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The ONLINE magazine of the Society for Underwater Technology

February 2010



n i k r o s s W e r g o r P Biological AUVs Offshore Engineering Oceanology

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Introduction Welcome to the inaugural edition of UT3 , the online magazine of the Society for Underwater Technology. I am going to do a couple of these to see how they are accepted. I have got very good pre-launch feedback so far, but be your own judge. What is UT3? In order to grow the SUT’s print magazine, UT2, I decided to increase traffic to the website by including a subsea news stream. While this was largely successful, it soon became clear that items soon disappeared off the front page and into the archives, yet were still valid as news stories. I decided, therefore, to investigate the possibility of writing an online magazine that would be updated periodically and the product stories would have a longer shelf life.

How is it different? Many magazines have an online version. UT3 is different in that it will be specifically written to be read on a screen. This allows much larger photographs. I don’t think that the format readily lends itself to in-depth technical articles, which will remain the domain of UT2 Why the white gaps? The reader will see white gaps and spaces. This is because it is a work in progress. We invite readers to submit application stories and information. On a given deadline, we will close the issue, sub edit it and publish it. And start the next one. Contents Until the issue is finalised, it is difficult to say exactly which page a story will fall. Pages are added all the time. To give the reader

some sort of assistance, the banners are colour coded. Find your area of interest in the contents page and follow the spectrum until you get to the relevant part. Advantages The online will have considerably more readers than the printed version, and a greater international readership. It will carry adverts but anyone that advertises in UT2 will get an advert in UT3 for free. So, enjoy the publication and please leave any feedback at ut3subsea@gmail.com so we can try to improve it. Please feel free to submit articles and stories, but good photos and illustrations will make them particularly stand out.

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Intro Feature


Company News Survey

Underwater Vehicles


Pipelines Cables Umbilicals


Dredging Trenching Rockdumping



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Subsea K2 Ex Projects


Content s February 2010


The ONLINE magazine of the Society for Underwater Technology

r de Un Seabed Equipment

Oceans Remote Vehicles Offshore

UT3 1Q

Subsea Tieback


Underwater Vehicles



February 2010 Vol 5 No 1











Society for Underwater Technology 80 Coleman St, London EC25 5BJ

+44 (1) 480 370007 Editor: John Howes John@ut-2.com Sub Editor: Mariam Pourshoushtari Mariam@sut.org

Published by UT2 Publishing Ltd for and on behalf of the Society for Underwater Technology. Reproduction of UT2 in whole or in part, without permission, is prohibited. The publisher and the SUT assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material, nor responsibility for content of any advertisement, particularly infringement of copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights and patents, nor liability for misrepresentations, false or misleading statements and illustrations. These are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Opinions of the writers are not necessarily those of the SUT or the publishers.

US Representation: Stephen Loughlin Ad-Expo Marketing International Phone + (281) 373-1811 adexpomarketing@yahoo.com Production: Sue Denham ISSN: 1752-0592

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New SUT Chief Exec Left: The new chief executive Dr Bob Allwood. Right, the outgoing chief executive, Ian Gallett

On the midnight of December 31st 2009, the mantle of Chief Executive of the SUT passed from Ian Gallett to Dr Bob Allwood. With his years in the SUT engine room, chairing committees and actively working within the heart of the organisation, Bob Allwood was the perfect choice to grasp the baton and lead the Society into the new decade.

have a broad International presence which started with the establishment of bases in heartlands such as Aberdeen Houston Perth and Rio de Janiero. We now have branches in Melbourne and Kuala Lumpur, and have laid plans to expand into new strategically important territories such as Bergen, Melbourne, Cairo, Halifax and Mumbai, where subsea engineering is the key to unlocking a major growth potential.

For his part, Ian Gallett had already agreed to work part time and move into an international business development capacity. He would be able to provide his successor with the benefit of experience gained by 15 years at the helm. And thus the seamless transition began.

“It is important that these new outposts are not left in isolation and are made to feel part of the Society. This is particularly true in branches where Englaish is not the main language. We will work hard to communicate with these groups to inform members what they are doing and vice versa.”

So what is Allwood’s vision of the future?

In the long term, Allwood intends to turn his attention to the various committees.

“The SUT has two demonstrable strengths,” he said. “We have a broad spectrum of interests, ranging from marine science to offshore technology, theoretical research to front end engineering. We can be of value to people involved in every sector of the subsea industry. “Secondly, largely due to Ian, we now

“At the moment,” he said, “we have 8 or 9 sub-groups which look into the various areas that are of interest to our members. Some of these are very successful and others less so. “We must look at what support we need to give, and particularly which areas we are missing out on. There

might be value in the sub groups communicating with each other better, as issues are rarely unique. “We may also add to some of the groups. In recent years, the renewables sector has become hugely important and maybe we need to focus more in that area. As offshore fields reach the end of their economic life is the area of salvage and decommissioning, and this is possibly another area we should turn our attention to more. “In general, we ought to look at better ways of working and communicating what we are doing, both between ourselves, and to the world outside. “Coming from an academic background, I can see the real value for the SUT in welcoming more universities and research bodies into our community. While specific universities already play a very important part, I would be keen on a more international outlook.” Any changes are going to be evolutionary, not revolutionary, and the SUT can look forward to many years in safe hands.

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Bionic Marine Animals

Robotic Fish

In order to explore the world’s deep oceans and possibly work beyond the practical depths or capacities of remotely operated vehicles, the subsea industry has developed a number of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV)s.

Propellers have other disadvantages in that they can also get tangled in reeds.

Work at the Human Centred Robotics (HCR) group at Essex University has focused on the development of various kinds of embedded systems and intelligent robots that will be used in environments coexisting with humans.

One way that engineers have approached the challenge of AUV design, is to observe the mechanisms fish and other marine animals use to move underwater. From these insights, it might be possible for these engineers to learn lessons amassed from thousands of years of marine evolution and replicate these in the mechanical design of submersibles.

There are two basic locomotion actions in water that most marine animals possess – although some have tuned this to an advanced level. The first is swimming long distances, often with great speed or bursts of acceleration. A good example of this is the tuna or barracuda.

The term for this is ‘biomimetics’. The ultimate practical way of testing these observations is perhaps to physically construct robotic sea animals. The rewards for constructing robotic animals is potentially huge. Being able to emulate the low noise, high efficiency and potential ability to swim long distances displayed by fish, make replicating sea animals potentially useful in a variety of marine and military fields. They might be suitable for applications such as exploring fish behaviour or detecting the leakage in oil pipelines to seabed exploration, mine countermeasures and robotics education. They could be especially useful in oceanographic research for observation without disturbing the real fish. Conventional underwater vehicles are characterised by rigid structures moved by propellers. Such systems are generally agreed by technologists to be noisy, inefficient and not particularly manoeuvrable when compared with marine life.

University of Essex

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Conversely, the undulating movement of a tail enables, at least in part, fish to swim long distances with great speed and efficiency and manoeuvrability.

The second is high manoeuvrability – sometimes turning in a fraction of their length and sometimes doing this at great speed. Eels or sea snakes have evolved highly efficient biomechanics to enable this. Researchers have discovered two main modes of swimming. The first is the sustained swimming mode that is characterised by the cyclic repetition of propulsive movements. This enables the fish to cover large distances at fairly constant speed. The other type is the more unsteady transient mode, which is seen when fish carry out the sharp turns and quick bursts of speed associated with hunting or escaping from a predator or avoiding near obstacles. A number of robotic fish designs have been developed at various universities and institutes. They range in sophistication from small robots for to carrying out elementary actions or develop communications, to larger multifunctional models. The propulsion is normally provided by one or a number of servo motors concatenated together in the tail to act as joints. Other motors in the head can be used to drive the fish up and down. On the back of the fish body, a dorsal fin is fixed vertically to keep the fish from swaging.

One of these research projects, under Professor Hu, has been the development of an advanced fully autonomous robotic fish that can swim to a depth of 4m at a top speed of 0.5m/s and a cruise speed of 30cms per second. It is about 500mm long “The aim of our project is to design and build autonomous robotic fishes that are able to reactive to the environment and navigate toward the charging station,” said Prof. Hu. “In other words, they should have the features such as fish-swimming behaviour, autonomously navigating ability and a cartoon-like appearance that is non-existant in the real world. “ London Aquarium Limited, awarded the group a £150 000 funding, which was followed by another £43 000 for the development of a new robotic carp . The fish design is based on six powerful remotely-controlled servo-motors controlled by four onboard computers. Ten sensors including a depth gauge, gyroscope, accelerometer, inclinometer and four infrared obstacle detection sensors provide information

A robotic carp at the London Aquarium


A robotic fish

Shoal Recently Professor Hu has been working on the Search and Monitoring of Harmful Contaminants in Port using a Swarm of Robotic Fish (SHOAL). Essex University, in collaboration with five partners, will develop a robotic fish with embedded chemical sensors to detect water pollution. The fish will approach possible leaking ships and use sonar beacons to communicate sensor readings to the port authority, which if necessary, will impose the sanction.

in each robotic fish for integration of navigation, communication and pollution monitoring sensors by other partners. l Adopt behaviour based approach to build a set of swimming patterns (steady and unsteady) and behaviours (individual and shoal) Each robotic fish is 1.5m long, with over 10 sensors such as sonar, gyro, global positioning, current, pressure, chemical sensors, etc.

Apart from designing the mechanical structure, the team at Essex will also look at the behaviour of the fish while swimming. For an individual fish, they have looked at: avoiding obstacles, keeping level, seeking a goal, wandering and escaping. To integrate with the other fish, the researchers must also look at alignment, separation and cohesion.

Fish design for the SHOAL project

A 3D pollution map will be built and displayed on a central computer screen for port authority to view the data in real time. The role of Essex team in the SHOAL project is to l Develop an innovative mechanism for building a team of three robotic fish l Deploy a layered control architecture

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Biological AUVs

Bio AUVs Robotswim


Last year, Robotswim won the Grand Prix de l’Innovation de la Ville de Paris for industrial decorative design for its robotic fish Jessiko. This award – constructed from an original piece of the Eiffel tower, is the latest accolade for the piscine robot. The fundamental design is based on the morphology of a hammer-headed shark. The main propulsion is carried out by the sweeping of the caudal (tail) fin, which enables the robot to achieve velocities of a metre ever 5 seconds. With a length of only 20cms, it can swim its body length every second. By modifying the position of the tail sweep, it can turn right or left. The pair of lateral fins are used to maintain stability, moving to change the centre of gravity as appropriate. The dorsal fin can move up an down to change the water displacement, and, therefore, the buoyancy.


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Left: The Jessiko. Below left: The Jessiko in a bowl to show its small size. Below: Jessiko models in an aquarium

The hammer-headed shark is distinctive for its ‘cephalofoil’ – the part of the head that is flattened and laterally extended. In Jessiko, this becomes a fin in its own right. It allows the fish to move up or down while inhibiting any unwanted rolling. Furthermore, the rapid movement allows the fish to move backwards. A pair of embedded microprocessors using artificial intelligence, allow the Jessiko to swim. Sensors allow the robot to receive messages from both coded transmitters and other robots, while light detection systems allow it to realise the presence of walls and other obstacles.

Being able to communicate with other models increases the area of coverage while reducing the cost of the operation. Jessiko can also be used as a research tool, to provide a platform for users developing aquatic navigation tooling without having to design their own vehicle. An important application of Jessiko,, however, is to allow the public to interface with the world of marine robotics. It is intended to be used in public and private events scientific museums and aquaria. Each fish carries its own illumination and a schoo lof 10 or more could realistically provide a night-time light spectacle with interesting choreographies.

A light emitting diode behind the dorsal fin can assist in recognition and avoidance. Multicoloured The Jessiko is aimed at a range of markets. When used in marine monitoring, its size means that it can reach poorly accessible places.

Jessiko models

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Biological AUVs

Bio AUVs

Hydrodynamic hull shape Ventral fin that undulates to make a wave in the water which propels the robot backwards or forwards

University of Bath


Researchers at the University of Bath’s Ocean Technologies Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering have developed the Gymnobot, a biomimetic underwater robot inspired by the Amazonian knifefish, which swims using a ventral fin running the length of the underside of its rigid body. This ventral fin consists of a set of several hundred rays connected by an elastomeric film (skin). The rays are oscillated side to side in a phased movement, to create a wave which undulates along the fin in a not-quite sinusoidal fashion, propelling water backwards or forwards like a conveyor belt. This propels the fish backwards or forwards in the water. This method gives it much improved thrust generation capability than a similar-sized eel.

efficiently forward or backward in the same way as the fish.

The robot’s fin is much less complex, and consists of nine bending fin rays covered in a sheet of latex, driven by a single motor through a pair of crankshafts. The resulting undulatory wave is not as uniform as the fish’s, but the principle is the same, and the robot is able to propel itself

The undulating wave action is understood to be more energy efficient than conventional propellers at low speed and is particularly suitable for operating in shallow water near the sea shore with its complex rocky environment and plants that can tangle a propeller.

The Gymnobot on stand. The ventral fin is used to propel and manoeuvre the robot

One of the research projects being conducted with the Gymnobot is a study of the creation and development of vortices along the fin. Some fish create vortices when flicking their tails one way but then destroy them when their tails flick back the other. By destroying the vortices, they are effectively re-using

Kelp Beds Kelp beds are analogous to underwater forests. The hudge plants slow down the flow of water, and in doing so, provide spatially complex habitat in the marine environment. Probably as a result, the biodiversity in kelp beds is significantly greater than in the areas surrounding them. Studies of kelp bed biodiversity are however often hindered by the very presence of the plants themselves. Divers are understandably wary of entering kelp beds, as it is righteningly easy to get hopelessly tangled in the fronds.


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In the same way, it is not practical to use remotely operated vehicles since their tethering wires either get tangled, or so disturb the bed that the ecological measurements are all distorted. There is therefore a need for a self-propelled, miniature autonomous vehicle to carry a camera and other instruments into kelp beds and other complex underwater habitats. Researchers at the Concept drawing of the Ctenobot

University of Washington

Robofish The Black Ghost Knifefish. Image: Derek Ramsey, Wikipedia

The Robofish. A dime (18mm dia) provides a scale

the energy in those swirling bits of water. The less energy left in the wake after the fish has passed, the less energy is wasted. The researchers will look at how thrust is affected by changing the wave of the fin from a constant amplitude to one that is tapered at one end. What makes the Gymnobot unique is its focus on the least number of moving parts, and consequent improved simplicity and reliability. This is in contrast to previous similar machines which have relied on multiple servo motors and complex computer control.

The servo motor system inside they gymnobot that ejects water to move the ventral fin

University of Bath have looked to a small marine animal called a ctenophore, or comb jelly, for inspiration. These are similar to jellyfish, except that instead of propelling themselves by jet propulsion, ctenophores use an oscillating set of cilia (hairs) around the outside of their bodies to create thrust. The ctenophore’s propulsion system won’t scale up in size, so the concept for the robot is therefore a transparent ball with four undulatory fins attached to the outside, using a miniaturised version of the Gymnobot’s ventral fin propulsion system.

Researchers at the Nonlinear Dynamics and Control Lab of the University of Washington have developed the second-generation of three fin-actuated untethered autonomous vehicles. “The robofish is a simple but compact autonomous vehicle,” said Associate Professor Kristi Morgansen. “They are each powered by four servos. Two are located in the rear of the robot and power the two links of the tail assembly. The other two servos control the motion of the forward fins – their motion is fully independent of one another.”

control receiver. In small spaces such as the laboratory tank, or caves and littoral zones, noise in acoustic communication becomes prohibitive. In the case of our tank, communication has been demonstrated to be effective. Onboard programming can be used to allow the RC system to emulate the acoustic system,” said Morgansen.

To be able to orient itself, the robot has a depth gauge (a pressure sensor) and a 3-D magnetic compass. The fish is tuned to be neutrally buoyant. Due to pressure changes and compression/decompression resulting in volume changes of the vehicle, however, the buoyancy is not constant. Engineers at the laboratory are developing a buoyancy tuner to adjust buoyancy as the robot moves to different depths.

For purposes of development and testing, an instrumented tank has been built in the lab. The tank is an above-ground swimming pool 8ft deep, 8ft wide and 20ft long. Underwater cameras connected to an external computer provide the ability to track the vehicles in the water in real time.

Each vehicle contains a microprocessor to collect sensor data, to handle communication with other vehicles, and to determine control commands to the servos. “Each robot is equipped with an remote

This data is processed for 3D position information and transmitted via RC broadcast to all vehicles in the tank. The broadcast information contains vehicle identification codes and can also include information for simulated vehicles to provide a group effectively much larger than the existing three vehicles.

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Biological AUVs

Bio AUVs Festo

Northeastern University

Robo-Lobsters From its campus in Massachusetts, researchers at Northeastern University have developed an ambulatory vehicle based on the lobster. The robots have eight legs that allow movement in any direction. The tail and claws are used to keep the model stable in turbulent environments. In order to detect obstacles, the robot has antennae that can orientate in a similar manner

Aqua-Penguins to animal lobsters They are can be placed in the littoral zone ocean bottom or fast-flowing rivers, and the robot can travel across irregular bottom contours, even when subject to currents and pressures surges. Practical uses are autonomous remote-sensing operations including the ability to track down underwater mines.

The clumsy, waddling gait of penguins when they are moving slowly on an ice-sheet on land belie the fact that they are able to move with great celerity, agility and great endurance underwater. Their staple diet is the shrimp-like crustacea, krill, which they dive down to the depths of the sea to hunt. Adélie penguins dive to depths of up to 350m, while emperor penguins, may reach depths of 700m. Penguins can reach a top speed of almost 30km/hour when hunting, their search for food may lead them to travel more than a hundred km/day. While in a more energy-efficient migratory mode, they can still achieve speeds of around 10 to 15km/hour. When re-entering the land from the sea after feeding they can often be seen leaping onto an iceberg. In order to do this, they must be particularly robust and crashproof.

Lobster robot made for the U.S. Navy at Northeastern University’s Marine Science Center. Photograph: John F. Williams, U.S. Navy


Northeastern University is also looking at another type of vehicle with an undulatory system that is based on the lamprey. This is intended for remote sensing operations in the water column with robust depth/altitude control and high manoeuvrability. These vehicles are based on a common biomimetic control, actuator and sensor architecture


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that features highly modularised components and low cost per vehicle. Operating in concert, they can conduct autonomous investigation of both the bottom and water column of the littoral zone or rivers. These systems represent a new class of autonomous underwater vehicles that may be adapted to operations in a variety of habitats.

Over 40 million years of evolution has left penguins perfectly contoured for underwater movement. Model testing of the hydrodynamic body shape has displayed a flow resistance 20 to 30% lower than the most favourable known technical bodies. Not only can they move fast, but they seem to do this with a low consumption of energy. Scientists looking at the metabolism of living penguins in a specially built swimming tunnel in Antarctica, discovered that Adélie penguins, for example, can swim more than 180km on a full stomach (approximately 1kg of krill). This translates as if penguins’ bodies were operated with petrol, they would thus be able to travel some 1,500km through the icy Antarctic waters on just one litre of fuel.

This provided the inspiration for Festo to develop the AquaPenguin. These bionic penguins are designed as autonomous underwater vehicles that independently orient themselves and navigate through the water basin. It has the same hydrodynamic body contours of its natural archetype, while its head and tail sections can be moved in all directions from the torso. It is this that enables the robotic penguins to manoeuvre in cramped spatial conditions. This independently moving head and torso is an entirely new feature in robotics. The bionic Fin Ray structure, derived from the tail fin of a fish, has thus been extended into three-dimensional space for the first time. “The pengins’ torso design can be used in automation in a flexible tripod configuration, thereby opening up new fields of application in mechanical handling technology,” said Steve Sands, Contract Manager at Festo. The manoeuvres are supported by an intelligent 3D sensor system, which in this case, however, was borrowed from an entirely different group of animals. To analyse their surroundings, the AquaPenguins are fitted with special 3D sonar which makes use of broadband ultrasound signals, similar to those used by dolphins and bats. This enables them to determine their spatial position, constantly measure the distances to the walls of the water basin, avoid collisions and navigate autonomously.

Three AquaPenguins

Wing drive mechanism A separate pressure sensor is also available for operation at greater depths in free water. Some of the movement patterns have been combined into programmed elementary manoeuvres. The further processing is carried out by the intelligent onboard electronics that allow the penguins to navigate autonomously and to develop versatile patterns of interaction with the other members of the group.

Specifications Overall length Dry chamber Max. torso diameter Wing span Weight in air

0.77 m 0.42 m 0.19 m 0.66 m 9.60 kg

Materials Torso laminated fibreglass- reinforced plastic Head/tail 3D Fin Ray Effect structure of stitched plastic elements Wings compound of spring steel wire, silicon, polyamide upper surface Skin polyamide, with elastane additive Lines high-tensile polyethylene fibre Principal drive electric, 12 V Gearing 43:1 Actuators Dymond DS 9900 Power supply 11.1 V, 15 Ah Operation autonomous Maximum speed 5 km/h / 2.7 kn Duration of operation 6 – 7 hours

Wings One important feature of the Aqua Penguin is its wing. The wings comprise a skeleton of spring steel elements embedded in an elastic matrix of silicon that gives them their characteristic profile. To emulate the animal, the mechanical wing is required to move in two ways. For steering, it needs a rotary movement while for propulsion, it also needs a special flapping motion. The wing axis passes through spherical shoulder joints connected to the torso and are also fitted with separately rotatable bearings within the sphere. The additional axis of rotation is controlled by one actuator per wing, which adjusts the wings’ pitch angles. Festo have developed a novel design using a single powerful electric motor, whose rotational speed also controls the flapping frequency of the wings. The forces are transferred to the wings by means of a leverage system fitted with a further actuator. Slightly displacing the pivot can modify the effective length of the lever arms and thus also the transmission ratio. This in turn regulates the amplitude of the flapping wings. The entire mechanism is designed in such a way that in conjunction with the elastic wing twist, the kinematics of the penguins’ underwater “flight” is imitated almost perfectly, the flapping cycles are practically a self-regulating automatism, and manoeuvring is effected with only a minimum of effort.

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Subsea Projects


Projects Tiffany and Banff Subsea engineering and construction company Subsea 7, has been awarded a contract for installation of replacement subsea control modules (SCMs) and flexibles jumpers at CNR International Limited’s Tiffany and Banff oil and gas fields, in the UK sector of the North Sea. The Subsea 7 workscope involves investigation and rectification works at the Tiffany field and the installation of replacement SCMs and flexible jumpers at both the Banff and Toni fields. Offshore work has commenced and is being performed by Subsea 7’s dive support vessel (DSV), the Rockwater 1

Rockwater 1 in Aberdeen harbour


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Subsea 7’s Vice President for the UK Region, Steph McNeill commented: “I am pleased that Subsea 7 has been awarded another North Sea contract and we look forward to delivering this project in a safe and timely manner for CNR over the next few weeks.”

The Tiffany field is located in Block 16/17 and the Banff field is located in Blocks 22/27a & 29/2a in the UK sector of the North Sea.

Appaloosa Technip has been awarded a lump sum contract by ENI US Operating for the Appaloosa development project in the Gulf of Mexico. This project consists of the tieback of the Appaloosa well located in Mississippi Canyon, 268 km (145 nautical miles) offshore Mobile, Alabama at a water depth of approximately 860 m (2825ft), to the Corral platform.

