Student Life, Commencement 1907

Page 1

ent Utah:~ Agricultural CoUege~

Commencement 1 90 7



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" It is a stra ngc phcnomcno n. thc volat ile attraction of a place. likc thi s," sa id J ack rma nc to h i~ a tto rn c,·. a s t he'· cntcrcd the cmblazoned po rta ls" of thc v lorado ra da ncc hall. J ammin g shut th e c rca kin g d oo r to kccp o ut thc siftin g sto rm , th e oth cr rctu rn ed with profcss iona l spontan eity: "A marvc lous ca nvas t hi s-a sp lcndid backgroun d to dclin ea tc cha ractc r. " As t hcy clbo,\" cd throug h th c ca reless, jos tl in g throng. making fo r a n elcvatcd bcnch on th c room's oth er sidc. sOlllcbody's g irl ,,"as insul tcd . T hc la,,·yc r tu rn cd dow n th c in vita ti o n to da nce ,,·ith "Pay S trcak nabe" evcn when shc o ffc red to squ arc it hcrself. S uch prop-

os itions wc rc seld o1l1 madc unl ess hookcd onto at the FIOt-ado ra_ The la st accentu atcd notes of a s wi ng ing h,·o-step had sil enced . Th c w hirl of French pe rfum e la dcn a ir and o ri ental fin cn · ha d becn mo mcnta ril y sta'·cd . rfcav." g um boot shu ffle broke into a n un cadcll ced thud : t hc ··g irl s·' and m in en ,,·hoopcd hcr up fo r mo rc, th en g ra vitated I11 ccha ni cally, ye t full of jo,'" to,,·a rd s t hc ba r. J ack was a 1l1os t ordin a ry appea ring fell ow. I-Ic was a truc bo rn Ame ri ca n though . and a \ \' es tern cha racter of pronounccd ideas. H ca red to rccognize tllf last vest ige of a dy in g cmpi re on th e wild fr onti cr. hc rcgrcttcd , ycs,



refused to see th e pa ss in g . \ Nhil e he was not born of illu stri ou s parentage, nor midst th e pomp and splend or of an heir apparent to the Span ish throne, Jack lIlu ran e was not the more proud. In th e days that were gone, he had not been a stranger on Regret' s and Sorrow's well-trodden trail s. The hand ling of these v ici ss itudes tended only to furth er develop, and brand his sterl in g worth as a characte r and hi s personal integrity as a man. Throug h the developm ent of di screti onary years in th e roug h environm ent of a littl e no rth-western mining camp, appreciation's ce rtain occult intell ectual powe r was surely but modestl y assum in g r ecogn iti on. The passin g tim e that stood for a cycle of progressive development for J ack was but a few short years from th e awakenin g in th e 1i ttle north-western m i n in g camp to thi s night wh en he sa t on a pole bench with Jim Garret, lawye r. in th e Alaskan mu sic ha ll. Th e period of happy mom ents wa g liding away to mu sic sweet in that prim itive la nd. It was a doll a r a dan ce. bu t, even at that, th e cost was in no II'a v com mensurate with th e innni te :ioys that, it boug ht. The sil verI' rin g of th e coi n a nd dcad plank of gold du st poke 0 11 the bar 111 in g led strangel y m idst the noisy din of happy reve ller and siren. Th e " ho uch ""dam n good stuff" - drunk cl own and aga in to orche.:;tra l 1'I"t11111n , the fur clad min er with favo rite soubrette. swung on. J ack l\I urane was restl ess but

silent. Ne ith er man had an ything to say-everythin g appeared to nave been told. i\I uram: shifted Again o n th e bench fo r comfo rt. crossed hi s kn ees and leaned aga in st the mud chinked log wal1. He tri ed to wand er back, he thought-a moment-abstractedly, mel with an ex press ion of promised contentm ent fe lt fo r man's best in1nimate compa ni on . In joy or 111 so rrow it is ever the same. Having fi lkrl and li g hted up, solac( was long so ug ht in th e sweet fragrant blu e smoke that a rose from the bow l of hi s ni cked and battered pal. He had fo rgotten he had a fri end. Garret was grow in g lo nely . If was di stress in g to with stand tn e engend ered si lence long-er. Th e coun se l tu rn ed to chee r hi s losing client whose ca use he had fough t so hard in that memorab le case to defend. but- he stopped- mellowed silence mastered still. That fraternal consolation wa s hu shed and st ran gely born e away. H(~ would look to sec, adm ire-whil e it lasted. A way dO\\' n deep to that magnifi ce ntl y bala nced cha racte r, he mentall y proposed a nd dran k to hi m who then entwined in th e labyrinth of drea ms approac hed a certain icl ea l. \ Nay back in pkb ian days . the f1-es11111 an year, Gar路路 ret reca l led the ex press i ve sunburned face. the w iel e-brimm ed hat a nd l: lu e Aa nn el shirt. no su spenders-th e \ Veste rn dress that he II'ore th e fi rst t ime that he eve r saw him. A nd th el' came together, we re coll eg e pal s in th e com-

STUDENT LIFE. mon ca use throug hout th e remainder of yea rs in old Brownell's curriculum. A ll hi s fellows liked J ack. I-lis universal popularity met with advantage to enj oy almost every consistent pha se of student life. Neve r before. however, had Garret see n hi s stud ent chum , fraternity broth er, a nd fellow of the cold world. appear quite so benig nl y resigned, yet still so mu ch a ma n. He had fou g ht defea t to th e bitterest end: wh en th e argum ent hat.! closed and it came to that breathless moment of decision in the court-room, . when a possible million hung in th e balance to be delivered as a rewa rd to him that deserveth , or to that venomous reptile in carnate. He heard , he saw, he sm il ed and tu rned away. T oni g ht that revolving mind ,,,,as Derturbeci and restl ess, appreciative of fl ood in g thoughts seemin g g rea ter than could be borne. Hi s plan s had been bl asted and he apprecia ted th at awfu l depres5 ion of spirits that trail s in the darkness of appa ren t ruin . Jack M urane wa s cogni zant of every phase of hum a n impul se that moved the Scottish ba rd to write "Man's inhum anity to man makes countle5s thou sand s mourn. " Th e atmosph ere of th e Floradora dance hall- th e " j ickey" sugge tion. strati fi ed smoke. th e clink of g lasses and rattling chip s cont rasted most favo rably with all that is most ap preciated by those who have kn ow n th e g rea ter jovs of life on a hig her pla ne. B ut th e in-


flu ence of mu sic is felt even by a savage. \ Vith th e first strain s oj an old familiar waltz, M uran e's head tilted back and with steelgray eyes he looked with sad, yet wistful, ardent, gaze. T hat roug h primitive environm ent was tempered; th e beautiful transiti on. rendered complete. Sweet concordant strains of symphony carried him back to dear old alumni days. The happy tran sform ation or reminiscence made him forget for the tim e being the stern er contentions of man. Four short yea rs at old U ni versity-th ey had B row nell made th e m ost profound impression of hi s life. U nwinding throug h the kin etescope of mind tonight was memory's tran sparent film of th e past. Freshman, sophomore, junior a nd senior-four in ali- delibera tely reviewed. A divin ely beautifu l pi cture appealing no rm ally to th e heart of every th oroug h coll egian , but furth er enhan ced tonig-ht by slow mu sic fl ood ing the warm air, * * * Those sweet a nd low many happv days were on the paystreak. * '" Th e ground was rich a nd uniform . The coming days of th e g reates t com mencement were drawing near- and the speed of memorv's film was slackened. T hose ) un e clays w ere entered. * * reduced to hours. '" '" * Again that vai n wish of th e g rave old grad-"a lth ough my yea rs meant much. thev mi g ht have stood for more." '" ':' '" Soon was cap and gow n to be relegated- that som-



bre in sig ni a of conditi ons removed a nc! som etim es-\\'o rk 1\'el1 do ne, T h e bitte'r ant icipation of fellows drifting far a nd w id e on the uncer ta in currents of tim e , \I'as ,:;IowIy finding cha racte r. ':' ':' ':' For hi mself- \\'d l, he was a se lfmade instituti on- a man o f the wo rld , and, hi s ow n welfal:e was not to be r egard ed w ith an y pa r ticul ar an x iety. ,~ * *Th e last roll was ca lled on a bea uti ful mornIn g in the June tim e. Ga rrett- d amn ed good man bu t he lost the case-was g raduated too . that identical day. As the film o f fond recoll ection r oll ed on, th er e cam e a clear-cut section th at app roached the end a nd fo rmed a fittin g g rand fin a le to a n illu stri ous ca reer in its en tirety . In the whi te density o f hi s Aoatin g pipe smoke, th ere wa s cast the delicate' fa cia l contour of a beautiful wo man - the embodim en t of a marvelous personality - intell ectual, true a nd proud. vVha t he saw was th e perfect cur ve . th e g race, th e poise a nd class ic bra id s of a uburn ha ir. wound round a head like a cro wn o f g lo ry. A li ce :'I [ontgomer y Il'as th e most bea utiful character he had eve r kn o\l'n. T he la st hours d urin g an evenin g in th e w o rl d of II'o rth- whi le thil1O's. thel' spent tog,,' th er. ':' ':' ':' :'I Ian7- hap p)' s ugge sti ons of an old hi sto ri c campu s. ivy-cove reel \I'all s a nd a lo ver 3' la ne- tbe girl made th e !'ettin g most complete. Th e pi cture \I'as in perfec t ha rm Ol1\' \\'ith th e consonant lllu 3ic that 'Aoa ted ;:> \I'a l' like the sll'ee t scent o f roses summc r I~ rcezc , I' htonic ill on


spirit ':' ':' ':' tru e a nd tried, ',' ',' A ll these happy yea r s had th ey been ull\\'averin g . fa ith fu l fri end 3. " Some d ay-if I am ri g ht successful- think yo u ':' ':' ':, co uld yo u I: e mo re)" ':' ':' ':' T hat was \\' hat he asked her. If J ack had but on<.: regr et in the worl d it was not by reason of th e a nswer. T hree yea r s, nearly. had unrolled fr om th e sack cloth o f tim e since he left the g irl- hi s ete rna l all- behind , A nd he d rifted forth into th e r ea lm o f a track less waste fa r away in th e still solitud es o f th e mag netic no rthl a nd. T he cha nge of scene was in stantl y shi ft ed fr om a n atmospher e respl end ent with t he poetry of li fe" bea uti ful cha racters a nd ma rvel o us so urce o f t ~ m p o r a l joy,:;. F ri end s, sentim ent a nd th e s piri t o f legendary lo re had been swept away like a n aut umn leaf in Nove1l1her chill. a nd th er e was ])or tra I'ed o n smoke sc reen th e sub i ect o f - a w eird picture. da rk,:;ome' in ou tlin e and in detail. indi ,:;tin ct. It wa s illu stra tive of the g loom i-:st ph ase o f life th a t that yo un g charac ter had eve r kn ow n. Th e last heav I- sno ll' fa ll h ad enveloped th e sur;'oundin g hill 3 and " cri cks " Il'ith a n er m in e s h ro ud, Every p in e. tw ig a nd birch tree wa s heav ily laden benea th it3 ma ntI c o f w hi te: an d as the calill bi tte r-co ld breeze moa ned throug'h ~ h e timl: er I' elt it seem ed to ca rn' a son g of di stress. A littl e c1ea l:ing reveal eel. in th e ea r ly m o rnin g sta rli g ht. th e 501l1bre shac1 c'3 of a


