College of Education 2008 Annual Report

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College of Education The University of Texas at Arlington

partners for the future 2008 annual report

Contents 2

Department of Curriculum

and Instruction



Mind, Brain Education




Visiting Council Advisory


Department of Kinesiology


Department of Educational

Leadership and Policy Studies

College of Education Administration Dean’s Office

Jeanne Gerlach Associate Vice President for K-16 Initiatives and Dean

Patty Motlagh Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing

Perry Schoon Senior Associate Dean

Louann Schulze Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Carrie Ausbrooks Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Jeanie Spears Assistant to the Dean

Department Chairs

John Buckwalter Assistant Dean for Research and Chair, Department of Kinesiology

Ernest Johnson Associate Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Lou Fincher Associate Chair, Department of Kinesiology; and Director, Athletic Training Education Program

John Smith Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Adrienne Hyle Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

message from

the Dean W

elcome to the 2008 Annual Report of The

With growth and status change came our recognition by U.S. News & World Report as having one of the top

University of Texas at Arlington

online literacy programs in the nation. Additionally, we

College of Education. This report

earned accreditation from the National Council for

showcases the work of our

Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

faculty and students and, in doing

While we celebrate the efforts of our faculty and

so, provides a snapshot of the

students, we also recognize and thank our donors who

teaching, research and service

have supported programs, endowments, scholarships and

within the college during the 2007-08 academic year. You will read about the scholarly contributions of

outreach to PK-16 partners. Steffen Palko’s million-dollar gift established the Southwest Center for Mind, Brain

faculty in three departments—Curriculum and Instruction,

Education, where educators, biologists, neuroscientists

Kinesiology and Educational Leadership and Policy Studies—

and psychologists will collaborate to make learning more

and the difference-making efforts of faculty and students.

effective and accessible for all students.

For example, graduate student Karen Elliott works with

Moreover, support from the Sid W. Richardson

the Rafiki Foundation to set up villages in African countries.

Foundation has supported faculty efforts to prepare top-

She helps with the building of homes and the development

level administrators for public schools, two-year colleges

of schools and medical facilities to care for children and give

and universities. The Meadows Foundation’s generous gifts

them a head start in life.

have helped our literacy faculty offer a Master Reading

You’ll learn how Dr. Ann Cavallo, Associate Professor in

Certificate to teachers in North Texas.

Curriculum and Instruction, has expanded the College of

In addition to foundation support, our faculty members

Education’s role in science education by researching how

have received external funding for research and outreach.

best to prepare preservice science teachers.

Grants and contracts in 2007-08 increased substantially

Another profile features Dr. Louise Fincher, Associate

over the previous year. NASA recently awarded a

Professor of Kinesiology, who has been recognized as

three-year grant to Dr. David Keller, Assistant Professor

Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer by the National

of Kinesiology, to research the safety of astronauts in

Athletic Trainers’ Association. She has published widely in

exploratory missions. He will examine the effects of

professional journals and completed a textbook, Clinical

partial gravity on exercise and body temperature.

Pathology for Athletic Trainers, in 2007. These and other stories reflect the strength of our faculty

I hope you enjoy this report. As you read the articles, you will discover why we are recognized as one of the

and students. Their accomplishments have fostered the

most innovative and successful education colleges in

college’s growth from the Center for Professional Teacher

Texas. Thank you for your continued support and efforts

Education in 1997 to the School of Education in 1999 and,

to help us prepare students for success in the 21st

finally, to our designation as a college in 2003.

century. Jeanne Gerlach

the department of


Curriculum Instruction


nce children reach school age, they often spend more time with their teachers than their parents. Teachers not only provide information to students, they also play a significant role in their emotional, intellectual and social development. This critical role emphasizes the importance of having qualified educators like those who graduate from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at UT Arlington in today’s classrooms and administrative offices. With close proximity to more than 180 school districts, the department is dedicated to developing and delivering educational programs that provide the highest level of teacher preparation in North Central Texas. “It is important that we offer a variety of options for students who want to be educators and that we prepare our students to become highly effective in teaching,” department Chair John Smith said. “We work to ensure that what we teach at UT Arlington is connected to what they will experience in real-world classrooms.” The department offers undergraduate and graduate programs in early childhood to grade 4, mid-level, secondary and bilingual education as well as specialties in educational technology and literacy. It recently received recognition from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) for its programs based on six standards: candidate knowledge, skills and professional dispositions; assessment system and unit evaluation; field experiences and clinical practice; diversity; faculty qualifications, performance and development; and unit governance and resources. NCATE also recognized the early childhood to grade 4 program for its portfolio system, which assesses students in the program. The portfolio includes activities done in classes, lesson plans, professional development plans, reflections on educator ethics and plans for involving families in the classroom. The department is also touted for partnerships with area school districts, including Arlington, Hurst-Euless-Bedford and Mansfield. These partnerships offer students extensive opportunities to receive on-the-job training as teachers. “The college’s field-based programs, particularly at the undergraduate level, allow students to be more prepared for the classroom,” Dr. Smith said. “We hope that what they 2  UT Arlington College of Education

experience as UT Arlington interns and residents is what they will see in their own classrooms after graduation.” Take, for example, Joann Bobbitt, a May 2008 graduate. She was a nontraditional student when she enrolled at UT Arlington in 2006 and always knew she wanted to be a teacher. The mother of three sons, she worked in a family business with her husband before returning to school. “The professors helped us fall in love with education and learn basic skills that will apply to any classroom level and subject,” she said. “I appreciated that we were required to produce extended lesson plans. We learned to go through the instructional planning process until it became second nature.” For her residency and internship, Bobbitt taught second grade at West Elementary and fourth grade at Ashworth Elementary—both in the Arlington Independent School District. She received her state board certification this summer and teaches second grade in the Grand Prairie Independent School District. Research is a vital component of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. “Research is an important part of our profession,” said Jill Fox, associate professor and former interim chair. “It allows faculty to ask what works in real classrooms and to determine best methods for increasing student achievement, increasing the quality of student responses and graduating successful students.” Smith agrees. “In a world of increased accountability and increased student needs, teachers must rely on research to recognize and implement effective instructional strategies.” Assistant Professor Joohi Lee looks at children’s mathematical readiness and how they play with non-English speaking children. Judy Trotti, visiting assistant professor, focuses on what Texas’ top business executives think

“We work to ensure that what we teach at UT Arlington is connected to what they will experience in real-world classrooms.”

