Student Life, October 1907, Vol. 6, No. 1

Page 1

President Lorenzo N. Stohl L oren zo J\. Stohl , who was made

vice-p resident

of the Utah Arid

presiden t of the Board of Trustees of the Utah Agri cul t ural College

F arming Co., n ow carrying on investigation in arid farming at Dog

upon the resign ation of Presiri.ent McCormick last sp rin g, is an ex-

Valley, Ju ab county , owner of 1$0 acre apple orcha rd and several

tensively know l1 and well liked busi n ess man of Uta h. H e is now th irty-

other enterprises of like n ature .

five years of age, and for such a

W e see, then, t hat President Stohl is highly interested in agri-

young m a n , has remarkable ability.

cultural as well as

President Sto hl was born in Utah and was a former student of t h e institutio n , a nd alt houg h he d id

H e is doing all in his power to better this ' institution, and we wish to

other work.

state h ere that the college paper n ot gradu ate, he d id hi ghly credit- and the entire student b ody is able work while here. H e n ow behind President Stohl and the B oard of T rustees, and are ready holds the position of vice-presito aid in all things which are for dent of t he Beneficial Life In sur- the betterment and development ance Co.. President of t he First of t he U tah Agricult ural ColNational Bank at Brigham City, lege.

Legend of the Salvation of Animals Old Sephora lived in the village of Bethlehem . H er main support was a herd of goats and a little o rchard of fig trees . When a young girl she had served as a maid in the h ouse of a priest, and so she was b etter informed with regard to religiou s things than m a id servan ts usually are. Afte rwards she had been married a mi had seve ral children , but had lost both hu sband and children . And then , w hil e being as helpful to her fellow man a s she was able, t he better part of he r affection s was bestowed o n an imal s. She tamed birds a nd mice; she gathered in lost d ogs and forlo rn cats, and her little house was full of t hese hu mble friends. She loved a nimals n ot only b ecau se they are innocent , becau se they becam e attached to those who love t hem , a n d because their fidelity is unequall ed , bu t also becau se s he was fill ed wit h a great spirit of justice. Sh e could not understand why a ny should suffer w ho a re incapable eith er of b eing wicked or of violating a law they knew n othing about . Sh e could

account pretty well for t he sufferings of mankind . From the teach ings of the priest she knew that everything does n ot end in a peaceful sleep, and that t he Messia h when he shou ld co m e was not si m p ly to establi sh t he earthly Kingdom of Israel. Th e Kingdom of H eaven would be t he reign of justice beyond the tomb. It wou ld com e ou t clearly in t hat unknow n world that m e-rited suffering was a punishment . And as for unmerited and frui t less sufferin g such as that of small children or certain unfortun at es who have sinned onl y in a small way, t hat would seem to have been n ot hing but a bad dream , and would be m a d e up b y at least an equ al sum of felicity . But how abou t suffering a nimals? Th ose dying slowly of cruel d iseases, like m en , giv in g you a kind loo k out of t heir p aticn t ey es? H ow about dogs w h osE' affection s are sco rn ed , or t h ose w ho love their m aster a nd pine away from grief? How abo ut horses whose long days a re fi lled with


STUDENT LIFE panting efforts , weariness a nd blows and whose rest, even , is so c heerless in the darkness of their little stalls? H ow about wil d beasts imprison ed in cages? H ow about all those poor anim als whose life is one long, hopeless suffering and who have n ot eve n a voice to let u s know what they are enduring or to relieve themselves "\lith in curses? What is the use of t heir suffering? What a re they paying for? What reward may th ey ex.pect? Seph ora was a ver y simple old wo man. but b ecause she was naively thirsty for justice she po nd ered all th ese t hings in her heart ; and the t hought of t hi s unexplainable evil dulled for her the beauty of t he day lig ht and t he exq ui site coloring of t he J lld ea n hill s. When her ne ig hbors cam e and told her, " Th e lVl essia h is born. An angel a nn o un ced him to us last night. H e is in a st a b le a q uarter of a league away and \\' e h ave b een worsh iping him ," old Sephora rep lied , "Now, we'll see" and she kn ew w hat she was th inking abo ut. That ev ening afte r having cared for her goats alld oth er anim als, a nd having ca ressed them all, she started out for the wonderful stable. In t he soft , ench a nted light of th e eve ning, trees, rocks ,

and p lain , even the spears of grass seem ed motionless with happiness. You would have said t h at the earth was taking a delicious rest. But old Sephora did not forget t hat at that v ery m om ent sick people were tossing on their h ot beds , travelers were being robbed o n the highway, moth ers were weeping for the loss of their little on es, and animals were suffering without knowing why. She saw before her a light , soft and yet so bri ght t hat the moonli g h t was pale besid e it. This li g ht cam e from the stable which was dug in th e natural rock in the side of a h iJ 1. Near the entrance ca m els we re sleeping, their legs t u cked up under them, in the midst of heap s of carved or pain ted vases, of bas kets of fruit , of heavy ru gs roll ed o u t full len gt h , and of jewel boxes whose contents sparkl ed \\路o nderfully. " Wh at is all t hi s '''asked the old wom a n . " The kings have com e," repli ed a man . " Kin gs," said Seph ora with a frown.




