General Catalogue 1897

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FOR THE YEAR 1097- 0.


I>I( E55 OF SM I TH, CU.Ml\IINGS &. CO •• LOr-A::>L

CALENDAR, 1897-1898.



Fe bruary.

January .



March .

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Jun e.


August ,

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FIRST TERM begin s Tu esday September 21, and eu ds Friday Dece mber 17, 1t3')7. SECOND T EHM beg in s Tu esday January 4, and ends Friday April 1, 1898. /

THIRD TEHM begins W ednesday April 6, and ends T esday Jun e 14, 1898. Commencement Exercises occur from Sunday Jun e 12. t o Tu esday June 14.


Thanksgiving Day. Christmas vacation, December 18, to January 3. Was hington 's Birthday, February 22. Arbor Day, April 14. Decoration Day, May 30. Summer vacat ion begins June 15.


HON. HON. Ho . HON. HON. HON. H()~.

Wn.LIAM S. MCCOHNICK, President . . . Salt Lake City EMILY S. RICHAlms . Salt Lake City MARHINE1~ W. MElHULL . . . . . . Logan D. C. ADAMS . '. .. Salt Lake City JOHN C. GHAHAM ... . . . ... . ... . . . ... Provo LORE NZO HANSEN Well ville CLARISSA S. McALISTEH. . .... ... . . . . . . .. . Logan



W. S. McCOimIcK, P residen t .. JOSEPH E . WILSON, Secretary . RIPLEY S. LYON, Treasurer

. Salt L ake City . . L oga n . Logan

EXPERU'IENT STATION STAFF. JOS. ~I. TA l'~L1~, P rest. L UTHEH FOSTER ... . . . . .. Directo r F. W. BHEWE1~ .. Biologist S. FORTIER . Hydraulic Engineer F . B. LINFIELD .. ..... . . . Dairyman JOHN A. WIDTSOE . . . . Chemist . . . . Entom o logist and Cons ulting Veterinarian .. .. .. .. . . ... . . .' Horticulturist LEWIS A . MERRILL .. . . A sist a nt Agriculturist J AMES DRYDEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Clerk and Stenographer JOHN A. CROCKETT ... Assistant in Dairy Department J mIN STEWAH'I' . . . . . . . ... . . Assistant Chemist J AMES C. THOMAS . .. Assistant Chemist RIPLEY S. LYON . . ' . Treasurer J OSEPH E . WILSON . . . Secretary

FACULTY. Arranged In order of seniority of appointment.

JOSEPH M. T ANNER,PR Es lD ENT. Professor of Po1itical Sci ence. JOHN T. CAlI E, JR. , B. S ., Principal of Preparatory Department, and Professo r of History. JAMES DRYDEN, Assistant Professor of Meteorology a nd Stenography. ELIAS J. MAC EWA I , M. A. , Professor of English Language and Literature. F. W. BREWE R , M. D. , Professor of Biology and San itary Scie nce. SAMUEL FORTIER , Ma. E .. Mem. Can. Soc. C. E. , Mem. Am . Soc. 1. E. , Professor of Civil Engineering . F. B. LINFIELD, B. S. A ., ProfE'5sor of Dairying and Animal Husbandry. WILLARD S. LANGTON, B. S .. Assistant Professor of Mathematics. JOHN A. WIDTSOE, B. S., . Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy.

YIRS. DALIND A COTEY, B. S., Professor of Domestic Arts. MISS SA RAH E . BOWEN, Ins tructor in Sewing, Dress making' and Millinery. JOSEPH J ENSON, Professor of Phy sics and Mechanical Engineering , and Direc tor of Work Shops. LEWIS CANNON, B. S., Professor of Mathematics a nd Drawing. MRS. SARA GODWIN GOODWIN, Librarian and Instructor in Music. LUTHER FOSTER, B. S ., M. S. A ., Professor of Agriculture and Director of Experim ent Station. LEWIS A. MERRILL, B. S., Assistant Professor of Agriculture. EDWARDW. ROBINSON, Assistant Professor of German. SAMUEL W. DUNNING, 1st Lieutenant 16th Infantry , U . S . A., Professo r of Military Science a nd Tactics JOHN W. FARIS, Principal of the Commercial Department and Professo r of Commercial Economics a nd Bookkeeping. MISS ROSANNAH CANNON, Instructor in Elocution and Physical Cultu re. JOSEPH E. WILSON, Instructor in Penmans hip.

Professor of Entomology and Veterin ary Science.

Professor of Botany and H or ticulture.

AUGUST J . HANSE , Forema n of Wood Working Department. JULIAN P. GRIFFIN , Foreman of Iron 'Working Department. JOHN STEWART, B. S., Assistant in Chemical Laboratory of Experim ent Stati on. JAMES C. THOMAS, Assistant in Chemical L aboratory of Experiment Station. JOHN A. CROCKETT , Assistant in Dairy Department.

ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COLLEGE. An A ct o f Congress, a pproved July 2, 18h2, provid ed th a t publi c la nds s hould be gra nted to th e seve r al st a tes, to th e amo unt o f " thirty th ous and acres fo r each se na tor a nd r epr ese ntati ve in Co ng ress," for th e es(abli hm ent a nd ma int e na nce of a n a g ricultura l coll ege in each st a te. By th e t erms of a recent act providin g fo r th e admi ssion of U t a h as a st at e, th e a mo unt o f public la nd s g r anted to th e Agr icultural Colleg e of U t a h was in creased to 200,000 acre s. Th e n a tiona l law pro vides that f ro m th e sale of thi s la nd th ere sh all be es t ablis h ed a perpetu a l f und. " th e interest of which sh all be in viola bly a ppropri at ed, by each sta t e which may take and cl a im th e ben efit of this act, t o th e endowm ent, s up po rt, an ci ma intena nce of a t least on e coll ege, where th e leadin g object sh a ll be, with out ex cludin g o th er s ci entifi c an d clrl ssical studies, and inel udin g military t acti cs, t o t each su ch bra nches of lea r nin g as ar e rela t ed to a gricul t ure a nd th e mecha nic arts, in s uch ma nn er as th e legisl a tures of th e s t a t es m ay respecti vel y presc ribe, in ord er t o promot e th e li beral and practi m l education of the indu strial cl asses in th e seve r a l purs uits a nd professions in life. " Th e ac t forbade th e use of a ny porti on of the a foresaid f und , or of the interest th er eon, fo r th e purch ase, e rection , o r ma intena n ce o f a ny building or buildings. This la nd becam e avail a bl e upon th e admissio n of th e T erritory t o state hood. The legisl ature o f U t a h in 1888, a cce pted th e prov isions o f th e national law by th e passage of a n act which fouuded the Coll eg e , defin ed its policy , prescribed its work, and indica ted its s ph er e :


"SEC. 12. - The course of in truction sha ll e mbra ce the Englis h language and lit er at ure, math emati cs, civil engin eering , agricultural che mi st r y, a nimal and vege tabl e il11atomy and physiology, th e ve teri nary art, e nto mology, g eol ogy, and sllch o th e r natural scie nce'3 as m ay be pr escribed, t echnology, political, rura l and house hold economy, horticulture, moral philosophy, histo ry, bookkee ping, and especiall y th e application of science and th e mechanical arts to practi cal agriculture in the field." "SEC. 10. - In th e appo intm ent of professors, instru ctor s, and other officers and assistan ts of said College, and in prescribing the studi es and exe rcises th ereof, no pa rtiality or pre feren ce shall be shown by th e trustees to one sect or religious denomination o ver a noth er; nor shall anything sectarian be taught th erein; and persons engaged in th e conducting, governing, manag ing路 or controlling sa id Coll ege and its studies and exe rcises in all its parts, sh all faithfully and impartially carry out th e provisions of this act for th e common good, irres pective of sects or parties, political or reIigious." It is clear th a t the Agricultur al College was founded in th e interest of th e industrial classes in th e seve ral pursuits and professions of li fe, to give not alone a techni cal edu cation , but, in th e language of th e law. a "liberal a nd pra ctical edu cation." Th e legislativ e founders of thi s institution so ught to pl ace within reach of the producing classes, an education for whi ch th e older institutions h ad not , a::; a rul e, made provisions. The policy of the College is in consonance with th e letter and th e spirit of the laws upon whi ch it was founded. Its courses of instru cti on represent th e great vocation::; of th e peopl e of Utah: agriculture, th e mech anic arts, comm erce, and home work. " Th e act of 1862," says S enator Morrill, "p roposed a broad education by coll eges, not limited to a su perfic ial a nd dwarfed training, s uch as might be b ad in a n industrial school, nor a mere ma nu al training s uch as might be supplied by a foreman of a workshop, or by a foreman of an experimental farm. If any would have only a school with



equ a l sc ra ps of lab or a nti of in structio n, o r somet hi ng ot her th a n a co ll ege, th ey would not obey th e n a tio na l law ." Und er an ac t of Cong ress, appro ved Ma rch 2, 1887, th e Coll eg e receives 5 15,000 a nnua ll y fo r th e mainte na nce of its ex pe rim ental work in agr iculture' . This is in ch ar ge of th e depa rtm ent kn o wn as t h e Ag ri cultur al E x perim ent S ta ti ull . Unde r a n act of Co ng r ess approve d A ug ust 30, 1890, th e Coll ege r.::cei ved for its more co mpl et e endow ment a nd ma in t e na nce " th e s um of fi ft een th l) usa nd do ll a rs fur th e yea r e nding Jun e thirtieth , eig hteen hundred a nd ni nety . " Th e act pro vided that this a mount s hall be in cr eased by o ne th ousa nd dollars each year until th e a nnu a l appropria tion reach es t wenty-fi ve th oll sand doll a rs. Th e a mount r ece ived under -this law fo r th e prese nt yea r will be $23,000. Th e legisla ture of 1888 gave 5)25,000 fo r buildin gs. Th e co unty of Cach e and th e tow n of L ogan ga ve one hundred a cres of la nd o n which t o locat e th e Coll ege. Th e legislature of 1890 appropri ated 548,000 for a ppa r a tus , for th e empl oy ment e f t each ers, a nd for th e co nstruction of a h ouse, ba rn , t wo la bor ers' cotta ges, a nd a n experim ent st a tion building . Th e legislature of 189 2 g a ve S108,000 for a n addition to th e College buildin g, t wo hou ses, appa r atus, and sa la ries of te a ch ers. Th e legi slature of 1894 appropria t ed $ 15,000 for th e purch ase of appa ratus, for a g ree nh ouse, a ve t erin ary la bora to ry, a nd th e em ploy ment of . teache rs. The legi la ture of 1896 a ppro pria ted S12, 000 fo r th e cons tru cti on of w orks hops , a nd ge ner al ex penses for on e yea r. The leg islature of 1897 g ave $4 1,000 fo r the erection of a labo ra t ory, th e ex t ension of s h ops, th e maintenan ce of a ma nu a l tra inin g sc hool and fo r th e ge ner a l ex pe nses durin g two and a h alf yea rs . Th e s tate a uditor r e ports th e value of th e Coll ege prope rty now in possessi on at th e co nserv a tiv e fi g ure of $228,721. Th e Cons tituti on r ecentl y fram ed by the T e rritorial Convention , for th e new Sta t e of U t a h, provid es :




"SEC . 4. - Th e locati on a nd es tabli shm ent by ex istin g la ws of th e U ni ve rs ity of U t a h an d t he Agri cultural Co llege are h ereby confirm ed, a nd a ll th e ri g hts. im munities, fr a n chi ses, and endowm ents h eret ofor e g ra nted o r co nfer red, a r e h ereby perpetua t ed unto sa id U ni ve rsity and Coll ege r es pectively ."

LOCATION OF THE COLLEGE. Th e Coll ege is located on a broad hill overl vokin g th e t own, one mil e eas t of M ain S tree t , Logan , comm a nding a view of the entire vall ey a nd of its s urroundin g mountain ran ges. Th e beauty of th e location is uns urpassed, and perh a ps un equa led by th a t of an y oth er co ll ege in th e co untry. A few hundred ya rds to th e south is the L ogan River , with its cl ear wa te r a nd lu xuri ant g rasses and s hrubs . A mil e t o th e eas t is a magn ifi cen t mounta in r an ge and a pi cturesq ue can yo n . In oth er d irect ions the tow ns and fa rms coverin g the g r een s urface of Cach e V all"y , constitute a deli g htful and impressi ve panoram a through th e clear a tmospher e. Th e city is not ed fo r its freedo m from vice; is quiet, o rderl y, clean , a nd generally a ttracti ve, with neat homes, fine p ublic buil d ings, a nd electric li g hts and w a t er syst em ; th e citi ze ns a re th rift y a nd progress i ve. The c ity h as a popul a tion of abo ut 6,000, and is th e capita l and commer cial centre of an a g ri cultura l county with mor e th a n three times th a t po pul a ti on, kn own as Cache V a ll ey. Th e vall ey is a fertil e, slig htly un even pla in , 4,500 fee t a bove sea level, about sixty by t welve m iles in d im ensions, a lm ost entirely under culti vati ot1, completely s urroun ded by the W asat ch Mount a ins. a nd o n ~ of the mos t bea uti f ul a nd h ealthful vall eys in th e west ern reg ion.

EQUIPMEXT OF T H E CO LLE G E. TH E M AIN B UILDING is one of the fi nest in t he West, bein g a la r ge h andsome bri ck tructure, about 360 feet long



a nd nea rl y 200 fee t deep in th e ce ntral part. It is compl ete as show n in th e fronti s piece, exce pting th e central fr ont. lt contain s a large auditor ium, with seatin g capacity for 1500 people, which is used fur college entertainments, and for asse mbli es of the students and th eir friends. A s imilar a uditorium, capa ble of seating 400, is used dail y as a chapel, a nd for th e weekly meetings of th e College litera ry society. Th e class roo ms are sixty in number, all large, well lighted, well heated, and well vent il ated. Th e physica l laboratories a re in th e basement, and a re well equipped with apparatus. Th e base ment also co ntains th e s hops fo r wood-work and iron-work. Th ese departments are well supplied with th e usual wood and iro n working machines, and with th e necessary a ppliances for metal casting. Th e machin e sh ops a re equ ipped with engine, lathes, planers, and o th er machines of recent co nstru ctio n. A n ew building for shop work has been er ected and an addi t ion th eret o will probably be built, compl et ed and in use during th e ensuing year. The dai ry rooms, containing th e best apparatus for th e manufac ture of butter and cheese on scientific principl es, are' situated in th e basement. Th e laundry , kitchen a nd dining rooms, which ' are efficiently fitted with th e requisite apparatus in each division, are also in th e basement. Th e sewing and millin ery rooms are on the first floor. Th e biological, botanical, entomological and ch emical laboratories ar e s itu ated on th e second and third floors, and a r e very e ffiai ently eq uipped with the most modern apparatus for experim ent and resea rch in th e respective sciences. During the ensuing year the ch emical laboratories will be removed to a building adjoining that erected for shop work. The commercial department, which is well equipped with th e appliances for banking, co mmercial and general business, is also situat ed on the second floor.



On th e third floo r a re th e o-y m nasium a nd th e museum, large rooms as fully equip ped a th e mean s at th e di posed of th e Boa rd of Trust ees have hith erto rende red poss ibl e. Th e g.vmnas ium is al st) used as a drill hall for young w o men and for soc.ial g a th erin gs of th e fac ulty a nd s tudents. Th e museum h as a la rge unused ca pacity, th er efo re donati ons in a ny of th e arts a nd m anufactures or in g eological, ethn ological, mineralog ical, zoolog ical ;;i nd otb er divisions of science, from the citize ns of U t ah or from oth er fri end s of edu cation will be th a nkfull y accepted. Th e library, of which full det a il s will be fo und on a following pag e, and the music rooms , whi cb are supplied w ith superior instrum ents , are all s ituated in th e prin cipa l buildm g. Th e main building is hea t ed by st eam a nd li g hted by electri city in every pa rt. Th e roo ms are li g ht a nd pl easa nt a nd th e h all s spacious, extendin g on each fl oor th e entire length of th e buildin g . TH E E XPER IMEwr STATION building is a large brick stru cture, conta inin g th e la bor at ories of the Agriculturist , Ent omol ogis t, and H o rticulturist; th e office o f ¡ th e Director of th e Sta tion , a nd tb e libra ry of th e Professor of En glish. Adva nced students participate in th e work of th e various la boratori es, and a seri es of experiment al r esear ch es is carried on in each divis ion by th e professor in charge . A MODEL B ARN AND STOCKYARD are co nn ect ed with th e Colleg e. Th e barn is a wooden buildin g abo ut sixty f eet square a nd contains a sil o, a root cell ar, an engin e roo m and separate qu a rter s for h orses, cattl e, sh ee p and swin e; also model sto rage divi sion s fo r h ay, o- ra in and farming and h orticultural implements. • A DOR MITORY is connected with th e Coll ege a nd contai ns acco mm oda tion fo r about eventy-five stud ents. E ach r00111 is about 12 x 14 feet , excl us i ve of a good closet and is furnish ed with ch a irs , tables, a was h-s t a nd , a full se t of cham ber ware, a looking gl ass , and e ither a bedstea d or two cots ; th ere are also regist ers fo r effici ent ventilation.



In addit ion to the roo ms for the s tud ents, there are rooms for matron and for cooks a nd domestics, a model kitchen, a large dining h a ll, a pantry s upplied with modern conveniences, a la undry and bath rooms. A la r ge reception room 19x27 fee t, is 'used for students' receptions, under the auspices of the President's wife, the ladies of th e faculty and th e wives of the members of the faculty. RESIDENCES for th e Coll ege President, th e Director of th e Experiment Station, and th e Farm Superintendent a re situated on th e Campus. Cottages for fa rm laborers h ave also been provided. A FORCING H OUSE AND A VETERINAI{Y LABORATOHY, both well fitted fo r th eir purposes, a re s itu a ted on th e College g ro und s. THE FARM of about one hundred acres is well stocked with the best breeds of cattle, sh eep and swine, a nd is fully provided with improved impl eme nts and farm mac hinery. Three a nd a half acres of g round, close to the Colleg-e building are appropriated to the use of students, for athletic s ports. T HE FACULTY consists of about twenty-fi ve members, many of them of lo ng and succes ful experi ence in practical a nd industrial, as well as general ed ucation.

OBJECTS. The College is in seve ral ways accompl ishing th e objects for which it has been endowed. 1. It gives a substantial ed ucation to men and women. Such gener a l inform ation and discipline of mind and ch a racter as help to make intelligent and useful citizens are offered ir; all its departments, while th e students are kept in sympathy with th e callings of the people.

II. It t each es the sciences applied to the vari ous industries of farm, shop and home. Chemistry, botany, entomol ogy" biology, and mechaTlics are made prominent



means of education to quick obser vati on a nd acc ura te judgment. Careful study of th e min eral s, pl a nts and animals th emsel ves illustrates and fix es th e daily lesson s . At th e same time lesso ns in agriculture, horticulture, enginee ring and household economy show th e application of science; and all are enforced by actual ex periment. III. It trains in th e elements of th (' arts th emse lv es, and imparts such skill as to make the hand ready instrum e nts of thoughtful brains. Th e drill of the sh ops, gardens, farm and h ouseh old departm ents , is made a part of th e general education for usefulness, and in sures a means of living to all wh o make good use of it. At the same tim e it preserv es habits of iudustry and manual exercise and cultivates a tas te for rural and dom estic pursuits. IV. It strives to increase experimenta l kn o wl edge of agriCUlture and horticulture. Th e prov ision for extensive and accurate r esearch , made by establiShing the Experiment Station as a distin ct department of the Coll ege, offers assurance of m o re definite r esults than can be obtain ed by ordinary meth ods.

REQUIREMENTS FOR ADlYIISSION . 1. Graduates of th e Eighth g rade of th e district sc h ools are permitted t o e nter th e s ub-freshman yea r without exa min ation. 2. T o enter th e fresh ma n year of th e long co urses or th e fir st year of the s hort co urses the s tudent mu st be a t least fifteen years of age, a nd must pass a satisfacto ry exam ination in th e following SUbj ects, using th e t ext books n a med or th eir equi valeuts: 1. Reading, spe1Jing , and penm a nship. 2. Geography- Applet on 's HÂŁgiler Geogmplty. 3. United States History- Eames'S Untied S tates HÂŁ5tory . 4. Grammar-Maxwell's Advanced L essons. s. Arithmetic- H a rper's Second Book.



Students may be a dmitted w ithout examin a tion fr o m a n a ccr edited hi g h-sch ool, a~ad e m y , or oth er institution , i f they present ce rtific at es of th e compl eti on of th e s ubj ects n amed above; th ey ar e al 0 ad mitted upon co mpl eti on of th e s ub-fr eshm a n studi es in this Coll ege.

DIREc'rIONS TO STUDENTS . Th e reg ul a r ex amin ations fo r new students a re h eld on th e first two days of each t erm. Irregul a r s tudents a re exa min ed wh en they enter. Th e studies t o be taken a re ass ign ed by th e ex aminers a nd a pproved by th e president. Th e entra nce fee ($5 ) is th en paid at th e secr et a ry's offi ce ; and th e cl ass card na min g th e stu dies t o be pursued is countersig ned by th e president a nd th e sec ret a ry . Th e card a dmits th e student t o his classe5, a nd whe n sig ned by th e sever a l professors entitl es him to all the privileges of membership. The stud ent r eturn s this ca rd t o th e secret a ry. Th e course of study, as thus marked out, cannot be vari ed by the s tudent except upon petition t o th e faculty . When stude nts enter for th e second or third te rms, th e cards are sec ured from th e secr eta ry of th e fa culty, th e s tudi es assig ned by th e president, th e cards signed by th e professors a nd return ed to the secret a ry, as before.