about teachers. Associate Professor Ann Cavallo examines students’ understandings of science concepts and their perceptions of math and science, including students’ confidence in their own ability to successfully achieve in Field-based teaching programs allow students to be more prepared for the classroom. these subjects. Faculty submitted 13 proposals for external support, with Faculty $770,756 in new funding received in 2007-08. In addition, Dana Arrowood, Clinical Assistant Professor they published 15 articles in national peer-reviewed journals and made 19 scholarly presentations at national conferences, Amber Brown, Assistant Professor including 10 at the prestigious American Educational Ann Cavallo, Associate Professor Research Association Annual Meeting. The department’s research focus is reflected in a threeDenise Collins, Clinical Assistant Professor course research sequence offered to graduate students. Mary Lynn Crow, Professor Classes cover such topics as methods for classroom research, Ruth Davis, Associate Professor and Director of Professional preparing a classroom research study and conducting a Development classroom research study. Students completing the sequence walk away with a thesis-level research project. Stephanie Daza, Assistant Professor “The studies prepare them to do research in real-life Linda Denson, Lecturer settings and allow them to be more cutting-edge leaders in Graciela De Lugo Lauro, Lecturer their districts,” said Dr. Cavallo, who directs and teaches the courses. Jill Fox, Associate Professor The department offers all graduate-level curriculum and Patricia Gomez, Assistant Professor instruction courses in the evening to accommodate fulltime teachers. In addition, many undergraduate classes are Nancy Hadaway, Professor and Director of Secondary and offered in the evenings to accommodate student residencies Literacy Studies and internships, as well as practicing teacher aides seeking Holly Hungerford-Kresser, Assistant Professor teacher certification. Christopher Kribs-Zaleta, Associate Professor Joohi Lee, Assistant Professor

Academic Programs Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science subject areas: • Early Childhood - 4th Grade • Middle Level (4th-8th Grade) • Secondary (8th-12th Grade) with a major in the academic content area taught in secondary schools • Secondary (6th-12th Grade) in journalism, speech, French, German and Spanish • All-level in music, art and physical education

Jon Leffingwell, Associate Professor Janet Melton, Clinical Assistant Professor Luis Rosado, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Bilingual Education Kim Ruebel, Assistant Professor Marc Schwartz, Professor and Director of Mind, Brain Education Peggy Semingson, Assistant Professor

Master of Education in Teaching - for students not certified with their bachelor’s degree

Cleta Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor

Master of Education - for students certified with their bachelor’s degree

Kathleen Tice, Assistant Professor

John Smith, Professor and Department Chair

Joy Wiggins, Assistant Professor Annual Report 2008  3

Online Literacy Studies

Offering draws students from the state, nation and world Children in Africa are reading better thanks to the work of College of Education graduate student Karen Elliott. Elliott works with the Rafiki Foundation, a nonprofit organization that sets up villages in 10 African countries that house up to 260 orphans each. The villages include homes, a K-12 school, and job training and medical facilities to give the children a head start. One of the single-most important things they learn is reading. “If you can’t read, you can’t learn,” said Elliott, who recently introduced reading aloud to students in the schools. “We have our junior high students reading aloud to our kindergarten students in our school in Nairobi. We have teachers in our school in Nigeria reading aloud to children in all grade levels. In many cases, our kids prefer reading over recess!”

Elliott learned the importance of teaching reading and literacy the right way while studying for her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in literacy via distance learning at UT Arlington. Coursework for the degree is completed entirely online using lectures, discussion forums and electronic forums— but no synchronous live chats. “There is a convenience factor for students,” said Professor Nancy Hadaway, who directs the program. “They can be online when they want to be. There is no assigned class time. But there are required assignments and exams.” That convenience swayed Elliott to the UT Arlington program, which attracts students from across the state, nation and world. “I travel three-to-four times a year for two-to-three weeks at a time in Africa,” she said. “While on a recent trip, I was able to post one of my assignments while in the Heathrow Airport. Last year, I participated in our online discussion group while in an Internet café in Moshi, Tanzania.” The program requires 12 classes totaling 36 semester credit hours, with students taking one-to-two classes each semester. The courses focus on preparing teachers to be agents of change in school districts. “The literacy program is designed as a practical, make it, use-it-in-your-class type of program,” said graduate Greta Sharp, a teaching assistant for classes online. “Every class gave me tools and research I could immediately implement in my classroom.” The program begins and ends with practicum experiences that give students hands-on field practice in leading professional development. Elliott, for instance, created curriculum for the Rafiki Foundation reading program. Students can also earn up to three professional certifications as part of the master’s degree curriculum, including reading specialist, English as a second language and master reading teacher (available only in Texas). Enrollment is typically 150 to 200 students each year, with 25 graduating in 2008. “The program provides students the opportunity to share international perspectives on education,” Dr. Hadaway said. “Many students have only taught in Texas, so it opens up their views to how things are done in other states and around the world.”

With guidance from literacy graduate student Karen Elliott, junior high students at the Rafiki Village in Kenya help kindergartners learn to read. The literacy program attracts students worldwide.

Led by Dr. Luis Rosado, right, students participate in a Spanish language immersion program in Mexico.

Dual Language Emphasis

Students also take four new courses (12 semester credit hours) covering the foundations of bilingual education, enhancing Spanish proficiency, the organization and administration of dual language programs, and second language acquisition and ESL. “The classes are very intense,” said Barbara Domenzain, a bilingual kindergarten teacher in Fort Worth who started teaching in a dual language program during the 2007-08 school year. “The instructors really make sure that we are grasping an extreme amount of information. They are passionate about the subject matter, and they want us to be experts in our fields. I was interested in finding out more about the dual language program to help my students and campus be more successful.” Master’s students participate in a Spanish immersion program in Mexico in July of their first year. The goal is for Spanish-speaking teachers to enhance their communication skills. For non-Spanish speakers, the goal is to develop functional Spanish skills and familiarize themselves with the process of second language acquisition. Candidates interact with Mexican educators and learn about the culture and the educational system. They live with middle-class Mexican families and take classes at Universidad International in Cuernavaca. “We do not take a tourist approach,” Dr. Rosado said. “The goal is for students to learn second language empathy while experiencing the language in a different culture.” Scholarships are available for up to 10 students in each cohort through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Title III program. The scholarship pays for tuition, books and the Mexico trip for the 10-person cohort each year through 2012. Scholarship recipients are selected based on GRE scores, grade-point average and a telephone interview. The next cohort will be selected in summer 2009 with classes starting in the fall.