Technip’s operating centre in Houston, Texas will execute this contract. The flowline and riser will be welded at the Group’s spoolbase located in Mobile.

The contract covers: • Project Management and surveys, • Engineering, fabrication and installation of a 34km (21-mile) long production flowline, a riser and subsea equipment, • Installation of free issued umbilicaland flying leads, • Pre-commissioning and dewatering of the flowline.

Extensive saturation diving work will be executed using the Skandi Achiever, one of the Group’s diving support vessels, and umbilical installation using the Deep Pioneer, one of Technip’s deepwater construction vessel.

Ula BP Norge has awarded Aker Solutions a NOK 450 million engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contract for a tie-back from Oselvar to the Ula platform. Aker Solutions estimates the contract value to be approximately. Scope of work includes engineering, procurement, fabrication of module and other minor components, installation offshore and commissioning assistance. The execution phase is based on a front end engineering design (FEED) study performed by Aker Solutions. The object of the tie-back operation is to transport oil and gas 24km from

Offshore installation is scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2009 using the Deep Blue, Technip’s deepwater pipelay vessel.

Technip’s scope of work is expected to be completed by April 2010. ° ° the DONG operated Oselvar field to BP’s Ula platform for processing. The oil will be processed at the platform. The gas will either be reinjected or exported via pipeline to Gyda and Ekofisk facilities. The Ula platform is located in the southwest area of the North Sea, at approximately 70m water depth. The Ula field has recently been upgraded with water- and gas injection equipment, which allows it to take on production from several other fields in the area. The EPCI contract is a call-off from the Modifications & Maintenance Support Contract with BP Norge AS. Work under the contract starts immediately and the project will be completed in November 2011.

Bonga Saipem has been awarded a new offshore contract worth over US$ 200 million for the subsea development of the Bonga NorthWest field, located in the Oil Mining Lease (OML) 118, approximately 120km off the Nigerian coast. The contract has been awarded by Shell Nigeria, and encompasses engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation and precommissioning services for 13km of 10in/12in production pipe-inpipe flowlines, 4km of 12in water injection flowlines as well as related

production facilities. The contract also includes the installation of 15km of umbilicals. Bonga North-West is located in approximately 900 to 1200m of water, and will be developed with 12 subsea wells tied back into the Bonga main infrastructure. Marine activities will be carried out mainly by Saipem FDS and Saipem 3000 vessels, in different time-frames between the second half of 2012 and the last quarter of 2013

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Subsea Projects



The Skandi Arctic

Asgard Gas Transfer Technip has been awarded by Statoil ASA an engineering, procurement, construction and installation lump sum contract, worth in excess of €23 million, for the Åsgard gas transfer project. The Åsgard field is located on the

The contract covers fabrication and installation of an approximately 4km-long rigid flowline in 2010 and the replacement of two flexible risers in 2011. The contract will be executed by the


Santos FLNG Study

Shell has awarded Aker Solutions an engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contract for a produced water re-injection system on Draugen. The scope for Aker Solutions also includes prefabrication and commissioning assistance. Aker Solutions estimates the contract value to be approximately NOK 200 million.

SBM Offshore, working in collaboration with Chiyoda, have been awarded a contract by Petrobras for a front end engineering and design (FEED) study for a floating liquefied natural gas production facility (FLNG or LNG FPSO).

Aker Solutions secured a frame agreement for maintenance and modifications for Shell on their Norwegian Portfolio in 2005. The produced water re-injection contract is a call-off from the existing modifications and maintenance support contract Aker Solutions has with Shell. Work will be completed in January 2012.


Norwegian continental shelf at a water depth of 300m.

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The study has started and is planned for completion by the end of 2010. This project is being conducted by the joint venture (JV) formed by Petrobras, BG, Repsol and Galp Energia for the pre-salt reservoirs of the Santos Basin offshore Brazil. The JV is studying the FLNG concept as one means to handle the associated gas that will be produced by the series of oil and gas producing FPSOs that are planned to be put in operation for the development of the

Group’s operating centre in Oslo, Norway. The flowline fabrication will be executed by the Technip spoolbase in Orkanger while installation will be performed by the newly converted Apache II. The marine operations in 2011 will be from the Skandi Arctic.

pre-salt fields in the Santos Basin in the coming years. The FLNG FEED study will be developed considering a water depth of approximately 2200m and a capability to produce around 2.7 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG and 1mtpa of LPG. The environmental conditions considered for the FLNG FEED will require the use of tandem LNG offloading for which SBM Offshore will be able to offer its specialised and proprietary technology. For this project, SBM Offshore will be working as the leading company in a consortium with Chiyoda from Japan. The portfolio value of the FEED contract is approximately US$ 40 million.


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Subsea Processing

Emerging, Enabling, Even Game Changing?

One-day Seminar 25th February 2010

Swan Room, Parmelia Hilton Hotel, Mill Street, Perth What does subsea processing mean to you - is it just metering and boosting or can you envisage separation and even compression? Can you reconcile your views with a forecast spend of $3.4 to 5 billion on subsea processing systems over the next 5 years? How familiar are you with the potential that subsea processing has to offer to your project? Does it assist purely with the flow assurance challenges associated with subsea production or are the benefits from improved recovery and increased production persuading operators to consider this relatively novel technology? What is the readiness of subsea processing technology? What are its benefits versus the barriers to use? What about the installation and maintenance requirements and considerations of reliability? How do these concerns relate to developments in the supply of subsea power and techniques for control and monitoring of the subsea processing systems? This seminar will provide you with: x the history of the development of subsea processing; x an appreciation of the breadth of the unit operations involved and their current status; x case studies; and x a view of the future, hopefully inspiring you to include subsea processing in your list of potential development options for your next subsea development.

PROGRAMME 13.40 Compact Gas/Liquid Separator

09.00 Registration & Coffee

Gerardo Sanchezsoto, CSIRO CSIRO is developing in conjunction with Chevron Energy Technology a novel patented compact gas-liquid separator. The separator has been designed to be scalable for don-hole, sub-sea and land based operations. First trial applications are planned for land operation and then scaled for sub-sea with the final goal to have a down-hole gas-liquid separator.

09.15 Welcome and Introduction

Terry Griffiths, SUT Perth Branch Chairman

09.30 Why Subsea Processing 10.00 The History of Subsea Processing

Jeremy Thomson, Schlumberger The drivers for subsea processing are clear but how did we get to where we are today, and where are we going to the future.

14.15 Subsea Processing - An Operators View

Paul Jones, Chevron Energy Technology Pty Ltd. Chevron began working on Subsea Processing in 1997 and in 2000 predicted that a 1500m water depth capable full processing system could be installed by 2006. Yet by the end of the decade this milestone had not been reached, and a 2009 OTC paper still described subsea processing as “having a promising future”. In this presentation we will examine system designs and capabilities, why the early opportunities identified for Subsea processing did not mature, and how subsea processing needs to evolve for more widespread application.

10.35 Tea/Coffee 10.55 Subsea Processing - Ongoing Projects and Developments

Ove Fritz Jahnsen, FMC Technologies FMC Technologies is currently supplying subsea processing equipment to several projects worldwide. Among these are Gas/Liquid separation and boosting on Pazflor in Angola,BC-10 in Brazil and Perdido in the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, they have supplied a 3 phase Subsea Separation, Boosting and Injection system for the Tordis field in the North Sea and are currently working on a separation system for the Marlim development in Brazil. A brief overview of the technological challenges for these projects will be presented, together with the proposed solutions and qualified technology utilized. Recent developments within Subsea Processing will also be discussed.

14.50 Subsea compression: A challenge for turbomachinery technology

Massimo Camatti & Giuseppe Vannini, GE Oil & Gas GE have developed a high performance electrically driven gas compressor specifically designed for subsea operation and the first full scale prototype is now ready for testing. This paper will present the conceptual approach GE has taken to define the product critical requirements and the technologies developed and validated from component up to machine system level to design and build the first unit. It will also describe the future perspectives of developments to make subsea compression a specific and unique branch of machinery technology.

11.30 An Update on Subsea Active Production Technology

Tim Turner, INTECSEA With discovery of oil and gas in ultra deep reservoirs and in deepwater, flow assurance challenges are numerous. Subsea Active Production Technology (SAPT) including Direct Electrical Heating, Subsea Separation, Subsea Water Injection and Subsea Boosting is becoming an enabler technology rather than enhancing. This paper will highlight operational history and an update on the current state of the art based on findings from JIP study and ongoing projects.

15.25 Tea/Coffee 15.45 An Update To The State-Of-The-Art Technology

Mads Hjelmeland, Framo Engineering Framos presentation will provide an update and overview of the different pump technologies available, and as implemented in the world’s first subsea processing systems; Troll Pilot, Tordis and Pazflor field developments including Multiphase Hybrid, Hi-Boost and Single Phase Subsea Pumps.

12.05 Multiple Application Re-Injection Systems (MARS)

Ian Donald, DES Operations Limited This paper will outline the proven benefits of adopting MARS technology to increase recoverable reserves and profitability while highlighting ongoing operational experience being gained in the Gulf of Mexico, West Africa and the North Sea.

12.40 Lunch

16.20 A Look to the future

Dr. Julie EP Morgan, Woodside Energy Ltd

16.55 Networking over drinks & canapés 18.00 Day End

Event sponsored by:

20 V3

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SUT reserves the right to change/amend the programme as it see fit.



Baleia Azul SBM Offshore has received a letter of intent from Petrobras for a lease and operate contract of the company’s existing FPSO Espadarte, for a period of 18 years on the Baleia Azul field offshore Brazil. The FPSO Espadarte will be disconnected from its current location at the Espadarte field offshore Brazil and after transfer to a shipyard, the FPSO will be modified and upgraded for the new project and will then transfer back to Brazil for offshore hook up, installation and operation on the Baleia Azul field. The planned disconnection of the FPSO from the Espadarte field is in April 2011 and first oil at the Baleia Azul field is planned in July 2012. The FPSO will require a significant additional capex investment for the Baleia Azul field. The non-discounted total of the fixed lease rates payable for this contract amounts to approximately US$ 1.7 billion.

Lakach Compañía Mexicana De Exploraciones (COMESA) has awarded Technip, a technical assistance contract to help in the development of the pre-front end engineering and design (pre-FEED) for the infrastructure of the Lakach field. Lakach, operated by Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), lies approximately 60km offshore Veracruz, Mexico, in 1000m of water. The development includes a subsea tieback to shore through dual flowlines and a new onshore gas plant. Pemex has said Lakach holds 1.4tcf of total reserves and anticipates investing 17.2 billion pesos ($1.4 billion) on developing the project from 2011-2015.

Acergy has been awarded a threeyear contract, plus four one-year options for the provision of dive support vessel services to the DSVi collective of companies, comprising Chevron Hess, Nexen, Talisman and Dana Petroleum. The scope of the contract covers the

non-exclusive provision of routine and non-routine diver and ROV inspection, maintenance, repair and construction projects for work offshore in the North Sea. Onshore engineering commences immediately, with offshore operations commencing in 2010.

Jack St Malo Cameron has received an order worth in excess of $230 million for the supply of subsea production systems for Stage I of Chevron’s Jack & St. Malo subsea development in the Gulf of Mexico. The project will include 12 15,000psi subsea trees, production control systems, four manifolds and associated connection systems, engineering and project management services. Deliveries are scheduled to

begin in the third quarter of 2011 and continue through the second quarter of 2013. Cameron President and Chief Executive Officer Jack B. Moore said, “We welcome the opportunity to provide Cameron’s high-pressure, high-temperature deepwater technology to support the Jack and St. Malo development as part of our ongoing advanced supplier relationship with Chevron.”

Petrobras Supply topside control systems and drill pipe FMC Technologies has signed a subsea service contract with Petrobras riser systems. (for a subsea service contract. “FMC has a strong and longstanding relationship with Petrobras,” said John The agreement is effective through Gremp, Executive Vice President 2012 and is expected to result in an of FMC Technologies. “Today’s additional $80 million in revenue to announcement further strengthens FMC Technologies. that relationship, and will be supported by our two manufacturing facilities in FMC’s scope of supply includes storage, maintenance, commissioning Rio de Janeiro and one service base in Macae.” and offshore services for subsea and

Schiehallion Technip has been awarded two contracts by BP for the Schiehallion field development. The field is located in the North Sea, 175 kilometers (110 miles) west of the Shetland Islands, United Kingdom. The first contract, which was recently completed, was on a lump sum/reimbursable basis and covered the design and manufacture of a 720 meter (2,400 feet) gaslift flexible riser* and a 770 meter (2,500 feet) water-injection flexible riser. The second contract, on a

reimbursable basis, covers the installation of these risers, as well as pre-commissioning, tie-ins and testing. Technip’s operating centre in Aberdeen, United Kingdom, is undertaking the contracts. Both risers were manufactured in the Group’s flexible pipe plant in Le Trait, France. Offshore Installation is scheduled for the second quarter of 2010. These awards fall under a current agreement with BP to provide diving construction services for extensions to existing hydrocarbon field development projects in the North Sea

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Subsea Projects


Projects CWLH


Technip and Subsea 7 have been awarded a subsea installation contract by Woodside Energy, for the Cossack Wanaea Lambert Hermes (CWLH) redevelopment project in Western Australia.

SBM Offshore has been signed a contract with Noble Energy for the provision, lease and operation of an FPSO for the development of the Aseng field, offshore Equatorial Guinea.

The overall CWLH redevelopment project involves the replacement of the oil-producing Cossack Pioneer floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facility, located offshore in the Carnarvon Basin, as well as the refurbishment of associated subsea infrastructure. The Technip and Subsea 7 contract consisting in the refurbishment of associated subsea infrastructure covers: Project management, Recovery of three risers and installation of three replacement risers, Installation of 20km of flowlines, Riser base rectification works, and Pre-commissioning assistance. The project team is based in Technip’s office in Perth, Western Australia. The flowlines and risers have been manufactured in Le Trait, France, one of Technip’s flexible pipe plants. Offshore installation is scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2010 using the Venturer, a construction vessel from Technip’s fleet and the Nor Australis diving support vessel contracted to Woodside.


Petrobras, with its partners BG, and Repsol, signed a letter of intent with engineering consortium of Schahin and Modec, for the chartering of one floating production, storage and offloading vessel for the Guara prospect in the Santos basin pre-salt Block BM-S-9. The agreements cover a 20 year lifespan and the field is expected to go onstream in late 2012 Guara holds between 1.1 billion and 2 billion barrels of oil equivalent. The FPSO, capable of producing 120,000 barrels of oil and 5 million m3 of gas per day. The FPSO calls for 65% local content. The hull will be converted abroad, but its several modules integrated in Brazil.


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The Compania Nacional de Petroleo de Guinea Ecuatorial (GEPetrol), the state oil company of Equatorial Guinea, will own a 40% share, with, SBM Offshore holding the remaining 60%.

First Project for Normand Subsea Subsea 7’s new state-of-the-art remotely operated vehicle support vessel (ROVSV), the Normand Subsea, has commenced her first project for Shell in the Ormen Lange field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The life of field vessel will be utilised exclusively to service the longterm underwater services contract Subsea 7 holds with Shell Entities, operating in Europe, for inspection, repair and maintenance programmes and for some of Shell’s capital projects and decommissioning works, across its offshore fields and facilities. The Normand Subsea’s first workscope at Ormen Lange includes template and pipeline inspections and ship wreck surveys. Investment in the Normand Subsea is part of an ongoing capital investment programme of over US $1bn in new assets and equipment which will see eight new vessels joining the existing Subsea 7 fleet between 2006 and 2010. Steph McNeill, Vice President for Subsea 7’s UK region, stated: “The Normand Subsea is a fantastic enhancement to one of the most modern, technologically advanced and capable fleets of subsea construction, pipelay and support vessels in the world. Our significant investment programme demonstrates our commitment to delivering best in class services for our clients, investing for the long-term and becoming the Subsea Partner of Choice in our sector. We look forward to working with Shell in the safe and timely delivery of the various work scopes this vessel will be undertaking for them over the next few years.” The vessel, which is on long-term charter from Solstad Offshore, has a unique combination of capabilities that include: a fully enclosed hangar; built in 35t module handling system (upgradeable to 65t); 150t heave compensated crane; an extensive spread of two work class ROVs and four observation class ROVs all equipped for 1200metre depths; a hull with five moonpools; a well treatment system and an extensive online and offline survey suite. It also has on-board facilities for a ship’s complement of 90 people. The Shell Underwater Services Contract is the continuation of an ongoing long-term relationship between Subsea 7 and Shell which commenced in 1984 with one of Subsea 7’s predecessor companies.

SBM Offshore also received from Petrobras for a lease and operate contract of the company’s existing FPSO Espadarte for a period of 18 years on the Baleia Azul field offshore Brazil. The FPSO Espadarte will be disconnected from its current location at the Espadarte field offshore Brazil and after transfer to a shipyard, the FPSO will be modified and upgraded for the new project and will then transfer back to

Brazil for offshore hook up, installation and operation on the Baleia Azul field. The planned disconnection of the FPSO from the Espadarte field is in April 2011 and first oil at the Baleia Azul field is planned in July 2012. The non-discounted total of the fixed lease rates payable for this contract amounts to US$1.7 billion.

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Subsea Projects



The Orelia, which will be used on Broom

Broom Technip has been awarded a lump sum contract, worth approximately €21 million, by Lundin for an augmentation pipeline at the Broom field in the UK North Sea. This field, which is located 320km NorthEast of Aberdeen, Scotland, is tied back to the Heather Alpha platform. The new augmentation pipeline will extend the existing Broom subsea infrastructure. The contract covers the design, fabrication and installation of a pipe-inpipe production flowline which will be trenched and backfilled. The work also includes a subsea structure, spoolpiece tie-ins, repositioning of a flexible riserand rockdumping for upheaval buckling. Technip’s operating centre in Aberdeen will execute the contract, which is scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of 2010. The pipelines will be welded at Technip’s Spoolbase in Evanton, Scotland. Two vessels from the Technip fleet will be used for the offshore installation campaign: the Orelia diving support vessel and the Apache II pipelay vessel, which is currently being modernised.


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FMC Technologies has signed an agreement with Statoil for the design and supply of subsea equipment to support its Snorre field, located in the North Sea.

“FMC has supported the Snorre development for more than 20 years, and we are pleased to continue assisting Statoil with their equipment needs.”

The award will result in approximately $40 million in revenue to FMC Technologies. FMC’s scope of supply includes 10 production risers, tieback connectors and installation tools. The equipment will be engineered and manufactured at FMC’s facilities in Houston, Texas and Kongsberg, Norway. Deliveries are scheduled to commence in 2011. “Statoil recently announced a modification program on the Snorre field that is designed to extend the field’s productive life span through 2040,” said Tore Halvorsen, FMC’s Senior Vice President of Global Subsea Production Systems.

The Snorre field

Siri Production from Siri field in the Danish part of the North Sea, has been resumed. Its operator, DONG Energy ceased production last October following a routine inspection revealing cracks in a subsea structure connected to the oil storage tank underneath the Siri platform. A temporary solution involving a metal frame that supports the subsea structure is now in place ensuring the stability of the construction. Ramboll has secured a contract to design a more permanent reinforcement solution. This involves both design of the installation of 1-2 piles next to the Siri subsea storage tank. The piles will be connected to the caisson with large clamps. Now that Siri is back in production, the adjacent fields, Nini, Cecilie and Stine can also resume production. The oil produced from these fields is transported through a pipeline to the Siri platform and via the subsea oil storage tank of the platform to a tanker.

Kitan Papa Terra Chevron’s Brazilian subsidiary will proceed with the development of the Papa Terra project as the company’s second deepwater development offshore Brazil. When completed, it will represent Chevron’s largest investment in Brazil to date and is expected to grow the company’s production capacity in the country which was established with the 2009 start-up of the Frade project Situated 110km (70 miles) offshore in water depths of approximately 1190m (3900 ft), Papa Terra is a heavy oil subsea development located within Block BC-20 of the southern Campos basin. The project will feature the first tension leg well platform in Brazil which will be connected to a floating production, storage, and offloading vessel. The completed facility will be capable of producing up to 140 000 barrels of crude oil per day.

Bluewater has received a Letter of Award from ENI for the chartering, operation and maintenance of the upgraded FPSO Glas Dowr complete with mooring system, including provision of logistics and ancillary services for Kitan The Kitan field is situated in the joint petroleum development area (JPDA), approximately 170 km south of the Timor-Leste coast and 500 km north of the Australian coast, and is located in around 344m of water depth. It is located in the permit 06-105 – an area jointly administered by Timor-Leste and Australia. The contract has a minimum term of 5 years after start of production and can be extended up to 10 years.

The Glas Dowr which will be used for work on Kitan

First production from the Papa Terra project is expected in 2013. Chevron holds a 37.5 per cent interest in the Petrobras-operated Papa Terra project, which they estimate will cost $5.2 billion. The project is estimated to recover 380 million barrels of oil.

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Subsea Operations


Well Enhancer The latest addition to the Helix Energy Solutions Group global well intervention fleet, Well Enhancer, successfully completed her inaugural well intervention project on Nexen Petroleum UK,’s Buzzard S2 well in the North Sea in October 2009. The well intervention was carried out following comprehensive system trials,


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including personnel familiarisation and training on a test well provided by Nexen. The Subsea Intervention Lubricator, (SIL), a 73/8 in bore single-trip system – designed and built in house by Helix Well Operations – was successfully deployed via the vessel’s integrated skidding and handling system in

adverse weather conditions. The vessel’s performance exceeded expectations; with a significant wave height of 5m and winds of 45kts, heave at the moonpool rarely exceeded 2m. “The Well Enhancer’s moonpool design and skidding system, coupled with our ability to disconnect and reconnect the control umbilicals

subsea, enabled us to work safely in weather conditions that would have sidelined other intervention vessels,” said Steve Nairn, Regional Vice President of Helix Well Ops UK. “Thanks to these features unique to Well Enhancer, the operation was completed on schedule in spite of difficult weather.”

Over the course of the ten day operation, the Well Enhancer performed production logging, fluid sampling and wireline services including sand detection and flow profiling on the well. The S2 water injection well was entered with a combined log/fluid sampling service and all onboard systems were used successfully.

Construction on the vessel began at the IHC Krimpen shipyard in July 2007, with the Christening ceremony taking place in May 2008. The Well Enhancer then underwent fitting of its multipurpose tower and specialised well intervention equipment prior to sea trials.

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Operations Hallin Expansion Hallin Marine has announced a major expansion of its West Division, committing its new build vessel to the region, unveiling a move into saturation diving and looking to recruit more staff and move to new premises. The Aberdeen based West Division will take delivery of the US$50 million new build subsea operations vessel (SOV) Windermere in the second quarter of 2010. The West Division of the integrated subsea contractor has, until now, focussed on the operation of its own fleet of remote operated vehicles (ROVs). It is looking to operate the new vessel in the Middle East, Mediterranean and West Africa areas.

Oceaneering DSV Oceaneering International has commissioned the construction of a dive support vessel (DSV) with an estimated capital cost of $17 million. Oceaneering expects delivery of the 200ft by 46ft vessel from a Gulf coast shipyard late in the fourth quarter of 2010. The new vessel will replace the Ocean Project, which was built in 1972.

