Abegglen, Conrad, 40 Abegglen, Ulrich, 40 Accuracy Machinery, 304 Adams, lames, 48 Agriculture, 49-51, 80-83, 183-84, 212-14, 284-86 Airport, 238-40, 300 Alexander, Alvah J., 69 Allen, loseph, 51 American Implement store, 206-7 American Ozokerite Mining Company, 116 American Windsurfing Group, 292 Anderson Implement and Hardware, 212 Anderson, Clinton P., 224 Anderson, lohn A., 209 Anderson, Julia, 180, 213 Anderson, Roger N., 306-7 Animals, 14 Archeology, 15 Arden Dairy, 226
Ashley, William H., 16 Ashton, Lowe, 288-89, 309 Averett, Elisha, 104 Bank of Heber, 167 Baptists, 141,310-11 Barnes, lohn, 122 Bates Dam, 240-41 Batty, Carl, 248 Baum, Thomas, 297, 299, 301-2 Bean, George Washington, 28 Beer Sales, 308-10 Bell, lohn R., 197 Bell, Max K., 197 Bench Creek, 140,187 Berg, Dale, 280 Bergen, loe, 238-39 Besendorfer, Moroni, 169,180,181, 233,282,299,305,313 Bethers, Ephraim, 94 Bethers, George, 94 Bethers, William S., 94