Principal certification first of its kind in Texas To better educate students in an increasingly bilingual world, local school districts have begun offering dual language programs in elementary schools. In dual language education, students are taught in two languages, usually English and Spanish. Days may be split so that half the day is taught in English and half in Spanish, or one day will be taught in English with the next day in Spanish. Typical programs begin in kindergarten or first grade and continue for several years with a goal of bilingualism. Several districts near UT Arlington, including Arlington, Dallas, Fort Worth, Grand Prairie and Irving, launched dual language programs in fall 2007, with Carrollton ISD starting one in fall 2008. To help educators implement, manage and support these programs, the College of Education is offering a Master of Education with principal certification and a dual language emphasis. The degree is the first of its kind in Texas. “Effective teachers and instructional leaders are critical to ensure the success of dual language programs,” said Luis Rosado, director of the program and the Center for Bilingual Education at UT Arlington. “This master’s degree will build capacity and strengthen the ability of future administrators to support these types of programs.” The 39-hour degree is designed for in-service teachers, taking six credits every semester including summer sessions for two years. The program shares 27 hours with the Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with Principal Certification. The classes cover such topics as the foundations of educational administration, political and legal aspects of education, research and evaluation, the principalship, technology in education, resource management, educational governance and instructional leadership.

Annual Report 2008  5

Articulation Agreements

Model programs boost community college students Earning a four-year degree is simpler for area community college students thanks to articulation agreements between the College of Education and local community college districts. Students who enter either a child development or professional educator program at a participating community colleges in Tarrant, Dallas, Collin, Johnson and Hill counties may complete their associate degrees while earning credit for courses required for a bachelor’s degree in early childhood or bilingual education at UT Arlington. “We have a very close relationship with the community colleges,” said Patty Motlagh, assistant dean for certification and testing. “We make it seamless for students to transfer from our partner colleges.” Students can take up to 82 hours at the community college level, including core courses in English, history, government, speech, math, lab science, psychology, computer literacy, art or music appreciation, physical fitness, Spanish and science. To earn the Bachelor of Arts in Child Studies, which is an articulate degree, students must also take five classes offered through a community college child development program that are not offered at UT Arlington. The classes include educating young children; wellness of the young child; families, school and community; child guidance; and infant and toddler. Students who have completed those hours then apply to the College of Education and are required to have a 2.75 GPA and pass the Texas Academic Skills Program-Texas Higher Education Assessment with a 270 in reading, 230 in math and 220 in writing. All classes transfer to UT Arlington, so students enter the College of Education needing only 46 hours to complete their degree. They take the classes following set bachelor’s degree curricula for early childhood and bilingual education. “Students who take advantage of the articulation agreements will graduate from UT Arlington with a four-year degree and Texas teacher certification,” Motlagh said. The College of Education created its first articulation with Tarrant County College’s Northeast Campus child development program in 1999. Now, UT Arlington leads the way for other Texas universities creating articulation programs. The state models its guidelines after UT Arlington’s program.

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Faye Gutierrez took advantage of an articulation agreement with McClennan Community College in Waco to complete her degree.

One unique agreement involves McClennan Community College in Waco, which does not have a four-year public university within driving distance. The College of Education and MCC created a program in 2000 to educate area residents who want to become teachers. “I had always wanted to be a teacher or to work in the teaching field,” said Fay Gutierrez, a graduate of the program and program director of the alternative teacher certification program at McClennan. “Teachers play important roles in the lives of children. Next to their parents, they are considered role models.” Students first take classes at the community college level in Waco using the same curriculum as the community colleges in the D/FW Metroplex. Then they apply for admission to the UT Arlington program, which is taught entirely on the MCC campus or in Waco Independent School District schools. Admission is highly competitive, with two applicants applying for each of the 30 spots available in a cohort. Once in the program, students follow the same curricula as those attending classes at UT Arlington to obtain a degree in early childhood-grade 4 education. “The best thing about the program is having the ability to complete the program in Waco without having to spend money on gasoline or housing,” Gutierrez said. “And you obtain a good, quality education.” Local principals and retired administrators teach and work with students. Many are from the Waco ISD, which offers students opportunities to complete their internships and residencies. “Waco ISD takes ownership of our students while in the program,” said Motlagh. “In fact, 100 percent of the students who want to teach in Waco are hired by Waco ISD—some before they even graduate.”

Science Education

Changing the way science is taught Texas schools face a shortage of certified math and science teachers. And the demand will continue to grow in the next decade because high school students are now required to take four math and four science courses to graduate. Through extensive research, Associate Professor Ann Cavallo has discovered that the shortage results from a basic lack of understanding among students—as early as elementary school—about what science is. “Most students do not have a good understanding of science because of how it is taught,” she said. “It’s not just about scientific facts or numbers in mathematics. Instead, it’s thinking through the processes and understanding the meaning of science concepts and about what the numbers mean when they are in the mathematical equation. Students must learn to understand why the equation works and realize how the concepts and equations may be applied in every day life.” Dr. Cavallo says students turn away from science and math because they view it as rote memorization in a lecture setting. In such traditional teaching, students are lectured on factual information and then apply what they were told would happen in the lab. “With this traditional teaching, students don’t experience the satisfaction and excitement that comes with exploring concepts and problems themselves,” Cavallo said. “They will not have the opportunity to use their own logic and thinking process to make sense of it.” Her research shows that an inquiry-based teaching system would be more effective and make math and science more enjoyable. In this scenario, students conduct laboratory experiments first and then talk about their observations and findings in the classroom afterward. “It’s about discovery without any preconceived notions,” she said. “It forces students to think and not just accept fact. Students won’t just be satisfied with getting the answer they were told but will learn to use and develop their own independent thinking processes and sound decisionmaking.”

Research by Dr. Ann Cavallo shows that when asked to draw a scientist, fourthgraders typically depict white males wearing lab coats and glasses.