COURSES OF STUDY. Th e firs t yeJ.r is the same for all the fo ur year courses, a nd th er e is but a slig ht vari a tion in th e seco nd year. Th e studies and tra inin g of th ese years have been la id o ut with car e ; and s tudents a re not pe rmitted to va ry from th e course shown in th e o utline, exce pt as herein prov ided. I. - Students in eith er co urse of Dom estic Arts ta ke sewing and dress m aking in th e freshma n year, in the place of h opwork in w ood and iron, as indicated by the footnote to sc h edule. In th e soph omor e year, second term, th ey t ake



lectures on cooking', and labora tory practice in cooking in th e place of trigonom etry and electricity and magnetism; and in th e thi ; d t erm, lect ur e: on the science of nutrition, and laboratory practice in cooking instead of s urvey ing and elemen tary mechanics. 2. - 1n the several s hort co urses, the st udi es of th e first two yea rs are varied far enough to meet the requirements of thi s class of stude nts. The studies of the first two years are planned to meet th e requirements of th e most num erou s class of student", the majority of whom attend for two years or less after completing th e studies of th e di"trict schools. Th ese two years, as now planned in th e schedule, provide as broad culture in a general way, and as thorough pr eparation for the special courses which follow, as th e College is at present able to offer. It cannot assume, therefore, to vary the courses further th an indi ca t ed above; a nd students are expected to pursue the studies as h ere laid down or as many of th em as th ey are able to pursue.

AGRICULTURAL COURSE. Th e aim of this course is the ~eneral education and sc ientific training of th e future ag riculturists of Utah. Th e training is as th o rough as is possible in th e short time allotted. The principal exercises directly related t o the successfu l pursuit of agriculture are taught, but no pretension is made to train pecialists in anyone particular branch of science. The time for this is necessarily too short. Under agriculture in the junior and 'senior years are included a great var iety of subjects, the intelligent pursuit of which requires as a foundation a , certain kn owledge of ch emi stry, ph\'siology, biology, botany, and other sciences. The freshman a nd sophomore years are intended t o g ive this preparatory training . Th e Short Agricultural Course, extending over a period of two yp.ars, is offered to those students whose time or



m eans will not pe rmit them to devote fo ur years to a tra inin g for th e ir fut ure voca ti on. It is mad e as pr acti ca l as p ossibl e in order to mee t th e demands of th e mos t num erous cia s. Th e Coll ege also offers durin g th e winter, a s pec ia l course of lectures on practica l agricultura l to pics, intend ed t o reach th ose farm ers who can leave th eir fa rms for a few s h ort w inte r mo nth s on ly, but wh o ~pprec i a t e th e advantages of a knowledge of the fundam ental principles und erl yi ng th eir business. The lectures in thi s co urse a re of a pop ul a r c h a ract er and h ave me t with much success. ThE' figures in the follow in g course sched ules denote th e number of h o urs devoted to. each s ub~ ec t during th e week.



G r ammar . Alge bnl History. Dra w i ng Elocut i on



.. 5 .5

.. 5 . 3 . __ . . 2

Rhetoric ... _ ... ,_ ...

... .. .5


Allfcbra and Geometry Ph ysicS


. 5

Drawiug' E locutio n .

.. 3 . . . .. . .. 2

LiteralU I"e .. Geo m e try .

.5 . ... 5 .S 3 .. 2

Ph ys ics . .. . Dra'iving .. E l ocut i o n ..

Aft e rn oo n W o rk .

. 10

Shopwo r l<. .


. . . . .. .. 10

S h o pwork


C h e mi st r y R heto ri c Bota n y

... _. 2 5



Rhl.!tori c Sol i d Geo m et r y and f

lti g her Alt:ebra



C ivil Govcrnmeutalld 1 ~ Co n stit utional Law ( . .)

C h e mi stry

.. . . 3

Rh e tori c ... Tr igo nometry

'2 .. S

A l1atOI11 ,Y and I

P h ): siology


.. J


Anato m y a n d } P hysiology

.. .. . 5

.. 6

Chemistry A n ato m y and, Phys iology

.. 6

Af ter noo n W OTk.

C h e m istry ..


Ch e nl istry .'

Anatomy and P h ysiology


r ..

_.. '2


.. 2

J UN IOR YEAR. Phy iological Botany . 3

Literature Psych ology Ge rm a ll


.. S ... 3 _3 .2

Agri c ultural Che mi stry 3 H orticu lture .. . .... . S Log ic ... 3 G e rm a n ... 3 Zoology .... '2

Agricultural Che m istry 3 H o rti c u lt ure 5 Ger man ........ 3 Zoo logy .. 2 Rural ElIgi11eering .. ... J


A G HI C L1'

HAL C OL LEGE O F UTA II. Afterno o n Work .

Ph y s io lo g ical H o ta n y .. 4

,\1 i nc r a l ogy

Ba cte r io l ogy



SE N IOH O a iry i ng a n d A n im a l II1 d ll s l r y

V e te rin a t'Y Scie nce Ge nu 3 n . Ge ne r a l Hi s to ry C h eesc n: al< in g



- ~l o l1 da ) &


H o rt i ~ u ltur e

. (.


'l. ool og-)"


Ag-ro ll o m y . V Cl e r i n a r y Sci ence


Y EA H .

P o l i t ical E 'O Il O lll Y Ve te r i nary S cie n ce

Ger J11 a. n E n to m o logy Ge o logy


E ll t 0 111 0 1o g-y

3 .3 5 3 .. 2


Ento m o log y Geo logy

· .4

3 3

Ge nn a n


O( Lite ra ture


Sl oc1< Feedin g

Geo logy

Afternoon Wo rk. D a iry ;:" r ac ti c e


V e t e rin a r y A lI a to m y .

iloo kl<ce pin g .


Stock F ee d i II g


St ud e n ts wi s hin g to mak e Ag ri c u lt ura l S cie nce a !' pec ia lt y will be allo wed to m al< c th e n ecessary s u b s ti tut i o n s i n accord a n ce wit h th e r eco mme n da t io n of t h e p r ofe~8 0r i n c h a r g e a n d w ith tl~ app r o v a l o f t h e f al.: ult y.


Hi s t o r y . Dra win g.

E loc uti o n


A lg e b ra ..



5 .5 .5 3

G r a mm a r.

Rh eto ri c .

5 5

A l g ebra a nd Geo met ry Ph y sics .. . . .. . 3 Dra wi ng

Li te r a ture Geo m e try .. Pllys ics . Bota n y

· .5 5 · .5 5

E loc uti o n .

Afternoon Work. 5 h o p w o r l.; •••• . . .. . . ... 10



S h opwork

SE COND Y E AH . C h e mi s try Dairyitt ~

a nd

A l1 i til a l -lll d u s tr y

Vete r i n a r y ' ci c nee

.5 3

Ph YRi o l ogica t B o t a ll Y . . 3 C h eesc ll1 a kin g, Mond ays.

Ch e mi s t r y Stocl< F ee di n g . V ete rin a ry Sci e n ce

H o rti c ul l u rc . E n to m o l ogy .

..3 5 .. . 3


C h c lll i s tr y . A g ro nom y V ete r i n a r y Sci e n c e

Ho r ti c ul t u r e . E nto f1l o 1o g-y ' "

· .3

.. 3 5 2

Afternoon Work Dai r y P r ac ti ce C h e mi s t r y . . .. .

Prac ti cal A f,r r ic u t t\l f(" .6

H o rt ic ultur e V c t c r in a r.'l Scien ce

2 .2 (,

Prac ti ca.l Ag ricu lt ure . ~ Ho r t ic u lt u re. .4 E nto m o lo g y . . .2

lUEOHANIOAL ENG]NEERING OOURS·E . The aim of the M echani ca l En g in eerin g course is to afford th e student ~u c h trainin g as will qu alify him to deaJ



intelli gentl y with eng ineerin g probl ems in gene ra l, and prepare him for a profess ional ca reer. Whil e the distin ctive purpose of the course is to give instru ction in th e designing and co nstruction of machm ery, considerable ins truction is g iven in municipal, irri gation , and gener al eng in eerin g t o form a bas is for practice in th ese special branches. The in stru cti on in all branch es a ims to blend th e th eor eti cal with th e practical, so that the student may become fam ili a r not o nly w ith th e purely scientific phase of the work , but with its ap plication to modern practice. Th e student is brought, as early as possible, into co ntact with practical problems, th e g raphical as well as th e analy tical meth od be ing used throughout in th eir soluti on. Besides the practical t endency of th e co urse, it h as a high disciplina ry value, and is especially adapted to develop orig inality of thought and action. Th e more strictly profess ional work may be classifi ed as math e matics, physics, applied mechani cs, drawing, and s hopwork. Sufficient work in E nglish , hist ory, a nd oth er gener a l sUbjects is !;i ve n through out th e course t o meet a ll ordinary demands. STUDIES IN MECHANICAL ENG INEERIN G COURSE. FRESHMAN YEAR. FIRST TERM.

SECOND 1路c N.M .

. .5

":' ngli sh Gra ml1l ar


Hi stor.v .. Elocu ti on

.... . 5

... 2 .3

Drawing . .

R heto ri c . A l geb ra a nd Geom etry Physic~!



... .. . 5

...... S

Elocuti on

.. 5 .. .. 5 . . .5 .. . . 2

.. . 2

Dra wi ng' .

. . . ... 3

S h op wo rk

. . . 10

r ..


Elocu tion

Dra wi ng

Litera tu re Geo m etry .. . .




Aft e rnoon Work . Shopworl<


.. 10


.. 10

SOPHOMORE YEAR . Ch e mi stry ... . 3 Rhetoric . ... ~ Solid Geo met ry a nd

Higher Algeb ra...


Civil Gover nm e nt and

Co ns tituti o na l L aw . . 5

.. 3 . ... 2 Trigono metry . ....... .. 5

C hem istry . Rh e toric.

Heat a nd Electricity .. .. 5

Cb emistry Rh etoric.





. . .. . 2 Anal ytica l Geometry .. .. 5 E le me ntary Mec hanics . .3

Survey ing . .

. .. . .. . . . 2



Chemistry .

S h op\yo rk .

.. . 6 . . .. 4

Che mi st r y Ph.\'s ics .. ..

. .5 ... .3

Hydrauli cs Catc ulll ~ ...

...•.. ... & . 4

Chemistry . . .


Fi e ld S ur veyi n g .


J UNIOH YEAR. Lite ratu re

Calculus M ech anical Drawin g .. "Elements of Mecha l1 i~m 5

. 5 . 5

Descriptive Geometry .. 6 Mec h a nical Drawiu,:! .. .4

Mq'tcfial s of I:: n gi n ec t" g 5 Calcu lu s . 3 I\1e tallurgy. lro l1 & Slee l 2 Mcc h atlica l Drawing .. . 5

H y draulics ..


Afternoon Work. M achil1C Sbops

. 10


Ma1<i11g" .


Machin e Shops

. 10

SE TI OH YEAR. Appl ied M ec hani cs

.. . 5

Applied Mechanics .

. 5

Steam Eng-incer in g .. j MutlicipalEl1gin eeri n g .5 Dy n amic8-of Mac hinc8 .3

Ste am E n ginccd n g ... .) [n'i.arati o l1 Eng-i I1 ceri ng' . 5 Power. Mcasn re lllc nl, ,.5 a nd rrransl'I1i. sio n

Ma4.:.hi n e Desigt1

Machine Des ign

A ppli ed ~1echal'lics Steam Engin ee ring

5 .3

Appli ed El ec tricity


guglis h Literature .. .


Aft e rnoon Work. 10

. 1.0

r.r h e~is


CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSE. ~h e instruction in tb is course ext ends over a period . of four years a nd em braces nearl y all tb e subj ects that properly belung to a civil en gineer 's education. Its aim is not on ly t o afford a tra ining of a practical as well as theoretical nature t o su ch students as are preparing to e nter th e profession of ci viI eng ineering, but to prepare young men for successful careers in manufacturing, co ntracting, a nd mining purs ui ts . Every hi gh stru cture requires a base; and he who wis hes t o attain a hig h position in any branch of engineering mu t first lay deep and hr ad the foundation in lang-uage, literature, pure ma thematics, and general science. As soon as the entr a nce examination to th e fr eshman year ca n be raised, a modern l a ng uage will be added t o t his course; but fo r the present some knowledge of th e Engl ish la ngua ge and its literature, will have to satisfy the literary requirements. G r eat er prominence h as been given to that branch of



en g ineerili g which rela tes t o th e s tor age , con veyan ce a nd use of wa t e r, s ince the ma t eri a l prosperity of th e g reate r part of West ern A merica i , to a g reat ex te nt, dependent upo n the available w a ter suppl y and th e use which it subserves. The desig n and co ns truction of irrig-ation works, th e need of co mpetent ma n age rs a nd superintendents t o o!lera t e th em, a nd th e super visio n a nd control of th e p~bl i c wate rs , req uire men tra ined in both the theory and practice of h ydra ul ic en g in eering . A lready th e fa rms of Ut ah , chi efly thro ug h irr iga tion, y ield a revenu e, excl us ive of st ock ra isin g a nd th e da iry,of o ver S6 , OOO,000 per annum. Wh en so m uch can b e don e by the primitively con structed irrigation works of th e pi oneers, it may reaso na bly be ex pect ed th at mu ch g reate r r eturn s can be obta in ed by a more sc ientifi c m a n age ment of the wa t er suppl y. By increased storage a nd dim inish ed wast e, by mo re accura te measuring appara tu s and m or e pco nomical meth ods of a pplication, it may be possible ere long t o double th e va lue of the profits trom irrig ation fa rming-. Survey in g ex t ends over a pe ri od of three years ; a nd th e s tud ent who compl etes this co urse is s upposed t o be fairl y p rofi cient, not onl y in th e th eor etica l p a rt of th e work, but in th e use of ins trum ents a nd in makin g surveys of farm lands, city lots, can a ls a nd r a ilroad s. Th e obj ec t is t o qu alify young m e ~ for th e positions of county s urveyor, ass is t a nt city eng inee r, and levelm a n and tra n sitman on e ng i nee rin g p a rties. Th e ng ineerin g problems co nn ect ed with municipal corpor a ti ons a r e in creasing so r a pidly th a t it was dee med wise t o introd uce a co urse in municipal eng ineering. Throug h the exertions of ci'/ ic r eformers, tra ined specialis t s a re securing permanent a nd remuner a tive positions in co n cection with city admini stra tions ; a nd th ere is r eason t o h o pe tha t , in th e course of a few years, th e street supervisors , buildin g a nd sanitary inspectors, w a t er , s ewer a nd gas s uperintende nts, and members of the b0ards of public works -in Ameri can cities will be a ppointed solely on th e bas is of effi ciency in th eir r espective depa rtments.



It h as been thought that th e best way to secure well qualified city officer s is tv beg in to t each orne of th e principl es a nd t o familiarize students with th e practi ce involved in su ch s Ubj ec ts as r apid tran s it, pure domes tic water s upply , sewerage and sanitatio n, a nd gas a nd electric li g hting.


Engli s h G ram t11 a r Al ge bra . Hi s tory . . . Elocu t io n . Dra win g



.5 . .5 .5 4 .. 3

Rh e toric Algeb r a a nd

Geo m e try Phys ics . . .. Blocu tio n .' Drawing

5 I

.. . 5


.5 5 .5 2 3

Lite rature . Geo m et r y P h ys i c~

5 .2 .. 3

C:I 0C l1li o 11

Dra will g

Afternoon Work . Shopworl<

. . . 10

S h o pwOr 1<


C h c mis tr,)'

. .. . 10

Sh op w o rk


SOPHOMORE YEAR C h emis t ry

Rhetoric .. . 2 S o lid Geo m e try a n d I Hi ghe r Alge bra \ . .5 C i,-r ,l Go,rer n m ' t a l1d I Co n s tituti o n a l L a w f ' . 5

3 Ch e mi s try .2 Rhe tor ic .. ' A n a l y ti cal Ge om e tr y . 5 Ele mentary ~'I ec hani cs ..' .. 2 Su r vey ing'

.. 2

Rh e tor i c

Trigono m c try .5 H eat and El ectri ci ty . . . 5

Afternoon Work. C he mis try S h o pwo rl<

..6 .4


C h e mi tr.Y

Cbc mi st ry Physi cs

F ie ld S u r\' ey iu g .



JU NIOR YEAR Lite r at u re Calcul us .. Su r veying .

.5 . .. . . 3 . . .3 M echan ica lDrawil1 1:r . . 2 E le m e n ts of Me cha n ism 5

H yd rauli cs . .. . .. Calculu s . Desc ri pti \' c Gco m et ry . M ech ca l Dra win g

5 .5 .6 .2

, H y ct l'a uli cs .... M a te rial s o f E n g iu eer':! 5 R oad s a nd P ave m e nts . . 3 .3 Ca lcu lu s . . Me tallurgy Mech an ical .Jrawi n g 2

Field Prac ti ce ill Engi n ee rin g. . .... . . . . ... 6

Dr a witt \f a tt (\ D QS i j,fttillj! 6

Jl yd rog raphi c S u rv eying- and Des ig nin g . .6

Hi g h e r Survey in g .5 Appli ed M echanics . 5 -:-.'lulli ci pa l Eng in eeri n g 5 Ste a m E ngin ee rill g.

P o we r , Mcas lire m c iit . a nd T rans mi .路s io lt Applied Me c h a nics ... . 5 lr r igat io u Bngi nee r i n g 5 Railro a.d Struct u res .3

Expe rim e n tal Wor)<, E ng ineeri n g Design s ... . 6

Min e ra logy and iug

Afternoon Work.

SENIOR YEAR. S a ni ta ti o n Applied tvlech a ll ics . Lite r at ure Appl ied E lectridty

Aft e rnoon Work . A~ s ay-


Pre pa r at io n o f

'I' h e~ i s .

.3 3 5



DOl\JESTIC ARTS COURSE. Th e co urse fo r young wo men is in ge nera l th e same as for youn g men in th e four year ' course in ag ri culture, except in th e hours devoted to th e s hop, th e fa rm, or to h ortic ultur al work. In place of th ese th ere ar e s pecia l stu dies a dap ted t o women's wo rk. Th e valu e and necessit)' o f specia l tra inin g in house hold economy a re too well known to req uire ex pl a na ti on . It will be see n th at spec ia l attentio n is g iv en to th ose bra nch es of tudy in which yo ung women req uire profi ciency, a nd to those studi es whi ch t end to ado rn life in th e sph er e in which th ey mo ve. If th e p lace gi ve n to h orticulture, floriculture, and economic bota ny should require ex pl a n a tion , it may be s uffi cient to say th a t this lin e of路wo rk h as a fasc ination for all cl asses, and every wh ere cla ims th e admira tion a nd a lmost th e 3.ffection of eve r), pe rso n of true refi nement. H o useh old plants and th e fa rm a nd vill age gard en a re a lw ays o bj ects of inte rest a nd of import a nce t o wo men, a nd often the source of physical h ea lth , indu cing, as th ey do, e xercise in th e o pen a ir. This does not necessita t e th e a dded drudge ry o f ph)'sica l wo rk in th e g arden any fu r th er th a n pl easure may dictate. A specia l class is tau g ht in flo riculture, especia lly as ada pted to window gardening , in th e prepa r ation of so il , and in th e g r owth of vege t ables a nd s mall f ruits. E xercises in th e a pplica tio n of the knowl edge acquired in th e lec ture roo m are a regul a r feature o f th e work. U pon co mpl eti on of th e路 fr esh ma n a nd th e so ph omore years o f the r egul a r Do mestic Arts Course, th e stud ent is entitl ed to a certificat e of g r a du a tion in the sh ort course.






( ';' ram1l1:lr .

Algc bra Hi story Elocutiou Drawing .

5 .5 .5 2

Rhetoric A 1l1c br a a n d t';' eo m etry .5 .5 Phy s i cs 2 Eloc uti o n .... . . . 3 Drawillg

TE I ~l\1.

Lite ra ture . G co l1tcl ry . . . Phy s i cs J1:.l o c u tioll

Drawing" .

5 5 5 2 .3

A ftel'lIoon Wo r k. Laulldr y ingano Sew i ng" 5 Physical C ul lure .3 (El cctivc )

D re ~ ~ m'l l ·d ll g-

.... . Ph ysica l C ultLtre

5 · .3

Se wi 11 ~! Ph ys i .:a l Cul Lure.

5 3

IE lec t i,'c)

(E lc c t i" c)

SOP f-IOYl OHE ygAl'. C h e mi s t ry Rh etori c . :-)01 i d Geo m e try a nd High e r Alf,!'e b r a

Civil Gove rnm e nt ;-wd Co n s tituti o na l L a w


'2 .5


C .l e lll i", t r y 3 Rh e t o ric . · .2 Coo ki Il l! ( L(' ~ tl1 r es) · .5 A nato llt y and Physio-

C llel11i~tr y


Rll e torh; . Sci e n c e o f Nutriti o n


H o tany

.2 5

lo g-y .

Aft ern D n W ;> r :<· Fruit \¥(H!< . C h e mi s try .

. .. 4

.. c..

Coo l<i I1 ~·

Prac li..:e C h , l11i,t rv J U .'HOI~

Lit'''ra t u re G e l"l1l ' lI l

Aorti c ult ure . Bi c) lo ,C!y Psy c h ology

5 .3 5 2 .3


Co oking Prac ti ce

· .6

C h e mi s try

.4 .6

YEAR. .3

L ug- h;

Hy ~ i c ll c

. . .. . 5

Gc rnl 3 11

Ge r lll a l1

Drn wil1g-


Z. o ol c,)gy


D e ~i.J!llill g .

Dr:1wiul!' Millin e r y

. .6 .2

l·' l o ri c u1tnre .

. . (,

Li le ral1l r c .

. .5 .3 3 2 3

C Ultillg a nd

Fillin g

Afternoon Work . Z) l og)'

B a cte ri o l o gy

.• "2

... .

SF. 'l OH YEAN. Hi . tory · Ger m a n 3 H ou se hold Mall a g e m e nt 5 Dairying 3

P o li lka l 8 t:o ll o my Hi s t o ry r; e rm a ll Fan cy ' V o rl.;:.

.3 .5 .3 . ... 2

Ento m o logy G e o lo g y .


G er m a n G c olog y A es t h e ti c s Fall cy "Vork ..

. .3

Afternoon Work _ Dairying .

. .4

H o useh o lrl AccOltnts ... . 3

(.;' eolo),[y






This in cl udes th e studi es of th e fr eshm a n a nd so ph omore years as given in th e regular Dom es tic Arts Course. 'fh e p ri vilege is giv en of s ubstituting', sUbj ect t o th e approval of the faculty, h ouse h old econo my study for som e study in th e r eg ular sop ho more ye ar.


