Ancient Wisdom How Big Pharma is preventing the massive shift in medicine and wellbeing. Also, a simple cure for depression called Vision Quest.
oday, Big Pharma, Big Tobacco and Big Alcohol, all billion-dollar industries, are undergoing a sea-change in their market share and growth potential due to the re-emergence of ancient technologies and medicine. This is a story that the main-stream media isn’t covering much because so much of Big Media gets so much of their money from these Big Corporations. But low and behold, we are not beholden to big corporate power, so we can fill you in on what is happening. Mushrooms, cannabis, and potent potions such as Ayahuasca were once used by ancients to reveal the inner
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wisdom of the human psyche and help participants understand their greater purpose in life and their place in the universe. Authors such as Aldus Huxley realized that this ancient power was being neglected in our modern world back in the 1940s. Still, nearly all of these substances were banned in the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries, mostly due to the ubiquitous unprofitable nature of these substances. The Hurst corporation saw that cannabis was banned as a federally controlled substance, as the widespread production of hemp threatened the paper mills William Randolph
By Richard Markosian