It’s a beautiful day in St. George. The future is ready for Brooks to forge. Stretching his arms, he climbs out of bed and slams his foot on a post made of lead.
His toe begins to throb, it hurts so bad. He wants to throw a fit, perhaps get mad.
But yelling at himself isn’t meant to be. Being kind starts with being kind to me. Brooks says to himself, “Everywhere you go, spread kindness and it will grow.”
It’s time for breakfast. To the kitchen Brooks goes, where burnt pancakes waft past his nose. At first, he wants to complain in disgust, but practicing kindness is a must.
Mean words would certainly make Mama sad, but eating these pancakes won’t be so bad.
job,” he says, “I know you did your best. Thanks for trying instead of getting rest.”
After all, everywhere you go, spread kindness and it will grow.
As they walk to school, it starts to rain. Getting wet this early would be such a pain.
Mama opens an umbrella to keep them dry and sees Swoop and Waldo soaked nearby.
“We can share,” Mama says as her arm extends.
“Together we can all stay warm, my friends.”
“Thanks for keeping us dry,” they say.
Mama is happy to spread kindness this way.
Remember, everywhere you go, spread kindness and it will grow.
It’s time for math class once they get to school. Students must work together — that’s the rule.
Swoop and Waldo see Buster all alone. “We’ll work with you,” they say in a nice tone.
Buster thanks them for being his friend. His lonely days have come to an end. They say, “When you see others in need, we know you will do the same, indeed.”
Because they know, everywhere you go, spread kindness and it will grow.
Being kind isn’t a short-lived trend. Brooks will be kind until the end.
One day, he’ll grow big and strong, and go to Utah Tech all day long. He’ll learn by doing and jump-start his career. Brooks will continue to be kind there.
After four years, he’ll earn his degree, and help others be the best they can be.
Always remember, everywhere you go, spread kindness and it will grow.
• Bison are the largest land animals in
• Bison are the national mammals of the
• National Bison Day is the first Saturday
North America. United States. of November.
• Some of the last and only purebred bison
• Bison stand 6 to 6.5 feet tall, 10 to 12.5
• A bison’s hump is composed of muscle
in the world can be found in the Henry Mountains of Southern Utah. feet long and weigh up to 2,700 pounds. supported by long vertebrae. It allows the animal to plow through obstacles, which makes them perfect for TRAILBLAZING.
Utah Tech’s more than 250 programs offer real-world, hands-on experiences across all disciplines – humanities, arts, education, health science, business, and STEM – with the most affordable university tuition in Utah. Our students make, create, and innovate while gaining real-world active learning experiences.
Utah Tech lives our motto “active learning. active life.” by providing engaging opportunities for our students. This book was illustrated and designed by True Jarrel, a student-intern who works in the Utah Tech University Marketing & Communication Office and will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design.
Home of Buster the Badger
Home of Buster the Badger
Home of Swoop the Hawk
Home of Waldo the Wildcat
Utah Tech University is not only home to Brooks the Bison, it also is where students go to participate in active learning to prepare for the careers of their dreams.
The One Kind Act a Day initiative, created by the Semnani Family Foundation, strives to make kindness a daily habit. One small act of kindness, when done by many, canlead to big change in our lives and world. Our communities, families, and personal health can all benefit from making kindness a daily habit.
The initiative’s goal is to honor, recognize, and celebrate the inherent good in people and cultivate one of the most important gifts of all — our faith in humanity and our belief in a better, kinder future for all people all over the world. Not only do both the giver and the recipient benefit from daily acts of selflessness — the spirit of generosity has a way of gaining momentum and spreading from one person to another.
Take the pledge to perform just One Kind Act a Day at thepowerofkind.org.