COl''Ul"ERCIAL COURSE. Th e object of this course is t o broaden th e intell igence of a cco untants, and t o prepa re students fo r positions as b usin ess men, who form a large class, having' a direct and important relation to the material , social, and politi ca l life of th e n atio n. Th ey sh ould have associa t ed with th eir t echni cal work a kn owledge of th ose subjects th at will giv e them a n enlarged view of th eir vari ed r elations as citize ns of th e s tate. 'fhe College, therefo re, offe rs here a mu ch broader general ed ucatio n th a n is com mon in co mmerc ial co urses. Th e t echnical feature of th e co urse is a tho rou g h training in penmanship, typewriting, ste nogr ap hy, co mmercial arithmetic, bookkeeping, business economics, political economy, history of commerce, and co mmer cial law. Th e co urse is broad enough t o prepare stud ent for teaching , or for th e s tudy of th e law . For those who are un a ble to take the four yea rs' course, a course of two years is offer ed, which will fairl y well qualify th em for positio ns as a ccountants a nd st e nographers. Th e department is well eq uipped with desks co unters., and t ypewriters, making the presentation of th e technical work as practical as is possiblp in a college.




Gram m a r . Al geb r a Hi s t o r y

Y E A1~ . T il IH 0

SECOr'\J} TE I<:\I .

5 5 .5

Rh et o ri c A l ¥eb r a a n d


Drawin g

Geo m e try \ Ph ys ics ......

Eluc uti o n

Il r<-t.'w i n g

I. i te r al ure


. .. . . . 5

Gf"O I1\ C lt·y

E loc u t io n

.5 .5 3 2

Pe nl1l a n s hip T ype w r i t in g

5 5


.. 5

P en 111 a n s hi p


. •..... S

T ype w ri ti ng-


El ocllti u n

P e nm a n ship T y pe wri ti n g

T£t-( 1\'1.

· .5 .. 5 .3 .2



Ph ys i ~s


I) I"aw in g

S OPHOMO HE YEA1<. C h emi s try Rh eto ri c

C h c mi ~t r y


Sol id Geo m e t ry al1 d Hi g h e r Al geb r a ..5 C i v il Go\'er nJ1lC lll .5

Tr i go ll ometr/

C h e mi st ry . .

C h em i s tl")" A nato m y

A n ato m y o logy

a nd



Ch e mi st r y Rh e toric


A n a ly l ica l G -CO I11 ClI·y . .s A 11 ato m y a n d Ph ys i· ology 5 S u n 'ey in g .2

R lIeto ri c

Pb ysi-



Afternoon Work. .. 6


C he mi st r y A Il ato m y o r S ur vey in g


Stc nog-ra ph y


V 2

J UN I01~ Y£A I' .

Ste l1 0g rapb y


Ger lll a ll

Calc ulus P=,ych o togy

Bio logy . . . ..

.3 .3 ..... 2

Ste nograplly


Gt:f I11 Cl II

Gc rm a lt


B otany .5 Scie nce of Boo lil<ec pil1 ! J %oo logy . 2

· .5 Co mme r cia l CaTcu lat' ll s 3 Zoology . .2

Aft ernoon Work . Bacte ri o logy Zoology ...... . , .

.6 . ... .4

:M i l1 er"al ug-j' ..

lloo l{i(CCpr n g

Y,oo l ogy



S EN IOR YEA R . Co mTlle rcial La w . . 5 Ge rm a n . .. 3 H is tory o f CO l11ll1.erCe . 5 Literature .. .....

. ... 5

Co m m e rcial L:t.w .

Geo logy Ge rl11 a 'I P o lit ica l £CO ll 0 11l ),

.. 5 3 .... 3

A u d iting a n d Expe r t in g" uf Acco u l1ts ... . ' ., . .. 2

COlUme rcial I.a w .:;GC ) lo!,[y .3 Ge r ma n 3 Li te r a t u r e 5 A u dit in g- and EX pe-l't irg of A CCOU l1 tS . . .2

Afternoon Work . Pract ical wo rk i ll boo l< :i eepin g. banki ng , Jr ei g l-i ti rlg, i ns ura n ce, aud l<ind led ~ u b j cc t s, fr o ll1 2 t o 4 da il y _




G r ammar

Algeb ra His tory Drawing El oc ution



THIRD TE I( i\t.

... 5 .5 .5

Rh e to ri c Geo m e try

( ....5

.. 3 . .2

Ph,)' ks . . Drawing

5 ..... 3 . .... 2

.. 5

Algebra a nd

Elocuti o n

Lite rature .5 Geo m e try .5 Sci e nce of Bool<keeping 3 Dra wing . :3

Elocuti o n


Afterno on Wo rk. P e 1lm allship 'l'vpe writin g

Pe nm a nsh i p.

... . .5

. .5 .5

Type wrtl ing

5 .5

P e umans hip . . T y pe writin g

SECOND YEAR . Stel10grap h y . .. 5 Hh e tor ic .2 COlU m e rcial Arithmet ic 5 Civil Go ' -e rIlItlCIlt. ... .. 5

St~ 1l 0Il r aphy ..

. ....... 5 Rh e toric . .. .,2 nced Co mm e rcial Arithm e ti c... 5 Political Economy . . . . .. 3

Ste no g raphy .. ... 5 H.he toric . .. . . 2 Comme rcial Geog raphy .5 Co mmercial Law ... . ... . 5

Aft e rnoon Work . Prac ti ca l work in bookkee ping, banl<inq-, fre igh t ing, in s ur a nce, a nd kiudred s u b j ect s.

GENERAL SCIENCE COURSE. This course is bel ieved to be especially adapted to the requirements of those preparing to study medicine or pharmacy, or to take t echn olog ical traiuing abroad. It will also offer exce ll ent preparation for those who expect to engage in teaching, especially in th e teac hing of the natural and physical scien,ces.



Grammar Alge bra Hi s tory Drawing Eloc ution

.5 .... 5 ... .. . 3 .2

Rh e toric . Alge bra a t1d Geo m e lry Phy s ics, Drawin g Elocuti o n


.. .... 5 ( ...... . 5 5 ..... 3

.. 2

Literature... . . Geometry.... Physics Drawing . Elocution .

.5 . ... 5 .... ".5 .3 . . . .2




U T AH .

Aft e rn oo n W o rk. S ho p w o rl< ..

... 10

S h o pwOrl{


Sh o pw or l<

. ... 3 2

C h e m istry


Rh eto ri c . .



SOP HOMORE Y EA H C he m i st r y

R he to ric .. _ So lid Geo m e try a nd 5 H ig h e r A lgeb r a . Ci'v il Gover nme nt . 5

'rri go ll o metry .. A n a to m y

a l1 d

o logy

S P h y, i. .... .. 5

C h Clni st r y

Rh e tor ic A nalyt:ica l Geom e tr y . 5 Ph ys iAn ato rll Y a nd


AFt e rn oo n W o rk. C h e mi s t ry ... _


6 .2

C h e m is t ry An a to m y

Chem istr) An a to m y


Lite rature. Ger m au .

Cal c ul us Bi o logy . .

.5 .3 路 .3 5

H eat a ll d E lectrici ty .. .. 5 .3 Ge rm a n Cal c u iu s 5 .3 Bio logy and Zoology

A g ri cult u r a l C h e m ist r y Ge rm a n

B o ta ny. Zoo log-y

. .. 3 5

S Ufve ,y il'1g

Aft e rn oon W o rk. B acte ri ol ogy .


\1 i neral ogy

B i ology


P h ys ics


Zoo l og'y S u rveyi ng'

.. 6 .... 4

SENIOH YEAR. Ph yS io log ical B otauy . . 3

P oli t i cal Eco no my

Ge rm an

Ge rm a ll Orga n ic Chem i stry

.H o rl ic ul t nre. P Syc h o logy .. Anth r o po logy .

.5 .3 路 .2

Geology E nto mology _

3 .. 3

... 5 .3 2

Lit e rature. Ge rm a n O r gan ic Chem ist ry

Geo logy E nto mo logy . .

. .3 5 ... .. J

.. 2

AFt e rn oo n Work. Ph ys io log ic al B o ta n y . . 4 An a lytical Ch e m istry. 路 .6

V e te rin a r y Scie nce ..

An a ly t ica l Che mistry.

. .4


E llto mo logyo r B ota ll Y

Geo logy

.4 路4

St ude n ts w is hin g to specia li ze in B io l ogy, Chem istry, o r Ph ysics will be a ll o we d to m ake a ny necessa r y s u bs ti t u ti o n of special su bj ec ts in accorda nce w i t h t be reco mme nd a ti on of t h e p r ofesso r i t1 c b arge a nd with t h e app rova l of t ile fac ul ty.

DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION. I n prev ious p ages th e orde r in whic h studies ar e pursued h as been st a t ed. U nder th e present titl e a somew h a t det a il ed acco unt will be g ive n of th e topics embraced in th e . several depa rtme nts o f instru ctio n.

AGRIC ULTURE. 1. R UHAL ENGINEEHING . Th e s prin g term of th e junior year ia th e lon g co urse and th e corresponding term in the second year of th e sh ort co urse a r e g-iven to th e vari ous subj ects embraced by th e ge n er a l t erm , rura l eng in ee rin g. Th e work covers in a ge ner a l way t h e fo ll owin g topics : 1. H istory, Drainage and irrigation: . History of Agricu lture, sho win g th e success ive st eps by whi ch th e a rt h as a tta in ed its presen t pos itio n ; fa rm dra in a g e, its pr actical effect s; land need in g drain a g e a nd th e diffe rent problems in\'olved in lay in g out a nd puttin g in a syst em of drains; practical questions rela ting t o irri g-ation ; road m aking; a nd th e selection, a rrange ment a rid ma nag-e ment of a f arm with reference to s pecial syst e ms t o be purs ued. P HOF. FOSTER.

2. B uilding s, Fences an d Machinery : H ow to build cheap, subst a nti al fa rm cottages, ba rns, st a bl es and pens; location and interior a rra n ge ment of f a rm buildin gs; developm ent , care a nd use of fa rm impl ements a nd m achinery; th e mech a nical prin cipl es in vo l ved in th eir constructio n and different adjustm ents affec tin g dra ug ht; fences a nd gat es, th eir t1 ecess ity, cost , kinds a nd con stru ctio n; wood for gat es a nd fences, time t o cut, conditio ns favo ra bl e to decay a nd h ow to prolong dura bility; discussion of Utah State fe nce laws. A SS I S'f ANT P HOF. M EH HIL L.



II. STOCK FEEDIN G. A portion of th e senior yea r is devoted to a study of the prin ciples un derlying th e profitable feeding of farm animals. Th e composition a nd r equirements of animal bodies, the chemi cal compos ition of foods necessary t o supply th ese wants , the gene ral laws of animal nutrition and the ch emi cal action and values of th e different kind s of food a re discussed. The Ger man S t a ndard rations are g iven th oro ugh st ud y, special work being done in compoundin g Utah foods. Th e student figures out th e nutritive rati os, sh owing in what proportions the several foods may be used t o make properl} balan ced rations fo r the different purpl)ses of feeding, without the loss of mor e th an a sm a ll percentage of any of the nutri ents. A consideration of the proper foods for each class of animals, wh ether fed for labor , growth, milk, or meat production. is made prominent. The progress and r e ults of t he feeding exper iments a t th e various Ag ri cultural Experiment Statio ns are also carefully r eviewed a nd discussed. PROF. FOSTER. III. AGRONOMY. During t h e spri ng t erm of the set;lior year the following ub-divisions of this subject a r e t ake n up: 1. Soils: Their orig in, composition, physical and ch em ical properties, classification, amelioratlon, and r elat ion t o climate; the gener al management of differ ent soils a nd sub-soil s with their relation to successful crop production.

2. Mamwes : General principles relating to the use of m anures; natural and a rtificial manure ' j the sources a nd composition, differences in ch aracter, and th e val ue of liquid and solid man ures of differe nt an imals for di fferent purposes; handling a nd prese rvation of natural manures; appl ication of manures to differ nt soils and for various crops; reclamation of alkali soils and worn out soils; preservation of original soil fe rtility .

3. Farm Crops: Th ei r his tory, u ses, composition and adaptability to climate; th e culti vation, h a rvesting and preservatioL of different crops; th e principles of rotation; the system of rotation best suited to th e State, taking into consideration th e distribution of labor, th e production of man-



ure, and th e exter minati o n of weeds; s umm er fallow; the man age ment of meadows and pastures a nd t he best kind s of tame grasses for th e Stat e as s hown by ex perim ent s at th e Station and in oth er parts of th e State; till age as a m eans of co nse rving so il moi tu re. PROF. FOST8l~. IV.


1. Breeds of L ive Stock: This i nclud es th e history a nd description of th e different breeds of stock fou nd on th e farm, their ori g in and development into th e specia li zed all ima ls of tod ay; th e effect of dimate and management on th e animals, a nd th eir adaptability t o va ri ous loca lities and purposes. 2. Breedi~lg of L ive Stock: This deals with the la w of reprodu ction, her ed ity, r ever sion, cross breeding, in-br eed ing, variation, selection, period of g es t a ti on, pedigree, etc. 3. Manal(ement of Live Stock includes a practical application of the principl es of breed in g, with a full description of th e meth ods of caring for th e different classes o f live stock from birth till final dispos ition. 4. judcring of L iTe Stock or Animal Exlerior a ims to put in practice the knowl edge ga in ed in th e class roo m ; the students from exterior points tell th e r ela tive values of th e animals for special purposes, a nd as far as poss ibl e give r easons for the decisions rend ered. PROF. LINFIELD.

V. DAIRV H USBANDRY. Dairying, as taught, deals principally with milk, its ca re and manufacture botb in th e factory and dairy. Th e farm problem of milk production is discussed under Animal Industry . 1. Milk: Th e e laborat ion , co mposition a~d fermentation of milk ; th e testing of milk, with a description of th e meth ods used in payin g for milk by test and in determining th e worth of milk. A brief outlin e is a lso g iven of th e fermentation of milk, or bacteriology as applied to milk and dairy produ ct s.

2. Buttermaki1ig: Th e differ ent meth ods of crea ming k and getting th e bl7st results are described ; the hand-


Alii, l eu LT

I, A I. CUI. !.I~;C; E OF U'I'A H.

ling and ripen ing 1)[ th ~ ('[cam, ciwrnin g, salt in g, working, packing and market i ng the butte r. 3. Cltl!ese1llakillg: eh ddar ch eesemak in g is described; the making of a uniform product and dealin g with praLtical difficulties are fully illustrated; a bri ef d escription is a l<;o given of the manufacture of ot h e r kind of c h eese, parti cularly of su c h kinds as may be made in a home dairy. 4. Factories: Factor y orga ni zat ion; th building' eq uipm e nL and management of fac tori es a re fully trealed. 5. Prf.l ctical /Jal1)'ill/!;: The co ll ege dairy is equipped with the best modern apparatus for practical dairy work , a nd from 1300 to 3UOO pounds of milk arc handled dai ly; factory and farm da iry methods :tre illu str ated, and th e s t udent becomes fa miliar with all phases of dairy work by actual practice in the da iry; the a im being to familiarize him w i th the b ... st methods of practice as discu ' sed . in th e class rooUl. PROF. LINFIELD.

VI. Il~HIGATION ENGINEERING is intended to include th e mechanical principl es of draining and irriga ting farm lands; it occup ies nve h ours weekly for abo ut four weeks in the . econd term of the senior year of the lon g course, o r of th e second y ear of the s hort co urse. PHOF . FOR'flEH.


I. A:S-A'r'Oll'IV AND PHysrOCOGY. Lectures a nd r ecita tion s arc g iven on hum an a nd comparative anatomy, illu trated by model, a n a tomical preparations, diagrams and dissection . Th e lecture co urse iR supp leme nted , both in th e winter and spr ing terms, by laborato ry work, co n is ting' of d issections of small animals; the study of osteo logy and a cons ide rati on of th e ele ments o f histology are a lso undertaken. II.


The course of lectures on gen -




era l bi ology a nd the accompa ny in g labora tu ry work cove r th e us u,ll r a n ge of topics. T he difference betw en liv ing and dead m atter is re \路iewed .. and suc h sUbj ects as protoplasm, cell s, tiss ues and ()rga n ~ are c<?nsider ed as a n int roduction to specia1i r.ed work. Types of t he lowe r \" eg-d abl e kin gdo m ( not in cl ud ed in the botan ical co urse ) ,md se1c:cti ons f rOIll th e in vertebrate and \"l~ rt e br a te divi s ion s of animal life are taken for illustrat ioa ,wd f vi" exam i na ti on in t he labora to . y_ III. ZOOl.OGY. A co mp ar ative re vi e w is g- ive n of t he vari ous f un c tions concerned in animal life and tb eir adaptability to th e env ironments of th e di ffe re nt c lasses of ani mals. Th e class ificati on of th e an im a l kingdom, t he distribution of an im als according to place and tim e, th eir presen t locatio n and th eir prim eval form are con s ide red. IV. PHOl'OPHV1'OLOGV. So mu cb of this subj ect as relat es to tb e moul ds, ferments, etc., which are importa nt fa cto rs in hum an a nd animal life, is treated of in lectures a nd illus trated in the laboratory . Algae, dia toms, de mid~ and ot her form s ,Lre a lso d iscussed and illus tr ated. V. ANTHHOPOLOGY. A s hort course is given, in co ntinu a tion ,of 'the gene ral co urse, disc uss ing th e different t ypes of th e human race, ex ist en t a t th (' present time in th e various co untries of th e wo rld ; th eir r elations, orig in and triba l di ffe rences; t h eir dwellin gs and th ei rim plem ents .

VI. BAC1'EHIOLOGY. Tbis special bran ch of science, which has, during the la t decade, made g reat s trid es, and whi ch is so intimate ly co nnected with diseases affectin g both ma n and a nim a ls, occ upi es a full cour e of lectures a nd also receives adeq uate labo ratory exe mplification . R esearch work in th e germ ca usativ es of disease, espec ia lly of a nimals, i m.ade in co nn ec tion with th e Experiment Station, a nd students a re familiari zed with th e processes used in bacteriology, such as the preparation of culture media, th e c ulture a nd separ ation of ge rm s, stainin g and mounting specime ns of various bact eri a, makin g sections of ti ssue, and gener al mi croscopical work .



Th e la bor a tory co nta in a f ull se t of apparatus for the wo rk i)f in vestigatio n, simil a r to th a t used in the labora-' to ri es of P rofesso r K och in Berlin, and of th e P ast eur Institu te in P aris. Micro cupes, micro tomes an d th e ge ner al acces路 sories of la bora tory investiga tion are a lso used by th e students. It is intend ed th a t th e course s h a ll be so directed as to be uf pract ical valu e after th e Co ll ege curri culum has been co mpl e ted. VII. S AN I1'AHY SCIENCE. A course of lectures is given un th e g ene ra l prin cipl es of sanitary sci ence as applied to th e selectiun of s ites for h omes a nd th e erectio n of the house, ve ntil a tion and hea tin g ; w a te r supply and its uncontamin a ted pres r vation ; re moval of refuse a nd was te , footl, its uses a nd abuses, ad ultera ti ons of food a nd th eir detection, a nd genera l hygie nic s ubj ec ts .

BOTANY. P ROFESSOR SEA RS. Th e work in this de pa rtment may be classed under three head s I. E LEMENTARY BO'r ANY This is gi ve n five times a week , durin g th e s prin g t erm of the sophomore year in all the long courses, a nd in th e first year of the Short Agricultural Co urse. It is a course in structura l and systematic botan y . Th e s tud ents a re required to provide themselves with a n inexpe ns i ve outfi t, consisting of a three-legged lens, a sh a rp pocke t knife a nd two dissecting needles. At th e end of the t erm, eac h stud ent must present an herbariu~ of fifty a n aly zed a nd neatly mount ed and labeled speCimens. II. PH YSIOLOGICAL BOTANY This is a laboratory course in pla nt hi s tolog y, s uppl e mented by lectures on' plant phYSiology It belo ngs to th e senior year of the Course.



III. ECONO!I;IIC BOTANY This is a general review of t he history and use of econo mic food, medicinal anci timber plants, including a discussion of some of the most noxious weeds, with suggestions for their eradication. In the last term of th e senior year, two afternoons a week are devoted to the collection of a small local herbarium.

CHEMISTRY. PROFESSOR WIDTSOE. 1. ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY This is a study of the important facts and fundamen tal theories of chemistry; the laws of chemical combination, the writing of reactions, and practice in sol ving stoichiometrical problems, together with th e applic'ltions of chemistry in the arts and manufactures. Students taking this subject must also take the cour e in elementary practical chemistry II. ELEMENTARY PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY This course suppl ements' the preceding course and furnishes the necessary practical preparation for qualitative analysis. The non -metallic e lements, mainly , are studied with r eference to th eir co mbinations with each other, their reactions are verified, and the facts and th eories of the lecture room are tested by expe rim ents.

III. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. This course runs parallel with and supplements the descriptive study of the metals ?nd their compounds. Under the direction of the instructor In chemistry the students apply with their own hands the r~agents nece sary t o determine the composition and propertIes of chemical compounds. They thus gain a practical knOwledge of the methods of chemical analysis and manip~lation Each student is required to analyze and report on ,orty unkn own SUbstances. This work is deemed extremely l11 I portant from an ed ucational as well as from a practical POInt of view.路 Laboratory work occupies six hour a week for thirty weeks.