; i


STUDENT L/i'12'. min er 's hU111bl e ca bin. S ilhouetted in t he puritl' of Il'i nte r snow, was the d im haz v outlin e of a pros pec tor' s w in dlass. It s urmo u nted a deep , cave rn ous shaft a nd r s teel ' on a e1ump of heavy was h grave l. TII'ist ing th e long cl icking ha ndle of that pr imiti ve wh eel o f fortun e. Il'as a man, \ Ne sa I'-a Illa n-for thel' a ren't a lw ~y " . ' " "'Jack :dura ne joi ned tha t he a V,I' stam ped e, :He s taked th e claim him se lf. Il'hi ch in th e par la nce of th e north e rn " Sou rdo ug h" Il'as knOll'11 a s ( numbe r ) one below d iscove r.l'. Dome (c reek )." Th e hot feve r of exc iteme nt ca lm .. ed afte r a few dal's , 111 a n afterw hil e the s takers 'lI' ho had sec ured good 10catiollS lost fa it h in the value a f the creek as a f utu re produ ce r. a nd o ne bl' one their outfit s were seen pa ss in g dow n th e trail. A nd t he day wa s not long in comi ng when :\ Iu ran e Il'as the las t 111a n left. T o him th e " cri ck " looked a Il' inn er fr om the tu rn loose. To sin k a ho le to bedrock Il'it h eve n ' fac ili tl' t hat th e u p-to-d ate prosrlecto r can boast. is a jo b that ma kes eve n the mos t da~ing fro \\'l1. \\ 'ith oul' s uffici ent l-ca~on to per s uade and to in terest ('thers. Il'ithout f und s to furt her p rO;::1Jrc more than the ba re sustena nces o f life. hall' Illu ch ~ h a ll we admire a nd appreciate him w ho th roug'h force o f ci rCU111 stance ha s the da u ntless co urag-c and un s hake n fortitud e to b ~gi n the g reat II'ork. f ri endl es s a nd a lo ne) ", . '" /\ nd the picture in th e ~mo ke did not cha ngc. !-o r 111 0nth s did h('


to il at that wi ndl ass-that prospect hole-su fkr ing almost eve ry pri vation tha t hum a n bein g is hei r to, Uedrock was deepe r than he hac! eve r s upposecl , but he stayed with th e cla im a nd wo rked lik e a man, \\ 'hat he kn ew, as the days dragged on. was the descens ion of a nin ety-foo t ladd er. the fi llin g of bucket. the cI im b back, t he ho ist out, the d ump, the drea m of p ay, a nd th e f uture of a g irl. H is g rub Il'as getti ng s ho rt, but he co uldn 't g ive u p-every day bro ug ht him four in ches deeper, closer to bed rock. 1-I e wo rked on rat ions bu t one day th e Rour was go ne. T h e last pou nd of ri ce was bo iled a n d th en the coffee had to fo ll ow su it. B ut he wa s so sanguin e . so su r e tha t bed roc k II'Olll d be un cove red soon . I t Il'as with th e fondest aspiration ever ap precia ted in hi .:; lifetim e that he sat that ni g ht, breathed fo r success a nd looked in .. to th e t-lame. T 0111 0rroll' the la.:;t o f the pork a nc! bea ns--t he A la ska n staff of li fe- ll'Ou ld be gone. '" ,;, ." Th e morning fo und hi111 aga in 011 th e w in dlil ss-111iles a nd mile s from a n I' congeni a l living be in g. J ack did not hal'e el'e n a dog, Th e ;\orthe rtl lig hts Ramed cold ly in th eir g rand e ur a nd a lon e 11'01ÂŁ how led fro m a n emin ence, but he saw not. neither did he hea r . T h is dal' finally pas!"ed and th ere II'a<; stii l a noth er to come.- but t here \\'as nothi ng to ea t. ] Ie would Il'ork that da I' . hOll'ever h ungn'. n ed rock Il'o u'ld I~ e st ruck- the n fl1ture happy da ys ! A ll intense longings II'Olllci I:e rca liz C?d in their



infinite splend or. A nd after allth ey centered in the girl.

* :;: *

A month had pa ssed sin ce Jack went away,leav in g that creek wh ere man mig ht toil and starv e. l-le had made a g rubstake and was coming back to fini sh the hole. The trail was unu sually good . It appeared to have been much traveled r ecentl y and he wondered why. That g rub lad en led pulled hard and th e rope blistered round hi s n eck, but that happy mind was engrossed with th e thoughts of slabb)' bedrock and a ri ch strike, fu ture clea n-up days and oth er resultant things. T h e breath of the toiler was taken. The fir st beautiful day of springtim e t urn ed dark. Hot blood fl ooded hi s brain and all th e sorrow that had gone before wa.:; as n othing compared with th e exquisite agony that he kn ew at this m oment. H e had read the meaning of the change in things on th e claim as by in sti nct and wi sh ed for a tim e that he had neve r li ved. As he appr(l~c h e d th e shaft, he sa w a number ')f men bendin g over a panninj:! tub. T hey were so engrossed in th e work of th e pann I' that the joining stranger came unnoticed. As he bent low to see, he turn ed and brea th ed un consciously : "Done, i\ ruran e, done." Th e whirling water wa s foll ow ing th e centrifugal rim of the gold pan washing through its diminutiv e course, leaving a bed of gold behin d.

They had struck it rich a week befo re. U ncovered was a pay streak that bad e fair to out- rival the richest run of gold that th e l\'o rth ern realm could boast. William Bailey, a rich claim own er who had acquired extensive interests on all the producing creeks on the Tanana, had heard of Dom e; and th ese men that panned were hi s representatives who were sent to take advantage of M uran e's absence . Th ey had entered hi s workings and fini shed the hole. They had mad e discovery and struck it fabulousl y rich. One below had been re-staked, witnes,;ed and du ly reco rded in th e nam e of \ Vi lli am Ba.iley . Th e admirabl e vVin chester days of old we re gone. H ow well , and in justice to stru ggling humanity. could its role have been played here ! Jack M urane soug ht justice in th e courts of law . H e had no money. but he gave a half interest in th e claim to Jim Ga rrett, l11ining law ye r, should he win , to fi ght the case. Th e judge's decision was fou nded on preced ent, a nd the statute defin i n ~' " di scove ry." Uy the law s of Alaska no man can reco rd a claim unless d iscovery has been made. D iscovery is defin ed as bein g the finding of gold in such quantiti es as would war rant a pru dent man in \\'orking th e gTound. In th e eyes of th e la\\" J ack l\ Iura ne had neve r mad e d iscoven '. \ Villialll Dail ey had. .

STUDE N T LIl路E. F ortun e drew him th e re, parri ed hi s first stroke, but th e battl e is Il ot clone. Th en- th e g irl. The clrea m was broken. 路路Rip off a two-step, fell ers, rip off a


two-step. " Jt was the bu rl ey voice of I-:1am-grease Dille.I路, th e fl oor ma nager. .. What" s th e hurry, l\lurane ?. .. ,\ stampecle tomorrow. "

A Se ries o f riollt Stories -0,-

College Spirit and Coll ege Life. VII


[~ Iind

" Now if :\JcEwan doesn't get an attack o( cold feet, we w ill be able to put the water wo rks deal throu g h tomo rrow without a hi tch , \ Ve w ill get our two-th irds majo rity in th e Hoa rd, if Mac con'les ove r. T hat promi se of ours got h im ; he wants to be di strict atto rn ey, a nd wants th e job ba d, H e kn ows who eli he' out th e sugar plu111 s a round he re, a nd he is doin g some tall thinking ri g ht now sin ce the di st ri ct atto rn eyship has heen menti oned to him." So spoke H odson, fifth w heel of Cham berlain' s " machine." The


" machin e" had c011 troll ed the municipal affairs of Lakepor't fo r yea rs; but la st el ecti o n a "cog slipped " a nd th e Refor111 pa rty secured a ma jo ri ty of th e Doa rd of A lder111 en, Th ere was a " 111achin e" mayo r, but the Boa rd was usuall y "agin " him , a nd so th e " machin e" had hard sledd in g fo r some 111onth s, O n all matte rs the vote usua lly stood fiv e to fo ur, with the " R eform s" in the majority . T hi " majo rity" wa s McEwan from th e fifth district. McEwan was a lawyer, but few yea rs ou t of coll ege, who was

STUDENT LIFE. what is usuall y term ed "a ri sin g yo ung man. " He had been elected from a di stri ct whi ch ah\'ays had returned heavy ma jo riti es for Chamberlain 's party, T he election in \\'hich :\lcEw an was a ca ndidate \\'as a n excepti on. ho\\'eve r, a nd after a personal ca nva ss, he \\'as elected by a small majority. i\1cE\\'an was always a th o rn in the sid es of the machin e w rkers. F irst, beca use he had come from a distri ct wh ich had always been "red hot" for the machin e, and secondh' becau se he had id eas about impeac1;ing the mayor, and crcating inquiry and investiga ting boards. It was eviden t that shou ld any critical measure come up , in \\'hi ch the ,"machin e" was directl " interested, l\lcE\\'a n wo uld be th-e center of the fire from th e "machin e g un s." S uch a lll easu re was th e water \\'o rk s bill. In th e first p lace t he water works system of L a kepo rt had been th e prope rty of th e mun icipa I co rpo rati on, bu t now -ol11e brilliant mind concocted a sehemc to lease the plant to a private CO I11 pan)' fo r a period of twenty- fi ve yea rs, the municipality to receive a remun era ti on in th e form of free water fo r all city publ ic buildings and grounds as well as a pecifi ed SU\1l of mon ey . T h is sum of money, howeve r, was extremely small. Th e matter was passed up to th e Boa rd of A ld erm en fo r consid eration. , Th e "mach in e" stood fo r leas ing the plant. so the four " mach in e" ald erm en voted "aye." It wa s ev ident that now the strellgth


of the Refo rm party was going to be put to test, and that th e "machin e" was not go in g to lose the fight until all effo rts had proved fruitl ess. A two- third s majority \\'as necessa ry to pass the leasing measu re, and \\' hen the fight began th e "machine" had fo ur. Pressure was fir st brought to bear upon Castl eton of th e R eform s. Castl eton o \\'Il ecl a bakery, and joined the Reform party for personal reasons rather than publi c ones, so several tempting baits were th ro wn at him by the "machine" politi cians. and as I-I od son put it, "FIe swall o\\'ed bait and all. " T hi s gave fiv e fo r leasing and four for the city k eeping the water \\'ork s systel1l. Th ere was a meeting of the " machin e" leaders onc da\' in " I joss" Chamberlain's offic e a nd after long consultation, they came to a n agreement to ma ss all the strength on :\ I. cEwan, a nd to usc both pe rsua sion a nd threats upon him to brin g him " into line," and thu s gi ve th e necessary twothird s maj o rit v. :ro r da'\,s th e c1 i ffe rent leaders vi sited w ith I cEwan, and wined and dined him. T he.\' brought all the press ure possibl e to bea r upon him , but yet he rema in ed loyal to the Reforms. Chamberlain and hi s cro\\'d were gettin g desperate, as the final vote wa s to be taken on Saturday ni g ht. Acco rdingly on Thursday ni g ht, H odson wa s in structed to thro w th e last bait out to catch "kEwa n. H odson went to :\kE\\'an on F ri dav mornin g and promi sed him the- nomin-