The Windermere, which will be managed out of Aberdeen, is fitted with a 15-man saturation diving system, an air diving spread, two heavy duty work-class ROVs and an inspection class vehicle. The diesel electric, Voith propulsion DP 2 vessel has a 50 tonne, active heave compensated crane and accommodation for 120 crew and operational staff. The 80m, Windermere will be supported by an experienced onshore project engineering capability. Like her class-leading sister, the Ullswater, the Windermere has been designed to incorporate all the lessons Hallin has learned during a decade of saturation diving and ROV operation The Windermere’s diving focus will be in the Middle East, Mediterranean and West Africa, while it will look to deploy its ROVs anywhere in the western hemisphere

The Ocean Project, which is due to retire This state-of-the-art DSV will be U.S. flagged and outfitted to perform subsea inspection, repair, and maintenance (IRM) services and support construction operations in the Gulf of Mexico. The vessel will have built-in diving equipment, including a dive control system and decompression chambers, to maximise the availability of deck space for job specific equipment and to ensure safe working conditions. It will have accommodations for 50 personnel and be equipped with a 40-ton crane, a working moon pool, and a four-point mooring system enabling operations in 700 feet of seawater. T. Jay Collins, President and CEO, stated, “This purpose-built DSV will allow us to continue to support demand for our shallow water IRM and construction support services. There are over 3500 platforms and approximately 20 000 miles of pipelines in use in the Gulf of Mexico that we believe will need servicing for the indefinite future.”


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Alam Maritim Oil and gas offshore marine support service provider Alam Maritim Resources Bhd, is looking to strengthen its presence overseas, particularly in the Middle East and Indonesia this year. Speaking to the Malaysian news resource The Star, the group’s managing director Azmi Ahmad confirmed that he hadstarted making inroads into the Middle East as part of its strategies to widen its customer base. “Alam Maritim, together with a third party, has set up operation in Dubai that marked the group’s first foray into the region.We are also looking to expand in Indonesia via a joint venture with a local partner,” he told StarBiz. Azmi added that the penetration into foreign markets was preparation for the expected daily charter rates reduction of between 10% and 20% next year compared with all-time high rates when the oil price reached its peak previously. In terms of fleet expansion, Alam Maritim via wholly-owned subsidiary Alam Maritim agreed to a 51:49 joint venture with Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) to invest and jointly own six anchor handling tug supply vessels valued at US$121.5million. On the outlook for the JV vessels, Azmi said Malaysian oil majors typically gave priority to Malaysian-owned assets and operators when dishing out local contracts. “In spite of this, it is estimated that quite a significant number of vessels in Malaysian waters are still owned by foreign entities. This scenario may be attributable to the higher barrier of entry to acquire and operate such assets due to high cost as well as technical expertise required,” he said. Alam Maritim currently owns 30 offshore support vessels of various types

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SUbsea Projects


Projects Dumping Rubble underneath an oil/gas pipeline; rock tables for crossing pipe lines and gravel layers for wind turbine foundations etc.

DEME Group ordered the dynamically positioned fall-pipe rock dumper Flintstone from Sembawang shipyard in Singapore, in 2008. Key to the operation is the advanced dual HiPAP 500, hydroacoustic aided inertial navigation (HAIN) subsea and dynamic positioning (DP) system developed by Kongsberg, and the comparatively high DP capability of the all electric propulsion based on six thrusters. This allows the Flintstone to track (a pipeline) with great accuracy and fast update rate at all times, which supports the quality of the subsea structures being built. Use of two HiPAP 500 transducers increases the electrical and acoustic redundancy, and also increases the accuracy, as it opens for redundant measurement with position estimation based on two independent measurements and a quality control. The dual system uses both transducers to measure the position of one single target (transponder) by Dual HiPAP 500 transducers in the separately controlling Flintstone increases the electrical the beam forming and and acoustic redundancy phase measurement for each system in parallel. HAIN Subsea combines the acoustic measurements from the Dual HiPAP 500 and the readings from the sensors onboard the ROV in an optimum way. The navigation equations update the ROV position, velocity, heading and attitude almost continuously based on the readings from the inertial measurement unit. The advanced Kalman filter corrects these values when new acoustic positions and readings from the other ROV sensors are available. This results in improved position accuracy and update rate compared to the acoustic measurements. Flintstone The rock dumper will be commissioned in early 2011 and operated by Breda-based offshore specialist company Tideway, The vessel has a load weight of 19 000t and is specially designed for creating high precision structures on the sea bed, using rock and gravel in bulk, etc. Typically, the structures are rock capping and bedding on top of or


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The vessel features two large rock bunkers on the main deck. In the centre of each rock bunker is a large Liebherr excavator, which discharges into a hopper fitted starboard of the rock dumper. The bulk of each rock bunker is transported to the central hopper by a longitudinal conveyor belt. Subsequently a 2000t/h belt conveys the rock across the beam to the fall pipe. The ID 700 fall pipe hangs in the middle of a moonpool and the rock material falls through this pipe to the seabed. Accurate positioning of the fall pipe mouth is handled by an ROV. Huisman designed and built the new stone dumping unit. This is a tower-like construction mounted over the moonpool, which allows the swift build-up and retrieval of the fall pipe, even in rough seas. Rock bulk production through the fall pipe is controlled by means of the rock handling system.

Abandonment Aberdeen-based TSMarine Subsea has been awarded a ÂŁ500,000 contract to abandon two North Sea wells for Petro-Canada UK. The new contract will see TSMarine Subsea prepare a programme to abandon two Category One suspended subsea wells in block 25 of the Moray Firth region for the Canadian operator. Offering a range of rigless well intervention, decommissioning and construction support solutions to the global subsea oil and gas industry, TSMarine Subsea will lead the project to sever and recover the wellheads using abrasive water jet cutting technology. The Rem Poseidon, a multi-purpose support vessel on long term charter to TSMarine Subsea will be used to complete the project.

TSMarine Subsea personnel mobilise for well abandonment operations on the Rem Poseidon

The Scanmudring Umbilical / Wire emergency Cutter is special designed for offshore use. The ScanCutter is remotely operated by a pneumatic control panel, preventing the need of personnel to stay close to the cutting area. This enables a safe cutting operation. Default cable length for the remote control panel is 8m, but can be extended if required. The ScanCutter can be powered either by air pressure (max 8 bar) or dedicated nitrogen bottle (5kg) included in the spread. The ScanCutter spread is mobilized in a single aluminum box, for easy handling and transport! The spread is a simple and reliable system that can cut steel armored umbilicals and wires up to 54 mm and ultimate tensile strength of 1770N/ mm 2. Attempts to cut wire rope of greater tensile strength may damage the cutter blade. Areas of use are: - Umbilicals - Wires - Hydraulic hoses - Subsea use, operated and powered by ROV

Multiple contracts for Neptune Neptune Marine Services has been contracted to provide diving, survey and vessel support services on Chevron Australia’s Gorgon LNG project in Western Australia. Valued at more than $5 million, the comprehensive work scope which forms part of the ‘Gorgon Initial Works’ programme awarded to Marine and Civil Construction Pty. This includes: • Installation of piping and the offshore pump station at the temporary desalination plant at Barrow Island. • Diving support a new supply barge facility construction. • The provision of • Construction support (third party) and dive support vessels and associated crews. • Offshore diving systems and personnel • Hydrographic/marine survey equipment and associated personnel. • An offshore construction supervisor to oversee operations onboard the construction barge. Work on the Gorgon project commenced in January 2010.

A diver at work for Neptune

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SUbsea Projects


Chemical Tanker

Chemical Tanker

T&T BISSO has successfully refloated a chemical and oil tanker that ran aground near Jamaica.

Titan Salvage’s jack-up barges KarlissaA and Karlissa-B arrived in Rotterdam, Netherlands today for the wreck removal of the Vinca Gorthon, a roll-on/roll-off vessel, which sank in the North Sea in 1988. The Ministry of Waterways North Sea Division, part of the Dutch, Ministry of Waterways, awarded TITAN the wreck removal project.

The company mobilised a salvage team, lightering equipment and pollution response gear after the tanker, loaded with 17 000t of ethanol, ran aground off the southeast coast of Jamaica after sailing from Port Esquivel. The T&T BISSO salvage team performed a shipto-ship transfer of 4600t of ethanol to lighten the tanker, conducted an environmental assessment and safely refloated the vessel. The crew backloaded the cargo and delivered the tanker to its owners with no damage to the environment.


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The Vinca Gorthon lies approximately 29km off the Netherland coast at a depth of 24.5m in a very busy shipping traffic lane. The vessel protrudes 10m from the seabed and has become a danger to modern ships with a draft of 15m or more. The Vinca Gorthon weighs approximately 19 000t with cargo, and measures 166 meters long and 23m wide. The ship, which was laden with rolls of paper and tank trailers with paper pulp, was enroute from the Swedish port of Oskarshamn to Antwerp, Belgium when she sank. Prompt removal of the wreck is critical due to the increase in the number of ship movements in the North Sea related to

developments in offshore energy, including oil and gas and wind parks. The wreck is blocking part of the navigational route. TITAN is scheduled to have the vessel removed by Nov. 1, 2010. The KARLISSA-A and KARLISSA-B jackup barges operate in the most demanding marine environments. The barges, which have a combined total of 1,880 meters of clear deck space, can jack in depths of up to 50 meters. The KARLISSA-B has a 272 metric tonnes capacity platform ringer crane. The barges can load over 900 metric tonnes and are adaptable to accommodate upwards of 1,350 metric tonnes of vertical lift or 130 metric tonnes of lateral pull utilizing TITAN pullers. In 2008, TITAN used both the KARLISSAA and KARLISSA-B barges, which were raised 40 feet above the surf zone, to remove the New Carissa, a 640-foot (195 meter) wood-chip carrier, which ran aground just north of Coos Bay, Oregon during a February 1999 storm. The barges served as a stable platform for the salvage

team to work on and above a very active surf zone. TITAN, a wholly owned Crowley subsidiary, is a worldwide marine salvage and wreck removal company based in Pompano Beach, Fla., that has performed over 350 salvage and wreck removal projects since 1980, including some of the most technically demanding projects ever undertaken. The company also has offices and equipment depots in Newhaven, UK and Singapore. Titan responds to vessel emergencies around the world and is able to mobilize a worldwide network of expert salvage professionals and specialized, portable equipment within hours of activation. TITAN is accessible 24 hours a day through the company’s main dispatch telephone number, +1-954-545-4143. Additional information about TITAN may be found at www. titansalvage.com.

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Offshore Discoveries


Discoveries Satyr

Jake Helix Energy Solutions Group subsidiary, Energy Resource Technology GOM has made a Gulf of Mexico deepwater oil and gas discovery at its Jake prospect, located in Green Canyon Block 490. The discovery well was drilled to 13 504ft in 3740ft of water and encountered 134ft of net oil and gas pay in a single sand interval. The well was conventionally wireline logged with multiple fluid samples recovered for confirmation of the hydrocarbon bearing zone. The well has been cased and temporarily abandoned for a future subsea completion.

Lucius and Itaipu Anadarko has discovered oil on its Lucius exploration well in Keathley Canyon block 875. The well encountered more than 200 feet of net pay in subsalt Pliocene and Miocene sands. Lucius is a three-way structure against salt, and the results of the well indicate thick reservoir sands with very good porosity and permeability. Adadarko plans to immediately drill an up-dip LUCIUS DISCOVERY TEXAS


RED HAWK Cell Spar

Keathley Canyon 874
















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Following the discovery, Helix’s estimate for this prospect is 50–75 Bcfe gross. Development options are currently underway, including a potential joint development with a recent discovery made in the area. First production from the Jake discovery is estimated to take place in mid 2011. ERT owns a 25% working interest in both the discovery well and Green Canyon Block 490. ERT has made an additional new Gulf of Mexico shelf discovery at its 75% owned and operated South Timbalier 145 Field. The new discovery was drilled to 14 193 true vertical depth and logged approximately 20ft of oil and gas pay.

sidetrack appraisal well to delineate the reservoir’s areal extent. Additionally, the proximity and availability the Red Hawk cell spar enhances its potential development options and offers the opportunity to accelerate the production of these resources. The Lucius discovery was drilled to a total depth of about 20 000 ft in approximately 7100 ft of water, using the new ultra-deepwater Ensco 8500 semi-submersible drilling rig. The up-dip sidetrack appraisal well will be drilled on the same block, approximately 3200ft due south of the discovery. Anadarko also recently announced its second pre-salt discovery in Brazil at the Itaipu prospect in block BMC-32 in the Campos Basin. The well encountered more than 90ft of oil in a high-quality pre-salt carbonate reservoir of similar characteristics and quality to the neighboring giant Jubarte complex. The Itaipu well was drilled to a total depth of approximately 16 300 ft in 4400ft of water.

Chevron has made an additional natural gas discovery in the Carnarvon Basin offshore Western Australia. This follows closely on the Achilles-1 discovery, The exploration well, Satyr-1, located 160km (100 miles) offshore in the Greater Gorgon Area in 1070m (3510 ft) of water, was drilled to a total depth of 4560m (14 960 ft). The well discovered 130m (425ft) of net gas pay. Thedrilling campaign in northwestern is expected to provide additional natural gas supplies to underpin the Chevron-operated Gorgon natural gas project,

complex, which is currently flowing light oil on a long-term test through the Jubarte FPSO. Partners in Itaipu are currently planning a sidetrack to this well and anticipate further appraisal drilling in 2010. Anadarko is also preparing to sidetrack Wahoo #2 to gather additional data from the well. Once sidetrack drilling is complete, it is planned to move the rig to the Wahoo discovery well to conduct a drillstem test and then return to Wahoo #2 for another drillstem test. ITAIPU DISCOVERY

Espírito Santo Basin


Campos Basin 0

Santos Basin

50 Kilometers

Jubarte Complex

1st Well Producing ~18,000 BOE/d Pre-Salt Resources ~2 BBOE


The Itaipu well is located approximately 16 miles north of Anadarko’s original Wahoo discovery and six miles southeast of Petrobras’ pre-salt Jubarte

APC WI 33.3%


BM-C-30 30% WI




Petroleum Corporation


BM-C-32 33% WI

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Offshore Discoveries




Gas discovery near Norne Statoil has discovered gas 2km south-west of the Norne field in the Norwegian Sea during the drilling of exploration well 6507/3-8. A gas column 143m high was identified in the Fangst and Båt group of the Middle and Lower Jurassic, with good reservoir properties. The find is estimated to contain 1.3-1.5 billion m3 of recoverable gas. “This discovery lies in an area where we’ve made a number of earlier finds,” explains Geir Richardsen, head of infrastructure-led exploration in the Norwegian Sea. “With detailed surveying and evaluation enhancing our knowledge, this area is still considered prospective.” No formation test was carried out in the well, which lies in 378m of water, but extensive data was gathered and cores were taken. The well was drilled to a total measured depth of 2968m below sea level and terminated in the Lower Jurassic Tilje formation. It will now be permanently plugged and abandoned. Producing the discovery through a tie-in to Norne will be considered by the licensees in production licence 159 B. This is the second well in the licence, which was awarded in 1989 as part of the 12B licensing round and carved out from PL 159 in 2004. Well 6507/3-8 was drilled by Ocean Vanguard, which will now move to PL 057 in the North Sea to drill exploration well 34/4-12S for Statoil as operator.

Davy Jones McMoRan Exploration has discovered hydrocarbons on its Davy Jones prospect located on South Marsh Island Block 230 in approximately 20 feet of water. It follwoed the well with additional reserves.


Flow testing will be required to confirm the ultimate hydrocarbon flow rates.

The ultradeep well was drilled to a measured depth of 28 263ft and logged with pipe-conveyed wireline logs to 28,134 feet. The wireline log results indicated a total of 135 net ft of hydrocarbon bearing sands in four zones in the Wilcox section of the Eocene/Paleocene.

McMoRan’s Co-Chairman, James R. Moffett, said: “Davy Jones log results confirm our geologic model and indicate that the previously identified sands in the Wilcox section on this large ultra-deep structure provides significant additional development potential which, upon confirmation development drilling, could make Davy Jones one of the largest discoveries on the Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico in decades.

Drilling deeper, to 28 603, the well discovered an additionial 65ft.

The geologic results from this well are important and are redefining the

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subsurface geologic landscape below 20 000 ft on the Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. The results from this well will be incorporated into our models as we continue to define the potential of this promising new exploration frontier.” A porosity (neutron/density) log will be necessary to quantify the porosity in this new sand member.

n i k r o s s W e r g o r P 01/2010 21 January 2010 – Tullow Oil plc (Tullow) announces that the Tweneboa-2 exploratory appraisal well, being drilled some 6 km southeast of the Tweneboa-1 discovery, has intersected a significant combined hydrocarbon column. Results of drilling, wireline logs and samples of reservoir fluids establish that Tweneboa is a major oil and gas-condensate field. The well has encountered a gross reservoir interval of 153 metres containing 32 metres of net hydrocarbon pay in stacked reservoir sandstones, comprising a 17 metre oil bearing zone below a 15 metre gas-condensate bearing zone. A combined hydrocarbon column of at least 350 metres has been established between the lowest known oil in Tweneboa-2 and the top of the gas-condensate at Tweneboa-1, demonstrating this is a highly prospective and extensive turbidite fan system that will be evaluated with additional drilling. Following completion of logging operations the well will be deepened to test further exploration potential beneath the Tweneboa field. The well will then be suspended for future use in appraisal

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Gusto Contracts Dutch design and engineering company GustoMSC completed a number of projects in 2009. These included:

offshore wind turbines one week after delivery delivered by Lemants to GEOSEA

l The GustoMSC SEA2000 series construction jack-ups JB-114 & JB-115 were delivered by Drydocks World – South East Asia.

l The DSS21 class Maersk Discoverer DP deepwater drilling semisubmersible is the first of the series of three. It is presently operating in the Gulf of Mexico for a four years contract with Statoil Naga 2 and Perro Negro 6

l The a GustoMSC NG2500-X unit Seajacks Leviathan – sister vessel of the Seajacks Kraken was delivered by Lamprell Energy to Seajacks and is currently under contract for Fluor at the Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm. l The Maersk Reacher is the fourth of the GustoMSC CJ50-X100 vessels delivered by Keppel FELS to Maersk Drilling. With its modern drilling equipment centred around the GustoMSC X-Y cantilever, this rig can operate in a water depth of 350ft. The first rig, Maersk Resilient, commenced operations in February 2008 for Dubai Petroleum Establishment. l The GustoMSC SEA2000 unit Goliath was on its first job to install

l The Naga 2 and Perro Negro 6 are GustoMSC CJ46-X100-D jack-up drilling units for 350 ft water depth. Both units were delivered by Drydocks World – South East Asia to their respective owners UMW Singapore Drilling and Saipem, . These units are part of a series of four at this yard. l The Gold Star is a DSS38 unit, developed by GustoMSC and Keppel DTG, delivered by Keppel FELS to the Brazilian operator Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás. The Gold Star and its sister unit Alpha Star will support Petrobras’ exploration and production activities offshore Brazil.

Nautronix software gets a TickIT of approval Aberdeen based, Nautronix have been certified with the international software standard TickIT in a move to highlight high standards within the organisation. The company, which specialises in acoustic signalling technology solutions for communication and positioning in the subsea environment, were audited against the TickIT standard which puts best practices into software development, implementation and control processes within an organisation.

The GustoMSC CJ46-X100-D jack-up drilling units Naga 2 and Perro Negro 6 for work in 350 ft water depth

Nautronix already hold ISO9001:2008. They say that the move was important to highlight to their customers and the industry that their software development is of the highest class. Managing Director, Mark Patterson said “Software is an important and

core discipline within Nautronix, this has been demonstrated internally over the last few years with the significant growth in our software department. “We are currently carrying out important development work with NASNet and MASMUX so it’s important we ensure that we are working to the highest possible standards. “While we have always been confident of our ability to do this the TickIT accreditation allows us to demonstrate to others that we are working to a consistently high level. “Gaining this standard does not come lightly and I’m impressed with the work the team has carried out over the last year to achieve this.”

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Company News


News Pulse Monitoring Acteon has formed a new business unit, to be known as Pulse Structural Monitoring, specifically to provide structural monitoring equipment, systems and services to the offshore industry. The business was previously embedded within the portfolio of group company 2H Offshore, but was spun out as a stand-alone enterprise are to create greater focus and intensity within the organisation, expand the customer base and grow the business. “The technology in this area has developed considerably in recent years,” says Pei An, the head of Pulse Structural Monitoring. “What was once viewed as an research and development exercise has evolved into an established commercial business. We need to be attuned to customers’ requirements in a more mature and increasingly competitive market. These needs centre on sound, independent advice and guidance; highly reliable and cost-effective monitoring systems; and, not least, great standards of service.” The new business will provide monitoring for a wide variety of offshore structures. As well as benefiting from the tremendous knowledge and experience transferred from 2H, it will also service the existing structural monitoring contracts held by the riser specialist. These include an agreement with Chevron in the Gulf of Mexico for monitoring its Tahiti field risers using a range of sensors, including the INTEGRIstick strain monitors. In a departure from traditional business, the new organisation is already looking closely at the issues relating to the monitoring of structures other than risers. Wind turbine monitoring is one area under investigation, being a business area that is sure to grow in importance over the next few years. Pulse Structural Monitoring will operate initially from premises in the UK (Woking, near London) and the USA (Houston, Texas). UK operations will be managed by Sandip Ukani and those in the USA by Wolfgang Ruf.


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NEWS DOF in Angola Aberdeen-based specialist subsea service company DOF Subsea has been awarded a contract worth around $8 million by Total Angola to provide geotechnical survey services in the CLOV development, offshore Angola. To undertake the work, DOF subsea will be using their vessel the Geograph and a third party geotechnical spread. Garry Millard, Managing Director, DOF Subsea UK says “We’re delighted to be delivering our services from one of our own vessels, the Geograph. The award of this contract is in line with our strategy to develop our capabilities and services in the Africa region.”


Flexible pipe specialist Flexlife has secured additional subsea engineering support work with Apache North Sea to double the value of the original contract awarded earlier this year.

flexlife director of projects John Marsden said: “Our work with Apache North Sea was a first for us and took us in a new direction with the development of the subsea engineering side of the business.

The extra work brings the total value of the contract to nearly £5million over three years with the option to extend to five years.

“We had hoped to prove ourselves quickly and increase the scope of our remit to supporting their ongoing operational work and we are delighted we have achieved that aim.”

Flexlife’s original deal covered all subsea engineering and operational pipeline support on Apache North Sea’s assets and the company will now be involved in the operator’s new subsea developments.


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Flexlife also was awarded long-term integrity management contracts with Maersk and CNR earlier this year, again for three years with options to extend to five.


Neptune Marine Services has signed a new contract with global energy major Shell UK for the provision of subsea engineering consultancy services. Under the terms of the agreement, Neptune Subsea Engineering will provide Shell with a range of engineering services for an initial three year period with the option of two one-year extensions. Elsewhere, Neptune’s Aberdeen based fabrication division, Neptune Deeptech, has been awarded a contract from GE Oil and Gas for the provision of five subsea tree frames that will be installed on the deepwater Kizomba Satellites Project, offshore Angola.

