Published VOLUME XI.
W cckly by the Students
l,O G.\N, lJ'l'All , FRIDAY,
of th e Uta h ,\ gTieu lt ural College. NUMBER 13.
JA NUA RY 17, 1913.
A. 0 . Men Recei ve Lucra ti ve P o- 1 sition s. Sail on 24th .
Proba hi)" one of' the g rcatesl compliments paid th e Agr icultnrBy easy ea11ine stages the A. C.. of today, an,l the English departal Coll ege in its hi stor y came la st pla,·ers prepared for the two ex- 111eut had commanded certain week in th e form of a dcmam1 ccllen t performanl!(•S they gave excisions out of deference fo r th e f-rom the Argentin e Rep ubli c of of " Th e Wuils'' in l\'ib ley H ali good taste of today, but unfor- Farmers and Housewives of Uta h at Agricultural College Round South A meriea f or fh·c graduates last ~f...,ud;i~, arnl ~•nrstlay night. tunate lv their wishes were not up to Witne ss Remarkable E x of th e. Instituti on to ~ake cba r gJ First. ;';wHh•·e1,1heard it , and th a ent irelj: carried out . hibit so.f ar r 1cul,tnral work m th e R ~- Smitl>Relclcrs. grou ped about As regards th e aeting , the pcrpnuh c. 1 hes c m en will uc agn- Pr of Arnold and hi s Not·thern [ forman ccs showed t he best all cnJtm :at ex per.ts , ha ving mueh to T,ig-Ms clra ma elass . thought it' ,·oimd conipan:Y of actors th at tlw B. R. Lam,. representing the do w1th the deYclopm enf of the("not had." The aged and infirm College has seen for years. We lftah l'owe r & Light Company, c!1):-fatming industr:y in )hi s f Logan als,1 heard it with pleas- ha.vc produeecl some stars such as lh1• ('apilal Electric Company, 10 tlirn·mg Routh AmC'r1(•an nnhon. • Hi'C'011 ::;aturclav afternoon. Then ~Tise.;lln yha ll , i f1ss Edwar\18. :t1H.l HJHl the <il'111 :11·al l •~lectric Com'J'h~ ter ms of _emplo yment are I came lh e supre;nc test on llfonila) · Miss Cardon who were equal to J""'·'"· Sall 1,akP Cily. bcii:au ?11 espcc1all y_ f!attenng, the se :vonn~ night, th e pe ,·fornrnnee hcforc :l', pro_fc:·s io11a ls, hut beside whom W,•d11e_sdayto s<'t up a ?'g chsmen rece1vmg $2,000 .00 _each !'er indul gent fac•ulty and a cr itica l the,'.· fellow players often seem- ph1.v dh1S~rat1JJg clectr1cal deyear, and all expenses , 11;1cludmg student body. The faculty cd like crude amatcnrn. '!'he east 1 ''':"' I or Ji ann and Ilome wluch board, ro om. and traYelm,:?.. as chnek lecl ove r dvcry lin e ani! of "The Riv als" was uniformly "il l be on e of the notab le fea wcll as expenses from the United "·ere ent husiastic over every an- good and well balanced. There I urcs of the Round-up and IlouseRlatcs to th eir fields of labor. 'l'h c ti c of the actors. Th e students. is not a mcmhcr of it who did not i«' l'Jlri·s' Conference at the Agrinppo intment of one A,:?rienltnral however, ·were only Juke-wa rm. show him self a capab le actor. cultural College from January Coll ege grnduate last )'e ar ha s Some on e had told ·them that tl ,e The pl a.v, too. is well filled to 27th lo February 8t h, l\Ir. Lanz open ed the way for these. Iat_er ap- play is a classic and they were amate m s. ;-.:o aetor can be reaHy is a. skilled lec·h:1ician in the use r,01!'1t111ents,and th e prommencc expec t in g to he bored. Th er ]is- 11oor ";1'o enters mto the sp1t·'.t of ~lectric,t,,, bemg brought fr~m winc h th e Col_leg~ ha ~ a_ssu'."ed t ened r cspce tful :~-. all the sam e of 1t. . rh c often st iff, h alf d1gm- Cal1forn1a lo Utah for spec '.al amon ,:? th e scientific !nst1f_ullo~s and were snrpriscd at moment .; Orel. half swagger ing mann er that clcmonstrat:on pur pose s. While of th e land finds_ vcrificat,on m tn find themselves '.·tughing at goes with th e va ri ous parts is Ill Cal'.forn;~ he had charge of the tl-esc r eecnt appomtm ents. llfrs. l\falaprop's execss of Eng- mnr h eas ier f nr you n g- actors to Ele etneal l ram wlur;h ~reated 'l'he men rc ceiYin,:? ofl'ers · werG Jisl1, ancl thev were cons lantl v al ta in titan the sopl1istiealed air s11c·ha fa,·orahlr impression thr<:corgc lJ. ilrorrison . Ivan Egb ert. delighted ,riti, the good acting- ,;1 of men of th e moder;, world. And oughouf the slate of California J_.A , Will ey, C. Leo 111errill, Ilar - th e company , though the plot tl1en, too. " 1' hc Rival s" _is pm:o last year . 1·1son V. Woodbur,-. l\[r, Wood - seemed rath er old-fashioned ancl romed,·, a fart that brmgs 1t i\fr. Lanz proposes to demonhur y is a graduate of the Univer- Jong in worki,,g out. Lik e all within th e reach of student ac- slralc to fanne1·s ancl houseke epsit ,, of Uta_h. lat er taking ad- pla,-s of the 18th centur y. th~ tors. Older and more experienc- ers th e wonders of electricity as nmccd ag-ricn1tnral work at the lan ~nagc of "The Rival s " is cd actors c:'On lcl pla~r thP. parts thrsr nrc clisplayrd in the hnu(Conti nucd on Page Two) rnueh morr fr ee th~n in the plays (Continued on Page Two) clrcd ancl one devices adaptab le
The First College Ball of the New Year w ill , as U sual, be the
ALUMNIDANCINGPARTY Which will be given in the Thomas Smart Gymnasium, M onday Evening. January 20 ADMISSION, 75c Beginning Promptly at 8:30 REFRESHMENTS
to hom e and farm work. The I 150 years· of having heard a 11 JI ,rnmlers of lighting, healing, and 11-atC"hlcss't1ow of malapropism s, telephone cqnipmcnl~ numerous , of hanng walrlwd a faithful piee:l} "- I!: small clectr1eal devises suc h as I ture of English life in the 18th The pince to bUY. you r shoes and washers. toaster:,, choppers, ,rill I ec nlnr;v as well as the 11nfoldin<> furnishings. Suits. overcoats and be sho ~,-~1 in il[r. Lanz' _exhibit. i of a romantic stn l'y inlcrpretc<l One of the most origina l things 1 trousers made t o orde r , on shor l notice. Jn acld1t1on, )fr. Lanz ,~·111hav_e I hy .!!:ooclactors . .fudg ed by all this .\'car ,ms a pond party en14 5 North Main ,-hargc of a unHJUC pumpmg exJn. these sl,tndards the pla.,· wa s ,i,,.ved by a number of tbe girls in 1 h1l1on to be held on the College r111i1wntly worth while . ']'here adn111cl'd swirnmh1g last Priclay hill j11st south of the )fai'n Builcl- a1·c things more precious than 11ig-hl. \\'ith the grace of water I illg. Here water. hy means of elcc-. mere laughter. i•yrnphs , the girls danced th~ 1 1rieal and g-asolinc pumps will he I ---· -+-\'irginia Herl and dived for ap-/ l•oisted to the College Campus. a FIVE GRADUATES GO pies. Th e tired swimmers were · distance of 0\'cr JOOfeet in the TO SOUTH AMER ICA 11ft,•nrards refr es he,I with pine-! ,1ir. :'\feasurini: flumes will be apple she1·hl'l and cake, in the I plnce,1 on the C'ollege Campus to (Continued From Pa!!e One) lu·ker rooms. Games and pro-, < xaetly mensul'C h,\' rnoclern de- lolleg'e. 'fl1e:-e appointmenls are g1·rssin• sto r.,· telling cndccl llh~ · ti o i f fl tl t <'H'ning-'s fun . 