ati on fo r the di stri ct a tto rn eys hip at th e next ekc tion. F o r some moments a fter the offer was mad e. :\ j cE. wan rema in ed st ill. H odson th en kn ew he had located i\ LcE wa n' s \\-ea k spot. ailli told th e alderman to thi:lk th in g 3 over ca refull \' befo re he decid ed. H e sa id he WQuld be back Satmd a \mornin g for an an swer. All da;long A lderma n :\ icE wan d ebated with him self. } -j is ambit ion was to be di strict atto rn ey . It would mea n somethin g hi gh er up a fterwa rds. T hen again . wh en he becam e d istrict atto rn ey he wou ld have th e power to do mo re for th e sake of th e R efo rm movement. If, however . he accepted th e propos iti on. he would be sellin g out hi s fr iend s. "But," he a rgti ed to hi mself. " I would be ab le to do more I:-Ie kn ew fo r them afterward s," his election would be a certainty. if Cham berlain app ro v<2d of t l~ e nomination, for th e "machine" wa 3 st rong enoug h, so thi s questi on didn 't bother him. H e remembered a ll of hi s talk s and effor ts fo r " refo rm ," but he tri ed to arg ue with him self. "T hos<2 fell o ws have some good a rg um ents, too . for leasing- th e plant, a nd there are al ways two sicks to a qu e3 ti on." So the battle ra ged within 11im all da y and he left hi s offic e ea rl y . g oing to hi s r 00 111. T here was a feelin g o f unrest in hi m. a nd he wanted somethin g to occupy hi s mind bes id es thi s CJu c,;tion whi ch he kn ew placed him on th e banks of the Rubi co n_ H e opened hi s trl1nk a nd began to

d e l v-~ down and pi ck out o ne by o n',' souve nirs of co ll ege days gone by_ T here \\" e re pennants, a rm band s. pipes . ca nes. da nce prog ram s, pic tures' badges. pin s. book s and i:l fa ct he oft-.::n refe r red to the COIl tents of th e trunk as th e net results o f four yea rs at coll ege. One by one he picked th em out, looked them o ver a nd laid th em on th e Aoo r. Down nea r th e botton , he ca n~ e upon a manu script, w hich he proceeded to read . A broad smile broke over hi s fac e, a nd he muttered , "' Civi c P urity'-well I'll be damn ed. A lways th e same old qu esti on. no mater whi ch way 1 turn." H e read on. Th en he got up a nd li t a ci g ar, a nd read some mo re. H e fini shed , folded th e manu sc ript a ncl put it in hi s pockei. and bega n to pace the floo r, talking to him self. "Let' s see, didn'~ ' B rick' 1\ j atheso n say somethin g to me whi ch mad e me mad , after ] finish ed givi ng thi s paper? Yes, it wa s after I had read about 'Civic P urity' a long- t im e ago at th e Commencement E xercises, when ' Brick' and I go t o ur degrees. H e saidlet' s sec-Florence. yes . fo r h e marri ed Fl o rence-T didn't. O h. yes ! Fl orence was co ng ratulating me o n my acld ress wh en ' B ri ck ' cam e up a nd said something abo ut ' Fin e nape r, old man, but it' s froth. Y ou id ea li ze too much, a nd don 't co nsid er th e bread -and -b utter end of life. Civ ic puri ty is all right. at th is stage o f the g am e, but 1'11 bet m:- las t yea r' s hat th a t before you g et done with life you']] change your mind.' Yes. then Florence



Iy sin ce F lo rence-. Say I "von', gi ve th em a cha nce to la ug h, even if- " Ju st then a knock came a t t he door, a nd a kindl y voice announ ced, "Please come dow n, Nlr . "M cEwan, d inn er is ready."

lalwhed a nd said that she 'guessed .. Brick " wa s ri g ht.' S he always did like Brick better than me; treated me as a kid. I re1l1embei' how sad she looked wh en she sa id that she could only be a 3ister La me, and always wanted my fri endship. Say, wouldn't th ey la ug h if they hea rd a bout me now? Th en she wou ld have to tell 'Brick' aga in about th e tim e she sa id she wanted to be l11 y sister. T hen ' Brick' would laug h. 'B ri ck ' used to like to laug h, so T g uess he does now. Now I neve r did like 'Brick,' particu la r-

:;: * :;. :

Saturday ni g ht came; the Boa rd met. T he vote stood fi ve to fou r, th e two-thi rd s maiOl-ity fa iling to be secured a nd Lakeoort kept her water works system, whi ch all goes to p rove that even if a man is ambitious, he has a blind side.

Macgrego r.




L NtSQrt

T he coaches of Blake's track team were eng aged in -electing th e m en, who were to represent th eir school in th e ann ual inter-state track meet. T he t rack squad was a large one, and th e proce3S of thinning out, so as to be a ble Lv " train fin e," was a most important opera tion in an athletic way. T w~'

weeks' time had bee n used, and all th e men fo r th e several events had been chosen, except t.h e mii e men. Thi s is where there was doubt, fo r th ere was a superfluity of evenly matched mate ri al for thi s event. F in all y, Ba rton, the head coach, determin ed to settle the question of selection, by entc ri Il g all of



th e mil e men in a race, a nd c h oo~· ing th e first three wi nn ers. So it \\'as that the bl eachers and grandstand were fill ed one afternoon in ea rl y .iI.l.ay, by Blake's rooters. T here we re ten entri es, but one of these, " wou ldn't cou nt for a nything," so the rooters sa id , " f o ;' he is tbat fellow Morrison, \\·ho came from no-w he re and is bill ed fo r the same, I-Ie just does n't count, that' s aIL " A lt houg h th is sta tement was a triA e ha rsh, it expressed the meanin g, Mo rri son did not count. \ Vh0 he was? \!\There he came from? vVhy he came? \ Vhy he stayed? ITow long he was going to sta y? \!\There he was goin g? T hese wer\" the questions w hi ch rema in ed WI '· aswered, because they were nev.:r askea .. Nobody cared about ~,ior­ ri son ; he did n't co unt. I-Ie was a lways alone on th e campus, a nd ve ry ra rely spoke. He wa s a 1 0 1~ e boa rder by him self, fo r he li ved in a room in a desolate lookin g li ttle cottage , not fa r fro111 the calilpl1S, whe re he was hi s ow n cook and house-keeper. TI e w ent to hi s classes with ma chine- like reg ula rity, a nd th en di sappea red into hi s humble abode. l\ Lor ri so n neve r had a fri end, but he was given a ni ck-nm ae, " O ld Lonesome," for hi s peculi a rity was strikin g enoug h to d ra w out sha rp remarks. One da y in the springtim e, l\ Jo rrison appea red a t th e gymnasi um and as ked fo r a t rack suit. It was g'ive n to hil11, Day after day, he <;al11 e out on th e cin der. path. F irst l1e tri ed for th e short sp rint s, but

dropped out of them. Tb en he took up the 220, th e 440, a nd th e balf, but gave up hi s place in each of th ese events to faste r men. So it was he foun d him self tryin g on the mil e, wh ere power of endurance counts as much as speed . Uu t here he always broug ht up the rea r w ith hi s slow pl oddin g strides. O n th e afte rn oon of th e final selecti on of mile men, l\"[o rri son appea red as usual a nd drew hi " startin g pos ition along with th e other ca ndid ates. \ Vhen th e men "we re set. " Darton, w ith a revolver shot, sta rted them o n their journ ey. It took four la ps to complete the mile and a ll pa rticipa nts ra n evenl y except one. T h is one was "O kl L oneso111e.·' lIe kept even with the re-t of the racers fo r the first half lap , t hen he g raduall y dropped behincl. T he next two laps resul ted in a still greate r loss for him , a nd w hen th e time cam e fo r the rest to sprint fo r the fini sh, )To rri son was pound in g a long behin d. Down the fi na l stretch came th e rema ining nin e; Ga ll agher led , with Conroy second , and Evan s th ird. T he B leache rs we re sta ndin g, a nd a mighty "rah" went up . Gallagher's f ri ends were urging him on, w hil e the d isc iples of Conroy a nd Eva ns .\\·e re do in g th eir le vel best. T he three \\'ere now but fift:, ya rd s from th e tape, a nd were runnin g like wh irl wind s. On they sped : Ga llagher hit th e ta pe fiirst, with Conroy a nd Evans in second a nd th ird plaees . . Th e oth er six 111en were on th e heels of th ~ lead ers; and away to the rear plod -

STUDEN T LIFE. d ed "Old L onesome." As soon as the race was fini shed, th e rook r.:. c rowd ed onto th e field to cong ra tulate the w inner s, who were roll ed in big warm blankets a nd ca rried to th e gym nasium . Th e six remaining m en were not forgotten , for th eir fri end s were ready with the ever-w elcome blanket, and fri endly comm endatiol15. Noone appeared to have seen "Old L onesome" finish. He plodded on, and on, and finall y ran into the crowd, in an exhausted condi tion. H e was ready to fall , for he was so weak and breathless. Th ere was n o warm bla nket waiting for him , so he pushed throug h the crowd and staggerin g, foun d hi s way to a g rassy plot behind the g rand stand , wh ere he lav down. Here, he lay for some ti;ne, face downward on hi s crossed arms. A shudder seemed to run throug h Li" bony and ang ul ar fo rm. He lay fo rgotten, until th e victors had left the fiel d with the howling 1c1mirers. T hen, with a shiver , he roll ed over on hi s back, a nd with a long breath, whi ch seelll ed to bespeak a n in wa rd remorse. he stood up . steadyin g him self by holding on to the g ra nd stand . A w eakn ess came over him ; hi ~ bead began to sw im , a nd eve rylh ,ng became blurred . l:Te reeled a nd feii backwa rd a nd with a du ll thu d he struck the g round. Here he lay in sensible long after th e May sun had set a nd th e twi li g ht of the spring evenin g had settled down. Ove r on the othe r end of th e cam-


pu s the lig hts bega n to twinkle, and sound s of twanging g uitars and the rythmic swin g of "Ein Zwei D rei" of evening serenade rs, fl oated out on th e evening breeze. When nig ht had well appeared, "Old L onesome" a woke from the Insensibl e condition ; rubbed his eyes; stretched out hi s stiffened limbs, a nd again stood up. vVith whirling head , he craw led and d ragged hi s wretched forgotten self in th e directi on of the lig hts.

* * :;:

M rs. Hend erson k ept one of those typical city boardi ng house,;, wh ere there is a comming ling of several different types of humanity all of th em bread w inn ers. There was th e dry-goods cl erk, the shoe sa lesman , th e mu sic teacher , the school ma'am and the government offi ce clerIc Then th ere was anoth el- boa rd er , a tall , ang ula r, rawboned man . w ith set jaw,;, a nd a sad littl e pathetic smile w hi ch played aro und hi s thin lips. His daily to il wa s in a little pent up o ffic~ dow n on th e water fro nt, checking and re-checkin g long column s of figures broug ht into him by the dock foreman. H e went to his labors ea rl y, a nd retu rned late . He very ra rely went out, th en alone. T here was an ai r of mystery about him , for no one kn ew where he came from. H e appea red to ha\,: no fri end s. but from somewhere a nam e came. \l\1 here it ca me f rom, or how it came. no one ever took time to consider. It probably just g rew, bu t th e rest of th e boa rd ers



referr ed to thi man. \I'hose black coat shO\l'ed bare thread s, as " O ld Lonesome ,.. Th us " Old Lonesome" liv ed fo r cnsu in g yea rs, always payin g his boa rd with d ue r egularity : say ing but littl e, and assoc iatin g in a cong enial. confidentia l way w ith none, In the run of eve l'\'-dal' affa irs at t he boarding ho use." he became sllch a se t facto r that hi s p resence wa3 almos t fo rgottcn, O ne mo rnin g, he fa iled to come dow n to breakfast but thi s exc ited no comment, fnr h e som etim es mi ssed th e m ornin g lll ea 1. j\lrs. H enderson, in hCI ro und s to do her mo rnin g wo rk, found th e doo r to hi s r00 111 bolted , Jt rema ined so a ll da y, and that evenin g the good lady. a ss isted bv

t11e govern1ll en t cle rk . broke t he doo r in, There, face dOII'l1\I-a rd on hi s crossed arms. lal' " O ld Lonesom e. \ I\ ' hen th e,: turn ed him ove r. there was still that pathet ic, lonesom e . little smi le on hi s lips, I-I i s 1i fe had go ne ou t as he had spent it. a lo ne, T he coroner sa id it was hea rt fa ilu re, H e was buri ed next day, A bank book was found in hi s belong in gs. w hi ch showed th ere was a sma ll ba lance at one o f the c 'ty banks, \ Vith thi s. t he funera l expen ses were paid , and a neat ma1bl e hea d-stone \\'as put at th e head of hi s g ra ve, with the in scripti on :

