connie Annette, BS; Bohman, Haakan Krane, BS; Bosone, Kelley Dawn, BS; Bott, Brooklyn M, BS; Breitenbach, Makenzie Lee, BS; Briggs, Kyla Raeanne, BS; Brooks, Brayden Lee, BS; Brown, Marty, BS; Carlson, Micah Thomas, BS; Carpenter, Heidi Marin, BS; Carter, Sean Lewis, BS; Child, Amberly, BS; Christiansen, Michael Brindley, BS; Clarida, Kevin L, BS; Cook, David LaMar, BS; Coomer, Ross Major, BS; Crowley, Kellie A, BS; Curtis, Melissa Anne, BS; Curtis, Myka Autumn, BS; Davila, Victoria, BS; Dawson, Rachel Dawn, BS; DelBuono, David Michael, BS; Du, Ying, BS; Durrant, Abagail DawnLee, BS; Eborn, Dillon, BS; Ernst, Linsay Brooks, BS; Farley, Abby, BS; Farr, Jonathon Massey, BS; Feest, McKenzie Ann, BS; Francis, Nicholas Earl, BS; Francom, Charie, BS; Fredericks, Nicole Frances, BS; Gardner, Kaden, BS; Geurts, Jordan Rae, BS; Gibbons, Brian Sullivan, BS; Gibbs, Jodi Lyn, BS;

Gibbs, Rachel Susanne, BS; Giraldes, Cathryn Julia, BS; Golison, Michelle Caston, BS; Gonzalez, Gabriel Ty, BS; Hales, Maygun A, BS; Hamilton, Thomas Tavita, BS; Hancey, Tyler Boyd, BS; Haney, Cameron Amir, BS; Hansen, Teresa Dawn, BS; Hatch, Carly Samuels, BS; Hawks, Jaren Chad, BS; Heil, Mariah Shayne, BS; Hicken, Shirlene Barney, BS; Hooley, Michael Curtis, BS; Hoover, Maquel Nicole, BS; Howard, Logan Ray, BS; Huntington, Hunter W, BS; Hurst, Lindsay Kay, BS; Hutchinson, Patricia Lee, BS; Iriart, Tiffany Marie, BS; Jackson, Lyndi MaRae, BS; Jensen, Matthew, BS; Jewkes, Holly Mae, BS; Johnson, Kortlandt Benjamin, BS; Jolley, Madeline Kay, BS; Jones, Lance, BS; Justesen, Vanessa Gene, BS; King, Brandon Scott, BS; Knowles, Alex Stephen, BS; Lachmar, Anne Ellen, BS; Lascano Jr, Jorge Edison, BS; Leiter, Stephani Jo, BS; Little, Ruth Ann, BS; Loosle, Kathryn Elizabeth, BS; Lutz, Amy Finlayson, BS; Malohifo'ou, Logan, BS; Maloney, Riley Francis, BS; Manning, Natalie C, BS; Martin, Landon James, BS; Martinez, Desiree Del Pilar, BS; Matangi, Meleane Kesaia, BS; McBride, Bryce Adam, BS; McCarley, Shawna, BS; McGavin, Daniel Gabriel, BS; Medina-Hernandez, Yarely Giselle, BS; Miles, Sophia Christine, BS; Miller, Nicole, BS; Morris, Brett R, BS; Murphy, Michael L, BS; Needham V, Sylvan E, BS; Nilson, Tessa Sue, BS; Nix, Stephanie E, BS; Nixon, Zachary Dean, BS; Paulk, Terri Dawn, BS; Pingel, Spencer, BS; Poffenberger, Ty Vinson, BS; Polanco Ramirez, Ruth Noemi, BS; Ramirez, Christine Annette, BS; Rasmussen, Kimberly Rae, BS; Reid, Denise Janet, BS; Rich, Karrie, BS; Ritchie, Daven Jones, BS; Robison, Susanna, BS; Rodriguez, Miguel, BS; Roskelley, David E, BS; Schoening, Emily Marie, BS; Schuyler, Sierra, BS; Scovill, Samantha R, BS; Scow, Christine Alisa, BS; Sheffer, Lisa Marie, BS; Simmons, Rachel Christina, BS; Singley, Carson David, BS; Smith, Jacob Anthony, BS; Sonny, Teniya Lynnae, BS; Sopalski, Timothy Bryan, BS; Stanley, Jeff Dean, BS; Stumbo, Kassidy Hope, BS; Thompson, Colton Eugene, BS; Thompson, James Forrest, BS; Thompson-Reed, Rowena Willa, BS; Tolman, Andres C, BS; Tuifua, Osaiasi Kioa, BS; Van Arsdale, Hanna Lynn, BS; Van der Sluys, Halston D, BS; Vigil, Mckall E, BS; Walker Jr, Morian Daniel, BS; Washburn, Ian Gavin, BS; Watson, Desmond L, BS; Wheelwright, Sierra Nell, BS; Whittaker, Autumn N, BS; Wild, Aubrey, BS; Willenborg, Emma Kathleen, BS; Witt, Zachary Andrew, BS; Woodbury, Erin, BS; Wyan, Debbie A, BS; Yardley, Lindsey, BS.

* Editors Note: Names of graduates provided by the Registrar’s Office.

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020

Graduate Studies

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Atoloye, Idowu Ademola Doctor of Philosophy Soil Science Dr. Jennifer Reeve Bolletta, Andrea Ivana Doctor of Philosophy Plant Science Dr. Jennifer MacAdam Chen, Shuolei Doctor of Philosophy Landscape Architecture Dr. Ole R. Sleipness Deshpande, Vidita K. Doctor of Philosophy Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Marie K. Walsh Hickerson, Brady T. Doctor of Philosophy Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. Brian Gowen Litchford, April Doctor of Philosophy Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Heidi Wengreen Severe, Jerald H. Jr. Doctor of Philosophy Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. Allen Young Zhao, Yuanfeng Doctor of Philosophy Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. S. Clay Isom Adams, Carol A. Master of Dietetics Administration Allred, Justin A. Master of Science Soil Science Dr. Paul Grossl Anglesey, James Lytle Master of Landscape Architecture Professor Todd Johnson Balls, Shelley Rae Master of Dietetics Administration Westenskow, Jamie L. Master of Dietetics Administration Baxley, Maggie A. Master of Dietetics Administration Bevan, Ty G. Master of Education Career & Technical Education

Blauer, Brandon S. Master of Landscape Architecture Johnston, Broderick Porterfield Master of Education Career & Technical Education Carvalho, Claudia Master of Dietetics Administration Chien, Yu-Tang Master of Science Climate Science Dr. S.-Y. (Simon) Wang Collier, Crystal Grace Master of Science Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. Jeffrey Mason Colver, Preston S. Master of Science Plant Science Dr. Larry Rupp Everett, Renee J. Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Silvana Martini Couch, Hannah B. Master of Dietetics Administration Hatch, Courtney Lee Master of Education Career & Technical Education Crouch, Anna Master of Dietetics Administration Danielson, Teresa Kay Master of Education Career & Technical Education Deakin, Michael David Master of Science Plant Science Dr. Earl Creech Alfaro, Elizabeth Master of Dietetics Administration Haroldsen, Maren Master of Public Health Feather, Allison N. Master of Dietetics Administration Gagon, Andrew Thomas Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Luis Bastarrachea Garn, Calee L. Master of Science Agricultural Extension & Education Dr. Debra Spielmaker

George, Jessica Master of Education Career & Technical Education

Jones, Mackenzie Erin Master of Dietetics Administration Kennedy, Megan Master of Dietetics Administration