She went into t he stable, saw t he child in a manger surrounded by Mary and J oseph , the three kings, shepherds and laborers with thei r wives a nd sons and



daughters , and in a corner . an ox and a donkey. "Let's see what is going to happen," said she. The three 1<ings went up to the Child and the shepherds withdrew politely before them. But the c hild motioned to the shepherds to come near. Old Sephora did not stir. The Child put Hi s li ttle hand fi rst on the head of the wom en and girls bec ause they are better than th e men and suffer Jl1nre , then upon the men themselves and the bo ys. And Mary said to them, "Be patient. He loves you and has com e to suffer with you." Then the white king th oug ht his t urn had com e, but th e Child with a gentle movement of the hand, called first the blac k king and th en th e yellow. Th e blac k king wit h his woolly, oil y hair and broad negro grin cam e up a nd offered the newly-born necklaces of fish bones, bright colo red stones, dates and cocoa nuts . And Mary said to him , "You a re not wicked, only ignorant. Try to imagine what you would be if yo u were not kin g in yo ur country . Don ' t eat m en anymore or beat your subjects any more." The yell ow slantin g-eyed king

offered embroidered silk s, carved Ivory, p orcelain cups and sacks of tea. And Mary said to him , " Don ' t hide your people any longer. D on 't think that all wisdom is found in you and yo ur race. And take care of those who have nothing but bad rice to eat ." Th e white king tn military dress offered the Child go ld of fine workmanship, beautifully \\Tought armor. statues and pur ple bags contain ing the writings of a ce rtai n Plato. And Mary said to him , " D o not carryon unju st wars. Avoid pleasures that hard en t he heart. Make ju st laws and re member how im portan tit is for all and for you rself that no one be maltreated in yo ur kingdom. " Then the Child blessed t he shep herds , laborers and kings in the order in which he had called them to Him .

* * *

Old Sephora thought to herself, "That order is sensible. The Chi ld b egan with those who most need him. You can see that he thin ks of justice and that he will establish its reign , eith er in th is wo rl d o r in another." Hi s moth e r , tou, talked very well. All the sam e he didn't


STUDENT LIFE think of everything. IVh a1 will he do for anima ls?" But Mary hcard her though. She turned to the chil d and the child turned toward the ox and the donkey.

* * *

The donkey, thin and overworked, the ox, fat and mournful , went up to the manger and sniffed the straw on which J esus lay. The Child put one hand on the nose of the ox and with his other hand He softly pinched one of

the donkey's ears. And the ox seemed to smile a nd from the eyes of the donkey rolled out two tears and sank in his coarse hair. At th(; same t ime one of the camels outside came softly into the stable and stretched out confidingly his head toward the Child.

* * *

Old Sephora knew what that meant and that there is a paradise for suffering animals, too. And then she also went up to the Child -LemlLitre

Just An Episode This evening, as on ever y evenning fo r weeks before, she sat in front of the tiny cottage half hidden in a shady nook at the bottom of t he t ra il wh ic h wound its \\'ay up over t he great divide sepa rating t hi s quiet green spot from t he noisy ci ty beyond. The sun , ju st sinking behind the g reat ru gged cliffs at her bac k , threw lo ng, black shadows ove r the meadO\\" in front , a nd th e broo k ran quietly on. She saw the gay co lo rs, sp lashed on t he sn ow capped pea ks, gradu ally grow fainter a nd fainte r ; th en , as t he last tints faded away , the deep rav in es grew d ar ker and co lde r a nd Lwilig ht fell ove r the vall ey.

and waited for him. Soon he hurried ov er his route in order to see her sooner, and so it had grown and so it \\'as grow ing. But she was t he onl y child , t be parents we re gro wing old and she \路\路as all th ey had. H e was willing to wait a little longe r a nd - - we ll , so was she, yet it see m ed so long! Thu s was her mind occ~lpi ed on t h is particu la r evening . Th e night birds b gan to sing. Th eir shrill notes cam e from far a nd n ear. Som e she m istook for his \\'hi stle and quickly turned her eyes to t he top of the t rail. Th e cows lazil y quit their grazin g in th e m eadow and ca me slowly towards home . At this she a rose, with a sig h , and taking mi lk pail in ha nd she * * ';' She was yo un g yet and so was gla nced up t he t ra il a nd then went he . Th ey had not known each to m eet tb e herd . ot he r lon g, b ut it seemed years * - :- * sin ce t hey m et . H e sat upon hi s old cart in d eep On e e veni n g on his mail cart thought. Th e old ho rse jogged on he ha d driv n up , and, tossing t h e in a slo\\'ly pl-ogressive manner. mail to her ,wit b a quick gla nce he Th e man, t oo . had been watc hin g had d ri ven a\\路ay. Eacb night he t he sun set: he t oo had enj oyed its loite red lon ger . Soo n she \\'atc hed beauty . doubl y pe rh aps, because

STUDENT LIFE he k ne\\" t hat at the end of t he next lon g grade stoo d the cottage in fro nt of wh ieh she sat. Th e t ired horse halted at t he beginning of t he descent , eaus111g t he yo ut h to loo k up, as one start led. Th en , as he beheld t h e pictu re below, he urged his horse o n a nd the old cart ratt led a nd squeaked down the t rail.

