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Book Notices


Hutchinson, William H. "The Cowboy and the Class Struggle (Or, Never Put Marx in the Saddle)," Arizona and the West, 14 (Winter 1972), 321-30. Leftist labor activities among cowboys on the Powder River in Wyoming and the Texas Panhandle.

Jordan, Terry G. "The Origin and Distribution of Open-Range Cattle Ranching," Social Sciences Quarterly, 53 (June 1972), 105-21.

Packer, Kipp. "They Do Their Thing in the Rodeo Arena," Utah Farmer-Stockman, 93 (February 1, 1973), 6-8. Summit County broncs. Complete issue on horses.

Woelz, William D. "Metropolis: Death of a Dream," The Northeastern Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 3 (Spring 1973), 2-15. An abortive agricultural town near Wells,, Nev., founded in 1910 by New York financiers (Pacific Reclamation Company) with offices in Salt Lake City.


Carlson, Alvar Wi "A Bibliography of the Geographical Literature on the American Indian." Professional Geographers, 24 (August 1972), 258-63.

"Genealogy Notes: Federal Population and Mortality Census Schedules," Prologue, 4 (Winter 1972), 242-46. Includes tables of available census schedules.

Kuehl, Warren F. "Dissertations in History, 1961-70," American Historical Association Newsletter, 10 (September 1972), 17-24. An analysis, by the author of the recently published dissertations index of the same title.

Nichols, Elizabeth L. "The Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," Genealogical Journal, 1 (December 1972), 108-12. Its purposes and location of holdings in new church office building.


Anderson, Bette Roda. "Living Wonders of the Rockies: Life and Nature at the Crest of a Continent," The American West, 10 (March 1973), 24-32.

Boynton, K. L. "Prairie Dogs: Desert Merry Makers," Desert Magazine, ary 1973), 12-15.

Cox, Lois M. "Getting Answers from Utah's Salt Desert," Utah Science, 33 (September 1972), 73-74, 84. Soil studies in southeastern Utah.

Crafts, Edward C. "Foresters on Trial: Ex-forester Calls for End to Clearcutting Abuses," The Living Wilderness, 36 (Winter 1972-73), 38-42. Address given before the Society of American Foresters October 4, 1972, and reprinted from the January 1973 issue of Journal of Forestry.

Hicks, Laney. "Green Water for New Pollution," Sierra Club Bulletin, 58 (February 1973), 22. Possible use of Green River water for coal and shale oil development in Wyoming.

McHugh, Tom. "Buffalo Travels, Buffalo Travails," Audubon, 74 (November 1972), 22-31.

Merriam, Lawrence C, Jr. "The National Park System: Growth and Outlook," National Parks and Conservation Magazine, 46 (December 1972), 4-12.


Bellamy, Donnie D. "Free Blacks in Antebellum Missouri, 1820-1860," Missouri Historical Review, 67 (January 1973), 198-226. Mentions fur trader James P. Beckwourth and Hiram Young of Independence, Mo., who outfitted western travelers with wagons.

Carter, Gregg. "Social Demography of the Chinese in Nevada: 1870-1880," Southern Nevada Historical Society Backtrails, 1 (January 1973), 1-11.

Derig, Betty. "Celestials in the Diggings," Idaho Yesterdays, 16 (Fall 1972), 2-23. Chinese in Idaho. Includes Utah influences and persons.

Kiser, George C. "Mexican American Labor before World War II," Journal Mexican American History, 2 (Spring 1972), 122-42.


Carter, Harvey L. "The Divergent Paths of Fremont's 'Three Marshalls,'" New Mexico Historical Review, 48 (January 1973), 5-25. Lives of Mountain Men Antoine Godey, Kit Carson, and Robert Owens.

Garber, D. W. "Jedediah Strong Smith: A Miscellany of Information," The Pacific Historian, 16 (Winter 1972), 12-24.

Miller, David H. "The Ives Expedition Revisited: Overland into Grand Canyon," The Journal of Arizona History, 13 (Autumn 1972), 177-96.

Pedersen, Lyman C, Jr. "Early Penetration of the Uinta Basin," Journal of the West, 11 (October 1972), 596-615.


Evans, Frank B. "Justifying and Implementing a National Historic Records Program," American Historical Association Newsletter, 11 (February 1973), 24-26.