R1:cha rd M orrisoll , 'Old LOllcsol/le.' JlJ acgrcp;or,


Necrologv. Some eminent Chemists. The Boston Herald sa id editoriall v that th e world suffe red a g reater loss in th e death of Curi e than th e loss occasion ed by th e San F ranci sco di saster that occurred th e same weck. I11 j ustifica tio11 of this statement , lVI r. A . D . Little has said, " T he qualitv of intellectual leadership is o ne of th e ra rest and most preci ous possess ions of our racc, alid th e world ca n better a ffo rd to lose a city o r provin ce t han o ne of its g reat investigators, philosophers, or teachers." FortUli ately the wo rld has a large number of g reat men at tl1 ::p rescnt tim e engaged in researc路路 wo rk in chemistry, phys ics, ma th .. emati cs a nd biology; but it is a ma tter of universal reg ret that within a year not less tha n half a dozen of th e keenest i ntell ect3 th .: wo rld has ever kno wn have been taken f rom u s. Four out of thi s number were chcmis ts whose bri lli a nt discoveri es have enri ched our kno wl edge of almost every pha se of th e science of chem ist ry . , A mong th e g reatest of p resentday scienti sts . wh ose spl endid achi evements have r endered possibl e things mo re m a rvelous than th e earli el' chemi sts could even imagi ne, were Curi e, lVIo is3a n, l\'T end eleeff a nd Be rth elot. P ierre Curie wa s bo rn in 1859.

He received hi s ed ucation in Paris. As a boy hc was unusually quick to grasp t he . sig nificance of scientific principles , and at the age of nin eteen he was making o ri gi nal investiga tions in ph ysics and chemistry. A t the age of twenty he was elected p rofesso r of chemistr y in th e Paris Institute of T echnology . The same yea r Marie S klodowska, an intellectual yo ung woma n fro m Poland, regisat th e same school ; te red became a student of Curi e's Zl.1t I later became hi s wife . e. Curie was equa l to her hu s""did in ed uca ti onal attainments and abi lity to do research work. S hc di scovered an element closely related to bi smuth , which she named polonium , in hono r of he r na t ive la nd . 1\ lm e. Curi e is entitled to at least half the cred it fo r the di scovery of radiu1ll a nd the ca reful co-operative tudy that has been mad e b v the Curi es on the prope rti es of' radio-active elements a'nd compou nds. P ie rre Curie took th e degree, Docto r of Sc ience a t th e U ni ve rsity of Pa ri s in 1905. J-:Te publi shd hi s fir st wo rk 0 11 rad ium in 1898, ancl fr om that tim e until hi s dea th he mad e valuab le cont ributi ons to science each YCa r. He cl iscoverecl tha t the raclil1111 rays a re of three kind s, cliffer-



ing fro m each oth er in th eir powe r o f penetration a nd bei ng unequally deAected in a magnetic field . He di scovered that radium evo.lves h eat spontaneou ly and r em a ll1s constan tly at a temperature s lig htly above that of the sur rounding med ium. He measured th e qua ntity of heat evolved and esti mated that one gram of pure rad ium would yield one hun dred calo ries p er hour. He fo und thi s calorinc power to be practi cally the same at the temperature of liquid h yd rogen as at ordina ry tempera.tures, a nd suggested th at, in all probability the heat of the sun is due to the sponta neous evolutiQn o f h eat fro m rad io-acti ve bodie3. Curi e's discoveri es have stimula ted the development of new theori es concerning the ultim ate na ture of matter, a nd we may expect to see a substa nti al structure o f th eo reti cal chem istry erected upon the foun dation he has establi shed. C uri e was accide ntly kn ocked dow n by a carriage on the st reets o f Pa ri s, April 19, 1906 a nd died fr om th e effects of the in juri e3 received. \ !\T hen \!\Ti lhelm Ostwa ld addressed a n associati on of chemi st.:; in Paris a few months ago . he saicl , " Th ere is but one p rince (o f chemistry) in F rance and th ere i3 but o ne who is entitl ed to be hi s successor. " As prin ce he referred to Mo issan, and. as hi s only qualified s uccessor, Berthelot. Henri Moissan was born 111

Pa ri s September 28, 1852. He was an 111ventor a nd investigator of fir st ra nk. Perhaps hi s g reatest ser vice to mankin d was the invention of the electri c furn ace . U ntil a few yea rs ago the hig hest temperature that coul d be obtained was about 1,800 deg rees c., which was produced by the oxy hydrogen fl am e. In th e electric furnace a temperature of 3,500 degrees C. can be reached. Moissan succeed ed in prepa rin g dia monds in 1893 by di ssolving carbon . in molten iron and suddenly plungi ng the mass into cold water. Globules of iron a re fo rmed whi ch cool quickl y o n th e outside, fo rming a soli d crust ove r a molten interior. Iron in w hi ch ca rbon is dissolved expands upon cooling, so that, as the m ass cools the carbon and iro n of th e interi or a re held under tremen dous press ure. U nd er th ese condi tions th e ca rbon crystali zes. D iamond s large enoug h to be of comm ercial valu e have not yet been a rti fi ciall y p repa red. Mo issan was the fir st to isola te Auori ne, wh ich fea t he accompli shed in 1886 by the electrolysis of hydroAuor ic ac id . He discovered a mea ns of prepa ring ca lcium ca rbid e by heatin g coke and li me in th e electri c furn ace. makin g t he m a nu fac ture of thi s compoun d comm ercially profitable a nd materia ll y I-ed ucin g th e cost of p roduci ng acetd ene gas. l\Ioissan n ever patented hi s inventions_ He 'worked in a purely un sel fi sh way fo r the adva ncement of science. He


STUDENT LIT-E. di ed at Paris, February 24. I907, as a result of an operati on for appendicitis. F rance lost within a month the two men esteem ed by Ostwa ld a.:i he r greatest men of genius. Pierre Eugene Berthelot was in Pa ri s, October 25, born 1827. r-Ie was, therefore, older than his colleagues, Moissan and Curie; but he did not cOllle into promin ence as early in li fe . At th e age of thirtv-two he was elected professo r of ch emi stry in the Pa ri s School of P harmacv. He did an immen se amount of work on th e synth eses of dy~s and determined the exact composition of seve ral of the coal tar colors. He a lso publi shed reports of hi s investigation s on isomerism in org-anic compounds and did considerabl e ori g in al work in therm ody namics. Berthelot di ed in Pa ris last Februa ry. For the discovery of one of t he g-reatest of th e fundamenta l laws of chemi stry we a re indebted to th e Russian chemist, Dim itri I vanovitch Mendeleeff. He was born in Tobolsk , S iberia . in 1834. He was educated in Saint r- dersburg and held a professorship in chemistry in th e U niversity of Sa int Pete rsburg f rom r866 to the tim e o f hi s death. In 1869 l\ Iendeleeff published :, classification of th e element based on their atomic weig-hts a nd c1ear1\' demonst rated that the properties


of th e elements are pe ri odic fu nctions of their atom ic weights. This is know n as the "Period ic Law " a nd it furnis hes a basis fo r determining the chem ica l and physical properties of an element from its atom ic weight a nd reference to its a nalogues in the pe riodic table he constructed. Mendeleeff had such confidence in the la w he had form ul ated that he predicted the di scove ry of some new elements that were required to complete the pe riod ic table . He described three elements, then unknow n, which he beli eved woul d be discovered. He an nounced the color, specific g ravity, atomic weig ht, atomic volu me and va lence of each, and t he solubility, boiling point and density of many of their compound s. T hirteen years later th e Ge rman chemi st, \i\Tinkl er, discovered a n element , whi ch h e named for hi s count ry, germa nium . It corresponds, in eve ry detai l. to one of the three whose discovery was predicted and properties described by the g reat Russian scien tist. S ince then the oth er two ha ve been isola ted and a re known as scand ium and ga llium. The E ngin eering a nd M in ing J ournal says. "Mend eleeff wa" one of th e wo rld's most renowned chemi sts; a nd one of the few scientists who have had the di stinction of discove ring a great na tural law." He died at Saint Pete rsbu rg, Feb. 2, 1907. C.W.?



Published Monthl y IN the Stuclen ls o f


F. D. Farrell. '07.. . .. Editor路in-Chief A. D. S keen, '09 ...... . ........ Associate Editor Fred Matb e ws. Jr. , '07 ....... Bu s in e" Man age r R. L. Judd, '09 .. .... .. . .. .Assistan t Manager DEPl'i IHMENTS.

H. M. Stoops. '08 ... .. ...... Lite rary '1Dd Art Josie Munk. '09 ... . ..... ............ Stuaent AlTairs W , J. Co nger, ' 10...... . . . .. . .. Locals E. Hudman. '08 ................. De partments A. M. Palm e r , '08 .. . . .... . Alumni a n d Excbange E. P. HolT, '09 . ...... . ..... . .. Adve rtis ing Bureau



One yea l路 .... . ............ . .. . .... . ... . ....... $1.00 S ing le Co pies ... .... .......................... 2,," Extra Copi es to Subscribers ...... . ... . ... 15c Entered as second class m"ner Dec. 21. 1903 at t. he P03t office at. Logan . l; tab , uno c l' a. n act

of Con g ress of March 3, 1 ~7\J. College delivery is ma rie from Stuuent Life office, Room 85.

Vol. 5.

Commcnceme nt,


T he regu lar ann ual election of Studellt L ife staff has been defe rr ed until th e openin g of school next

September. T hi s was made necessary by th e indecision on th e pa rt o f many of th e Doss ible candi dates as to r eturnin g. W e tru st that th e little sheet will not be neglected , a nd th at it may continue to g row indefinitely. 'vVe have relieved ou r anatom ical sys tem of some pretty stale edito ri al stuff thi s year, but we mu st say, in self defense, th a t we h ave neve r menti oned "Refo rmed Spelling" or 路'Espe ra nto." If ou r mathematics is sound , the three members of the U tah Intercollegiate Deba ting League "came out even" this yea r. 1<rol11 the standpoi nt of all conce rn ed thi s could h.a rdl y be more sati sfacto ry.

T he "Clock ' T ower Series" is concl ud ed in thi s issue. These stori es have be'e n ' a pronoun ced success. T hey have broug ht us more favorable exchange comm ent than a ny other feat ure of our pape r thi s yea r . T he ed ito r wishes to express hi s sin ce re aD preciation and hea rty thank s to the a uth or. M r. B. F. Rite r . J r. , who has contributed the sto ries, w it hout remun e ra tion, with hi s character istic promptn ess a nd big-hea rted generos ity. A nd whil e \ve are tha nki11(T. we do not forget ou r other contributors for th eir assistance. T h e su pport given S tlldent Life by that scholastic enZ)Tllle, the stu -



...... V

::J ~


STUDEN T LIFE. de nt body, has been stupendo us. If a ll of our stud ents have read th e afo rementioned "g'ag book," four out of eve ry five have belong-ed to t he phylu m porifera. a long- with the sponges . But we a re not compla ining. 'liVe are amon g those wh o have sup ported th e paper, and we have reaped the benefits. No, we are not complaining. MISS POWELL .