Students also have deeply ingrained perceptions of who scientists are. To study this, Cavallo worked with fourthgraders in the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District. She had the students draw pictures of what they thought a scientist looked like. Most depicted white males wearing lab coats and glasses. Middle school students hold the same perceptions, equating scientists and mathematicians to social misfits. “They don’t want to be considered unpopular or to be seen as too smart because they want to fit in socially,” she said. “Educators need to help students see themselves as scientists and mathematicians and also view themselves in the many career paths that exist and will exist in the future.” Cavallo works with the College of Science and the Science Education Center to provide resources for practicing teachers enrolled in science and math graduate programs. The degrees are designed to update teachers’ knowledge of content in the subject areas. The center offers kits for checkout to teachers in grades K-12 to study environmental science, the solar system, oceans, crime lab chemistry, animals, insects, the human body, weather and more. She hopes to expand the College of Education’s role in the Science Education Center by creating a collaborative research institute that brings together researchers, teachers, parents, students and more to determine how to best educate all students in these subjects, particularly the teachers, scientists and mathematicians of the future.

the department of

Kinesiology T

he Department of Kinesiology ushered in a new era in 2007 with the opening of more than 6,000 square feet of laboratory space in the newly renovated Maverick Activities Center (MAC). “The opening was a boon for our department,” Chair John Buckwalter said. “It brought much-needed space for teaching and allows our faculty and students to do research that will help shape the future of kinesiology.” Kinesiology, the study of how the human body moves, is constantly evolving because of cutting-edge research like that done in UT Arlington’s state-of-the-art Exercise Science Research Laboratories. Projects focus on helping people stay healthy, determining treatment methods for injury or illness, and demonstrating how the body responds to stress. Assistant Professor Jennifer Blevins conducted a 16week weight-loss program called “Shape-Up” with 35 UT Arlington faculty and staff to determine best methods for helping the average person get in shape. Associate Professor Judy Wilson’s research has shown the effectiveness of hyperbaric treatment on a variety of illnesses, including migraines, atherosclerosis, inflammatory pain, lupus, nerve damage, swelling and rheumatoid arthritis. Hyperbaric treatment is conducted in a cylindrical chamber—a hyperbaric chamber—where patients are exposed to 100 percent oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure. NASA recently awarded a grant to Assistant Professor David Keller to research the safety of astronauts in exploratory missions, such as creating a space station on the moon or visiting Mars. His research will look specifically at the effects of partial gravity on exercise and body temperature. Faculty submitted 36 proposals for external funding in 2007. In addition, they published 37 articles in national peerreviewed journals and presented 38 scholarly presentations at national conferences, including the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology conference

and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting. The Department of Kinesiology encourages students to conduct research at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In fact, it’s required in Applied Exercise Physiology (KINE 4300). “Students are the principal investigators for their own research projects that enhance their understanding of physiological changes in the human body,” said Dr. Wilson, who teaches the class. “They have a sense of responsibility and learn that time management is key to completing complex projects like this.” Students select a topic, write a proposal and then execute the research using the Exercise Science Research Laboratories. Student Jessica Pineda’s study of music and exercise showed that music increased performance in female runners. Nathaniel Ried studied the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among college students and found that all students tested had low or moderate risk factors, including blood pressure, cholesterol, family history, glucose, obesity and smoking. But research is only one aspect of UT Arlington’s kinesiology studies. Students in graduate and undergraduate programs are invited to participate in the Maverick Society of Athletic Training Students, Student Research Day and the Anderson Sports Performance Lectures, which feature influential people working in kinesiology. Students also receive on-the-job training through internships, residencies and practicums. For example, Athletic Training Education Program students may work under the care of a certified and/or licensed athletic trainer to learn how to take a patient’s history, tape and brace a sport injury, develop nutritional guidelines for athletes, evaluate and treat acute and chronic injuries, and prepare equipment and athletes for an athletic event. “The purpose of clinical education is to give students time in the field and to allow them to practice skills until they are proficient in them,” said Cindy Trowbridge, coordinator of clinical education. “Field experience also

“Students are the principal investigators for their own research projects that enhance their understanding of physiological changes in the human body.”

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Academic Programs Undergraduate • Physical Education, with or without teacher certification • Athletic Training, with or without teacher certification • Exercise Science, with a health/ fitness focus or as preparation for a career in the Allied Health Sciences

Graduate • Master of Science in Exercise Physiology Students participate in cutting-edge research in the Exercise Science Research Laboratories.

helps students prepare for the athletic training licensure exam, which they are required to pass to practice in the state of Texas.” Student Trent McPherson has done six-to-eight clinical rotations, working with UT Arlington and area high school athletic programs as well as in clinics with orthopedic surgeons. “Clinical rotations are the culmination of what we learn in the classroom and in our clinical classes,” he said. “When we start, we just stand in the back and watch. Then we gain experience in the classroom in year two and apply it in year three. It’s a lot of hands-on work.” McPherson entered his final year in the Athletic Training Education Program in fall 2008 and hopes to graduate in 2009. After graduation, he plans to become a physician’s assistant and work in orthopedics.

Faculty John Buckwalter, Professor and Department Chair Rebecca Crow, Clinical Assistant Professor Lou Fincher, Associate Professor, Associate Department Chair and Director of the Athletic Training Education Program Wendell Hawkins, Clinical Assistant Professor Brad Heddins, Clinical Assistant Professor and Supervisor of the Exercise Sciences Research Laboratories David Keller, Assistant Professor Paul Krawietz, Clinical Assistant Professor Paul McDonough, Associate Professor Barry McKeown, Professor Larry Nelson, Assistant Professor and Pedagogy Program Director Terry Olson, Clinical Assistant Professor Christopher Ray, Assistant Professor Mark Ricard, Professor and Graduate Program Director Cindy Trowbridge, Assistant Professor and Clinical Education Coordinator for the Athletic Training Education Program Judy Wilson, Associate Professor and Exercise Science Program Director Abu Yilla, Clinical Assistant Professor