Hoffman, Alice M. "Oral History in the United States," Journal of Library History, 7 (July 1972), 277-84.

"The Humanities and the Public Interest: The NEH State-based Program," 2 (December 1972), 1-2, 5-7.

Lord, Donald C. "The Historian as Villain: The Historian's Role in the Training of Teachers," Historian, 34 (May 1972), 407-20.

Papenfuse, Edward C. "Preserving the Nation's Heritage through a National Historic Records Program," American Historical Association Newsletter, 11 (February 1972), 19-23. A plea for a records preservation program as part of the Bicentennial observance.

Russell, William D. "New Historical Society Founded," Courage: A Journal of History, Thought, and Action, 3 (Fall 1972), 45. Announcement of September 18, 1972, formation of John Whitmer Historical Association (named after first church historian) for persons interested in RLDS church history.

Sprague, Stuart Seely. "How to Increase the American History Research Potential of Small Academic Libraries," American Historical Association Newsletter, 11 (February 1973), 27-31.


Danhof, Clarence H. "Whither Agricultural History?" Agricultural History, 47 (January 1973), 1-8.

Jacobs, Wilbur R. "The Indian and the Frontier in American History: A Need for Revision," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (January 1973), 43-56.

Knight, Oliver. "Toward an Understanding of the Western Town," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (January 1973), 27-42.

Lamar, Howard R. "Persistent Frontier: The West in the Twentieth Century," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (January 1973), 5-25.

Meinig, D. W. "American Wests: Preface to a Geographical Introduction," Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 61 (June 1972), 159-84.


Dippe, Brian W. "This Bold but Wasting Race: Stereotypes and American Indian Policy," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, 23 (Winter 1973), 2-13.

Froncek, Thomas. " T Was Once a Great Warrior': The Tragedy of Black Hawk, Who Became the Eponym of a War He Tried to Avoid," American Heritage, 24 (December 1972), 16-21, 97-99.

Hilliard, Sam B. "Indian Land Cessions" map supplement to the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 62 (June 1972). Five multicolor maps, 34" x 45", depicting data from C. C. Royce's Indian Land Cessions in the United States (1899) for the period 1784 to the present.

Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. "The Hopi Way: Isolation Ends for 'The People of Peace,' " American Heritage, 24 (February 1973), 49-55.

Kitching, Jessie. "Petroglyphs: A Plea for Protection," National Parks and Conservation Magazine, 47 (March 1973), 25-26.

Littlefield, Daniel F., Jr. and Lonnie E. Underhill. "Renaming the American Indian: 1890-1913," American Studies, 12 (Fall 1971).

Looney, Ralph, and Bruce Dale. "The Navajo Nation Looks Ahead," National Geographic, 142 (December 1972), 740-81. Includes map: "Indians of North America," pp. 739-39a.

Marden, David L. "Anthropologists and Federal Indian Policy prior to 1940," The Indian Historian, 5 (Winter 1972), 19-26.

Perry, Frank Vernon. "The Last Indian Uprising in the United States: Little High Rock Canyon, Nevada, January 19, 1911," Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 15 (Winter 1972), 23-37. Written by a member of the posse which pursued and killed the small tribe of Shoshone Mike.

Ring, Frances. "Symbols in Sand," Westways, 64 (November 1972), 38-41. Navajo sand painting.

Stewart, Omer C. "The Peyote Religion and the Ghost Dance," The Indian Historian, 5 (Winter 1972), 27-30^

Thompson, Gerald E. " 'To the People of New Mexico': Gen. Carleton Defends the Bosque Redondo," Arizona and the West, 14 (Winter 1972), 347-66. Role of James H. Carleton in the Navajo removal.

Underhill, Lonnie E. and Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr. "Hamlin Garland and the Navajos," The Journal of Arizona History, 13 (Winter 1972), 275-85. Firsthand observations on Indian life in the late nineteenth century, quoting Garland's manuscript article, "Glimpses of the Navajo Indians."


Guthrie, A. B., Jr. "Why Write about the West?" Western American Literature, 7 (Fall 1972), 163-69. On writing historical fiction.

Hutchinson, W. H. "Packaging the Old W r est in Serial Form," Westways, 65 (February 1973), 18-23. Writings of Emerson Hough and illustrations of W. H. D. Koerner in Saturday Evening Post.

