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IMPLAN and Data

This section explains IMPLAN data which are used to build the Utah Input-Output (IO) table based on Mulkey and Hodges (2004) and IMPLAN (2022c).


IMPLAN is an acronym for Impact Analyses and Planning. It is a computer software package that includes procedures for estimating local IO models and associated databases (Mulkey and Hodges, 2004). The IMPLAN system was initially created by the U.S. Forest Service in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management to assist in land and resource management planning (Mulkey and Hodges, 2004). IMPLAN has been maintained by the IMPLAN company with exclusive rights. More information about the IMLPAN system is available at https://implan.com.

The IMPLAN Database: According to Mulkey and Hodges (2004), the economic data for the IMPLAN model comes from the system of national accounts for the United States based on data collected by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other federal and state government agencies. Data is collected for industry sectors of the Utah economy corresponding to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Data provided for each industry sector include outputs and inputs from other sectors, value added, employment, wages and business taxes paid, imports and exports, final demand by households and government, capital investment, business inventories, marketing margins, and inflation factors (deflators) (Mulkey and Hodges, 2004). National and Utah data are the basis for IMPLAN calculations of IO tables and multipliers for the Utah economy. IMPLAN processes and adjusts these data to build the IO table and Social Account Matrix for further analysis and to be consistent with economic theory suggested by Leontief (1936, 1941), which is described in Appendix B

Output: According to IMPLAN (2022c), output data mostly rely on the Bureau of Economic Analysis’s (BEA) annual Industry Accounts and the Annual Survey Manufacturers. Retail data come from the U.S. Census Bureau's Annual Census of Retail Trade. Farm sector output estimates come from the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Economic Research Service, and Census of Agriculture data sets. Output for the electricity generation, oil and gas extraction, and petroleum refining industries rely on Energy Information Administration (EIA) data. Other industries use information from other various surveys and censuses.

Employment and labor income: According to IMPLAN (2022c), employment and income (Employee Compensation [EC] and Proprietor Income [PI]) data come from BEA Regional Economic Accounts (REA), and Census of Employment and Wage (CEW).

Value added: According to IMPLAN (2022c), value added consists of EC, PI, Other Property Income (OPT) and Taxes on Production and Imports (TOPI). EC and PI come from the above sources; OPI and TOPI are based on BEA state-level GDP data.

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