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Issue 02
The call is @ 6p West coast time and 9pm East coast time every other Tuesday. The off Tuesday Go To Meeting is open for working groups to utilize, a Board member will participate if requested. If you must be late,
join anyway. Getting to know advocates around
the country has been amazing and will continue to be a big benefit of meeting. These meetings will continue as we grow the movement of drug user voices. Submitting what you need to add to the meeting agenda: / unless otherwise posted. Frequently asked questions in the past year: “If am I am no longer an illicit drug user how do I participate.” attend as a supporter. Many DU unions & organizations are either drug users only or people in recovery only. USU welcomes supporters that are not illicit drug users or are but cannot be “out” about it. There are projects and areas on Workplace that are exclusive to drug users just as there are many outlets for those in long term recovery and for people on Medication Assisted Treatment. We have
How can I bring an idea/project/action to the National membership? Perhaps as chapter check-in or mail the editor to have it put on the meeting agenda. .‘In the midst of grieving a loss to our community, will we cancel the meeting?” in the past, we have found strength, understanding, support and a safe place to be, it’s up to you. We will hold the call. How do I join? Be on a BI- weekly call, after chapter check-in introduce yourself and give your location. Please send an e-mail to, or, Questions: Send to
something for everyone. It is going to take everyone of us to end this devastating war on drugs. Please FIGHT with us. That is the best way to show us you care
We can all agree we are living in times that could be categorized as dangerous.
At a weekend community event in September a
Throughout our history, we have been labeled
street fair of sorts was organized and went off
fearless warriors working to end the Drug War.
“extremely well”, Brandie says. There were over 20
The current administration has voiced their
organizations present. There were no issues or
plans to ramp up the Drug War and incredulously the POTUS announced he was in favor of Duterte’s murderous actions against those who deal drugs. As drug users we need to remember there are those in this country
trouble during the fair. Almost immediately after there was a mother speaking to the press and angrily blaming Brandie (they do target her specifically although there were others participating at their table). The mother insisted her daughter was given the button with the below graphic on it. My
that agree that any practicing harm
initial reaction having raised three kids & educated
reductionist working to distribute needles,
them all around harm reduction, was: wow that was
naloxone, advocating for the end of the drug
a great teaching opportunity. The opposite of how
war and policy change around safe
this mother reacted. This image set off a firestorm
consumption spaces (SCS) as well as “coming
for HACHR. There was a container full of buttons
out” as a current drug user as reason to be a
with different graphics on them on the table they
target of both rhetoric and action. One of our ‘tribe’ members lives and works in a small town. Those of us that have, know that you’re either constantly harassed or you’re left alone. Brandie runs HACHR in Eureka California, has experienced violence against her person and her safe space for drug users and those who volunteer @ HACHR. She is probably the reason safety has been on my mind as a priority as well as the raid @ Greensboro exchange that Louise handled professionally and resulted in a greater understanding for LE in the area. Brandie and her staff continue to persevere using her voice at city council meetings, through interviews, and with her actions by continuing to be proactive in the community.
were using to participate in a community service fair. HACHR did get an opportunity to respond via the press. The volunteer & Board member who was at the table, Rachel, gave comprehensive answers to pointed questions. She was phenomenal.
HACHR CONT. HACHR has experienced their drop-in door being shattered & Brandie has received threats of physical
violence. Her calm and rational responses are
USU will be hosting a call in the next
impressive & exactly how we should react! Hard as it
few months focused on media. We
can be sometimes we must remain calm and
want our members to produce the kind
rational and back out of situations that could turn violent. What else can we do?
of media they want. Too often we are used and mistreated by the media. We do an interview only to discover that we have been misquoted or most of what we said has been erased and what they do print or air is out of context. This is one benefit of being involved in the union. We help our W
membership learn and grow. Beyond media please remember there are many ways to stay safe these days and one of the ways we must
Be very aware of your circumstances. If you
remember is to stay away from text
have a desk, make sure it is positioned so that
messages. Our messages can be used
you can easily get to the exit door.
against us and many of us do not think
Keep a cell phone with you at all times, charged! If you must do outreach by yourself, let
twice about texting anything that comes to mind. With the continued
someone know what area you will be in and
use of drug induced homicide laws
check in when you’ve finished. Answer your cell
now is the time to be very careful.
phone, if you can’t because you’re engaged with someone, return the call within 5 minutes. If you feel safer carrying pepper spray then carry it. Practice your responses to law enforcement with a co-worker.
Go to to :
is a national and international campaign to
respond to “drug-induced" homicide laws. We have a toolkit, including the DNP (do not prosecute) forms. The Campaign calls for people that use drugs to sign drug-induced homicide orders as a way of saying NO, we will not have our lives or our deaths used as a tool of the American Drug War. This campaign launched on Overdose Awareness Day, August 31, 2018. we had an event at the bi-annual Harm Reduction Conference in New Orleans. We are now planning our next events for 2019.
CONGRATULATIONS to our very own, Louise Vincent
Holding a #Reframetheblame event is easy.
for being the first recipient of the Dan Bigg Award.
Our toolkit walks you through the process step
Her hard work and dedication to the cause were
by step. Read our tools and launch your very
recognized this year at Harm Reduction Coalition's
own #REFRAMETHEBLAME event. We will
Conference. Greg Scott, the Chicago Recovery
support you in every way we are able.