Lent, John A. "Two Migratory Newspapers of the West," The Pacific Historian, 16 (December 1972), 54-69. The Frontier Index and The Sweetwater Mines.

McKiernan, F. Mark. "The Tragedy of David H. Smith," Saints Herald, 119 (December 1972), 20-22. Poet son of Joseph Smith, Jr.

Smith, D. J. "The American Railroad Novel," Part 1, The Markham Review, 3 (October 1972), 61-71; Part 2: 4 (February 1973), 85-93.

Walker, Don D. "Ways of Seeing a Mountain: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Fur Trader as Writer," The Possible Sack, 3 (August-September 1972), 1-7.


Arrington, Leonard J. "Church Leaders in Liberty Jail," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Autumn 1972), 20-26.

Blair, Alma R. "The Haun's Mill Massacre," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Autumn 1972), 62-67. Mormons in Missouri.

Brudnoy, David. "Of Sinners and Saints: Theodore Schroeder, Brigham Roberts, and Reed Smoot," Journal of Church and State, (Spring 1972K 261-78. Schroeder was attorney against B. H. Roberts in the 1899 congressional eligibility proceedings and author of a pamphlet, "The Case of Senator Smoot" (1903).

Buchanan, Frederick S. "The Yoder Case: Precedent for Polygamy?" The Christian Century, 90 (February 21, 1973), 223-24. Discusses Wisconsin v. Yoder (May 1972), a Supreme Court decision allowing Amish religious views to prevail against Wisconsin education laws, and its implications for the Reynolds decision of 1878 barring polygamy as a religious practice.

Burton, Jeff. "Suddenly in a Secluded and Rugged Place," Part 1, The Brand Book [The English Westerner's Society], 14 (April 1972), 1-21. New Mexico trial of Butch Cassidy associate "William FI. McGinnis," an alias of William Ellsworth Lay.

Durham, Reed C, Jr. "The Election Day Battle at Gallatin," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Autumn 1972), 36-61. Mormons in Missouri.

Patterson, Gerard. " 'To Meet a Rebellion': The Mormon Confrontation," American History Illustrated, 7 (December 1972), 10-23. Johnston's Army.


Hunt, Larry E. "Frederick Madison Smith: Saint as Reformer," Courage: A Journal of History, Thought, and Action, 3 (Fall 1972), 3-21. RLDS president's social gospel during the populist-progressive era.

Russell, William D. "James J. Strang: Sincere Religious Leader or Power-Hungry Charlatan?" Parts 1-3, Saints Herald. 120 (January 1973), 20-22: (February 1973), 20-22; (March 1973), 22-23.

Simmonds, A. J. "A Legacy of Principle," Outlook: Utah State University, 4 (February 1973), 12. A historical look at religion on the campus; entire issue treats current religious student organizations.

Thomas, N. Gordon. "The Millerite Movement in Ohio," Ohio History, 81 (Spring 1972), 95-107. William Miller's pronouncement of an impending Second Coming of Christ declared in lectures, 1831-44, throughout the "burned-over" district, and the Seventh-Day Adventist organization which grew out of the movement.


"Brown Rounds and White Flats," Torch and Oval [American Oil Company], 12 (November— December 1972), 16—17. Use of buffalo chips as fuel in the West.

Collar, Helen. "Mormon Land Policy on Beaver Island," Michigan History, 56 (Summer 1972), 87-118. Land transactions by the followers of James J. Strang.

Kimball, Stanley B. "Discovery: 'Nauvoo' Found in Seven States," The Ensign of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3 (April 1973), 21-23. Origin and use of Nauvoo as a placename.

Kramer, William M., ed. "The Western Journal of Isaac Mayer Wise," Part 4, Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly, 5 (January 1973), 117-34.

Lyon, T. Edgar. "Independence, Missouri, and the Mormons, 1827-1833," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Autumn 1972), 10-19.

Tenney, Gordon. "The Donner Party: Blazers of the Mormon Pioneer Trail," Pow Wow, 6 (July 1972), 6.

Trennert, Robert A., Jr. "The Mormons and the Office of Indian Affairs: The Conflict over Winter Quarters, 1846-1848," Nebraska History, 53 (Fall 1972), 381-400.

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