The Utah Statesman, August 28, 2012

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Summer journeys took students around the world

Aggie women defeat Omaha

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$5.99 UtahStatesman August 28, 2012

Pg. 13




Welcome ASUSU welcomes freshman with fair-�themed week Back Special!

BY TMERA BRADLEY news senior writer

This year’s Week of Welcome combines new and traditional elements to celebrate the first week of the fall semester. The week-�long celebra-� tion will mark the first time many students step onto the artificial turf at the new Legacy Fields. Chaise Warr, ASUSU pro-� gramming vice president, said the grand opening of Legacy Fields will coincide with the ‘80s dance at 9 p.m. Friday. The dance, hosted by DJ Marcus Wing, is one of the most anticipated events of the year, said Hannah Blackburn, activities director for the Student Traditions and Activities Board (STAB). “Whenever students have the opportunity to dress up, they just go all out and have so much fun,� Blackburn said. Warr said this year’s fes-� tivities expand on many of last year’s precedents. “We’ve upped every-� thing this year,� Warr said. “We’ve upped the food, the publicity and the prizes.� Week of Welcome began with a bluegrass band concert in the TSC Plaza on Monday. The concert featured bluegrass performers Cross Strung, Craig Miner and Forever

Blue. “Looking back on previ-� ous concerts at USU, we found we haven’t had a bluegrass-�genre band for 2012 Domino’s Pizza, LLC. almost the past decade,� Limited delivery areas. Logan area Blackburn said. “It’s always been pop music.� only. Customer pays applicable Blackburn said blue-� sales taxes. Delivery charges may grass fits well with the fair apply. Participating stores only. theme the board has cho-� This offer expires 9/9/12. sen for this year’s activi-� Not valid with any other offers. ties. While new activities are being incorporated into the celebration, some favorites like Day on the Quad and the weekend dance will remain tradi-� tion. “Students from previ-� ous years look forward to those same events,� said Abigail Kingsford, ASUSU public relations director. Judging by the par-� ticipation level last year, Warr said, close to 3,000 students are expected to attend the movie night Tuesday. “The Avengers� THREE BLUEGRASS BANDS played on the TSC patio Monday night to kick off Week of Welcome. JESSICA FIFE will be shown on a big photo screen on Old Main Hill p.m. in the TSC Ballroom. sure we’re using funds will be held at the new friends and gives return-� at 9 p.m. “We have some pretty in an efficient way,� Blue Square apartments ing students as well as Booths from campus great prizes this year,� Blackburn said. across from Romney freshman a chance to organizations and local Like usKingsford on facebook @Domino’s Pizza Cache Valley said. She said With the football game Stadium, she said. meet new people. businesses will be present-� prizes include a GoPro against Southern Utah Students have high “When you’re a fresh-� ed from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. camera, an iPad, a Kindle University on Thursday, expectations for the week, man, you want to make Wednesday at Day on the Fire and a $300 gift card Kingsford said the Week and members of STAB college a good experience,� Quad. Students will have to the City Creek Mall. of Welcome planning planned a variety of events Kingsford said. “Week the opportunity to join She said the board committee decided to to meet every student’s of Welcome is one of my clubs, enjoy live music and planned the week’s “focus on the football need, Blackburn said. favorite traditions.� get free food from local activities while striving to team� by collaborating Kingsford said Week vendors, Warr said. remain financially respon-� with the HURD for tail-� of Welcome is a great –tmera.bradley@aggiemail. Students can play for sible. gate celebrations before opportunity for everyone prizes Wednesday dur-� “We’ve tried to make the game. The afterparty coming back to see their ing high stakes bingo at 7

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‡)ODW 6FUHHQ 79V ‡%HHU ZLQH VSLULWV ‡/DUJHVW EHHU VHOHFWLRQ LQ YDOOH\ grab something, or faculty during ‡6WXGHQW GLVFRXQWV BY LIS STEWART lunch can drive down here,� Casillas HYHU\ GD\ RI ZHHN staff writer ‡+HDWHG SDWLRsaid. Blue Square, the first mixed-�use lux-� In addition ‡'HVVHUW 3L]]DV SHDFK to the vendors renting ury student housing development in spaces in the stadium parking lot and DSSOH EOXHEHUU\

Logan, is teaming up with ASUSU to USU sponsors setting up booths on 1RUWK 0DLQ 6PLWKILHOG ‡*OXWHQ IUHH SL]]D DQG host university events this year, start-� SDVWDV DQG EHHU ingJust with Thursday’s football 15 minutes north!pre-�game ‡5HVWRUHG JDV VWDWLRQ

1 Lara and

Luxury housing complex teams up with campus organizations the road itself, the development is bringing in the radio station VFX and food vendors, Kalian said. One of the three buildings at Blue Square is finished and renting to ten-� ants. The food shops planned for the

tailgate. Find us. Open at 4:30 Daily. The tailgate will take place on 800 East this year instead of 1000 North, where it has been held in previous years. It was moved for the safety of pedestrians crossing 800 East to go to games, said Karson Kalian, ASUSU athletics vice president. “Blue Square wants to be an area of student life,� Kalian said. :H DOVR KDYH When Blue Square approached )HWWXFFLQH ASUSU about holding events dur-� $OIUHGR VRXS RU ing the tailgate in their parking lot, VDODG DQG HQGOHVV the idea fit, he said. Blue Square is EUHDGVWLFNV IRU located across the street from Romney Stadium. �We’ve teamed up in the fact that we’re all in the same area,� Kalien said. Chase Casillas, a liberal arts major and social media manager for Blue Square, said he hopes the develop-� ment, with its shops, apartments and a small entertainment venue, becomes a community gathering place. “We want something where people THE FIRST PHASE of Aggie Blue Square, Logan’s first muti-use, luxury student before the game can come over and housing complex was completed this summer. Blue Square has paired with ASUSU and


the HURD to hold football tailgate parties on its property. DELAYNE LOCKE photo

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main floor of the buildings are empty while the developers negotiate with the retailers who will rent space there, Casillas said. Roberto’s Taco Shop is the only retailer the developers can publicly release at this time, Casillas said. Other shops will include a sandwich place, an Asian restaurant, a sit down restaurant and a coffee shop doubling as a convenience store. There will also be a small stage venue, he said. Kalian said the university is work-� ing with Blue Square to possibly host other events at the venue, such as watching away games. Larger events will continue to be on campus, but smaller ones, like Poetry and a Beverage, could move to Blue Square from time to time, he said. The apartment complex was the idea of former Aggie starting quarterback David Miller. According to an inter-� view in the July USU alumni newslet-� ter, Miller teamed up with two other former Aggies who now work in real estate to see the development through. “The developers, they went to Utah State and they came back here, and they said the housing here at Utah State looks the same here as it did twenty-�five years ago,� said Zach Larsen, who does marketing for Blue

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