1 1 1 The Emblem of Quality ~I ~J1: H ig he st Awa.rd I.M.P .A., tell what the pump is doing. Pro- ,.,,,ling these were other appoint'!'h e Faculty Vfoman's League 1909 hahly never before have Utah menls of College gmclnates to cntc,·taiued the girls of the ColPhon es 420b, 178x people had the opportunity of Feclcrnl service of the United lege at a reception i\fonday af135 Main ,;·itnrssing- ~urh a remarkable ex- ~talr:~, whith are hal'clly lr ss Aal- lrrnoon. -~Hrs. \Vidtsoe's homr hibit of improv ed machinery as ki-ing- l O the l r1ah institntiou. \YHS given np to the ocC'asion and t•!ott><i><S•❖•:><i..E..i><: ..i•❖c!~:..s:..::,,:.,;..:..~·Sii·+ ,·,-ill br at the College from Jan- Th,•se in,·lucle .Jenkin ,fon,•s , who was beautifnll;' tlt-coratcd in SHOE •!' 9F 1 s 1 f " I 1 ' S SOLED WHILE YOU 1', 1 uary _,th to r )1·uary th. 1\fany wns appointe<l cli·y-farmin~ ex- 1·os£"sanc ('rns- ,-iC\'Cral nmc l'l'd l letters of in~niry arc c-oming in ped in the Federal service in attended and all proclaimed it a WA IT. All Work guarant eed . ,i: 1' ti· 1 a ·t · bw s cess '' Free Deliv ery )' l'C'g":Ol'f mg JJS wor i:: an 1 1s as- \\'.nHning. 0Porgc. S. Caine, ani:-- · Ul' · · · · • • • 'x' ''."'eel !~at ,~any hunc)recls . ~f nrnl in,lnstry exprrt. who has re: C. TROTMAN ,., ( aehc 'alleys progressn·c e1t_1 portNl for serviee in Jdal,o , ilfr. Sorosis M at in ee ;; 36 N. 1st Wes t 1 ZC'll~will take a~\·.antag c of th~s .\~ E. Bo"·man. appointed as fnrm rrh r Rah11·day aflrl'uoon nrnti-!:i.-.-,.l ..i"ZKt><i>ti><S:><!~•❖•!..: ..NK!><!K:H: ..: ..s,..:u:-+ rxrr ll cnt opportnmly to _see 11rnnag-r111cnt expert. ,·rp. orling 1wr f!t\'<'11 h.v th e Rorosis, wrn; nn I · " .. rl~nsr of mockrn agr1cnltural rur wol'k in \\ .... yorning-. rmcl Thfr. PXtrC'm('l~· pleasant aITair. ,Jus t R. M. ROLFSEN S<'JC' n ce. 1,. )f. \Vin sor. formr1'1v ronnc t·t- 1th e right nnrnber of ~tulknts 1 'l'he Elertri<'al Exhibit in th e <·<lwith the Extew--ion i)idsion 0 t "·err there lo eomfortahh· All the i The place you get th e bes t pri ce on Gym. Shoes, Pants.a nd J erse ys Woman's bnilcling will be hou •ed this Institution. who has been hall with dancing coupies. \\'r I Footba ll and Tenni s Suppli es, 0 11 1hr fonrth floor. one c:-ntir1., ;1 ppointrd to aclvanrcd rarrn man- not<' with plrasnrr t.hr cvrr in room bc1ng given over · to this ex- ::.~r111r nt work in Coloradn. <'rrasing- number o.f students o f bat hing Sui ts etc. A doors wes t 1st Na tion a l Bank hihit. Four representatives of The bo;·s who are l eav ing for -the hig-he1· College classes attend the TJtah Li<?ht and Power Com- Ro11th .\mrrica sail on ,Jannan- ing these matinees. and we hop, ' pan_v. including two ladi es. will 2~th. I t is thongl1t that all wiil their further attcnclance in the The CommonRoom Club lw in constant attendance to ex- a ,·,-rpt. although in case of an\' future will make these matinees ST. JOHN'S HOUSE plain the articles shown. fn ilnr r to,ac c·rpt, ancl this is 11~1 a 0 popular and sueeessful as Hooks. Ma~uzinea, Gnmes Pool T, ~h\(', imp!'Ohable as ,·rr;• flattering- of- they ar·r in the other schools o f Slrnlll,• Bo1u·d, Shower :1ml Tub Buth~ f,•rs arr ma,lr to keep two of th e ta te. SUCCESS d' ES TIME 'l'ruui;;Court. OI'ES TO AI.L thrsr in rtah. s11bstitntes " ·ill be Giving Away t he ,S ec ret . (Continued from pa~c one.) r('IIUcl for the \'a('ancics. QUALITY FIRST Xr~otiations are now nuder " What is the serret of S11C with more finesse. hut the A. C. PRICE NEXT ":-1y for the emplo?ment in t('~H! 1 ' m;ked the Sphinx. st 11,lents Ailed thrm adequately Hardware, · Cnt!H y, School Nouth Ameriea of additional upu~hi'' said the Button. an,l to the satisfaction of thr most Notion s, Lunch Baskets and graduates of the College- Stnilnf the andicnee. The pose and .. "Xever be lead," snid the Pen- Generli.I Suppli es for Students. , nt T,ife exp rrs ' es pardonable lmH'S of -:\fr. P1-1rkim:011nc. an irate pride in the advancement of these cil. The LaFountHardwareCo. rathrr. the nnimatNl <'xp1·ession lll<'n. rind r<'affi1.·ms its faith in "Take pains," said the \Vin ,,f :If:·. ,Johnson, the telli ng emmtlir Alma ·.\rater nnder whose dow. w:mmmmm:m riat ion of llfiss ,Tolmson as Mrs. ".Always keep cool,,, said thl• Alalnprop. 1hr rngag-ing clr\'iltry N11·r the sC' men rccrivcd thrir inTh('rc is a college I ce. rf ;\J1·. Clark as Roh Acres.. and st rudion. THIS ACF, IS Hpil'i1. areater than all the noise the airy grace of ilfr. ifincar as of all the contests of all time. "Be up-to-elate," said the Cal~ir L11rins. all wrnl to make np RESERVED FOR the eollegr spit-it whieh trains endar. rharmin~ anif nnforgctahlr stag-t~ 1ll<'n fnr rfTN·ti,·c servire to thrir ";\eYC'r lose your head," said 11i<"111rrs.Lydia Tiang-nir-;his. as frllO\,. men. the Barrel. -Tnlin !\farlowr say~ 1 a silly part MILITARY ")fake light of c\'erything." In pln_,·. h11t )liss \\'oolf. with her ft•I 1·liing- gowns ancl rom:rntic airH Last Tncsclav the boys went said lhc Fire. madr L.nlia a vrry vital young- thl'ongh the Riltt's 1\fan~lC'I withuno a drfring- business" said ·,,:oman. 'rhr olhrr part~. takPn ont <'ommands. hut with mn ~ic. thr TTammcr. 1,,, ,fr. 1fa :jor. :lf1·. ;\fathison, :Mr. 'l'hr hnncl ful'llishrcl g-oocl mnsie. "Aspire to ~renter th ing-s," inmm:1111 Han sen. 1fiss :lfat]jison. and llfiss ;:ntl thr hoyc:; clicl \"C'l'V W('ll, nrnksnid thr Nntme)?. lfatrh. who at thr last moment i11~ ll1r chill Yri·_v atirnc·tive. "Be sharp in all yonr clenl1·1-phH·P,I :lfos H,H>:lr1 ·. aclrled Eliason Sisters 11111<·h In :1 1wrf111·111am ·r· rrmarking~. " snicl the Knife. SOCIETY Headquarters for Ladies' Suits, e.lrlc for its smoothne" nnd prrCLUB u~,incl a good thin~ and stick Dress Goods, S ilks, Milliner/) f,,,·tio n of ,lrtail. FRATERN ITY lo it.'' said the Glne. and Ladies' Furnishings. '!'hr g<'tlf'rnl im1n·rc.si11 n. rC'lt hv "Dn thr work you :irr snited Logan, Utah tlw st11rl,.11tho,ly. is that the pla~· for. 11 said th<' Chimnc~•.· was far mo1•p rn.in~·ah lr thnn nn,·Di,·k l'rrris' R,·rnp Hook. From orn• rxpr,·!Nl. Prnplr whn wP;1t TRY A BOX OF I Always in the highest mrrrly tn lw :imn~r,1, pi-nhahly ,li,1 no! g-et the measu1·,, thrv ,lrstyle of the art The ,log- sto0<l on the rnilron,l ,i~·,•,l, hnt nll whr snw tlw · pla~·: triwk. w,!) l1n\'e the ,l11rahle salisfnrtion I .\ smil<' wns on hi s visage; •• •• •• •• or hn_,·i11!!srrn fl romr1 ly to whic•h TT,• did not see thr train np-, CHOCOLATES Promptness our hobby fl,,, ltt erm·.,· nnrl neting worlrl pronch1 Tqot! 'fool! bologna "sissage-,, .;..,.___ T_H_EY_A_R_E_n_E_L_,c_,o_u_s ___ ..:., hHYP zin•n n hi!.d1 plnrr tor ahnnt
.a..oct 't)ttt
T. A. Greenhalgh
~·~,:~-~, ;:r~~:r u;~te;~'~n!~ e~~ ;a~~ ~1;)~f,~l~~c i:~~~e~i~t:~_; ~r~~ • e•
,: 1
th1S I
Lundstrom Furnilure& CarpetCo.