* *

She had fin ished the m ilking and t he cows had returned to t heir feed ing. As she sat in t he doo r way a nx iously gazing u p t he t rail now dimly outlined, she saw t he hazy appearan ce of his cart at t h e top and soon she heard it co ming noisily do wn . The n the gay whi stle of the driver a bove t he rattling and squ ea kin g, a nd she


arose a nd ra n to t he roadside just as he drew up. I t was dark , quite dark, a nd the dim light from the k itch en stove Ai ck ered and cast dan cing s had ows out thro ugh t he op en d oorway. At the roadside t hey clasped hands in s ilen ce. Th en a ge nt le kiss and he released her tin y, yet stron g ha nd , hopped upon his cart and w histling m errily went down t he d usty road into darkness . Sh e lin gered for a m om en t took the lett ers he had brou ght ,a n d started towards the house. On the step s she waited until the last faint sound of his cart had ceased, looked absently into the night, t hen closed t he door as the wail of a prairie wolf recall ed h er from her reverie . --- CaT_





Student Affairs On the Football Field On S pt em ber 27 th t he stu de nt b ody d isplayed t hat college spirit has ch a racterized every t hat other former stu de nt body. On F ri day at chapel t here were

Aggies 6, O. H. S. o. T he Arst real t r yo u t for t he foot b all team occurred on Oct ober 5t h , when t h e Aggies p la yed the Ogd en H igh School. Th at odd immemorial hoodo p resented itself again b y giving us six points to the H ig h

a few speec hes made abo ut college


spirit, t he b enefi ts to b e de ri ved from athletics , the dut y of t he

real ga me, consequen t1 y most of th e pl ayers were new, over ex-

student body. It was fi n ally agreed upon t h at t h e stude n ts

cited, a nd ner vo u s.

shou ld t urn o ut Saturday at drill hou r a n d fix up the foot ball field. As sure as t he day, when Sat u rday came , t he stu de nts as a whole responded to the call. and with in an hou r had fi lled ti p the holes and rakecl t heent ire fie ld, leav ing it in aood co nd ition for foot ball. Let b this be bu t a successful beginning fo r the many s tu dent activities that are going to occur thro ughout the year.


It \-" as t he fi rst

F or the Ag-

gi cs, only th ree me n of last year 's tea m we re playi ng; while on t h e othe r ha nd , t he Junction City lad s ha ve been together two or t hree years. Th is they clearl y demo n strated in t heir defensive and team wor k , whic h was equal to, if n ot bette r , t han ou rs. vVhen a n Ogden player received the ball there were always two or t h ree men ready to protect him, wh ile for the Aggies it was just the reverse, two or three men ready to tackle t he man carryi ng the ball.



I n the line Captaill Han se n was undeniabl y thc star, whi le in the bac kfi eld, Fre\\' and Brossa rd carried off the honors. I n fac t eve ry man on the team is p laying good ball -ball that the Aggie students may be proud to remem ber and loo k back upon. In one respec,t the gam e was a failure and that failure rests upon the st udent body. At th e game there was absolutely no college e nthusiasm • displayed. Then , students rem ember that college song of ours: You do your best , boys; W e 'll do the rest , boys, Th e lin eup was as follows: AGGIES:

O. H. S,

B ennion .. , . , .. L. E .... Campbell Capt. Hansen . . L. T. ... Douglas P ete rson . . .... L. G , . . Ma urer Ev a n s. . .. C. . ... Greenw ell Batt. . .... . . R . G . . .. . . B a ird Mad se n . . ..... R. T ....... Tribe Egbe rt . .R. E ...... Carlson Murphy Cardo n . ........ Q. P a rkinso n .... L.H. B .. Campbell rrcII¡. .. R. H . B ... .. Tavey B rossa r(l ..... . F. B ... .. Scu dder H a lves, 25 and 20 minutes. R eferee , B ad enoc h. Umpire, Dou glas, H ead Linesman , O. Adams. Attendance, 50 0 .


2 I,

Salt Lake High School 4

The Salt L a ke boys cam e to L ogan expecting to do as well as the Ogd en boys did. Th is h ope soon vanished, for from the first whistle until the last, the Salt L a keers were entirely outclassed. The score carries with it n o idea of ho\\' our b oys play ed , for at the end of the firs t half , we were within striking





line .

Several times through the gam e ,we were within a few yards of the goal line, when some mishap occurred that prevented us from scoring. The gam e was duecedly interesting throughout, there b eing n o unpleasant hitches to mar the enjoy m ent of the spectators. This is practically the first year t hat t he new gam e has been playecl at the coll ege. It was the general com m ent among t he crowd that th e new ga me is supe ri o r to t he old style of ball , a nd that Coach Walke r is performing wonders with the boys. First Half Salt L a ke won t he toss a nd cllose to kic k to us. Brossard caug ht the ball , advan cing it about 20 yards. Fre ll' was then given the ball , makin g an end run that n etted