Geslison, Richard Byron Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Donald J. McMahon Goldhardt, Joseph L. Master of Science Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. Young-Min Lee

Kesler, Kenna Rachel Master of Science Agricultural Extension & Education Dr. Kelsey Hall

Green, Ireland Riley Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Donald J. McMahon

Kirby, Ashlee Nicole Master of Dietetics Administration Kott, Blair Master of Dietetics Administration

Griffith, Melisa A. Master of Education Career & Technical Education

Lawson, Kylie Master of Science Plant Science Dr. Larry Rupp

Bass, Hailey M. Master of Education Career & Technical Education

LeBaron, Jeffrey Lynn Master of Education Career & Technical Education

Harris, Paul G. Master of Science Plant Science Dr. Paul Johnson

Leppo, Kelsy Anne Master of Science Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. Heloisa Rutigliano

Hawkes, Joseph Richard Master of Science Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. Zhongde Wang Hawkins, Annie Master of Dietetics Administration Heath, Belinda K. Master of Dietetics Administration Henderson, Courtney Lynn Master of Education Career & Technical Education Henderson, Jill B. Master of Public Health Hile, Olivia Marie Master of Science Agricultural Extension & Education Dr. Tyson J. Sorensen Hill, Drew Michael Master of Landscape Architecture Dr. Benjamin George

LeSchofs, Nicholas Robert Master of Landscape Architecture Dr. Keith M. Christensen Li, Ye Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Robert E. Ward Johnson, Haley M. Master of Science Agricultural Extension & Education Dr. Kelsey Hall Manwaring, Nicole Master of Science Family & Consumer Sciences Education & Extention Dr. Debra Spielmaker Marsh, Casey RaNae Master of Education Career & Technical Education Martinez, Sarah Lynn Master of Dietetics Administration

Hope, Jonathan Richard Master of Dietetics Administration

Mazur, Angela Master of Dietetics Administration

Huffman, Katelyn M. Master of Science Agricultural Extension & Education Dr. Tyson J. Sorensen

McCoy, Lori B. Master of Dietetics Administration Miksch, Matthew Master of Science

Climate Science Dr. Lawrence E. Hipps Miller, Joan Elyia Master of Public Health Mortenson, John Master of Science Plant Science Dr. J. Earl Creech Nelson, Garret Alma Master of Science International Food & Agribusiness Norton, Nicole Master of Dietetics Administration Oliver, Mary Lee Master of Landscape Architecture Dr. Carlos V. Licon Openshaw, Fred Allen Master of Science Applied Economics Dr. Man-Keun Kim Parker, Bradley Craig Master of Education Career & Technical Education Pelletier, Amber M. Master of Dietetics Administration Perry, Elinore S. Master of Dietetics Administration Randall, Tonya R. Master of Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Robbins, Rachel Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Heidi Wengreen Rose, Marcus Master of Science Plant Science Dr. J. Earl Creech Sarnecky, Brendan Andrew Master of Science Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences Dr. Dirk Vanderwall Slebodnik, Kathryn Ann Master of Science Soil Science Dr. Jennifer Reeve Smith, Lindsie Carolann Master of Landscape Architecture Dr. Keith M. Christensen Spendlove, Mallory B. Master of Dietetics Administration Stead, Paul K. Master of Landscape

Architecture Tatchell, Angela M. Master of Public Health Tattersall, Brynli Jade Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Donald J. McMahon Toll, Kristopher Carlos Master of Science Economics & Statistics Dr. Arthur Caplan Van Orden, Chad S. Master of Science Applied Economics Vasudeva, Palak Master of Science Soil Science Dr. Astrid R. Jacobson Wasung, Karolyn Rebecca Master of Dietetics Administration Whitworth, Victoria Rose Master of Public Health Wright, Ariel L. Master of Landscape Architecture Xiao, Siyu Master of Science Nutrition & Food Sciences Dr. Robert E. Ward ••• Caine College of the Arts Nixon, Jeremy Master of Fine Arts Art Seegmiller, Ethan Master of Music ••• Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Alkhaleel, Sally F. Master of Business Administration Almuhaythif, Ayoub Master of Accounting Jenks, Amanda Rose Master of Human Resources Anthony, Richard Royan Master of Human Resources Ashcraft, Bryson L. Master of Business Administration Babbel, Joseph Hunter Master of Business Administration Bacon, Kennon A. Master of Science Financial Economics Professor Paul B. Fjeldsted

Congratulations Grads Show your

Aggie Pride!

A-plates around Utah do more than share Aggie pride. The proceeds from Aggie plates have helped to raise more than $1.3 million for student scholarships. Currently, there are over 8,100 plates across the state.

Order Your Plate Today! usu.edu/alumni/plate or call (800) 291- 2586 @utahstatealumni


Bankhead, Kurt G. Master of Business Administration Barajas, Emily Master of Business Administration Barlow, Kacy Wren Master of Business Administration Barson, Steven Ross Master of Accounting Bennett, Joseph Eugene Master of Human Resources Bernhisel, Melissa Master of Accounting

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Congratulations Carter, Shelby D. Master of Accounting Carter, Shad Henry Master of Data Analytics Cassity, Eric Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Chanda, Supratik Master of Management Information Systems Checketts, Spencer C. Master of Business Administration

Berrett, Anna Master of Accounting

Cheney, Matthew Harrison Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Biddulph, Bradley Michael Master of Business Administration

Cherrington, Emma Beth Master of Management Information Systems

Bingham, Carl Howard Master of Business Administration

Christensen, Rachael Sara Master of Accounting Dr. Nathaniel M. Stephens

Black, Christopher Albert Master of Business Administration

Christensen, Jaime L. Master of Business Administration

Whiteley, Braden M. Master of Human Resources

Christensen, Heather Marie Master of Science Financial Economics Dr. Tyler J. Brough

Brantley, Cody S. Master of Business Administration Breeze, Stephen Master of Data Analytics Brim, Andrew William Master of Science Financial Economics Bromley, Jeffrey Master of Accounting Brown, Jeffrey Master of Business Administration Buhrman, Jacob James Master of Business Administration Bullard, Evan Eugene Master of Science Financial Economics Dr. Tyler J. Brough Bullough, Mitchell T. Master of Business Administration

Clark, Taylor Rich Master of Accounting Clements, Trevor Roger Master of Business Administration Coburn, Kyle Norvel Master of Management Information Systems Cook, Josh Master of Accounting Cottle, Braden M. Master of Business Administration Cromwell, Richard Master of Business Administration Crouch, Robert Master of Business Administration Crump, Kolten Master of Human Resources

Bult, Jonathon S. Master of Business Administration

Cuch, Cameron J. Master of Business Administration

Burke, James Patrick Master of Human Resources

Curwen, Eric Ernest Master of Business Administration

Butterfield, Collin D. Master of Science Financial Economics Dr. Tyler J. Brough Butterfield, Brooke Ann Master of Accounting Butts, Raymond Master of Business Administration Harward, Camilla Master of Human Resources Caples, Dylan W. Master of Business Administration Carlisle, Earl A. Master of Data Analytics Carlisle, Chase B. Master of Accounting Carson, Parker Master of Business Administration

Dahhou, Rim Master of Data Analytics Dahl, Dallin J. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Demerath, Sabrina Marie Lopez Master of Business Administration

Guymon, Robert W. Master of Business Administration

Cook, D.Jay Master of Human Resources

Haller, Mitchell S. Master of Business Administration

Blatter, Denver S. Master of Human Resources

Hamilton, Jemma N. Master of Human Resources

Douglas, William Master of Science Economics Dr. Dwight Israelsen

Hanks, Bethany L. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Draper, Cody David Master of Business Administration Drennan, Annie Lynn Master of Human Resources Ekker, Terry K. Master of Business Administration Ricks, Eric G. Master of Human Resources Beilmann, Eric Master of Data Analytics Twinting, Erikka A. Master of Human Resources Esplin, Adam Douglas Master of Accounting Fales, Christian Master of Accounting Farnsworth, Robert D. Master of Business Administration Fendt, David Master of Business Administration Fisher, Ryan E. Master of Human Resources Frazier, Thomas Master of Business Administration Froerer, Mecayla D. Master of Business Administration Fry, Jared Master of Accounting Fry, Trevor Alan Master of Accounting Fugate, Cory Master of Business Administration

Harmer, Camille Master of Science Economics Dr. Briggs Depew Harris, Chase Dee Master of Business Administration Hebdon, Ashlyn Michelle Master of Business Administration Hendrix, Hunter Master of Business Administration Herpich, Emily Master of Accounting Hinckley, Connor W. Master of Business Administration Hlavaty, Hannah Paige Master of Accounting

Kambona, Oscar Verite Master of Business Administration Kelsey, Forrest Grant Master of Business Administration King, Aaron Douglas Master of Business Administration Kofoed, Jence D. Master of Business Administration Labrum, Bo Master of Accounting Larsen, Josh Master of Business Administration Larson, Justin M. Master of Management Information Systems Weaver, Laura Nicole Master of Human Resources

Lee, Ryan Master of Accounting

Hossain, Chris Master of Business Administration

Leisek, Landon Master of Accounting

Houston, Tiana Lavinita Master of Human Resources Huber, Michael J. Master of Data Analytics Huchegowda, Shubha Master of Business Administration Huff, Sean P. Master of Management Information Systems Hughes, Tanner Dean Master of Human Resources

Gallacher, Gaylan B. Master of Human Resources

Israelsen, Brent M. Master of Business Administration James, Coby S. Master of Human Resources Checketts, Jason L. Master of Human Resources Reed, Jenna M. Master of Human Resources

Greenhalgh, Landon Master of Business Administration

Davis, Eric Master of Business Administration

Gregory, Michelle Lynne Master of Business Administration

Davis, Jerry Dee Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Grigg, Joseph D. Master of Business Administration

Jerman, Jason Clifton Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Grigg, Sydney L. Master of Business Administration

Jones, Ruth Ann Master of Business Administration

Gutierrez, Jose Luis Master of Business Administration

Jones, Megan Master of Human Resources

De La Cruz, Jonathan Master of Business Administration

Hawks, Joseph C. Master of Human Resources

Horrocks, Holly May Master of Human Resources

Daniels, J. Parker Master of Business Administration

Davis, Parker J. Master of Business Administration

Acosta Feliz, Jorge A. Master of Management Information Systems

Hong, Benjamin Conner Master of Accounting

Hunsaker, Jason C. Master of Business Administration

Green, Jacob Allen Master of Business Administration

Clay, Jordan S. Master of Human Resources

Lee, Benjamin David Master of Business Administration

Funk, Randall B. Master of Business Administration

Grammer, Brad C. Master of Business Administration

Master of Human Resources

Jensen, Dylan M. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Quinn, Jordan Lowell

Lincoln, Yulese Ann Master of Human Resources Lopez-Lopez, A. Andres Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

McGreer, Robert Master of Business Administration McKendrick, Cory J. Master of Business Administration McLaren, Stirling, James Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Mecham, Stephanie J. Master of Human Resources Adams, Melinda Kaye Master of Human Resources De Oliveira, Rafael Mello Master of Business Administration Meyer, Jacob A. Master of Science Economics Dr. Lucas A. Rentschler Miles, Austin Wayne Master of Accounting Zhao, Ming Master of Science Financial Economics Misustin, Tanner James Master of Accounting Modersitzki, Rachel Anne Master of Business Administration Moffitt, Clay Master of Management Information Systems Montierth, Adam C. Master of Business Administration Moore, Christopher Master of Business Administration Morazan, Germaine Olivia Master of Accounting Mortensen, Ryan Shawn Master of Human Resources

Colby, Lori Master of Human Resources

Munyan, Spencer S. Master of Business Administration

Lowry, Braydon J. Master of Accounting

Myer, Jared A. Master of Accounting

Lundberg, Tanner J. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Nemelka, Jefferson Owen Master of Business Administration

Lundquist, Tanner Steven Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Maier, Rachel Master of Business Administration Marquit, Miranda Master of Business Administration Martinez, Leslie Eydrian Master of Business Administration Matcovschi, Anca Master of Business Administration Matheson, Aubree A. Master of Accounting Matheson, J. Scott Master of Business Administration May, Jaeden Gonzalez Master of Accounting McDougal, Mckenzie Master of Accounting

Niebergall, Jeffrey Steven Master of Accounting Nielsen, Benjamin Moss Master of Business Administration Liriano Langer, Nikaury Master of Human Resources Nisbet, Scott Leslie Master of Accounting Nyman, Leif Eric Master of Human Resources Odei, Joshua Master of Business Administration Olson, Alexis Master of Accounting Parthasarathy, Hassan Singaiyengar Master of Business Administration Carpio, Victoria Elizabeth Master of Human Resources Pedersen, Cameron Don Master of Business Administration

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 Peery, Shiloh James Master of Business Administration Pehrson, Jeremy W. Master of Business Administration Perry, Matthew L. Master of Business Administration Persinger, Dallas Master of Business Administration Peters, Jessica Rachelle Master of Accounting Phillips, Abigail Master of Accounting Phillips, Nathan L. Master of Accounting Pickup, Kevin Ray Master of Business Administration Pierce, Brandon Alec Master of Business Administration Pierson, Tyrel L. Master of Accounting Pierson, Justin Andrew Master of Human Resources Pond, Regan Leigh Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration Russell, Taylor D. Master of Business Administration Schaerrer, Mark Edward Master of Human Resources Siggard, Reagan R. Master of Management Information Systems Sumin, Travis Allen Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Sparks, Jessica J. Master of Business Administration Kay, Stacey Grant Master of Human Resources Stanfill, Thomas M. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Statham, Jeremiah M. Master of Business Administration Steed, Connor David Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Mark, Stefan McKay Master of Human Resources

Balakrishnan, Praveena Master of Management Information Systems

Stephenson, Jacob J. Master of Business Administration

Preece, Michael Master of Business Administration

Stone, Eric J. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Proctor, Eric L. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Putnam, Megan F. Master of Business Administration Quezada, Daniel John Master of Accounting Raccuia, Timothy P. Master of Business Administration Rawson, Allyson K. Master of Accounting Read, Joshua S. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Reed, Brock Master of Business Administration Remington, Kevin Bendixsen Master of Business Administration Richardson, Troy Master of Business Administration Richens, Joshua Roger Master of Business Administration Richard, Ricks Lane Master of Business Administration Rigby, Austin Knight Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Rockwood, Samuel Preston Master of Business Administration Rudd, Taylor

Stoneman, Augustus Archer Master of Human Resources Strong, Halen Master of Accounting

Turley, Karen Joy Master of Business Administration Vagts, Thatcher Master of Business Administration Valverde, David Lavan Master of Business Administration

Adams, Kelsey Schwab Master of Technical Communication

Vander Does, Jordan Dee Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources

Ahlstone, Daisy M. Master of Arts American Studies Dr. Lynne S. McNeill

Vardell, John J. Master of Business Administration

Al Naabi, Jihan Sulaiman Master of Second Language Teaching Dr. Sarah Gordon

Varela, Richard C. Master of Business Administration Vaterlaus, James C. Master of Business Administration Vega, Leonardo Andres Master of Business Administration Walton, Jessica Lyneé Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Ward, Ryan Tracy Master of Business Administration Wardle, Arthur R. Master of Science Economics Dr. William F. Shughart Weaver, Emily Ann Master of Accounting Wheeler, Creede S. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Wildman, Jacoby Master of Business Administration

