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Chapter 4: Data Collection
In this chapter, the youth will be going out and collecting data to help them better understand the views and experiences of their peers. Data collection can be tricky at times and can take up a lot of time and energy. However, it’ s the most important action for the team ’ s CNA, as the data will reveal the information about their community.
Data that comes straight from youth community members is a valuable resource for developing a better understanding of a community. Therefore, properly completing this step is crucial to be able to formulate a solution or future project that will be led by youth and driven by youth data.
Chapter 4 Checklist
After you have read the contents of this chapter, you should do the following with the youth team:
Review the data collection process decided by the team in the last chapter Go over safety procedures and data collection procedures to increase accuracy of data Identify possible problems that could occur during data collection Begin your team ’ s data collection
Since this step is dedicated to data collection, this chapter provides you with a few helpful reminders and tips to consider in preparation for data collection.
Check in on the youth’ s progress Make sure they follow the plan outlined Ensure they keep track of their data and the location they chose to compile it
As the adult facilitator, you may help the youth organize their data, but to protect the integrity of the CNA, you should not have the sole access to the data, share the data with others, or use the data for other work. In other words, the data should belong to the youth and be used by the youth.