Vojta Voves

In todays fast-paced and fragmented world, it is hard to find the time and energy for each of our own selves. To be alone, with our feet on the ground while not being disturbed by the frenetic pace of the world. We are constantly being bombarded by notifications from the internet, from a latest post receiving likes to breaking news about the fighting happening all over the world, with the war in Ukraine now being the closest and most directly threatening for us, Europeans.
The world is in such a volatile situation, both politically and economically, we cannot really prepare for what will come. We don’t know what will happen. Living in this chaos makes it harder to be sure of yourself. However, it is okay to stop. To look. No need to find anything. Look carefully. Care about meaning.
Vojta VovesAll images ©Vojta Voves
Text ©Vojta Voves
Printed by Abbey Bookbinding & Printers, Cardiff
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.
Self-published May 2023