IV QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS . In this course t h e s tudent is g ive n practice in th e t y pi cal methods o f prox imate a nd ultima t e qu antit a t ive ch emi cal a n a lysis . A ft er the n ecessary introdu ct ory p r act ice sampl es of wa ter s, soils, ores, a gricultural produc ts, a nd foods a re a n al ~' zed a nd reported u po n. Th e wor k of t h e Ex per i ment S t a tion ch e mic:ll la boratory f urnish es a good opportunity fo r th e s tudy of methods o f a n alysis . T he course consists lar gely of labora t ory w ork . V O lWANIC CHEMISTRY This course is pl a nn ed for students who intend to fit themse lves fo r pro fessional work in che mis try It consis t s of a brief s urvey of th e reactions and compounds of th e fa tty a nd a r oma ti c eries of h ydrocarbons a nd their deri vatives, t ogeth er with a full discussion of th e n a ture a nd influ en ce of molecul ar structure . In the laboratory the student mak e a number of organic prepa ra tions, which in t heir for mation in volve t h e methods of oxid a tion, reduction , SUbs titution a nd sy nth es is . IV AGRICULTU 1~AL CHEMISTRY This is a eries of lectures treatin g of th e ch emical problems of agriculture, compos ition of pl a nts, so urces of pl a nt food, ch emistry l)f a nim al nutrition , soil s and d a iry produ cts. In the laboratory are tau g ht th e m ethods of agri cultural ana lysis. JOTE:

Eat;h st u d e nt t a ld n g a l aboratory co u rse ill c h e mi s try i s r eq uired to de-

pos it $2.50 for the fir t te rm a n d $1.25 for each succeeding te rm , to pay f o r ch e micals, a n d t o co ve r breakage .

COMMERCIAL BRANCHES. P ROFESSOR 1. PR ACTICAL BOOKKEEPING. Th e student obtains sottle capita l, r ents a place of b usin ess, deposits hi s money in the . . . . to bank, tra n sacts all kinds of business, th p.r eby bnng 1n g In. lI d aily use s uch busin ess to rms as notes, drafts, checks, bt h eads, s t a t ements, ship pin g in voices, a Cfount sales. receipts, de posit slips, certificat es of deposit, mort~age deeds, leases, in ura nce policies, bills of exchange. bills 0





sa le. H e is k ee ping books acco rdin g t o the sh ortest and most approved methods in various kinds of business, such as ge nera l me rch a ndise, g rocery, dry goods, cl othing, coal, lumbe r, furnitur e, dru g , j obbin g, commission and s hippin g, brokerage, real <'st a t e, and fo r j oint st ock co mpanies and corpora tions. V ari ous business r el ations ar e enter ed into in th e fo rm a tion of age ncies, pa rtners hips, j oint st ock cc.,mpani es a nd co rpor a tions. II. HI STO RY OF COMMERCE. This work is don e by recitation s a nd lectures. Th e s tudent ma kes a careful study of the prin cipa l countri es of th e wo rld fr om whi ch such st a pl e a rticles of co mmerce as food, t extil e a nd min era l s ubstances, metals a nd m a nu fac tured prod uc ts a re obtained. H e not es t he k ind s a nd a mount of such products from th ose co untries, an d th e depe nd ence of each upon every other f<.r th e nece saries a nd lu xuries of life, h e lea r ns h ow ma rket s ar e cr eated a nd co ntroll ed , ho w waterw ays a nd r a ilways affo rd a ready means o f tra nsportati on a nd influ ence trade, and h ow th e improved m a il , post a l, t elephone a nd t eltgra ph ser vices facilita t e the inter ch an ge of th ou g ht a nd a lso influence trade . S t a tistics a re gather ed sh owing the m agnitude of the world's productio n. Practical comm ercial probl ems of th e day a re discussed in class. III. COMME RCIAL L AW This embraces a study of the customs and the la w of the na ture, form a tion , oper ation, interpret a tion , a ud di ch a rge of contracts, including a g ency, part nership , corpor路atiol1 , bill s, not es and checks, purchase and sale of personal property, g-uara ntee or suretyship, limi t a tion of the time t o sue, commission mer ch a nts and brokers, ag reem e nts for person al ser vices, ba ilments, in surance, t elegra phic communica tion. pa t ents , copyright, trade mark, real est a t e conveyances, a nd the busin ess a nd legal forms th a t a re used to carryon trade. COMMERCI AL CALCULATIONS. This consist s in a drill in measuremen t s, metri c syst em , percentage, profit a nd loss, commission, inter est , discount, s tor age, equation of acCOunts, partnership settlements, a nd all the probl ems that





th e ave ra/?"e bus iness m a n is called upo n t o solv e. S h ort methods are s tudied a nd practical devices presented . V. BUSINESS ECONOMICS. Th e eco nomi c l aws of trad e, th e general prin cipl es of Political Economy techni call y applied to co mm erce, a nd ge nera l busi~~ ess methods a r e ca r efu ll y ex amined.

VI. P ENMANSHIP. A plain legible sty le of writing, with a rapid movement, is taug ht dail y throughout the yea r. It is r eq uired of com mercial studen ts; elective to oth ers.

VII. SClE CE OF BOOKKEEPING. This e mbraces th e underlying principle. of sin g le and double ent ry bookkeeping; opening and closing books; journalizing, posting and classifying accounts. Especial atte ntion is g iven to ma king- th e original o r char ge entry, th e legal as well as th e scientific fea ture of th e entry being kept 路in min d. VIII. STENOGRAPHY. This is requi red of second year students in th e S hort Comm erc ial course, and of junior s tudents in the four years' Co mm erc ial Course. G rah am's syst em of Standard Phonography is t aug ht. The class is gi ve n on e hour's instruction daily throughout th e year. Ml{. DH VDEN. T ext Book: Grah am's Handbook . IX . T VPEWHIT ING is required of a ll first yea r stud en ts in both comm e rcia l co urses. Three diffe rent kinds of ma chin es are used, th e R emington , the Ca ligrap h , and th e Smith-Premier. An hour a day is g ive n to ty pewriting throu g h out the year. MR. DRYDEN.

DO i\'l ESTle ARTS. !.


E XPLANATION. Th e course for young women g i ves th e sa me general trainin g in English, German, Mathematics



a nd 'S cie nce th a t is g i" e n in th e 'oth er co urses, togeth er with s pecia l stud ies adapt ed to wo man's wur k. 1. L AUNDRY I NG occu pies t h e fall term and cons ists of pract ica l work a lte rn at ing wit h 路lect ures. 路 T he pract ice i ncl ud es pl a in w bi te washin g a nd remov in g st a ins, clear s tarchin g, best meth ods of do in g up fi ne mull , of ironing s hirts, cu ffs and coll a rs, washin g fla nn els, a nd clea nin g silk a nd fi ne woolen g ,)Qds. Th e lectures treat of th e che mis try of th e various mater ia ls used a nd of h a rd waters a nd th e process of so ftenin g th em. Soa ps, washin g flui ds, bl eachin g po wC:ers, bluin gs a nd s t a rc h a r e disc usserl in t heir scienti fic a nd p r acti ca l r elations to lau ndry work.

2. FRUIT WOHK in cl ude cannin g by va ri ous method, a nd ma kin g a ll kinds of pr eser ves a nd ma rm a lade; diffe ren t meth ods of ma kin g j ell ies, a nd experim e nts with g reen a nd ripe fruits; th e m aking o f all kinds of ketchups, s picf'd f ruit s, s wee t a nd so ur pickles, t a bl e sauces a nd meat rel ish es; th e prepa rin g of fruit juices, cor d ia ls and syrups. Th e la tter pa rt of the te rm's work is a co urse of lect ures on th e chemical n at u r of fruit , its acids and s ugars; t h e valu e of fruit as food, a nd its action on th e hum a n syst em; th e cause. of f ruit fer mentat ion, and a study of a ntisep tics. 3. COOK I NG L ECTURES treat of ma rke tin g a nd th e selection of food; gener al rules of mea::;urin g and mixing; best meth ods of ba kin g a nd bo ilin g ; dee p a nd s h a ll ow fr y ing; t h e ge ne ral che mistry of cookin g; carvin g a nd ser vin g o f food. 4. COOK I NG P RACTICE includ e all kind s of pl a in a nd some fa n cy cookin g , cove rin g in a genera l way all th e s u bj ects wit h w hic h a h ousekee per in moderate circum st a nces nee ds to be fa mili a r. Dem onstra ti on lessons a re g iven at var io us tim es throug h out th e term on subjects d iffi cult of treatm en t in the ge nera l prac tice. A three-course lun ch is se r ved da ily d urin g t he winter t erm. M embers of th e class tak e turn in presidin g as h ost ess a t the t a bl e, carvin g a nd ser vin g pla tes a nd looking after th e needs of th e gu est s; they a lso t ake turn s in waiting


AG"rcuLTuH A L


upo n th e tabl e. Th e co nfid ence and s kill thu s acq uired are invaluabl e to th em.

5. SClENCE OF NU1' I~ I 'l' I O J is a s tudy of food s, th e ir ch emica l compos iti on , ch ara cter is ti cs, d igestibility; th e way in which th ey nuuri s h th e body; the bes t foods to be given in certa in dis eases; th e bes t fo od for young children; effect of age, climate a nd occup a ti on o n amount and kind of food r eq ui red. In connect ion ,vith th ese lectures , about fo rt y lesson s are g i\'en in p repa ring food for th e sick. 6. HYGIENE trea ts of s<lnita ry co nditi ons about th e home ; dangers fro m d a mp and uncl ean ce ll ars , foul drains and sinks; venti lation, h eatin g a nd li g hting; instructi ons especially necessa ry to women on the ca re of personal h ealth ; hom e nursing-, with illus trativ e lessons on changing beds fo r th e sick . 7. HOUSE HOLD MAKAGEMEJ l' consis ts 0f lectures on th e co nv eni e nt arrangement and eco nomi cal furnishing of roo ms; the best metb ods of doing a ll kind s of h ouse work, w ith a view to econom y of tim e a nd s tre ngth; duti es of mistress and servants; e nterta inm e nt of g uests, and many other subj ects of interest t o th e home- make r. 8. AESTHETICS is th e science of t ast e a nd beauty. Th e co urse includ es talks on fine china,pictures, furniture, decora tions fo r th e hom e, h ar mony of colo rs, tas t e in dress, and kindred subjects.


SEf;f!l N (;.

MISS BOWEN. EXPLA:-\A1'ION. Besid es th e general advantages derived from indu stri a l edu cation, th e obj ec t of this bran ch is to g iv e a practical training in the sew in g which every househ old requires. Neatn ess of work is insi st ed upon. The s tud e nt provid es material and makes h e r own garments. 1.


Practice is given firs t in th e various





hand st itches used in muslin and woolen g'oods; overh angin g , runnin g, h em min g, h emstitchin g, ove rcas tin g, felling, gath eri ng and strok in g gathers, buttonholes, g usse t , patching and darning, French h e m o n damask, etc. 2. Dl~ES S;\1AK [ NG. A t 1e;'tsf two ITIus lin garm ents a re m ade. A gown is cut ou t , basted and entirely made by th e st uden t. 3. DES[GNING,CUTTI ' G AND FITTI ' G. Ins tru ction is given by talks on grace in des ign of costum e a nd h a rmony of co lor. Specia l atten tion is g i ven to hygieni c modes of dress. Th e stud ent is t a ug ht to m ,lke drawings of th e costumes which s h e designs. She a lso learns to draft patterns from m eas urements. Further practice is given in cuttin g a nd fitting. 4. FANCY W')RK. This course in cludes K ensin gto n em broidery, R om an cut-work, Spanish la id-wo rk, drawnwork, jeweled embroidery, a nd modern lace-making. 5. MII_LINEHY. This co urse co mpris es ins truction in frame-making, facings, shirring, m akin g bows, lining, wirin g, and th e like_ General instru ction is g i ve n in makin g tasteful hats a nd bonnets.


PROFESSOR CANNO , . 1. FREEHAND DRAWING. This consis ts tn lesso ns and practice, perspective sk etching from casts, and simpl e s tudies in li g ht and s h adow. It is required of all freshmen, th e exercises coming three time a week during the yea r. It is made to includ e indu strial design. The junior students in the Domestic Arts Course have special tra ining in designing an d elementary art, s uitab le for young women.

II. MECHANICAL DRAWIN G is taught during the entire junior year. Students in this class are required to make



wdrking drawings, bot h d tai l and asse l1bl y , f ro m meas ure me nt. Simple' d es ign s illustra tin g th e p rin cipl es taught in th e cla::;s in mech an ism form a prominent feature. N eatn ess and accuracy of execution d e terminl! l a rgely th e standard of markin g.

III. D ESCR IPl'IVE GBoMErRY i ' confined to the rep ree ntation o f probl e ms, a nd th e so lu tion of problems relating to ge'lmetrical mag n itudes in space. It is made t o cove r orthoiS' raphi c p roj ec ti o.1s and deve lopment ; proj ection s of plan e and solid figures; cu r ved su rfaces a nd tangent planes; s h ades and sh ado ws; construction of map so lutions of problems r el a tin g to geom e trical magnitude.





I t is the obj ect of this department to make good read ers, easy con ve rse rs and fluent speakers ; to m ake th e voice and the body fit in s trum ents t o se r ve the so ul and mind. Th e cou rse then will in cl ucl e th e develop ment of the voice and th e tra ining- of th e body to respond to the ch a nges of thought a nd e moti on. 1. R EADING. Th work consists at a study o f so me of the min or English classics. Those read during th e p ast sch oo l year we re SC0tt'S Ladv of tlte Lake, L ongfell ow 's Mdes tandislt, Pope's Essay ()1l C-rtiict'sm, A rn old 's Solt1'ab and RltStltllZ, and Shakespeare's .lltlilts Ccesa1'. Th e obj ect o f this work is to f urni s h profitable d rill in th e art of r eading a nd in cid e nt il lly to cr eate a taste for O'ood literature. It is required of a ll s ub 路freshmen. II. ELOCUTION. 1. Thi s is made to emb race voice culture, articulatio;,! a nd plain read in g . 2. Inflection, pronunciation, gesture a nd express ion in r ead ing. 3. Gesture co ntinu ed , practical work in r cita tions and impers('.nation .




III. DECLAMATION AND RECITATIOX . All freshmen mee t twi ce a week during th e year fo r declamations a nd recitations prev ious ly prepared. These exe rcises aim to apply the gen era l principles of eloc ution. Th e drill gives prominence t o correct ptonuhdatloiI, a na distinct enun ciation, as well as to posture and gesture. Each s tud er;t is expec ted to prese nt a n exercise once a fortnight or as often as th e number in classes or divisio ns will a ll ow.



1. H YDRAULICS. This includes a di sc ussion of th e fundam enta l la ws governing the eq uilibrium of fluids; th e flow through orifi ces a nd pipes , ove r we irs and in ope n ch ann els; th e measurement of wa ter ; th e action of water upon vanes, water-wheels and pumping e ngines. TEXT BOOK: M erriman's Hydraulics.

2. IlHHGATION E GINEER JNG includes th e location, grades, cross-sections, et c. , of ca na ls; th e design and const ru ction of flum es, head-gat es, divers io n we irs and dams; pipe irri gatio n a nd in ve rted s ipho ns; rainfa ll, evaporation a nd seepage; me th ods of irriga tion; duty of water; windmill s, artesia n wells, et c. 'rEX'!' BOOK: Wilson's Manual 0./ Irrigation and works o f refer nce. 3. ELEMENTARY S URVÂŁYING embraces the adjustmen t of in struments, the locatio n of railways, pipe lines and canals, city, mining and hydra ulic s urveying . Field practice in th e afternoon of th e first and th ird terms. T EXT BOO K: J ohn son 's Surveying. 4. HI GHER SURVEYING. Measuring base lines, triangula-





tion, practical as trono my, th e deter mination of the meridia n, tim e, latitude, long itude. T EXT BOOKS: J ohn on's Su?"ve'l'ing-; M erriman 's Geodesy . .). MATERI ALS OF ENGINEERING. This is a course of daily lec tures through out the last t erm to s u pple ment t he practical knowledge ob t a in ed in the carpentry, foundry, blacksmith and m achin e sh::>p , by notes o n stone, bri c k , lime, cement, iro n, st eel and alloys. 6. R OADS AND PAVEMENTS. Co untry roads a r e discussed along with hig hw ays, their locatio n, constructi o n and maintenan ce; th e pavin g of city streets and sid ewalks; th e material s used and th e mdde of constru ction . Text Book: Bryne' H igllway COllst1'ltctÂŁOll. 7. R OOFS AND BRIDGES. This is an applica tion of the study of mechanics to roofs and bridges; dead a nd live loads; lat eral truss systems; pin connected structures; ri vets and riveting; ma rketable forms of iron a nd steel a nd their appli cation in designing roofs and bridges. T ex t Book: Johnson's Tll eory and Practice of Modern Fmmed Structures. 8. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING embr aces water-works systems; gas a nd electric lighting; rapid transit and sewera ge. Lecture Notes. 9. APl' LIED ELECTRICI'l'V. To streng th en th e ci vii and mech anical engineering departments it is intended soon to appo int an instructor in this sUbj ect. In th e mean time the sen ior students will receive a course of lectures on the electric transmission of power and its efficiency as compared with compressed a ir ; th generation of e lectric power by means of water; power h ouses a nd th e elect ri c street railways. 10. SUMMER R EPORT. Each studen t , upo n ente ring th e senior yea r in civil engin eerin g, is required to present a re-



port prepared by himself during the s ummer vacation on some struct ura l work con nected with th e profession.



1. ELEMENTS OF MECHANISM. This inclu des a consid eration of th e various forms of motion and its production; link motions a nd th eir modification as used in machinery; cam and wiper outlin es; wheel trains a nd aggregate motions; design and construction of gear teeth; mechanism of special machinery. This subj ect deals with th e purely geometrical relations of machin ery, rather th a n w ith the form and design of a rticu la ting parts.

2. METALLURGY OF IRON AND STEEL. This embraces a s tudy of th e principal iron ores a nd their red uction accl)rding to modern methods, a nd th e processes employed in the preparation of the iron into th e var ious forms used for genera l and construction purposes. 3. STEAM ENGINERRING. This begi ns with a study of the vario us forms of val ve gears now in com mon use, which is followed by th e study of th e various forms of eng-ines; the principles of thermodynamics according to the mechanical th eory of h eat and its application to the steam and other vapor engines; boilers a nd boiler design and construction; a lso meth ods of testing st ea m engines and st ea m boilers. A careful study is made of such data as have been secu red from reliable t ests in li eu of making actual t es ts. 4. ApPLIED MECHA rcs. A general discussion is given of th e relation of forces and t heir effects in the production of motio n ; the derivation and application of formulc.e, based upon th e strength of materi a ls as determined from actual experiment on full sized pieces, and used in determining th e size of parts to be used in all engineering structures. Much




s tress is laid upon thi subj ect as bein g' th e chi ef corn er s ton e in the foundation of a n en g in eering professio n. 5. DYN AMICS OF MACH INES . Th e ge neral e ffects of th e in e rtia o f th e m cwing pa rts of m achin es a re discussed . 6. POWEl~ M EASUREMENT AN D T RANSM ISS ION. This is a study of th eory of fri cti on a nd suitable co-efficient fo r u se with various ma t erials a nd kinds of j oints; fri ction br ak es and dyna momet ers; lu bricat ors and th eir uses; tr ansfe rence of power by m eans of ri g id contact . r ope a nd belt d rivin g, compressed fluid s . a nd electrical tra ns miss ion. 7. MACHINE DESIGN . In m achin e desig n each s tudent is r equired t o ma ke a ce rtain number of desig ns carrying out th e prin cipl es o f appl ied m ech a nics and dyn a mi cs of machin es in al1 calcul ati ons. Boil ers , pa rts of en g ines, pul1 ey and g ear s hafts, a nd h a ngers, form s uit able ex ampl es for thi s work. Th e class work consis ts of lectures and drawing. 8. THESIS. In gener al a g r adu a tin g th e is in thi s course sh ould co nsist of th e execution of an ori g in al desig n with a descripti ve disserta tion, or a discussion of so me current engin eering probl em, or th e r esult of so me ori g in al research, experim ental or th eoreti cal. For a description of courses in h y draulics, muni cipa l and irrigation engin ee rin g, ma t eri als of eng in eerin g , a pplied electricity , see " Ci vil En g ineerin g ." For a description of courses 'in m ech a nical drawin g and descriptive geo metry , see " Dr awing ." F or shopwork, see " Mech anic Arts." F or other courses, see' 'Physics a nd Math ema tics. "







1. ENGLISH GRA~lMAl{ . Th e wo rk in Engli s h e mbr aces g ra mmar, rh etori c a nd litera tur , and run s pa ra ll el t hroug h a ll th e fo ur-year co urses. In gram ma r, a ft er a rev iew of e ty mo logy, with special a ttention to t h e fo rma t io n of th e ve rb , th e structure of th e E ng lis h sente nce is car eful ly exa min ed. Nea rly _a term i-s spe nt in a na lyz ing- sente nces f ro m classic auth ors. 'rhis work occu pies t he fa ll term .