ozark I l
I J. P. Smith
& Son
1,articularly w ell , and he looks like Lis clccision hall be final and all-star malet'ial. A basketball without appeal. sc·h cdulc has . been drawn up, and If , in the preliminary bouts, no although the Unirersity is ob- fall has been obta in ed by eith er ,Jesse Ell er tsm1, who was elect - jl'tlin~, it will no doubt be play, 1·1•11leslanl after the expiration of ed rna1rnier of the nineteen t hir~I eel in its pi·csen i form. rr11e ''U'' nine minut t'S, the referee may t ee n football team, is work in g, wanted us lo re-a nang e the award the bout to the contestant hard t o g-l'l a good sc,hed ul c for i s ,·heclul? so that _it would throw having- show n the hest qualities , his team. Colorado. School of ! th rec h,g .ga n,cs _ 11} on_c weel'., a111 m who c,·idP 11tl.1 '. lia s acted most11,n es h as written h11n fo_r Oct.1t•:,he pl~~c~l hc,e. be~~dc~ t"o 8 ~1I.Y _upon the of-lensn·e .. 01· the 11 : Boulder 1s negotiating for _tl,c B. 1 · C: Co~ch l cetze l has ITien•c ma.r, after allow111g thre e. th-tohn l tl .. "·ith the possibilit_,- of . rcfus,•<1 10 uo tlns . . rninnt,, ' rest_, 01·,•1·a ~npplemen- 1 a g-ame nhont Oct. 2 1 with Colo-I Jan 31 --:-H. Y. C. ,s . U of U. at lar.v hout of three mmutes. If, r,,clo Collc::-;e. 'l'he coac h is de -1 f-alt Lake. i,1 the final hout s . a foll has n ot ,·iro11s of pla) ·i ng- i\lonlana "U" . Febrnar_y 1-B. Y. C. vs. B. Y . j been obtained at the exp ir atiou ! aho11t :S:oYember 1st, and on this l · at Provo . of nine m iu nles, another bout of t ri 1i. also meeting th e ll[onta!rn 1 , Febl'tla!y 8--13. Y. C. vs. A. C. U,r~e slrn ll h~ o:de recl. If, at th,· j \\ ' \1.Ji-0\'EH ~hot's art• so A'OOd 0 .\ }!;~H~s. \Vy o111111g owes us a trip. ! l · •at ~ o_apn. . r C':'q~1rat1on of this second hon! . '1'l11. w o nlcl make Um:,e trips fo r · . Feb, ua,.1 8- U. of U. ,s. B. 1 · r a fall ha s not resulted, an adcl ,.. thaL p<npk or all nalion~ of the till' team and shoulcl encourage !J . at Prom. I tiomtl bout of thr ee minutes shi1ll l'.':Jrlh unill' in proclaiming ll1t.•m IIH• boys 'to get back an,'! work . February l,l-. B. Y. U. \'S . 13. Y. I,[, ordered; if no fall, referee thr ··LC'n,h •r ~ of tilt.~ \\·nrltl." hard l'rorn the jump to keep up C. at Logan._ shi ll award. j our p1·est\nt stand in g. 1 . Fehrua,·y lo - B. Y. tr. vs. A. C. ('ont(•.,tants shall hr w<'irrlw(l 1 11 e • • . l l .. •at r,.1og_a 9 at :! p. Ill. on thl~' nf conlesl,~and Inter -class Basketball Standm g. Felli nai.v ~l-A. C. U . vs. B. c·n11t,•sla11t hl'ins: on'r weig-ht ! Won . Lost. P. C. C-;\r'.og~,\ T f U v . sl,all "" put in the ·c1ass high er 135 X. :\lain t:-tr rN 9 .T,miors 2 0 1000 1 enua1.v---,f.o .vs.13. ' ·111p. 'l'hil'Ct Years 2 1 666 I U. at Salt Lake. I --- -+- _ J•'irst Yenrs . . 2 1 666 February 28-U. of U. vs. A. C. U at Ralt·r al·e I•reshman - ' Say, is that an LC(;\~ B \GG \G J.: .\N'l> M<'niors 2 1 666 \' rar~i, 1_:: \' ·c U vs B y 1' c-men1ld !" · 1<:XPHESS ('O. f;ophomores .. . . . :! 1 66G, ' ' · ·· · .. · · · H · 1 t f; · ";s: · \\ ' 111. C11r1·,•1I. Prop. f',•,•oiHl Y (•flrs 1·1gt , <'1Jt01·• a\\·. 11's a 000 / at ProYo. O 3 ~I id -Wini er O OO0 :Ma r eh 7-B. Y. C YS. U . ot U. dif1m1111cl.'l'hfll ·s you,· reflection . " E\'IJl'('s-.;mnn fo r St111h•11t Lifr . Bag• 2 !!11;.tt• Transfl 'lTi' tl tn. nil. 11:irts ot I<',·eshmcn . . . . . . . 0 3 000 at J,ogan. -• -• • • • • • Teac·11er- \\'ho \\·as thr fir:-.t ci1y. 11,·adq11a r t1·rs 11\lc-r lfro~. phonC' .. 1:i-~i<lf•m·e JJhOnC' 4!"16 K. Only tw o gnmeR were played OrPnt intr 1·cst is heing sh own (•h-1'11i<·ian? la 1 w erk in thr inter-class \?r thC' hoys in th e rom.i ng wrrR1Pupil - Xoak; hr madr th e ;ll' (' . rhampion ship 8. Th r 8e ni ors 1111~tom·n~111n1l. Aspirant. are ! 1:ght on 1ft. Ararat. .iumprcl up a. noteh hv defeat in g: cl3 :ul,\· workrng out on th e mats. h st 1 th e 'J'hi1·cl Years and ·the ,Jnnio,·s · s~em~_to ,b~tl e 'darfg-ral~l - l:t:m11 :::1mm::m::1: m111::::mmm::::i 1 hcttrr ed their t han ccs of car r y- , Pc ' as ,e as '" an, 1 c ca ec •t ing off first honors hv "Ctti,;g nil e~mers. _Dave -Tones. our star EVERYTHING IN :ind IJu:, )0111' !o'ul'11il11rt• 1111tl Pwn.v with a ~ame agai~ t 1he Sc- ~ncl, 1s ~l'O\'lng to be a good man FURNITURE HoH·-. c r all 1k..;t•1·iptio11 fm· light l :011~t'l;:f•:•pi11~ . \\'I' :-<•II c·oncl Y ears- 'l'he ser ies is nearin" I '!' the l1gl1ler c·hts es. Rul es as . ii CARPETS lht 1 (' Ill ;q :,1_ •..:t i ll town and hll;\' tlw finish and se,·eral hotly fought JC·,•llo,,,·~ -, hta"e f been I'N'CIYNl hy .1 RUGS ;-.0111· f111•n i l1tl't' had,. \\l1t•11 I 1 1 C'O 1 l •nb t' oa<·1 N' zr .. rom t 1c comrn1tlcej ll S . Id :: )l!U lt•.1,1• Sdtool. 1 , n es s wi • nex wee<. ha Ying intcr-c-ollegiale wrestling- lj . pecia 1 n ucements to 1
StarClothing Store
Y'.1,11, .,. j ,
Be Comfort'ab le !: while at School
II! f: SP,!\NDE
rl fl
c:ec :
U ul !!I ii
THE LOGAN 2nd '!'h e First Y ea rs '" ere· not up to iu cha rge in Ptah .. 'l'h csc rules Students th eir n s11al al e1·tness when the mil also h ~ld good Ill th e meet on HAND STORE II I S y .)anuar r 21t h . fi I: a owed t 1c , ophomorcs to t ake . . I: :!H-:to Wt "•l bl ~O r t h 1 . , \ ny 1io 11 . the n,·st game hv d efau lt . c. g-r,p, 1oc'1 or trip . !l . • ·• · • all_~wcd. ~xeept t he h;im_mer lock. FURNITURE CO. 1'h e Semors ha ve seYera l men st,anghn~ _and full _?selson holds. . !l on th eir team who are- making ! _2. Xollung hcan er_ than l1ght l li 21-25 W. Center Street :i CLO'l'lll:\'(; SIIOES ETC. hi s tory for the cla ss of 'thirtee;. sltpp ers or rnbhc,·s without he els ::1:::1mm:mmm::: 1mm:m1m:::m:::;: \\ '<• <·nrrr lit( • rnm<H iS ])ou~ln~s B ·· II I J al lowed on feet. ~n!1101!s. e _,er ancl 'l'heroi:i an , ;J R 0 th 1, l l . 118 ll b ~ho<•-. for .\lC'n. \\'onit•n mu l Boy:-<. Be~L ("lolhingIr, th<' ('Hy fot• th<' V1v1 Bu·d bemg th e parll cula r I ti · · t st! on' c,s ts e on _ tar~ 1c 11oor a 1c sa me 11nc to con.\IOnt'Y· ldht r al l>i~ t t:tlUt to St udent-. al s' · · • • • ! slitutc a fa ll. ;'\E\\"BOl,l)S " Tl f E C'I,O'fJI IEH S 4 A rest of not Jess than fh-e R~1:diors 27 '.l.lmd Y eakrs 20 , min ut Ps sha ll be allowed between R" ...... . . . . . R os e11ey i each fall. \ ct<'l"Son_• • • • • • · · · · • · Mohr 3 Xo strik ing. kicking , goug1 · B en mon · · • · • · · · · · Heldb~rg i,;g, hair-pnlliog bntting. slrangLnsher ·: · · · · Tony B~nnton h1g, or an~ thing that en dangers IT. Benmon • • • • • • · • • Rml sto n e life or limb. will he allowed. · ' • • • . Any Yiolation of rule 5 by any ,Tnniors 36 . Second Y ears 27 eontestant, or the refusal of any Kielman . . Smart contes tant to b reak any h old Jl ess . . . . . . . FTeldber g ,Yl1en so Ol'derecl hv the referee Oriffin . . . . Od ell I ma~' he pnnishecl l;y the ref crc~ im:mm::111111m::::mm1::11:::mm::w.;i Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hal e hy the loss of I.he bout to the ofH(c!_ r.llW Ty im . . . . . . . . . . . .... R edd femlc 1· and his exc·lusion from LI@ll!llr§ooo :: • • • fur l her competition.
