Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 41, Number 3, 1973

Page 113


Articles and Notes The Seventh Annual Report of the National Endowment for the Humanities for Fiscal Year 1972. (Washington, D . C : U . S. Government Printing Office, 1973. 132 p p . $1.75.) Available from the Superintendent of Documents at the G P O .

The States and Their Indian By T H E O D O R E


Citizens. (Wash-

ington, D. C . : Department of the Interor, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1972. xxii + 307 pp. Paper, $2.25.) Willard: ervation.

A Plan for Its Historic By







for the Study of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, U t a h State University, 1973. x + 80 p p . Spiral, $5.00.)

AGRICULTURE AND RANCHING Douglass, William A. "Lonely Lives under the Big Sky," Natural History, 82 (March 1973), 28-39. Basque sheepherders in the West from 1849 to present. Roundy, Charles G. " T h e Origins and Early Development of Dude Ranching in Wyoming," Annals of Wyoming, 45 (Spring 1973), 5 - 2 5 . "A Week with Utah's Chief Brand Inspector," The Utah Cattleman, 16 (April 1973), 10—11. Logs routine travels and activities of a brand inspector. Wood, Rhoda M . " T h e Dairying Colony in Cedar Canyon," The Pioneer, 20 (June-July 1973), 12-13. S U P award-winning pioneer story.

ARCHAEOLOGY Kerr, Walter. "A 1,100-Room Riddle," New Mexico, 51 ( M a y - J u n e 1973), 14-19. Use of archeomagnetism to date an abandoned Pueblo Indian site near Santa Fe. Martineau, LaVan. " T h e Rocks Begin to Speak," Arizona Highways, 49 ( M a y 1973), 44-45. Brief report on deciphering Indian rock writing from book of same title. Reilly, P. T . " T h e Refuge Cave," The Masterkey for Indian Lore and History, 47 (April-June 1973), 46-54. Hopis may have used cave in northern Arizona for ritualistic purposes. Stokes, William Lee. "Cliff-wall Seepage Figures: Rock Art Prototypes?" Plateau, 45 (Spring 1973), 143-48. Barrier Canyon style of rock art m a y have been inspired by small patches of vegetation supported by water seeping from sandstone cliffs.

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