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angela osborNe
Mae ffotograffiaeth yn tanio angerdd ynof i archwilio’r byd a’r bobl ynddo. Daeth fy ysbrydoliaeth gynharaf gan Tim Walker, y cafodd ei ddefnydd o liw, propiau a chyfansoddiad effaith wirioneddol fawr arnaf. Rwy’n cofio ymweld â’i arddangosfa Wonderful Things a chael fy nenu’n syth at y ffordd mae’n defnyddio lliw a phropiau i ddod â’i bortreadau’n fyw. Fel ffotograffydd portreadau creadigol, mae fy meddwl hefyd fel llyfrgell liwgar, yn llawn syniadau sydd eisiau dianc.
Cyn tynnu ffotograffau o bobl, rwy’n ystyried eu personoliaeth, yn asesu eu hyder ac yna’n penderfynu beth sydd fwyaf addas iddyn nhw. Wrth i fi anelu at fynegi personoliaeth cleientiaid trwy’r delweddau, rwy’n teilwra’r sesiwn dynnu ffotograffau i weddu at eu cymeriad, fel y bôn nhw’n fwy cartrefol o flaen y lens. Y peth pwysicaf yw bod fy nghleientiaid yn cael profiad hapus a chofiadwy, ac yn gadael y sesiwn gyda dau brif beth: atgofion da a gwên fawr oherwydd yr hwyl a gafwyd. Bob tro y bydd fy nghleientiaid yn gweld eu portreadau’n hongian ar wal, bydd atgofion hapus o’r diwrnod hwnnw’n cael eu tanio.

Photography ignites a passion in me for exploring the world and the people within it. My earliest inspiration came from Tim Walker, whose use of colour, props, and composition really had an impact on me. I remember visiting his Wonderful Things exhibition and being instantly drawn into how he uses colour and props to bring his portraits to life. As a creative portrait photographer, my mind is also like a colourful library, bursting at the seams with ideas.
Before photographing a person, I examine their personality, assess their confidence and then decide what will best suit them. As I aim to express a client’s personality through the images, I tailor the shoot to suit their character, so they are more relaxed in front of the lens. The most important thing is for my clients to have a happy and memorable time, and leave the shoot with two main things: good memories and a big smile from the fun that they had. Every time my client sees their portrait hanging on the wall, it will spark happy memories from that day.