'l'he bask etball hori zon is l ooking bright e1· daily. Th e men are now d eveloping t ea m work and ;1, spirit which should characterize all Athletics can be seen in CYer,· r,rn ct iec scl'imma ge. 'l'h e tean{s al'e divided as the blacks and whit es. an,l th e material is so uniformly ~oo d that the final s~orc is always decid ed by one or two points. Owen is developing
'!'h e c•outestan t who has la st 1,cr n defeated h.,· the winner shall 1•pcci,·e sero ncl plaee ,rnd all who ha, ·e hrc•n dPfc>alecl hv the winner:s of either first ·or second p;a,·e shall he entitled to c•ompete for third p lace. Dnration of honts shall be nine minut es. _ '.l.'he r eferee sha ll have full control of the competition and
• I t ta k es t h e R 1ng to keep the Gl'r}Purchase a Ring worthy of the Occasion, it will be if it comes from us.
.Cardon Jewelry Your J ewe ler
F ~~llllWl ff HOW would_ you !!
fi ii
like a Photo of a distant friend or a loved one back borne ? Send yours. ~(IT\ ~ ~(c!_(IT\
ll \WmllJ.11.Lo~IW~
Corner Main and Center Sts.
f: Ii !i !l ii
I Ii
-------------Stylish Young Dressers A Come Here For Kuppenheimer Fitform Clothes
MISUNDERSTANDINGS cx peded a h nge trap to snap on 'l'hat will snrc be a h appy day it. " \Vhy, Dnnk 1 yon arc very l'u bHsh c<l """ ,." l!'ri<lu>' of the Sch oo l wlwn we a ll r eat·h I.h e H oly Place Yea r by Stu d ent Body Org-unlzatlon Hnd }C'81'1l the wh~·, the. how. and prompt- Come in and make yo uror t h P. u. A. c. whcl'C of all ercation. "\Ve labo r self comfortable in that Morris ~ubscrlptlon, ...... $LOO Per Year honrstly for four years. "\ Ve pre- cha i,·." It surp l'iscd yet pleased Single Coples, . ........... 5 Cents pare our daily tasl,s. We sec onr me very much to have him come. JJ "Entered as second-class matt er uomcs on every College Roll. 'Ne and I could sec that he felt foolSeptember 19, 1908, at the postomce are 1·ccornmendcd for _graduation ish, as if gn ilt,v of some cr ime. at Logan, Utah, und er the. Act . ol and joyfully thank the Lord we W hen he h ad sunk into the March 1879." College D ell\' ery 1s macle from Stu- ha n• ruccessfnlly ( ?) finished our depths of the aforesaid cha ir a nd dent Lite Ofllce. Room 275. college com-,;e. 'Ne rush into t he ha,1 nrndc l1i111srlfcomfortab le by RnaTon-rs--o u1Y.r... . ........ n:1)A n usf1A1om oflicc of t hC' crnp1oyincnt cornmit- crossing- his skinny legs and fo ldliAlt(l l,D R. HAOAN 1ce and humh ly ask fo r an ap- ing his lu1ndsl he fo und his cm·· .......... i YAS Bou~os ("woe is 1.,arrassed tongnc . A8HOCL\TE EmTons _:: ... ...... B. ,1:. l<"'OWI.F. 11 pl it'ation blank, whe n ..... Josaru UI CtO IAS rnc" ) we find we have been labor"R1ndcnt Life , 1 didn't come eue1Nzss MAuoY.1t. ....... ... L>:>1wt A . S)11T11 ing un<lc r a misunders tanding. herr bcra nse yon invited me. I 1 8 1 A ll Smart young men of this !~~~:~:s ~u~ ~~~~- ~~~~~.~~~ .. :.~~;:~ 1~:N ~{; :;:; " By thr-ir works yC' shall 1010" nm hl'rom ing · interested in this J ...........D •:1.1.A Mo imr.1.i. them ,'' we lun'e tnken as our school more or l ess, and for it s city are pretty well agreed on LooAt.s 1····.... ...................DA,·mS uAm· motto. and labored on suppos in~ bclle rm rnt 1 have wr itten an arthis: They prefer B. K UPPENSTAt••· A1lTle:-.. . ........... w11. oco11>1r£t:o works to nwan dai ly preparatio ns, t;c lc for yon lo pnb l ish. It is cn.......... ROllF.l!T :MA.JOB moral conduet. i11trrrst in stud- litlrtl 'Rollenncss of U. A. C. HEIMER Clothes to anp other R11:rOnTERA ..... ELllr.n Joni,;~o:{ ent g-o,·e1·nme1.1t.All of which -jg Polilirs.' It 's a disgrace lo I mak e and they like best to do ······ .......... .... A.1,t·1n:n CAINE .......................... Lt'CILF. Lr.~ their buping at the qualtiy store ,·eril,\" 11·11c. Hut woe t he mis un- any-" Volume XL Number 15. del's1ancling! Woe the day of "i\ fr. Dnnk , '' I interr upted in The bes t CLOTHES and the ·F riday, Jan nary 17 , l!Jl3. g-1·ad11ation ! In the clay "ma ny my calmest. dead liest tones- Al- bes t CLOTHES SfRVICE in 1ur c·al:ed hut few are c.-hoscn. ,. lc,w me before yon go fart her to the world-that 's our · offer to THAT TAKES COURAGE Oh yr "fre hie," awn.kc to the ask yon w hat yonr business i n A larg e and ever incn•aginl? winninf! cyr- hear ye not the th is st·hool is. I have never yet you. And , for good measure l!Umber of ou1· College student, wail of 1he oult-ast? Atte nd ye. observed yon ea.rry ing text books mos t s tyle. qualitp, value. c•arn al l or part of their ,niy llir,•ero ,·e. lo all rrq 11i,.ed of you nor a tte ndi ng classes. Wh at are throug h sch ool by means of on Iha!, lasl clay : S<'h ola rship. yon hrrc for,- s imply to 'k nick' some remun erat ive work carried .~ttalent. aeti,·itirg . athletics. and trar aow n w hat others have on in connection ,vilh their ('hul'l·h AetiYilics ! · bu ilt np. Yon and ,'0 111·inferna l studies. ABOUT- OOPLAY grcr n 110lr book arc becoming 'l'hc Ag r icultural College of Logan affords mre opporl uni Lil's \Ve print in this issue nnclcr too pop nla1· nronntl l1cre.'' Tw as intC"resteclhrvon measn rc to the man of small means, but thC" titlr "Success Estime" a of large ambitions, a11tla general taii· and i1npal'tial critie ism of ancl for the momC"nt'al most lo~t Logan's Foremost C"onll'o l of my nstrnll_y even ternbigness of :-oul, one who is siu- "'rlu~ Hi\'nls." ft explains the whole thing per. Clothiers eere, who is iu for an educa tion from ever~' point of view, canse '' I heg yon r pardon. St udent a l. all costs. ,111<1 efficct, and all . Life, hut I cons ider my views as Work among cattle-all lhorBut there is stron~ sentiment fa irly good authority ;ncl if 'you l i hv he stood around in hall s inough -breJs , iu th e orl'hards, hauling hay. work in the laboratories \\ C lrnve hcal'cl ,•oiced by prom- d0n't cal'c to l1car t11cm. I' m not ,-pc.diul( the act ion of every stnd or shops, sweeping floors, or as- inent rollegc people, whose lrrste asking yon to print thrm in your rnl. Poor st udents! Dunk a rose disg ustedly and sisting in class rooms-all the~l"' is also "uot so bad." in favor of c·h enr t rashy paper . As to what various l ines of nctiYity arc in- a cl1ange fro m t.hnt type of play P m hr rc for , its none of yonr exe nsccl himself on th e ground s l>usi ness if T don't frcl in clin ed t hat lw had a n imp ort aut en vaded by the thrifty student who 1,, someth ing more mode m . Everyone feels to comme nd the to tr ll yon. R ut I do and 1 wa nt gagemcnt. ir " working- his way .'' "Ooodbye, Stud ent Lif e, I An im· esl igation of th e record excellent efforts of the actors. ,·on to nnderstand, Rtndcnt J,ife. of nine stndrnts, taken oft-hand They were a r1·edit 1o our school that ,·on are absolnte ly blind lo clc,n'I w ish yon any ha rm, but l and no mistake. l11e c,·ils in th is sch ool. I'm ' <lo since r ely pity you." because the~, 81'C known to the Hnt "'l' hc play's lh e t hin g" nshnmed for you and thi s St nd-1 "Goo d-bye, llfr . Dnnlt; betl er wr iter, and arc ca rnfog all or nt least half of theil' way through and 1hcrc is near ly a un animous cnt Body. llfanners and honesty, leave your arti cle here and I'll elatilor for someth ing with :1 t,ah ! Oh . I' ve got informat ion in rend it over." college, reveals the following-: Fi\'e of the nin e are on the mor e modern tone and setting, this ' infernal green notr book' I Bnt Dunk sl10,·ecl th e pap er in First College R oll and th1·ce more hut of the same high lite ra ry yon spea k of lh nt woul d makl' h is pot'ket nnd slammed th e door even yon sta re,'' and hr ja hhNl.1 l·rhincl him. I f eel qnit e sure on the SeconJ; six are married vril ne. --+-· th r po int of hi s ror efinger fo 1·r,'•· th at he is ra di cal, ye t I r espect men and arc snpporting from two DUNK IS PROMPT fully aga inst his hrrast-porkct. .!lhc man more t han r,·r r . I 'm golo four persons; four of them are rr urs~lay- morning of December " :My miss ion hc>rcis to gn.thrr in~ to hflY<'another talk with him tn.kinf! a prominent pnrt in school acti\'itics and all the others are 17th I sat in my offiec wonder- c:"ta for the building of the as soon as r-onvcnient. nnd learn doing- something in either band, ing in a dreamy way what t lw ' Tclcnl College' nnd I must eon.' 1 what some or h is criti cisms ar e. ____.,_ __ orchestra, choir, debating or "Sorosig 11 intrndcd doing with fc-ss 1lrnt I rame to the wronrr me my nrxl issue. Since tal k - r,lace to collect it." ~ \ . (',m ni bal- TTow ,lid our chief hoskct balling with onr pecu liar friend, l\fr. I sat dazed and conl,l only gel I hat a lt a k of hny fe ver! 