The first member of the class of ] 907 to be taken from the protecting ca re of A lma Mate r and placed among the workers in the " cold, cold world," is M iss In ez Powell. Miss Powell takes he r degree in Domestic Science thi s June, but she was released from he r school work here Ap ril first in order to accent a position as in stru ctor in Domestic Sc ience at the L. D . S . U nive rsity at Salt Lake. S he is th e on ly lady member of th e "Naug hty Sevens." In her school career she ha s always been distin g ui shed as all exceptionallv brig ht stu de nt, as a good fellow, and for her ability to prevent her mal e class-mates from exceed in g the speed limit. S he has for three years been president of th e class, which position she still holds. M iss Powe ll has always been promin ent and popu lar in coll ege circl es. In addition to her exceptional class wo rk, she has acquitted herself well as a leader in various student or-


gani zations. Last year she was editor of th e departm ent of Student Affairs of S tudellt L ife. 'liVe heartily join her host of fri end s in wishin g her prosperi tv. THE OLD BOARD.

Student Life des ires to express for itself a nd the student body their hea rtfelt tha nks fo r the g reat and unselfi sh se rvi ce rendered this institution by the members of the "Old Board :" Hon. W. S. McCornick, Hon. Geo rge C. ' iVhitmore, Hon. J ohn A. McAli ste r, a nd Hon Evan R. Owen. The college itself stands as a monum ent to their excellent public service. PRESIDENT KERR.

When President ' iV. J. Ke rr leaves thi s institution to take up hi s new duties as pres ide nt of the O regon Agricultural College, U tah will lose and O regon will ga in a man whom the form er can ill afford to have taken from her rank s of educators, a nd for the acq u isition of whom, the state on th e north west is in deed to be cong ratulated . P res ide nt Ke rr i a Utah man, having been born and hav ing spent mu ch of hi s youth in Ric hmond, Cache County: He received his ea rly college tra inin g at th e U ni ve rsity of U ta h, and late r completed a course at Co rn ell U nivers ity. The major Dortion of hi s unive rsity wo rk was done in mathematics and



astronomy, bu t he has, in addition to thi s, rece ived a la rge a mount of tra inin g in practi callv all I in es of wo rk pe rta ining to technical and in du strial edu cation. H is eXDe ri ence in coll ege and uni ve rsity lin es has g iven hi m th e vig'o r of the \ Vcst

All of our reade rs a re familiar with the diffi culti es under which President Ke rr has labored while here, a nd also with the nhenomenal g rowth th e in stituti on has enj oyed unde r hi s ca re, in s'1 ite of these difficu lti es.

Re tirillQ Hon. W. S路

Presid e nt.~


Board of Trustees.

and th e culture of th e East, a nd he possesses enthu sias m, aggress iveness, and abilitv to a degree which is I-are in either. President Ke rr has thirteen yea rs' expe rience as a coll ege pres ide nt. The past seven years he has been p resident of this in stituti on, ha vin gh eld the pos ition since July I, 1900.

Th e stud ents have always had th e p rofoundest respect and admira ti on for th e pres id ent. He has been a sympa theti c and able fri end of every stud ent activi ty and of eve ry student indi vidually. In him, we have always fo und inspiration for the work we ha ve had to do ~ inspiration to succeed in spite of all

ST UDEN T LfF E. obstacles. H is li fe, so far , and hi s wo rk serve us as a n example of "vhat a ma n may do by long continu ed a nd pe rsistent endeavo r. In deed we a re un abl e to exp ress th e a pp recia tion whi ch all of the stu dents feel fo r p res id ent K err pe rso na ll y a nd fo r h is wo rk in a u r behalf. He, howeve r, kn ows, from express ions stronger th a n a ny word s, how we ha ve felt towa rd him during hi s admini stration and how we still fee l. P res ide nt I,e rr 's work here h a~ not been easy, a nd for well kn own ! easons. I--l is duties in O regon pro mi se plenty of r00111 fo r the exercise of hi s ability, a nd we t rust t;,a t his pa th may be in deed one of [o;.;es. St/l dent L ife join s th e stu de nts, facul ty, and general publi c in cong ratula ting O reg on on he r gettin g such a n a bl e an d estimable gentleman to pres ide at he r Agricul tural College, and in extend in g to P resident Ke rr hearties t cong ra tul a tions atd hopes fo r unbounded success . . OTHER FACULTY


Ass' t. P rof. N . M . Han sen, Jr., of E ng in ee rin g; and As 't. P rof. L. A. Os ti en of Math emati cs. S pace does not pe rmit us to g ive a n ex tend ed writeup of each of thcse, as we should like to do . Vve Co il onl y express our best wi shes to


In add ition to P res ide nt Ke rr, th e foll ow in g members of th e fac ul ty will not be w ith us next yea r: P rof. J oseph J enson, D irecto r of the Shops, and P rofesso r of E ng in ee rin g; P rof. Dalin da Cotey,of th e Domes tic Science ; Ass' t. P rof. M . E. VVyant of E ng li sh L a ng uage and Lite rature; Prof. Geo . P. Campbell of 1 b vs ical E ducati on ; }'Jiss A ma nda I-Iolmg ren, a nd M iss Ruth }\'[oe nch of th e E ng l ish depa rt1l1 ent ;

Pro t'. .Iase pll Jenson. each and assu re them that the i r presence in th e coll ege community, and our association w ith them have ma de on t he ~ tud e nt s impress ion s tint will not be forgotten. TH E NEW AD M I NISTR ATIO N .

Beginnin g July 1, th e college w ill be under th e admini st ration of Doc-



tor J ohn A . \i\,T idtsoe, and the experim ent station und er that of P rof. E . D. Ball. Both these gentl emen a re well kn ow n by most of the stud ents, Doctor \i\,T icltsoe having- been connected with th e in stitution for abo ut twelve years, with the exception of the past two, and P rofesso r Ball having been professor of Zoology and E ntomology since 1902 . Becau se of th e change in administration, and because of the unfortunately small appropriation g-ranted us by that mag nanimous bunch of intellectual g iants, th e U tah Leg路 islature, many of our students arc contemplating going elsewhere to college next year. Regarding the ne w administra路 ti on, we have onl .. thi s to say. The two gentlemen nam ed are well fitted for their positions , both ed ucati onall y and by experi ence. Both have the interests of ag-ricultural and indu strial edu cation a t heart. They ask onl y for a fair chan ce and unpre judiced :ud g-me nt, th a t th e stud ents, faculty and Dublic judg-e them by the work th ey do. vVith a reasonabl e amount of support, th ere is no reason to bel ievc that they will not make n"f)od. Th ere is no denyin g that the progress of th e in stituti on has been temporaril y inte rfered with by the smalln ess of th e state anqropriation, but the new administration pu rposes . to " bridg-e over" the coming two years, with what money they have at their di sposal, with

littl e importa nt difficu lty, and n0 permanent inju ry to the in stitution. \ i\,Te have no doubt that this can and wi ll be done, and that the next legislatu re will exerci se a higher degree of sanity than did their illu strious predecessors in dealing with 路 the state agricultural coll ep"e. S tud ents should not let prejudice or un fou nded rumor se nd them away from th e in stitution. Now that you are well started in you r cou rses, you cannot afford to go into a strange school and begin anew. Your wishes and n eeds w ill not be neglected here. Our acquaintance with th e new administrati on assures us that everything poss ible will be done for you r welfare. AND FINALLY.

When a person is about to sever hi s connect ion with something to which he has devoted a part of his labor, whether or not his efforts have been app reciated or the results of his endeavors received with loud public accla im , he is likely to become sentimental. \ i\,Te somehow become attached to that upon which we work, or to the place where we spend a part of ou r good years. Many a milli onaire (we are told) has a warmer place in hi s heart for the humbl e cab in of hi s chi ldhood than he ha fo r the palatial mansion of hi s stern e r years; and we have often th oug ht that even the galley slave did not take leave of


his pri son ship with fe elin gs wholly j oyful. Many a one time fa rm er boy thinks of hard sh ips in cident to hi s old farm life with a certai n w istfulness. Vife believe that th e impressions we have received wh il e serv in g on the staff of thi s paper will remai n with us longer and give us more satisfaction than those we have received in our idle hours during our school life. T he hum of machines and ring- of hamme rs in the college shops, will, years hence, be pleasant mu sic to the ears of the students who have enj oyed the privilege of laboring among these sounds. T he student in chem istry soon learns to en iov the odor of even hydrogen su lphide, if he has done his labo ratory work w ith the proper spirit. 'vVe love th e scenes of our labors. We do not, however, allow our "sentiment" to be entirely retrospective. The future of thin gs is dearer to us than even their past.


O u r wishes for the continued g rowth of thi s paper; for an increase in th e usefulness of such enterprises, and fo r increased appreciation of all college student activities, are strong indeed. We are g rateful fo r the good work done by the members of Student Life staff. \1Ve have always fOllnd them wiliing, and not afraid of work. They have made sacri fices for the good of the publication, and their work will not be forgotten. A nd finall y. we, to whom old U. A. C. has ever been so kind, are constrain ed to hope that the difficulties affect-in g her will be removed; that the citizens of the State o f Utah will better recognize her usefuln ess; and that the su nshine of a prOt111s1l1g future will again brig hten eve ry nook of her " campus, classrooms and co rridors. " Aufwiedersehen!

Student Sorosis Partu. T he party g iven by the Soros is Soc iety in th e gy mna sium on th e evenin g of March 16 . added one mo re item to th e society's lo ng li st of successes in th e I in e of entertainm ent at th eir a nnu al ball s. It was t he intenti on of th e g irl s to g ive a real Coll ege party a nd the ir effo rts we re rewa rd ed by th e enj ovment of the ir g uests. I n eve ry way th e evenin g was tho roug hl y "U . A. c." T he bare old gym nasium was co nverted into a most attractive da ncin g room . w ith deco rat ions of crepe " ape r in Coll ege colo rs, hl1n g um brella-w ise fr om the center of th e ce ilin g . The

AtTCJir~. , m us ic was mo re effective from the elevated pos iti on of th e o rch estra in th e co rn e r ; and potted plants used to ban'k the platfo rm made it a very pretty place. Between waltzes a nd two-s teps the da nce rs foun d th eir way to the sou thwest part of th e room where, from a co rn er hun g wi th college pennants, and lighted with candles in cand elab ra, sherbet with wafe rs a nd tin y st icks of blu e a nd white candy appea red a nd d isappea l-ed. T hose w ho were tired of dancingfound cozy corn e rs in the ha ll lead in g from the gymn as ium, which ",-as a rran ged as a draw in o--room , o r in th e So ros is a nd Doso rooms. ope1ling into the hall.


STUDENT LIFE. Among the crowd the So rosis' g irl s themselves could be di sting uished by th eir attire of the College g irls' costume-cap and gown - in the U. A. C. blu e. Thi s bit o f costuming added much to the general effect. To prove that this party was the greatest party of its kind ever g iven in th e world , the "pink-tea" editor interviewed the following: M1's. C otey-"Greatest party I have been to for tw o weeks." Miss Wyan t-ii I nearl y danced myself to death; had a peachy time." Dosos-liJust watch us ." Geo. Thomas, Ph. D.-"An exceptionally brilliant fun ction. I am g lad I announced it before hand in the society column s of the J ournal so that the people mi g ht kn ow that I would be present ; and I think by so doin g I very materially saved the re putati on of th e Society." A1rs. Yode-r-iiA success in every parti cula r ; but I fear the g irls went to a littl e too much expense." l ohn T. Caine, aill e-"The best bloomin ' dance I have ever went to in my life." C. Boss Batt-"Be fore ma kin g any statement, I will see th e P ri s'dent. " 1. A . Bexell-" I beg to say that it was l11 agneeficent, yes ." f . Kearns-"Aw now, 1'111 g rowin ' tired of g ivi n' my opini on g ratis. You a re presumin ' altogeth er too mu ch on my good natu reo B ut if you in sist on knowin ', I think th e

dance was nau seatin '. " [T his is positively the las t on James this year. ]

Sorosis at Prexy's. The g irl s of the society were delig hted one day last 1110nth when they received a n invitation to spend th e following Saturday evening with Mrs. Kerr at her home. It stormed that evenin g, as is usual when anything good is scheduled, but the g irl s in Mrs. K e rr's drawing -room were kept so bu sily merry by their hostess, ass isted bv M iss vVyant, that the weather outside was fo rgotten. Games, refreshments and mu sic made the evening seem short ; and when the g uests were ready to leave, a hack met them at the door to take them home - anoth er bit of thoughtful kindness on th e part of the hostess. Mrs. Ker r, the g irl s wish that th ey might spend more such deli g htful eve nin gs with you.