Annual Report 2008  9

Lou Fincher

In the national spotlight Associate Professor Lou Fincher found her career of choice as a high school junior when she sprained her ankle playing basketball. The injury required treatment from the school’s licensed and certified athletic trainer. “I knew right away that athletic training was the career for me,” she said. “It was a way to combine my interest in medicine with my love for sports.” The National Athletic Trainers’ Association recently named Lou Fincher its Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer. Thirty years later, Dr. Fincher has been recognized as Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association program, graduate and then come back to visit as young (NATA). The prestigious honor recognizes NATA members successful professionals.” for at least 25 years of exceptional contributions to the She has seen many changes since entering the field in athletic training profession. It reflects a lifetime of dedication 1983. to athletic training on the national, district and local levels. “There are a lot more women in the profession, and Fincher is associate chair of the Department of technology has greatly influenced how we take care of Kinesiology and director of the Athletic Education Training injuries,” she said. “Clinical research within the athletic Program. She began her career as the assistant athletic training profession has also improved our understanding of a trainer and math teacher at Trinity High School in Euless. lot of the common injuries—what causes them and how to She also served as coordinator of research and education prevent them.” and eventually as president and CEO of the Joe W. King Fincher’s own research focuses on the clinical Orthopedic Institute in Texas Orthopedic Hospital in effectiveness of therapeutic heating and cooling modalities Houston. for treating the pain, swelling and inflammation associated “While studying for my master’s degree, I was assigned with many common orthopedic injuries. She has published to teach undergraduate athletic training courses,” she said. more than 30 professional articles and co-wrote her first “That was when the light bulb went on for me. I knew textbook, Clinical Pathology for Athletic Trainers, in 2007. then that I really wanted to teach full time in the university She serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Athletic setting.” Training and the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. She chairs She went on to earn her doctorate degree from the the NATA Professional Education Committee, is a member University of Alabama in 1995 and started teaching at UT of the NATA Educational Council and has served on the Arlington in 2000. organization’s Continuing Education and Clinical Education When asked what she loves most about her job, committees. She also has received NATA’s 25 Year Service Fincher said, “I like to see my students grow personally and Award, Athletic Training Service Award and the Foundation professionally. I enjoy watching them progress through the Volunteer of the Year.

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Christopher Ray

Keeping seniors on their feet Every year, one in three people age 65 or older falls. Sometimes they injure themselves, decreasing their ability to live independently. Even a fall that doesn’t cause injury can create fear that can limit confidence and diminish their quality of life. Kinesiology Assistant Professor Christopher Ray is working to allay these fears by identifying physical factors that contribute to increased fall risk in sighted and legally blind older adults. “The research will help us develop interventions that improve functional independence and quality of life in both older adults and aging adults with visual impairments,” said Dr. Ray, who is also a research health scientist at the VA North Texas Health Care System. “The goal is to figure out how to help the elderly, particularly those with vision loss, in their daily lives.” Ray has been interested in this field since his postdoctoral research fellowship with the Veterans Administration Rehabilitation Research and Development Center of Excellence for Aging Veterans with Vision Loss from 2004 to 2007. The ability of an older adults to perform daily tasks, maintain independent mobility and react to loss of balance is affected by age-associated declines in muscle mass, decreased neuromuscular efficiency and reductions in flexibility. In particular, loss of lower extremity strength can make climbing stairs, rising from a chair or the floor, and even walking more difficult. Moreover, changes in balance and gait can negatively affect an older adult’s activity level. The result: Older adults are less likely to participate in an active lifestyle. Ray’s methods evaluate balance and reaction time using the Sensory Organization Test created by NeuroCom International, Inc., which specializes in balance and mobility testing. The test looks for abnormalities in the subject’s use of the three sensory systems that contribute to balance: vestibular (inner ear), visual and somatosensory, which helps the body detect touch, pressure, temperature, pain, muscle movement and joint position. Christopher Ray, right, is researching ways to decrease the risk of falling for senior adults.

A total of 150 subjects will be evaluated over the next three years using the test, which assesses the subject’s ability to react to input from the three sensory systems. Each subject is tested under the following conditions: • Standing on a flat surface with normal vision • Standing on a flat surface with eyes closed • Standing on a flat surface with visuals that make the subject seem to be falling forward • Standing on a tilted surface with normal vision • Standing on a tilted surface with eyes closed • Standing on a tilted surface with visuals that make the subject seem to be falling forward. “By testing them in a variety of conditions, we will better understand the degree to which participants rely on their vision when trying to balance and how participants are able to balance when their attention is divided,” said Ray, whose research is supported by the Veterans Health Administration Research and Development Career Development Program. Once the tests are complete, Ray will evaluate the data and try to create effective therapeutic methods or strategies to counteract any negative effects found in the research and improve the overall quality of life of older adults.

Dancing Classrooms

How physical movement affects the mind Fifth-graders participating in ballroom dancing exhibit improved social skills.

Assistant Professor Larry Nelson’s research is not the norm among kinesiology faculty members. His unique approach looks beyond the physiological and instead delves into the psychology of physical movement. Take Dr. Nelson’s study of ballroom dancing education for fifth-graders in the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District. A pilot study conducted in three schools in 2006 showed students had a greater perception of social support and increased social development after taking ballroom dancing in their physical education classes. Called Dancing Classrooms, the program originated in New York City under the direction of world-renowned ballroom dancers Pierre Dulaine and Yvonne Marceau. Its goals: help students achieve social awareness and build selfesteem through the study of ballroom dance. “The research shows students felt more supported and respected by their peers as a result of the program,” Nelson said “They were more likely to feel a part of something good and felt that school will help them to become more successful.” He measured the impact of the program using two preand post-surveys that looked at such things as optimism and confidence, self-efficacy and motivation, social support and school environment. Students took ballroom dance twice a week for 10 weeks during their P.E. classes. Each class, taught by local dancers trained by Dulaine, introduced new steps, reinforcing what had been previously learned through practice and repetition. “At first, students don’t want to participate,” he said, “but

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as we go along, they get excited about dancing and have fun.” Students work with partners to learn six Latin and ballroom dances and six traditional and line dances as well as a brief cultural background for each. The year culminates in special school events and the Colors of the Rainbow competition, which allows the young dancers to share their talents with their parents, friends, teachers and school administrators. Nelson’s other research examines the benefits of service learning for students studying kinesiology education. Service learning is a teaching methodology that provides students the opportunity to perform local community service related to their academic coursework. This, paired with classroom activities and discussions, helps students develop the critical and reflective thinking skills they need in the real world. Research shows that one in four teachers leave within the first two years of teaching, and four of 10 leave within the first five years. “Many of these teachers felt ill-prepared for the issues they faced daily in the classroom,” said Nelson, who received the Arlington Star-Telegram Faculty Service Learning Award in 2008. “But through service learning, students engage in teaching and learning experiences that make it possible to encounter the types of complexities they will face in the future as classroom teachers.” His study has shown that teachers who have the experience of service learning are much better prepared to enter the classroom upon graduation.