'J'hesr show super ior mettlesuch as is 1cmpc red by self-denial R C. Dunk, a few cla~,s previous gnlp and swall ow hard at th~; 01he,: Cann ibal- Il e ate a grass nHd receiving such a bombard- whirl.wind of worll s. So that waR widow. and conrag-e. It takes aR much courage to mcnt of rr itic ism on my gener al don a pair of overalls and sweep make up, I was sincc1·ely hop in g the floors 1Jl view of yonr com- the girh would give me someFor rad es as ii re~u ired ,. :;en Benja- thing unusual and "classy." min ITarris on did it-or nearly so. somC' rea on I wanted to win ''Where all the students meet." Leading Confectione rs o r I,ogn n . 'l'hr swrrt 11scsof aclvcrsily are Dunk 's appro\'a l and to p rove to Mnnurncturers of tha Fa m ous " ROY ,-\1 ."' C'IIOCOI ,l\1 '1:1 --:S. h<'rcin dPmons1ra1Nl. for ae'cor1l- him I wasn't lh c lattcrccl, clisrcOur Cate ring to Class Parties cannot be exce llNI In "pri ce" or "quality ." i11g- to P1·e~iclent \VicltSO('iCHrlleSt.' pnlahlc piker l1r tho ugh t me . hoyg who work tlll'ir wav a:-r Then I jnmped. Dunk ha,1 partamong- t hr Yery hrsi an(] most ly promised 1o visit me this very morning at 11 :30. The office· rapah lr of Olli' gratl1111l1•,. ·, WILKINSON & SON A l tha t ,\ II of wh ic·h goes to pro,·e 1h11t 11lal'll1rlock snid ll:29. The Students' Store, Books Stationery, Post Cards, ond Souvenirs, "oddly s1H•1·1·ss. or nn,Y other 1,10mcnL the office doo r opr ned Always a Complete Stock to Select From hrnncl. ,lpprnrls quite as 11111ch~niell,v (the hinges arc greased) 11pnnlwi11g-(·onsistt•11 tly hrave as nnd the sleek head of ) fr . Du nk Opposite Post Office "ns inserted enntion~l~• as if he heing 1·onslantly industl'ions.
~tubent JLift
C!Clubs, ~ororttiesanb ·jf raternities
See Stoney for Athletic Goods He knows your wants and has the goods at
Logan Arms and Sporting Goods Store 37½ North Main
The Soros is girls went "Bob" a column in th e U tah Farm er. rid ing Monday aft ernoon and wh ici, th ey w ill edi t. 'l'hi s colfro m al] r eports h ad a very de- umn will contain ma te rial f ur lightfu l time . 'l'hev rode t oward nished by the club member s, and Nor th L oga n , (it is whisp er ed by if th eir des ire is g ran te d th e some, that . t hey in tend ed call ing U tah F arm er will h ave n othi ng upo n a cer tain fa culty member to r cn-r et - ----='l'h ; cl~b is t o be con gra tula t- ' livin g th ere ) , bnt there wer ~ eel on th e exce ll en ce and orig ineigh teen in t he sleigh , unfortnnatr ly t he snow n ear ly gon e and alit y of its enclcavor sSpecia l Attent ion Given to • in go ing over n cer ta in brid ge th e the Proper Fitt ing of Glasses Th e U. A. C. !Social Ecoh ors es became disco nr ag ed and nomics Society refu sed to cr oss . Coral says: "W e Pr of. Geor ge Il cndri ck s wi ll ell cli mbr, l ont ." The gir ls·c loscd th e afte r noo n at the r eception g-ire a lectur e on th e distr ibu give n by the A. C. Woman s ' t ion of soc iali sm an d it s r elat ion M-D. Leag ue. and all. pro claim it on e Lo ot her parti es. '!'his lectur e will of the hap p iest aft ern oons of th e be give n at St. J ohn's II ouse, F r iPra ctice Limited to Eye , Ear , Nose and Throat day , Januar y 2+. at 7=30 p . m . sch ool year. Oniel' ovt'.'-r H owe ll •C'a r ,lo n D r y Goo d ~ Co m1l:tn > O ftl ce Elom ·s: 9 to I:? a . 111., 2 to O p. 111 . • • • Vi sit ors arc cor d ially in v ited t o Dell Mor rell , a memb er of So- att en d . r osis is ill w ith scarl et fever. Tt • • • is do nbt fnl th at sh e wi ll he at On Frida y, Decemb er 20th , th e school inside of a monthSigma Alph a's ent er taine d fo r • • • th ose in th e "H ouse Next Door " Sigma Theta Phi cas t , especia lly for th e ladi es, Th e Sig-ma Th et a P hi's ar c now wh o~c assistan ce ma de the play J S A SC'IF.N C E. W E AHT-1 S ll OJ •'.-Fl'r rl l\"C: Sl'E C I.\ U S'l·s \ VE Ji'JT ANO S J<.: 1, 1.l SH OES ON L Y . per manentl y located on th e third p ossible. An elaborat e sup pe,· floor . Last .Monday was spent in 1,m s sc,·vec] aft er whi ch card s aml ar ran gin g an d d ecomti n g the music occnpi cd th e tim e. '!'her e r oon1 and it now pr esents a bean - " ·c,·c about twent y pr esen t . l iful appearance. Visito r s will • • • be welcomed as soon as the fnrScien ce Club Notes (T,OG .\ N 'S ON l.,Y EX CLti SI\' E SH OR STORE). ni shin g is comp leted. W edn esd ay evenin g-. J anu a ry 8 • • • at !h e r eg-nl a,· meeting of the Phi Kappa Iota Scien ce Cluh , officer s wer e elect On Sat urday night tl,e Phi cd fo r th e ensu ing yea r . 'l'h e K app as gave a. chi clrnn snpp er in l,all ot res ult ed in th e election of l,on or of Leo llfcr rill . wh o left Dr . G. Titu s as pr csiclent. Prof. Tuesday fo r Argentina. TTe g-oes C. w . P o,·ln as v ice p1·e~idc nt, th er e to accept a positio n in th e »n,l Dr. F . S. Harri s as sccr cta ryAgr icult nra l departm ent of th e ll·easnrei·. Arqcn ti na gov er n ment . 'J'hc r etirin g officer s have . Durin g th e <:old sp ell th e pi pes serv ed tw o term s wi th cr ed it . an d in tf,e P h i Kappa h onse hnrst and n.i1ch of th,i snccess of th e clnb th e b oys wer e fo r ced to leav e ha s been clne.,t o •lh elr effor ts. There's No Good Reason Why You Should th eir happy home nn t il a reason. ahle ra n ge of temp eratur e conlcl Th r n ame ch osen by its mem. Wait Till Spring Before Getting One he r estor ed . bers for !he U:µehri stcnecl Club On t he contra ry yo n may b uy a DB L AV AL KOW and sa ve Th eY r epor t t hat they ar e is most fittin g, " Damen Tnr1/ ha lf it s cost by sprin g. ilforco re r, if yo n can 't conv eni ently ,lri nki ne- wate r and enting home vcr ein ." Th e "c hri stenin g" will p ay cas h )·ou can buy a DB L A VA T, machi ne on such lib er al eook eil food agai n . hr in th e fo rm of a Pa g-eant or te rms tha t it ,rill actu ally pay for itse lf. • • • Dan cing F estiv al. whi ch will oc• s· . Al b cnr in th e gymn as ium F eb rua ry As to )·our NBE D of a sepan,to r , if yo11 h ave th e milk or unna . "P a. !kcl. 'J'hc vari ous commi ttees fo r ~ven a sin gle cow t o cr ea m yon arc ";ast ing qu anti ty and qualITowarcl ~c)1we1tzer lrns nr - de corations, etc., have been selcctity of p1'()durt eve ry clay yo u go wi thou t one. 'l'bi s wa ste is rrn f-rd a nn~1hon on th e fnrnlt y eel hy th e elnb and ar c ver y hm,y. usnall y g reates t in cold weat he r an ,l wit h cows old in lacta ti on . cf O!tden IT,g-h sch ool . to fill th e The assistan ce of th e Mechani c and it count s most, of cour se. wh en butte r p ritc s ar c hig h. Th en , ·_ nr m,rv rnnsrcl b, t l,p reshmn - i-\ rts c-lnh ha s hrc n obtain ed f or with a scpan, to r th er e is alw ays t he sweet warn1 skimmilk . h nn of A. C1.Cool ev. 