STUDENT LIFE 25 yard s. Th en a series of scrimmages occur d in w hi c h we fa il ed to make our required ground. Salt Lake. t ri ed a series of end runs in whic h they were forced to punt. Aggi es received ball but soon had to punt again. Th en a forward pass was u sed by Aggies to no ad vantage. Th e Aggies soon recover ed ball, sendin g Brossard arou nd left end , that placed us with in a ya rd of t he goal line . A lin e bu ck was t hen used in which Frew went Over for the first touch d c \\路n. Brossard fa iled to kic k goal . Score , N. A. C., 5; Salt Lake Hi gh ,o. Sa lt L ake again ki c ked to us, Brossard

catc hin g the ball , ad-

vancing it ab ou t


was give n the bal1 ,

ya rd s.


m a kin g


m ore ya rd s. A for ward pass followed, we losin g t h e b a ll . Salt Lake was t hen thrown for a loss, and punted. Aggies soo n lost ball o n fum b le, when Sa lt La ke immediately began to advance t h e ball b y lin e b ucks. This style of play gave them required distance once or twice but that was all. Th e Aggies then braced \\'ith a 30 yard forward pass to B ennion followed by an ot her , t hen IS yard gain by P a rkinson , then lin e buck by Frew a nd we ha d a n ot her touch down. Brossard failed to kick

goal. Score: U. A . C., 10 ; Salt L ake Hig h , 0. Th e High Sch ool again ki c ked to us. vVe soon lost the ball on a forw a rd pass. This gave t he Salt Lake r 's their onl y chance to sco re, for th e ba ll was immed iately in front of th e goal p osts. Thi s they took advantage of, Ri chardson from 25 yard line , droppin g a kick squarely over t he bat between the goal posts. Score U. A. C., TO ; Salt Lake Hi gh, 4. Th e Aggies then kic ked to the Hi g h Sc hool. A, few m om ents afte rwards ball was fumb led, the Agaies gett in g t he ball. Brossard t hen tried ki cks ann \Vas u n able to do so, but rose to t he occasion by m a kin g a lo ng 30 ya rd run. Th ere we were held for dow n ' on t he 2 ya rd lin e. Salt L a ke p unted ball , Ca rdo n catch ing the ball , advan ci n g it to the 10 yard line. Frew then got 4 yards , fo llowed by two from Par kinso n , when t im e was called o n the 3 yard line Second Half ] n the second half the ball interc ha nged q uite freely from on e side to the other , until A ggies punted, when B ennion d owned the man in hi s trac ks . Salt Lake immed iately punted , Brossard



The line up was as follows: catc hing ba:!l, advancing it 40 yards. A 5 yard penalize and S. L. H . ~. U. A. C. 4 yards from Parkinson gave us another touch down. Brossard Benni on ........ L F ....... . Stiefel failed to kick. Score, U. A. C , Capt. H ansen .. L. T ... . .. Shores Paddock ...... L. G ...... Winnecr IS; Salt Lake High , 4. Salt Lake then kicked to us . A Mc Combs . . .... C.......... Nire forward pass by Aggies failed. Salt Tuttle .... .... . R. G ... . . Welcher ... R. T ........ K orn s Lake was immediately penalized Andrews. .. R. E ... . . .. H arris for a forward pass. Frew then Cardon . . .. Q ....... . . Mayne made a run of 30 yards, followed Egbert ... . L. H .. Richardson by 4 from Brossard . Frew was Parkinson. Frew. . . R . H .... Tomnson then glven ball , getting 10 yards for a touch down. B rossard Brossard .. . ..... F B . . ..... McCabe kicked goal. Score: U. A. C., 2 I ; Salt Lake High, 4. H alves, 2$ minutes. The tim e was now almost up , R eferee, Orval Ada ms the game ending with Be nnion H ad Lin es man , Cobu rn . arry ing the ball toward our goal Attendance, 5-00 . lin e .

FRED M. WALKER Fred M. Walker, our new coach, dese r ves t he loyal suppo rt of ever y st ude nt in t he in stit ut ion . H e com es to us widely kn own a a n at hl etic "star" a n d we s hould app reciate t his fact . At t he Chi cago Unive rsity,from w hich he com es, he accompli shed great t hin gs in an ath letic way. at only did he " d o things" on t he grid iron fo r t hree years, but for t he sam e len gt h of t ime he was see n in t he box on th e base ball dia mond . Th en in bas ket b a ll h e shin es again hav in g been o n t he team com pet-

ing for th e ch a mpi o nshi p of t he midd le west. In t rac k work he is no less capa bl e. So it is easy to see what wi ll be do ne in a n athl eti c way a t the college t his year. Coac h W al ker's abili ty as a foot-ba ll m a n has already been shown . H avin g com e here w hen ath letic condit ions were by no means t he best, eit he r fin a n cially o r ot herwise , he has whipped up a team whi c h loo ks like a sure winner, a n d if t he stud ent body st a nd s " p at" behind him , at hletics at t his in stit ut ion will move fa r to t he fron t.