Cindy Trowbridge

Providing quality care for Olympic athletes Cindy Trowbridge has seen China from the steps of the Olympic Village. She stayed there while serving as a certified athletic trainer for the U.S. Paralympic swimming and rowing teams in the 2008 Paralympic Games Sept. 6-17 in Beijing. “The games were a great opportunity to work with talented athletes from all over the world,” said the kinesiology assistant professor and clinical education coordinator of the Athletic Training Education Program. “The athletes were absolutely amazing, participating in activities that I couldn’t do fully functioning.” The Paralympic Games feature people with disabilities— amputees, blind or visually impaired athletes and those with spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries—competing at an elite level. Sports include archery, basketball, boccia, cycling, equestrian, fencing, goalball, judo, powerlifting, rowing, rugby, sailing, shooting, soccer, swimming, table tennis, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. While in China, Dr. Trowbridge began her day at 6 a.m. in the general medical clinic or on a bus attending scheduled events with her teams. Her primary responsibilities included managing injury/illness and medical issues in coordination with a team of certified athletic trainers, physicians and the chief medial officer. She also acted as a liaison between the athletes, coaching staff, physicians and the chief medical officer. “Each day was a new adventure,” she said. “As a certified athletic trainer covering international competitions, you often don’t know what to expect.” The U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) selected Trowbridge through the Volunteer Medical Program, which allows physicians, chiropractors and certified athletic trainers to attend to athletes participating in USOC-sanctioned national and international athletic events. Certified athletic trainers attend practices and competitions of assigned sports, assist in medical care for athletes in the sports medicine clinic and work alongside the team physician to provide continuity of care and a cohesive medical team. They also evaluate and test athletes, coaches and guests in case of injury, illness or other emergency. The program was first used in Colorado Springs in 1979.

Trowbridge’s USOC involvement began in June 2000 at the Colorado Springs Training Center. There, she worked with USA women’s basketball and Junior Olympic gymnastics while she was evaluated to determine her skill level. She was selected for her next assignment in 2001 with the women’s bobsled team. She spent two weeks at the World Cup in Park City, Utah, where the team took first, second and third. She next served in January 2003 as an athletic trainer (covering figure skating and speed skating) at the World University Games in Piancavallo, Italy. She also went on a training trip to the World Cup site in Koenigsee, Germany, with the women’s bobsled and men’s/women’s skeleton teams. In November and December 2005, she traveled for three weeks with the women bobsledders to their World Cup circuit in Italy, Germany and Austria prior to the 2006 Torino Winter Games. Trowbridge serves on the National Athletic Training Association (NATA) Pronouncements Committee. The group creates position statements for the organization, such as beliefs on concussions, eating disorders, diabetes and asthma. She also serves as a district representative for the NATA Research and Education Foundation. “It shows students how important it is to be in associations to help them understand the culture of our unique profession and act to make changes in the health care industry,” she said.

Cindy Trowbridge, third from left, has worked with the U.S. women’s bobsled team.

Annual Report 2008  13

the department of


Educational Leadership Policy Studies O

ne of the greatest challenges educational administrators face today is bridging the gap between students leaving high school and entering college. While students meet high school graduation standards, they may find themselves deficient in specific skills needed to succeed in college. To remedy this, UT Arlington’s Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department prepares scholars and students from all levels of education to work and study together by looking at problems in administrative practices and finding research-based solutions. The department is the only one of its kind in the nation whose curriculum and programs span the educational cycle from kindergarten to college graduation. “We prepare educational leaders to be aware of the world in which they work and understand the implications of a global world in education,” Department Chair Adrienne Hyle said. “Classes and degree programs are developed to meet contemporary leadership challenges in rapidly changing public school and university settings.” Students pursue a Master of Education with Principal Certification, the Master of Education in Educational Administration with emphasis in higher education administration or dual language administration, or the Doctor of Philosophy in K-16 Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. They also work toward post-master’s

programs for principal or superintendent certification. Students take self-selected/self-paced classes or participate in cohorts where they take a specific sequence of courses as a group. Classes generally meet in the evenings to accommodate working professionals. Jim Kirkpatrick is a full-time teacher and coach pursuing a master’s degree in education with principal certification. He taught for more than 12 years, including three in the Dallas Independent School District, before returning to college. “I felt like I needed to grow as an educator because I hadn’t done all I needed to do for my career,” he said. Kirkpatrick, who is in his first semester in the on-campus cohort program, has been impressed. “The classes have changed the way I think. I have learned more in five weeks than in anything I have experienced before,” he said, crediting the talented faculty and his 13 cohort mates. “Everyone comes to class prepared and has opportunity for input, so I am able to draw from their experiences as teachers.” More than 1,000 students have completed the degree and certificate programs since they began in 1995. Graduates serve in more than 50 school districts in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arizona, Indiana, Colorado, Florida and Arkansas. Part of the draw is the high-caliber faculty, which includes former superintendents and principals as well as college administrators.

Experienced professionals teach many degree offerings in cohorts, where students take a specific sequence of courses as a group.

“We prepare educational leaders to be aware of the world in which they work and understand the implications of a global world in education.”

“UT Arlington’s faculty provided me with practical knowledge of how to perform at the highest administrative levels,” said Andrew Kim, superintendent of Manor ISD and a program graduate. “Classes were very engaging and meaningful. The teachers were the best I’ve had in my educational career and continue to be a powerful influence.” Faculty members also have knowledge of best educational practices, proven effective through research. Assistant Professor Dannielle Joy Davis looks at access and retention of traditionally marginalized students and faculty in university settings. She has found that underrepresented students are more likely to graduate from universities and colleges that emphasize minority recruitment and have diverse faculties. Dr. Davis is also the on-campus representative and primary faculty mentor for the Holmes Scholars Program, whose goal is to increase the number of minority faculty in teacher education. Lisa Green-Derry, a current Holmes Scholar, is working on her K-16 doctorate and researching the effectiveness of mentoring on pre-service teachers as well as how well colleges of education prepare teachers for urban schools. “My work here will allow me to have an impact on policy at the national level, particularly on how teachers are trained to meet the educational needs of today’s students,” she said. Associate Professor David Stader’s research focuses on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Summer Higher Education Bridge Programs in mathematics, science and English language arts. These programs aim to provide public high school students with appropriate instruction and other activities to make them college-ready. He is the principal investigator and works in collaboration with THECB personnel. The project focuses on the “bubble student.” These students pass the state test for graduation, but college placement testing indicates they have developmental needs in English and/or math. Through his research, Dr. Stader hopes to increase the number of students enrolling in college who typically would not do so and decrease the number who need developmental college coursework in English and/or math.

