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Douglass, William A. "Lonely Lives under the Big Sky," Natural History, 82 (March 1973), 28-39. Basque sheepherders in the West from 1849 to present.
Roundy, Charles G. "The Origins and Early Development of Dude Ranching in Wyoming," Annals of Wyoming, 45 (Spring 1973), 5-25.
"A Week with Utah's Chief Brand Inspector," The Utah Cattleman, 16 (April 1973), 10—11. Logs routine travels and activities of a brand inspector. Wood, Rhoda M. "The Dairying Colony in Cedar Canyon," The Pioneer, 20 (June-July 1973), 12-13. SUP award-winning pioneer story.
Kerr, Walter. "A 1,100-Room Riddle," New Mexico, 51 (May-June 1973), 14-19. Use of archeomagnetism to date an abandoned Pueblo Indian site near Santa Fe.
Martineau, LaVan. "The Rocks Begin to Speak," Arizona Highways, 49 (May 1973), 44-45. Brief report on deciphering Indian rock writing from book of same title.
Reilly, P. T. "The Refuge Cave," The Masterkey for Indian Lore and History, 47 (April-June 1973), 46-54. Hopis may have used cave in northern Arizona for ritualistic purposes.
Stokes, William Lee. "Cliff-wall Seepage Figures: Rock Art Prototypes?" Plateau, 45 (Spring 1973), 143-48. Barrier Canyon style of rock art may have been inspired by small patches of vegetation supported by water seeping from sandstone cliffs.
"Charlie Russell: Cornerstone of Western Art," Persimmon Hill, 3, no. 2 (1973), 5-73. Six articles on the famous artist and his art plus a poem by him, a list of rare books he illustrated, and a sketch of his friend Jake Hoover.
Dippie, Brian W. "Charlie Russell's Lost West," American Heritage, 24 (April 1973), 4—21, 89. Includes photographs of artist Russell as well as reproductions of paintings, drawings, and sculpture.
Goss, Peter L. "Utah's Architectural History." Utah Architect, no. 52, Spring 1973, pp. 14-17.
Hinton, Wayne K. "Mahonri Young and the Church: A View of Mormonism and Art," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 7 (Winter 1972), 35-43.
"National Academy of Western Art," Persimmon Hill, 3, no. 3 (1973), 4-41, 50-81. Exhibiting artists, featured with photos and biographical sketches, include Utahns Clark Bronson and Edward J. Fraughton.
Rigby, Elizabeth. "Arnold Friberg: Distinguished American Traditionist," Arizona Highways, 64 (August 1973), 8-15, 44-45.
Albrecht, Stan L. "Rural Development: Its Dimensions and Focus," Utah Science, 33 (December 1972), 115—20. Attitudes toward community in urban western Salt Lake County and rural Wayne, Piute, and Beaver counties compared.
Brown, Jo. "The West's Enduring Entrepreneurs: Indian Traders of North America," Arizona Highways, 49 (May 1973), 36-43. Traders on the Navajo Reservation, including Francis Powell, former Utahn, who manages the post at White Cone.
Dimas, Kay. "The Changing Face of Downtown Salt Lake!" Salt Lake Business, 8 (June 1973), 8-11. Lists fifty-three building projects recently completed, under construction, or proposed in the city center.
Engerman, Stanley L. "Some Economic Issues Relating to Railroad Subsidies and the Evaluation of Land Grants," Journal of Economic History, 32 (June, 1972).
Hachman, Frank C. "Utah and the United States: A Discussion of Some Interesting Social and Economic Characteristics," Utah Economic and Business Review, 33 (January 1973), 1-6, 9-10. Based on information from the 1970 census.
Scamehorn, H. Lee. "John C. Osgood and the Western Steel Industry," Arizona and the West, 15 (Summer 1973), 133-48.
Stelter, Gilbert. "The City and Westward Expansion: A Western Case Study," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (April 1973), 187-202. Expansionist activities of Cheyenne, Wyoming, in the 1870s.
Durrenberger, Robert. "The Colorado Plateau," Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 62 (June 1972), 211-36. Analyzes the environmental problems of scenic and energy development in light of the fragmented nature of landholdings.
Gibbons, Euell. "Stalking the West's Wild Foods," National Geographic, 144 (August 1973), 186-99.
McCarthy, G. Michael. "The Pharisee Spirit: Gifford Pinchot in Colorado," The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 97 (July 1973), 362-78. Anticonservationists and conservationists in conflict at the turn of the century.