Departments Agriculture On e hundred and thirty students are now enrolled in the department a nd of these, fifty are college students Professo r J ohn T. Caine III was one of th e Li ve Stoc k judges at the State Fair. A number of his stude nts in Animal Husbandry were wit h him . Dr. Frederick held a clini c at the Fair. Th ere is a larger nUlll ber of stud ents enrolled in the Ch e mi cal Department th is year than eve r before. Th e in crease in the numbe r of stud ents in Organic and Agricultural Ch emistry is about six hundred per cent. Agriculturi sts are beginning to reali ze more a nd m ore the impo rta n ce of the chemical sid e of a gricultural sc ience. And it is one of t he most important bran c hes. As has been said many times b y experienced m en in this fie ld , "A t horough knowledge of Chemi stry is the best foundation VI'ith w hich to carryon research work along this lin e." Students inten ding

to pursue work a long Agricult ural lin es cannot afford to neglect the c hemical side of this question. Dr. Frederick atten ded the m eeting of the Veterinary Medical Associ ati on held a t Kansas City in September . Professo r J ames Dryden is novv P oultryman in th e Oregon Experiment St ation. Last June the department purchased a Pure Bred Short H orned Bull from Senator Seley. Mr. P . G. P eterso n ' 07 who is teac hing Animal Hu sbandry at the B. Y. U. had his class at th e State Fair. Professo r Chri stian L arsen left us in September to go to South Dakota, whe re he has been em ployed as Dairy man in t he State Experim ent Stati on . Lew is A . Merrill Superintend ent of Agricultural Extensi on work was here last week m a king a rran gem ents for Farm ers' Institute wor k. Professor H ogansen has just received from the Bu reau of Soils in the U. S . D epartm ent of Agri cul t ure a " Soil Aspirator ," which is


STUDENT LIFE being t- sed Ly ad vanced s tud en ts in Agrcn( my and Soil Physics. H arvesti ng is in full bloom on t he Greenvill e Farm. A number of advanced students are working there during their spare t im e and are gettin g some practical experience in scientific fa rming.

Domestic Science Th e Dom es tic Science and Art Departm ent received a gold medal from th e Utah State Fair again this year. Th e girl s in Domestic Science 7 and 8 are doing t he usual fru it work for this time of the year. Mrs.

Cook , Miss Powell , and

Miss H omer spent one week in Salt Lake in the interest of



ment ex hibit. The sewing girls have already completed shirt waists as well as underwear and models. Miss J ean Crookston is the new assistant seen in the sewing rooms. Th e Domestic Science girl s se r ved dinner for the footba ll h oys Saturday Oct. 5th , before their gam e with th e Ogden Hi gh School team. Still the gi rls are wi lling to do their share toward victory_ A training table will be provided during the entire football season.

Military One hundred and one men are now enroll ed in the department. S'iuad drill ended last week,anci rifle dri ll wi ll begin soon. Our riRe team won thi rd place in the Inte rcollegiate shoot. Th e sco res were as fo ll ows: Un i versity ()f Cali forn i:l. _路 402 D.niversity d Nevada. .. -392 U tah Agricu ltura l College. . _382 State Coll ege of W ashin gton. 358 Miss issippi Agricultural College 348 State Univ ersity of I owa_ . - . . 路3 41 liVes t T exas Mili tary Academy 305 Th e highes t individual score was 43 It was made by J. M. Montgomer y of California. Leonard Krogue of our team scored 42. Our boys feel en cou raged over the outcom e as they had a colc1, stormy day to fight against which caused their ti nal sco re to fall below the average practice scores . The exam inat ion for commissionerl a nd non-comm issio ned offi ce rs lI'ill take place the last week in October. P a rk is registe red for drill again t hi s yea r.

Music au r music department is coming to the front. During the past three years Professor Thatcher has



bu il t up a sc hool of mu sIc seco nd to none in the liVest Th e department was very fort unate in getting as instructor on t he v iolin , Mr. Willi a m Spi c ker of Chi cago . Mr Spic ker has spe nt eig ht years as a student in thi s work. Th e last th ree were spen t III L eipsic ,vhere h e reeived training under world reno wn ed musician s . Mr. Spi c ker has already entertained u s with his violin and his musical talent speaks for itself . Wi t h his t raining and abili ty, he. is sure to m eet wit h success, and we hope hi s stay with u s wi ll be long and p leasant . Th e band is working hard and according to all reports it will deve lop into on e un surpassed by that d an y schco1 in t he liVest.

hi s new field suc h as ever c ha racteri zed hi s work whil e in the Com mercial Department. A 'large number of t he n cw s tud cnts have commenced their coll egc course ri ghtly , b y registering for penmanship. Th e Comm ercial Club prom ises to b e a great success t hi s year. College students in Co mm erce a re not num erou s t hi s yea r. Th e first course ever given in "Production and Manufacturin g" by t he department, \.vill be given under t he direction of Professor R obinson . Engineering and Mechanic Arts

Prof. J. W. J e nson , a fo rmer assistant in t he department. a nd for t he past two years Professo r of Civi l Engin eering at the Bri gham E ve ry Thursd ay m ornin g c hapel Y ou ng College, is wit h us again. period is in the hands of t he mu s路路 H e nuw holds the position of Direcical department. Som e fine mu s- to r of Mechanic Arts a nd Proical select ions on t he piano, by the fesso r of Irri gation En gineerin g. st ri11 g q uartct, or by the vocal Th e seni ors in Engi nee rin g a rc q uartet s will be given . W e extcnd all back to complete their co urse. Lo the public an in v itati on to Th e class in hydraulics spen t a attcnd t hese exerciscs a nd \\'e d ay in L ogan can yon locatin g a assure you t hat yo ur t im e will b E reservoir site. \yell spent in comin g. Th e oak desk in Missio n style, made by t he m echa ni c a r t stuCommercial d ents was sold to Senato r L ove. Joseph Hickman a former Com The carriage shop is bcing m ercial student has joined the eq uipped with b enches and appa Aggies. W e wish him success in ratus.