Academic Programs • Master of Education with Principal Certification • Master of Education in Educational Administration with emphasis in higher education administration or dual language administration • Ph.D. in K-16 Educational Leadership and Policy Studies • Certification for principals and superintendents

Faculty Matthew Basham, Assistant Professor Ronald Caloss, Lecturer and Director of Superintendency Dannielle Joy Davis, Assistant Professor Charles Funkhouser, Professor Kent Gardner, Senior Lecturer Thomas Graca, Assistant Professor James Hardy, Associate Professor Adrienne Hyle, Professor and Department Chair Linda Isaacks, Clinical Assistant Professor June James III, Lecturer Ernest Johnson, Clinical Assistant Professor James Kallison, Assistant Professor Ava Muñoz, Assistant Professor Mary Roberts, Clinical Assistant Professor Harold Smith, Lecturer David Stader, Associate Professor

Annual Report 2008  15

K-16 Doctorate

Degree melds scholars from all education levels Ben Bholan was among the first students in a program that prepares educators for careers in administration or the professoriate.

When Ben Bholan decided to leave the classroom, he enrolled in a Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Ph.D. program for educators seeking careers in administration or the professoriate. He was among the first cohort of 16 students in June 2007. All are working professionals, most with 10-plus years of teaching experience in K-12 education, and two from higher education. Bholan taught math in junior high, high school and junior college for 11 years before becoming an assistant principal at Boles Junior High School in Arlington two years ago. “I chose UT Arlington’s program because I have taught at many levels in K-16 education,” he said. “I am interested in the transitions students make between grade levels.” He enjoys the discussion-filled, thought-provoking classes. “The professors are very involved with the students and interested in their success,” he said. “They are giving of their time, encouraging and always available to help us.” Candidates receive a broad foundation in educational leadership and policy development. They take three years of coursework, completing two courses (six semester credit hours) per semester. Students take 66 hours for the degree, including six hours of internship. The dissertation is the culmination of the coursework. “The program challenges conventional wisdom that K-12 and post-secondary education are different worlds by bringing together scholars and students from all levels of education to work and study together,” said Associate

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Professor James Hardy, who directs the program. “It focuses on preparing tomorrow’s leaders across the spectrum of K-16 settings.” Classes, offered on Monday and Thursday evenings, are divided into three subject areas: research methods, policy research and leadership research. Topics include quantitative and qualitative research methods, statistics, finance policy, legal policy, organizational leadership, human resources, curriculum and student services. As part of a recent class, Bholan and a group of fellow students examined the success rate of college freshman to see if there’s a correlation between success and high school size. They plan to submit the project for presentation at the Southwest Educational Research Association conference. The program’s application process is highly competitive, with admission limited to 15-20 each year. Applications include a résumé and curriculum vitae, a 600-word essay on their motivation for pursuing the doctoral degree and how their prior experience is applicable to the program. The second cohort started in summer 2008. Its 17 students are graduates of universities across the nation, including four UT Arlington alumni. Others graduated from UCLA, Howard, Morehouse and American University. Many are bilingual, with one fluent in four languages. “I am extremely proud of the quality of students who have chosen to continue their education with us,” Dr. Hardy said. “We strive to provide an optimal educational experience for this impressive group.”

Superintendent Certification

Grooming the next generation of school district leaders The U.S. education system is facing a crisis in leadership. According to a 2007 survey by the American Association of School Administrators, too few qualified candidates exist to fill a looming number of school superintendent job openings in the next decade. In Texas alone, more than 60 percent of currently seated superintendents are at retirement age. That could mean more than 600 openings in education administration in the next five to 10 years. To help answer this demand, the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies offers a certification program to prepare potential superintendents for the state certification exam. “This is a grooming program for superintendents,” program director Ron Caloss said. “We give them experience in the field and on the job and work to get them licensed as a practicing superintendent in Texas.” The 15-hour program is intense, with working students taking classes from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. each Saturday for up to 12 months. Students bring sack lunches and eat while they discuss case studies and critique and analyze how they can perform as well as or better than their predecessors. “Dr. Caloss is the secret ingredient to the program. He brings in current practitioners to provide meaning to what we read,” program graduate Andrew Kim said. “This is a top-notch program for preparation in leadership and educational administration. It’s not just memorization of

formulas; it’s learning in context of the real world.” Kim is superintendent for the Manor Independent School District near Austin. He says he continues to reflect on what he learned in class and applies the knowledge daily. “It has more meaning now that I am on the job,” said Kim, the state’s first Asian superintendent. Students participate in an internship that allows them to gain field experience under the guidance of a professional mentor. “The idea is for them to experience the full cycle of the superintendency during the internship, including budgeting, staffing and strategic planning, and to work with the school board,” said Caloss, who retired as superintendent for Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District in 1999. Kim interned with the chief of staff and the superintendent for the Dallas Independent School District. “This was my first experience in a central administrative office,” he said. “I was a door away from the superintendent. I worked to create various leadership development programs for the district. It was a tremendous experience.” The superintendent program enters its ninth year in 2008 with a class of 25 students chosen using three criteria. They must have principal certification, be a currently practicing school administrator in public or private schools and be recommended by a licensed superintendent.

Manor ISD Superintendent Andrew Kim praises the superintendent certification program for its real-world focus.

Annual Report 2008  17

New Master’s Degree

Online program targets college leaders A master’s degree option to be offered for the first time in spring 2009 will aim to help new college-level administrators—particularly those at community colleges— prepare for the challenges of higher education. “The best community college administrators come from the faculty ranks; however, they usually are subject-matter experts and are not always educated in administrative issues,” said Matthew Basham, assistant professor and director of the master’s program. “This program will help prepare new leaders for a career as an effective administrator.” The 39-hour Master of Education in Educational Administration with an emphasis in higher education administration provides training on how to manage a department, communicate with subordinates, evaluate employees, assess departmental effectiveness, create and manage a budget and more. The program shares 21 semester hours with the Master of Education in Educational Administration. However, students take six new classes totaling 18 hours. The classes, offered completely online, are: • Student Affairs, which focuses on the administration of student services and support for student development. • Higher Education Law, which focuses on the fundamental cases of higher education law for administrators, including separation of church and state, religion, academic freedom, and employment and tenure. • Higher Education Finance, which covers the use of tax funds for education, student fees and tuition, state methods for financing, planning, cost benefit, budgeting,

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Six new courses for the Master of Education in Higher Education Administration are offered entirely online, including a class on educational technology.

capital outlay, and the relationships between educational objectives and resource allocation. • The American Community College, which provides students with the historical and philosophical foundation of the American community college system. • Higher Education Governance, which examines and compares existing models of state and local college governance structure; demographic, social, legal, financial and planning issues; and forces that affect how colleges are governed. • Technology Planning for Educational Administrators, which gives students a solid understanding of educational technology, including computers and the Internet and how to integrate them into classroom curriculum. The other 21 hours cover such topics as diversity, educational administration foundations, resource management, governance, instructional strategies and political aspects of education. Courses also benefit new community college faculty who have never taught before. For instance, EDAD 5305 provides guidance on theory and research in curriculum development, implementation and evaluation. The coursework for the master’s program is applicable toward the next level of education, a doctorate in educational administration with a higher education or community college emphasis. Dr. Basham hopes the master’s degree will be the first step in creating a Higher Education Leadership Institute (HELIX) that will focus on building a career ladder for aspiring leaders and will help identify milestones for personal development.