2. ELEME_ TARY R HETOltIC. This incl ud es th e p rin cipl es of inv entio n, the elements of sty le and th e diffe rent fo rm s of co m position . Th e prepara ti on of manu sc ri pt fo r th e printer is tau g ht in co nn ecti on with th e w ritten work . Essays a re req uired onc-e a fo rt nig ht, mostly rep rod ucti ons, illus tr a tin g th e laws of descr iption a nd na rra tion. The narrative poe ms fro m th e t ex t book in liter a ture, wit h th e las t class, BrÂŁtis/z M asterpt"eces, f urni s h ma tter for r eprod ucti on a nd s tudy in ve r ifica tion. This work occupi es the winte r t erm. 3. A ltGUMENTATIVE RT-IE1'OHIC. Ins t ead of more a d va nce d ge ner a l rhetor ic, the rul es of a rg- ument ar e studied; a nd to illus trat e a nd enforce these, some m aster pieces a r e cri ti cally exa min ed . S peech es of B urke a nd W ebster furni sh s uita bl e m at eria l. Freq uent or a l a nd w ritte n exe rcises make the work entirely practical ; de ba tes, written a nd or a l, ar e h a d o n q ue ti ons of gener a l in te res t. Each stu de nt presents three written exe rcises. Th e wo rk goes th ro ug h t h e sopho more year , twice a week. 4. LITERATURE. The fi rst wo rk in literature foll ows the e lement ary rhetoric, occupy ing t h e third t erm of th e f r eshm a n year. It is a critical study of th e sh ort, compl ete cl a ss ics-essays, poems of various kinds, s peec h es, ske tch es a nd stories. Enoug h of each au thor a nd his tim es is told in





familiar lectures to awaken ill terest, a n d ~ h ow th e occas iuo o f th e prod uction . In this work const a n t refere nce is m ade t o rh eto r ical principles , and th e s ty le of d i ffe re nt a u t h ors is carefully co mpared, and botb s t y le and form arc s tudi ed with refer ence t o the t hou g h t and sen tim e n t. The fo ll owing te:'( ts h ave be' e n read : Sbakespea r ~ 's .11('1'c/ulill (~f l fll irc; Bacon's Essays- S lections; M ilton 's L 'Alle,rro , I I PeII SC1'OSO , Hymu, and Lycido :;; Addison's S ir R oge1' D e C()ver~l'; P ope's R ape of tlz e Lock ; G ray 's Elegy ilt a Cu nlltJ:y Clllt rcl!y aJd; Go ldsm it h 's D eserled Vtllage, and Traveller; B urn s's Co ltar's Satllrday N i!5'ltt, a n d some ot h er poe ms ; Word s worth 's Ode 011 I mmorlality, a nd n arr at i ves f rom 'l lie EXCll?'sio'll; Irving 's Sketclzboo/.:; T en nyso n's Uzvsses , L ock'sley H all, Ell 0 cit Ardeu ; Dickens's Cilristmas G lrol5 ; se lect io ns from Eme rson, L owe ll, Ho lm es, Longfe llow, a nd Hawth or ne; the se lec lion s in Swin ton's /vl aslerpieces, Pa n caa t 's NejreselJlative LI'.~e ra足 ture ; p ., in ter's i llirocill ctioll,' Sy le's F?'olll ,Wd ton to TellllVSOli, 8n/is ft /)//asle?pieces. 5. H1 S'!'O I~V OF LrTRL'ATUHE . The seco nd course is g iv en to a his tori cal s urv ey of lite ra ture, fr om Chauce r to th e pr se nt ti me. Sufficient a tte nt ion is g i ve n t o th e leading autho rs of th e differ ent peri ods to make e \'id e nt th e ch a ra cte ri s tics of t h eir thought a nd style. Th e Engli s h dra ma rece i ves 'pec ial atte ntion, and on e d ay eac h wee k is g iv e n to rea ding S h ak e. pear e. M uch of th e t i me i given to th e criticaJ.readi ng of suc h t exts as s u pp le men t, but not d u pIica te th e firs t a nd third co urses, mu c h of th e t ud y bein g reported in e says. Thi s is th e wo rk o f a ll ju ni or s for th e fir s t t erm. 6. L IT~: l~ATURE: MA S'J'EHPJ ECES. T h e las t term of th e se ni o r year 'is g ive n to th e s tud y of longe r m ast erpieces. An th e important for m of lite rature are laid under co ntrib ution - th e dra m a, th e epic, th e lyric, th e nov el, the essay biog raphi cal a nd criti cal, th e v ratio n and hi sto r y, One week is g iven t o each piece selected . Th e work of the classroo m is la rg ely a re port of students, eith r ora l or writte n, on what th ey h ave done by th e mse lves.



Th e fo ll owin g course, or it 路 equ i valent- tex ts cha ngi ng somewhat fr om yea r to yea r- is req uired of a ll se nior s, third t er m . ' Shakespeare, two g reat traged ies, l-famZet, Macbctll , L ea?', Otllello; W ebster, R eply to l ial'lIc; Bur ke, COJlCll/aLion 'wlill A m erican Colonies; Macau lay, Essay 0 11 JIIhZ/on a nd Addl'son,' Milton and Carlyle Essay oli/ollllson; Milton, P mudt.'se Lost, I. an d 11. , Sam soll Agollistes : Carl yle, Essay 011 BtUIlS, H ero as Propltet; T ennyso n, Pr/ltCeSs, or selected poe ms; Motley, Peter tlte (x'1'eat , or Southey, Nelson,' George EI iot, Sdas Manzer,' Wordsworth, .!:Jelecled Poems, Ed. by M. Arnold; By ron , Cltlide Ha1'old.



This is th e onl y foreig n language taught in th e in stitution, and is in three courses , three hours a week, during th e junio r and se nior yE'ars. Th e Ge rman s are now the leaders in agricultural science. The advanced student of agriculture must be abl e t o read th e literature on his SUbj ect co ming- from th e German press. Moreover a knowl edge of German is d ee med esse ntial to a liber a l education. Th ese are the r easons for the a pp earan ce of this la nguage in th e e courses. . Oral and written exercises are accompani ed by . conversation, making more familiar th vocabulary and accustoming th e ear as well as the eye t o th e word s. In tb e tim e a ll otted only th e framework of th e language can b mastered ; but enough i given to ena bl e the student to pro ecute inde pe nd ent study <wd con s ult German books. After compl eting th e Joynes- Meissner Gram112a1' and R eading-book, s tudents are given. uc h scientific r ea ding material as will best equip th em for using works of refe re nce and th e pUbli cations of scientific institutions and soc ieties; or such selection s from classic German literature as are adapted to awak en an interest and stimulate further





reading Dippold's Scientific German R eader , Willtelm T ell, Nat/zan D er Wetse, E.!!路IIZOllt, H enna /tit {tlld D orot/tea, R etsebilder, Ekke/zart, Pder '::'cI/lemiltl, Dcts A ulle f-ferz , So/lund /laben

ENTOM OLOGY. Th is \vork exte nd s over two te rms and consists of lectures and laboratory work. In t h e first t e rm th e student acquires a ge neral kn o wl edge of the tru cture a nd classificat ion o f th e in sect g roup. T he second t erm is devoted to lectures on econom ic ento mology, the most commo n insec t pests, and r emed ies for th eir con trol, together w ith methods for apply in g insec ticid es, a re co ns idered.

GEOLOGY AND 1\IINERALOGY. PHOFESSOH WIDTSOE. I. MINEHALOGY A ' D As. AVING . A sys te matic study is made of th e important miner al species acco rding to Dana's classification Much practice is giyen in blow-pipe analysi a nd det erminati ve mineralogy, a nd in co nnection with th e former, th e simpl e meth ods of dry assayin g are taught. '1'0 th ose especially interested in th e s ubject, opportunities are given t o r practice in all methods of dry a nd wet assaying II. GEOLOGY AND LI'l'H OLOGY A course is given in general and economi c geology in which particular attention is g i ven to d ynamical and structura l geology Along wit.h the occurrence of rocks, their mineralog ical composition IS a lso stud ied . Th e in struction 1:, based 0 11 a t ext-book but supplementary lectures are given. Weekly exc ursions give practice in geological fi eld work and material for reports.



HISTORY. PHOFF.SSOR J OHN T CAINE, JH. T h e chi ef Obj ects of this s tudy a re th e fix ing of th e principal g reat histo rical events in th e memory, the tra inin g of the rea on a nd th e hist o ric sense, and the culti vation o~ th e taste for hi sto rica l r ead in g Ou t lin es a re ma de a nd memorized, a nd qu estio ns are sugges ted th a t' require research , and st imu late i ndepe nd en t t h oug ht. Whil e ori g in a l so urces cannot well be exami ned, conside ra bl e reference read in g is required. Fo r this purpose, the Coll ege libra ry is better equipped in th e department of historical liter ature, th a n in any o th er A g ener al t ex tbook used , but no s la vis h follo win g of a nyone boo k si ex pect ed. Time is t ak en to co mpa re conflicti ng s ta tements of fact, a nd differ ent inte rpretatio ns. All ava ilab le so urces o f infor ma ti on a re used. Th e work extends th roug h th e fi rst t er m of th e freshma n year, five tim es a wee k. I. GlmC IA H ISTORY Th e first period of s tudy is g ive n to Grec ian hist ory, so me attention being paid to Oriental n ations, especia lly t o those events which influ enced in a noti ceable ma nn er subsequ e nt European nations. Most of the tim e is occupied with a study of the conflictin g cities and States of Greece, their advan cem ent in ora to ry, litera ture and the fine a rts. II. ROMAN H ISTORY A ttention is then g ive n to th e history of Rome- her ri se, r a pid ext ensio n , wo nder ful vig or, th e ex t ension of h er powe r, h e r fall a nd fi na l extinction, the surv ival of h er better qu alities, ~ nd th e gradu a l devel opment of th e n a tions of modern Europe. III. ENGLISH HISTORY In s uccession a ttention is given t? th e histo ry of E ng land as th e g reat exponent of hum a n lIberty, th e rise a nd ext ensio n f) f h er institutions, th e se f~lement of her American Colonies, and th e gro wth of h er Ideas and civilization on A merican soil.




HOR'L'IC ULTURE. EXPLANATION. This sUbject occ upi es fiv e hours a wee k during the seco nd and third terms of the junior year of th e long Agricultura l Course and during the same term s of th e second yea r of th e short co urse. Five hours a week are alsu devoted to this ubject during the first t e rm of th e junio r year in the Dome tic Arts and General Scie nce Courses. Th e work will be as follows: 1. PROPAGAT IO N AND PRUNING. The first t erm is occupied with plant propagation; a di scussion of th e prin cipl es und erlying it and of special methods, as seeding, budding and the various met hods of grafting. Some tim e is a lso devoted to a discu sion of th e genera l principles on which the practice of pruning is based. During this t erm two h ours each week are devoted to pruning, grafting', m akin g cuttings a nd oth e r work in th e propagating h o w~ e.

II. PO MO LOGY. In th e second term th e s ubj ect of pomology proper is taken up, including th e ch oice of fruit land s, th eir culti vation a nd th e main te nan ce of their fer til it v; th e planting of orchards and other fruit plantation; ch oice of tr~es and seled iol1 of varieties; the diseases of plants and th e prin cipl es and practice of sp ray in g . III. GENERAL HowrrCUI.TuRE. The term in th e Domestic A rts a nd Gener al Science Courses is morc gen er a l, including a part of what is g i ven in each ot the two t erms in the Agricultural Course. IV. FLOH.IcuLTUlm. This is t a ug ht during the pring term of th e junior year in the Domestic Arts Course . It deal s with th e propaga tion a nd care of house plants, the flow er garden and th e planting and care of the home grounds. S o far as possible th e work in the class-room is supplemented by actual practice in th e green-house and on th e college grounds.




I. ALGEB I< A. . A. th. o r.o uK l~,l i.n ~ h ~ e l.e ments of A lgeb ra, w it h pec ia l attenti o n t o f r actions, fac t o ring, s imult a neo us eq u a tio n s, i 11 vol ution a nd evol utio n, a nd radi ca l ex pressions , is g iv e n all fr eshm en eve ry d ay during th e first t erm . II .. PLANE GEOMETR Y. Oral a nd wri tten r ec: t a tio ns in th e c le ments of P lane Geo me try a r e req uired o f fr es hme n h a lf th t im e durin g th e w inte r a n d spri ng t erm s. III. HI GHER ALGEBI<A e mbraces a study of quadratic equati o ns ; s imple ind e t e rminate equation s, in equ a lities , theory of expo n ents; loga rithm s; r atio a nd variation ; se ries and th e bin o mial a nd exponenti a l th eo r e ms, during th e fal l t erm of t h e so phomo re yea r. IV. SOLID GEOMETRY invo lv es recit a ti ons o n th e r ela ti on o f li ne and pl a nes in space; a rea of su rfaces; volume of soli ds; a []~ th e solution of pra~ tica l problems. It com es in th e firs t t e rm soph omo re yea r. V. T I<IGONOMETRY e mbraces a s tudy of th e use of loga rithms in th e so luti o n of ri g h t a nd o bl ique tri a ngles , and th e d educ tio n a nd u se of trigo no m e tric formul<e . S eco nd t erm sop h o mor e yea r.

VI. SURVEYING occ upies el even weeks, two recita tio ns a w ee k, a nd four h o urs fi e ld practice a week. The sol ution of practical pro bl e ms ; the use of th e com pass and trans it in th e measure me nt of distan ce by triangulation and in land s ur veyi ng; a nd the use of th e leve l in es tablishing grad es, a r th e m os t import a nt features of the work. VII. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY e mbraces th e r efe re nce o f points a nd lin es to co-ordin a t e axes a nd th e dedu c tion of eq uatio ns of th e s traight line and curves of th e conic secti o ns.

VIII. CALCULUS . A g e n eral s urv ey of the diffe r ential calculus is g-ive n t ogeth e r with solution of high er plane




curves, and th e o rdinary methods of integration , followi n g Osborne 's text. Other courses in applied mathematic are described under Civil and Mechanical Engineering





Instruction is given during the th e reg ul a r s hop hours on th e various operations througho ut th e cou rse, and includes the preparation of st eel and iron for the mech a nic arts, th e felling and seasoning of timber, select ion of mat erials, et c.



1. BENCH WORK IN WOOD includes exercises in plan in g, sawing, chiseling, rabbeting, plowing, splicing, mo rtising. t enoning, dov e-tailing, framing, paneling, and general use of carpenter's t ools.

2. WOOD T URNING covers all th e prin ciples of straig ht turning, face plate and ch uck work. 3. IRON FORGING embraces drawing, bending, t wisting. cutting, punching, upse tting, welding, and the use of B~t足 ters, fullers, swages, etc. These principles a r e a pplied In the making of t ools fo r use in the shop. Other a rticles are made, such as andirons and orn'lmental gatE's, if time permits. 4. STEEL FORGING embraces the forging a nd tetnperi~g of punches, cold chisels, drills, lathe and plan~r springs, anG. th e welding of s teel to iron, anneahng. c hardening, and coloring are also taught.




S. CABINET MAKI "G is the actual construction of articles of furniture, this being a practical application of the prin路路 ciples learned in bench and lathe work, with some littl e wood carving added.

6. WOOD CARVING is given only to special students who have the n ecessary preparation . The work numbered 1 and 2 occupies the fall term of the freshman year, that marked 3 and 4, the winter term, that marked 5 and 6, the spring t erm. During the junior year hop-work is continued as follows 1 PATTERN MAKING embraces a number of exercises in the construction of simple and built up patterns and core boxes. 2. VISE WORK, in iron, embraces chippin g, filing, scraping-, thread cutting, hand polishing, cutting of kep seats, riveting, brazing and soldering MACHINE WORK embraces straight, paper and eccentric turning, thread cutting, face plate and chuck work, taper boring, use of boring bar, and milling on the engine lathe,, cutting of V, dove-tail and T grooves, and kep seating on planer, plain milling, grooving of taps, reamers, etc., gea r cutting and grooving of twist drills on milling machines, drilling and boring in drill press, grinding and buffing on emery wheel.

METEOROLOGY. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DRYDEN. This is an optional course for junior and senior student, and includes an elementary study of air pressure, humidity, temperature, rainfall, evaporation, wind velocity, th eory of torms, methods of forecasting, and a general study of the United States Weather Service, with special reference to th e relation of climate to h ealth and to agri.::ulture. The rea'lin g of the weather instruments in use at the College is made a part of the work.







This course is in charg of an office r of the United Stales Army, de tail ed by th e Secretary of Wa r. Th e Government furni s h es Springfield ca det rifles a nd eq uipm ent for infantry drill and two 3-in c h rifl ed -cann on for a rtill ery instru ction. A uniform of d a rk blu e is worn by th e cade ts, th e cost of which, incl udin g cap, is ab')ut fifteen dollars. Th e atte ntion of st ud e nts intending to enter College is call ed to the fact th a t this uni for m h as been found more serviceabl e th an a s uit o f civilia n clothes of the same price, a nd stude nts are r equir ed to make a rran ge ments so as t o be able to order this uniform whe n th ey en t er. On a ll occas ion of drill, or when stude nts a re rece ivi ng a ny oth er military in s tructi o n, th e unifo rm prescribed by th e College must b e worn. I. INFANTI~Y. This in cl ud es all the mov e ments d escribed in th e drill reg ul ations of th e U . S. A rmy, from gy mnas ti . instruction in the settin g u p exe rcises, the school of the sol die r, and bayonet exercise, to th e drill by C0mpan y a nd battalion; exe rci e in estim a tin g distances by sign and als') by ~ound; target practi ce with rifl e, 路 for which th e governmen t m a kes an a nnual a ll owance of am munition j instruct ion in s ign alin g with fl ag a nd in military t elegr aph y . II. ARTILLEHY. This e mbraces drill i:1 th e manual th e piece, and t a r ge t practice when practicable. III. Tr-rEolmTlcAL I NSTH UC TION . Dur ing th e wint r months w h e n outd oor drill a re n ecessaril y suspe nd ed, ir.s tructi on is g iv e n by m ea ns of recit ation from th e drill reg' ul at ions and by lect ures on the el e ments of military scie nce. Da il y f rom 1] :30 a. m. to 12:20 p. m. R equired o f all st ude nts exce pt juniors a nd se ni or . .





Pro vision is made for in struction on the Pian o, R eed Org a n and Guitar. Th ere are four s uperio r pi a nos a nd two cabin et organ s in th e College, and th e mu s ic r ooms will be used by pupils as h eretofor e. Bea utitul guitars of swee t . ton e are made in the wood-work shops. Deta ils as to tim e o f lesso ns and co nditions will be announ ced at the comm encement of each t erm. That mus ic is a great, perhaps th e greatest, refin er of hum a n nature is inco ntestabl e. Cruelty and brutality, generally th e accompaniment of uumelodious races, become rare as th e mu sical feeling- grows, and music is a predomin ant characteristic of r efin ed and gentle natures. Un-路 doubted ly, th erefo re. music may be made a potent factor in ci vilization, because the tende rest feelings of m en, cultured or uncult.ured, a re awakened by it. This r esult may be ob t ained more easily wh en the he art is f ully enlisted a nd the faculties of the mind are fully exercised , thus making mus ic on e of th e nobl est facto rs in th e education of th e soul. It is intended to fost er the taste for music among th e stud ents as full y as is con is tent with the pursuit of their studies ih oth er directions. Th e tim e devoted to music. including ch oir practice, is eleven h o urs a week throughou t the year. Th e courses a re o ptional.

PHILOSOPHY. P SYCHOLOGY is a study of th e principal facts and th eories of th e scien ce of mind, as an introduction to philosophy. The bearing of the subj ect on education is emphasized, and th e student is made familiar with the great names in philosophy, and with the main doctrines of the different schools.




U'I;A H,

L OGIC, Th e scie n ce of reaso nin g i con. ide red by textbook lesso ns fr o m th e J e vons -H ill 's L og ic. T h e ch a pte rs on Fo rm, Pr o positi ons , Syll og is m::;, In du ction, Ded u ctio n and 1< a ll acies a r e s tu d ied a nd recited. AEST HETI CS. A ser ies o f lesso ns is g i ven on th e sc ien ce of t "s te a nd th e th eo ries of t h e b ea utif ul in a r t a nd n a ture . R efere nce to th e his tory J. nd de ve lopm ent of th e fin e a r ts is fr equ e ntly m ade, a nd th e s Ubjec t is elu cidated by con cre te exampl es a nd s u g g es ti ve il lustra ti ons , Three t im es a w ee k th ro uf{h out th e fa ll t erm.


L CU L 'l' URE.

MI SS CA!\;'<ON. I. GV ~'lN A STlCS . Sys te matic exe rcises a re g ive n in fr ee gy mn as tics , and in li g ht gy mn asti cs w ith Indi a n cl ubs, dum b -bell s, s win gs a n d weig ht machin es.

II. L AD IES' M I LlTA I~ V D RILL, R eg- ular in fa ntry t acti cs w it h lig ht rifl es, occ u p ies th e samdim e wit h youn g wo me n, as with youn g me n .

PH Y HI C ~.

PrWFESSOH J ENSON. 1. E LE mNTARV Prr v,' lcs. This is a n in t rod uctory sc ie nce course; in whi ch th e im po rta nt la ws of n a tur al phil osoph y a re st a t ed a nd d isc ussed . The current h ypot hesis o f th e co ns ti tu tion of matte r is made t h e s u bj ct of especial s tudy and a ll prob le ms a r e refen- d b ack to it fo r t h eir jina l ex pl a n a tions. Illu s tra ti on of th e mode rn met hods of scie ntifi c reaso ning a re g i ve n , a nd numero us prac ti cal probl e ms, bea rin g on the s ubj ect in h a nd, a re solved in a nel out of th e class roo m.




This co ur e h as been in-



traduced es pecially for eng itJ ee rin g s tud ents. Th e law of conser vation of energy is made th e fundamental principl e, and th e relations and effects o f the various qualities are explained upon thi s basis. The mechanical eq uivalent of th ese forms of energy and th e processes of transform at ion from one form to another, and problems invol ving thi s principl e, a re made prominent features. III. ELEl\IENTA1{Y MECHAXICS. This in volves an elementary consider ation of th e compos ition and r esoluti on of fo rces, th e measurement of forces, dynamics, hydrostati cs, a nd pneumat ics, supplemented with num erous problems se lec ted from probable occurrences in th e construction of buildings and machin f>ry. IV. PHYSICAL L ABOltA1'OHY work includes measurements in h ea t and electricity. V. ADVANCED PHYSJCS . H eat , st eam eng in e, steam boilers, elec tri city, elements (If mechanism, and other cou rses in hig h er a nd applied phy ics are described und er Civi l and Mechanical Engineering.

POLITICAL SCIENCE. PH')FESSOR 'TANNER. 1. CIVIL GOVERNMENT AND COMMERCIAL LAW. A study is made of the tow ns hip, county, municipal, state, and nati onal government, s howing th e evolution of the hi g h e r from th e lower forms, with e pecial attention to th e o rigin of each form. The recent interpre tations of th e na ti on a l cons tituti on a re a lso cu nside red. Fiske's Civz'l Gove1'1tnze1lt a nd Cooley's COllstitutional Law. II. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Three recitations a week from MacVane's Polz'tz'cal Economy are s uple mented by illustrativ e stati sti cs, ex planations aud as igned readings. Original research and discuss ion are encouraged so as to give reality and inter est to th e co nsid eration of the economic problems that now engage the highest thought of the country.