Th e laten ess of t hi s issue is due to t he fact t hat n o staff was elect ed last sprin g, as has been th e cust om , Th erefore t h e appoint ed t hi s year took con side rable t ime as old stude nts were n ot num erou s,

Published il10llthly by th,' Studen ts of Utah Agricultural Cn//{'ge

S T AF F P. V. Cardon, '09 . H. E. Jensen, '08 .

. Editor -in -Chief . Associate Edito r

\ V . C. Ri ter. ' 10 . g. F . Burton. ' 10. .

"usiness Ma ll Hg-e r . Assistant )'1 anager

DE PARTMENT S Departm ent E dito r E H . Watters, 'U9 Litera r y . . . . . . . Art

Eunice Jacobson, '08 .

G. B. McAlister, '10 G . E . F leming, '08 . E . P. Hoff, '09, , ' W , L , W a lkeI', '08 VoI,6

. Stud .. nt Affairs . . . .

. . , L ocals

. Alumn i and

October 1907

Ex c h an~e

.Yo, I

Bu t we a re together n ow and t hings will m ove rapidly hereafte r, T he old d ep a rt m en t un de r th e name of " Ad vert ising Bu reau " has been joined wit h t hat of " St u de nt Affairs," so t hat all m atters to be a d vert ised m u st be refe rred to Fleming, who h as cha rge of t hat department, 'tudent L ife welcom es all n ew stude n ts to our sc hoo l. W e urge t hem t o get acq uain ted as soon as pc ssi ble, to see a ll t here is to see, to in q uire fo r roo m 8 5, a n d when it is fo und , to su bscribe fo r ,"'tlldent L ife, No soro rity has lived so short a t ime a nd left so good a n impression as d id t he Doso, For t wo years t hey di d t hin gs in a credita bl e way and were always on ha nd



whe n anything was to be d o ne. Last sprin g, because of ce rta in co n d itions, t hey disband ed, o r \\' orse, died. Th e funeral was hcld and the old Doso is no m ore. R egrct s from S tude nt Lite. Mu ch credit is du e the last years staff for t heir good wo rk. All debts II'ere practicall y paid , and clear sailin g in a practical way, was left fo r th is year 's staff. H ere 's to Davc a nd his bunch . Wit h the loyal support of t he st udents thi s year , Stude路n.t Lite shou ld be better t han eve r b efore. It is necessary , however , that ever y student subscribe an d pay hi s do llar. W e need t he m oney. If yo u will do t hat we will d o th e rest. vVe urge t hose student s who a re in any way " literarily inclined " to try t heir hand in writing som ething fo r t hi s paper. The old standbys, Macgregor , Dauber , and o th ers are not wit h us this year , a nd a lthough t hey h ave con sented to contribute, yet their con tributions will n ot b e enough . This paper is the o rgan of the student b od y of the U . A. C. a nd if a n y member of t h e student body wishes to bring to light his literary talent , t his is t h e best chance h e can possibly get. T a ke a chance; we 'll give you a fair on e. H erbert M. Stoops, whose work has been seen in S tudent Lite almost ever sin ce its b eginning will

not be with u s thi s year. This fact strikes us pretty hard, as he was on e that co uld be depended upon fo r good wo rk. H e always kept t he pape r well suppli ed with good su ggestive cartoo ns , and in other ways he was a hu stler from t h e wo rd go. His ori gina l cartoon s were hi ghly appreciated wh erever they we re seen . H ere is su ccess to H . M. S. Wh e n a stud ent will send in his s ubscrip t ion all the way from Colgate, Cal. he must certainly have found interest in t his publication. Mr. J. R. Carl who is t here"Turning out Kilowatts" says the following in his letter: " Sorr y r cannot b e a student of the wh ite and blue this year, but " While wandering over the foothills in a sunnier clim e, r long incessantly for those good old times; And t hou gh far from yo u r may be My h eart is ever with U. A. C. "One at Y our S upporters" The ni gh t sc hool reccntly organized in t he Dom estic Scien ce depart l11 ent is is a huge success. Th e fi rst night sal\" seventy m embe rs present . Th e seco nd nigh t , nin ety were t here, a nd the kitch ens were clOwded. This is a good th ing and should b e taken advantage of by townspeople. The Me-

STUDENT LIFE chani e Arts d epartment in tends opening a ni ght sc hoo l in the near fll t u re o

