BA Photography · Student Book Archive · Accountability by Alex Holland 2024

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Authors Note

For me school was a time of fun interactions between friends and discovering my passions for visual art, however my time at school didn’t consist of all this. Coming from a background of privilege I was able to attend an exceptional private school. Here I experienced less than ordinary behaviours presented by the students and since then have repressed these memory’s, till now.

Accountability is a series of images I’ve devised within a studio space designed to express the behaviours of our middle to upper class privately educated children in the UK today. This project is driven by personal experience for my self, as I’ve experienced some of my own prejudice and seen it happen to people in ways no one should ever experience. This led me to feel compelled to tell the story’s in the hopes to create a discourse in how we educate within this community of individuals.

This series of images are carefully crafted within a studio space using costumes and a vast range of expressions to impose a scene on the viewer; I’ve become each character within the image using editing methods to bring the story’s together.

The reason this work is being made now and not years ago after I left is because of my recent investigation into class disparities, this brought many memories of incidents back and I felt they needed to be brought to life. Since the system wont allow for these behaviour’s to be reprimanded its important for these story’s to be told and brought to life so the actions can be held accountable. Once we recognise the damage that is being dealt we can then finally fix these issues and finally hold those people accountable hopefully stopping further trauma to our children.

Based in Bristol and born with an innate passion for visual storytelling. I captivate audiences with a unique blend of photography skills and acting prowess. My work in visual art allows me to explore another avenue of creativity and self-expression. Since training at USW and Bristol old vic I’ve ventured into the world of acting, where I discovered my love for embodying diverse characters and delving into their emotional depths. Drawing from their personal experiences and empathetic nature, I’ve brought authenticity and depth to every role I’ve portrayed. I have the opportunity to work in front and behind a camera and even on a stage, these experiences Give me the confidence and the knowledge to effectively flourish in my field.

Published by: Alex Holland

Published: June 2024 Copyright: © Alex Holland 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmit- ted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publishers.

The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Cop- yright, Designs and Patents act 1988.

(June 2024) Self Published 1 of 1
By Alex Holland

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