'l'h e bov -::int d eC'ora tin g. rrhi s "<'h1·is teuin o-" an d sav in g of tim e and lab or , in add itio n . ~h" 1,~nse nr P pln_nning a send -off: i<lcn is som et hin g quit e n ew /:'t in ,vh cn it comes to a choi ce of separato ,·s DE L AVAL snp eor 1nm. TTc w, 11 lca, ·e ahont th e Coll eg-e. and in fa.ct, in r, 0 . r ior it.r is no w uni ver sall y re cog ni zed . 'J1hosc who " lrnow" .Jn1111 nr y 2-t g-an . 'rh er e will be mor e parti cnbuy t he DE L AVAL to beg in wi tb. '!'hose who don 't " kno w " • • • Jars lat er . R emember th e elate. re pl are t heir oth er separat or wi th a DR LAVAL late r- th ouAtrricultnra.lClub J<'ebru ar.,· 3,·cl. sa nds of users do th at ever y year. H you alr eady have some Th e A gr icnltm ·nl Clnh is nlann• • • ot her mac hin e tire sooner you ex cha nge it fo r a DR LAVAL ir.!!' tw o vc t·v i mno l'fnnt mnvr" Th e Graft er s" held th eir in th e beli er . ment s. Th e first is th r esta l,lish - it ial meeti ng Frid a)' ere nin g at Wh, · nol sta r t 1913 1·ight in clioir.,·ing' SBB ancl TRY a DB ment of on nn-ri r nltn ra l rln l1 in the Sig-ma Alpha ITonse . J\fr. ""c r, · l,ia h scl,ool in !his stair . ,v arr r n Knud sen ga ve a very in - LAVAL NO W wh en yo u h ave p l,•nt y of lime lo in vest igate t hor ong-hJ,,. 'l' hc n ear est DB L .\V AL ag-ent will be glad to set 'Ph ('~C' t> l11h~ fll'C' t o hr pnttrrnrd ttr estin ~ tal k on " Frnit A :-s'oeiaup n mac hin e f or yo u and giv e yo n a free t r ia l of it . a fter tl1c on e l1cr e. l ions." F ollowin g thi s I her e was T iu.• nrw 72-pn:;.?l"Di" Laval Da ir) ' Fl:u 11l Book, \u whirh imp o l'l:rnt. ,lair) ' (p 1e,.,1io n s 'rh is m ove n1<• 11t i~ n 1H'W onr . an u appl e ea tin _!:{ cont C"st" in a,...ably ,lls<•u,.,~ •,1 b.\· thl" he,-.t au t horitll'..;, I,.. a. l,t)!.1k t h a t. t~,·C'r_\' ('()\\ owner ,-honld ha, ·e. :lra)ll'c l fr('f' upon re<111t~..;1. if ) 011 111eot on thl~ J)aJWI' . N e w Hll:1 !)( • J..anll C'al: 1ld g a l:;0 nnd if it snrreecls will "'ive on wh ieh .Joe Olson won first honors. 111 a 1IC'll u p,m n•1p a•..;t . \Vrit l" t o 1u•a1•e ..;1 o nl l'l". i111rl"f 11c to th<' ~t11dv or Sci<'n1ifir '11h e t lu h mrc t s next Frid a y eve n,\ ar irnltnr e whi el1 ra n not lie e"- ing- at 7 :30 p. m. at RI. ·.John ·s The DE LAV AL SEP ARA fOR COMPANY tim nted . Club .. 'l'opi r: " Ora pc Cnlln,· e," SAN 1'"'RANC1,-... CO BEATT LE cl1 1c AOO Nii:\\' \.'O RB : 'l'h e elnh is nlso t ryin ~ to secur e "Harr iet" Goodspeed.
frank 0. Reynolds
Andreas Peterson & Sons
SPECIAL WORK OF THE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DEPAR ---TMENT With ") l o1·e and Better Ll\ c stock for l'tah'' as it' s motto the J\ninrnl Iru shan :dry department li1n worked dili~cntly for years. :o ill'·p the Stockmen 's int erests 'l'l,r sl'iwol work is well known · l•ut t each in)! is onlr on e pait 0 j the rndenrn:· that is being pnt forth. fo1· the,·e ar c thousands of Jarme,s who depend on the Livestock ioduslr)· and so arc vitallv i,,tcrested. ' • Fal'lncrs rn titut c work ha, been clonehy members of this department 111 nea,-Jy e ,·cn • Yilla"e in Utah, and on u;c spre.ial trai7is wh ich ha,·e been running the last few years e,·ery town in Idaho has brcn Yisitrd a1, well as,; !-.(•,·(' ral t oms i11 :--:en,da nnd o,-cgon. In addition to talks , demonsirations in th e form of Li,,csto d < ft-om the College herds and flocks have been taken two ucce ; sivc
rncn now arc awarded with their sweaters. These me deserv• Our University team is now ac- rocogoition the same a: our foofd l!vcl_r e~gagecl _makmg rea y ma- ball men, an·d let us, l'h c Student tcnal "' 1th wluch to assure Utah Body sho"- that we appreciate (J[. An?ther Wa~erloo. rl'he affi;m, their work. 1 ~.t ve 1s_our,~h01cc of the_quest1on, A STUDENT. Tlesohed: lha t Regulation Rather Than Dissolution Should Be the Policy of_ the ~ecleral Governmeut m Deal mg with the Trusts." 1 )(ontana lrns submitted ou>' TO THE STUDENT BODY c11icsti?n.which is."Resolved :That \Ve have among us a great " M11111numWage Scale Operative m Bookshops , Factories, Depart- rnany more or less exclusive asrnent _Stores, and th e Sweated In- sociations. but there is one fra~ustr~s thr~uirho ut the U. ·s. ternity which every member · of , hould be Provided for by Law. the Student Body, from the oldCorn,titntionalit! Rrant ed." Our est senior to the youngest eighth to joirt. fd on!ana tea 1:11s bus~ getti n g all g r ade graduate aspires tlie ''.1for_nrnllon poss,b l r on the That organization is the U. A. C· Alumni Association, and to get cp!e~t10n m order to make a choice of_sides. It is vei;.v lil~ely that we you all a ccustomed to tbe alumni spirit, the members of this Assowd! _choose the negative. • 11,ss Johnson and Jlfr. Fowler riation hereby extend a most corarc hns_v working on the Minimum dial invitation to you and to yom the Alumni \Va~c as this is to be question partners to attend Ball next Monday evening in the submitted to Provo. 'l'homas Smart Gymnasium. For 7-fo~t of the class try-outs have l,cen held: the debators are work- a series of years the Alumni have of ing hard to b1·ing to their class ushered in the social season If there were anythe lanrels of victory and to them- each year by giving a grand ball nd this year is to be no exccp~ thing better than selves the Thomas cups. Watch for the cla ss debath1" lion. Students who have attended these parties in past years will s IH•1lulc beginning the latte; vo uch for the fact that they make pn,·t of this month. We would have a most enth usiastic introdnction to the January-February-March them 1•:dito ,· Student Life: frstivities. years to all the towns on the ·111 the two ,. •cars that I TO THE FACULTY Orr1?on Rhort Linc in lftah and I Every member of th e U. A. C. Tilaho , and to all towns on th e 111\ ·c heen at this institution, it Ra lt Lake Ronte in Utah and ::--:e , seems to me, especia ll y at this Facnlty is invited to attend the + 1!..!-4<S,.~H$>t!»S><!><S,.SH!H!><!»!><S><!H!••? + Ya.da. as wc!J as to all 011 the time of the year, that the Student Ball . A large number belong to DrnYeL" nncl Rio Ornnd e in Utah. Rody is negle cting one thing. and the Association and will be there '!'hi s has bron~ht the College that is, while we are g1vrng as a matter of course- Those who are not _A. C. Alumni are honorRtock hrfo, ·c thousands of 1woplc da1H·cs and demonstrations over ary members of the society, and ,,n,l has att ract ccl attention to the the vic·torics and abil it y of our are especia ll y invited ~ to meet good q1rnlitirs of' our flnimals ancl fnolhall men, no mention is made their fellow facu l ty members and + ,I, lias a lso helped to win a place on the western farm for the pure- cf the cheer leader and song lcad- the students in a socia l way. TO ALL FRIENDS ill'rd. At the f11i1·s in 1!1ah 11w rr. who, I believe, deserve eq ualof the College ('olle1?e stoc·k has helped ont the ly as much credit for their work And this in cl ude s all the eit iex h ibits and has clone mn r·h to en- as do the foot-ball men or any, of ,,,ns of this ~ommun ity, a gr eat ro,n·al!r the h,·eeders.Mem- onr men on our teams. I believe 111anyof whom hav e been student• brrs of: the Animal TTnslrnnd,·y staff have made trips to Ne{,- that these men sh ou ld be publicly of the College ,-n !warty invitnYo,·k. ·wisconsin. Illinois, Nr- J,onorcd by the Stuclent Body giv- tion to attend the Alumni Ball is extended by the officers of the hraska and Iowa selertin~ stock ing them something . A~sociation. Here yon will meet for Utah fnrmers and as a result The men on our teams receive the old scl1ool mates and refresh a 1111mhrr of superior aninu1ls " A" sweaters, the men on our de• old memories. wr1·e hronght hrr c. 