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Chapter 2: Selecting an Issue

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In this chapter, the youth team will brainstorm and complete team activities to move towards choosing a specific issue or range of issues that their CNA will assess. At the end of this chapter, the youth will make a final decision on what their CNA’ s issue will be.


It is important for the youth team to investigate their ideas for an issue thoroughly. A core principle of a CNA is examining the areas needing intervention in their community. By discussing the problems affecting youth in their community, the team is actively practicing community engagement.

Picking an issue or range of issues that your CNA will assess should be one of the most exciting steps in the process for the youth. The decision they make will determine the direction of the rest of the assessment. Since this CNA belongs to the youth, the issue or range of issues should reflect the youth team ’ s community and peers.

You don ’t want to rush this step. Make sure that each teammate shares their ideas and opinions, and everyone comes to an agreement on what the team ’ s focus will be.

Encourage youth to be kind and respectful to teammates ’ ideas. Keep realistic expectations; make sure the ideas are possible to achieve. Make sure identified community issue ideas are not too specific or too broad. Dig deep and look beneath the surface when exploring issue ideas.

Things to keep in mind during this step:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Tip: For this chapter, we encourage you to do each of the following steps in order, unless a step does not make sense for your youth team.

Chapter 2 Checklist

After you have read the contents of this chapter, you should do the following with your youth: Complete a Golden Circle for the CNA so that everyone is on the same page. Use the SAMHSA Wellness Wheel to start framing the discussion of community issues. Brainstorm ideas for possible issues with the provided brainstorming activities or your team ’ s own brainstorming strategies Use the SWOT Analysis to help make a final decision on an issue or range of issues Finalize an issue or range of issues and answer any lingering questions or concerns

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