McComb, John. "Southwest: Stemming the Flood at Lake Powell," Sierra Club Bulletin, 58 (April 1973), 21, 30-31.
Murphy, Lawrence R. "The Great Arabian and American Deserts," The American West, 10 (May 1973), 36-41. Compares geography, climate, and history of the two regions.
Runte, Alfred. " 'Worthless' Lands—Our National Parks," The American West, 10 (May 1973), 4-11. Argues that parks were set aside because the land was considered economically useless.
Camp, Charles L. "Jedediah Smith's First Far-Western Expedition," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (April 1973), 151-70.
Crampton, C. Gregory. "Standing Up Country," Arizona Highways, 49 (July 1973), 12-23, 26-37, 47. Excerpted from chapter 2 of Crampton's book, Standing Up Country.
Crampton, C. Gregory. "Grand Canyon Country," Arizona Highways, 49 (July 1973), 2-11. Excerpt from chapter 1 of Crampton's recent book, Land of Living Rock.
Socwell, Clarence P. "Peter Skene Ogden: Trapping, Exploration, and Adventure on the Canadian and American Frontiers," The American West, 10 (May 1973), 42-47, 61.
Smith, Matthew D. "Jedediah Smith's Elder Brother, Ralph," The Pacific Historian, 17 (Spring 1973), 53-60.
Cannon, Helen. "First Ladies of Colorado: Nellis Martin Orman," The Colorado Magazine, 50 (Winter 1973), 57-65. The wife of Colorado Governor James Bradley Orman was born in Salt Lake City in 1858, a daughter of Weber County farmer William Porter Martin.
Cheney, Lynne. "It All Began in Wyoming," American Heritage, 24 (April 1973), 62-66, 67. Enactment of women suffrage law in 1869 and the seating of women on juries.
Hillam, Ray C, ed. "J. Reuben Clark, Jr.: Diplomat and Statesman," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Spring 1973), 231-456. The complete issue is devoted to Clark's political ideas which are analyzed in eight essays, a panel discussion, and a brief review. A brief biographical sketch and an extract from the Clark memorandum on the Monroe Doctrine are included.
Clark, Thomas D. "The Heritage of the Frontier," West Virginia History, (October 1972).
Howard, Richard P. "Some Hazards in Writing Contemporary History," Saints Herald, 120 (April 1973), 37. "Since Yesterday" column.
Mosley, Eva. "Women in Archives: Documenting the History of Women in America," The American Archivist, 36 (April 1973), 215-22. Other articles in this theme issue discuss the role of women in archival and academic professions.
Sellars, Richard West. "The Interrelationship of Literature, History, and Geography in Western Writing," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (April 1973), 171-85.
Zangrando, Joanna Schneider. "W 7 omen in Archives: An Historian's View on the Liberation of Clio," The American Archivist, 36 (April, 1973), 203-14. Women's history and historians.
Berge, Dale L. "Archaeology at the Peter Whitmer Farm, Seneca County, New- York," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Winter 1973), 172-201. Excavations at the site of the organizing of the LDS church in 1830.
Boak, Cada C. "Dedication of Lehman Caves National Monument: Ascent and Perilous Descent of Mount Wheeler, August 1922," Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 16 (Summer 1973), 100-1 111
Bray, Robert T. "From Beneath the Sod: Twentieth Century Resurrections at Nauvoo," Saints Herald, 120 (May 1973), 25. Excavation of the Red Brick Store.
Britsch, Lanier, and Jo Ann Britsch. "Beyond Temple Square: A Walking Tour of Old Salt Lake," The New Era, 3 (May 1973), 6-11.
"City and County Building: Weather Deteriorates Sandstone Face," Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Quarterly Review, 7 (May 1973), 1. "Jackson Memorial Honors Explorer Powell," The Ohio Historical Society Echoes,
12 (June 1973), 3. John Wesley Powell memorial in Jackson, Ohio.Schwieder, Dorothy. "Historic Sites in Council Bluffs," Annals of Iowa, 41 (Winter 1972), 148-52.
"Archives Receive Historical Artifacts," Outlook: Utah State University, 4 (March 1973), 5. USU receives painting of Logan done in late 1800s.
Billington, Ray Allen. "Tempest in Clio's Teapot: The American Historical Association Rebellion of 1915," The American Historical Review, 78 (April 1973), 348-69. Attempt to oust J. Franklin Jameson, editor of the Review, and Frederick Jackson Turner, of the AHA executive council, from their posts.