This subject embraces . a series of lectures, wb ich are delive red five times a week throughout a whole year in both courses in agriculture. No attempt is made to turn out veterinarians in any sense of the word, but simply to g-ive the student of agriculture such an elementary knowledge of veterinary medicine as will enabl e him to treat some of the commonH and simpler forms of disease, to avoid dangerous exposure of the animals und er his care, and to recognize th e importance of strict attention to th e hygiene of his farm animals. The following is a short sy nopsis of th e work: 1. ANATOMY OF'l'HE HOR SE. This subject is studied in the following order during the fall t erm- Osseous syste m, muscular system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system , vascular system, nervous system, organs of generation.

II. MATERIA MEDICA. During the winter term general pathology, therapeutics and s urgery receive a ttention. During this term one or more horses are dissected. III. SPECIAL PA'L'HOLOGY and therapeuticf:1 ( contagious and infectious disease) and principles of horse shoeing are discussed.

MANUAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT. l\fEOHANIO ARTS COURSE. By means of a special app ropriation by th e Legislature of U t a h , the College offe rs a three years' course in Mechanic Arts, beginning with the year 1897-8. The obj ect of th e course is to afford stud ents adequat e tra ining in the use of h a nd a nd machin e t ools a nd to fit th em for industria l purs uits as proficient carpenters, smith s, machinists, or fo unders. The work w ill be made thorough a nd syst ematic. In th e assig nm ent of exercises th ei r appli cation to practical con structions is const an tly born in mind. Proficient workmen a re engaged on th e t eachin g staff and in stru ction is g iven by illus trative processes r ath er th a n by verbal expla-na tion. Accuracy a nd n eatn ess are in sisted upon in the makin g ofeven th e most trivial articles, thus inducing both dexterous ma nipul a tion and mental discipline. The a rra nge ment of the course is s uch th a t a ll stud ents enterin g it are req uired t o t ake a co nsiderable a mount of woodworking, some fo rgoing a nd machin e work; w1th oppo rtunity to spec ia lize in a ny of th e four branches afte r th e first year. Considerable a ttention is g-iven t o hand tool work, which in a ll cases p recedes machine t ool work. Freeh a nd Drawi ng and Mechanical Drawing are taught throughout th e cou rse and a re mad e prominent features. Besides the strictl y t ec hnical work, th e co urse affords two recita tion hours per day in th e classes of English, HistOl'y , Elementa ry Mathematics, Physics and other general studies. A t th e compl etion of th e course th e student will be gi ven a certificat e according to the rules of th e College.





Th e work in fo undry, elect ri c we ldin g a nd braz in g will n ot be gi yen th is year. EQUIPMBN T. E xte usive add itio ns to t he sh ops will b e m ade a nd will be ready fo r occupancy at the o pening- o f th e coll ege yea r. Th e sh o ps a re already s upplied with th e follow in g appar a tus and machinery : For Wood r~ork ing, 24 carpenter 's bench es with usua l set s of t ools, seve n woodturning or p attern ma ker 's la th es, one j ig -saw, one woodplaner , on e ba nd-saw, one uni versal saw-tabl e. Fo?' f rau Work, 24 power bl ast fo r ges w ith a nvils and tool acco mpani m ents , seve n vise-b en ch es, t wo 17 in. eng ine lathes,o ne s peed la th e, one Bra inard uni versal millin g machine, o ne large vertical drill press, one la rge pla ner. Geue?ai : E mery wh eels, g rinding stones, specia l tools, etc.


. .S Ari thme tic 5 F reeh a nd Drawing .. .. 3 Shopwork . 20 Sawin g", R ip ping, Plani ng, Mortis in g, J o in i n g

G r a mm a r .



Gramlll ar.

. . .5

Ar i t hm e tic

. 5

Free ha.n d Dra win g .

. .3

Sh o pwo r J,

.. 20

Care a n d a djus tme n t of t ools, Pan ne lin g, Sas hcs, e tc.

Gra l1l ll1ar aile! Co m po. i-

. .. 5

tio ll

. .. . . . 5 A r i t hl1'l eti c F r eehand D r a wing . 3 Shopworl< .. 20 DO"eta iling a n d Cabi n et m aki ng .

SECOND YEAH . Geograph y Genera l H isto ry . .. .5 l\1cch allicalOrawi ll l! S h opwork 20 1. Ge ll e ra l fo r g i ng, \Ve ldiu g i rol1, Iron too ls .. 20 or turn in g, M a-

2. ,"Vood chi ne work i n ' V'ood .20

R ead i n g

U. S. Hi st o r y

P e u1I1 :.t ll s itip .

~) e l1l1t a ll s ltip .

.5 .2 M ech a ni ca l Draw ing . . 3 S h o pwo rl< . 20 1. 11'0 11 a n d Stee t we ldi11 g,

' r e ltlpe rin g, '1'00 1 m a le lu g . . . . . 10 2. Ge ne r a l forging' in iron ,P atter nlt1al(in g 10

..... 5 . .. . 2

R ea ding M ec hani ca. l Draw i ng

. .3

S lio pwo rk .. 20 l. Sc r ew c utti n g, P l uI11 1)ing, Ch i ppi rl ~, F ilin ga llci lland fi lti n g. or

2. DesiJr n a n d constructi o n of a w oode n fra m e h o u se .





1'H IH D VEAH. A l geb r a

. ... 5

A Ig'c ura & G eo m e try

Geom e tr y ".

G r ~n1 m a : '

. .. 5 .. 5

R h e to ric Ph ys ics ( A~. S I! .

I ... i te r a lure E l ect i Ye

_ Electh-e.. . .

S il o p wo r l{ 1. M a c h in e S h ()p ~

. 20 . 20

or 2. f l1 s id e w C" ri{ o f b o use 20

or 3. H OI-se S h oe in g , F'ou nil ry .


.5 co u r ~e) 5

.5 .5 5 . 20 Cl lld Dc-

Rh o pwo rl< . . 20 1. 1\1 a..: h i nc S h o p s- .. t • . 20

SlI o p \\' o r 1< ... 1. COll s t ru e l iOIl

or 2. Sta i r B u ildin g . . . ... 20 or 3. B r a zi n g', E lec tri c we l di n g, Spec ia l M Olll d in gs .. 20

E ac h s tud e llt i ll t h i s te rm wi 11 ma li C SO llI e e l a bora t C' a rtic l e o f fur n i ture o r m ac hin e r y 111 t h e bra n c h ill whi c h h e h a s Th e w ork s peci a l ized .


!ll ll s t

be or ig- in a l


se le c -

t i o n a n d d esi gn, s ubj ec t

to a pp ro,a l of m e l1 ta l ~ ta ff .

d e pa rt-

D OM ES TIC A Rl'S CO UR SE. 1. H OUS EHOLD E CONOMY. This co urse o f two y ea rs is offered fo r th e benefi t of th ose y0 un g women w ho do n ot wis h t o t a ke the studi es of th e r egul a r Coll eg e Course but d esire to devote more time to the s ubj ects of espec ia l interes t to women . Two h ours daily will be r equired fo r the cooking lessons a nd the sa me fo r the sewing. Each study r equires one h our d aily . Such other stud ies a the s tudent is qu a lified to purs ue, m ay , with the consent of the faculty, be s u bstituted for those offer ed in this course.

2. FR UIT W OHK includ es cannin g fruit by va rio us meth ods, t eaming, sea ling with wax a nd co tton batting; variou s methods of makin g jell y f rom g r'e en as well a s f rom ripe fr uits ; m eth ods (',f covering j elly; makin g pickles, s pices, f ruits , ke tchups and meat relish es ; making prese rves, j a m s a nd candied fruits; prep ar in g fruit juices, cord ia ls and s y rups. 3. MEATS, So uPS, E TC. In this th e student r ece lves 111tru ction in selectin g d iffe re nt cuts of meats a nd in the m ethods of cookin g best adapted t o them . Practice is g iven in roastin g, bra izing , broiling , in st e ws a nd pot roast s; in preparin g fo wls fo r cook ing and in ma king dressings; in bo ning, la rding a nd skewerin g; in m aking croqu ettes, scall,op s , etc.

66 Instruction is g iven in pr paring soup s tocks, In making crea m so ups, vegetable so ups and pu ree . Students a re t aug ht to prepare sauces suited to different kinds of meats a nd to ma ke various meat pi es, dumplings for stews a nd nood les for so ups. 4. YEAST AND BREAD MAKING in cludes th e mak ing of variouskinds of yeast, salt rising, wet and dry ye:tst; white and gra ham bread, co rn bread, Boston brown bread; many vari eties of rolls and bUll'>. This work i ncludes instru ction in making bak ing powder and in making a great variety of the breakfast b reads in which it is used: biscu its, muffins, gem, Johnny ca ke, pan cakes and "l<lffl ~s . 5. PASTRY COOK ING in clud e3 practice in a variety of layer and loaf cakes, sponges, cream puffs, cook ies, jumbles a nd fancy cakes, pla in past ry, puff paste, tarts, patt ies, etc. 6. DESSERTS. In this the studen t is given practice in <l great variety of baked, boiled and steamed pudding; custards, blanc-m a nges, w h ips, creams , jellies, et c. Instruction i given in laying tables for d in ner a nd lunch parties, and in waiting on table '. 7. SALADS, ETC. In the third t erm of the second year instruction is given in making French , mayonnaise and cream salad dressings; meat, vegetable and fruit sa lads. Practice i!> gi ven in making ice cream, ices a nd sherbets. A few 'lesson are gi "en in making taffy (wd sugar can dies with Fren ch cream fondant. Instruction is given in cooking vegetables and e rving dinner during b th winter terms.



The object o f this course is to qualify for a trade, a nd to lay a foundation whereby young women may be nab led to maintain th emselv es.



1. H AND STITCHES. Th e work beg in s with hand sewing which consists o f practi ce in th e va ri o us s titches used in muslin and woolen goods; running , h emmin g, overhand ing, o vercastin g, fellinO", gath erin g and stro kin g gath ers, buttonholes, g usset, patching and darning, backstitch, bastin O", bands, bias cu ttin g, blanket stitch, slip stitch, herring bone, c ha in and cross s titch and feather stitch , Fre nch h em, French sea m, e t c.

2. CARE OF MACHINES AND MACIIINE SEWING. R egul a r practice is g iven in th e care of th e m achin e, and its mechanism is illust rated. Practice is given in running , he mmin g, tucking, ruffles, puffing, binding, et c. 3. CUTTING AND FITTING. Th e s tud ent lea rns to draft patt erns from measurements of basques, skirts, sleeves, prin,. cess gowns, French coat s, capes, circul a rs, et c. 4. PLAIN DR ESSMAKING. Plain gowns are drafted, cut and bast ed, fitted, dra ped, trimm ed and entirely finish ed by th e studen t. 5. DREss:vrAK ING , DESIG I G, AND Fr I RING. Instruction is given by talks on grace in design and costume, and h a rmony of color. Spec ia l attention is given to d raping, finishing and th e designing of costumes. 6. FANCY Worne Thi co nsi ts of h emstitching, draw n work, K ensin g t on em broidery, R o man cut work, Spanish laid work, j ewe led e mbro ide ry, Bulgarian embroidery and m odern lace making.




Pruit worl< Hand Stitches Rc:!ding




10 10

5 .5



of ~real50, Soups, auces 10

Care of Machin es, MaU S. Hi s tory

10 .5



chine Se wing

Y e a st & Bread Mal<ing.IO Cuttiug & Fitting 10 U S. History .S Grammar 5

SECOND YEAR. Pastry Cooking Plain Dres smal<illg Drawitlg Arithmetic

10 10

5 .5

Plain & Fancy Des efts 10 U es ignill g, Draping and Fini shing Drawing Arithmetic

10 5


Salads, Ices, e tc Fancy ,"Vorl<

Drawing Arithmetic

10 .. 10 .5 .5


Many of the settlements of Utah have barely passed their pionee r days. From such sections no great advance in educa'.:ion could be expected, and in some, the schools are quite primitive. As a consequence man)' young men and women, wh o have had to work hard with-their parents in the varied oper ation s of home making, find themselves without the educational start which th eir integrity merits. They have given th eir time to the material progress of the State, and now feel that they are entitled to a share of its intelJectual advancement. In some of the thinly populated districts, schools are not regularly kept, and those that are, do not provide ins tru ction generally adapted to the age and wants of th e class referred to. rt t herefore seems obvious, that until these young people pass t h e time they may devote to school, justice demands Some prov ision for them in our higher educational institutions. Th e ColJege maintai'1s a department for such students and offers them the following studies: SUB-FRESHMAN YEAR. F' I RST Tl" R!\l

Gra mm a r

A rithme ti c Geograph y R eadin g




G r a mm a r

.5 .5

A ri t hme ti c U S. His lo ry


R eadin g

.5 .5 5


G r a mm ar a nd Co mpos i. ti o n 5 Arithl11 eti cal1d Al g~ br a5

U S. Hi s to ry


R eadin g ti o n


a nd Decl a m a路

Afternoon Work. P enm an ship. Dra Wi n g

.5 .5

P e nm a ns h ip Draw in g'

.5 .5

iJenJ11 a lt shi p Dra wi ng

5 5



, V INTER COURSES. 1. FARMHH S' C')URSE. Beg-inning in January, a course of pecial lec tures on agricultural s Ubj ects is given for th e benefit of any farmer that may wish to attend. Th e cou rse includes agriculture, h orticulture, entomology, bota ny, c h e mi~try , vet erinary science, and dairying, treat ed almost wholl y from the practical s id e, and occupies one t er m, till the e nd of March. A special circular describing this co urse will be mailed upon application.

II. WOM EJ 's COURSE. A s pecial co ur e in sew ing, household management, cooking, and such literary or scientific studies in addition th e re to as th e student is prepared to pur ue, is offer ed t o womp.n during the winter t erm. Special circulars' describing this coursE' will be issu ed.

EXAMIN ATIONS. In tructors keep a reco rd of recitations, marked according to the decimal sys tem In making up final exam in a ti on percentages, this is counted one-third, th e mid-term examination one-third, and final exa mination for th e t er m, onethird. But students who have been in a class only fourfifths, or less, of a t erm lor whose absences a mount to onefifth or more of the t erm) shall pass th e whole subject upon examination. In all four year courses, a n average s ta nding of not less than 75 per ce nt. , with no grade less than 60 per cent., will bO e required for graduation. Any student falling' below 60 per cent. for a month , may be dropped from the class.

ADi\IIS8ION TO ADVANCED STANDING. Students of this College, or of any similar in stitution, who are desirous of being admitted to advanced standing must present themselves for examination in the required subjects on th e Monday and Tu esday of th e week in which th e College opens in the fall term.



GRADUA'l'ION. Th e degree of Bach elor of Science is conferred upon co mpl etio n of an y of th e four year co urses. A certifica te is g ra nted for th e co 111 pletion of any S!lOTt ,co urse.

COl,LEGE CHARGES. Tuition is fr ee. An entran ce fee of S5 is charged for each year of th e colleg'e cour e; for a s ingl e t erm S2.S0. Th e privil eges of th e libra ry. mu seum , e tc. , are free to s tudents. I n th e c h emical laboratory, work s h ops a nd cooking roo ms, s tud ents are cbarged for th e cost of th e materials actually u sed by th em in th eir exerc ises, th e cost vary in g' from S2 to $4 per year in each industrial or laboratory co urse. Certifica t e of graduation in short course, $2.50. Bachelor of S cie nce diploma, $ 5.


Librari a n .

The general library co ntains about five thou and volumes a nd several thousand pamphlets. The s ubj ects covered a re ge nera l literature, including poetry and fiction, travel, hist ory, biography and criti cislll ; political economy, sociol ogy, me taphysics. general scier. ce, and s uch of the special scien ces as are includ e d in th e courses of the se veral departm ents . Th e Professor of Engli h Literature, who e private libra ry co ntain about two thou sand eight hundred volumes, allows to advanced s tud ents in his own classes. the pri vileg e of the use of his library under his direction. Some of the oth er professors also accord access to their private libraries as occasion may r eq uire. A large addition of books will b e mad e to the general library during th e cOllling year. The library and r eading room are open to the students



and to th e general public eve ry coll ege day throughout th e year. The list of period icals placed in th e read in g roo m upon s Ubscription is as follows:

LITE R A RY MAGAZiNES. Atlantic Monthly. Book News. Century . Cosmopoli t an. Critic. Dial. Edinburgh R eview. Education. Educational Rcv i e,'~, Forum. H arper's Bazar. Harper's Monthly. Harper's 路W eekly. J ourn al of Education. Ladies ' H ome J our nal.

Literary Digest. Literary World. McClure's Magaz in e. Munsey's Magazine. Nation. North American Review. Outlook. Peterson's Magazine. R ev iew of R ev iews. Scribner's Magazin e. Student's J ournal. University Chroni cle. U ni versity Magaz i11c. Youth's Companion.

SCIENTIFI C AND TECHNICA L MACAZi NES. American Machinist. American Magazine of Civics, Ame rican Journ a l of Politics. American Naturali t. Art Education. Art Journal. Delineator. E lectrician. Eng ineering Magaz in e. Et ude. Good Housekeeping. Home Art. H ousekeeper. J ohns-Hopkins' Univer ity Studies. J enness Miller's Magazine. J ournal of American Folk Lore. Journal of Association of Engineer in g Societies. Journal of Vet erinary Archi ves.

Le Bon T emps. Machinery. Music. Nature. Political Science Quarterly. Popular Science Month1 y. Sanitarian. Sch ool R ev iew. Science. Scientifi c American. Scientific American- Building Edition . Scienti fic Ameri can Supplement. Studies in Historical a nd Political Science. Tabl e Talk. Transactions of Ameri can Societ y of Mechani cal Eng ineerin g. Werner's Voice Magazine.




A CR1CULTORA L MACAZI NES. Agricultural Science. American Bee J ourn a l. American Gard ening. Breedpr's Gazette. Country Gen tl eman.

Farm Poultry. Garden a nd Forest. Journal of Horti.::ulture. Pacific Rura l Press. Poultry World.

NEWSPAPE RS AND M I SCELL ANEO US PEHfOD1CA LS. The foll ow ing is a list of pe riodicals r ece ived a t the Expe ri ment Statil)n library, thro ugh th e co urtesy and liberality of th e publish ers, in exchan ge for the pUblications of th e Station. Free access to these and other publ ications is allowed t o coll ege stud ents a nd to the genera l pUblic. The list co mprises nea rly all the best agricult ural papers of the country, and in co nn ection with th e coll ege list of periodicals, consti tu tes an excell en t current Iibrary. of agriculture and related sciences. Agricultural Epitomist. Ag ric ul turi st . American Agricul turist, Middle a nd Western ed itions. American Creamery. American Cultivator. American Fertilizer. American Ga rdening. American Grange Bulletin. American Horticulturist. American Poultrv Journal. American Shee p Breeder and Wool G rower. American Swineherd. Baltimore Weekly Sun . California Cultivator and P oultry K eeper. California Fruit G rower. Chronique Agricole, Lausanne, Switze rland. Clover L eaf. Colman's Rura l World.

Com merci al Agriculture. Connecticut Farmer. Cr eamery J ournal. Cultivator . Da ily Public L edger, Philadelphia. Dairy Th e, L ond on, Engla nd. Da irv World. Dakot a Farmer. Elgin Da iry R eport. Farmers' Advocate. Farm, Field, and Fireside. Farm and Fireside. Farmers' G uide. Farm and H o me. Farmer's Home. Farmer's J ou rnal. Farmer 's Call. Farmer's Magazine. Farming, T oronto. Ont., Canada. . Farm N ews.



Farm and Orchard. Farmers' R ev iew. F a rm, Stock, and Ho mc. Field and Farm. Gardeni ng . Grange Visitor. H oard's Dairy man. Hol s tein Friesian R eg iste r. H os podar. Indiana F a rmer . Industrial American. I nd ustrial ist. Irriga tion Age. J ournal of Board of Agr icult ure, London, England. J ournal of Agri culture. J ersey Bul letin. Kansas Farmer. Live Stock Indica tor. Live Stock R epo rt. L 'Industrie Laiti ere, Paris, France. L ouisiana Planter. Milch Zeit un g, Bremcn, Ge rm J.ny. Mirro r and Farmer.. Montana Fruit Grower. Nebraska Farmer. Neue Zeitschrift fur Rub enzucker-Inclustrie, Berlin, Ge rm a ny . New E ngland Farmer. New Engl and Florist.

Ohio Farmer. Orange Judd Fanner. Pacific Coas t Dairym <ln. Pacific Em'll Pr es ~. Practi ca l Farmer. Prairie Farmer. R eliable Poultry J ournal. R ev ue Internationale des Fal sifica tion s, Ams terdam, Holland. Rural Canadian, T'oro nto , Ont., Canada. Rural Life. Rural North west . Scottis h Farmer, G lasgow, S cotland. Sou thern CuI ti vator. Stockman a nd Farmer. Successful Farmer. Sugar B ee t. T exas Farm a nd Ran ch. lster Agriculturist, Belfast, Irela nd. Wallace's Farmer. Weekly Call, San Francisco. W eekl y Tribun e , Jew York. West ern A g riculturist and Live Stock Journal. W estern Rural. Wiscons in Agricultur ist. Wool, Mutton, and P ork. World , thrice a wee k.

The following Utah newspapers are also sent by the co urtesy of th e pub li shers. Advocate, Pri e. Advocate, Ri chfi eld. American, Spanish F orle A rgus, Salt Lake City. Banner, L ehi. Beobacbter, Salt Lake City. Blade, Deser et. Box Elder News. Brigham. Bugler, Brigham.

Bulletin, Bingham. Clipper, Farmington. Democrat , Eureka. Deser et News, Sal t Lake Ci tv. Enterprise, Ephraim. .E nq ui rer, Prov(). Express, Vernal. Globe, Payson. Herald, Salt Lake City.


Independ en t, Sandy. Inde pend ent , Sprin gy i lI e. Int er Mountain Ad vocate, Salt Lake City. Item, Am erican ForIe 10urn a l, Logan. Mercury, Mercur. Messe nge r, ~1a nti. Miner, Tinti c. Nation, L ogan. Ne ws, Bea ver. Press, Ogden. Progress, Fillmore. P y r a mid, Mount Pleasant. R ecord , Cedar City .




