Change the Narrative: Challenging Assumptions on Gender, Family, & More
Assumptions Claudia Geist, PhD
What assumptions do people often make about you that are not entirely correct?
Identify one concrete action to dispel this assumption in either a work or personal setting. Give yourself a deadline. Write down what you think the WORST consequence could be. What would be the BEST possible outcome to dispel an incorrect assumption about you? What? Who? When?
List 2-5 changes in your work life that would benefit YOU and make your life easier OTHER THAN increased compensation (i.e., flexible hours, more remote work, less remote work, change in vacation/ PTO rules, etc.). This can be big or small.
Who else would benefit from this change?
Who would be negatively impacted by this change?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please share your list with people at your table or in the chat on Zoom.
Who can make this change?
Pick ONE idea (your own or someone else’s idea) that you will try to implement in the next two months: Proposed Change:
Find Allies:
Share your idea with at least two colleagues in your organization, the more different from you, the better. Name:
No Support
No Support
No Support
No Support
No Support
Additional ideas from allies:
Identify Change Makers: (get input from your colleagues about who that might be)
Who to contact: Send idea or request meeting Highlight why this idea would benefit YOU Highlight who else would benefit Be honest about cost/drawbacks
When: Initial feedback:
Discuss next steps with your allies!