Glenn, Jerry L. "The Collection of Historical Documents a Citizens Responsibility," The Upper Snake River Valley Historical Society Quarterly, 1 (Fall 1971), 38-40.
"A New Life for Western History?" The Westerners Brand Book [Chicago], 29 (October 1972), 1-2. Reports talk presented by Lawrence W. Towner of the Newberry Library in Chicago, including mention of the library's Center for the Study of the American Indian.
Russell, Don. "On the Reading and Reviewing of Books," The Westerners Brand Book, 29 (February 1973), 89-91, 95-96.'
Weaver, Glenn. "The Academic Historian and the Historical Society: A Modest Proposal," History News, 28 (April 1973), 77-80.
Haines, Francis, Sr. "Red Men of the Plains, 1500-1870," The American West, 10 (July 1973), 32-37. Challenges distorted image of buffalo-hunting nomadic Indians.
Jett, Stephen C. "Testimony of the Sacredncss of Rainbow Natural Bridge to Puebloans, Navajos, and Paiutes," Plateau, 45 (Spring 1973), 133-42.
Moore, Conrad T. "Communications: A Major Reason for Indian Grass Fires in the American West, 1535-1890," Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers, 5 (1973), 181-85.
Rogin, Michael. "The White Man's Aim Was to Destroy the Indian," Trolley ' Times, 3 (April 1973), 4-5.
Russell, Don. "How Many Indians Were Killed? White Man versus Red Man: The Facts and the Legend," The American West, 10 (July 1973), 42-47, 61-63.
Walker, Helen. "Nevada's Mysterious Nomads," Desert Magazine, 36 (July 1973). 36-39. Discovery of important archaeological site in 1912 near Lovelock, Nevada, by two miners.
Espey, John. "Journey in Mythland," Westways, 65 (July 1973), 27, 75. The writings of A. B. Guthrie, Jr.
Goble, Danney. " 'The Days That Were No More': A Look at Zane Grey's West," The Journal of Arizona History. 14 (Spring 1973), 62-75.
Lansaw, Paul. "The Big Skywriter," Westways, 65 (July 1973), 24-26, 75. A. B.
Guthrie, Jr. Powell, Lawrence Clark. "Southwest Classics Reread: From Cattle Kingdom Come," Westways, 65 (April 1973), 30-35, 85. Novelist Eugene Manlove Rhodes, author of Paso por Aqui.
Jordan, Philip D. "Frontier Law and Order," North Dakota History, 39 (Winter 1972), 6-12.
Lindsey, David. "The Reign of the Vigilantes," American History Illustrated, 8 (June 1973), 22-35. Mentions Sam Brannan's activities with the vigilantes in San Francisco.
Utley, Robert M. "A Chained Dog: The Indian-Fighting Army," The American West, 10 (July 1973), 18-24, 61. Military strategy on the western frontier. . "General Crook and the Paiutes," American History Illustrated, 8 (July 1973), 38-42. Excerpted from the author's book, Frontier Regulars (1973).
Bailey, Clement F. "Gold in the American West," Coins, 19 (July 1972), 38-43. Includes Mormon money.
"Big Pumps and Long Tunnels," The Rambler [Wasatch Mountain Club], March 1973, pp. 7-9. The Cornish pump at the Ontario Silver Mining Co. near Park City.
Peterson, Richard H. "Conflict and Consensus: Labor Relations in Western Mining," Journal of the West, 12 (January 1973), 1-17.
Sumner, David. "Wilderness and the Mining Law," The Living Wilderness, 37 (Spring 1973), 8-18. Wilderness Act of 1964 sanctions prospecting in primitive areas.
Thompson, George. "Gold in the Snake Range!" Deseret Magazine, 36 (January 1973), 30-31, 34. Shows Salt Lake City's financial interest in Nevada mining.
Wells, Merle W. "The Western Federation of Miners," Journal of the West, 12 (January 1973), 18-35.
Alford, John J. "The American Bison: An Ice Age Survivor," Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers, 5 (1973), 1-6.
Boynton, K. L. "The Great Horned Owl," Desert Magazine, 36 (May 1973), 18-20, 22-23. Study of the bird's adaptation to the desert land of Utah's Great Basin.
. "King Cat," Desert Magazine, 36 (April 1973), 14-16. Food habits of mountain lions in Utah and Nevada.