R eco rd. Pa rk City. R epublic, Nephi ." R eview, Ogden. R oun d-up, Randolph. S entin el, Manti. So u the'r n CenSo r, R ic'ht-i e I'd. Standard, Ogd en. Ti'mes, Coa l vi ll e. Transcript, Too ele. Tribun e, Salt L a ke City . Uta h Patriot , P ark City . Uton ia n , Provo. Wasatch Wave, Heber. \'\Toman 's Exponent.



Cu r a tor.

The Museum contai ns a consid er able number of s pecimens illustrat iv e o f Geology and Pal <ÂŁo ntology, Ve rtebrate a nd Inv ert ebrate Zoology, Miner alogy; a lso about fo ur thousand five hundred . pecies of th e Rocky Mountain fl ora, and a larg'e'number of th e woods of ,the U nited States. There is a lso an ex ten sive coll ecti on of grain representing the produce of U t a h a nd oth er S t a t es. A small coll ection of Indi a n a nd Pol ynes ian products and curiosities has bee n made. D onations to tlte Museu7lt 'Wdl be higM y appreciated. Th e undermentioned contributio ns have been mad e to th e Museum a nd a re hereby thankfully acknowledged: Mr. J. W. Dunn, F risco, U tah. - Cerargyrit e a nd Gypsum from Horn Silver Min e, Frisco, Utah. Prof. E . S. Ri ch ma n, Full erton, Cal ifornia. - Petrified wood, Obsidian, Ca tI e Geyser fo rmations, Foun t a in Geyser fo rmations, Hot Springs formation s; all from Yell ow Stone Park. Mr. T. C. Cr aiga n, Logan. - P etrified wood .



M r. L ew is Car ver , Plai n wood_

' PA I-!.

City_ - As best os a nd petrifi ed

Mr. F _ M _ Sa k er, R ockport , U t a h .- Min e ra logica l specimens. Mr. T. R. W els h , Croydon, U ta h .- A mm onites fr om So merse tshire, E ng la nd . Mr. A . G. W a t son .- Cryst a lli%ed lead fro m K ey no te Min e, Bin g ha m Cauyon . Mr. Ch a rl es Bl y th , Salt La ke City .-路U t e India n spear h ead s a nd peace p i pe fro m U inta h R ese r vatio n. M r. A. L. G r ee n, )1enan , Id ah o.- Coll ection of sh ell s, cor a l, seaweeds, cu ri o, cloth a nd mat s wo ven by th e n a ti ves. A ll fr om t h e amoa n I s la nds. Mr. S . P . Mor gan , L oga n. - S pecim en pl ant of peanut g row n iu so uth ern Idah o, n ea r F r a nklin . M r. Th eodore Mar tin eau, Colo ni a , Ju a r ez, Mex ico.- Collectio n of a ncient potter.\' fro m Mexico. P rof. J. T . Mill e r, Nep hi , U tah .- Coll ec tion of coins of va rious na ti on s. Mr. A lma G ree n, Menan, Ida ho. - Sh ell s, cor al , moss, a nd ph otogr aphs fr om Sal110an I sla nds. Mr. J . R. Thompso n, Ri chmond .- Lil11e in crustatio ns , Soda S prin gs, I da ho. VIr. Sal11uel Litti edalc, S mithfi e ld. Curi o. Mr. H enry Bassett, Salt Lake City .-Ind ia n a rro w h ead .

BO A RDING HOUSE. Th e Board in g H ouse will be under th e disciplin e of th e Coll ege, and students will be directly res pons ible to th e P resid e nt for t h eir conduct. Two stud ents usually occupy one roo 111 , t h e cost to each fo r room, e lectric lig ht and boa rd bein g fr om S2.2S to S2.7S a week. Students a r e r equ ired to f urnish beddin g a nd ca rpe t. No studeut using- tobacco w拢ll be ?'eceived



路W EATHER FORECASTS. Th e College receives th e t e leg raphi c w eather for ecasts fr om th e fo r ecas t officia l of th e Departm ent of Agriculture located a t S a n F r a ncisco. The forecast s are te legra phed eac h d ay (S undays a nd ho lidays exce pted ) a t governm ent expen se. Th e sig na l fl a g s are dis played from the fl agpo le of th路e Coll ege in fu ll view of th e vall ey below . 1.' hese fo recasts or w a rnin gs a r e o f great value t o th e fa rming co mmunity . In 1893 th e pe r cent age of ve rificatio n of th e for ecasts for th e P acifi c.C0ast divi sion was 83.7. F or U t a h , w hich is part of thi s di vision, th e per centage w as likewise 83:7. G reat va lue is placed upon th ese forecast s by th e Depa rtment of A g riculture a t W ashington. From th eir timely w a rnin gs mu ch property is saved both on se a a nd la nd. Th e Depa rtm ent co ns id er s th a t $ 10,000,000 is a co n er vati ve estim a t e of th e valu e of property saved in 1895. Dou btless so me m eans will be dev ised in th e n ear future wher eby these fo recast will be made mor e access ible to the fa rmin g community. An ex pl a n a tion of th e fl a g sign a ls is s h o wn 路on th e third pa g e of the cover.




Bankhead, Juhn... . .. . .. . . .. vVcltsv-rlte Barker, Oll a .... Ogden Foster, Clara Louisa ..... Logan H a rt, Alfred Augustus . Bloomington, Idaho Hart, Herm oin e Sabina Bloo mington, Ida h o Humphe ry, Thomas Hyrum . P aris, Idaho J ensen , Charles A ...... . . .. " ... . . H yrum Lundberg, Victoria . ' . .. . ... . . .. L ogan Maughan, R achel N . . . . . ... . . P et ersboro Pond, Charles . .. . . . Lewiston Smith, Mamie . . .. .. ... . ...... . Preston, Idah o Sponberg, Anna ... .... ... . , . . . Franklin, Idah o Stewart, John . . .. . . . . .. Plain City \Vidtsoe, Osborne . ..... ..... . ' . .. . L ogan

WITH CERTIFICA TE FOR THE COMPLETIO N OF THE SHORT COURSE . Larsen , J oseph J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , e wton elson, Frank Orlando. . . . . .... .... . . Richmond R edford , Abraham B .... .. . . . .. . . . . Beaver, Idah o

POST () RAD UA TES. Larse n, Christian .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . Logan Merrill, Amos N ewlove ... . . . . . . " ... . Richmond Merrill, Lorin Asa.......... . Richmond



SENJ ORS. Bankhead. J ohn Wellsville Barker, Olla . . . ' . . ,' , Ogden Fos ter, Clara Louisa " ' .. . , ' .. '. Logan Hart, Alfred ~ g u s tu s , Bloomington, Idaho Hart, H ermoin e Sabina .. Bloo ming t on, Id a h o Humpherys, Thomas Hyrum , Paris, Id a h o J ense n, Charl es A Hyrum Lundberg, Victoria Logan Ma ughan, R ach el Petersboro Pond, Ch a rl es Lewiston mith , Mamie Preston , Id a h o Sponberg, A nna .. . . . . . .. , , . ' Franklin, Ida h o S te wart, J ohn Pla in City Widtsoe, Osbo rn e, . , . , .. Logan

J UNI ORS. A tkin son, Fred . , , ,Dayton, Id a h o Baker, J ohn S im on " " Mendon Beers, An nie ... .. . "", . ... . . Logan B eers, William Duke . ,' , .. ... Logan Bull en, Mable . . .. , . . " .. ' . , Richmond Bybee, J a ne ' " .. . , . . , . ' , ' '. Le~~~~~ Hansen, Niels M. Jr I r vine, Alexande r Ray . . .. ..Logan P eterson, Joseph Hagan , Huntsville

SOPHOMORES. Benedict, Beatrice... .. . .' . , .. ,.. . . . ... Logan Bullen, Ethel , . ' , , Richmond Drysdale, Eliza Logan Evans, Frederick Ch a rles .. , . Thomas Fork, Idaho Go rd on, Robert J , , . Meadowville Hansen, August J , ., , ' .... . , , . L ogan Hart, James Ri chard Thomas Fork, Idaho Hogensen, Christian .. , .. . , , , . . ' , , ' , ' , Newton Homer, R ose ,', " " ' ,., ' " , ,Oxford, Ida h o

go.ttt.ÂŁ.. cit ,\





Homer, William Harriso n Jr ,Oxford, Id a ho Humph erys, Charles Ric.h , ' . , , Paris, Idah o Huntsman, Sara ' , W ellsvi ll e Jensen, Joseph William N ewton Larsen. J oseph J N ewton Martin eau, Theodore . , , Colonia' Juarez, Mexico Merrill, Fred Whittemore ' , , .. ' .. Ri chmond Morrell, Joseph R owland ,? .... cr f. " ' " Logan elson, Frank Orlando , ,'d~, .f.tN{., ~ Nel so n, Olaf A , .. . , , ... , L oga n ' . . , .. Newton N elson, Willia m . R edford, Abraham B Beaver, Idah o Simmonds, William Walter , ' , .. . . Tre nton Smith, Absalom Carlos ' , Lewiston Smith, Parley Franklin. , .. . . .. . . , .Lew iston Stone, Ellpn Annie ..... , ' , .. . , ,Logan Stover, Arthur Patterson , ,' . . . ... . , ' .'. Logan Taylor, George Francis . . , . .. , Plain City Th a t ch er, Ollie '. . . .. , .. , L ogan Th omas, James Clayborne . , Logan Williamson, Orson St. Charl es, Idah o Woozley, Pearl , Malad, Idaho

FRESHMEN. Adamson, L yd ia AUl1 ...... Rich mond Anderson, Nils Peder , Logan Aris, Fred J Alpena, Michigan Bithell, J oseph J a mes . .. . , .. Salt L ak e City Bowen, Olive R etta ' " L ogan Brown, James Furgeson " " """ Liber ty, Idaho Brown, Julia ., .... . ... , . , . ... Liberty, Id ah o Budge, Frank ' , Paris, Idaho Chambers, Thomas Henry , Smithfield Christianson, John F " " . , .. . , . Ephraim Cooper, Blanche .. . . , ... McCammon, Idah o Curtis, Harry Benson , .. . ' Blackfoot, Id ah o Davis, Arthur James , Salmon City, Idaho


Egbe r t, Marga ret Stell a .. . .. Grace, Id a ho E li aso n, W illi a m Mo roni Evans, J ohn Willi a m L ay ton Fishe r, Stella J osephin e . Oxford , Id a ho F leming, Burton P ercival .. . . L og a n G leason, A l virnu s Horace . .. . . . . . .. Ga rl a nd H a nsen, Chri sti a n J a mes " . ColI inst on H a nsen, Jeph i .. . .. . ' . . . . " Newt on H ay ball , Geor g e ... ... . . . . L oga n H endricks, J ohn Willia m . Ri chmond . . ... Ri chm ond H endri cks, Willia m Warren H orsley, H a rry . . . . . . . .. . Soda S prings, Ida ho J enso n. E liza . . . . .. . . . . .... St. Ch a rl es, Id a ho J eppson, H ebe r . . .. ... .. Brig ha m City J ones, Th omas Da niel . . . . . Malad, Id a ho . .. . L ogan L arse n, N elli e Ma ri e . . . . . . Larson, David Collinston L a rson, J ohn Will iam Collin ston Ma this, J ohn A rnold . . . ... . . . . ... . New H a rmony Ma ttson, A ma nda C . . . . . . ... . . .. . .. . . . . . . L ogan Min er, Id ala h L ogan Be nnin g t on, I dah o M errill , May J a ne Morgan, L est er . . . Logan Fra nklin, Id a ho Morga n, Simon P erry McAlis te r, Maima J ea n L og a n M cAlis t er, Will Lu cius L ogan N elson, Ch arles Wa lte r . . .... Richm ond N elson , Ethel E lfreid a . . . . . . . . . .. ' Manti N eilso n, Ne ils P et e r .. . .. . . . . . . L ogan Olson, Charles P . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... . . L og an 01 on, H enry Christi a n . . . . . . . .... . .. . . . Loga n Ormsby, Mab le J an e ... . . . ... .. . . . . . . . L ogan P ack er , E dso n Whippl e .. . . . . . .. Rive rside, Idaho P almer, Centennial Edward P lain City Parkinso n, Elizabeth . . . . . . . L oga n . " Manti P et erson, Andrew . . .. .... . ... ... P et erson , Antone . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . Salt L ak e City P eterson, Id a E lizabeth . .. . .. .. L og an



AGl{ I C Ul.T U HAl. COl.l.EGE OV U'l'AI-T.

Petty, William Henry . Richm ond Porter, Cha rl es 'iValter Portersville Ralph , Fred Charles .. . Hy rum Slater, Jam es R ay Slatervill e Smith, Ephraim Sandy ......... Huntsv ill e Sorense n, Theone Titus, Nelson Ca rli Ie . . . . . . . . . . Blackfoot, Idah o Th a t ch er, Roy Davis .. . .. . Logan Thomas, J oh n Owens . . . . . ..... . . . Malad, Idah o W ard, Adelaide Willard 'Webster, Charles Arthur ...... . Montpelier, Id ah o Wright, Edga r Monroe Bennington, Id ah o Young, W ilford Van Cott .. . . Salt Lake City

SUB- FRESHMEN. Adams, J oshua Isaac . . ...... . .... , Layton Adams, Rufus William Layton Aland, John Albert Bloom in gton, Id a ho Allen, Elijah William .. . . Covevil1 e Anderson, Byro n Morley .. .. Manti Anderson, Gilbert Hyrum Andersun, J ohn Amos . . . . . Fremont Co., Id a ho Austin, Arta Chase . . . . . . .. Liberty, Idaho Austin , J oseph Albert . . .... . . . . . Payson Bagley , Pernecy May. . .. .. . . Montpelier, Id aho Baird, "Warren ..... . . ' . . Lewiston Baker, Annie . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . ' " Mendon Baker, L yman . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . Mendon . . Mendon Baker, Magg ie Barson, Denney B urd e ll ... .. ... . . . Clarkston Barson, Hyrum Sheffi eld . .. . . Clarkston Barson, Mary Eli;:a Clark ton Bassett, Don Henry . . . . . . . . Lago, Idah o . . . . . . . . . . .. Lago, Idah o Bassett, Hattie . . . .. . Bassett, Lutie M .. . . . . Lago, Id a ho Bell, Adel bert .. ' . . L ogan Bern tson, Richard . . ... L ogan Bigler Sarah Coll inston


Bingham, Ch a rl e. A lexand er T re nton Bo ley, Warren Ch ipm an . A meri ca n Fork Bo ne, J ohn Edw in . . . .. .. .. Lehi Brobe rg, J ohn Ca rl . . . .. .. . .. L ogan Brodin , L a ura Cam ill e .. .. Logan Brooks, H a rry R . . . . . . Salt Lak e City Brown, Charles Franklin. . . . . . . . . . ... Lowell Budge, Charles Stratford . Par is, Idaho Bullock, John T ay lo r Ceda r City Bullock, R ebecca . Providence B ull ock , Winni e . Providence Bunot, Henry . .. . H en efer Bunot, Myra. . . . . . . . . . H enefer Bush , Da niel Donovan St. J o h n Bush, Don Paul S t. J ohn Bush, J ohn Wesley . . . St. John Bus h , Marie . . . .. . . . . . . . Clover Bus h, Ri ch ard . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . .. . . Clover Buxton, George Che t er . ... . . .. Logan Bybee, H a rri et Emme lin e . . L e wis ton Byrne, L ouis . . . . . . . . . . L yman , Idaho Caine, J oh n Th o mas, Jr . . .. . _ .. .. . Logan Campbell, Ezra . ... . . _ . . Provide nce Candland, Lawrence. . . . . . . . . . U intah Card, David . L og an Carl ston, J a mes Albert . .. ' .... . Fairview Chadwick, Charles. . Park Vall ey C h a llis, A rthu r F ranklin , Idaho C he ney, Clarence E lij a h . . .. .... . . .. . L ak etown C h est e r, Hattie . ... . .. , . . . .Soda Springs, Idaho C hris tensen, Amelia Mary Ann, Soda Sllrings, Ida'iJ.o Christensen, Arthur Eugene. . . . . . . . . . . . . ewton C hristensen, El izabet h . . . . . . Ne~ton Ch rist ensen, James 'W ill iam .. Newton C hristensen, Nephi .... N ewton Christensen, Soren Ch ristian . .. . L evan Ch ris tian on , J er emia h J osiah .. . .. . . . . .... . Hyrum Chris tianson, Mary Ida . . .. .. ... . Laketown





Co hn , Emma . ... Oneida, Idaho Co le, Robert E dwin . . . . . . . .. Fairvie w, Idaho Cowley, David . . . .. . . ..... .. . . . Logan Crane, Birt Soda Sprin gs, Idaho Crawford, Bertha . Manti Crawford, Katharin e A .... .. . . . .. . . . Manti Crawford, Stanley . . Manti Cutler, William . .... Whitney , Idah o Dahle, Albert H enry . Logan Darley, H enry Thirke ll .. .. . . . .. Wellsville Deardon, Amos Henefer Deschamps, John W ashington .... . Malad, Idah o De wey, Char les J esse Dewey vill e De wey, Letti e .. Deweyvill e Eardley, George Stanl ey Anaconda, Mont. Egbert, Simon Roy .. G race, Idaho Ellis, Hyrum .. . . .. . . .. ...... . . . L oga n Ellis, William Henderson . . ... . . .. Logan El well, I saac Jr . . . L oga n Ewing. Florence ...... Smithfield Ewing, L est er ...... Smithfield Facer, Willard " ...... '" Will a rd Fjelds ted, Annie . . L ogan Flint, Fra nklin . Kaysville Flint, J a mes . ..... . . . . . . . . . . Kaysvill e ~oste r, Elizabeth Curtis . .... . .. " Logan Fowle r, George...... . . ... H enefer Fuhriman, George Washington Prov idence Fryer, R eed ... . Soda Springs, Idah o Ga rdcer, Walter Wil son . . ... Baker City, Oregon G ibbs, J ohn H .. .. . .. . ... . Paradise Glenn, William T y re .. Montpelier, Idaho Goldsberry , Orson Stanton . . . Paradise GoodI iife, Clarence Marley .. .. Snowvill e Goodwin, R oy ' .. .... " .. .. . ... Logan G reaves, John Carrf . ....... . . . Preston, Idah o Gr een, Arthur ... Lay ton G r ewell, Oliver . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico


G riffin, Hatti e . N e wton G us taveso n, A nni e Provid e nce Haddock, Margare t Anna. . . Bloomington, Id a h o Hadfield, J a mes H " . Smithfield Hall, E lmer Warren . . . . " Garlan d Han cock, J oseph William . . . . . M endon . Soda Springs, Idaho H a nsen, Benjamin David . Hanse n, Ch arles . . .. . . . Iona, Idaho Hanse n, Charl es Willard ...... .. . Logan Hanse n, E ugene Severin . . Collins ton H a nsen, Hans L. . . . . . . . ... I ona, Ida ho Hanse n, H)'rum . . . . .. . ... . .. . . . Gosh e n Hanse n, Louis . . . . .. . . . . .. .. ... N ewton Hansen, Sophia . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . N ewton Hardy, Ed ward A . . .. . .. . Fielding Hardy, Fannie J anet . . . '" Fielding Hardy, R obert J a mes. . . . . . . . Fielding Harriso n, H eber E ldredge.. . . . . . . .... . " Pinto Hart, Em il y Rosina . . . . . '" Blooming ton, Id a h o Haskell , J ames Edward .... . . . . . . .. . . . Newton H end.r icks, Amy Gertrude .. ... . . . .. .. Richmond Heppl er, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . G le nwood H errick, Jane . . .. .. . . . ... . " .. . .. . . . ... Logan RieHe. Sidney Walter . . . . .. . . . . . Payson Higgins, Samuel J ohn . . . .. Ogden Hi ll , Matth ew . . . . .. .. . Malad, Idaho Hobbs, William Rich a rd. '" .. . Pres ton , Idah o . . . . .. . . . . . Lehi H odge, David . Hodgman, B ru ce ... . . . .. .. H ailey, Idaho Hog'an, Ira Harris . . . . . Ge ntil e Valley, Idaho Hogensen, Alfred .... . . . .. . " . Mon tpelier, Id ah o Holmgren, Albert .. . . . . ... Bear River City Hokanson, Hyrum Petty .. . . " . . .... H y rum Hokman, Marie Batilda .. ... . .... Pocatello, Idaho Ho ldaway, James .. . .. . . . " .... Deweyvill e Holl enswortb, Florence .. . . . .... . . .. Grays, .Idaho Homer, Benjamin. . . . ....... . .. " Tre nton Homer, William . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . Trenton




H orrocks, Richard J ames . .. Ogden H owell , Louis Gt,nn ell. . .. .' .. . . Yost How ell , William Mauo-han Wellsville Hyde, J ose ph Alonzo, Jr .. .. . . .. . Nephi Irvine, R ober t L eo . ... Logan Jacobso n, Alma . L ogan . J e nkins, Moroni .. . . . L oga n J ensen, J ohn IIenry .. .. . St. Ch arles, Id a h o J ensen , P et er . Logan J enson, Amy . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Ch arles, Ida h o J enson, Irena . Brigham Cit y J enson , Olaf Leo . . .... .. '.. . . . ... Bear River City J eppson, J ose ph Rudolph . . ... , . . ... , Millville J essen, Harv ey . . . . . .. . Anacond a, Montana Johansen, Engiber A meli a Logan J ohn son , Ca rl . N ewton J ohn son, John Alma . . . Logan J ones, A lbert . . .... .. ..... Malad, Idaho Jones, David H . . . . . . .. St. J ohn, Idaho J ones, Franklin Mo rgan .; .. Malad, Idaho J ones, I vor Llewelling . . . .. Malad , I dah o J ones, Jam es Tyler .. Malad, Idaho J ones, ] oseph Perry . Malad, Idaho J ones, Mary . . . . . . . . ........ Logan K eith, Ch arles Forman Park City Krogue, N elson Louis ... .. . . Bloomington, Id ah o Lallis, Ch a rl es James . ..... . . . Mendon L a mb, J a mes Hammer . .... . . . .. .. . ... . Coalvi ll e Larsen, Anton . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. . .. . Logan Larsen, Mary A nn . . . Newton Larsen, Noah . . . . . . . . . . . College Ward Larsen, Annie .. . . .. .. . L ogan Madsen, Nelson .. . . .... . ... M anti Madsen N iels Peter ... . .. . . . . . . . Fo untain Green Mathews, Hopkin C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . P rov id en ce, John Burban k .......... . Brigh a m Ci t y Mathias May .. ... ... . . . Brigham City Mau/{han, A lice Farnes . . . . . . Petersbow