Th e Doso Sorority gave th eir annual ball in th e gymnasium on the evenin g of April 1. It was a deli g htful affair tilroug hout. Th e gymnasium was ela borately decorated with Japan ese lante rns and unique electrical adornm ents. The Doso and So rosis apartm ents near th e ball room were utili zed as reception rooms. These were tastil y decorated and fitted up for the



occasi on. A pl easing feature of the decorations was th e pretty sc reen, so arrang ed as to nartl y conceal the orchestra. T he Doso g irl s a re pa rti cularly fortunate in their J apa nese proclivities, and these were made th e most of in the deco rati ons o f A pril first. Thatcher orches tra was in attendance, and furni shed,as u ual , exThe ref reshments ' cell ent mu sic. we re un surpassed, both in qua li ty and se rvice, two ve ry pleasing booth s havin g been arran ged from which th e gu ests were se rved. T here were about three hundred peopl e present, and no one fail ed to enj oy the results of Doso's efforts. M isses Bell e Pratt, L oa R obe rts, F ran ces Smith and Fl orence D eC' cam e to Logan to be present a t the ball.

Mrs. Kerr's Reception. O n Tuesday. May 16, th e residence of Pres id ent K e rr was the sce ne of a ve r y pretty reception, g iven by M rs. K e rr to he r man y fri e nd s. Th e house was beautifull y deco rated with Rowe rs a nd fe rn s. a nd in the dinin g room pennants o f d iffe rent colleges were conspi cuous. Durin g th e aftern oon, a bout two hundred fift y f ri end s called and spent th e tim e in pl easant co nve rsati on. Dainty refreshm ents we re se rved . Th e ladi es wh o ass isted Mrs. Kerr in rece ivin g were: Me dam es P . A . Yode r, E . \1\!. R obin son, B. F.

Riter, \1\!. S . Lan gt on, John T . Ca in e, Jr.. G. VV. Thatch er, W . B. Preston, Jr., J. A. Bexell , L. A. Ostien, James Dryden, Cook a nd :\!J. iss W ya nt.

Debate. O ur debate \vith the B. Y. Col leg e on the evening of March 30, resulted in a vi ctory for B. Y. C. R. O . Po rter and T. L. Kearn s of U A . C. arg ued for th e affirm ative of an edu cati onal restriction on immi grati on. Lowell Me rrill an d A lma E ri ckson of 13. Y. C. a rg ued the negati ve . Po rte r opened with a strong and well presented arg um ent. H e described th e evil s resultin g fr0111 the inadequacy of our present il11l11igTation law s, and maintain ed that new legislati on was imperative and would be mos t effective if prompted by th e prin cipl e in clud ed in th e affirmative of thc questi on. Po rte r did except ionally well for a man of hi s debatin g expe ri ence a nd t rain in g in E ng lish. H e is now in hi s second year a t th e coll ege. T he first a rg umcnt fo r the negative was a bl y presented by Me rrill of B. Y. C. Me rrill"s forcefuln ess a nd enthu siasm a re strong points, and he had th em combin ed with a goodly a rray of logic. H e showed cl earl y the benefits our country ha s de ri ved throug h th e present system of immi g ra ti on, and pointed out that our future progress. whi ch w ill req uire th e labor of more men than



S T UDEN T LIFE. can be obtain ed within our boundari es a lone, necess ita tes a n immig ration system like the one now ex istin g . J. L. l ':-ea rn s, U . A. C, was the a ffirm a ti ve's second speaker. H is speech was a genuin e surprise to his fri end s. W e have seldom th oLw ht o f K earn s as a n orator, and hi s good work in oppos ing unres tricted immi g ration was nothin g short of a re velation to us. A Ima E rickson, the second speake r for th e negative, whi le no ma tch fo r hi s coll eague, presented some good a rgl1 me nts. H is speech was


foll owed by Merrill 's excellent summary, whi ch in all probability won the debate. Po rte r then delivered the rebuttal. H e overestimated, we think, the importance of so me m in or detail s in the negative arg ument, and in refutin g these, use d up most of his all otted fiv e minutes. Th e judges th en rende red their dec ision: two for th e negative and one for the affirm a tive. Dr. George Thomas acted as chairman, a nd Prof. E. G. P eterson a nd Dr. Pa ck we re the timekeepe rs.

Weights, Sprints C1 nd Distances. Inter-sciiool Meet.

Cop'n Bob,

T he annual inter-school track meet was held on A pril 19. Thoug h th ere was a ve ry clt sag reeable snow and rain sto rm a ll aftern oon, the mee t "vent off in good o rd er, and a n a nxious crowd of spectators walked the side lin es to keep warm . Due to th e fact th a t Fre w was out, and Dixon was in no special department, the res ult was uncertain. However Dixon lined up with the Aggies and hi s three fir sts decided th e day.




A number of new men were on from each department, a nd their wo rk showed up some good materia l fo r bigger meets. Th e order of events a nd places won by th e men were as fo llows : Fo rty-yard das h-D ixon. first; Pete rson, second; l\f. Andrews, third. Fo rty yard hurdl e-Ca rpente r, fir st ; Farn swo rth, second; Conge r, third. Shot put-Nelson, fir st ; Brossard , second ; iVri tch ell , third. M il e run- Han sen, L eo, first ; I-lickman, second ; :-1c::\" iel, th ird. Two t wenty yard das h-D ixon, first; Cook. second ; I-lickman J. th ird. Q ua rter mile run-Conge r, fir st; 11 ickman, D. , second; A rmi tage, third . Relay-" Aggies, " fir st ; E ng in ee rs, second ; "Cams " third. Hi g h jump-Carpente r. fir st ; Armitage, second ; E. Burton, third . P ole vault-Fa rn swo rth , fir st; Carpenter , second ; vVell ing', third. T he final sco re stood : "Aggies," 37; E ng in ee rs, 28, a nd Com mercia ls, 21. At nig ht a part v was g iven at t he pavili on a nd the ribbons a nd cu p we re presented to the winn ers.

Tile 13. Y. LI . ~1 ee t. O n F riday. ".\fay l a, our track team left fo r th e a nnu al meet with the B. Y. C a t P rovo. Th e meet was held on Sa turday: and. after all was ove r, t he sco re of last year' s meet with P rovo was reversed a nd the othe r people carried off t he "firsts. "

P rovo, out of ib g reat unmbe r of students. has deve loped a strong' team , a nd it is worked into good cond ition. T he mile men stepped u p out of our class a nd d id it in fi ve Rat. Some of our old men fell a li ttk short of a u r expec tations: a nd showed the need of mo re meets \\路ith our neighbors. Afte r the meet, P rovo ushered th e boys into a hu ge banqu et, a nd at ni g ht gave th em a choice bet ween the B. Y. t..; .-JJ. Y. C debate a nd a dance. Th e fell ows retu rn ed fee lin g that P rovo had \I'e ll kept UD he r reputati on for royal treatm ent to visitors. T he results of the meet were as fo ll ows: O ne hundred tw enty ya rd hurdl es-Conge r, U. A. C . fir st: Love. B. Y. U., s cond ; A rmitage. t..;. A. C, third. T im e, 17.2. O ne hundred yard das h- H.idd le, B. Y. "C., first; D ixo n. t..;. A. C , second; Han sen, 11. Y. C .. third . T ime- IO. F our-forty ya rd runStallin gs. B. Y. ., fir st: Chambe rlai n, IJ. Y.L , second : Ya n \ Vagone r, B. Y. ' ., third. T ime. )3. :-lil e run- I. J acobs. U. Y. C .. first; E . J acobs, I\, Y. C .. second: L. Hanse n, "C ..-\. C , third. Time. S. Two-twen ty ya rd hurdl es-Love.n. Y. U., fir st: Co nger . t..; . A. C, second. Time. 23.3 O ne- half m ile run-S ta ll ings, : B. Y. U .. fi rst Chamberl a in. iJ. Y. 1..7.. second ; Ha nsen. 1...'. A. C, third. Tim e, 2.07. R elay-P rovo. T im e, 1. 37. Shot put-Peterson, 11. Y. t' .. fir st ;


, !



'. .Ii

STUDENT LIFE. :\ elso n, L.; . A . c., seco nd; Ila nse n, L.;. :-\ . c. . third. Di sta nce, 37.2. Hall1m e r throw-"\'e lson. C. A . Coo first ; J. Pe terson, B. Y. C., second ; Uurton, C . A . c., third. Di stance. 11 9 feet. l-ligh jum p- Ca rpente r, L.; . .-\ . c., first; Armita ge . L.;. A. COO second. H eip'ht, .=i- .-J. 1-2. Pole vau lt - Farn s\\'o rth , l路 . :\ . c., fir st ; Brockb ank, U. Y. U .. seco nd ; Hadd ock. 13. Y. L.,; ., t hird; heig ht, 9.6 Broad jU1l1p- lJaird , .I\. Y. U., first ; H enline, 13. Y. U., second ; Carpenter, L.,; . A. c., th i rd ; di stan ce, 20. 11. Final sco re, 41-70, favo r B. Y. U.

U. A. C vs. B. V. C. T he a nnual track meet between our tea m and th e U. Y . C. team. was held on ~I o nd ay, ~lay 20, on the I\, Y. C. g round s. I t was a n id ea l da y fo r the meet : an cl a la rge crow d of people tu rn ed o ut. expectin g to see a ve ry close contest. During th e meet the l11 en d id good \v o rk , cuttin g ve ry close to s tate tim e in a few even ts. Th e I\, Y. C ca ug ht one first , the 4.-J.O yard run. Th e foll ow in g is a SU1l1mar v : Ilig h hurdl es- Conge r. A. C , first: A rmi tage . .-\. C seconcl. T ime - 17 :2 . One hunclred ya rd cl as h - Dixon. A . c., fir st: J. J enson, IJ.


Y . c., seco nd: h e ll', f\. c., third . Tim e. 10. H alf ll1il e run- vVeste rholm ..-\. c. , first: J. A ndrews , ,r\. C oo second. Tim e. 2. 12. Low hurdl es-Co nge r, .-\.. C, first: Rawlin s. H. Y. C oo seconcl: ~J. r\ndrews, .-\. C. third . T im e. 28. Tw o hu nc1red t\\' enty ya rd cl as h-D ixon. r\. Coo first: J. J enson, 13. Y. c., seco nd; Fre w. A. C, third . T ime , 23 .-J.-5. O ne mil e run- H. . Han son, A. Coo fi rst: L. Il anso n, A. c.. second: lJank s. IJ . Y . c., third . Tim e, .-J. :.=i2 . .I70ur hundred fo rty yard run - Rawlin s. U. Y. C, first : I-lull. D. Y. c.. second: G uttin g, A. c., third. Till1 e. 5.-J.. Fli g h j ump-Ca rpente r, _\. c.. first; H.oske ll ey, 13. Y. c., second : \ V. B urton, A. Coo third. ]-Ie ig ht. .1 ft. 1 1-.-J. in. Pole vau ltFarn s \\ o rth . .-\. C, fi r st : Carpente r ..-\. Coo seco ncl ; J. J enso n, 13. Y. C oo third . Ll eight, 8 ft. 6 in. 13road jump- Ca rpente r. A . C, first; Padcl ock. A. COO seconcl; Farn swo rth , . .\. c., third. D ista nce, 20 ft. 10 in . S hot put- \ 路e lso n. A. Coo fir st ; F rc\\路. A. C, seconcl : r.:. I ~u rt o n , ,-\ . c.. third. D istance , 34 ft. .-J. in. Ilamm er t hro \\' - \!e lson, A. c., first : .-\ . 11a nso n . . \ . C . second : A . E ri ckson. n. Y . C . third. D ista nce, 132 ft. 9 in. Relay race- W on by r\. C Tim e, 1 :32. I ~ in a l , L..: . r\. c., 89; U. Y. c., 23.