W. S. Jones I t pains u s to speak of t he death of a lI·ell kn O\nl stud en t , II'. S . J ones. H t' \\'as afast fri end of th is paper for t h ree year s, a nd to a ll who kn ew him h e \\'as the sam e. " Bill y" bid fa ir to be our staff arti st th is year, a nd we were cGu ll t in g on him when the sad n e Il's of his death d urin a t he S\1 mm e r . reac hed u s. He will be re m embe rt'd as bein g a good, 111 oral yo un g man, a bright stu de n t a nd a fi rm friend to u s a ll. The sy mpath y of the entire stu den t body of t he Agricul t ura l Co1legt' o f Utah goes a u t to his bereaven parents, from w hom he \y as so su dden ly ta ken . An Invitation Coll ege students, old and ne\\·, \\'hen \yanting a place to spend t he ir spare t im e, wi ll find a suitable a nd an agrecab le place at the " Com m c n R oom·' at 263 V\' . Ce nter Street. Me. srs J oncs and J o hn ston , who have ch a rge of the St, J o hn' s c hurch her e, co rdi all y invite yo u to come, T hey are both gradu ates fr om Yale a nd can very well enter tain you in the ir t.alks of coll ege life and education. An extract fr om t h eir letter IS r eproduced below:


" Th e 'Co mmon R oom' is opened to m eet t he need in Logan of a plaee where stud ents can go down t ow n , whe n desirin g a cha nge from th e m o noto n y of the four lI·all s o f t he ir room s. I t is prov id ed with the leading magaz in es a nd papers has a fa ir libra r y of readable boo ks \\'hi ch \\'i ll be gladly loaned, and it gives a n opportunit y for vari oc, s soc ia l games . Man y of the stu den ts last year fo u nd it a n agreeable place to spe nd spare eve n i ngs . espec iall y Mondays and Saturdays , and we hope that its spirit of good ft' ll owshi p will again p rove attract ive to those \\'h o desir(' occasion a l relaxat io n from the gri nd of college work. Th e roo m is open afte rnoons a n d even in gs, no illtrod uction is n eeded, a nd it is necessary o nl y to drop in in o rder to be ass ured of a welcome." r\ v isit to the "Common R oom" will be found profitable a nd a g rt'al deal :Jf p leasure w ill be derived from it. Miss Blanche Cooper Last J une Mi ss Bla n he Cooper was e lected to the position of l\ ssoeiate Pwfesso r of D om estic Science, Mi ss Cooper is a native of I daho, She grad uated from thE· Utah Agricul t u ral Co ll ege 111 1 90 J , a nd after doin g some hi gh sc heal teachin g in her own stat.e, she ente red th e T eachers Co llege at Co-



lumbia University , a nd In 1905 received the degree B. S. Duing the school year of J905-1906 Miss Cooper was engaged as instructc r in D omestic Science in the University of Utah. The followin g year she held the position of Professor of Dom estic Science in the Brigham Young College. Miss Cooper is well known and popular t hr( u ghout this state, as well as her own. Her training and experience lTIsure the success we wish her.

Associate Professo r of Zoology and Entomology. I\,Ir . Titus was brought up on a farm in Quaker Street, New York. H e gradu ated from the Colorado Agricultural College in 1899. After doing some teaching in that institution, and cont inuing his work in ento mology he received the d egree !VI . S. in 19掳1 During the years 1901 -'03 he "vas ReId assistant to the state en tomologist of Illinois. In J 903 iVl r . Titus accepted th e position as special Beld agent for the Bureau of Entomology in the U. S. D epartment of Agriculture . H e was especially engaged in su gar beet insect work, and in the introduc tion of European parasites into Massachusetts against the gipsy moth . Mr. Titus is exceptionally st rong along the 1ines of entomology , an d we wis h him much success in his new field. Christian Marten Larsen

E . G. Titus When the board of tru stees m et last Jun e, they elected Ed ,,路ard Gaige Titus to the position of

Th e new head of the English department is Prof. C. M. L arsen. He was one of the earl y stuclents of this institution, having come during the administration of President Sanborn. H e outlived the admini tration of President Paul, and gradu ated under Presid ent T an ner in 1896. Th e following year he took one year of grad u ate work here in




Engli sh a nd Mode rn L a nguages. H e th en accepted t he p os i t i(lD as ins tru c tor of En glish a nd Ivlod ern Languages in t he L . D. S . Uni versity. H e rem ained fo r th ree years there a nd th e n spe nt th ree years t ravelin g in Germ a n y. Scan dinavi a and S\\路i tze rla nd , studyin g French a nd Germ an . After two years wo rk in the gradu ate school of H a rva rd Uni ver sity stud y ing English and Germ a n philol ogy, he received hi s d egree of A. M . in 1906 . Prof. Larsen is a lready gainin g gr eat favor among th e students in English , and we, also , wish him su ccess.

Prof. ]. C. H oganson '99 has been elected preside n t of the Alumn i Associatio n, su cceedin g Mr. P orter of last year. H e tau g ht in the pu b li c sc hools of t hi s co unt y for three yea r~ after hi s g raduation here, and the n entered upon hi s choice of wo rk in the Michigan Ag ri cul t ural Coll ege, t hat of gradua te work in oils a nd horticu lt ure. After spending one year at t he 1\1 . A . C. he was appo in ted as exp ert and scien tist in U. S . D ep artm ent of Ag ri c ulture, Bureau o f Soil s. Hi s work at the D epart m ent was excepti o na lly enj oya ble to him , spendin g t he summ er m on ths in th e fie ld in P enn sy lvani a ,Indi a na, a mi Rh ode Island respective ly, as direc t or of t he Soil in vest igati o ns . Th e 路W inter Ill onth s were sp en t in the L a boratori es at W as hin gto n D . C. doin g in vest iga ti on wo rk. Tn t he fa ll o f 1905 he en tered th e g raduat e sc hool of Co rn ell Uni ve rsity rece ivi n g hi s d egree of 1\1. S. A . t he fo ll owin g ] lin e . Mr. H oganso n co m es to t he 111 stitution a s a m a n of extend ed experi nee in his lin e of wo rk a nd t he institu t ion d ese rves <":ongratulat io ns in obtainin g hi s serv ices as instru ctor. St udent Life takes t hi s oppor t uni ty to w is h unlimi ted success