Deep Down The company will also be using the Geograph to carry out a subsea maintenance and inspection contract on two wells by PC Mauritania, a subsidiary of Petronas. The company will use its Triton XL14 ROV.

Deep Down has signed two contracts in excess of $4 million for work in West Africa. These contracts, for buoyancy products made by its subsidiary Flotation Technologies,and umbilical services at Deep Down’s Channelview, Texas facility, will be completed over the first half of 2010.

GPS Veripos has extended its long-term working agreement with Hamburgbased ship management organisation ER Offshore covering the provision of globally available precise positioning services. These services are delivered to the end user on the VERIPOS LD2 fully integrated hardware platform and Verify-DP software. VERIPOS currently provides high-accuracy services for six of ER Offshore’s UT755 LN Platform Supply Vessels (PSVs). Designed to transport supplies to drill sites and production facilities, the vessels have been operating on behalf of leading exploration and production companies in Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea.

The Kizomba Satellites Project is operated by Esso Exploration Angola (Block 15) Limited, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil Corporation. Under the terms of the agreement Neptune Deeptech will provide the tree frames over a period of nine months. All fabrication work for the project will be carried out at the company’s Aberdeen facilities. “Recent industry research suggests global expenditure across the world’s major deepwater precincts will be more than $27 billion a year over the next four years,” said Christian Lange. “We believer that leading this charge will be Africa, which we believe is tipped

to account for 40% of the total global spend. Neptune Mari has also been awarded a major subsea inspection contract from Qatargas, one of Qatar’s leading producers of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The three year multi-million dollar contract involves the inspection of Qatargas platforms, offshore pipelines and subsea connection facilities located within the Arabian Gulf.Under the terms of the contract, Neptune will provide a dynamically positioned (DP II) vessel bundled with a range of services including ROVs, hydrographic survey, diving and pipeline stabilisation.

A Neptune diver

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Subsea Projects


Vessels Centreline

Hornbeck Offshore Services has introduced the 370ft multi-purpose support vessel (MPSV) HOS Centerline to its fleet. With an 8000+ dwt capacity, this HOS 370 design, represents the largest and most diverse DP-2 classed offshore supply vessel currently available. The HOS Centerline is the only vessel in the world to have received certifications by the United States coast guard allowing operations as a supply vessel, industrial/ construction vessel and as a petroleum and chemical tanker.


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The HOS Centerline’s sister-vessel, HOS Strongline will join the fleet in early 2010 and is expected to receive the same regulatory pedigree. Both vessels will be based at the company’s shore base facility, HOS Port, located in Port Fourchon, Louisiana. The company acquired the HOS Port facility and its heavy lift capabilities in order to accommodate its growing fleet of large dimension vessels. Among their work within the offshore energy industry, these vessels have the capacity to transport more than 30 000bbl of liquid drilling mud and fuel to and from exploration, development

and production projects. Positive displacement pumping systems allow the vessels to provide a consistent transfer of product even at installations with large air gaps. The HOS Centerline boasts a self-contained mixing and cleaning system that significantly reduces the risk of drilling fluid collapse as well as reduces the time necessary to clean storage tanks, which is a cost normally borne by its customers. Mud mixers use low inertia paddles to reduce the fall-out of the mud

Borealis and provide for a consistent mix. The vessel’s significant size, 8400kw of available propulsion, power and DP-2 capability allows it to continue cargo transfer operations during sea and weather conditions that prevent smaller vessels from working. With its subchapter ”D” and “O” certifications, the HOS Centerline can carry crude oil as well as other flammable and combustible cargoes in significant quantities from offshore drilling and production sites. The vessels offer 18 tanks with three separate segregations that allow the transport of three separate products at the same time. This feature makes the vessel a platform for various well test, flow-back and dewatering projects in deepwater and ultradeepwater. The vessel can also be used for emergency export of crude oil and other fluids during times of or following disruptions, such as hurricanes. The HOS 370-class cargo deck dimension is 240ft by 58ft and complemented by an additional 30ft by 58-ft of covered deck space, unparalleled in the industry.

Acergy has acquired the Borealis pipelay vessel which is currently being built at the Sembawang Shipyard in Singapore. The DP3 dynamic positioning vessel equipped with a 5,000t crane and Acergy plans to install a 1000t J-Lay tower and state-of-the-art 600T SLay equipment. It will also be fitted with a range of support systems and construction equipment for worldwide deepwater and harsh environment operations. Provision will be made for accepting one of the company’s heavy duty flexible pipelay systems. Final completion and operational delivery of the ship is scheduled for

H1 2012. Total costs, upon delivery, are expected to be less than $500m, including approximately $260m relating to the acquisition of the ship and delivery as per the original design.

Aquila FPSO Saipem has been awarded a contract for the supply and operation of a vessel floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) worth approximately 1 billion euro. The contract, awarded by Eni, encompasses the conversion of a wholly owned oil tanker into a FPSO vessel, for which Saipem will provide the installation and the operation management. The FPSO vessel will have a

storage capacity of 700 000bbl and a production capacity of 12 000 bblof oil per day. Production activities will start in the fourth quarter of 2011. The contract, lasting 20 years, is divided in two phases. For the first 8 years, the FPSO will be employed for the exploitation of the Aquila field, off the Italian coast in the Adriatic Sea, approximately 50km northeast of Brindisi, in a water depth of 815m.

The vessels have multi-functional ISO sockets integrated into the bow to accept standard sized containers to increase loading productivity and eliminate the use of traditional chains and binders. The HOS Centerline has accommodations for up to 78 personnel, in excess of the vessel’s crew. The large deck and ample quarters provide an excellent platform for subsea construction operations.

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Noordhoek Pathfinder The Noordhoek Pathfinder was recently launched at the De Hoop shipyard in Foxhol – The Netherlands. The ship is a state of the art 62m remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and survey support vessel. The ship is currently undergoing the final stages of installation and commissioning of the crane and survey spread prior to commencing sea trials. Shewill be fully commissioned and ready for deployment in early 2010. The Noordhoek Pathfinder is mobilised with a Grade 2 dynamic positioning system (DPII), diesel electric drive, a large moon pool, a 25t offshore crane. She is also equipped with workclass and onspection ROV systems, side scan sonar tow-fish, McArtney Focus 2 ROTV systems and a technologically advanced survey suite. With accommodation for 40 people split between single and double cabins, the Noordhoek Pathfinder exceeds the latest environmental and acoustic standards ensuring quiet operations whilst at survey speeds. The vessel’s main functions will be inspection, repair and maintenance, hydrography, geotechnical investigation, and analogue / digital geophysical survey. Noordhoek’s have also commissioned a 76m DPII saturation dive support vessel called the Noordhoek Constructor. She is also undergoing the final stages of construction and is due to commence operations in early Q1 2010.


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The maiden trip of the Jumbo Jubilee once again strengthened Jumbo’s firm belief in its strategy for handling heavy cargo. To create

Jumbo Javelin Jumbo Shipping’s latest newbuild, the Jumbo Jubilee, completed its maiden voyage after successfully loading, transporting and installing two 1250t shiploaders for FL Smidth in challenging circumstances. The Jumbo Jubilee sailed from her home port Rotterdam, for Vitória, Brazil, where two shiploaders were waiting, each with a processing capacity of 16 000t iron ore per hour. With ample clearance between crane jib and cargo and enough lifting height to clear the conveyor

belt at the centre of the pier, the loading operation was relatively easy. It was at Tubarão, where offloading and installation were due, that was challenging. The port of Tubarão is half open to the sea and is continuously subjected to swell. As conditions vary between 0.20m and 1.10m swell, ship and cargo can easily become the victim of roll or swing, a real challenge when handling a 1250t piece of equipment. Jumbo’s engineering department

checked swell statistics of the last ten years and using detailed weather forecasts and computer analysis to predict the vessels’ behaviour. Thus, a window of opportunity was identified consisting of manageable wave heights and periods. When a window was chosen, the vessel was ballasted to an optimum level of stability, resulting in minimum pitch and roll in the given conditions. The shiploader was lifted on board, brought to Tubarão and installed safely on its rails, under control and according to plan.

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Seismic Survey

Survey Wide-Azimuth GoM Q-Marine Survey WesternGeco has begun acquisition of the E-Octopus VII survey. Located in the Walker Ridge and Keathley Canyon areas of the US central Gulf of Mexico, the multiclient survey covers approximately 300 outer continental shelf (OCS) blocks. E-Octopus VII targets the high profile Lower Tertiary trend in a challenging subsalt imaging area of the Walker Ridge. The survey integrates previously acquired E-Octopus IV and E-Octopus VI phases to further expand the wide-azimuth coverage of the WesternGeco data library.

The latest seismic data processing techniques will be applied to the survey, including 3D generalized surface multiple prediction (GSMP) and anisotropic Reverse Time Migration (RTM). Both techniques are enhanced by the Q-Marine* pointreceiver marine seismic acquisition system. The E-Octopus multiclient wide-azimuth program in the Gulf of Mexico commenced in July of 2006. With the addition of E-Octopus

TGS Begins the Justice Wide Azimuth Project Seismic acquisition has now been initiated on the Justice Wide Azimuth (WAZ) 3D project in the Gulf of Mexico. The Justice project is a northeast expansion of the existing and contiguous Freedom and Liberty WAZ projects. The survey adds more than 7800 km2 of WAZ coverage to the TGS portfolio and covers portions of the hydrocarbon rich areas of Mississippi Canyon, Viosca Knoll, and De Soto Canyon. Acquisition will continue throughout the first half of 2010 and upon completion of Justice, TGS will have more than 27 000 km2 of WAZ 3D in its data library. These wide azimuth projects provide the industry with modern seismic imaging covering the most productive oil producing area of the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Map of the Justice WAZ project


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VII, WesternGeco will have acquired over 3100 OCS blocks of highquality Q-Marine wide-azimuth data in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ramform Sovereign

Pemex Survey CGGVeritas has been awarded a contract by Pemex to acquire and process 75 000 km2 of 3D seismic data offshore Gulf of Mexico. The program is expected to extend through 2013. Total contract value is approximately $465 million. The day rate contract includes 3D and wide-azimuth offshore acquisition, onboard and onshore imaging as well as gravity and magnetic acquisition and processing. Marine acquisition work will be performed by the Alizé, a high-end CGGVeritas vessel equipped with 12 Sercel Sentinel streamers. According to Robert Brunck, Chairman and CEO, of GGVeritas, “We are very pleased to have been chosen for this important contract, based on our unique portfolio of technologies and our deep in-country operational experience across all activities. This multi-year project clearly underlines the confidence Pemex has in both our technology and our expertise. The award further extends our leadership position in the high-end segment of the market.”

Since the first Ramform seismic vessel sailed out of the yard in May 1995 its delta shaped design has become a trademark for PGS.

acquisition and transit speed, 25% longer endurance, and 60% higher production capacity compared to the rest of the Ramform fleet.

Thanks to the 40m broad beam and ultra-stable hull construction PGS was able to produce first more and more efficient seismic with ultra wide streamer tows, then better and better resolution data with the introduction high density (HD3D) seismic and ever higher streamer counts.

The S-class are easily the most powerful seismic ships in the world, with a power plant supplying 30,000 horsepower. The vessels feature many new innovations, including the world’s first roll compensated helideck, steerable sources, dual workboat capacity and unique gear handling systems.

Last year, the Ramform Sterling became the latest ship to join the fleet. Like the Sovereign she is 16 meters longer than the previous class of Ramforms with significantly higher

The range of technologies employed promises to make this the new benchmark for 3D, 4D and wide azimuth acquisition – in terms of productivity, efficiency, safety and data quality

Mid North Sea Palaeozoic Survey PGS has completed processing of a MultiClient 2D GeoStreamer survey that covers the UK Mid North Sea High and extends into north-west offshore Netherlands.

Geoscientists are now undertaking an interpretation that will focus on the Carboniferous source and maturity, as well as proven and possible hydrocarbon plays in the region.

The data offers a clearer image of the deep Paleozoic geology that unlocks the regional understanding, structural history and the frontier hydrocarbon potential of this province.

PGS carried out a wide azimuth survey using the Viking and Valiant, and two additional source vessels. This acquired more than 10 0002 km of wide azimuth data.

The survey ties 30 key wells in the region, including the recent Exxon/ Shell “Corbenic” prospect, and gives insight into the Breagh Gas Field play fairway, for those evaluating UK 26th Round open acreage.

Their focus is on the East Breaks area of the Western Gulf of Mexico, an area of growing significance to GoM Exploration teams. The survey has been designed to overcome the challenges associated with sub-salt imaging.

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Seismic Polarcus Nadia Launched Polarcus Limited took delivery of the Polarcus Nadia, a modern 12 streamer 3D seismic vessel built to the Ulstein SX124 design. The vessel was built at Drydocks World – Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Polarcus Nadia is a purpose-built seismic vessel incorporating the innovative Ulstein X-BOW and designed to meet the exacting specifications for offshore seismic operations worldwide. The 88.8m double-hulled vessel incorporates some of the most recent developments in maritime systems and is fitted out with the most advanced seismic technology commercially available, including the latest generation Sentinel solid streamers. Polarcus Nadia is one of the safest and most environmentally sound seismic vessels in the market with diesel-electric propulsion, high specification catalytic convertors, DP2 dynamic positioning, and advanced bilge water cleaning, enabling the vessel to conform to existing and envisaged IMO and Class rules and to comply with the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) stringent CLEAN-DESIGN and COMFV(3) class notations. Polarcus Nadia will transit to West Africa to commence a charter for TGS-NOPEC. The sister vessel Polarcus Asima, was also recently launched to sea at the Drydocks World shipyard in the United Arab Emirates. This is the first of the SX134 designs with the high class notation, ICE-1A, enabling her to operate safely and effectively in the Arctic. The 92m vessel is purpose built for the high-end 3D marine seismic market and capable of towing up to 12 by 8000m streamers. Like the Polarcus Nadia and Polarcus Naila, the Polarcus Asima incorporates many new and innovative design features designed to maximise operational performance, improve safety and comfort, and minimize emissions to air and water. Polarcus Asima is also fitted with the latest chemical-free ballast water treatment system to eliminate the risk of transporting and introducing invasive marine species into new environments. Outfitting of the vessel will continue at Drydocks World - Dubai with final delivery scheduled for mid- 2010.


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The Polarcus Nadia. Photo: Polarcus Limited

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Seismic Survey

Survey Philippines Seismic

Ocean Bottom Cable ARGAS, the Saudi Arabian joint venture owned 49% by CGGVeritas and 51% by TAQA, has been awarded two major Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC) 3D data acquisition contracts by Saudi Aramco. The two contracts have a combined value of around $375 million. The first project is scheduled to start in June 2010 and operate for a period of 18 months while the second is scheduled to run from October 2010 for a period of 24 months; each contract respectively has an 18– and 24–month optional extension period.

The projects will cover an initial 6 0002 km over the next three years and require operational expertise working in complex environments, such as producing oil fields and busy shipping lanes within the Saudi waters of the Gulf with depths ranging from 20 to 60m. ARGAS will mobilise two fully independent OBC crews equipped with the latest Sercel SeaRay 4C equipment and recording systems. These fully offshore operations will be managed through a fleet of vessels equipped with CGGVeritas deployment and positioning systems geared to operate in such environments.

BHP Billiton (BHPB). and Otto Energy have entered into a seismic acquisition and farm-in option agreement with the SC55 permit in the Philippines with Otto will secure seismic services providing for the commencement of the seismic acquisition. For its part, BHPB will fund the acquisition and processing of a minimum of 1,000 km2 and up to 2,000 km2 of 3D seismic in SC55. Otto has agreed to grant BHPB exclusivity to review the entire seismic data base and exercise an option to farm-in to SC55. The farm-in option provides BHPB with an exclusive right to elect to earn a 60%

Nautilus-Sentinel CGGVeritas has successfully deployed its Nautilus acoustic positioning and streamer steering system on the Alizé, one of its high-end vessels, has dramatically increased production levels on the first project of the mega 3D seismic program currently being acquired for PEMEX in the Gulf of Mexico. Despite severe winter weather conditions the Alizé, on its first project of the program, has achieved a oneday production record of 117 km2 and has significantly exceeded production targets. This has been supported by the deployment of 12 Sercel Nautilus-Sentinel steered solid streamers and the fact that, with a 12 by 8-km by 100-m configuration, the Alizé is towing one of the largest areal receiver arrays in the industry. Nautilus has dramatically reduced the infill requirements through consistent streamer separations and depth control across the entire spread. The first project in the PEMEX survey program, known as Han Sur-Oeste de Tamil, covers a surface area of 12 300 km2 in the Mexican deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Robert Brunck, Chairman and CEO, CGGVeritas, said: “The Alizé’s deployment of a combination of advanced Sercel Sentinel solid streamers and Nautilus is setting a new benchmark for safer operations, quieter data and better crew efficiency. We are confident that, with the Alizé’s clear competitive technological edge and our advanced imaging capabilities, we will deliver the lowestnoise and highest-quality data to best image the subsalt areas being targeted by this survey program.”


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The Alizé high-end seismic vessels

net participating interest in SC55 through funding the drilling of the two deepwater exploration wells and the reimbursement of Otto’s past costs. BHPB will also be assigned operatorship in the event that it elects to farm in to SC55. If BHBP elects to drill only the first deepwater exploration well then BHBP will transfer back 30% interest and operatorship of SC55 to Otto. Otto recently acquired of 600 km2 of 3D seismic in SC55. These two seismic surveys will allow Otto to establish a comprehensive subsurface understanding of the offshore Palawan permit area and prospects inventory for future drilling programmes.

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SONAR Obstacle Avoidance Sonar


A forward-looking sonar from Guernsey-based Marine Electronics, has been installed aboard a Britishoperated tanker as a major initiative to refine operational safety.

CodaOctopus has received an order from Van Oord for the supply of an Echoscope 3D real time sonar system. The order follows Van Oord’s purchase of Echoscope systems in 2008, which were deployed successfully on the Ras Laffan LNG port expansion project in Qatar.

The See Echo system was developed by Marine Electronics in cooperation with the ship owner to provide a three-dimensional image of the sea up to one kilometre ahead of the vessel. It is now undergoing a trials programme which, if successful, will result in its installation aboard other ships in the company’s substantial fleet. It is intended to provide an extra margin of safety against grounding and is the first application of ground avoidance sonar by a tanker operator which is aiming to set new standards of safety for the industry.

Unlike conventional sonars that look down from the ship and show the seabed directly beneath the keel, the See Echo looks ahead to provide an advance warning of any obstacles. It consists of two arrays that scan the sea ahead through a vertical arc of 20 deg and horizontally through a sector of 90 deg. They are linked by fibre-optic cable to a dedicated high definition touch-screen computer display on the ship’s bridge. The images from the two arrays are combined to create a 3-dimensional representation of the sea ahead that can also be viewed with an electronic chart overlay. The display shows underwater objects and where they are in relation to the ship’s approach and their depth below the surface. The system also provides a movable “camera” viewpoint and is available with the option of target tracking and with a range of up to 1 km Installation of the See Echo on an operational tanker has been prompted by the enormous costs that can be incurred by operators if a ship goes aground or is damaged in such a way as to cause pollution. Despite the comprehensive nature of modern hydrography, uncharted areas are known to persist.

The sonar, built on patented Echoscope technology, will be incorporated into Van Oord’s existing pool of units which are to be used initially for two large scale projects in the Netherlands. In central Amsterdam the Echoscope system is being used to visualise live underwater excavation operations as part of the construction of a new metro station. Situated directly beneath the existing Amsterdam Central Station, the new metro system runs North-South across the city and will carry 200 000 passengers each day. The existing station is built on hundreds of large oak pilings which are to be carefully removed during the construction project. The unique technology of the Echoscope enables the accurate real time 3D visualisation of the pilings during the removal process as well as the dredging of the chamber around them. In Rotterdam the construction of Maasvlakte is part of the Mainport Development Project where the PUMA consortium, consisting of Koninklijke Boskalis Westminster NV and Van Oord NV, has been contracted to build the first phases. In this project, the Echoscope system provides crane operators with critical real time visualisation during the removal of the existing concrete breakwater structure and the construction of replacement walls.

These can be responsible for costly groundings such as that experienced by the QE2 in 1992 when it hit a rocky sea bed that had remained uncharted in busy waters off Martha’s Vineyard, USA. The Sea Echo forward looking sonar


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The See Echo will also

Echoscope placement in crane arm


Go Wider

Intruder Detection

BlueView Technologies has announced that its P900 Series sonar now offers 3 field-of-view options.

Sonardyne International has won a contract worth in excess of €1.5 million with an EU research consortium for the supply of multiple Sentinel Intruder Detection Sonars (IDS).

In addition to the standard 45deg horizontal field-of-view, the P900 Series boasts 90deg and 130deg fields-of-view coupled with improved imagery that increase efficiency, and save you time and money. At 900 kHz, the P900 Series is the ideal sonar for underwater mid-range detection and close-range identification operations. They are specifically designed to increase search rates and effectiveness in zero visibility conditions whether from moving or stationary platforms. While the imaging capabilities and expanded field of view options alone make the P900 Series an industry leader, it is the small size that puts it in a class of its own. The high performance of BlueView’s revolutionary technology in such a compact, low power system and has resulted in

The Sentinels will be integrated into a new maritime command and control network that will combine satellite, sonar, CCTV and other sensor data to protect shipping, ports and harbours and critical infrastructure. This will help guard against a wide range of waterborne threats including those from unidentified ships where the port of call is in question. Sentinel IDS systems are operational worldwide protecting both commercial and military assets, critical energy and civilian infrastructure, VIPs and maritime borders. The system uses advanced sonar technology to provide a 360 degree, below water protection zone that can discriminate between genuine targets such as divers and swimmers and non-threats such as large fish or pleasure craft. Sentinel has been designed specifically for ease of use by security

personnel and to meet the practical requirements of every day use. The Sentinels for the new European contracts will be deployed to protect strategic shipping assets and in several European ports over the next six months to automatically detect, track and classify underwater threats at long ranges. The equipment being supplied will include Sonardyne’s latest sustained immersion sonar head which has been introduced for permanent, maintenance free installation as well as portable configuration Sentinels for rapid deployment from vessels visiting foreign ports. Rob Balloch, strategic development director for Sonardyne said, “We have worked very closely with our EU partners to meet their requirements for a diver detection sonar that will offer high performance in some very challenging operational scenarios.” He added, “The award of this contract demonstrates the strong confidence in both the capabilities of Sentinel and Sonardyne’s ability to provide innovative technology coupled with class-leading project and technical support.”

Sentinel Intruder Detection System

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SONAR SeaBat Contract Aberdeen-based Dynamic Positioning Services has awarded Reson a contract for a SeaBat 7125-ROV dual frequency 200/400kHz, 6km depth rated. This sonar has been acquired for the rental market.

SeaBat 7125-ROV dual frequency 200/400kHz

Dynamic Positioning Services is involved in the sales, rental, calibration and repair of marine electronic equipment for survey, construction, ROV, geophysical and environmental sensors. They carry an impressive inventory and are able to offer a complete service, tailored to its customers’ specific project requirements.