Alliance Crew and Dan's Wife Karen all took part in
Please use #REFRAMETHEBLAME hashtag
the award ceremony which was extremely moving.
and #REVENGEISNOTJUSTICE on your social
Dan's death is so recent and his loss so newly felt
media, e-mail and wherever you choose as
ripped through everyone that loved him and was
long as it is used in this context.
certainly felt by all who know of him and the
We are striving to get as many DNP orders
tremendous work he carried out throughout his life.
signed as possible. Please, we are asking
Louise shared that it is the love of harm reduction
everyone who has ever used drugs, could ever
that has sustained her through the loss of her
use drugs. or simply believes in our cause to
daughter Selena, the physical damage from the hit-n-
sign a DNP order.
run and subsequent surgeries. Our harm reduction family has the power to hold us and love us through,.
Louise's Quote "I do know loss, but I also know the other side. For everything I have lost there is beauty to be found … not immediate. Not anything that can replace our loved ones, but new and different; lovely and kind. There is more than hell on earth. I love you"
THE NIGHT IS LIGHT WITH SOULS Light the Night was a HUGE success & we
Please send your feedback around your experience @
thank all USU members & affiliates for the pre-
the conference (HRC 2018). to Beck.
planning and the participation. This will be an
The feedback I heard while at the conference and after:
ongoing event. Please send thoughts on your
Drug User groups need to communicate much, much
experience to beck@urbansurvivors for the Holiday 2018/19 issue. An evaluation form will be provided to drug user unions soon and we will be reviewing the thoughts of our membership. We are looking forward to
more: WE ARE SURE WORKING ON IT, ALL OF US Drug User groups should have had a national meeting. I "I was looking to meet some people who have been on the calls, that I do not know! yes, yes... will not happen again as all of us hope to get a preview of the program, several were overbooked & even booked to
improving engagement in the future. Please
present at two different platforms on the same day!
read the 2018 HRC Drug User Union Report
which can be found @
THE 2017 is available on workplace & by request!
The night is light with souls
Special Thanks to Lee Hertel Author of LIght the Night New England User Union BMORE POWER HACHR North Carolina Drug Users/Piedmont Chicago Drug Users Union Twin City Harm Reduction Collective NC Survivors Union TRYSTEREO The Exchange Union, West VA. Don and Derek Jackson, USU Travis Lupick Erica Pollett / Support & Participation Chicago DUU & CRA Center for Popular Democracy DOWN HOME North Carolina Rhode Island UU AIDS UNITED PHRA VOCAL & PEER NETWORK/CORNER PROJECT NYC HIPS SOUTHSIDE HARM REDUCTION HRC Women with a Vision Drug Policy Alliance Third Wave Fund RESIST Open Society Foundation Harm Reduction Coalition NC Harm Reduction Coalition Indiana Recovery Alliance Mark Kinzly CONFERENCE ATTENDEES
OPINION --OLDHIPPICHIC Coming together as one National North American group of activists and advocates throughout the United States was once but a dream. The memory of that meeting in a hotel room in Vancouver, when the Vancouver Declaration idea began to evolve into a solid document, to the development of INPUD - I held the first North American seat - to what is now the National group, has spanned, in one way or another, over a decade. I can't recall exactly how many pre-conferences we, as drug user advocates put together; it strengthened our network and our tribe but did not lead to an American coalition/group/union that was sustainable. A few reading this will recall that phone call I received from my father as we gathered in a group, I think it was Austin, that would alter my life and demand that I focus all of my attention on my family indefinitely. Today, I share with you the delight and excitement of returning to advocacy & activism in 2017, as all of that energy has finally become an active National Users Union. How fucking great is that? Our growing pains belong to all of us; we grieve our losses - so many losses and we celebrate the possibilities. The reality of united advocates was clear & it is an image, unforgettable, of the Light up the Night march in NOLA! Namaste
State of the Union: another great article from Filter A goal for early 2019 - DU activism & Methadone TX
OUR HEROES NEVER FORGOTTEN We have suffered the loss of so very many harm reductionists in the past two years, worldwide. in this issue are those I personally have known for decades and have died in the last three months. Please send any photo’s, and names of loved ones to include in our Zine. IN MEMORIAM: 2018 In your lifetime there are souls, damaged souls some would say, I say seasoned. They teach by how they live their life, they impart little bits of wisdom they may or may not know how very much they impact our lives. We must always remember to tell them, in an instant they can be gone. Below are pictures of activists, always remember, never minimize the impact they had on all of us as the tribe of harm reductionists with “lived experience”. We may get comfortable and relaxed about beloved living harm reductions & take for granted they will be around a lot longer. It’s never true, In the time it takes a teardrop to make the journey from the heart down the cheek, they can be gone. Stay as safe as you can. Some may forget to say it in the chaos and business of HRC, remember you are loved, you are important, your input is what the world needs most and your chosen family will cherish for always. The following photographs are not meant to include some and exclude others. These chosen family, harm reduction family members have left us in the past three months. There is no intention to exclude, Please send a photo and name of anyone you wish to have in the Zine that is no longer with us. Please remember to send pictures of people who have died during the last few months. REST IN POWER HRC TRIBE
DAN CRA - Chicago
ROBERT NEWMAN MAT advocate/policy pioneer
KAT SanFranciso USU
"People let your light shine......" Jesse Colin Young
THIS IS YOUR E-ZINE! *send your input! *ask the editor *National Users Union - wtf are we up to? Phase 2: #REFRAMETHEBLAME - FROM PEOPLE TO POLICY Ongoing Projects * GET INVOLVED SPOTLIGHT: The challenges of being "out" as a drug user opinion: the explosive growth of harm reduction orgs. in America
bigg love, H & R contributors: