1 minute readIndexfrom Utah Centennial County History Series - Wasatch County 1996by Utah Historical SocietyNext ArticleContentsMore articles from this publication:Contents1minpages 10-11Chapter 1 - Introduction1minpages 20-29Chapter 2 - The Land Before Mormon Settlement1minpages 30-38Chapter 3 - Mormon Settlement3minpages 72-81Chapter 4 - Community Growth3minpages 104-132Chapter 5 - War and the Roaring Twenties3minpages 160-184Chapter 6 - Depression2minpages 185-212Chapter 7 - World War II2minpages 213-238Chapter 8 - Returning to Normalcy and Depression3minpages 272-291Show moreThis article is from:Utah Centennial County History Series - Wasatch County 1996