The SeaBat 7125-ROV is a valuable sonar system to the offshore industry and is a market leader in its field. The sonar system operates with a dual frequency of 200kHz or 400kHz with an effective swath angle of 128deg and a very high depth resolution of 6mm due to its beam forming capabilities and individual beam angle of 0.5deg x1.0deg. The SeaBat 7125 features equi-angle and equi-distance amongst other efficiency enhancing features and the system can be mounted on a ROV or installed on any vessel. The Dual frequency provides seamless coverage from 0.5 to 500m depth and is thus ideal for a variety of offshore and hydrographic applications in the North Sea. Ross Macleod, the Technical Director in Dynamic Positioning Services said: “The SeaBat 7125-ROV adds another multibeam system to our family of SeaBats already available from our rental pool. With this latest addition we believe we can now service the offshore market more efficiently for the ever increasing demand for high resolution multibeam systems.”

SeaBat 7112

l Reson has also delivered a SeaBat 7112 system to Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei (WASS) of Italy, part of the Finmeccanica group of companies. The system will be used in conjunction with other WASS and SELEX systems as part of a harbour security system. SeaBat 7112 multibeam sonar system for diver detection consists of a circular array and projector ensonifying a cylindrical volume of water up to 1000 meters range. Designed to detect small targets such as divers with closed circuit re-breather equipment, the systems will track and alert operators of their presence on a geo-referenced map of the area.

Tritech Demonstrates Gemini Imaging Sonar Tritech’s new real-time multibeam imaging sonar, Gemini 720i has received an encouraging response from the industry. Suitable for multiple applications, Gemini’s fast update imaging has already reduced customer operation time in offshore construction work and body search and recovery trials. Launched in September 2009, at the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase, (UUVS), Southampton, sales of Gemini exceeded expectations during the first week of its launch, with a strong order book into this year. Tritech’s continued innovation in multibeam technology will see further expansion of its multibeam product portfolio during 2010, including the launch of a


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deeper rated Gemini and a multibeam profiler. Recent trials carried out in a flooded quarry, used for diver training, demonstrated the image clarity Gemini can achieve as a highresolution imaging sonar. Various underwater targets were identified from submerged objects, including a Hawker Hunter fighter aircraft, where the benefits of Gemini’s long range detection made targets visible past 120m. To support these innovations, Tritech continues to invest in its staff to foster and grow expertise within the company. Matt Winfield, newly appointed Survey Business Development Manager, is a recent

addition to Tritech’s technical sales, bringing with him many years of experience using multibeam sonar technology as an offshore engineer. Commenting on Tritech’s Gemini, Matt said: “I am encouraged by Gemini’s performance having worked with some of Tritech’s customers to conduct field trials with the sonar; its ability to dramatically reduce operations time, compared to traditional mechanically scanning sonar technology, is proving to be of real benefit to our customers.” Tritech has also recently appointed a Product Line Manager for Acoustic Imaging, Ben Grant. Ben is involved in the long-term development of Gemini as well as the Company’s established mechanical scanning sonar range. Ben

Sentinel Upgrades Sonardyne International Ltd has announced the completion of a programme of trials that has resulted in several new specification changes to its market-leading Sentinel Intruder Detection Sonar (IDS) system. Sonar processing and algorithm enhancements have extended the system’s ability to detect, track and classify potential underwater threats up to a class-leading 900 metre range in both shallow water and in complex environmental conditions. Achieving the balance between longer ranges and the higher risk of false alarms has been a key objective for the development team and one which trials data verifies has been achieved. During the same period, Sonardyne’s new underwater loudhailer ‘Scylla’ has completed final testing and will be delivered to its first customer, an undisclosed European navy, in October 2009. Scylla is claimed to be the world’s first fully integrated non-lethal acoustic countermeasure to be offered with an IDS and operated autonomously within the system user interface. When a diver reaches a pre-set distance from a protected asset, for example a yacht or port entrance, Scylla automatically transmits a pre-recorded audio message through the water to deter the would-be intruder. Should the warning be ignored, further stagedmessages can be played. Live messages can also be broadcast allowing security personnel to respond to any situation unfolding before them. and the wider team also offer support and training from the dedicated centre at Tritech’s Westhill offices, complete with full test systems for practical work. For more information on the Gemini 720i imaging sonar, please contact the Sales Team on +44 (0) 1224 744111 or email: sales@tritech.co.uk. For more information on Customer Training Courses, please contact Ben Grant on +44 (0) 1224 744111 or email: training@tritech.co.uk. Attached images http://halmapr.com/tritech/Gemini2.jpg Image caption Gemini Multibeam Imaging Sonar http://halmapr.com/tritech/mooring_ block.jpg

Due to its small size, light weight and ease of set up, Sentinel has proved itself in service as the ideal portable tool for expeditionary use. Sentinel’s operational flexibility has now been further extended with the availability of a new aluminiumbronze housing designed for permanent deployment and also a complete range of modular deployment systems for jetty and shore installations. The corrosion resistance properties of aluminium-bronze are well known to Sonardyne as the company’s range of vessel-based acoustic positioning transceivers are made of the same material and withstand years of continuous deployment in all waters. Offered as a no-cost option to prospective customers, the first Sentinel sonar with the new housing was shipped to an end-user in September 2009.

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Over recent years, SMD has been gradually planning its next-generation remotely operated vehicle (ROV) system. This would incorporate all the latest technological advances and operational experiences that the company had gained with its Q-series of ROVs. The result is the new Atom. This entry level hydraulic work class ROV is designed to carry out applications that require more power than electric vehicles, yet can operate from a limited deck space, such as drill support work from older rigs or smaller barges. The model supersedes SMD’s Quark and Quasar Compact models while sitting below the medium sized Quasar and flagship Quantum in SMD’s workclass vehicle range. The Atom measures 2m in length and 1.5m in both width and height. It is rated up to 3000m although there are no major issues in the basic design that would prevent it from going deeper. SMD is currently constructing a unit for a client using much of the same componentry, but designed for use in 6000m water depths. “We have listened closely to clients” said Mark Collins, SMD Sales Manager, “and learned a considerable amount about their specific and predicted future demands since we brought out the Qseries vehicles three years ago. We quickly recognised that most common requirements from an operator was an ROV with a small footprint yet retaining the power, toughness and rigidity necessary for full size manipulator work. “We have been able to achieve this favourable size:power ratio in the design by a combination of advanced structural design and component miniaturisation.” The Atom incorporates a small, light Curvetech hydraulic power unit in either 60 or 100hp variants. This feeds hydraulic energy to both propulsion and tooling circuits. “This fully hydraulic system we have engineered, negates the complexity of two independent propulsion and tooling technologies that are commonly found on equivalentlysized electric ROVs,” said Mark Collins


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Aluminium frame covered in a quick-release skin of polypropylene

Seven-function manipulator

Electric pan/tilt camera

Lighting. Six 120VAC250W lights with six optional LED lamps

Control “We have also modified the control system,” said Collins, “incorporating high density electronics to ensure components are as small as possible. This approach has all but eliminated the need for the historical large air-filled control pod that is characteristic of many ROVs. The new pod is a quarter of the size of the old design.” The design employs twin, high-density multiplexers, located in the junction boxes each side of the vehicle. The multiplexers act as network hubs for the processing carried out at the surface, with each subsea component acting as a separately addressable network node. This allows components to assess their operational status and flag any faults that may occur. The twin units function independently to offer redundancy as well as an

5-function heavy duty Grabber

Two multiplexers (one on each side)

exceptional number of spare instrument channels. “This arrangement allows us to switch over in the even of a problem occurring when in the water,” Mark Collins. “If one should fail, we can still carry out a lot of work or at lease recover the vehicle safely. “Because the multiplexers are located in the junction boxes, they are immersed in oil, not in air. The packaging is much smaller and all the input and output connections to the instruments can go straight into ports in the face plates, rather than from the main pod through harnesses to the junction box. The lack of complexity results in increased reliability.


In a strategic departure from the Quasar Compact, the designers have opted for a welded aluminium frame.


Syntactic foam to reduce weight in water

Vertical Curvetech thrusters mounted on the frame and located either side of the ROV

Extensive free space for mounting tooling

Horizontal vectored Curvetech thrusters. The Atom has four in total giving a bollard pull of up to 480kgfweight in water

Hydraulic system. A total of 60hp (45kW) or 100hp (75kW) is available. Up to 36hp (27kW) of tooling power is available as standard

This makes the frame is deceptively light, however, the I-beam gives it rigidity and enough integral strength to hang third party instruments and tools packages on the frame’ “There are four tooling points at the bottom as well as on the back,” said Mark Collins “It is therefore possible to hang half a ton at half a metre off the back of the ROV. The lack of cross-bracing and the use of miniature components keep the areas at the front and sides of the ROV clear for maintenance access” Surrounding the metal frame are resilient quick-release polypropylene crash frames which protect the extremities from impact with subsea structures or the side of the deployment vessel. The Atom has two vertical and four horizontal Curvetech thrusters. The horizontal thrusters are mounted directly on the frame which means that it is possible to remove the buoyancy with the thrusters remaining on the system The ATOM can provide nearly 500kgf of horizontal thrust – at least 50% more than an equivalent sized electric ROV. This is particularly useful in high current operations and there is also the option of diverting all the hydraulic power to tooling.

Tether Management System In association with the new ROV design, SMD has also developed a compatible ultra compact top hat tether management system (UC TMS). This will afford the Atom an excursion of around 250m from its base. Importantly, the new TMS will employ the same proven technology as that used on Quantum and Quasar. In line with all SMD systems, common components will be used, where possible, to ease spare part holding and retain operator familiarity.

“We have used the design experience gained from building over 45 such systems. Like the predecessors, we have continued with the fleeting drum concept,” said Mark Collins. When a cable is reeled off a drum, the point of departure moves from one side of the reel, across to the other side, and back again as the next layer is paid out. This lateral movement across the reel and back is called fleeting. There are, however, considerable benefits in tether management, from the tether leaving the reel at a constant point rather than a laterally moving departure point. In some designs, therefore, this fleeting cable is stabilised by being fed through a device such as a sheave wheel. This can put wear and stress from reverse bending on the umbilical. The alternative approach, which SMD embraces, is a mechanism in which the entire drum fleets, not the cable. This is carried out by locating the drum on a carriage, itself on rollers. In the UCTMS design, the top half accommodates the drum fleeting back and forth. This gives the lower half of the TMS, the necessary space for all the other components necessary to control the management of the tether. Being much lighter than the Quasar Compact has allowed the Atom to use work with either an ultra compact crane launcher or the ultra compact A-frame, both with associated lift winch. The crane launcher and winch package is suitable for sea state three operation and fits within a 20ft ISO container footprint. The A-Frame launcher is suitable for up to sea state six operation and still offers a compact solution, fitting within 30ft ISO container footprint.

The top-hat TMS

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Underwater Vehicles



ROV and Subsea Support Course

Trenching Control System

The Underwater Centre, along with Lochaber College UHI, is set to deliver a brand new qualification specifically to target those living in the local community. It has been designed so that previous subsea experience will not be necessary.

The Aberdeen-based ROV manufacturer Sub-Atlantic Ltd has completed the assembly and integration of a power and control system to an underwater trenching vehicle for CT Offshore of Denmark.

The Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) subsea support skills course was devised and written in just over three months and has been fully accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). A total of eight students will be selected for the course, which is being funded by the European Social Fund, and is due to start at the beginning of next year. The eighteen week course will cover a range of subjects including electronics, ROV systems, fibre optics and lifting equipment. Central to the course will be the hands on experience of flying a vehicle and training in lifelike conditions. Students will be based at The Underwater Centre for 10 weeks and at Lochaber College for the remaining eight. Students who complete the course will then be able to work in the ROV sector which is set to see a significant growth in the next four years, according to a new report from top industry analysts, Douglas Westwood, who have revealed that, following a slow down this year, the ROV industry will be worth $3.2billion by 2014. The ROV Subsea Skills Course is a customised award – a bespoke course which has been specifically designed to meet the needs of The Underwater Centre – and will be the first subsea course offered at Lochaber College. It will build on the existing strong relationship between The Underwater Centre and Lochaber College – the Centre’s students already use the college facilities, such as the Learning Resource Centre. General Manager of The Underwater Centre, Steve Ham, said the course is an excellent opportunity to provide the local community with the opportunity of working in the thriving ROV sector. “The subsea sector will continue to grow over the next few years and this has been underlined by the recent Douglas Westwood report. As oil and gas companies need to explore even greater depths to extract hydrocarbons, there will be an increased need for ROVs,” he said. Lochaber College.


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The £500 000 project, which took just six weeks to complete, was a departure from the normal type of system built in the Aberdeen factory. The tracked vehicle is believed to be one of the most compact systems ever built. Its first deployment will be aboard the dynamically positioned vessel MV Nico working on a wind farm in the UK sector of the North Sea. The bespoke system was designed by CT Offshore and GEO Marine with specialist input on propulsion and advanced control systems from Sub-Atlantic, specifically for operating in the hostile near-shore environment of fast moving, turbid waters. The vehicle uses a

Sub-Atlantic surface transformer running Comanche ROV power train comprising four horizontal and three vertical SPE 250 brushless thrusters. The Sub-Atlantic supplied surface control unit operates subCAN control software for advanced operations and diagnostics down to PCB component level and employs a specialist survey pod for control and diagnosis of the survey sensor suite. Sub-Atlantic built hydraulic power units, motor and compensators were also integrated into the vehicle. CT Offshore cheif executive officer Paw Cortes said: “We chose Sub-Atlantic Ltd as our preferred partner in this project because of their vast experience in finding creative solutions to sustained operations in unusual and extreme environments. The willingness and ability of Sub-Atlantic engineers to think ‘outside of the box’ made it an easy decision for this joint venture.”

Observers Subsea Tech has delivered four Observer mini ROVs to the Gendarmerie Maritime (French Coast Guard). Two will be used in le Havre harbour while the other pair will be used in Marseille. The vehicles are to be used mainly for commercial ships hull inspection but could be also involved in various investigation and expertise missions. training session was organised last year in Marseilles and allowed the gendarmes to get familiar with these new tools which shall allow them to save a significant operational time. The Observer measures 17.7 inches long, and can operate in 500ft water depth at a speed of 3.5kts. In its standard version, it is equipped with two high definition/high sensitivity cameras, and can carry, in addition, a mini sonar (Tritech Micron DST or equivalent), a two-function manipulator. The whole equipment (vehicle, control console and umbilical) is contained in one single water proof case with a total weight of 45 lbs.

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Thickness Gauges Dorchester (England) -based, Tritex NDT has launched its new Multigauge 4000 Series ROV thickness gauges for mounting onto most work class vehicles. The range includes the Multigauge 4100 and Multigauge 4400 which are for use in depths of 1000m and 4000m respectively. These new products mean that pipelines, pilings and subsea structures can now be easily inspected in shallow and deep water applications, and without the need for using divers. They use Multiple Echo to ensure coatings do not have to be removed, only the metal substrate is measured. Additionally, they have intelligent probe recognition (IPR) and automatic measurement verification system (AMVS). The gauges have either an RS422 or RS232 output. To accompany the Multigauge 4000, Tritex have developed communication software, for use on a PC or laptop, to display and record the measurements and associated data such as the time and a descriptive label if required. Templates can be set up to store measurements in a grid, string or combination of both.

Multigauge 4000 ROV thickness gauges

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Underwater Vehicles



Hugin Portable A HUGIN 1000 portable AUV system was recently demonstrated to the Korean navy. The portable AUV system is fully containerized into one 20ft ISO container for storage, battery management, vehicle maintenance and launch and recovery (LAR), and one 10ft ISO container for mission planning, vehicle checkout, mission execution, and post-mission analysis (PMA). This advanced AUV system covers a wide range of operations like MCM, REA, route survey and high-quality bathymetric mapping surveys in areas of interest. The main advantage of the HUGIN AUV is its small overall system footprint. This is primarily due to the multi-function 20ft container, providing AUV storage, shipping, maintenance, battery charging, launch and recovery facilities, and furthermore due to compactness of the 10-foot operations container, with only two operators needed for the entire operation. The system allows fast and easy mobilisation onto vessels

The AUV in its 20ft container Inset: Installed on a Krean Navy vesse


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of opportunity due to ISO containerisation, well-defined and simple interface points, and the selfsufficient nature of the system. The entire system fits on a standard truck, and can use all standard shipping methods, including overnight airlift to anywhere in the world. AUV operations are run directly from the 10ft ISO container, with no need to tie into a ship’s systems or internal spaces. In the portable system, a Kongsberg High-Precision Acoustic Positioning (HiPAP) 350 system and a tow-fish transducer for acoustic communication are included, as well as a Kongsberg SeaPath system for accurate ship reference position and attitude. The 20ft container includes a twostage LAR “stinger” (hydraulically controlled hinged ramp) which allows AUV operations from vessels with a stern freeboard of up to 5m. Both ISO containers are insulated and equipped with heating systems to enable operations in Arctic environments, as well as air condition system for operations in tropical climate.

Recent Demonstrations The HUGIN 1000 Portable AUV System was recently demonstrated in Korean waters. The operations were carried out by Kongsberg’s AUV Department in close cooperation with the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) in the Republic of Korea (ROK). The sea trials took place southwest of the city of Busan and covered both search for mines in shallow water and REA in deeper waters. The HUGIN AUV executed all test dives autonomously without problems in up to sea state 4. It took one week, from start of transportation in Horten to the HUGIN 1000 first touched the Korean waters, which is quite fantastic, Svein Otto Schjerven, Manager S & M HUGIN AUV`s explains. He continue; “ The first operation of this kind with the HUGIN 1000 system was a great success, and demonstrated fully the capacity of such an AUV system.”

Remus Australian Marine Ecology Pty, Ltd. has purchased an Iver2 autonomous underwater vehicle from OceanServer Technology. This vehicle, equipped with OceanServer’s new dual port camera system, will be used in a broad range of upcoming research initiatives that include coral reef mapping in shallow lagoon habitats of the Lihou Reef in the Coral Sea. Other reef work will include ongoing monitoring and measurements of the coral bleaching and crown-of-thorns starfish. The vehicle will also collect data to better examine habitat conditions and mapping of marine protected areas, as well as for design of seabed infrastructure. The Australian Marine Ecology personnel spend up to one hundred days in the field each year, including hundreds of hours underwater in a variety of environments and conditions. The scientific team is one of the most active in southern Australia, and is heavily involved in underwater surveys for fisheries, environmental impact assessment, and ecological research. The Iver2 AUV will be another critical asset for the organization, along with fully equipped laboratories, a scientific diving team, ROV, and a variety of instrumented surface vessels already offered by Australian Marine Ecology. The Iver Platform All Iver2 AUV models come standard with OceanServer’s VectorMap Mission Planning and Data Presentation tool, which provides geo-registered data files that can be easily exported to other software analysis tools. This unique software design, coupled to a growing variety of sensors, has enabled OceanServer to carve out a strong position in the research space for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. The VectorMap program can input NOAA ENCs or any geo-referenced chart, map or photo image, allowing the operator to intuitively develop AUV missions using simple point-and-click navigation.

SAUV Tectonic Detector Falmouth Scientific Inc (FSI) has supplied a Solarpowered Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (SAUV) to the University of Tokyo for use in monitoring tectonic plate movement. The SAUV was delivered through SEA Corporation, FSI’s representative in Japan. The SAUV is a compact, man-portable AUV designed for autonomous operation for long periods (weeks to months) without requiring maintenance, servicing, or recharging. The vehicle can be pre-programmed to submerge to depths down to 500m, to transit to designated waypoints, or to operate on the surface during conditions suitable for battery charging via solar energy input. With a square metre of solar panels, the SAUV can collect from 300 to 900WHrs/ day and carries 2.4KWHr on-board, rechargeable batteries, providing sufficient power for extended missions with large user payloads and frequent communications. For this project, the SAUV has been equipped with a specialised transducer to receive precise slant range data from seabed-mounted transponders along with an RTK GPS, IXSEA PHINS motion reference unit and a TRDI WorkHorse ADCP. The SAUV provides the large payload capacity and stability that make this project possible. The combination of precise data from the underwater transponders, RTK GPS, and IXSEA MRU will allow researchers to monitor tectonic plate movements on the scale of millimetres per kilometre.

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Autosub Long The driving vision for the programme has been to provide marine scientists with the tools to probe the most challenging environments. Since 2001, Autosubs have brought back unique information from under floating ice, first from under sea ice in the Antarctic and Arctic, and then later from under floating glacial ice in the Antarctic. “In doing so, we have arrived at the beginning of a new era for glaciologists and polar oceanographers,” said Prof. Gwyn Griffiths, head of the Underwater Systems Laboratory, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. “Today, we are faced with the challenge of delivering longer missions under ice, and doing so with a very high degree of certainty of completion. “We have also achieved another part of the driving Autosub vision: that of deep-diving. With a depth specification of 6000m, the latest

member of the Autosub family of vehicles, the Autosub6000, is now a proven Deep Ocean Geological and Geophysical-Instrumented Explorer (DOGGIE). With three engineering trials completed, and information gathered using its swath bathymetry and other sensors already published, Autosub6000 will underpin science cruise to the Cayman Rise in March 2010.” However, not until now, has technology made it possible to tackle the Dolphin concept. This is an acronym for the Deep Ocean Long Path Hydrographic INstrument, where the challenge has been to combine the deep-diving capability of Autosub 6000, with a 6000km, in one vehicle range. Called the Autosub–Long Range, this target range exceeds that of the longest endurance propelled underwater vehicles of today – buoyancy-engined undersea gliders

Operations “We have looked at a number of potential of science missions that could be achieved with the Autosub– Long Range,” said Prof. Griffiths. “These illustrate the key attributes of the new vehicle, which will undergo its first engineering sea trials in January 2011 and be available for science missions from April 2012.”

Map of Drake Passage

Example Mission: Crossing Drake Passage Monitoring the variability in the Antarctic circumpolar current is most readily achieved at choke points, such as the Drake Passage. Repeat hydrographic surveys from research ships are primarily made during the austral summer; measurements during winter are few. Lagrangian profiling floats are wafted through, with current jets of 1m/s-1 not unusual. For the same reason, Continued Overleaf

Range predictions based on outline design (km) vs. speed (ms-1) with hotel powers of 1W (blue trace), 2.5W (red trace) and 5W (magenta).

Under-ice missions


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At moderate speeds the range is strongly sensitive to the AUV speed, and at lower speeds it has a high sensitivity to the hotel power used. Ranges in excess of 6000 km are possible with tight control over sensor power.

8000 7000 6000

Range (km)

In the 20 years since the first studies under the Natural Environment Research Council’s Autosub programme were completed, vehicles built by the technical team have contributed to two major marine science programmes as well as several standalone research projects. Over 50 science and engineering papers have been published.

5000 4000 3000 2000 1000


Range Autosub Design After an exhaustive review of technical options and cost, it was decided that the main pressure vessel for Autosub–Long Range would comprise a forged aluminium sphere.

There are limitations necessary in achieving this 6000m diving depth and 6000km range performance envelope. The main such limitation is maintaining low average energy consumption.

the full range of the vehicle is to be achieved.

Modern electronics allow mechanical and electrical systems to deliver the engineering and data acquisition performance required, at minimal power consumption.

While instruments that consume high power are not ruled out, for example those using active acoustics, the average energy used must be sufficiently low if

In situ platforms such as profiling Lagrangian floats with endurance of several years have shown what is possible with specially designed sensors.