'l'he (lna.lity of the aninrnls now owned in th·e hating teams, cups. 'l'he spirit in Rtatr and th e ach-ertisinir given the school this year is better than H ea rd in Chemistry . them b,v tins work has sold hun- it has been for years. and, to me, Prof (to the two students who ilreds of animals Lo other sections :John Sharp is responsible for the had /!Otten the right formulae): of LOGAN, UTAH and Utah is alrrad_v reaping the largest share of it. Let ns show How long did it take you to work rewardC'achc Valley alone I shipped several thousa,;cl dollars 1 mt we appreciate the work of the problems! Capital , Surplus and worth of dairy stock to Idaho tliesc men. 1st Student: Ten minutes. Undivid.id Profits $126,000.00 during the last f ew montlis. The '!'hose taking part in dramatics 2 nd Student: Fiftee_n minutes . Total Dep0sits $660,000,00 judging at mo "t of the 1Tt11hfairs sl1011ld also receive pnbli c recog' Prof.: What was the matter has _been clone for several )' Cfil'S h)• 11'tion. One or two of ou r stn- with the rest of yonT ~ . 111 TTn. handry _men _in 1hislclcuts have taken leading parts in Rtudent (who didn't have his '1f Welcomes and app reciates ,.n., . for two or three ,,,•ork) typr ·e8tahl1sl11ng and hre ed. 11n1fornntv · a,;;;to our clmmat,cs - : We don ,t all have the 'JI your business. whether large or smal l, and believes its _ The Depart men! claims a part , years in suc~ession, and what do sn1~1e affinity _the~e acids. 1 111tc1·est 111 all thr Livestock of I they get for 11f I do not imagine j extensive resources developed by twenty years of constant, cons idthe Stale a1Hl will clo anvthin!! that it is fun to drill ui<>ht after + Opposite Court House · + Jl~~sible lo h_clp hr cr clc,·~ oni . 1 night. and not ever get ~a thank-1 • ,11s North Main + erate, conservative accommoda""I\1th more L,wstoc-1- Utah ean . . + Men• Shoes Rall So le<l + tion s, a splendid endorsement of keep np the fcrtilih · ~r her lan'.ls ~ 011 fo,· 1t. Onr ar~mattc man- + Hand Sewed . .. .......... 75C + its most satisfactory service to ancl nclcl mlll h in · the wny ' r ager 8hould also recmvc a reward. He~i9r·st ~ 1: 53R~!:~:a:e~~ 1~oc. : 0 the people or Logan an d vicinity. wealth and happiness to her pco-lLe1 these be awarded some Stu, First Class Material
or the Right Goods :!:at the Right Prices
L~!: ::::: t•M : .::::.,:J
I: ltt.~=tt'itit\ikm'!t'
dent Body Day the same as the
I:I+ :.i.~:::.i~~~1.:::~+t~rm .t- + r 1
It's a Bear! It's a Bear! No, Fee Mathisen an old member o! "as seen to enl'clope them, and )IcFarland says it's a Wolf_ • Sorosis was at school Thursday, ,•m~rging from it was seen only
Iocals _____________
· 1-
-t- Dance Re rnember the ·Monday at :30, in the gymnasium
--,, I wo men appeared al the top ll as Hugh Williams ever had a -+ c,f the hill running to C'atclt the se1·iou~ thought T Iren liendl'ickson entertained C'nr for town. As the spectators the Sorosis girls at her home, ,tood watthing, amazed at the Kirby has a <log named Deer Wednesday Cl'tning. speed aequired, a cloud of snow Lod ge• We wonder why! -+0 ;ght,
Dr. C. X . .Jensen says: "Don't µet oul of things, gel inlo things ." Who of us does this hit!
Wcuua thinks that "woman" ~i:,!nifies a marrieJ woman.
in The Ag. club has asked the the Home Economics girls to organize. Do they want a better half!
'l'he Animal Husbandry departEconomy of time and Dr. bills, the loss of ,(rs. Cook stops in th.e middle of C1oldeu Belle's left horn. roll call to give remedies for quinzy. -+('lark is regretting the fact tlrnl '\Ye are glad to hear that Della he forgot to sing his song at the ~[ort·cll is improving, and hop e 1wrformance 'l'u esda,v night. she will soon be able to be up and -+around. .\t tb,, time this issne of Stu,h•nt 1,if c w,•nt to press we were 1111ahl<'to scc•ure a photograph of 'l'he President's office recently Jlr . Woodbury . . rec·ei,·ed a pil'lurc of the battle-~Iship Utah. with Senator Smoot's Our Rrg-istrar, Mr. Howell. isl <·ompliments. -t1·a1T,\'ing his ar1n in a sling. ha, •. in!! had it broken by a fa]] on .Bi ll C:oodspccd is lo oking for College Hill last ,veek. ,0111eplac·e to spend his el'enings -+in order to keep his thoughts l ('Jayton may be seen these clays fr om \\'andel'ing towards 0l'Cgon. I ht,~·ing groceries with his affinity. -+· · ~ome of us wonder whether the Asael Dixon, one of our seniors e,·ent has really happened. majoring in chemistry . having eompletec] all the required snbI,. 'I'. natph, '11, was a visitor j,·cts for graduation, leaves - us 111s,·hoo l last "·eek. Ile looks next week to accept a position in flue. says he feels fine nod to the )fanti Tligh School. Student make a long story short is µiak- Life wish es him success. -tiug gOocl. 111,•nl is mourning
.\ sweet clisposition--J'ack burn. ,Tiss Cooper at her classes I ime.-Stuclrnts, 'J'o know if Eva Wolf got diamond from one of Hirnl s.-A Stude nt .
'ro get "Rich. "-Smurt
Cache Valley Banking Co.
l'rcsident Widtsoe is still !"alt Lake City working on !<•xi-hook committee .
cme figure. Immediately after " figure "clothed in white" was s,•cu to r'se and go gesticulating on his ,~ay lo the bottom . Sec "Hones' ' C'layton ·ror the re11,ainder the story.
Capital and Surplus $115,000.00
We Solicit Acco unts of the Faculty and ) Student Body, and sha ll be pleased to have our share of the College busines s
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Barber Shop 13 Wes t Center Street IT. J. CAHUSLE,
Our Exclusive Line of Murdocks Chocolates Are made under the m ost sn nilury ancl up to elate melhods or manufacture known and of the finest quality of 111ulc riul s llrnt cnn be ob tained consequently we are In the besl possible posilion Lo furnish the finest Ch oco la tes aull Cr.t."!flmSon the market and also the b<'at value~. Tr:r us nu(l I.Jc . co nvin ced thn t our ::,>ods arc s u1,crlor to nn,·t11in~ nurnnfu ctur cd in thi s line .
The New Embroidery Book A Ninety Page Magazine of Neeale Wo rk, showing hundreds of articles easily made with the Ladies' ff omf3 Journal Transfer .Patterns. 15 cents a copy including a free transfer pattern
H owe11 - Cardon
on her her
Where Only the Best is Good Enough
~ome one of the A1111malIlns1,aud ry stncleuts have been autbo ri,ed to super intend and test some pure bred JTolstein cows belonging to )lelsen Brothers of Richmond. '!'his will be a seven day It has been rumored that our test for butter-fat to determine whether th ese cows arc en titled belo,·ed Ag. Club Pr esident wa s reee ntl.,· married. Poor Joe. to registry in th e official advanced reii istr~• or the ITolst ein-Fresian as~O<'iation. ORCHESTRA -+'l'he appearance of the orchesPotatoes for the potato exhibit tra in (•hapel lnst Wednesday was ,l111·ing th e Roundup must be in a pleasure to all present, and the no later than .January 20. Prizcsj musi c rendered ,ms not only ~il'en for the best two dozen po- h i)?hl~• appreciated but greatly I a toes of an_,· Yariety, will he· exceeded our expectations. The nwarclecl as follo,n: five dollarsj A.(' _ orchestra is nnclonbtedly the ras h for first. two dollars and hest school orchestra in the state fift-· rents for the second. and one lt ..onsists or eighteen pieces, rlollar for third. Tl wonld be nn under the personal direction of h011or to the school to have a ::\fr. ~pirkel'. '!'he players show ,tnclent win this pirze. so look the result or the nhle coac,hing of i11to ycur potato pit and compete t.J,,>dirertor and we are awaiting with the rest , 1hcir next appearance before us.