De Young, Henry G. "The Bison is Beleagured Again," Natural History, 82 (May 1973), 48—55. Yellowstone Park bison affected by bacterial disease.
"Paid Hunting Nothing New to Texas Hunters," The Utah Cattleman, 16 (April 1973), 9. Looks at the economics and game management problems of European-style hunting.
Bitton, Davis. "N. L. Nelson and the Mormon Point of View," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Winter 1973), 157-71. Periodical published in 1904 by a BYU English professor.
Hartley, William. "The Priesthood Reform Movement, 1908-1922," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Winter 1973), 137-56. Introduction of a systematic program in Mormon priesthood quorums.
Jenson, Janet. "Variations between Copies of the First Edition of the Book of Mormon," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Winter 1973), 214-22. Errors and corrections—mostly typographical—in copies of the 1830 edition.
Russell, William D. "James J. Strang: Sincere Religious Leader or Power-Hungry Charlatan," Part 4, Saints Herald, 120 (April 1973), 24-27.
"North American Indians by Edward S. Curtis: A Portfolio of Photographs," Westways, 65 (February 1973), 40-48. A brief look at the career of Curtis who spent thirty years photographing Indians.
Padfield, Jan. "Frontier 'Picture-Takers' Contributed Much to Mormon Art," The Pioneer, 20 (March-April 1973), 9. Reports research of Nelson Wadsworth into the history of Utah-Mormon photographers.
Wittick, Tom. "An 1883 Expedition to the Grand Canyon: Pioneer Photographer Ben Wittick Views the Marvels of the Colorado," The American West, 10 (March 1973), 38-47.
Christian, Thad. "An Old Fashioned Christmas," The Trolley Times, 2 (December 1972), 1, 6. Salt Lake City 1847-51.
Hogan, Julia. "Those Were the Days," The Trolley Times, 2 (December 1972), 2, 9. Salt Lake streetcars, based on an interview with Walt L. Horrocks.
Kalisch, Philip A. "Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: The Sickness and the Triumph," Montana, the Magazine of Western History, 23 (Spring 1973), 44-55. Frightening outbreak of spotted fever at the turn of the century in Bitterroot Valley triggers a long struggle to find a vaccine.
King, Arthur Henry. "The Idea of a Mormon University," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Winter 1973), 115-25 Address delivered at BYU June 22, 1972.
Tullis, LaMond. "Politics and Society: Anglo-American Mormons in a Revolutionary Land," Brigham Young University Studies, 13 (Winter 1973), 126—34. Social problems, including communism, as they affect Mormons in Latin America.
"Women in the West," Journal of the West, 12 (April 1973), 193-334. Theme issue containing eleven studies of women in western history.
Andrews, Thomas F. "Lansford W. Hastings and the Promotion of the Salt Lake Desert Cutoff: A Reappraisal," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (April 1973), 133-50.
Bridges, Roger D., ed. "Lincolniana: Three Letters from a Lincoln Law Student," Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, 66 (Spring 1973), 79-87. Letters of Gibson W. Harris mention the Mormon evacuation of Nauvoo.
Christiansen, Alfred. "Scandinavians and the New Zion in the West," American Scandinavian Review, 60 (September 1972). Henderson, Lucy Ann. "Young Adventure," ed. Ronald Thomas Strong, Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 16 (Summer 1973), 67-99. The Hendersons traveled from Missouri to Oregon in 1846.
Meservy, O. K. "Historical Sketch of Wilford, Idaho," Upper Snake River Valley Historical Society Quarterly, 1 (Spring 1972), 76-78. Founding of town by Mormons.
Miller, David E. "The Parting of the Ways on the Oregon Trail—the East Terminal of the Sublette Cutoff," Annals of Wyoming, 45 (Spring 1973), 47-52.
Rice, Loretta R. Child. "Thomas Sasson Smith and Fort Lemhi," Upper Snake River Valley Historical Society Quarterly, 1 (Spring 1972), 80-85. Mormon mission to Indians in Idaho.
Taylor, David G. "Boom Town Leavenworth: The Failure of the Dream," The Kansas Historical Quarterly, 38 (Winter 1972), 389-415. Leavenworth in the 1850s as a supply center for the westward movement and the military. Mentions Utah and Mormons.
"Teton Valley Communities: Darby, Cache, Leigh-Clawson, Haden, Bates and Pratt," Upper Snake River Valley Historical Society Quarterly, 2 (Fall 1972), 44—46. Small Mormon towns.