Specifications Components Cost


Technical features


500 kg

Propulsion Motor:

Maximum Depth

6000 m

Maximum Range

6000 km

Magnetically coupled d.c. electric motor with gearbox housed at 1 bar pressure. Operating from 2 W to 50 W output with overall ~ 50% efficiency over full power range.

Speed range

0.3 to 1.4ms-1

Main Pressure

Typical power:

0.6 W

Sensor energy use

0.4 W

2 of 711 mm diameter forged aluminium sphere with equatorial ring for connector ports. Mass to displacement ratio of 730 kg m-3 with an internal volume of 0.142 m3.

Onboard energy:

68 MJ

Energy and Power Source

40 kg of primary lithium thionyl chloride cells, delivering 68 M Joule at the operating power. Cost of £7000 per pack. Additional buoyancy: High performance syntactic foam with a density of 570 kg m-3 as on the Isis ROV.

Control system hardware:

Magnetically coupled d.c. motor driven stern plane and rudder. Vehicle is highly directionally stable, hence motors can have low duty cycle, saving energy.

Control system software

Data handling and communications modules hosted on Marvel PXA270 running at 104 MHz, with Windows CE operating system. Low-level control system using PIC controllers and I2C bus.

Main control, navigation

Fitted sensors: Seabird SBE 52 CTD. RDI Teledyne 300 kHz ADCP.


GPS on surface. Dead Reckoning using TCM5 flux gate compass, RDI Teledyne 300 kHz ADCP. Seabird Digiquartz used for depth sensing. ADCP beams used for constant altitude mode operation and collision avoidance.


Two way Iridium satellite communications for science data download, mission and configuration upload.

Relocation backup

ARGOS beacon (in addition to Iridium system).

Max. payload volume 30 litres Max. payload weight

10 kg in water

Drag coefficient (vol2/3) 0.040 Propulsive efficiency


Long endurance missions also mean that the instruments should show minimal changes to their calibration.


AUV Speed




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Autosub Long Range crossing Drake Passage would be challenging for undersea gliders, especially if the need was to keep to a set course, for example to travel beneath a satellite altimeter track.

masses between the North Atlantic ocean and the Arctic ocean through the Nordic Seas between Greenland and NW Europe need to be better understood.”

With a depth rating well in excess of the 4500m maximum depth in Drake Passage, an endurance that would enable a 2500km round-trip mission from the Falkland Islands to Elephant Island, and the ability to speed up to 1.5m s-1 to reduce the effect of crosstrack currents, the Autosub-Long Range is well suited to this task.

“Ice thickness is more challenging to estimate from satellite measurements than ice extent, and there remains a need for extensive in situ measurements, which can be made from autonomous underwater vehicles using upward-looking sonar.

In this application the primary sensors would be a conductivity temperature and depth (CTD), such as the Seabird SBE41CP. Results from six recovered profiling floats showed very low drift for this class of instrument (less than -0.003 in salinity and -0.002 °C) over 2–6 years. In addition, an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) would provide AUV-referenced velocity, which, with absolute measurements when on the surface and near the seabed could be processed as a lowered ADCP to obtain throughwater column absolute velocity profiles. Low power consumption optical sensors, such as a fluorometer for chlorophyll, an optode for dissolved oxygen, radiometers and backscatter sensors could also be carried.

Example Mission: Crossing the Arctic Ocean “The Arctic ocean is changing, reduced summer sea ice extent being most visible. Changes beneath the surface are less obvious, but no less important,” said Prof. Griffiths. “Ocean acidification will first impact high latitudes, as the waters become understaurated with respect to calcite and aragonite. This will have consequences for marine calcifiers including cold-water coral reefs. Variability in the exchanges of water


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“Access to the Arctic ocean today involves complex logistics and ice-strengthened vessels. The next decade may see extensive use of autonomous vehicles in the Arctic, as sub-ice navigation infrastructure across the basin becomes available. The Autosub–Long Range could contribute to a major research effort by enabling measurements under ice across the entire basin. The 3500km from Svalbard to Barrow, Alaska is well within the planned endurance of the vehicle.” With an average of 10W of power available for this mission, the vehicle’s sonars would be able to make ice thickness and water depth observations every 10m along its track, as well as a host of water column measurements.

Example Mission: Mid-Oceanic Ridges The Mothra hydrothermal field, Endeavour segment on Juan de Fuca Ridge 3, has a number of vent site locations within the axial valley, at a depth of about 2270m. Temperature anomalies in the water column were first found in 1986 and subsequent investigations led to the discovery of the vent fields a decade later. An Inter Ridge Working Group on long-range exploration has been set up to establish how autonomous underwater vehicles might lead to systematic exploration for hydrothermal sites. The Autosub–Long Range is one of the vehicles being considered by the Working Group for this task.

Example Mission: Spatial Variability The last decade has seen a reinforcement of the need for multidisciplinary measurements from moored deepwater reference stations. The international OceanSITES programme coordinates more than 60 time-series stations in a global network. Since 2002 NOCS has supported a deepwater mooring on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain – PAP. It examines complex oceanic processes from the surface to the seafloor by making measurements on the biological, chemical and physical conditions. Some data are transmitted in near real-time via satellite, allowing scientists to observe and hence understand shortterm variability in the physical processes, ecosystem dynamics and nutrient cycling. Other data is recorded on instruments and retrieved on regular refurbishment cruises. Observatories such as PAP provide invaluable time series at one location. Interpretation of some of the data from such a single location can be helped by knowledge of the ocean environment surrounding the mooring. Such information could be gathered by sensors on a Autosub– Long Range. The mission could start from Bantry, Ireland, 600km to the northeast of PAP, avoiding the need for a supporting research ship. The vehicle would take 14 days to travel to PAP, with enough energy for over 100 days on site, before travelling back to ‘refuel’. “Not constrained to follow a glider’s saw-tooth depth profile, the Autosub–Long Range could perform area surveys at fixed depths or on isopycnal surfaces, as science requirements may specify, with a suite of physical and biogeochemical sensors,” said Prof. Griffiths. “The vehicle would be able to make measurements from the sea surface to the seabed at 4800m.”

Subsea Awareness Course 15th – 19th February 2010 Karri Room, Parmelia Hilton Hotel Mill Street, Perth, Australia This five-day Course has been designed to be suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to the offshore industry, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology.

Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learnt. In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products destined for subsea service.


Day 1. A.M. 09.00 – 12.30

General Introduction to the Subsea Sector Overview:

• Why subsea? • What other options are available, including option evaluation and selection? • Examples of different systems used on existing fields. • What are the current design philosophies and the technology drivers?

Subsea development options • Single well tieback. • Template. • Cluster/manifold etc.

Day 2 . 09.00 – 16.30

Subsea Wellheads/Trees Getting to Know the Technology and Terminology • Drilling vessels • The basics of drilling a well • An overview of key components and their methods of operation • Xmas tree applications • Completion risers Tea/coffee

Wellhead Systems

• STM-15 wellhead system overview • STM-15 wellhead installation animation


Components of subsea systems ‘building blocks’

• What is the purpose of each and how do they fit into the overall system?

Development areas:

• Deep water/ultra deep water • Complete subsea solutions

12.30 Lunch 13.30 – 16.45

Flow Assurance

• Understanding the nature of fluids • Thermal management of subsea systems • Deep and Ultra deepwater development. • Seabed Processing. 16.45 Day end

18.00 Course Dinner

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

Tree Systems

• HXT & VXT system overview • HXT & VXT installation and tooling overview • HXT installation animation • VXT installation animation

Day 3 . 09.00 – 16.45

Day 4 . A.M. 08.30 – 12.00

Subsea Control Systems Introduction.

Installation Introduction. Field Architecture Overview:

• Overview, what does the control system do.

Types of Control System • Advantages/disadvantages of each type. Tea/coffee

Typical Equipment

• Hydraulic Power Unit, Electrical Power Unit, Master Control Station, Subsea Control Modules.

Subsea Options

• Hydraulics, Electrics, Umbilicals, Sensors.

Operator Interface

• Master Control Station, functionality and options.


• Technology Drivers 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch



• Design • Manufacture • Project Uses

Templates Manifolds and Connections


Connection Systems

Subsea Control Fluids

16.30 Day end

• The control fluid as a component of the system. • Anatomy of a control fluid. • Environmental impact. 16.45 Day end

SUT reserves the right to change /amend the programme as it sees fit.

Presenting Companies Include:

Day 5. A.M. 09.00 – 12.00

• Subsea Tieback • Subsea Floater

Installation Vessels

• Vessel Types • Positioning • Critical Success Factors

Site Visit to: Aker Solutions Facility Anderson Place, Perth Airport 12.00 Lunch


• Structure Types & Installation • Foundations, Types & Installation • Critical Success Factor

Pipelines - Flexibles

• Flexible Types • Critical Success Factors • Installation methods

Pipelines – Rigid

• Flexible Types • Critical Success Factors • Installation methods

Tie Ins

• Rigid Spools • Flexible Jumpers • Flying leads • Critical Success Factors 12.00 Lunch

13.00 16.00

Risks, Reliability & Availabilit bility

• Basic background • Predictions and Modelling • Design Techniques • Practical Reliability Tea/Coffee

Angel Case Study 16.00Course end.

13.00 – 16.45 Remote Intervention


• Safety. • Current Environment • Technology Drivers. • Water Depth.

Remote Intervention Systems

• Tooling Standards. • Interfacing. • Component Replacement systems • Connection systems. • Diverless Pipeline Repair.

ROV Technology

• Introduction. • System Types. • Typical System Components. • Operational systems and capabilities. • Launch and Recovery systems. Tea/coffee

AUV Technology

• Introduction. • System Components. • Capabilities. • Sensors • Trials and Testing.

Diver Intervention

• Air and Saturation Diving • Safety • Diver Tasks. • Support Vessels. 16.45 Day end.

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All details of lecturers and updates to the programme will be provided with the Joining Instructions.





Subsea Products


Products ACS 100 AGR Drilling Services’ riser less mud return (RMR) system has now used on 100 wells. It has also been recently used for the fist time in the Gulf of Mexico. AGR deployed ithe system on Statoil’s Krakatoa well, drilled in water depths of 620m (2060ft). The RMR system was installed on Transocean’s brand new ultra-deepwater drillship Discoverer Americas and used to return drilling mud and cuttings to the surface while the top-hole sec-

tion of the Krakatoa well was drilled. Statoil used the RMR system with a 4-stage pump on their GOM Krakatoa well top-hole section and as a result managed to maintain top-hole stability, circulate through unconsolidated water flow and gas flow formations and managed to push the 22in casing setting depth significantly deeper than had been achieved previously on offset wells. The RMR system was deployed over the side, thus not interfering with direct line rotary table/moonpool activities.

Uniquely Sonardyne Aberdeen rental company, Unique System has added some of the most advanced Sonardyne technology to its inventory with the purchase of a Ranger-Pro Ultra-Short BaseLine (USBL) acoustic positioning system. The company, which has only recently opened its Aberdeen facility, has also bought a number of Wideband Sub-Mini transponders, acoustic release transponders and associated deck command units. The Ranger system offers high performance, survey grade acoustic positioning for tracking ROVs, towfish and as a reference for dynamically positioned vessels. The portable Ranger-Pro package bought by Unique System is intended for the most advanced survey applications and can be temporarily installed on vessels of opportunity. It incorporates Sonardyne’s unique ‘ping stacking’ technology which provides one second position update rates independent of water depth, tracking of up to 10 targets and full ocean depth operating range. The system is compatible with a wide range of industry transponders including Sonardyne’s Wideband Sub-Minis which have recently benefited from an upgrade in operating depth from 3000m–4000m.


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Worldwide Underwater Technology R&D Engineering System Integration Sales Service

t TRIAXUS and FOCUS ROTV t Oceanographic and survey sensor platforms t Instrumentation t NEXUS Fibre optic telemetry systems

Courtesy of IfM-Geomar


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n i k r o s s W e r g o r P 74

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Removable Marker

sOceanology OI 10

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OI 10 Marine Data Management

Oceanology International ‘10 will see the release of the latest version of SeaZone GeoTemporal Editor, an innovative software solution to improve and simplify the management, analysis and presentation of geographic and environmental data where time is an important component. SeaZone GeoTemporal Editor manages tide, current and wave datasets captured from acoustic doppler profilers, together with other oceanographic, hydrographic and meteorological information such as water quality and wind speed data. The software allows the import of custom datasets and links to GIS and external databases, bringing a wide variety of data together for further spatial analysis and improved reporting and decision making. Many organisations face the challenges of capturing, using and managing complex survey and environmental monitoring data, often relying on high end programming expertise and specialist software, which can be costly and inflexible. SeaZone’s GeoTemporal software provides marine surveyors, engineers, scientists, researchers, data managers and consultants with a new generation of tools to navigate and browse environmental data. Through an easy to use interface, users can import, quality control, visualise, analyse and present data from multiple sources. Additional capabilities allow the export of data in open formats for further use in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) .

Saab Seaeye is formally launching its Cougar XTi electric remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Pioneering technology means the vehicle can go deeper, has a smaller launch system, a thinner umbilical, clearer interface, smarter fault diagnostics, easier configuration and tighter piloting. Managing director, Dave Grant sees the innovative new vehicle opening up a whole new market for the concept of a combined inspection and light work-ROV. “Operating to 3000m depth, the Cougar XTi can perform tasks independently, or in support of a construction class hydraulic ROV.” He says it also brings important cost savings in deck space with a compact, single skid solution for the launch and recovery system (LARS). Shrinking the LARS came from a breakthrough by Saab Seaeye engineers who managed to reduce the umbilical from a typical 32mm down to 20mm. The thinner umbilical not only significantly reduces the winch drum size, but offers considerably less drag in the water in strong currents. They achieved the reduction by boosting the voltage from 500V to 3000V with only one power line, rather than two, needed to feed the system. The 800Hz high frequency power distribution system also cuts the size of the ROV’s on-board transformer by 80% and improves the vehicle’s power to weight ratio giving an 80 kg payload at 3000m. Developments

Left: Illustration of GeoTemporal Spatial tools with typical contour and chainage chart plots (right and bottom).


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Other key developments include a fault tolerant system that isolates any failed component and allows the ROV to keep working at its designated task. A greater range of deep water applications is more

Cougar possible with the new Cougar XTi. Pilots get fault diagnostics through a simplified man/machine interface that interprets the fault data for them before clearly displaying the problem and the remedial action to be taken. Clever system integration makes the ROV more software driven than hardware dependent and therefore easier to reconfigure for different operational roles. It means different task-specific tooling skids can be readily added and changed as needed, along with custom designed options for specific operational needs. Such tooling can include manipulator packages, anvil and disc cutters, waterjetting equipment, torque tools, survey packages with camera booms, drill support and IRM tooling.

OI 10


FASTtracka II

A contamination event at a UK water pumping station was successfully detected by the Chelsea Technologies FASTtracka II system. The event was automatically detected using the FASTtracka II, fast repetition rate (FRR) chlorophyll a fluorometer combined with a novel red, amber, green (RAG) algorithm, which has been developed to provide continuous, real-time protection for water supplies at the pre-treatment stage.

The ROV also has a new autopilot system that gives the pilot more precise positioning of the vehicle by automatically holding depth and heading in much tighter parameters than ever before. The Cougar XTi is an upgrade of the long proven Cougar concept, with breakthrough technology introduced from Saab Seaeye’s flagship Jaguar electric work-ROV. “The Cougar XTi opens up a whole new market for the concept of a combined inspection and light work-ROV,” said Grant. “Providing operation to 3000m depth the Cougar XTi can either perform tasks independently or provide support for the work of construction class hydraulic ROVs.”

Brazilian Cougar Specialist contractor, DOF Subsea, has taken delivery of the new 3000mrated Cougar XTi ROV, which will be permanently commissioned aboard a specially built DOF Subsea vessel, along with two hydraulic work-class vehicles.

The Cougar XTi

The vessel has been constructed in Norway and will operate offshore in Brazil for Light Well Intervention. The onboard launch and recovery system (LARS) has been built by ODIM, and includes active heave compensation.

A discharge of Triclosan at a concentration of 22.6 µg l-1 was detected by one of a number of FASTtracka systems within an ongoing evaluation programme, involving UK sites operated by Veolia Water, United Utilities and Scottish Water, plus one site within the US. All FASTtracka II sensors within this trial were installed at the water intake of pumping stations, with natural flora providing the target material for FRR measurements. The RAG algorithm provides a clear display of the water condition and alarms when a contamination event is detected. Since each FRR sequence requires only 2.7ms the system can provide very high temporal resolution (currently set at one acquisition per minute), whilst allowing for use of a very low maintenance, flowthrough arrangement. Using data from the evaluation programme, the RAG algorithm now has been developed to the point where it provides extremely effective rejection of false positives, whilst maintaining high sensitivity to contamination events. Dr Kevin Oxborough presented results from the evaluation programme to a special interest group from UK water companies, at a meeting hosted by Veolia Water. Other features of the system discussed included the self-cleaning design of the sample chamber, the ability to function at high turbidity levels, the extremely high dynamic range and the real-time measurement of chlorophyll a concentration. The potential for using FRR technology for algal bloom detection was also discussed.

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OI 10 Acoustic Modems LinkQuest has shipped a large number of longrange deepwater acoustic modems for seabed seismic monitoring applications. These modems will be used to interface with seismic sensors to monitor offshore oil and gas field reservoirs in large-scale deployments. The company has also delivered a dozen of UWM4000 modems for communication between surface ship/platform and downhole oilfield tools in offshore oil field projects. Another dozen of acoustic modems have been shipped with LinkQuest’s FlowQuest Acoustic Current Profilers. These modems will be used to periodically upload current ensemble data from the FlowQuest systems without the need to retrieve the FlowQuest systems or monitor the current, tide and wave measurements in real time.

LinkQuest has been busy producing its industry-leading underwater acoustic modems in the summer of 2009 and has set a company record to ship 290 SoundLink acoustic modems within 30 days.

Morion Reference

Kongsberg Seatex, the specialist position reference and satellite positioning division of Kongsberg Maritime will present the 5th generation of its Motion Reference Unit at Oi10. The MRU 5+ builds on the already cutting-edge technology employed in previous MRU generations and takes roll, pitch and heave measurements closer to perfection than ever before, with documented roll and pitch accuracy of 0.01deg RMS. Kongsberg Seatex will also exhibit the new position, attitude and heading sensor, Seapath 330+, which is designed specifically for the hydrographic market and other high precision applications where heading, position, roll, pitch, heave and timing are critical measurements. By combining GPS/GLONASS and inertial data, Seapath 330+ provides robust integrity monitoring and more precise operation, particularly in highly obstructed environments.


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A large number of UWM2000, UWM2000H and UWM4000 modems have also been shipped for AUV high speed data communication, submersible command and control, acoustic uploading and other diverse applications in this period.

OI 10

Acoustic Fiobuoy After using time/date Fiobuoys for almost ten years, the Royal Australian Navy’s Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) has successfully trailed Fiomarine’s Acoustic Command model Fiobuoys. After supplying the AHS with six acoustic models, the company now hopes the service will upgrade its entire Fiobuoy fleet.

approximately thirty to forty days.

The Fiobuoys are an all-in-one underwater recovery system that incorporate a release, marker, floatation, retrieval line and line storage. Fiomarine began supplying the system to the AHS in 2000. The original Fiobuoy TD100 models worked by being released at a preprogrammed time and date.

Recently, however, the AHS expressed an interest in trailing the newer Fiobuoy AC100 acoustic command model. Two units were taken to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia. They were tested on seven occasions and worked perfectly each time.

They are predominately used by the AHS for the recovery of bathymetric and oceanographic instruments such as tide gauges and current metres. They are used all around the Australian coastline, with the majority being utilised in Northern waters. Deployment generally lasts

Tide Gauge

Due to government protocol, however, the AHS is required to use at least two methods of recovery for its underwater monitoring instruments. The Fiobuoys are , therefore, commonly used in conjunction with another acoustic release system.

This prompted the AHS to order six new AC100 Fiobuoys for its operations based out of Cairns, Queensland, Australia. The Hydrographic Support Cell based in Cairns are currently in the process of testing the units. Fiomarine hopes the Acoustic Command Fiobuoys will soon become

Valeport has launched the TideMaster, a compact water level recorder.

operation, whilst optional telemetry packages provide capabilities for real time operation.

It is designed for use in a wide range of fixed or portable survey and tide monitoring operations. Suitable for use in fresh or salt water, the TideMaster is highly accurate and can be deployed for up to a year at a time.

As well as recording water level, TideMaster can be provided with an optional ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor to record meteorological data.

Sales Manager, Kevin Edwards, commented, “TideMaster is an extremely versatile and cost effective new product. It replaces the popular Model 740 and whilst it retains the easy to use features of the Model 740, a lot more enhancements have been made with further provision for additions in the future”. Low power consumption, with both pre-programmed and a user selectable sampling regime, allow for up to a year of autonomous

The Fiobuoy AC100 acoustic command model. Two units were trialed in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

the AHS’ primary means of recovery for their underwater instruments.

tool free change of batteries without exposure to the main electronics. A practical and lockable mounting bracket is provided for wall mounting use.

TideMaster can be set up and data retrieved via an optional control/display panel that uses OLED technology, Bluetooth and an SD memory card. Alternatively, it can be plugged into a PC and controlled using Valeport’s Windows based software, TideMaster Express. This allows the user to download and display recorded or real time data from single or multiple gauges. TideMaster is also compatible with a wide range of Hydrographic software and tools on the market. Valeport’s bespoke injection moulded housing is rated to IP67 and allows a

The Valeport Tidemaster

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OI 10 Plankton Counter

Data Buoy

ODIM Brooke Ocean won an order from the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries, by way of the MacArtney Underwater Technology Group, for an ODIM laser optical plankton counter (ODIM LOPC).

OSIL will showcase a number of products including the Shearwater data buoy. Designed to be completely adaptable to a wide range of applications, it can withstand the harshest of conditions thanks to its robust construction. It is part of OSIL’s range of Buoys which provide ideal monitoring platforms for short and long term deployments in ocean, river and coastal applications.

The Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries is an independent research institution specialising in research on the development of commercially valuable stocks of fishes and invertebrates and monitoring of fish assemblages in the European Seas, in the North Atlantic and in the Antarctic Ocean and Management models, fisheries oceanography and climate change. The ODIM LOPC will be integrated with the MacArtney Triaxus towed vehicle. The Institute of Baltic Sea Research will be taking delivery of the ODIM LOPC Spring of 2010. The ODIM LOPC is the next generation in plankton profiling. Its high speed processing and improved detection plane provides detection counts at higher resolutions and higher concentrations with lower coincidence. The system can be installed on various towbody scenarios as well as on the ODIM MVPTM multi sensor free fall fish, enabling vertical real-time water column profiling while underway at speeds up to 12kts


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It is also showing its rapid deployment buoy, designed for use in applications where data needs to be obtained ASAP, for instance where other data collection systems are out of action for short periods of time. This small, lightweight buoy is designed for up to four weeks of constant use and carries a small solar panel with battery backup.

and can be operated to full ocean depth.

The box corer will also be exhibited. This is a reliable double-shovel corer for seabed sampling in biological, chemical and geochemical applications. It provides a large and well preserved sample of sediment

Lastly, it will feature its MiniBAT lightweight tow body that has the capability to carry a variety of payloads from custom supplied packages such as chlorophyll, turbidity and dissolved oxygen packages.