Taylor, Rhett Devin Master of Business Administration

Williams, Kolten R. Master of Accounting Wright, Paige Leigh Master of Business Administration

Nelson, Taylor Master of Human Resources

Wright-Morton, Mackenzie L. Master of Management Information Systems

Taylor, Jacob Frisbie Master of Business Administration

Xu, Xiaoyan Master of Management Information Systems

Thompson, Levi G. Master of Management Information Systems

Young, Jenna Beth Master of Accounting

Thornhill, Mitchell Windley Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Thornhill, Nicki Windley Master of Management Information Systems Thurgood, Chase Ronald Master of Accounting Toa, Elijah Asafo Master of Accounting Tolbert, Kelsie Master of Accounting Tracey, Kate A. Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resources Tueller, Amie E. Master of Human Resources

Scucchi, Jennifer Lynn Doctor of Philosophy Technical Communication & Rhetoric Dr. Jared Colton

Van Orden, Chantelle A. Master of Business Administration

Taylor, Jay Master of Accounting

Taylor, Dallin Grant Master of Business Administration

Ma, Guizhen Doctor of Philosophy Sociology Dr. Erin Trouth Hofmann

••• College of Humanities and Social Sciences Dayley, Christopher Michael Doctor of Philosophy Technical Communication & Rhetoric Dr. Rebecca Walton Hillen, Andrew J. Doctor of Philosophy Technical Communication & Rhetoric Dr. Keith Grant-Davie Hoominfar, Elham Doctor of Philosophy Sociology Dr. Peggy Petrzelka Huntsman, Sherena Doctor of Philosophy Technical Communication & Rhetoric Dr. Rylish M. Moeller

Brown, Jordan D. Master of Social Work Brown, Megan L. Master of Social Work Buck, Lori Charise Master of Social Work Cantrell, Terrance James Michael Master of Social Work Chang, Wen-Yu Master of Second Language Teaching Chavez, Monica Rose Master of Social Work Checketts, Hyrum B. Master of Second Language Teaching

Haynes, Faye Master of Science American Studies Hazlett, Nicki Gae Coleman Master of Social Work Heaton, Jonathan Blake Master of Science English Henderson, Amanda Lee Master of Social Work Hiatt, Heidi Sarinda Master of Social Work Hickman, Kyle E. Master of Social Work Hill, Brooke Leilani Master of Social Work

Coria, Crystal Master of Social Work

Holbrook, Jacob Brad Master of Social Work

Alexander, Alyssa Witbeck Master of Science English Dr. Jennifer Sinor

Cropper, Elisabeth Joan Master of Arts History Dr. Susan M. Cogan

Allen, Brittney Skye Master of Arts English Professor Shanan Ballam

Daly, Jack Joseph Master of Arts Folklore & American Studies Dr. Lynne S. McNeill

Honey, John B. Master of Science Folklore & American Studies Dr. Eric Morales

Allred, Desree Master of Social Work Allred, Bethany Anne Master of Social Work Allred, Shellee E. Master of Social Work Allred, Taylor Noell Master of Social Work Anderson, Shaun M. Master of Science English Dr. Jennifer Sinor Anderson, Celeste C. Master of Social Work Anderson, Hailey N. Master of Social Work Aposhian, Tamra L. Master of Social Work

Davis, Aubrey Sage Master of Social Work

Horrocks, Brenda Marie Master of Arts History Dr. Colleen O’Neill

Davis, Paige Master of Social Work

Huntington, Angela Marie Master of Social Work

Betts, Susan Master of Social Work

Icard, Elizabeth Master of Technical Communication

Diamond, Andrea C. Master of Science English Dr. Michael Sowder Elmi, Ivy Nastaran Master of Social Work Dye, Jordan Lyman Master of Social Work Elliott, Madison Jo Master of Social Work

Argueta, Christina Michelle Master of Social Work

Embleton, Raelyn M. Master of Science History

Baldwin, Hayley Master of Social Work

Farmer, Emma Diane Master of Social Work

Barnes, Heather Elise Master of Social Work Ben, Jurea Master of Social Work Berg, Candice L. Master of Social Work Berrett, Adrienne M. Master of Social Work Besselievre, Madison Master of Social Work Bird, Darcy Annette Master of Science Anthropology Dr. Jacob C. Freeman

Finlinson, Leigh Anne Master of Social Work Foster, Jeanne M. Master of Social Work Fotheringham, John Cal Master of Social Work Freiley, Karen Marie Master of Social Work Frye, Kimberly Master of Social Work García, Jorri Jean Master of Social Work

Bjarnson, Benjamin Blaine Master of Social Work

George, Emma Rose Master of Science Folklore & American Studies Dr. Eric Morales

Black, E. Nicole Master of Social Work

Gibbons, Kierra Clothiel Master of Social Work

Black, Travis Adamson Master of Social Work Bott, Andrea Ellis Master of Social Work Boyce, Solomon Master of Social Work Briggs, Jessica E. Master of Social Work

Hopkins, Jasmine K. Master of Social Work

Gowen, Alisha Master of Social Work Hansen, Mandy Master of Social Work Hawker, Erma Master of Social Work

James, Emerson Master of Science English Dr. Jennifer Sinor Jensen, Heidi H. Master of Technical Communication Jones, Jason Scott Master of Social Work Pugmire, Madeleine Master of Social Work Jones, Irene Master of Social Work Keith, Macy Marin Master of Science Folklore & American Studies Dr. Jason Gilmore Master of Social Work Kohler, Rebecca W. Master of Social Work Larsen, Zachary R. Master of Arts History Dr. Lawrence Culver Lazenby, Ilene Master of Social Work Leithead, Elizabeth Master of Social Work Lundahl, Tonya Master of Social Work Martinez, Allison Leigh Haislip Master of Social Work Maynes, Brady J. Master of Science English McClain, Morgan Master of Social Work Mcgregor, Muriel Constance Master of Arts Political Science Dr. Steffen Blings


WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


McPeck-Stringham, Marisa Sue Master of Social Work

Master of Second Language Teaching Dr. Karin DeJonge-Kannan

Memmott, Mary Elizabeth Master of Social Work

Hutchinson, Trisha Diane Master of Social Work

Morris, Diane Numbers Master of Social Work Niebuhr, Chelsey Master of Social Work Onorato, Joanna McLane Clover Master of Social Work Ontiveros, Samantha Jay Master of Second Language Teaching Dr. Sarah Gordon Osmond, Kalia Marie Master of Social Work Pearson, Denise Master of Social Work Olmedo, Flor S. Master of Social Work Perilla, Tatiana Master of Social Work Bailey, Lucy Priscilla Master of Social Work Pond, Samuel, H. Master of Social Work Powell, BreAnna Summer Master of Social Work Poyer, Florinda L. Master of Social Work Randolph, Jaclyn Kerry Flannery Master of Social Work Rasmussen, Joan Master of Social Work Ray, Nathan M. Master of Technical Communication Cray, Simone Yvonne Master of Social Work Rios Raya, Raul Guadalupe Master of Social Work Roberts, Al D. Master of Arts History Dr. Clayton Brown Roberts, Aprill Master of Social Work

