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Saint Mary-of-the-Wasatch shortly after construction in 1926, Utah State Historical Society collections, Earl Lyman photograph, gift of L. V. McNeely.
Catholic Education in Utah: 1875 -1975 BY ROBERT J . D W Y E R
1 H E YEAR 1975 MARKS the centenary of Catholic education in Utah. On June 6, 1875, two Sisters of the Holy Cross arrived by train in Salt Lake City, accompanied by the Reverend Denis Kiely, assistant pastor at the local parish, Saint Mary Magdalene's, who had traveled to Green River, Wyoming, to meet them and escort them to their new mission. On the depot platform they were greeted by Father Lawrence Scanlan, the parish priest who had arranged for their coming, and by Mrs. Thomas Archbishop Dwyer, editor of the National Catholic Register, is retired archbishop of Portland, Oregon, now residing in Piedmont, California.