The fo llowing is a summary of events in the S tate meet held at Sa:t Lake, May 25. (F rom "I nter-Moun tai n Rep ub lica n. " ) ;:::i















\ V inn crs.

Evc nt s.

. :'Ilcf\lI iste r. 100-yard dash 220-yard das h . . . . . . . . . . . .. i\Icr\ lIi ste r . . .... Co nge r. 120-ya r d h urd les . . '\ ie lson .. 220-ya rd hurdl es . .. Pitt. 440-yar d run .... Sta llin g s . I l a lf-11lile run .. R Il a nsen . M ile run ..... Ru sse ll . Po le vault ... Hcnni o n . H a mm c r throw .... 11. Pete r so n .. S hot put ...... Brtird. Bro ad jump . .. . . . .. I l edge s .. High jump Uta h. R e lay . .. . . . . . .. . . Tota ls •








1 13 14 6 I 8 1 I 1 18 18 13




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1I I 8 4 15

5 6 I 1 5~ 1 . 15 13 149 ', 127


.1 3 I ... . I I 13 1 1 13 1 I ·1 125 1


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:10 :22.4 : 17.1 :27.2 :54.2 209 1 .. 1 . .. 502.2 10 :00.0 12 1. 5 36.9 21 5.4 I :38.4




Class o f 190-/ ,

ConunencerT\ent, 1907. T estim oni al to P res. l,e rr ......... . . . . ,A. B. O lsen P. G . P eterson , Fred :'I lathe\\路s . In ez Powell, f ra nk :'Il ocnch . J. L. h:ea rn s. A. fl. O lsen, U. I ~ . Rite r, Jr ., and F. D . far rell. PROCR":'-l.

S llllda~ l, JU 1le


J\accala ureate Se rm on, R ev. E . 1. Goshen , of Sa lt Lake City, College .-\ud ito riu lll , 11 o'clock a. lll. .lIo llriay , JUlie


:'I lu sical R ec ita l. a t the Tabernacle , te n o'clock a. Ill. Se nio r Class Exe rcises , at the Coll ege :\ ud itoriulll , eig ht o'clock p. Ill . Class \:..1isto ry .. I ~ recl :'I fa tll elVs Class 路W i ll . .... Fra nk ~\ I oe ll c ll I)rophecy ...... f>. G. P eterson Va ledicto ry . . ... J , L. I,ea rn s

Tuesday) Jllll e -t:

COlllm ence ment exercises a t College Audi tor iu lll, eleven 0" clock, a. 111 . ..-\dd ress to G raduates ... " . . . . . . . . . S upt. r\. C. t\elson S tudent Acid resses . .. . .. . . In ez Powe ll , B. f. R ite r, Jr., a nd R. L. Tucld (s ho rt co urse) . Conferrin g of Degrees . . ..... P res ide nt \ V. J. K e r r .\ rX:'-I1\ [ 11.\1\QL路ET)

Library Hall , at six-thirty o'cl ock ". Ill.

j \Ll ' M NT 1i .\ L L )

GY lllnasiulll , nin e o'clock p.


Departillents. th ereafter. ;-\ g ric ul tural chemi str y will be mad e a fiv e hou r cou rse c1 u rin g th e first se meste r a nd rema in , as at prese nt, a three hour subj ect during th e second. A st ronp" course in anal ys i of agricu ltural prod ucts \\路ill be given durin ~' th e senio r yea r. T hese are P rof. S te ll'a rt' s recOll1mendations. vVe tru st th e" \\'ill be accepted.

AqriClI llure. D r . F rede rick macle Southern Utah duri ng to in spec t some d iseased sheep a re troubled w ith malady, a nd the doctor ga tin g .

a tr ip to th e month sheep. T he some new is invest i-

Prof. No rth rop purcha sed a ba by ca rri age in April. A ll conce rned, etc. i\f a le. J ohn S tephens mad e a tour of the a rid fa rm s durin g th e month .

It is expected tha t the agri cu ltu ral stud ents w ill have mo re ch emi s路 try in the course next yea r, a nd

T he ho rse show, g iven April 20, under the d irection of P rof. Cain e. was success ful. T he Aggs. a re now in I)ossess ion of all three trophy cuns . T hey wo n the Du nbar-I< obin son and :'I ro tTell cups thi s nr in ~' in t rack ath letics. T he ma rri age of J ohn S te ph ens to :'I li ss H ose So renson, to occur J L1l1 e 6, is hereby offi ciall y announ ced. \ Ve cong rat ul ate both. F red l\Jathews, wh o is to be g raduated he re thi s yea r, w ill have cha rg e of th e Agricultural course at th e N eph i H ig h School nex t yea r.

STU Df.N T LI Fl~.

e N



t \.l I



T he Department of Mecha n ic Arts recentl y presented a Mo rri s chai r to P res ident YfcCorni ck, a s a token of a n1)reciat ion of th e inte rest he has taken in the g rowth a nd welfa re of the depa rtment. T hi s chai r is mad e of oak and was on exhib ition at th e Po rtland Fair, thu s e ~ cap i n g the fire which destroyed l h c l\I echa n ic A rts building . It was nlad ", by one of th e stude nts , a nd is representa ti ve of the wo rk of the depa rtm ent. In o rde r that th e pres路 entation mig'ht be m ade befo re there were any changes on the Board of Tru stees, th e chair was shi pped befo re th e cushi ons a nd foot-stool we re finished. The lette r of acce ptance of cha ir a nd cushions a re as fo llows: ALI' LAK E CITY,


Jo sePh JUallllal ic Arts, Jl13' Dear


::\1arch 18, 1907. J ellson, Director of Training alld lUcchanL ogan, U tah. 1111'. J eJ/so/L-I am in


receipt of your fav or of the 12th inst ., not ifyin g me of the shipment of a l\Iorris cha ir, the handiwork )1' one of the stud ents a nd a g ift of the Departm ent of ::\Iechani c Arts, th e cost of the material of which was contributed entirely by the stu dents of said deoartm ent. Replying, I beg to say that I am placed in a rather emba rrass ing po: it i. ;[ , as I am a t a loss to think of ZcnytiI ip g adequate to express my ap precia ti on to the donors thereof, as I regard th e token fa r above its intrin sic valu e, and will , therefo re, con tent myse lf w ith pla in thanks from the botto m of my hea rt. I congratu la te th e boys in th e ::\[echanic r\rts Department and th eir wo rthy in structor on their splend id \\"Ork a nd effi ciency. \;Vith kind es t reo'a rd s, a nd best wishes, bel ieve me, as ever. S ince rely you rs, (S ig ned. ) /Ill. S. NlcC ornick. Professor J enSOIL, Agricultural C 01lege, Log aJ/ , Uta h. D ear l1fr. J ellsoJ/-I have you r es teemed favo r of th e 6th inst., notifyin g me that th e cushions amI foot stool fo r the 1Jorri s' cha ir recently received, have been shipped to me, T hi s 12'enerou s act has placed me und er ad diti onal obligations to you and the oupil s of the Mechan ic Arts Depa rtm ent. Eve ry day I reg ret more and more t hat it became necessa ry to seve r my conn ection with the coll ege. I had hoped to remain with the in stitution for a cou-



pIe of years longe r at least, as I beli eve a very creditabl e showing could have been made in that time. \ ".Iith kind regard s, a~ld my best wishes for the coll ege a nd its students, believe J11 e, Sin cerely yours, (S ig ned. ) W. S . McCo rn icll. T he students who will be graduated from th e carpentry depa rtm ent are fini shi ng up th eir g raduatin g pi eces of furnitur e. Th ese consist of a sideboard , mantel, and two w ritin g' desks. Th e third year students are al so 111akin g S0111e oak fu rniture, such as tabl es, chairs, etc. :'\Ir. "Villiam s is th e recipient of a h and some golcl-mounted fountain pen. presented by hi s ass istants in th e fo rge room.




5 T I

5 C I E N C E


P rof. Dalillc1 a Cotey. head of th e D omestic Sc ience Depart111ent, is

soon to fi nish her fifth manual for th e Inte r<\Jountain School of Co rres pond ence a t Salt Lake City. Thi s work was begun in th e sum me r of 1905, sin ce which time man ual s of the follow in g subj ects have been printed : "Household Economi cs ." '" Fooel s : T heir Compos ition and Uses" " T heo ry a nd P ri nciples of Cooke ry, Parts I a nd II. " Th e fifth manual on the subj ects of " H ome J\' ttr in g and E mergency "Vo rk," a nd " I-lome Sanitation" is th e one now in nrepara tion. A n examina ti on of th ese ma nual s will show a t once P rof. Cotey's famili a rity with the latest and most valuabl e prin cipl es and methods in he r profess ion. It is greatl y reg retted by those wh o know the valu e of thi s work and Mrs. Cotey's ability, tha t th ese manuals can be obta ined 0111 y by membe rs of the school of Co rrespond ence for which th ey have been prepared . \".' e sin ce rely hope th at in th e nea l' fu ture th ey may be publ ished in book fo rm in o rder that the excell ent work now bein g done in this depa rtm ent may be more \\"idely and more full v appreciated. Du ring th e nresent year so 111any spec ime ns have been added to the food mu seum that it has become necessa ry to have a new case mad e. whi ch w ill be in place before the close of school.


STU DE N i ' I , ll ' Ii. j\tl rs. Do ra Quayle Cozzens, wll o was fo r fi ve yea rs in stru cto r ill se wing, v isited the coll ege th e la tt e r part of Ap ril. S in ce her 111arri age, )[rs. Cozzens has made Pa rk C ity her home , but on account of ill health, caused by the hi g h altitude, she \\'as fo rced to leave th e Park. and in the fut ure \\' ill make he r ho me in Sa lt Lak e City .



'A I">

1\ \ iss :\Jinnie Peterson , a fo rme r in stru cto r in D 0111es ti c Sc ience , now h ead of th e depart111ent at S now Academy , has been ill for some time, but has sufficientl y recove red t o co ntinu e he r work the rema inde r of th e yea r. Th e advanced g irl s in cookin ghave rece ntl y mad e fruit cakes a nd variolls kind s of candy. The latte r would "put to shame" a ny con fect io ner in th e state a nd. of course , t he f ruit cakes we re good enoug h t o be eate n.


A VISit to th e sew in g r00111 S remind ;;; one that the school yea r is ncar in g a close. A ll work is nea rl y fini shed , a nd th e g rad ua tin g gow ns a re unu suall y pretty. 1\Ji s s In ez Powell. a 1907 g raduate in D0111estic Sc ience, has already beco111e a mem bcr of t he L D. S. L.: . facu lty.