OSIL’s Data buoy

At home in the ocean Easytrak Nexus is the second generation USBL tracking system from Applied Acoustics. With Broadband Spread Spectrum technology at its heart, Nexus has the ability to transfer digital data from subsea to surface, all the while continuing to provide secure and stable positioning information in challenging environments. Versatile, flexible and simple to install and operate, Easytrak Nexus is tracking, made easy.

Nexus USBL Acoustic Tracking System Broadband Spread Spectrum Technology Digital Data Telemetry Multiple Target Tracking

+44 (0)1493 440355




www.appliedacoustics.com UT3 1Q





Posidonia Oceania Posidonia oceanica is species of seagrass endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. It forms large underwater meadows that provide important environmental services to the region and beyond. Sometimes called the ‘Olive Oil of the Sea’, recent research has established a new scientific method for its detection, classification and volume estimation. Simrad Spain has proposed the use of hydroacoustic technology for this purpose. So why is Posidonia vital to the marine ecosystem? “The grass meadow is a ‘climax community’ representing the highest level of development and complexity that a marine ecosystem can reach, said a spokesman for Simrad. “Posidonia in coastal ecosystems plays a major role for several reasons. Thanks to its leaf development, the environment frees up to 20 liters of oxygen per day and per m2 of meadow. It produces and exports biomass both to surrounding ecosystems and to greater depths and provides shelter and breeding grounds for many fish, cephalopods, bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms and tunicates. “It consolidates the seafloor to help offset costs and excessive sediment transport due to coastal currents. It also acts as a barrier, attenuating the force of currents and waves and thus preventing coastal erosion. Finally, it dampens the waves through the layer of dead leaves deposited on the beaches, which protects against erosion, especially during winter storms.” The disappearance of grasslands has negative effects, not only on the micro-ecosystem itself but also on linked ecosystems.


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“Just think that the loss of a single metre of grassland can lead to the disappearance of several meters of beach due to erosion,” said a spokesman. “Furthermore, regression of grasslands involves a loss of biodiversity and deterioration of water quality.”

Research The research on Oceanic Posidonia has seen a major boom in recent years. “The importance of the flora in the marine ecosystem balance has become obvious and is beyond question,” said a spokesman. “Among the underwater flora of our environment the Posidonia oceanica is of special importance. It is a species that has a powerful attraction to be endemic to the Mediterranean and the key to ensuring biodiversity of the seabed. “It is subject to many threats, given the increase in human activities such as chemical spills, discharge of brine from desalination plants, construction of port infrastructure and indiscriminate trawling. In addition, other non-human factors such as the encroachment of invasive species to the Posidonia also pose a threat to their survival. “We must consider the slow processes of growth and recovery of a damaged area. It is estimated that the Posidonia extends through the meadows at the rate of one centimetre per year, so if you try to retrieve a square foot, it would take a century to achieve your goal.” “Until recently, scientists have used methodologies based on diving and capturing video images in their study areas. Current technology has improved the qualitative and quantitative research capabilities, and the application of different hydro acoustic detection systems has provided a variety of information. Documents published by the European

Acoustics Association, highlighted the excellent results obtained in detecting and classifying seabed vegetation by combined application of acoustic methods. They combined a single beam echosounder, which enables classification of the seafloor and its vegetation, a multi-beam sonar, which generates micro-relief, and a side scan sonar, imaging the seafloor reflectivity and thus enabling the spatial classification of seafloor types and vegetation. The data from these systems are merged and processed, resulting in 3D images of the same quality and precision as found in the field of biomedicine. Quantitatively speaking, this technology can work simultaneously with oceanographic parameters. All this information is linked to the presence and quantity of Posidonia. As for the quantitative method, prospecting new technologies allow a wide area of study while minimising data collection time. Thanks to the


The main scientific studies involve hydroacoustic systems. There are three basic technolgies – wide swath bathymetry, side scan sonar and single beam echosounder working simultaneously. The researchers used a GeoAcoustics GeoSwath Plus which made the use of a separate side scan sonar obsolete as it acquires geo-referenced side scan data.

digital storage of all data acquired during the survey, one can make historical databases that allow monitoring of the expansion or reduction in the length of the field of underwater flora. It is possible to study how quality varies over time by comparing contemporary data with the previous sampling. Many scientists emphasise the new possibilities opened by the combined application of different acoustic systems. Each of the systems available, depending on their features, offers various types of information about the flora.

New Methodologies

In an experiment conducted in France by the company in collaboration with TS SEMANTIC GESMA, for defence purposes, the aim was to detect mines hidden in the vegetation. Several systems were combined to cross-correlate the signals from different types of bottoms (sand with and without plants, rocks) with samples obtained at different depths

and with different settings of the systems (transmit power and pulse length between them). Acoustic systems combined in this test were: l A side scan sonar l The GeoAcoustics shallow water wide swath bathymetry system GeoSwath Plus, which simultaneously acquires bathymetry with a swath width of 12 times the water depth and geo-referenced side scan data l The scientific high-precision echosounder Simrad EK60 The side scan sonar shows the reflectivity of the seafloor and discriminates areas where there are plants or sand. The GeoSwath Plus system, however, provides bathymetry and geo-referenced side scan data. Both datasets can be merged to generate a three dimensional image representing the bathymetry and backscatter of the seafloor. This unique feature allows the

correlation of the three-dimensional data with the location and extent of Posidonia meadow areas. The scientific probe records the acoustic pulses to generate a profile of the seafloor. These data are recorded simultaneously with the D-GPS position. Since the sandy areas and vegetation meadows provide different signatures, by applying the algorithm analysis, it discriminates between different types of seafloor. In this first phase, it detects the presence of Posidonia. In that case the system estimates its height and abundance. The presence of Posidonia is limited to the depth to which sunlight reaches, the photic zone, so most of these studies are conducted in shallow water. This, combined with the high resolution of the acoustic systems, generates maps that resemble virtual reality. This methodological concept corroborates that the innovations technology offers give high performance and ensure scientists new and improved ways to study. Moreover, these technologies enable the direct study of large areas with very high resolution, whereas the traditional approach of visual sampling was limited to very small zone and therefore the use of statistical extrapolation. This methodology provides several advantages: the mappings are very precise and there is no need to repeat the survey again and again to compare results. Another advantage is that it significantly reduces the costs of underwater inspections: divers, cameras, videos, etc. A direct scientific application is the fact that the concentration of plants has civil and military uses: the plants can hide mines placed on the seafloor and also alter the performance of the sensors used for detection (especially the laminaria species).

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English Channel Bathymetry SeaZone took a major step forward in December 2009 towards its aim to create a high resolution and accurate bathymetry model of the UK Continental Shelf by completing the first phase of its Bathymetry Improvement Programme for the northern English Channel between South Foreland and Land’s End. The new bathymetry model will become a core reference dataset in SeaZone’s digital marine mapping product, HydroSpatial. With increasing pressure on the marine environment and the requirement to maximise value from existing public sector information


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holdings, the new model in particular and HydroSpatial generally are already proving to be important tools to support offshore renewable energy development, marine planning and policy making. The bathymetry model, believed to be the first of its kind, is created from ‘best available’ digital survey bathymetry data from a variety of different sources. It is being used by British Geology Survey to improve our understanding of sea bed geology and by Cefas (and others) as input to habitat mapping. SeaZone has spent the past three years gathering and digitising data,

going as far as identifying and gaining permission to use and capture survey sheets (also known as fair sheets) stored in archive at the UK Hydrographic Office. In total, SeaZone has invested in the capture of over 400 surveys to create this unique database of the UK’s underwater terrain. The data represents the most detailed water depth data available, either from modern multibeam surveys or single beam surveys dating back to 1970. All of the data used in the work has been collected to the IHO’s International Survey Standard, S-44, and quality controlled at the UK Hydrographic

Office or another competent authority. By using survey data as input, the new model is more accurate than depth data displayed on traditional navigational charts, which is widely known to be coarser in resolution and conservative in depth. To date, SeaZone has collated over 2.2 billion soundings from 5,000 surveys. Accurate area extents and metadata are created for each survey and the metadata published to the MEDIN portal, as well as being used internally by SeaZone and its customers. The data and metadata is used as input to SeaZone’s Digital Survey Bathymetry (DSB) data product and as input to the bathymetry model. From this unique Oracle database, significant resource is invested to create a single seamless surface of sea bed elevation representing the most up to date and dense data available. The work, typically known

as ‘survey de-confliction’, is undertaken using specially designed GIS software developed at SeaZone to read survey points directly from Oracle. The de-confliction work separates the many overlapping surveys against each other based on a number of rules or attributes, most importantly survey age, survey type and sounding density. The result is a set of modified survey extents which are clipped against one another to keep the best available data in full, creating a seamless surface of depth soundings. T he clipped survey extents are used to label each sounding in the Oracle database, with an active or inactive identifier, so that only the active soundings from each survey are used as input into the bathymetric model. The survey extents also form a meta layer, similar to the ‘source data diagram’ on an Admiralty Chart, which is used to identify the age and provenance of the data used in the model. Using SeaZone’s French partner, Geomod, BathySIS software, the de-conflicted sounding data are used to create a triangulated irregular network (TIN) model (using Delaunay triangulation methods), which in turn is used to create a gridded model of varying resolutions. . At a resolution of 1 arc second (or approximately 30m), physical features such as trenches, ridges, sand banks and sand waves are more easily distinguishable, even in areas where only single beam echo sounder data is used as input. By maximising the value of existing data in this way, investment in new surveys, such as those of the MCA’s Civil Hydrography Programme, can be better targeted on priority or unsurveyed areas. As new data becomes available, this can be easily ingested into SeaZone’s database to update the model.

Comparison of the bathymetric model (1arc second grid resolution) created from survey data from nautical charts (above left) and from digital survey data (above right) Left: Deconflicted survey extents overlaid on the bathymetric model of the Solent and waters surrounding the Isle of Wight, (30m grid resolution)

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Polar Research Vessel STX Finland Oy and the South African Department of Environmental Affairs have signed a contract for construction of a polar supply and research vessel. The ship with a value of approximately €116 million will bring some 600 man-years of work. The ship will be built in the Rauma shipyard and it will be delivered in spring 2012. The ship will function as a multi-purpose vessel, serving, among other things, as a supply vessel, research vessel, icebreaker, expedition vessel, as well as a passenger ship. The ice-strengthened vessel will be approximately 134m long and it will have accommodation for a crew of 45 and some 100 researchers or passengers. The polar supply and research vessel will be used to carry scientists and research equipment for the South African National Antarctic Programme in the sea area between South Africa, the Antarctic islands and the Antarctica. The ship can spend several months out at sea and it also acts as a mobile laboratory. Scientists can also conduct various marine research onboard the ship. The ship is classified for carrying passengers. Furthermore, the vessel keeps continuous record of weather data for meteorological institutions around the world. The vessel has a shelter and landing area for two Puma class helicopters and it will feature laboratories, a gym, a library, and a small hospital. Timo Suistio, Director of the Rauma shipyard, said that the trade agreement is of great importance both for STX Finland’s Rauma shipyard and the trade relations between Finland and South Africa in general. “This is one of the biggest individual civil trade agreements the Finnish industry has made with South Africa,” said Suistio. “Furthermore, the agreement will naturally have a positive effect on the employment at the Rauma shipyard. “The design work on the new research vessel will


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commence immediately and the ship will enter production in September 2010. The ship will be delivered to the Owner, the South African Department of Environmental Affairs, in spring 2012.” Henry Valentine, Director: Antarctica and Islands, said that “allocating this level of funding for the new vessel despite the current pressure on the national fiscus reflects the SA Government’s commitment to the South African National Antarctic Programme. “The new ship, apart from its supply function, will be a catalyst to rebuild the deep-sea oceanography capacity in South Africa. This would also attract participation of international scientists and researchers, thus significantly contributing to research projects addressing new challenges and changing interests, for instance, climate change research.”

Main Dimensions Length overall, Length between perpendiculars Breadth, moulded Depth to Upper Deck, moulded Depth to Main Deck, moulded Design draft Deadweight at design draught, Gross Tonnage Service Speed Speed in 1.0 m level ice Passengers Crew Cargo hold capacity Classification Society: DNV Flag: Number of passenger cabins: Number of crew cabins:

134.00 m 121.25 m 21.70 m 13.55 m 10.55 m 7.65 m 5020 t 12 000 14.0 knots 5.0 knots 100 44 4000 m3 South Africa 46 41


Geological Research Vessel Wärtsilä is to design and supervise the construction of a modern oceanographic research vessel for the marine wing of the Geological Survey of India (GSI).

“Wärtsilä has a good understanding of this, as inputs to the design process will be coming from people who have sailed as scientists on research vessels for many years,” says Sandvik.

In addition to design and supervising the construction process, Wärtsilä will be involved in selecting the onboard scientific instruments, and in arranging training for GSI scientists to ensure that the vessel’s capabilities are fully utilised.

A new set of rules apply to the design of this research vessel. The focus is on how the scientific tools perform and on the vessel’s ability to adapt to what she will be expected to explore in the future.

“The new vessel is the third of its kind that Wärtsilä is designing for India,” said Mr Arne Stenersen, Managing Director, Wärtsilä Ship Design in Norway. “The first one, Sagar Nidhi, is already in service and being operated by the National Institute of Ocean Technology. She is expected to support research work in the Indian Ocean and the Antarctic. Sindhu Sadhana, the second vessel, is under construction.”

A New Approach

“It’s an interesting design challenge,” said Sandvik. “She has to be capable of carrying out complicated operations such as handling remotely operated vehicles ( ROVs), supporting manned underwater submersibles and controlling autonomous drills that can drill up to 150m below the seabed

new territory, including regional-level exploration for mineral resources, inputs for engineering projects, and geotechnical, geo-environment, seismotectonics, natural hazards and glaciology investigations. An ocean-going research vessel and two GSI coastal vessels have been carrying out seabed surveys within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), India’s territorial waters and in international waters. GSI’s mandate is to quantify the country’s existing resources and identify new ones.

Wärtsilä were given 120 days to create this totally new design.

“Our designers will take full account of the scientists’ needs,” says Mr Egil Sandvik, Sales Manager, Wärtsilä Ship Design. “Good facilities for handling equipment, laboratories and workshops, ample space for living quarters and meetings, the correct positioning of transducers and last but not least, good levels of comfort.” A high-speed LAN and internet connections will link the vessel’s control rooms, laboratories and accommodation to the outside world. The vessel designers have to reproduce the working conditions enjoyed by scientists ashore.

at depths of a thousand metres – not to mention the collection of seismic data and simple operations such as water and soil sampling. The demands and requirements associated with future tasks always have to be kept in mind.” The new vessel will have accommodation for 69 people. With an overall length of 95m, breadth of 19m, maximum draught of 6m and speed of 14kts, it will have an endurance of 45 days. Completion of the project is scheduled for the first quarter of 2012. Established in 1851, GSI is India’s second-oldest survey company. Right from the beginning, it has been probing

The Sagar Nidhi, in service and being operated by the National Institute of Ocean Technology

Wärtsilä entered the Indian ship design market in 2002. The first contract signed was for a research vessel for the National Institute of Ocean Technology in Chennai. It was launched in 2007. Wärtsilä’s second ship design contract was with the National Institute of Oceanography in Goa. This vessel is currently under construction. In addition to these, Wärtsilä in India has a ship design contract for a diving support vessel - another special design. Contracts of a more standard type include MPSV, AHTS and OSV vessels, all of which are being built in India for different

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Pipelines Helix energy solutions has taken delivery of a new deepwater pipelay vessel. The Caesar departed the shipyard in China in November 2009 for the Gulf of Mexico to join the company’s subsea construction fleet. Caesar is a dynamically positioned (DP2) pipelay vessel capable of laying large diameter concrete coated pipelines in shallow water, and up to 24in diameter pipelines in deep waters. Caesar’s onboard pipeline manufacturing capability facilitates pipelay operations without dedicated onshore infrastructure, making her a cost-effective option in remote areas versus reeled pipelay vessels. In addition, her 300t crane and 450t A-frame are well suited for deepwater installation of inline manifolds and terminals. “The S-lay Caesar will increase the options available to operators who are planning major deepwater subsea construction projects,” said Helix ESG’s Chief Operating Officer Bart Heijermans. “We are very pleased with the performance of the vessel and believe she will be an attractive choice for our customers because of her unique capabilities and competitive cost structure.” Caesar is due to complete transit in January 2010, joining the Intrepid and Express reeled pipelay vessels. Length 146m Transit Speed 13kts Tension 405t A and R winch 405t Pipe Diameter 4–36in Storage Capacity 10 000t Firing line stations 8 Stinger Length 90m Main Crane 300t A-Frame 450t Accommodation 210


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Pipelines Girassol Pipeline Repair Subsea 7 has successfully completion of the Girassol Pipeline Repair Project for Total E&P Angola. The project was an entirely diverless pipeline repair in 1350m water depth and was based on a technical design competition issued by Total which resulted in Subsea 7 being awarded the contract for the design, manufacture, testing and operation of a new deepwater pipeline repair system (PRS).

Pipeline repair system set-up to simulate the connection of the pipeline to repair spool


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The system would then be used on the repair of a damaged 12in water injection pipeline in the Girassol field. Girassol is located approximately 210 km north-west of Luanda, Angola in water depth of approximately 1350m. The PRS system comprises a set of permanent equipment such as the spool deployment frame, rigid spool piece, end connection skids and two mechanical pipeline connectors

together with a suite of ROV deployed or operated tools for preparing and aligning the pipeline prior to the connector installation. The Project management and engineering was performed at Subsea 7’s office in Aberdeen, United Kingdom and the in-country works supported from Subsea 7’s facilities in Luanda, Angola. The offshore operation comprised


PNG LNG for Saipem two separate phases. In the first, the permanent works equipment was installed on the seabed at the damage location. In the second phase, the ends of the damaged pipeline were lifted, prepared and aligned before the mechanical connectors were installed, set and tested with annulus tests onto the previously installed spool piece. Final confirmation of the repair was achieved by a pipeline leak test from the Girassol FPSO which was completed in December 2009. Graham Sharland, Subsea 7’s Chief Operating

ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso Highlands Limited has awarded Saipem the contract for the Papua New Guinea LNG offshore pipeline project EPC2. The scope of work will consist of the engineering, transportation and installation of a 407km-long 34in gas sealine, connecting the Omati River landfall point, on the southern coast of Papua New Guinea, to the onshore point located near the capital town of Port Moresby, on the southeastern coast of the Country, where a new LNG plant will be located. The works also encompasses the shore approach excavation and backfilling at Port Moresby and the trenching and backfilling of a 75km section of the sealine at the Omati River landfall, 25 of which inside the Omati River, where Saipem will use its unique experience and expertise in post trenching methodology from Kashagan project in Caspian Sea. Maximum water depth along the route is approximately 100m. Marine operations will be carried out by Semac 1 offshore vessel. The activities will be completed in the third quarter of 2012. The project is part of ExxonMobil PNG LNG Project to develop gas and liquid hydrocarbon resources located in the southern highlands of Papua New Guinea with LNG exporting facility in Caution Bay, near Port Moresby. In Vietnam, Saipem has been awarded the contract for the Chim Sao Platform and Pipelines Project by PTSC Mechanical and Construction.

Spool Overboarding

Officer – Africa Region said, “We are delighted to have successfully completed this major pipeline repair project for Total. The Girassol repair represents another milestone in deepwater intervention. The solution, developed in-house by Subsea 7, has the potential to be used in a range of Life-of-field applications as the equipment and technology is fully transferable. We look forward to many successful similar projects.”

The contract, assigned in the framework of the development of Block 12W by Premier Oil Vietnam Offshore, encompasses the transportation and installation of one wellhead platform and of subsea pipelines, umbilical and PLEMs (pipelines end manifolds), in addition to the detailed engineering for infield pipelines. The Chim Sao field is located about 300 kilometres off the southern coasts of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, in approximately 95 m of water depth. Marine activities will be carried out mainly by Castoro 8 offshore vessel and will be completed in the second quarter of 2011.

Total E&P Angola stated: “For Total E&P Angola it was essential to repair this damage which could have resulted in lower performance in drainage of the reservoir. The Branch contributed a lot for this project, in particular on the manufacture of the largest structures eg, the spool deployment frame (SDF).

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Pipelines Pipelines

Aseng Technip has been awarded a lump sum contract by Noble Energy EG for the development of the Aseng field, located in Block “I” offshore Equatorial Guinea, at a water depth of approximately 1000m. Technip’s scope includes engineering, supply, installation and pre-commissioning of the 30km flexible pipe system, including six flexible risers, and flexible flowlines and jumpers. The contract also comprises the installation of the subsea production system, including manifolds, flying leads and umbilicals. These umbilicals will be fabricated by Duco, Technip’s wholly-owned subsidiary in Houston, Texas, under a separate contract. Technip’s operating center in Paris, France, will execute this contract. All flexible pipes will be fabricated at the Group’s plant in Le Trait, France. Offshore installation is scheduled to be carried out mid-2011 using the Deep Pioneer, one of Technip’s deepwater construction vessels.

Pipelines The Australian office of Fugro GEOS has been awarded a contract by Woodside Energy Ltd to undertake a year-long metocean study along the proposed pipeline route for the Browse LNG Development which will run from the gas fields to the planned Kimberley LNG Precinct at James Price Point, about 60 km north of Broome in Western Australia. “This is a major contract for our new Australian office, we are very pleased to be working with Woodside on this significant project,” explains Mark Wimshurst, Australian Manager of Fugro GEOS. “Our role will be to undertake metocean measurement studies along the entire length of the proposed pipeline route from the fields to the proposed LNG Precinct.” The contract covers an onshore meteorological measurement programme and a nearshore and offshore metocean measurement programme. A 30m meteorological tower will be installed onshore to measure meteorological parameters and air quality in order to establish onsite baselines. Data from all the sensors on the tower will be transmitted by Iridium links and uploaded to a secure website for retrieval by the client. The nearshore and offshore programme calls for the deployment of approximately 20 current meter moorings installed at between 8m and 200m water depths as well as two Fugro OCEANOR Wavescan buoys (with dual met masts and log-


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Cables and Umbilicals

Cables and Umbilicals Windfarm Cables Cable contracts have been placed by the consortium of DONG Energy, E.ON and Masdar, which is currently building the world’s largest offshore wind farm in the Thames Estuary. The London Array wind farm is being installed on a 233 km2 site located around 20km off the UK coast. It will be connected by subsea export cables to an onshore substation at Cleve Hill, on the North Kent coast. From the substation, the electricity will be fed into the existing 400kV transmission network Construction is taking place in two phases: the first phase of 630 MW, consisting of 175 turbines and 2 offshore substations will be installed in water depths of up to 23m some 20km (12 miles) from the Kent and Essex coasts in the outer Thames Estuary. This expected to be completed and generating in 2012; The future second phase will add capacity to bring the total to 1000MW and will supply enough power for around 750 000 UK homes.