Sorenson, Krystal B. Master of Social Work Spears, Chelsey Jayleena Master of Social Work Ito, Angela Stander Master of Social Work Steele, Madison Colleen Master of Technical Communication Stevens, Chet David Master of Social Work Stevens, Codie Master of Social Work Stock, Aubree Leigh Master of Social Work Stocker, Sally Master of Social Work Taylor, Cree A. Master of Science English Dr. Benjamin Gunsberg Thomas, Madison M. Master of Social Work Todacheenie, Jerad Ernest Master of Social Work Tovar, Evelyn P. Master of Social Work Townsend, Colby Master of Arts History Dr. Philip Barlow Tucker, Wayne Lee Master of Social Work Ulrich, Emily Louise Master of Social Work Van Noy, Marissa Jane Master of Social Work Van Tassell, Ruth “E.” Master of Social Work Wallace, Carrie A. Master of Social Work Wallis, Reta Elizabeth Master of Social Work

Savage, Lori Ann Master of Social Work

Wanberg, Isaac London Master of Social Work

Sceili, Jamie Master of Social Work

Warde, Michael J. Master of Social Work

Schenk-Darrington, Bonnie Master of Technical Communication

Werman, Sarah Master of Science Sociology Dr. Leon Anderson

Schiele, Trista Nichole Master of Science Anthropology Dr. Judson Finley

Wesemann, Terri D. Master of Science American Studies

Schulze, Christopher R. Master of Social Work

Westbrook, Michael Master of Social Work

Sealy, Tenille Master of Social Work

Wilcox, Candice J. Master of Social Work

Searle, Kandice Master of Social Work

Wilkey, Landon Owen Master of Science History

Hernandez-Shelton, Elizabeth Anne Master of Social Work Shirley, Danielle Dezbah Altsihie Master of Social Work Shrewsbury, Elaine Master of Social Work Singer, Rachel Jacqueline

Williams, Angie Master of Social Work Winegar, Chelsey Maree Master of Social Work Wininger, Rachel Beth Master of Social Work Zhong, Shida Master of Science

Political Science Zumkeller, Ben Joaquin Master of Science Anthropology Dr. David Byers ••• Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services Aller, Ty B. Doctor of Philosophy Family & Human Development Dr. Elizabeth Fauth and Dr. Scot M. Allgood Alphonsa, Sushma Doctor of Philosophy Disability Disciplines Dr. Eadric Bressel Behrens, Stephanie J. Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. JoAnn T. Tschanz

Meisner, John Rodari Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Steven Camicia Murray, Julie L. Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Scott DeBerard Ong, Clarissa W. Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Michael Twohig Pantic, Katarina Doctor of Philosophy Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Dr. Jody Clarke-Midura Park, SuJung Doctor of Philosophy Family & Human Development Dr. Lori A. Roggman

Blume, Amanda K. Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Renee Galliher

Rhodes, Mitchell Ray Doctor of Philosophy Family & Human Development Dr. Joshua R. Novak and Dr. Troy Beckert

Boschetto, Lacee R. Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Brian Warnick

Rose, Garret Craig Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Amy Wilson-Lopez

Jorralejo, Samantha M. Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez

Shea, Kerry A. Doctor of Philosophy Disability Disciplines Dr. Tyra P. Sellers

Crapo, J. Scott Doctor of Philosophy Family & Human Development Dr. Kay Bradford Cunningham, Paul Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Timothy Shahan Dance, Cassie Emiko Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. M. Scott DeBerard Dupree, Kami M. Doctor of Philosophy Education Dr. Patricia MoyerPackenham Furse, Joseph Staheli Doctor of Philosophy Education Dr. Gary Stewardson Gedeborg, Samuel Keith Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Patricia MoyerPackenham Hicks, Elizabeth Tish Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez Ivie, Tara S. Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Marla Robertson Lee, Ji Eun Doctor of Philosophy Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Dr. Mimi Recker Litster, Kristy L. Doctor of Philosophy Education Dr. Patricia MoyerPackenham Louviere, John S. Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Max L. Longhurst

Spuhler, Bryan K. Doctor of Philosophy Family & Human Development Dr. Kay Bradford Thomas, Faith Doctor of Philosophy Disability Disciplines Dr. Robert L. Morgan

Arnett, Caitlin Kauikawekiu Master of Education Instructional Leadership Baczuk, Jacob J. Master of Marriage & Family Therapy Balling, Lisa Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Barker, Scott Dee Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Baschuk, Heather Master of Education Psychology Baxter, Shara Donna Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Beck, Valerie Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction Beerbower, Eleanor R. Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Arnell, Liesl Master of Education Psychology

Caruthers, Tessa C. Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Chandler, Kerianne L. L. Master of Public Health Health Education & Promotion

Bennett, Ammon Nephi Master of Education Physical & Sport Education Bingham, Morgan Elizabeth Master of Education Psychology

Boehme, Amy Latricha Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

Anderson, James Scott Master of Learning Technologies & Instructional Design

Carrington, Jacquelyn Irene Master of Education Psychology

Benallie, Kandice Jaclynn Master of Science Psychology Dr. Gretchen Gimpel Peacock

West, Diana S. Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Steven Camicia

Anderson, Lauren Marie Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Carrera, Kenia Jordana Master of Science Psychology Dr. Rick A. Cruz

Chambers, David Alan Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Blaylock, Donna S. Master of Science Human Development & Family Studies Dr. Lisa Boyce

Allen, Brady Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Carling, Jamie K. Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Belnap, Jamie Marie Master of Education Psychology

Vazquez, Alejandro Luis Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez

Adams, Brandi L. Master of Education Psychology Alder, Keri Master of Education Psychology

Campbell, Kate E. Master of Education Psychology

Chafin, Taylor Brynn Doctor of Audiology Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Blackburn, Tida Educational Specialist Psychology Dr. Maryellen McClain

Xie, Tianyi Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Dr. Renee Galliher

Butters, Shyli Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

Bell, Ashley G. Master of Marriage & Family Therapy

Thurston, Travis N. Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Ryan Knowles

Whicker, John J. Doctor of Philosophy Disability Disciplines Dr. Karen Munoz

Burton, Zachary Kent Master of Education Educational Technology & Learning Sciences

Borgholthaus, Greg Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Braithwaite, Sidni Master of Education Psychology Briley, Heather M. Master of Education Psychology Broomhead, Janika Carol Master of Education Psychology Brown, Cody K. Master of Education Instructional Leadership Brunson, Austin Master of Marriage & Family Therapy Budge, Samantha Master of Science Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Bullough, Emily Ellen Master of Education Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Benney, Chandler M. Master of Education Psychology Chantry, Scott J. Master of Instructional Technology & Instructional Design Childs, Kristy Kay Master of Education Psychology Christensen, Morgan Patricia Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction Christensen, Roxie Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Clark, Makinzie Master of Education Psychology Clarke, London A. Master of Education Psychology Cogswell, Julian Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Coleman, Corinne Kathleen Doctor of Audiology Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Condie, Savanna Lucille Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Creswell, Kacy Herald Doctor of Audiology Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Crosland, Megan C. Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Cunico, Megan Master of Education Psychology

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 Curtis, Taya Lynn Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Dalton, Jacob D. Master of Education Instructional Leadership Dauwalder, Sharon C. Master of Education Educational Technology & Learning Sciences Davis, Angela B. Master of Education Psychology DeFilippis, Michael Antony Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Gardner, Elisabeth E. Master of Education Psychology Garrett, Alex William Master of Education Instructional Leadership Stanger, Madison Marie Master of Education Psychology Giles, Brigid L. Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Goodsell, Sarah Elizabeth Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

Delonas, Elizabeth M. Master of Rehabilitation Counseling

Graham, Mandi Lynn Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Despain, Summer Grimstead Master of Education Psychology

Grover, Jedidiah J. Master of Education Psychology

Detering, Annabel Marie Master of Science Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Gutierrez, Stella J. Master of Rehabilitation Counseling