.!VIay, Mar ia nn Call's Fo rt Medford, J ohn F ree man . . Ge ntil e Valley Meikle, A lice .. .. . . . .. Smith field ferrill, Charl es William . . . . . . Brigham City Merrill, Emma Irene Richmond . .. Merrill, John Francis . . .. . ....... Brigham City . Mickelson, So ren Peter . . .. . . . ... Fountain Green Mill er, Archie . . ..... , . ... . Alma, Wyoming Montrose, David Arthur ....... . . . . Weston, Id a ho Montrose, Ollie. . . . Weston, Id a h o Montrose, R ay . . ., . . . . . Logan Morgan, Ernes t Emm it .. . .. . ... .. __ . . L ogan Morgan, George Edwa rd . .. Franklin, Ida ho Mo rgan, J ohn Ri ch ard . ... Willard Moss, A lexande r ..... . ... W oods Cro. s Mu llin er , J oseph I ona, Idaho Myers, J ohn E. Jr . . Panguitch McFarl a nd , Parley Blair Weber, Ida ho McGowan, William Henry Ch allis, Idah o McG regor, William .. Gentil e Valley Nacf, E lsie .... . ... ..... ........ .. .. Providence Nebeker, Roy . . .... L a ketow n, Idaho Nelsen, Blanche J ess ie . ... . .. "Fish H ave n, Idaho Nelso n, Edna Louie .. F ish H aven, Ida h o Nelson, James A Pleasant Grove Nessen, Th omas . .. . I.ogan ewman, Step hen Bird . . Salt Lake City N il on, E ll a .. .. . Smithfield Nil on, Marinda Smithfield Norton, George As~ . . .. .. . Stewart, Montana O'B ri en, J esse . . . L ay ton Olsen, Annie Chris tine . . . . . . . Ovid, Idaho Olsen, Aaron Brigham .. . '.' . ... . . .. Logan O rr, J oseph .. ... " .. . Liberty, Idaho Osborne, R alph R euben .. . . . ... Blackfoot, Idaho Pace, William H . ... ... . .. . .. New Harmony Pack, A. L K a mas Paine, Richard . Georget own, Idah o




Palmer, Ellen .. . . . . . Plain City Parkinson, Leona . . . .. . . Logan Parkinson, Lucy Iranklin, Idaho Petersen, Sern P eter . . . Ephraim Peterson, Carl Emil .. . . Smithfield Peterson, Charles Peter.. . ... Richfield P eterson, Fred . . Logan Petterson, Archibald .. . . . . . . . . . .. Ogden Powers, Dian tha. . . . . . . . . .. Smi thfi eld Pugmire, Rich . . St. Charles, Idaho Pulley, Edward Parle~' . . . American Fork Ralph, Minnie . . ' Hyrum Rauscher, Edwe:lrd Walter. . Frisco Raymond, Wallace . Smithfield Redford, John . . . ... .. . .. Beaver, Idaho Reese, Laura Liana .. Brigham City Rhodes, Albert Joseph Mason. Salt Lake City Ri ch, Thomas Grover . . . St. Charles, Idaho Richards, Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . . .' Mendon Ricks, Harvey . . . . . Logan Rigby, Alma. . . . . . .. Hooper Roberts, John J . . . . Paradi e Robinson, Frank . . . . . . ... .- Ri chmond Rose. Andrew , Jr . . . . Pleasant View Rose, Hyrum Oliver .. . .. Weston, Idaho Ryan, William Josep h . . Montpelier, Idaho Saucier, Frederick Ervin .. .. ' Log an Scott, Erne t ..... .. Millville Scott, John William E ... .. Millville Serman, John Atwood . . .. Murray Sheppard, George Henry . . . . . ... Salt Lake City Shill, George William ". . .. Salt Lake City Shurtliff, George Jeston . . .. .... Lewisville, Idaho Sill, Jesse . .. . Layton Simonson, John Peter . . . . . . . . . .... Newton Smeltzer, Lawrence Webster. ..... . Salt Lake City Smith, Alexander .. Logan Smith, Annie Elaine ..... . . .. . . . . .. . . Providence


Smith. Jose ph Astor, Jr . .. . Provid en ce Soren en, Frederi ck J acob . . Mend on Spahn, Carl . . . . . . .. . .. .. Salmon City, Idaho Spande, Thomas . . . . . ... Logan Sparks, William J effe ries'. . . . eph i Sponberg, Lul u ... .. .. .. . . .. . Franklin, Idah o Standing, J ohn R obe rt " . . . Collinston Steed, Albert Arthur . ....... . Ogden Stephens, Thoma::; Neph i . . . .. Bennington, Id a ho Stephens, David ...... St. John, Idah o Stevf'ns, L eRoy A .... . .. H old en Stewart, Jam es Fra l).,k lin . . .... St. Charles, Idah o Stewart, Robert . ~ . . )'1,1' \.' . .. . . . a+tt-â‚Źit)r Storer, James Arthur .. . . . Idaho Falls, Id a h o Sullivan, Julia . . . ... Grace, Idaho Sutton, Ernest Charl e . Paris, Idaho Sweeten, George Gillis .. . . ... . Mendon Sweeten, Ma ry Amanda .... . _. .. . . . . ' . Mendon Swenson, Frank .. __ . . . .. L ogan T aggart, Frederick ......... _. Morgan Tanner, Arthur L eR oy . . . . . . ..... Logan T enn ey, L ev i Stewart .. . Colonia Diaz, Mexico Thatcher, Aaron Dunham, Jr . . . . . . . . . . Logan Thatcher, Afton ... . .. .... . . . . Logan Thatch er, Gilbert ... Gentile Vall ey, Idaho Thatch er, H enry Kitchen ... Ge ntil e Vall ey, Idah u Thatch er, H oward Elmer . .. Gentil e Vall ey, Idah o Thatch er, Luna .M . . . " .. . ... . ... . .. . . . Logan Thatch er, Orson Pratt. . . . . . . .. _ . . Log'a n Thatcher, William . _. . .. . . .. . . . . Log'an Thomas, Burton L e wis . . Bloomington, Idaho Thomas, Howard Lafayette Smithfield Thomas, Louis Joshu a . .... . ... Malad, Idaho Thompson, Jennie - ... .. . . . . . . . . . Logan Thorl ey, Frank Aldredge .. ... . . .. . . Ce dar City Thornock, Joseph Emanua! . .. Bloomington, Idaho Thorpe, John . .... .. . . . _. . .. Samaria, Idaho Toombs, James A ........ . ..... .. . ... .. Willard




Logan Turner, May Provo Twelves, Murray Bountiful Waddoups, Thomas Anson . . .. . .... . . Uintah Warner, William David Lehi Webb, Bernard, Graham ... , Oasis Webb , Charles Franklin ... , .. Lehi Webb, Frederick Mark . . . .. ... . ., .. Cedar City 'Webster, Francis lontpelier, Idaho Webster, Gertrude Ne sie Lyman, Idaho .Weekes, William Henry .. . , . . . Paris, Idaho W eileman, G ustave Arnold . . . . . . Honeyville Wheatley, John Gibbs . . .. . Nephi Whitmore, John Wiley .. . .. . Eden Wilbur, Orli K ... .. ... . ... . . Wilson, Emma . . . . . .. . . . .. .. Ogden Wilson, Joseph Elli" Ir . Logan Winward, Bertie William . .. Whitney. Idaho Wise, L e vi .' . . .. . Garland Wood , F ranklin . '. . . .. . Willard W ood, Millie . ... ... , .. .. . Mendon Wood, William Joseph .. ... , . ..... , Echo Woodall, Demas Alexander .. . Soda Spring-s, Id ah o Woodland, Henry Elisha ...... .... ..... . . Willard

S PE CI AL STUDENTS. Cook, Elmo VI ... , . Dalton, Marian Ellswortb, Frank Blair Fell, Daisy Alberta. Fell, Winifred Fisher, George H Foster, Florence Jeanett e Gibson, Ella Harring路ton, Nellie I-iillman, William H en ry Homer, Ida May Hoover, Edward C . .. ..... . . Ivins, Edith . . .' . .. .. . -

Logan . Willard L ewisvil1e, Idah o Ogden . Ogden Oxford, Ida b o . . . . Logan Smithfield. . . . Eureka Oxford, Idah o Ox ford, Idah o Montpelier, IdahO. .. _.. St. George


K a tsun um 3., Tomizo . . L oga n Krogu e, Emily Gert rud e.. Bloomington, Idaho Maughan, E li zabe th Co llin s . P et e rsboro Paine, Veanettia . Geo rgetown, Ida h o Popplewell, Fred William . .. . Ogden Salmo n, Annie 'C oalvill e S hri ves, Har ry Edwin Franklin, Ida h o Tavey, Edi th Frances Ogden Thoma, Vivian .. . . Malad, Id a h o Webste r, Rosman A rmada Montpelier, Ida ho Woolley, May Paris, Ida ho Zundel, J acob . .. . . .. . . . Willard

WINTER AG RICUL T URA L COUN SE. Baumann, Edward C .. ... . . Duluth', Minnesota Crocket, J ohn A . .. L oga n G ree n, Cha rl es H Bear River City G ree n, J a mes W . Bear River City Ha nsen, T eesy .. .. Bear River Ci ty J ensen , James H . Brigham City Kirkup, W illi am . .. Franklin, Id ah o Krapfli, Albert . Salt Lake Cit)' L a rson , Cha rl es . Ft. Bridger , Wyoming Larsen, Hyrum . . . . Newton Parkinson, F. S . Franklin, Id a h o Petersen, Sem Peter . . Newton

WINTER DOMESTI C AR T S COURSE. Brough, Emily Ellen Cardon, Mrs. J. E Crock ett, Fannie . . .. Crockett, Jun e . Fjeldsted, Estell a . . .. G leaso n, P h oebe . Good win, L ottie Benson Hodson, Mrs. Agnes . . . . ... . . . Larsen, Eliza . ' Larsen, Lauretta Mary .. .. . . . . .

P ortersvill e . L ogan . L ogan Logan . . Logan Garland ' " Logan . Coalville Collinston Newton




. . .. Co llinston Larsen, Victoria P ortersv ill e Phill ips , J osephin e Maud L ogan S mith , ~ agg i c J .... Span ish Fork Snell, Ella . .. . Stewart , Carrie. . .... . L ogan The following n a me shoul d have bee l1 !)laced under the h eadin g of "Post Graduates" instead of "Special Students:" Foster, Florence J eannette ., . ... Logan


Post Graduates Seniors Juniors . .. Sophomores Freshm en Sub-Freshmen Specials Winter Agricultural Cou rse W inter Domes tic Ar ts Course T otal . . ...

3 14 9 31

64 312

25 12




Admis s i o n, R equirem c ll t s Io r ... ~ Admiss ion to Advance d Standing .

16 . .. 70.

A es th e ti cs Agriculture ..

42,60 18-20,31 ._ ..... 32

Agru lI OI11)

Algebra . Anatomy and Phy s iology . Analytical Geometry .

55 34 . ..... 55 .. 53 . .... 33 ... .. .... 35

An c i e nt Histo ry Animal Indus try ..... .

Anthropology ..... . A r gulu entati o n .. Artill e ry ..

. .. 49 . . ... 58 . ...... 52

Assaying ... Bac t e riology ..


Biol ogy B oa rd of rl'ru slecs ...... . .

.. .. .. ..34

B oa r di n g H o use ......... . Bookkeeping Botan y , Econo mi c . ... Bota ll Y, Ele m e n tary Botany, Ph ys iological.. Business Economics Butte r Making .

......... 76

5 . .... 38 . ................... .. ... . .. 37

.. ... 36 ....... 36 40 .. 33

Cabinet Making .....


Calculus ....... . Cale ndar Ce rti fica te of Graduation C h a rges ...... . C h em ical Analysis .. C he mical Laboratories ..... ............... ... . Ch CI11i s try ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ..... ... ... ......... .... . . ..... . C he mi stry, Agricultural .... . Ch emistry , Organic .. ...... . Cb eese Mal{lng .............. .. .

. ...... 55 ... . ..... 71 . ........... ........... 71 . ........... 37,38 . .... 38

. ... 37,38 ....... ... 38 ... 38 ............ 34

Civil EIIg-inee ring . . . .. .... .... 22-24,45-46 Ci vil Governm e n t .. .... .... .. .. ....... . .. ..... 61 College Ca lendar ............... .......................... ............... ....... .. ............ 4 Co mm ercial Course. 27-29,38 C0111l11ercia l Calculation s ......... ... ....... ........ 39 Co mm e rci a l Law .. 39,61 Coo kin g, L e cture s 011 ........ .. 41 Cooldllg, Pract i ce in .. . ... .. 41 Coo ldng, Ad vanced ... .. . ... . .41 Co urses of Study ..... . . ••........ .. .. 17·30 Dairy Husbandry .......... . Dairying, Practica.l, and Factories .. Declamation s ...... ........... "" " De cr ipti ve Geo t1l e try ........ .. ... .. .

. .... 33-34 34 .............................. ... ... 44 " .. " ..................... .. ... .. ...... 44

Desig uil1 g", C u tti l1 ,:! a n d Fi ll in g'" Dipl o m a Dil'ec ti o n ~ to S tu de l1ts . D issecti o n s Do mes t ic A rls ... Domes tlc Ar ts , Mallu a l 'l' r a il i illj:!" Co nr. c . Drawing- .............. .

43,67 i1 1i .. 34, 62 25-2i , 40 .. 65-6 . .. .43

Dy na mi cs o f I\1 ac lJili cs

43,67 48

Electri c ity, A ppl ied Elocuti o n Ell g lish Class ics .

. 44 ..4Q-50

DresS l11 a ki 11 g .


En g li sh Gramm ar

.... 49

EnJ!lis h Hi s to ry .... E n g li sh Li tc r ature .. Entol110 1og-y E s tab lis hme nl o f Co llege ....

...... 53 ..... 49 ... 52 . .... 9 . ... '7C ... 16 .12

Exa min a t io t1 ::) ... E xa min a ti o n s, Entra n ce

Equipme nt of Co llege .. ..... . E x pe rim e n t tati o n ' ta ff. . F ac ulty F a nc y \V o rh: "E'a rm C rops .. F ar m E q u ipTll Cll ts ..... . F a rm F e n ces .... F a rm I rr igatio n .. Fl oricul t ure li.... rcc b a nd D ra win g F ruit \Vo rlc . Ge ne ra l ' d e u ce .. Geo logy . .. •.... Geo m etr ic D ra w i n g C eo ll1.e try, An a ly t ical ... . . Geo m etr y) Desc ri pt i ve .. . Geo m e t.ry, Pl a ne s nd So lid ._ Ge rm a n ...

Gr a du atio n ..... G r ad u alcs, Li s t of G recian Hi sto r y Gy mn as ti cs .. H eat a nd E lect ri c ity . H is tory _ H i ~ t ory o f Ag ri c ulture .. 1:1 is tory of Coll ege .... H isto ry of Co m 1I1c r cc Hi s tory o f L ite rat uI'c H o lidays H o rt ic ulture . Ho use h o ld Eco n o m y .. H o u se h o ld l~ a l1 agc !1l e ll t . H ydra uli cs . H yg ie ne ... 11lJa l1tr.v 1I1 st rume n ta l .M u s ic . 1 rri gatio l1 Irriga tio n En g in ee ri n g ...

. ...•. G

__ .. 7-8 .. 43, 6'7 32 31 . 31 31 .5<1... 43 . .... .41, 65 . .. 29-30 52 ... 43 .SS . .... ..44 ...... 55 . .... 50, 51 . .... 71 78

....... SJ . .. 60 ..60 53 .. 32 .. ?-l l .. 39

50 4· 54

. ........ 65 . .......... .42

. .... .45 . . ..42

...... 58 . ......... 5?

... 31 •.................. 3 4 ~ 4S

__ 56

Troll forgi n g

_______ 60

Lad ics' Mi l i lary Dri ll L au n drying- .

41 . .... 71 -75

Li !; rary .. L:b rary, E u glis h


Lil h o l ogy .......... ............ . L itc r at uI'c, ~ n glish '[-l i le r at ure : M'astcrp i cces .


49 _00 __ 33

Live Stock L i '路C~H()ck.

Breeds of; Brcc d i llg" of; i\'[ auah"'C m c nt o f ; Ju dg in g .of.

L ocatio n of Coll e, L ogic .


Madl il1 e Des i g n Macll i lle \Vo rh: . M aJ!az i IlCS. Agricultu ra J . l ag-a zi nes, L ite rary Magazi n es, Scient i fic ~\1 ag-a7. i II CS, Trcil Il ica l .~ i\1 a ll ual 'I'rai ning .. l\1atcri als of E n g inee riJl g

... .48 57 ... 73

______ n

..... 72 .72 _____ 63 _____ .46 ____________ 55, 56

1\ia lh c lllat ics M e als, So u ps, e tc .. . :'.1.eclHl ll ic A rt s ...... . .

______ 65 ... 56.57

.Mec h a l1i c A rts Mall ua l T ra ini n g Co urse . LVTeC h an ics, App l i ed ... lVI echa lli ca l Dra w i n g

Meclla ni cs, Ele m e ntary

.. .. 63-5 _ 47

......... .... ........ .. ..... _... ~ 3 _____ __ 61

!\1"ec it a ni ca l E u g ill ee r in g .Nt ec hal1i 111, Blc l11 c llts o f M c ta ll ul"f.fY .

..... :W-22j 47, 48 47 _ 47

Meteoro logy ____ _

57 ...... 43

M i ll i ne ry

.. __ ~1 i litary Sc ic n ce路an d Tactics.

.. ...... 58 ____________ .33

Mi ll< . 4\1il k T es tin g .... 1\1 i nc r a l og-y .. l\11,l n i ci p al E II g' iuec ri ng .....

. ...... 33 . ... 52 ____ _ ____ .46

...... .. .....

___ 75-76

.L\,1 u SC lln l

_______ 59

Mu sic Newspaper a nd l\1 isce ll a lleo us P e ri od icals ...... ... .

Object s of Co ll ege Past r y Cook i ng . Desserts, a n d Salads P attCrn ~1: akillg P c nma n s h ip " ... .. ... .. Ph i losoplt )r .. . P h ysical ' ult ttre ... P h ys i ca l L aborato r y P h ysica l M easure m e nts

P h ys ics ....... . P h ys i cs Ad " a ll ce d ........... . Ph ysics, E l em en tary ...... . P o li t i ca l Sci en ce

.. 33 12

.. 73-75

.15 _________ 66 __ . _____________ . __ 57

_____________ "_ _____________ _____ AO __ ____________ ________________________ .5? ______ _____ ._ 60 _____ _61 . __ 6 1 ____ __ ______ 60, 61 __ ___________ _______ __________ 61 ____60 ______ 61

PO li tica l ECOllOllty ..

Po m o logy Po w e r Meas u re m en t a nd T ra n s mi ss i o n Prac ti ca l B oo k keepjn g . . ....... .. .... .. P racti ce i n Cook i n g' .. .. .......................... .

_. 61 ________ _____ 54 __________ .48 ___ _ ______ 38 __ ___ ______ ___ _______ 41

Pl"epar ato ry De partm e nt Propagation a nd Pnwing

Proto ph yto logy P sych o log.,· . Qualitat i \" e Analysi s Q uantitati yc Anal ys i s H eading H: eadillg R OO lIl

Rh e tor ic, E le m e ntary Rh e toric. Ar g ul11 c II lati,-c

69 5~

. 35 . ... 59 .37 .. 3~

... 44 .. i 1 . 49

...... . .49

R oad s a nd Payc m CJ1l s ..... R o m a n Ri s tol-Y R oo f s and Bridges Rl1ral E n gin eerin g ..

.. ..... 46

S a nita ry Sci e n ce Scie nce-Ge ne r al Co urse . Science of B oo kk ee pi ngSci e nce o f Nutrition ..

....36 .. . 29,30 .... 40 .. .42 . ... .42, 66, 67 . . ...... 42 .56,57 .. .. 20

Sewing ....

Se ,ving, Piece . S h op Practi ce ..... . S h ort Agricultu ra l Course ..... . Sbort Comme rcial Course .. Sh o rt CO lt rse~ ..... . Rh o r t D o m est.i c Arts Co urse .

S o ils Steam Boi le r s ..... Steam Et1g in ee ril1 ~

S teel Forg-in g' Ste nography Stocldeeding .... Stud ent s, ltist of Sub-Freshm a n Y ear. S umme r R e p o rt ._ Surveyi n g

..... . '" ..... 46


.. 2'1 ...20,27,29 . ..... ...... 27 .... 32

.. 47 47

. 56 .. ... 40 .. ...... 32 78-92 69 ..... 46

.. AS, 55

T echni ca l In s tru c ti o n Thesi s .. '£ri go l1o m e try '£r nstees, B oard of 'typew ritin g .

.. 56 4R

U nite d States Hi s tory .

.. .. 69

V e te rinary Veterin ary Ve terinal Y Ve te .-in ary 4

An a t o m ,r .. Mate ri a Me di c d .. Patholog-y

Sciell ce

5 40

..62 62

.62 ... 62 .57

Vi se Work . ,"Veat he r F orecasts .. \Vinte l- Co urse for Fa rm e r s Winte r Co urse fo r 'Nome n . \V ood CarvinI!' W ood '£unling . W ood W o rl<

.. 55


77 ..70 .... 70 . .. 57

.... 56 .... 56

Yeast and Breadmakin g ..


Zoo logy ..


c.o ,,;


Z !.tl Q if)

!.tl .~


L_ _ __ _




o f-< U

:II Cfl


...> I



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