Nexans has won a contract worth approximately €100 million to design, manufacture and supply the high voltage (HV) subsea power export cables that will connect the London Array wind farm to the UK grid. The power export cable contract comprises the design, manufacture and supply of four 150 kV XLPE submarine power cables to be laid in parallel, each 53 to 54km in length, with three copper core conductors with a cross-section of 630 mm2 for the main length and 800mm² at each cable end. Nexans will deliver two of the cables in 2011, and two in 2012, all being delivered in single continuous lengths from Nexans’


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factory in Halden. The cables will also incorporate fibre optic elements manufactured at the Nexans factory in Rognan, Norway. In addition, the contract also includes the cable accessories such as repair joints and terminations. “This new contract is the result of several years of Nexans involvement in the offshore wind sector in general and in the UK in particular. We are happy to demonstrate once again with this major contract Nexans’ ability to provide key cable solutions for a better deployment of wind farm infrastructures“, says Krister Granlie, Managing Director of Nexans’ Umbilicals & Submarine High Voltage Business Group. High voltage cables for typical offshore projects are usually produced in one single length of about 50 km long – which requires specific industrial know-how and manufacturing

technology - and they can weigh up to 120 kg per meter of cable according to the conductor cross-section. A single cable can weigh up to 7000t. Over the past few years, Nexans has demonstrated its expertise through participation in many offshore wind farm projects worldwide: Barrow, Horns Rev, Lynn and Inner Dowsing, Wolfe Island, etc.

JDR JDR Cable Systems were awarded the contract for the supply of subsea power array cables The scope includes the engineering, design and manufacture of over 200km of 33kV array cables complete with proprietary hang-off and termination systems providing the essential link between individual wind turbine generators, wind turbine generator arrays and the offshore substations. The cables will be produced in 2010 and 2011.

Cable Contract LS Cable has completed the first-in-Korea submarine cable factory in Donghae City, Gangwon Province. It will fabricated a new 250kV submarine cable line connecting Jeju Island and Jindo Island, a distance of about 105km. LS Cable received the KRW 330 billion order for the direct current connection project from KEPCO in February 2009. Installation will begin in May 2010 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2011.

With this project, LS Cable is planning to establish internal engineering and construction methodologies with which it intends to enter overseas markets including Europe and SouthEast Asia. Due to strong technological barriers, the high-voltage submarine cable market has been dominated by a few European companies, so Korea previously had to import the high-tech cables. LS Cable is now planning to develop new products by 2013 including a 500kV submarine cable as well as an umbilical cable that can transfer even gas and water.

Shore-End Plough Tyco has deployed a new, topof-the-line shore-end plough in a recent cable landing operation. The plough, which enables continuity of burial from beach to deep water, provides enhanced efficiency and shallow water burial capability without the need for manual diver jet burial.

Prysman Prysmian has been awarded an €18 million contract by the Danish utility DONG Energy to supply a complete 132 kV export cable system for the second phase of the Walney Offshore Wind Farm project, in the Irish Sea.

“The new shore-end plough was an essential tool in our recent operation and resulted in a seamless and

efficient cable landing,” said James Herron, managing director at Tyco Telecommunications. It is part of an upgrade programme to equip every vessel with a complete set of tools, cable ploughs and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), to provide multi-mission flexibility fleet-wide. The new plows are capable under suitable conditions of trenching and burying submarine cable to a depth of 3.0m in down to 2000 m of water depth.

This project is expected to be completed by summer 2011. The second phase of the Walney project consists of the expansion of the existing wind farm structure through the construction of 51 new turbines, which will generate an extra 183 MW power. In particular, Prysmian is involved in the design and supply of a submarine and land cable system, which will connect the offshore wind farm to the mainland power grid. The submarine cables will be manufactured at the Prysmian submarine cables factory based in Arco Felice, Italy, and the land cables at the factory based in Wrexham, Great Britain.

Tyco has deployed a new, top-of-the-line shore-end plough

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Subsea Projects


Renewables Wind Turbine Installation Vessel

GustoMSC is to build a wind turbine installation jack-up vessel for an undisclosed client. It will be the largest of its kind serving the wind turbine Installation market. The NG-9000CHPE is intended for use in water depths of up to 45m in a North Sea environment. The vessel will be able to undertake high speed fully loaded voyages to the installation site. She is equipped with a DP-2 dynamic positioning system for positioning at site.

An accommodation deckhouse suitable for 90 persons is located on the forward end of the vessel. A helicopter landing deck suitable for a Sikorsky S92/ S61N or Super Puma AS 332L2 is provided on top of the accommodation deckhouse. Central to its operation is a 800t heavy duty offshore crane developed by GustoMSC. The GLC-800ED crane combines a high capacity & high outreach with a short minimum radius, is located on top of the portside aft jack-house and revolves 360deg unrestricted around the leg. The four legs with the continuous speed GustoMSC jacking system


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and the diagonal pre-loading allow for easy and fast installation. Propulsion for transit is provided by three propulsion azimuth thrusters of 3500kW, together with another three tunnel thrusters of 1750 kW. These provide thrust for station keeping with a DP-2 dynamic positioning system. Transit speed approximately 12 kts. The main deck is locally reinforced for the transportation of wind turbine parts or other heavy components. In addition the vessel has the ability to work in the offshore oil and gas sector. The vessel features a 6,500 ton variable load capacity. The vessel is equipped with the GustoMSC 9000C continuous hydraulic positive engagement jacking system. It has a maximum jacking capacity of 5300t ft per leg and a maximum holding capacity of 9000t ft per leg. The delivery is scheduled for early 2012. This project is a continuation of a cooperation between DDW-SEA and GustoMSC. Since 2005, it has designed and built four SEA-2000 construction jack-ups, four CJ46-X100D drilling jack-ups, two service jack construction / decommissioning jack-ups and one SEA-2750 multi-purpose jack-up.

Principal dimensions Hull length 130.8m Hull width 39m Hull depth 9m Hull draft 5.6m Leg length max 81.50m

Main hoist 800t @ 24 m Minimum outreach 18 m Whip hoist (manriding) 50t @ 90 m Minimum outreach 21 m Power generation 4 diesel generator sets of 4320kW 1 emergency diesel generator set of 600 kW

Operating condition Significant wave height 1.8 m Wave peak period 4.0 – 10.0 Wind velocity 14m/s Current velocity 2kt Elevated survival condition Significant wave height 10.8m Wave peak period 13.5s Wind velocity 41m/s Current velocity 2.5 kn Classification DNV 1A1 Self-elevating Wind Turbine Installation Unit CLEAN DESIGN, CRANE, DYNPOS-AUTR, E0, HELDK, NAUT-OSV(A), OPP-F

Heerema Hartlepool, one of the fabrication locations of Heerema Fabrication Group (HFG), has been awarded a contract to fabricate and load out two substation platform topsides for the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm by AREVA T&D UK Ltd on behalf of owners Statoil (formerly StatoilHydro) and Statkraft. Earlier this year Heerema Hartlepool, in tandem with sister company HFG Engineering, successfully completed an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract for the UK’s first offshore windfarm substation, which was loaded out and positioned off the east coast of England in September. Securing this latest project will safeguard employment at the Hartlepool facility, which is currently also constructing and commissioning the 6,500 tonne Nexen Buzzard Production Sweetening Deck and Bridge, due for offshore installation in the spring of 2010. Between them, the projects in hand in 2009 have provided employment for more than 1,000 personnel at Heerema Hartlepool, with additional supply-chain jobs being created for other companies in the North East region and further afield. Each of the Sheringham Shoal decks has a length of 30.5 metres, width of 17.7 metres and height of 16 metres, with a weight of approximately 1,000 tonnes. The topsides will be constructed and onshore commissioned in Heerema Hartlepool’s extensive indoor fabrication halls in Hartlepool. They are scheduled to sail out from Hartlepool in September 2010. Frank Moran, Managing Director of Heerema Hartlepool says: “The award of Sheringham Shoal is another important step for Heerema Hartlepool and HFG in the expanding offshore wind energy sector. It builds on our earlier successes in this area, drawing on our extensive offshore oil and gas experience for this new market. We are proud to be in a position to play our part in implementing the Government’s green energy strategy over the coming years and, especially in these challenging economic times, to continue pro-

The Crown Estate has announced that the Forewind consortium, comprising Statoil, Statkraft, SSE and RWE npower has been named as the successful bidder for the largest zone in the third licence round (Round 3) for UK offshore wind farms, Dogger Bank. The Dogger Bank zone is located off the east coast of Yorkshire between 125 and 195 kilometres offshore. It extends over approximately 8,660 km2 with its outer limit aligned to UK continental shelf limit as defined by the UK Hydrographic Office. The water depth ranges from 18-63 metres.

Dogger Bank is a challenging zone where our competence from the offshore oil and gas business will be of significant value,” says Margareth Øvrum, executive vice president of Technology & New Energy in Statoil. Right: Chief executive Bård Mikkelsen, Statkraft. (Photo: Harald Pettersen) As the licence holder, Forewind will now begin to carry out the extensive surveys, assessments and planning required for the consent process. The Dogger Bank zone is large and a possible development has to be carried out stepwise with several projects. The consortium’s commitment is to secure all the necessary consents for the construction and development of Dogger Bank, up to the point of investment decisions, which is anticipated from 2014. Forewind has agreed with The Crown Estate a target installed capacity of 9GW, though the zone has a potential for approximately 13GW, which equates to around 10 per cent of total UK electricity requirements. The consortium combines international offshore project delivery and renewables generation experi-

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People Imagenex

Imagenex have announced the appointment of Steve Curnew as its new Sales Manager. Steve has over 20 years experience as a Sales Manager in the electronics industry. Steve joined the Imagenex team at the beginning of November 2009 and is looking forward to meeting many colleagues and customers at his UK debut, Oceanology International 2010. Thie Follows the retirement of Marketing Manager, Mitch Henselwood.


Hafmynd Icelandic AUV manufacturer Hafmynd has welcomed Birna Maria Bjornsdottir and Stefan Reynisson to the company. Stefan will be responsible for Procurement and Quality Control and Birna will work on the sales and marketing side.

SeeByte SeeByte, developers of software for unmanned underwater vehicles, has been joined by Dr. Chris Tierney, Birgir Thorgeirsson and Tom Anderson, Dr. Chris Tierney becomes part of SeeByte as a Senior Development Engineer. Birgir Thorgeirsson joins SeeByte as Development Engineer. Tom Anderson also joins as a Development Engineer.

Will Rowley has joined Acteon where he will take on the role of Group Analyst.

Chris Tierney

Rowley was formerly Director, Analytical Services, for the leading industry consulting company Infield Systems. He brings to Acteon a wealth of experience of oil industry modelling, market analysis and business forecasting. Based in Acteon’s head office in Norwich, UK, Rowley will work closely with the group’s operating companies in the gathering of market intelligence. His objective is to enhance the exchange of information and help cement relationships with customers in areas of the industry where Acteon companies have the most value to offer.


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Tom Anderson

Birgir Thorgeirsson


L-3 Klein L-3 Communications subsidiary Klein Associates (L-3 Klein) has appointed Bill Charbonneau as Regional Sales Manager for their Side Scan Sonar Systems. Working with other members of the L-3 Klein team, Mr. Charbonneau will be responsible for implementing Klein’s strategy to multiply its sales of domestic and international multi-beam side scan and bathymetric sonar systems.

Andy Corkhill The Amor Group, global provider of business technology, has appointed Andy Corkhill as Energy Sales Director.

With over 20 years experience in hydrographic and oceanographic markets, both as a salesman and as a field engineer, Mr. Charbonneau is ideally suited to further expand and enhance L-3 Klein’s valued customer network.

Martin Bowman has also taken up the post of Transport Sales Director and Paul White has become Managed Services Sales Director. A fourth director is currently being recruited to head up sales in the public sector. Andy will be working with Amor Group’s key clients, which include Centrica, BP, Shell, Scottish Power and SONI. With turnover of £30million, Amor Group has 350 staff across its Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Houston offices.

HMC The advisory board of Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) has announced that Jan Pieter Klaver has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer. He succeeds Jack Jacobs who fulfilled the CEO function on an interim basis.

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Acquisitions Clough Peritus Engineering and construction company Clough Limited has taken a further step in strengthening its oil and gas focus with a 51% investment in Peritus International, a new global subsea and marine engineering firm that provides engineering design and project management services to offshore clients, with a particular focus on difficult and deepwater environments. Peritus operations has been established in Perth, London and Houston to create a global network of regional engineering centres that enable specialised skills, knowledge and expertise to be shared across global operations. The company will operate independently. The Peritus leadership team consists of known industry experts with decades of experience in the offshore industry. Steve Hindmarsh, based in Perth, will lead the organisation as Chief Executive Officer and will also be responsible for growth in Asia Pacific in his role as Managing Director for the region. Steve will be supported by Dr Chris Tam, President of the Americas, based in Houston, and Graham Taylor, Managing Director of Europe, Africa and Middle East, based in London.

Smit/Minette Bay Ship Docking SMIT has completed the acquisition Minette Bay Ship Docking in Prince Rupert, Canada. Minette Bay is active in the port of Prince Rupert with three ASD tugs. Minette Bay performed the shipdocking services for Ridley Island Coal Terminal for 25 years. This acquisition enhances SMIT Marine Canada’s current harbour towage operations on the West Coast of Canada.

Nova/Aanderaa Nova Analytics Corporation, a worldwide supplier of laboratory, field and online instrumentation, acquired the ownership of the shares in Aanderaa Data Instruments AS (AADI).

Prysman/Rybinsk Electrocabel Prysmian sehas acquired Rybinsk Electrocabel, one of the most dynamic Russian cable manufacturers. The €11 million enterprise value account for approximately €2 million equity value and approximately €9 million Net Financial Position. In 2008 Rybinsk reported a turnover of approximately €36 million with a production unit located 350 km NE of Moscow,

FMC/Multi Phase Meters FMC Technologies has completed the acquisition of Multi Phase Meters. Based in Stavanger, Norway, MPM a global leader in the development and manufacture of high-performance multiphase flow meters for the oil and gas industry.

FMC/Direct Drive Systems FMC Technologies has completed the acquisition of Direct Drive Systems, Inc. (DDS). Based in Fullerton, California, DDS is a world leader in the development and manufacture of high-performance permanent magnet motors and bearings for the oil and gas industry.

Cameron/Natco Cameron has closed on its acquisition of NATCO Group, following the approval of the previously announced merger agreement by NATCO’s shareholders at a special meeting. NATCO shareholders received 1.185 shares of Cameron common stock in return for each share of NATCO common stock held, and will receive cash reflecting the value of any fractional shares. Cameron has issued approximately 23.7 million shares related to this transaction. Simmons and Company International served as financial advisor to Cameron on this transaction.

Superior /Hallin Superior have taken over Hallin Marine at a cost of 233p per share - valuing the existing issued share capital of Hallin at approximately £96.5 million and at £103.5 million on a fully diluted basis. Superior UK is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Superior Energy Services, Inc. and was formed for the purpose of making the £103.5 million offer for Hallin.

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People and Places

Oceanteam OCEANTEAM ASA signs agreements with J. Ray McDermott subsidiary Reference is made to the stock exchange notice on 14 September 2009 and 18 December 2009. Oceanteam ASA (“Oceanteam” or the “Company”) has entered into a sale and purchase agreement with J. Ray McDermott (Norway), AS (“J. Ray”), a subsidiary of J. Ray McDermott, S.A., for transfer of approximately 50% of the shares in North Ocean II AS ( “NO II AS”) and approximately 50% of the partnership interests in North Ocean II KS (“NO II KS”) from its wholly-owned subsidiary Oceanteam Shipping 102 AS and transfer of 75% of the shares in North Ocean V AS ( “NO V AS”) from its wholly-owned subsidiary Oceanteam Shipping 105 AS. North Ocean II AS and North Ocean II KS are the ship owning companies for CSV North Ocean 102, whereas North Ocean V AS is the ship owning company for CSV North Ocean 105 (to be built). As part of the transaction, Oceanteam and J.Ray have entered into shareholders agreements governing the relationship between Oceanteam and J.Ray as shareholders/limited partners in the aforementioned companies. In addition, affiliates of J. Ray have entered into a 5 year charter for the vessel CSV North Ocean 105 to be built at Metalships, Vigo Spain. The CSV North Ocean 105 new build project is subject to completing a Spanish Tax Lease structure for the vessel and ship financing. A five year charter of CSV North Ocean 102 will start upon redelivery of the vessel upon completion of the current ABB charter which is estimated to be in July 2010. As previously announced,


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CTC NOF’s CotY CTC Marine Projects has celebrated a successful year in the offshore construction industry, by being recognised as the Northern Offshore Federation (NOF) Energy’s ‘Company of the Year’. It also scooped the ‘Innovation and Technology’ award. The awards mark a year of success for the company, which includes the first diverless subsea construction and development project in the Mediterranean with a contract value of circa US$30 million, expansion into several new regions including Brazil, China, Egypt and the Middle East and diversification into the Offshore Renewable market. CTC has made a successful entry into the offshore renewables market having completed two workscopes for client E.ON, on Alpha Ventus and Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farms. CTC is actively pursuing further workscopes in this market, while being very optimistic in the outlook for 2010 and beyond. CTC is also currently working on its first project in the Middle East where the scope of work includes the laying of power cable which is three

times heavier than any pow previously installed by CTC being the largest power ca in the Persian Gulf.

The Innovation and Techno reflects CTC’s commitment tion, in particular the develo the world’s largest underwa vehicle, the RT-1 Rock Tre which has had success in i offshore scope of work for West Coast of Ireland.

CTC has also recently ann contract award of USD 39 for the cable lay and ploug on the Jeju Island Project w increase the order backlog and 2011.

The workscope, for client K rine, will involve the installa 105km cable bundles betw Island and Jindo Mainland water depths of up to 160 m first bundle will be installed and the second bundle will in 2011. CTC Marine will us multi-role construction R cl for this project, as well as C umbilical plough.

January 2010 - Aker Solutions has entered into a contract with the construction company HENT to build a new combined office and hotel building at the K2 site at Fornebu. The building is planned with a total area of about 46 000 m² including underground and parking areas, of which 12 000 m² for the hotel. The building is planned to be completed in the first quarter of 2012 and Aker Solutions will be the tenant for the office building. The contracting party is Fornebu Gate 2 A/S, which will be owned 93 % by Aker Solutions and 7 % by Arthur Buchardt Invest AS. This contract is the next step in the development of the K2 site that was acquired from SPDE in the fourth quarter of 2009. The office building is an expansion to the existing headquarters to cover capacity needs from 2012.

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People and Places

Aker Solutions

Kongsberg HQ Kongsberg Maritime headquarters has opened its brand new extension in the Kongsberg Technology Park. The seven storey, 20,000 m2 building has space for around 550 employees and is designed to complement the original 17000 m2 Carpus building, which was opened in 2001. “The opening of the Carpus extension is a positive step for Kongsberg Maritime employees, customers and partners,” comments Torfinn Kildal, CEO, Kongsberg Maritime. “We are currently in the process of managing our way through the worldwide downturn whilst preparing for the forthcoming upturn and the new premises will allow for more efficient operations in an inspiring work environment.” The two buildings that now make up Carpus are connected via an underground tunnel and a raised,


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enclosed walkway. In addition to extensive lab and test areas that set very high standards for technical facilities, the Carpus extension seamlessly integrates office, meeting, production, storage and social space in a visually provoking, energy efficient new structure. The many bold and innovative highlights of the premises include the coloured glass elevated walkway that connects the buildings, a new interior concept with a different colour scheme on each floor. There is a focus on open space as opposed to separate offices in order to facilitate communication and optimal cooperation between staff and departments, adherence to the Tek 2007 energy efficiency program, a focus on and dedicated space for displaying art, and a stunning 14.5 m glass masterpiece located in the main atrium.

Aker Solutions has entered into a contract with the construction company HENT to build a new combined office and hotel building at the K2 site at Fornebu. The building is planned with a total area of about 46 000m² including underground and parking areas, of which 12 000m² for the hotel. The building is planned to be completed in the first quarter of 2012 and Aker Solutions will be the tenant for the office building. The contracting party is Fornebu Gate 2 A/S, which will be owned 93% by Aker Solutions and 7% by Arthur Buchardt Invest AS. This contract is the next step in the development of the K2 site that was acquired from SPDE in the fourth quarter of 2009. The office building is an expansion to the existing headquarters to cover capacity needs from 2012.

GE Oil and Gas

MacArtney Relocation

Castrol Centralisation

GE Oil and Gas has further expanded its subsea portfolio capabilities with the opening of its new drilling and production business ‘Subsea Monitoring and Remote Technology Center’ (or SmartCenter) in Nailsea. It was officially opened by Ove Magne Kallestad, Vice President of Subsea Technology and Operations at StatoilHydro.

MacArtney Offshore, the Houston operation of the MacArtney Underwater Technology Group, has moved into larger premises. The capacity is more than doubled, from 4500ft2 to 11 000ft2.

Offshore lubricants specialists, Castrol Offshore, has completed the centralisation of its operations at its Global Technology Centre at Pangbourne in the UK. All of Castrol’s aviation, marine and energy lubricants divisions will now be based on the 35-acre site with state-ofthe-art laboratory facilities, an analytical and performance testing complex and over 250 expert chemists, engineers and researchers.

The new SmartCenter is a remoteaccess data hub connected to subsea field control and instrumentation facilities around the world. The new state of the art facility will offer assistance and services to the field at every stage of development – from installation and commissioning, through field start up and onwards into routine operation for operational support, condition monitoring, diagnostics, and production optimisation.

2H 2H Offshore Engineering has opened a new office in Aberdeen to provide improved support for clients based in the area. 2H has been serving Aberdeen through its London office for over 15 years. However, the new Aberdeen office will enable the company to provide a more direct and higher quality service to operators and contractors based in and around the city.

The move significantly increases workshop and storage capacity. This allows them to accommodate larger service jobs, including medium sized winch umbilical spooling and terminations which now can be performed inside their secure premises. Cable mouldings, fibre optic terminations and the MacArtney Offshore slip ring repair facilities with Focal trained technicians have also been significantly expanded. Customer and project meetings will become easier and more comfortable thanks to conference rooms and teleconferencing. Up to 30 guests in house and 64 guests worldwide will now be able to cooperate in meetings. The new location makes MacArtney Offshore even more accessible to their customers. Most of the world’s oil and gas companies have offices within a 20km radius of the new site

Commenting on the move, Paul Lowther, global marketing communications manager for Castrol Offshore, said: “The reason for centralising our operations at Pangbourne is to ensure that we can offer our customers the best possible standards of service in line with the performance of our products. By having the entire business unit centred on the site, the whole team can benefit from a vast array of knowledge and experience, and ensure technology, marketing and sales are all aligned, benefits our customers will see with new product and service offers. Facilities such as our specialist subsea test rigs at Pengbourne replicate the extreme working conditions are products are used in every day. This, allows us to create lubricating oils, greases and hydraulic fluids that can be used in the world’s most environmentally sensitive oceans.”

The office will initially focus on drilling riser, completion riser, conductor, and wellhead assessments, but will also take on other types of engineering with support from 2H’s London office. The Aberdeen office will be staffed through a mix of local recruitment and relocation of experienced employees from other 2H offices, ensuring the same quality of service as currently provided at other 2H locations. The new 2H office is in Tern Place House, in the Bridge of Don area of the city, home to a number of Acteon companies.

MacArtney’s new11 000ft2 facility in Houston

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