Utah Historical Quarterly Volume 41, Number 2, 1973

Page 101

Utah Historical Quarterly

210 Red Man's Land—White Man's Law: A Study of the Past and Present Status of the American Indian. By WILCOMB




York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1971. viii + 280 pp. $7.95.) Restless grants

Strangers: and Their

Nevada's ImmiInterpreters. By

W I L B U R S. S H E P P E R S O N . T h e Lance-

head Series: Nevada and the West. (Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1970. xiv 4- 287 p p . $7.00.) Sagebrush Doctors and Health Conditions of Northeast Nevada from Aboriginal Times to 1972. By EDNA B. PATTERSON. [Lamoille, N e v . : Au-

thor], 1972. xvi 4- 196 p p . $10.00.) Limited edition of 500 numbered, autographed copies. Selections from the Fifth and Sixth National Colloquia on Oral History.

vi 4- 110 pp.) Selections from the 1970 and 1971 fall meetings reproduced from typescript. Includes papers on the uses of oral history in folklore, biography, ethnic studies, etc. The Trail of the Ancients. By ALBERT R. LYMAN. (Blanding: Trail of the Ancients Association, 1972. 71 p p . $3.95.) The Western American Indian: Case Studies in Tribal History. Edited by RICHARD N . E L L I S .



versity of Nebraska Press, 1972. 203 pp. $6.95.) Essays examining the effects of policies of enforced acculturation. The Wilford C. Wood Collection, ume I: An Annotated Catalog Documentary-Type Material in Wilford C. Wood Collection.

Volof the By


L A M A R C. BERRETT. (Bountiful: T h e

FORREST C. POGUE. (New York: T h e

Wilford C. Wood Foundation, 1972. x + 236 pp.)

. . . Edited by P E T E R 1). O L C H

Oral History Association, Inc., 1972.

AGRICULTURE AND RANCHING Hutchinson, William H . " T h e Cowboy a n d the Class Struggle ( O r , Never P u t M a r x in the S a d d l e ) , " Arizona and the West, 14 (Winter 1972), 321-30. Leftist labor activities among cowboys on the Powder River in Wyoming a n d the Texas Panhandle. Jordan, Terry G. " T h e Origin a n d Distribution of Open-Range Cattle Ranching," Social Sciences Quarterly, 53 (June 1972), 105-21. Packer, Kipp. "They D o Their T h i n g in the Rodeo Arena," Utah Farmer-Stockman, 93 (February 1, 1973), 6-8. Summit County broncs. Complete issue on horses.

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