3 minute read

Issue Intro

Urban Homesteading

By Richard Markosian


Divest from Wall Street, Invest in local food.

Big tech is censoring us, tracking us, selling our personal data to corporations to advertise to us more efficiently. We buy everything on Amazon, book our hotels on Expedia and rooms on AirB&b, get around on Uber and get all our news from YouTube and Facebook. We make Silicon Valley executives and Wall Street investors insanely rich, while our local small businesses and our communities deteriorate. “Expect another round of PPP!” they inform us.

The middle class, the working class, and all non-tech workers watch their spending power decline: food, gasoline and especially housing costs are going crazy. The impact is the middle class is shrinking while the homeless population and subsistence class is increasing

Utah’s Housing Crisis is exacerbated by California’s “mass exodus”. Expect higher housing costs as more transplants move here. Exaserbating the problem further is inflation and a 300% increase in lumber prices. Massive inflation is already here. The Fed is painting a rosy picture that somehow it’s not happening but nobody is buying it.

The government increased our entire money supply by 40% in just 14 months. All of this “free money” and $4 trillion in stimulus spending doesn’t happen without a major currency devaluation.

So what do you do?

It’s time we all fight back by embracing the “urban homestead movement”. Pay off your house or buy a mini-house and grow your own food. Learn to grow, harvest,

Bangerter Farms, Bountiful, Utah

share and put-up and preserve extra. It’s time we return to the land. The land provides. We have forgotten this. We don’t need to dump petroleum-based products into the land, nor use giant tractors, nor trust factory-farms and Big-Ag if we return to the basics.

“Defund the police!” They cry. Yeah, brilliant (insert sarcastic tone). How about instead we divest from Wall Street and big tech? Bring the power back to the people and communities? Why not invest in our local economies? Those are not only sound ideas, but the only ideas that could still preserve our freedom, liberty, privacy and sanity.

Urban Homesteading is not “tuning in and dropping out” but it’s “tuning out and settling in” — tune out of the clamor, fear and hysteria found on social media and in the main-stream media and settle into your backyard garden, community gardens, container gardens, local farmer’s market or farm-to-table restaurants. Divest from Wall Street chains and support local food.

Whatever means we can use to return to settling back into our local communities, from rebuilding our local food supply to supporting local farmers and local food, we need local self reliance and a strong local economy now more than ever.

Covid mandated closures and restrictions have obliterated our locallyowned businesses. In the process our civil discourse, civil liberties and individual rights have eroded like never before. Our sense of identity gained from our local communities is eroding as local retail and restaurants go out of business.

Media fear mongering and indoctrination in Universities is transforming young, otherwise intelligent people into tribalists who chant slogans, repeat talking points, seek to cancel in the name of “wokeness” rather than understand history and facts. In the process, we are tearing ourselves apart along political lines.

The government and corporations both want us to rely them, but this runs contrary to our western ideals. We are being used as pawns that enthrone them and enshrine their power. Do you feel safe being a pawn?

There is a real world, a world where we can grow our own, enjoy the bounty of the earth, the sun made possible by a little sweat from the human brow, and it’s a far superior world than the world they are trying to sell us. Tune out and settle in and support local farmers markets and our local economy.

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