Dixon, Tiana Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Draper, Cameron Curt Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Dunham, Wendy Master of Education Instructional Leadership Dyreng, Ashley L. Master of Education Psychology Ercanbrack, Teryn A. Master of Education Elementary Education Erickson, Michael Donis Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction Estrada, Zakery W. Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Falor, Meagan Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Faraone, Kaitlyn Jean Master of Education Educational Technology & Learning Sciences

Hadlock, Spencer Steele Master of Education Instructional Leadership Halling, Amy LaRue Educational Specialist Psychology Dr. Gretchen Gimpel Peacock Hansel, Dwight Eugene Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Hardman, John Thomas Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Havertz, Matthew S. Master of Science Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Dr. Breanne Litts Hansen, Brooke Julia Master of Marriage & Family Therapy Hendricks, Alicia Marie Master of Education Psychology Hendrickson, Adam L. Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Hildreth, Logan R. Master of Education Secondary Education

Finai, Jalin K.A. Doctor of Audiology Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Howlett, Evann Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Fjeldsted, Kaitlyn Audrey Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Humphreys, Heather Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Fox, Carly B. Master of Science Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Dr. Sandra Gillam Frandsen, Ryan Spencer Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Hylton, Michael Master of Education Instructional Leadership Jayme, Michael E. Master of Rehabilitation Counseling

Freestone, Lindsey A. Master of Education Psychology

Jensen, Sarah J. Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Gardner, Rebecca Master of Education Psychology

Jensen, Ryan S. Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Gardner, Jenna Master of Education Psychology

Jensen, Michelle Master of Education Educational Technology &

Learning Sciences Jensen, Nate Q. Master of Education Instructional Leadership Jensen, Dorisann Master of Education Psychology Jentzsch, Jennifer Master of Education Psychology Johnson, Adam Michael Master of Science Human Development & Family Studies Dr. Dave Robinson Johnson, Aaron Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Johnson, Erica T. Master of Education Psychology Johnson, Trent Master of Education Psychology Johnson, Melissa Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Johnson, Ashlena Nichols Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction Jones, Marlee Master of Education Special Education Judd, Hailey Alice Master of Public Health Health Education & Promotion Juneau, Emma Joycelyn Master of Education Instructional Leadership Kartchner, David Brian Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Kartchner, Kailee Master of Education Psychology Kendall, Samantha Wight Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Kingsford, Patricia Master of Education Instructional Leadership Kishbaugh, Shannin Master of Education Elementary Education Konakis, Elizabeth A. Master of Education Instructional Leadership Kunzler, David William Master of Education Psychology Lapuaho, Avalisi Tipasa Master of Education Physical & Sport Education

Master of Education Psychology

Master of Education Psychology

Lewis, John Edward Master of Rehabilitation Counseling

Nichols, Pamela L. Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Lewis, Kristy Anne Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Livingston, Whitney S. Master of Science Psychology Dr. Rebecca K. Blais Long, Shea A. Doctor of Audiology Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Lopez, Joel Master of Education Instructional Leadership Mahoney, Jared N. Master of Education Educational Technology & Learning Sciences Margetts, Saralyn Master of Public Health Health Education & Promotion May, Sophia Jean Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences McBride, Hayley Ann Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education McDougal, Emily Elise Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education McGlothin, Megan J. Mower Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction McGuire, Connor Master of Education Physical & Sport Education McKean, Robyn M. Master of Education Psychology Merrill, Sean O. Master of Education Psychology Miles, Sandra Jeannette Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction Molsberry, Fiona S. Educational Specialist Psychology Dr. Maryellen McClain Morrell, Aliza Allred Master of Education Psychology Morris, Melissa Master of Education Instructional Leadership Mortensen, Jennifer M. Master of Education Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Larsen, Cynthia N. Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

Murdock, Aaron Alexander Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Lawrence, Danielle E. Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Neilsen, Caryn Crandall Master of Education Psychology

Layton, Lauren Jane Master of Education Psychology

Nelson, Sarah Master of Education Psychology

Ledbetter, Providence Master of Education Secondary Education

Newman, David K. Master of Education Physical & Sport Education

Lee, Christie Lynn

Newton, Lacey

Vincent, Heidee Marie Master of Education Educational Technology & Learning Sciences Nielson, J. Jens Master of Education Psychology Noel, Gregory Master of Marriage & Family Therapy

Prettyman, Lindsay M. Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Pugh, Sheri Lynn Master of Education Psychology Reed, Brock Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Reese, ValaRee Master of Education Psychology Reynolds, Shaylee C. Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Norton, Shawna R. Master of Education Psychology

Ririe, Megan Noelle Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Nydegger, Karilyn A. Master of Education Psychology

Robe, Rebekah Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

Olson, Rebecca Ann Master of Education Psychology

Roberts, Sarah Josephine Educational Specialist Curriculum & Instruction

Osgood, Zakary M. Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences

Roden, Brooke Master of Education Psychology

Ott, Julie Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Pace, Lauren Master of Science Human Development & Family Studies Dr. Lisa Boyce Palmer, Stacie Master of Education Instructional Leadership Holfeltz Parker, Heidi Master of Education Secondary Education Peacock, Brook A. Master of Education Instructional Leadership Peak, Marissa Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Peralta, Sylvia Lee Master of Education Educational Technology & Learning Sciences Petersen, Dustin Shane Master of Education Instructional Leadership Peterson, Madeline Claire Master of Science Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Peterson, Joseph Richard Master of Education Psychology Pickrell, Mary Elizabeth Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Pliego, Alexa Master of Education Psychology Poole, Mikayla S. Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction Porter, Stephen B. Master of Education Instructional Leadership Porter, Kyle D. Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

Rowley, Matthew William Master of Arts Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Rupp, Savannah Educational Specialist Psychology Dr. Gretchen Gimpel Peacock Russo, Raechel Breanne Master of Science Marriage & Family Therapy Dr. Ryan Seedall Saeli, Amber E. Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Sainsbury, Ryan C. Master of Science Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Schmidt, Thomas Master of Education Instructional Leadership Schoemig, William Kenneth Master of Education Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Schroeder, Melissa Lauren Brown Master of Education Psychology Berry, Katherine Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Scotto, Andreia M. Master of Marriage & Family Therapy Shaw, Nathaniel C. Master of Education Physical & Sport Education Anderson, Megan Angela Sieverts Master of Learning Technologies & Instructional Design Simm, Maygen Master of Education Instructional Leadership Sipes, Sharon N. Master of Education Psychology


Smith, Brian Robert Master of Education Instructional Leadership Smith, Savannah Master of Public Health Health Education & Promotion Smith, Shari L. Master of Education Instructional Leadership Southwick-Hickey, Stephanie Master of Education Psychology Spencer, Travis Master of Science Human Development & Family Studies Dr. Ryan Seedall Staker, Kaitlin Master of Education Psychology Stefanakos, Kate Micheal Master of Education Educational Technology & Learning Sciences Stettler, Leslie Master of Education Psychology Strong, Samantha Lyn Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction Summers, Catherine Ann Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020

Congratulations Curriculum & Instruction

and Dr. Robert E. Spall

Dr. Douglas F. Hunsaker


Warburton, Chelsey L. Master of Education Physical & Sport Education

Hugie, Michaela Doctor of Philosophy Biological Engineering Dr. Randolph V. Lewis and Dr. Ronald C. Sims

Burton, Parker Lynn Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Hansen, Wyatt J. Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering

Ward, Shaylee Saxton Master of Education Psychology Warner, Jason Howard Master of Education Instructional Leadership Welch, Clayton Boyd Master of Education Psychology Welsh, Kimberly Master of Public Health Health Education & Promotion Wences, Iveth Master of Family & Human Development Whittaker, Dane B. Doctor of Audiology Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Whittle, Rachel Master of Education Psychology Wilcox, Ashley Rae Master of Education Psychology Williams, Stephen Educational Specialist Curriculum & Instruction

