AKTI-POLYGAMY BILL. Mr. Scott's proposed amendment to the Edmunds-Tucker E:::mSMkmffMMv. Bill: (BMmm, IG):: : ; : . MUMm.mM . 1 (,d he it further enacted, That this act shall not take effect till six months after its approval by the President. And there shall be an ejection held in the several precincts of said Territory on the third Monday of March, 1SS7. at which the qualified electors of said Territory may elect from each legislative district double the number of delegates they are now entitled to elect of Councillors and Representatives to the legislative assembly of said Territory. Ami the delegates <-•» elected sh.il^r^^V^-'t^jJt L a k e City on the first Monday of April. IS.^SSiMJ Mock noon, and shall form a ConstiMM3 (MJi
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hall form and adopt a eonstituwhich shall ]»r<>!:il)it. polygamy shall be ratified by a majority of Sectors at an election to be held teral precincts of that Territory ii-i';,ne, 1887, then the provisions of . rhuiu inoperative until such eonl e d in the usual .maimer to and fed for to be held, conducted* : • manner now provided b • county tm I pv< ••>•••+ off 1
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A Reexamination of the Woodruff Manifesto in the Light of Utah Constitutional History BY H E N R Y J . WOLFINGER