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Program Evaluation

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

2. Three Things in Common

How to Play: Divide your group into groups of 3 or 4. Give the groups 5-7 minutes to find three things they have in common with each other. The weirder the better. After the time is up, each group announces the three things they have in common. Everyone votes to decide which group has the most bizarre three things in common.


Supplies Paper Pens How to Play: Divide your group into pairs. Give each pair 3-5 minutes to come up with everything they have in common (i.e., hair color, position in the family, favorite color, etc.). After the time limit, have groups come back together and find out who came up with the most. Ask the group with the most to tell us what they found. Then, have each group share a few of the things they found in common.

3. Who has the Most in Common?

As the program facilitator you will want to make sure that the youth-led CNA is doing what it is supposed to do, and to ensure this is the case you will want to conduct a program evaluation at the end of the CNA process. We have provided instructions and a focus group guide that you can use to conduct your program evaluation, from which you can make future improvements to your process as well as document the successes of the program. This program evaluation can be incorporated into your activities in Chapter 7 of this manual. We hope that you ’ll utilize the evaluation tools provided to ensure the youth are having a great experience conducting a CNA!

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