Urban Homesteading By Richard Markosian
Divest from Wall Street, Invest in local food. B ig tech is censoring us, tracking
California’s “mass exodus”. Expect higher
us, selling our personal data to
housing costs as more transplants move
corporations to advertise to us more
here. Exaserbating the problem further is
efficiently. We buy everything on Amazon,
inflation and a 300% increase in lumber
book our hotels on Expedia and rooms
prices. Massive inflation is already here.
on AirB&b, get around on Uber and get
The Fed is painting a rosy picture that
all our news from YouTube and Facebook.
somehow it’s not happening but nobody is
We make Silicon Valley executives and
buying it.
Wall Street investors insanely rich,
The government increased our entire
while our local small businesses and our
money supply by 40% in just 14 months.
communities deteriorate. “Expect another
All of this “free money” and $4 trillion in
round of PPP!” they inform us.
stimulus spending doesn’t happen without
The middle class, the working class, and all non-tech workers watch their spending power decline: food, gasoline
a major currency devaluation.
So what do you do?
and especially housing costs are going crazy. The impact is the middle class is
It’s time we all fight back by embracing
shrinking while the homeless population
the “urban homestead movement”. Pay off
and subsistence class is increasing
your house or buy a mini-house and grow
Utah’s Housing Crisis is exacerbated by
12 | utahstories.com
your own food. Learn to grow, harvest,