American Steam Laundr~ Launderers and French Dry Cleanets Call 4 38. No. 46 East Center
'l'hls will Street.
to your
door. Phone
COME TO USJ2J2J2 for Your School Supplies We Carry Everything you need, including Stationery Toilet Articles , Perfume , Soap, etc. You Will Need a Nobby BJ1tlting Cap this fall. Ask to See Them
CO-OP DRUG COMPANY "The Prescription Store" 14 West Center Street.
Phone 21
/ a1·c propagated, and by knowing Domestic Arts, in cluding maki~g this science eac h •.·tudent will be and cutting of gannetns, and milab le to save when l,e ent ers lhc lmcry. • pra,·tical field of llo1·Lic ultur c. i\lary E. Johnson has kind ly Stude nt s wishing to talrn. this ,-01 . 1s<'nt ed to give sugg estions _ru,· Alumni Ball ---(•om·se shoul,J inform Dr. Balch- physical cu llur e, a lso gymuas1u111 ,Jan. 20-8:30 p. m. gy uwa siun , " Uta.h's Famous Applt s." c;o ,. at once so ample provision ,·xc r ciscs and drill. Basket Ball . .. for equ ipment may be made. ln connection with an art ex,Jnn ---!,00 p. m. nd year r s 17 2 Lt 1111ghthe of 111tc1·cstto some The class will m_ect the first 1 hi hit, iliss Bavngc will give a 1 of th e st ud ent s to know that tile , hour of. cae h \V rd ncstlay, nrn.11 talk 011 " ..:\rt in the ll omc," Frl' l-ihu1t•,1. 1·1ah A"ricultural Coll ege won I will lia,·c labo1·atorr eac h Mon- I l':lii,·h slio nf.l interest all. .Jan- 20- 2 :00 JJ. 111• l St yem- "' "Sc ,·cn eP rcm ium Hihb olls . 1 ' al! day 111or11i11g.Th1·l'C credit :.; lo .)I iss ~111ith will int.ercst lh l.! f-:l'Hior. .fan. 20-3 :00 p. ut. 3rd .,·c,u· r, tile " 'ixth ~\ nuual Fl'uit _Exh!l>it' · hl' gi ,·cu. wo11n·11Uy a talk on "Head ing in Soilhomore.
1912"' at the Cornell
Un1vers,ty . Th e ex hibit <onsisted of' fit'f ee11 nl l'ietics wliith ,rcre <'O IIN·1· c·d and selected with a g 1·cat d ea l ot care by ou r worthy hm·ti c 11lt urist , Dr. L. D. Batchelor. Out or the fift een rnrieties which were pl aced on ex hibit by the U. A. C. seven pt·emium s wer e cap tur ed, whic h mny be d ewed l>y ca lling >1l Dr . llatchc lo 1··s office. 'l'h is speaks very well of the qualit,· of Utah apples and the ahilit,1· of Dr. Batchelor as a judge of good fru it. Pla ce,; w on are as follows : Place~ -Variety 1st, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akin 2nd . . . . . . . ..... ... .\1·kausas :J1·d .. At·kansas Bla ck :frd . . . . . . . . . . Delicious 1st . . . . . . . Lawv er a rd Sa lome ;1,d Slayman \Vi1.1csap • • •
Home. '' . . Class Meetings lu eonnccl1on with th e child ,Ji,n. J7-Se ni ors Jl :30 a . 111 pruhlL·111, Dr. 'J1i1us will give a room 129. l,,ni<'n) s}id e l_edu r c along the Rural Science Lectures l.u c 0£ l•,11geu1cs. Jan 17-2-00 p. m. Coac h 'l'cc tOne o[ the biggest features o( zel. the pl'Ogrnm i:; a demo nstrat ion Jan 18-2 :00 p. m. D_r. 1'itu s on clc etr ica l appliances used in Both to be held. in r oom 280 tl,c hom e ~ 11-cn bv the Uta h Light andP~wer co1~pany. 'rhen' Freshman -Say. teacher, is it will be an expert here. All only milk trains that have cowshou ld be interested in the use ofl catchers? elect ri city in the home for h ea t. ing. lighting a nd power . I 'l'he £om·th floor of the \ \Tomans building will be confined to the wo1-k. and for the comfo rt of the womC'n a room has been set aside wl1cre correspondence paper , sf amps and other papers may be pnrchascd. 1'he Dom est ic Science books and ma gaz ines will be plac, ed at the ir ,lisposal. We have on hand a 'J'hc even ings w ill be given up complet e line of t? coujoint meetings and r eccp-1 lions. PIANOS R c,nembe r tli'e date, Jan. 27th. AND and watch for programs. PLAYER --+:lfr. TT. ( in math,: I i x •'quals PIANOS zero, what is lhe rnlnc of x1 Also Sheet Music, Purses,Music Prep: Wh)' nothing I Rolls, Satchels and Record• ~f 1·. n.: Yes. in thi , ~asc. Prep.: Tsn 't zc·ro alwrtys notJ, .
CON f [REN f E lJ
---, , . . '!'.he__arniua l ll ousekcepc_,':' ~en~ fc-1rncc 11111be he ld thi s )Ca t t,~0111Jauwl!'_, · 2 7 ~o February S. I·\ c hav e _an cs_peeially good progrnm, winch will prove of great benefit to the housekeepers throughout the state, also to the tudents. Economy of time and expenditnrc is the kc)·-note of the prop:r am. i\Irs . Ho se Hom er Widl soe, from Ralt Lake, will lectu r e on "C hildr en 's Clot hing , " and l\Irs. JI.. J . Go ,·ham of that city, and president of t he Slate Federation will be here. "C lea n Food and Il ea Ith" will A Practical Course in Winter be, treated by i\[,-s. He11a B. illa.l'Hort icu lture . ccck of the Deaf and Dumb As many of Dr. Batchelor's School at Ogden. hurticnltnral students hav e exA ,·cry intcresti11g feature of pressed fhe desire to_ learn ll~e the program will be a lantern Ht of perfect prnm11ng, g-rnft-11 sl ide lecture on ' ·\Yom au's Cloth ing-. top workin g, and plant propo- 1 i1w in Relation lo Beaut v and O · d gal ion .. he h~s or gamze a ne"· H ealth." g iven by i\Iiss • Maud cou r se m winch many sound hor- )!'av Babcock of the U. of U. ti cultural princi_ples, I_Jolh practiord er that the icltas of the d I l ll b 1 a ing-? an t icorellca w1 e ian - :;;~:~!ic,~;e ~t:~::~~F~~b l::a\a~~ :I.fr. TT.: 'J'wo or three Zl'rocs tu Jn thi s co1u·se there will be heen an-anged where Mrs. ·widt- th,, r i)!hl on a h,rnk-cl1·aft would fil'ld t rip s every :i\foncla.v mornin~ soc will clcmonstrale labot· sav- lllNlll sornrt hi ng--i n faet zcr 0l'S fo some of th e best orcha 1·ds of ing dev ices in the ltomc. Mrs . eo111p1·ise two-third$ of the "400 ciiffer cn t ages in Cac-h e Va lley, to na ll and ot he rs will !real on !!Ct the art ef pruning trees in "'!' rai ning o_f the Chil,l" differe n t sta:?es of their g1·owth. 'rh e pra ct ica l side in hom e Some very int eresti ng work will management, nutrition. eC'on omy 11 h• ,lone in lop wol'king, or the in sto r age and purchase of food ehang:ing of .one vnriety of ap- and hand labot· saving d ev ices pies info another. by the a id o( will be taken care of by M,·s. grnffing. Thi s is someth ing lhal Batchelor. nlanchc Coope r , Leah eve ry ag ri cultnral student shonlcl TYins, anl Miss Gertrude lifelie aequaintecl with. and know C'hrync of the Ti1xtension divhiion, how it is accomplished . wh; will give l ectures and dcm 'Phe work in propo:?ntion will om;tra 1ions alon~ these lin es. h,, of interest bNanse it will g ive :\frs . C'ook. l\Tisses Kerr and f he students an insight inlo the Dunford. and Jlfrs. J. T. Ca i,_,e , arious wa)·, our different plants I ITI , will treat th e problems 111
1 -: -
THATCHER MUSIC CO. 39 801,th .Afctin Street
Correct College Clothes and you willbe Satisfied
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Now is your chance to clothe yourself in a New Suit of Clothes. Hat. Shoes. etc .. for a very little money. Don"t m1ss this opportunity.
Logan, Utah