Syphus, Sarah A. Master of Education Secondary Education

Woodruff, Joshua T. Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Tannahill, Hallie Sarah Master of Science Psychology Dr. Rebecca K. Blais

Worwood, Daren Ray Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Taylor, Eliza Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Wright, Amy Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Taylor, Scott Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Terry, Cheyenne Noel Master of Education Psychology Tharp, Jill E. Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Tialavea, D.J. Master of Education Physical & Sport Education Tobiasson, Sterling Neils Master of Education Psychology Trimble, Amy Nicole Master of Education Psychology Truex, Jordan Master of Education Instructional Leadership

Wright, Stephanie Kaye Master of Education Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences ••• College of Engineering Al-Hashimi, Ali Abdulkareem Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering Dr. Ryan M. Gerdes Azad, Ahmed N. Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering Dr. Zeljko Pantic Bagchi, Anindya Chitta Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering Dr. Regan Zane Baisley, Amie Doctor of Philosophy Engineering Education Dr. V. Dean Adams

Vargas, Rochelle-Noreen C. Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education

Basu, Prabal Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering Dr. Koushik Chakraborty

Vineyard, Emily Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction

Bernard, Arun J. Doctor of Philosophy Aerospace Engineering Dr. David K. Geller

Walker, Nicholas Eric Master of Arts Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education Walker, Amanda Ruth Master of Education Secondary Education Wallace, Kira Amy Master of Education

Gan, Tian Doctor of Philosophy Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. David G. Tarboton Hodson, Joshua Dale Doctor of Philosophy Mechanical Engineering Dr. Douglas F. Hunsaker

Liu, Zhaocai Doctor of Philosophy Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Ziqi Song Murshed, Sonia B. Doctor of Philosophy Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Jagath J. Kaluarachchi Nafi, Akhter Mahmud Doctor of Philosophy Aerospace Engineering Dr. David K. Geller Reid, Jackson T. Doctor of Philosophy Aerospace Engineering Dr. Douglas F. Hunsaker

Caldwell, Lori Master of Science Biological Engineering Dr. Elizabeth Vargis

Hatch, Cody David Master of Science Mechanical Engineering

Capron, Evan M. Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering

Haws, Jordan M. Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Charles M. Swenson

Chen, Yi Master of Science Biological Engineering

Heiner, Mark Call Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. Stephen A. Whitmore

Christensen, Karl Eric Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Belize Lane

Hillman, Kyle M. Master of Science Biological Engineering Dr. Ronald C. Sims

Christianson, Hayden Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Houston, Brady James Master of Engineering Computer Engineering

Shuster, Simon Peter Doctor of Philosophy Aerospace Engineering Dr. David K. Geller

Clegg, Matthew H. Master of Science Biological Engineering Dr. Elizabeth Vargis

James, Joseph Laethem Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Dr. Geordie Richards

Sun, Haijian Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering Dr. Rose Qingyang Hu

Davies, Robert Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jensen, Zachary A. Master of Science Aerospace Engineering

Sutitarnnontr, Pakorn Doctor of Philosophy Biological Engineering Dr. Scott B. Jones

Davis, Bradley Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering

Tavakoli, Seyed Mohammad Reza Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering Dr. Zeljko Pantic

Duodu, Kwame Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Ryan Dupont

Thai, Thinh Quang Doctor of Philosophy Mechanical Engineering Dr. Ryan Berke

Durocher, Morgan James Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Jensen, Jeremy Carl Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Professor Joan McLean Jepsen, Brett M. Master of Engineering Computer Engineering Kaluarachchi, Rumal Master of Science Mechanical Engineering

Akbar, Hadia Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Niel Allen

Findlay, Mark Mathew Master of Science Aerospace Engineering

Lindsay, Dakoda Dean Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Fraley, Emma Renee Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. Tadd Truscott

Lloyd, Richard Parkinson Master of Engineering Computer Engineering

Gerratt, Terran Rex Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Randall Christensen

Baer, Brennan Michael Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Dr. Tadd Truscott

Giblette, Ted Norman Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Dr. Douglas F. Hunsaker

Barker, David Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Goodsell, Jake B. Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering

Bennett, Steven R. Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. Stephen A. Whitmore Brincklow, Joshua Richard Master of Science Mechanical Engineering

Green, Theresa Katherine Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Hafen, Cory Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental

Myers, Landon Brian Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Nelson, Zachary B. Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Neupane, Thakur Master of Science Computer Engineering Dr. Zhen Zhang Olpin, Taylor Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Orton, Jacob Gary Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Perkins, Josh Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Bedri Cetiner

Reid, Jackson T. Master of Science Aerospace Engineering

LeCheminant, Andrew W. Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering

Ausen, Kyle James Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering Dr. Donald Lewis Cripps

Mortensen, Daniel Taylor Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Jacob H. Gunther

Rasmussen, Tarrin Master of Engineering Computer Engineering

Fallon, Joshua P. Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering

Garrett, John Philip Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Merrell, Brian Todd Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Greg Droge

Larkin, Joshua Clair Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Youmans, Katherine L. Doctor of Philosophy Engineering Education Dr. Idalis Villanueva

Alger, Sara Madison Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Belize Lane

Merkley, Matt Master of Science Aerospace Engineering

Pratt, Trevor L. Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. Barton L. Smith

Espinoza De Leon, Jorge Abraham Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering

Gardner, Tyler J. Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. Stephen A. Whitmore

Meier, Matthew Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering

Kearl, Levi James Master of Science Mechanical Engineering

Weidler, Nathanael R. Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering Dr. Ryan Gerdes

Al Sarfin, Md. Abdullah Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Andrew Sorensen

McRory, Jared W. Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Marc Maguire

Lopez, Sarah Elizabeth Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering Luo, Yuzhen Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Lythgoe, Quinn Thomas Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Matheson, Ian Cox Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. David K. Geller Mathews, Rejoy Roy Master of Science Computer Engineering Dr. Chris Winstead Matsen, John J. Master of Science Mechanical Engineering McCown, William Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering

Russell, Heidi Marie Master of Engineering Computer Engineering Saha, Sanat Kumar Master of Science Electrical Engineering Sakib, Nazmus Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Charles M. Swenson Sandberg, Benjamin G. Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Michael C. Johnson Scheelke, Nathaniel Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Smith, Andrew William Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. Barton L. Smith Smith, Adam J. Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Dr. Ryan Berke Sorensen, Dana Russell Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Jacob H. Gunther

WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2020


Class of 2020 Steele, Colin Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Stewart, Austin Jay Master of Science Aerospace Engineering Dr. Douglas F. Hunsaker Story, Benjamin B. Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Marv Halling Stoudt, Amanda Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Professor Joan McLean Swain, Cameron Fernelius Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Swenson, Clayton Ramon Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Tanagardi, Mehmet Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Bedri A. Cetiner Thompson, Seth D. Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Blake Tullis Thurston, Dillon Corey Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Tipton, Nathan P. Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Charles M. Swenson Tracy, Joshua Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering Tyson, Conor David Master of Science Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. Bethany Neilson Wall, Rachel Kathleen Master of Engineering Computer Engineering Wall, Trent N. Master of Engineering Computer Engineering Welch, Trevor Crosby Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Scott Budge Wood, Steven D. Master of Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Young, Emily Annette Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Jacob H. Gunther Zahin, Abrar Master of Science Electrical Engineering Dr. Rose Qingyang Hu ••• S.J. and Jessie E Quinney College of Natural Resources Baker, Tagen Doctor of Philosophy Environment & Society Dr. Claudia Radel Cotterill, Gavin Doctor of Philosophy Wildland Resources Dr. Johan du Toit Donovan, Mitchell Ryan Doctor of Philosophy