Captain Y . G. McAlexandcr inspected th e milita ry clepartmen~ d uring the 111onth, Nex t yea r, thc third story g irl s wi ll perfo rm in the an nu al military ball, it being leap ycar. Most of th e riA e a re in use at drill hour , w hi ch gocs to sho w that the cadets are lca rnin g th e value of remaining at school until the end. A 1110ng th e pract ical exe rci5cs held recentl.", werc problems in ac!,vance and rea r g ua rd du ty, and th e guard ing of troops for t heir sa fety while campin g at ni g ht. Th e final tryouts for the ri Ae team are ove r. The team now con sists of J ohn ston, J. \ V .. Paddock, J. S., Streeter, Hru s, Beck. K rogttr , R eam, J ones , \V. L, Robinson, A . and Kerr, Robt.



In the last intercoll egiate target match in which di ffe rent \ "leste rn ane! Eastern schools ente red, th e U . A . C. rifl e team was vi cto rious. The boys arc go ing to try to pe rform th e sam e stunt again thi s year. W e arc pl eased to hea r of Capt. S tye r 's being promoted to a majority.




E: I~



Thi s year has bee n a success ful one for the CO lllme rcial Department, th e work throug hout the Departm ent being cha racte ri zed by thoroughness and effi ciency. The classes in both Accountin g and Stenography have accompli shed more good, tho roug h work thi s year than in a ny yea r heretofore.

Students in Accountin g 3 have j ust comp leted a written review of all work previously gone over. The rev iew makes quite a leng th y report. Seve ra l of th e sten ographic stu dents exnect to take good positions in Jun e. ;\Iiss Effie J ensen of th e " Sten 1" class has been in the office of the C. S. Forest Rese rve in this citv fo r the past week. Th e cl ass in Banking and F inan ce have ju st compl eted a budget made up of problem s which are found in advanced cOlllmercial work. Th e cor responde nce course given by th e Penma nship Department has proved ve ry popu lar, a nd the stud ents are derivi ng much benefit therefrom. \i\To rc1 comes from M r. V. W. J ll steso n, who left school to accept a stenog raphic position in E ly, Nevada, some month s ago, that he is doin g wel l and has recently received a substa nti al in c rease in salary.

It might be tru ly said that the did not break any reco rd s in t he Inter-Depa rtm ental T rack M t et- bu t how is thi s: A student in AccountinO' 2 got a 300 page The D epartm ent send s out eig ht book from th e L ibrary, wrote a synstudents with ce rtifi cates this year; opsis of it ; had it appro ved and put and one, A. B. Olsen, with his de- into his budget- Time: 10 mi nu tes g ree in Commerce. flat. " C0111 S "

STUDEN T LIFE. O ne mo rnin g a short time ago as In stru ctor Jensen went in to hi s class room to m ~et hi s class in Sten. 2, he was ra the r surprised when he saw tha t no stu dents were t he re. T hey had gone. a nd left their t racks behin d them in the shape of a la rge,


23 1

magnifi cent bouquet of roses a nd ca rna tions, a nd a beauti ful watch feb, on th e cha rm of which hi s initials, "W. A . ].," were eng raved. J L is said th at he has prom ised th em each a n "A."

statement. Report of F in ances of th e U . A C. D ebatin g Club, mad e May 15, 19째7 : RECEIPTS.

Contributions received from student body ..... ... ....... .. . $89.80


1'.\ Y."I \ E:'<TS.

P . Smith , fo r stati oner y . ..... . $ J. P. Smith , for window ca rd s ....... H. l\1. Stoops, fo r charts for IJ. Y. U. debate ..... .. .. . H. l\ l. Stoops. for charts fo r B. Y. C. debate .......... Vera Taylor, fo r typewritin g . . .... Radie I-Jan sen, for typew riting .... . . Helga Peterson, fo r typewriti ng ...... Doso Society, for card boa rd . . ....... . . T elephonin g .. . ... . A . B . Irvin e. Judge B. y.e. debate,

3.25 2.50


2.50 2 -40 1.30 1. 10

.75 1.75

railroad fare round trip from Salt Lake City ..... .. 6.20 \ i\f. L. \i\fanl ess, l\ [gr. r a i I r 0 a d fa re, rou nd tri p from P rovo for 4 men of B. Y. U. team .. .. 33-40 J. C. Garv in. board and lodg in g for D. Y. G. team for tw o ci a vs . ....... 16.20 Thatch er 'Livery Co. for hack trans fer of Judges a nd D ebaters fo r B. Y . U. debate 9.25 Student L ife, fo r half-tone of debaters

$89.80 $89.80 I hereby ce rtify th e a bove to be a correct sta tement of th e fin a nces of th e above-named organi zation. B. F. RIT ER, JR . Mgr. Th e above is co rrect. O. W . ADAMS. Audito!". Logan, U tah , May IS , 1907.



, )



: , ,









loca ls, Cortoons, and Stun !llo t wouldn't Fit Elsewhere.


" Ag-gs" 37, E ng in ee rs 28," Com s"

2 1. 1\ 1r. J. E. Barrack '05 was with fo r three \\'eeks thi s 1110nth on ll is return to .-\I aska from Easte rn 'cIt Ies . 11c is engaged in th e minjng machin er y bu sin ess at Fai rbank s, A la ska , and is doi ng well.

stud ent, who ha s spent th e past two years ill Californ ia, returned early in th e mo nth. H e lives at F ranklin , Ida ho.

lJ S

Con S no\\' left fo r X evada la3t m onth . H e is to engage in 11111lj ng operatio ns. Bob Ilillman wa s in town frOIll Id aho, to be present at the big annu a l banqu et of the S ig na A lph as, } Iay 18. O ur old f ri end . R. O. L a rsen, IS to r eJllain with t he in stituti on an .oth e r year. Thi s is good .


Stud ents \\'ishi ng to obta in coll ege souvenirs should remem ber ou I' adve rtisers. Ph otog ra ph.3 ca n be pu rchased at Ode ll' s a nd Rabe's; and oth er souve nirs at Ca rd on 路s. \\ 路ilkin so n路s . etc. Patroni ze tO nl y the adverti sers. Leo nard C . f' a rkin son. a fo rlll er

Th e O rato ri o, Hiaw at ha , given in th e Tabernacl e l\Ionday, May 13, drew a la rge a nd enthu siastic audi ence. The choral Socidy assisted by A. L. Fa rrell , acq uitted themsel ves we II. Th e A . C. "Voman's club gave a very success fu l party a few 'Neeks

ago. D eep sig hs of r eli ef are now often hea I'd comin g fro m the Senio rs. T hey escape a few more Aunk s throug h not bein g held fo r Exams . F . \ \!. Thatch er pre ' entecl th e Co ll ege with a magnificent blue and white Aggie pennant. Th e A . C. track team was shown a merry tim e by the 13. Y . U. people . both on the cind ers in the aftern oon and at a banquet a lld matinee in th e eve nin g.


i\ 1iss Rad ie () n llsb\' spent a m onth in Loga n. S lie return ed home i\J a y 1 0. Pol itica l conto rtioni sts and pa rty AipA operin oes a re adv ised to confer w ith !..loss i1att befo re: exe:c utin g allY dare-d ev il di ves . " D octo r Thom as' Electric O il is th e best remedy fo r that often fata l di sease-cro up路路-ad. in loca l paper. " ow wh oeve r would have th oug ht tha t of D octo r T homas? lfav e vou he:a rd who saved the O rato ri o) }\ch, Kaw dels ! 13. S .= S . B. (S hure-by a lgeberry !)

She.-'" rh o ca ug ht t he bridal bouqu et at th e "\"ebeke r wedding)" H e.- 路路" o one. it fell at the foot of the sta irs. Th ere we re So ros ls g irl s th ere." Ru s. H ome r run s th e sca nd a l wagon thi s spring. Lame football heroes and "'Decke r " com pose th e: load. " Ikey. :\ Iike)' a nd Jakey" ente rtained a large front row a udi ence of coll ege fel lows th e ot her ni g ht. J oe :\ Iad clock and th e D 0503 \\'e re g ue:s ts of honor. Th e Sen io rs wi sh to ann oun ce that th e play was not saved a nd the refo re the lead in g la dy, " :\Iiss " J. K earn s has been reli eved fr om her co ntract and has sig nee! up with th e G reat , i\!estern Ext ravaganza a nd nurlesque Compa ny . M iss "\"ell ie I-:Tayball gave a "Chin a S howe r " fo r l\J iss M abel Ne beker . w hich was a g rea t success finan cia ll y a nd oth er w ise, judging from th e beautiful di spl ay of e! f lica te chinaw a re prese nted .

S tud ents \\'ho persist in loa fing at t he "utahna" should remember that good glass is not opaque.

Th e Coll ege nin e (fema les) practice daily. Th e sidelin es are always crow ded with a n enthu sia 3tic bun ch of roote rs ( males). Dudley and S neddon , Home r a nd Crawfo rd arc th e ba tte ries sig ned up for this season. I-Jerman J ohn son a nn oun ces all


STUDENT LIFE. at hom e recept ion at hi s cou ntry p lace in Logan ca nyon to a ll hi s fr iend s who visited hil11 la st ,,'inter bet\\"een th e hours of t\\路o a nd three a. m. Decker al\\'ays on tap . Th e ::. ro rrell Clothing C01llpany puts up a bea utiful sih'er cup to be competed for annuall y on th e cinders by the different departm ents of the Coll ege. Th e departm ent wi nnin g th e cup th e g rea test nUl11ber of ti mes in fi ve yea rs is allowed to keep it perman ently.

fi e's o th ~ r lad\' fr iend s one evening last montll. :'I lrs. Smi th annou nced du rin g the evening the engagem ent of her daug hter, Miss E ffi e, to :\Ir. Pe rcy Barrows of Ogden. a fo rm er stud ent, and a ve ry exemplary yo ung man.

ti l ,_ In

I~oo m


At track meet betw een B. Y. C. a nd L. D. S . 'L;. held o n 13. Y. camp us Ann oun ce r :- "A dan ce will be g iven in the gym nasiulll of the B . Y . Co ll ege toni g ht, fin est floo r in the state. good mu sic, everybody COllle . "

"Red Evans" from bl eache rs:"Say l11i ste r. wh ere th e cl ev il is this B ri g ham You ng Co ll ege 0"

Mrs. J. P. Sm ith entertain ed the So ros is g irl s a nd a few of Miss Ef-

Riter says he ha s the best ball team in th'e world. T hey are not llluch fo r looks but th ey have Stoney's bu nch dO\\"n tOWIl beaten a cOLlJlt ry bl ock. P eter on says he has the beauty Ill arl<et co rn ei-ecl , but they can 't play ball wo r th a cent.



S tlld cllt Lifc announccs the engagcmcnt of :'Ifr. I ~ . R. Jensen , cxmanager of this paper. and nOlI' in th c Philippin es, and Mi ss S ido ni a ()l sten of :'IJanti, \\'hi ch is in " San I'ctc."

in a sco rc of 26 to 13 the 13ig O ncs .


favor of

A ll ilie foU~s I\'ill be hc rc fo r COl11men cemcn t. Horace l(e rr ente rtai ned a small party of fr iend s at a S moke r, friday , :'Ilay 17. T he fu nni es t th in g' that has ha1)pened t his yea r is Lan gt on's accusin g th e Senio rs of bcin g lazy. Holy S mithe rin s ! Lam)to n, of a ll mo rtal s, call in g oth er people lazv! \ Vho saved the co ll ege? l,-awdel ls !

\V e are pleased to announce that T. J a rciin e, 'OS, fo r th e past tw o years censo r of S tndclIt Life, has accepted a pos iti on w ith the governm ent. J I e w ill spenci his SUI1l mel's in O rcgon a nd hi s win te rs a t \\"ash in g to ll , D. C.

J. T he game of baseba ll between Ritc r 's "Amazo ns" and P eterson' s "' Nymph s," played ]\[ay 21, resulted

A uch,



"Our Finish."

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