81 UDENT LIFE the Matrimonial m a rket last J L ne . H e is now at th e University of Illi noisst udy ing Ch emistry, also oth er things . Th e o th er unfo r t u nate in th e affair is P ern ecy Dudley of this city . Cc ngratu lations and heartfelt sy mp at hy from Student Life. Fred Merrill ' 9 9 has gone to Ames t o study Animal Hu sb a ndry. C. A. J enson '99 who has been co nnect ed with U . S. Depart m ent of Ag ri cul t ure, Bureau of Soils has b een tran sferred to Bureau of Pla nt Indu st ry Verna B owm a n ' a 5 is again wit h us a nd expects to get a degree 111 Dom esti c Scien ce wit h class of ' oR. Good indi cati on s. J. C. Ho ganson Mildred F orgeon '06 has been to Mr. H oganson , a nd t o t he tra velin g in Europ e durin g t he Summer a nd is n ow pursuin g her alumni fo r t heir c hoice. C. W . P orter of cl ass of 'aS , "vork as In stru ct or in Ri chfi eld who ha been connected wit h t he Hi gh School. Sh e will , no d oubt . Depar t m ent of Ch emi st ry in this b e " R ic h " befo re lon g . Blan c he Ca in e 'aS has gone to instit ut ion for t he last two years, is now at H a rvard U ni ve rsity st udy- Columbi a t o stud y m ore Dom estic ing fo r hi s Master's Degree in Che m - Scien ce. L orin A. Merri ll '96 is at t h e ist ry. Mr . P o r ter has d istin gu ished himself , both as a st ude nt a nd as a College doin g wor k temporarily member of t he F aculty of t he insti- in Chem. L a b . P . G. P eterson ~0 7 is in Provo t ut ion . H e e nte rs upon hi \\'o rk wit h t il e good ,vill of both fac ulty an d h as attain ed t he ra n k of Assistan t Professo r of Agriculture and students. J. E. Grea ves '04 , wh o h as been at t he Bri gh am Youn g Unive rsity. Assistant Chemist of t he E x peri- H e is also Assoc iate Edi to r of ment Station , wa s t h e v ictim of Deseret F a rm r.


If you ' re a st ud ent , be one .

Th e Arst d em on strati on of co llege spirit t hi s year was mari e on September 27t h , wh en t he Ch a pel and drill p e riod s were given t o t he stud en ts. Card on acted as Chairman. Speech es were m ad e b y Capt. Hansen , Miss J acob son , H off Coach Walker , and Fleming. Cap . Hanson and Yates Farnsworth t hen led in a few rousin g ch eers and songs . Cadmus has t a ckled German II . Dr. Frederick has an extra large class in Bacteriology .


T he stu den ts b oarding at th e Dormito ry h ave organi zed a club wit h th e followin g offi ce rs : Presi de nt, H . J. W ell s; Vice- Presid en t, Grace Va n No rdec k; General Ma n ager , L. L. Coo k ; Au d itin t? Committee, Coo k a nd B o wma n. Fl eming is surely a bu sy ma n. On account o ~ illness , Mi ss Smith , t he Librarian , was co nsid era bly late returning to sc hool bu t has come at last. Ed Mi tc hell was select ed assistant cheer lead er and Bowman succeed ed Shirley N ebeker a s song lead er.



Th e fac ulty very kindly con sented to let the students u se several chapel and d rill p eriods for song a nd cbeer practices. Principal Cloyd of the Ogden High School , and Mr. Ball of t he Departm ent of Agriculture, spo ke in chapel October 5th. W . J. Farnsworth visited the college September 27th. Judge Whitecotton 's remarks were seriou sly crit icised in cha p el.

Prof. Ca ine, to football boys going to lun c h : " H ere, boys , n on e of t h at ~ " Capt. H a nson : "Oh , t hi s has b een arranged a week." There a re fiv e coun ty school principals doing specia l work in th e college If you th ink J rons isn't a grin d, just go o ut to the" Apple H ou se" som e day about 2 o'clock.

W . J. Con ger , of athl etic and queenin g renown , h as return ed to sch ool Th e fi rst U. A. C. dan ce at the pavil ion t hi s year was a hu ge success. "Spider" says that E his amoeba.

G. kill ed

Drunkenness equals Scien ce-Be11nio ll .


J enson is greatly wrought u p because of hi s d u t ies as cheer leader.

A movement is now on foot to organize the student body , in ord er to conduct the student activ it ies 111 a more systematic manner.

Student in German II: " Wh y, Professor, I think you expect too m uc h ; it has been several months since I went over t his work , C).nd I 've forgotten the tech nical parts of Gernlan ."

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