Watershed Science Dr. Patrick Belmont Lagrange, Sebastian Doctor of Philosophy Range Science Dr. Juan J. Villalba Meredith, Gwendwr R. Doctor of Philosophy Environment & Society Dr. Mark W. Brunson Spackman, Casey Doctor of Philosophy Range Science Dr. Juan J. Villalba Anderson, Michael T. Master of Science Range Science Dr. Eric Thacker Guevara Ballesteros, Raul D. Master of Science Range Science Dr. Juan J. Villalba

Hestetune, Adam James Master of Science Recreation Resource Management Keeton, Jenna M. Master of Science Ecology Dr. Jereme Gaeta King, Leighton R. Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Janice Brahney & Dr. Soren Brothers Kobinsky, Leslie June Master of Natural Resources Lagod, Matthew John Master of Natural Resources Lazenby, Kade D. Master of Science Wildlife Biology Dr. David Dahlgren

Hu, Bo Doctor of Philosophy Chemistry Dr. Tianbiao ‘Leo’ Liu Lewis, Hannah Mae Doctor of Philosophy Mathematical Sciences Dr. Kady Schneiter

Hill, Thomas B. Master of Science Mathematics Dr. Andreas Malmendier

Ogata, Elizabeth Miyo Doctor of Philosophy Ecology Dr. Michelle Baker

Holdrege, Martin C. Master of Data Analytics

Shirley, Brandon L. Doctor of Philosophy Computer Science Dr. Stephen W. Clyde Smith, David Alan Doctor of Philosophy Physics Dr. Jan Sojka

Bott, Charles Aaron Master of Natural Resources Brunson, Clint Wendall Master of Natural Resources

Lowe, Zachary Master of Natural Resources

Subedi, Yagya Prasad Doctor of Philosophy Chemistry Dr. Cheng-Wei Tom Chang

Clancy, Niall G. Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Janice Brahney

McDonald, Lucian R. Master of Science Wildlife Biology Dr. Terry A. Messmer

Webb, Alison Nicole Carey Doctor of Philosophy Ecology Dr. Susannah French

Coy, Kari Lyn Master of Natural Resources

Merritt, Angela Marie Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Charles Hawkins

Zhang, Kaige Doctor of Philosophy Computer Science Dr. Heng-Da Cheng

Murray, Desneiges S. Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Janice Brahney

Alavala, Laasya Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Vladimir Kulyukin

Neenan, Johnathan Patrick Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Sarah Null

Andersen, Jason R. Master of Science Computer Science

Dangerfield, Cody Master of Science Ecology Dr. Larissa Yocom Dietrich, Scott Edward Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Peter Wilcock DiSanto, Anna C. Master of Natural Resources Dolezal, Alexandria Erin Master of Science Environment & Society Dr. Roslynn Brain McCann Eddings, James Barton Master of Science Ecology Dr. Charles Hawkins Fenwick, Robert Wesley Master of Natural Resources Fisher, Adam C. N. Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Patrick Belmont Franklin, Amber Master of Natural Resources Franklin, Russell William Master of Natural Resources Furr, Gabriella R. Master of Science Recreation Resource Management Dr. Christopher A. Monz Gillard, Natalie J. Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Patrick Belmont Goldstein, Kirsten Marie Master of Science Geography Dr. Peter D. Howe Hemmis, Jay Michael Master of Natural Resources

Ozturk, Mehmet Master of Science Wildlife Biology Dr. Andrew Kulmatiski Pendleton, Maya Cassidy Master of Science Ecology Dr. Trisha Atwood Sampson, Sierra N. Master of Natural Resources Skill, Emily E. Master of Science Environment & Society Dr. Roslynn Brain McCann Sodja, Elizabeth Kirkham Master of Natural Resources Stout, Jesse B. Master of Science Ecology Dr. Phaedra Budy Thomson, J. Ivy Harvey Master of Science Environment & Society Dr. Joanna Endter-Wada Valerio, Lori Christine Master of Natural Resources Weathered, Jennifer Marie Master of Science Ecology Dr. Edd Hammill Wirick, Clint R. Master of Natural Resources ••• College of Science Chaturvedi, Samridhi Doctor of Philosophy Ecology Dr. Zachariah Gompert

Herndon, James Daniel Master of Science Biology Dr. Karen Kapheim

Lundell, Jill F. Doctor of Philosophy Mathematical Sciences Dr. Richard Cutler

Leonard, Emily E. Master of Science Watershed Science Dr. Karin M. Kettenring

Creany, Noah Eugene Master of Science Recreation Resource Management Dr. Christopher A. Monz

Hansen, Jared E. Master of Science Statistics Dr. Kevin Moon

Becker, Aaron David Master of Data Analytics Bowles, Tyler Bryan Master of Science Mathematics Dr. Dariusz M. Wilczynski Case, Zachary L. Master of Science Computer Science Dahl, Sydney Master of Data Analytics Master of Data Analytics Densley, Riley T. Master of Science Computer Science

Hopkins, Dylan J. Master of Science Ecology Dr. Kimberly A. Sullivan Houser, Leah M. Master of Science Geology Dr. Alexis K. Ault Hwang, Eugene Master of Science Physics Dr. Charles Torre Jain, Arihant Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Curtis Dyreson Jain, Aditi Master of Science Computer Science Lundell, Andrew Chase Master of Science Computer Science Lundgreen, Phillip M. Master of Science Physics Dr. JR Dennison Luo, Qi Master of Science Computer Science Madsen, Marley Jade Master of Science Ecology Dr. Bonnie Waring

Pandey, Abhinav Master of Science Computer Science

Gupta, Chelsi Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Vladimir Kulyukin

Robison, Tanner A. Master of Science Biology Dr. Paul G. Wolf Schwartz, Samuel David Master of Science Mathematics Dr. David E. Brown Sodja, Eric P. Master of Science Biology Dr. Noelle Beckman Soundararajan, Mathangi Master of Science Biochemistry Dr. Lance Seefeldt Stone, Erick M. Master of Science Computer Science Suryavanshi, Chetna Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Curtis Dyreson Vats, Prateek Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Vladimir Kulyukin Vawdrey, Todd Master of Science Computer Science Youmans, Zachary Master of Science Mathematics Dr. Zhaohu Nie

* Editors Note: Names of graduates provided by the Registrar’s Office.

Olsen, Tyler Del Master of Data Analytics

Dimmitt, Kevin Patrick Master of Science Physics Dr. Oscar Varela

Goyal, Aayush Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Curtis Dyreson

Rim, Kaitlin Alexandra Master of Science Ecology Dr. Ricardo Ramirez

Meshram, Manish Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Douglas Galarus

Pachner, Mason A. Master of Science Computer Science

Frandsen, Cameron G. Master of Science Computer Science Dr. Stephen W. Clyde

Richins, Matthew Dan Master of Science Computer Science

McCarroll, Nicholas Reilly Master of Science Geology Dr. Joel L. Pederson

Devenport, Jordan Michael Master of Science Computer Science

Ditton, Joseph S. Master of Science Computer Science Dr. John Edwards

Master of Science Computer Science

Pandey, Uddav Master of Science Chemistry Dr. Cheng-Wei Tom Chang Parker, Mychelle Master of Science Mathematics Dr. Ian M. Anderson Perry, Spencer A. Master of Data Analytics Probst, Braden D. Master of Science Statistics Dr. Juergen Symanzik

since 1902


Pulley, Melissa R. Master of Science Mathematics Dr. Luis Gordillo


Reese, Kyle D.



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