Principal Certification

Cohorts provide options for teachers to advance Renee Johnson didn’t plan to be a teacher when she completed her bachelor’s degree in communication in 1999. But while working as a marketing professional, she found a passion for education while teaching adult computer classes. She pursued alternative certification and began working as a full-time fourth-grade teacher at Lively Elementary School in the Irving Independent School District. “I jumped in without having any experience and found it to be invaluable in preparing me to be a teacher,” she said. As the math/science specialist on her campus, Johnson integrates technology and data use into the math and science curriculum. She also has served as literacy trainer and technology integration trainer for fourth and fifth grade. “Now I feel I can affect more children as an administrator than I ever could as a classroom teacher,” she said. Johnson is pursuing a Master of Education with Principal Certification through UT Arlington’s self-selected cohort program. It allows students to earn their master’s in four semesters by taking a specific sequence of classes as a group. “Cohort programs provide a different way to deliver our administrative preparation courses and prepare administrators and future educational leaders,” said Ernest Johnson, cohort program director, assistant department chair and master’s level graduate adviser for Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. “Cohorts provide students with choices of how they want to go through our program.” Students can select one of four cohort options for the degree. Each requires 39 semester credit hours, including six hours of internship. • The Urban Collaborative for Educational Leadership cohort offers sequenced classes to selected teachers in the Dallas, Richardson and Irving independent school districts. The districts provide financial, time release or other support for students. Cohorts begin each July with classes taught at the Universities Center at Dallas. • Educational Leadership UT Arlington (ELUTA) is a selfselected cohort option that offers sequenced classes to any student that meets graduate school and department admission requirements. Classes start each July at UT Arlington and continue for three semesters. • The Scholars of Practice option is offered at the UT Arlington Fort Worth Center, with new classes starting each semester. Students can join cohorts at any time Students in the Educational Leadership UT Arlington cohort draw on the experiences of their classmates.

during the school year and take two to three classes each semester for five semesters. • The self-paced master’s degree program is often made up of mini-cohorts who pursue their degree together. Students choose the number of classes they take each semester, where they take them (on the Arlington campus or in Fort Worth) and in what order. Classes cover such topics as legal and political issues in education, resource management, diversity, research and evaluation, the principalship and technology. Johnson, who is one of 14 in her cohort, says she selected the ELUTA program because of its convenience—classes are offered all day during the summer and in the evening or online during the fall and spring semesters—and touts its intensity as a reason for its effectiveness. “What we do in class is like hands-on, on-the-job training,” she said. “We learn through the experiences of our classmates and the relationships we have built. We are almost forced to teach each other.” Jeff Krieger, a business education teacher in Arlington and ELUTA cohort member, enjoys the camaraderie with his classmates. Students work together on projects in and out of class using the telephone and e-mail newsgroups to communicate. “We are all going through this process together and interested in the same goals,” he said. “We tend to be isolated within our own schools. But this gives us the opportunity to network with other teachers who have had different experiences from our own.You are able to create a database to pull from as things come up in our own classrooms and schools.”

Mind, Brain Education A fresh approach to solving education’s problems Mind, Brain Education (MBE) is an emerging field with potential to revolutionize educational processes. It fosters connections among education, neuroscience and cognitive science to better understand learning and teaching processes. The College of Education is at the forefront of this innovative initiative. Its involvement began with the donation of more than $1.25 million in 2005 and 2007 from Steffen and Betsy Palko to establish a professorship and education center. At the time, Steffen, founder and former CEO of XTO Energy, said he saw the possibilities of using the science of the brain to improve the quality of instructional delivery and to encourage creative learning and reasoning. “Most of the research is going on in places like Harvard or the University of Washington, and I thought that the opportunity in the Southwest, particularly in the Metroplex

where we have all the resources, was one that needed to be explored,” said Palko, who has served on local school boards and national councils of education. “The College of Education at UT Arlington has the potential to be a leader in Mind, Brain Education research.” The first order of business for College of Education Dean Jeanne Gerlach was to select a leader for the Mind, Brain Education Center. She identified Marc Schwartz, a collaborator in Harvard’s MBE Institute in the early 2000s, and brought him to UT Arlington in fall 2007. “We were extremely lucky to bring Dr. Schwartz into our program,” Dr. Gerlach said. “He is a recognized leader in the Mind, Brain Education field and brought with him a wealth of knowledge to create a premier program.” Schwartz, a former college professor who also taught science and math in public schools, served as education chair for the MBE Institute at Harvard University and as

“Mind, Brain Education utilizes research from a variety of sciences that generates insights into the factors that contribute to or interfere with learning.” – Dr. Marc Schwartz assistant director of the Mind, Brain and Education program for the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He serves as vice president and board member for the International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES) and chaired the organization’s inaugural conference co-sponsored by UT Arlington in November 2007. “The potential of MBE to succeed as a discipline is in its ability to generate new ways of understanding and solving educational problems,” Schwartz says. “MBE utilizes research from a variety of sciences that generates insights into the factors that contribute to or interfere with learning. MBE also benefits from feedback from education practitioners who can help fine-tune research agendas as well as offer classroom environments to study the learning process.” Schwartz’s own research looks at such things as precollege factors in students that influence college success and how standardized testing fails by having students rely on memorization rather than conceptual thinking to solve problems. He plans to create a collaborative group as the foundation for the college’s Mind, Brain Education Center. Participants will include educators, administrators,

researchers and policymakers and will make up a network called the Research Schools Project. The project will serve to bridge perceived gaps between educators and researchers, something Schwartz has seen all too clearly in his own studies. “Administrators and parents raise concerns about experimental interventions that include control groups because of the perceived ‘preferential’ treatment of some students over others,” he says. “Teachers also struggle to justify using classroom time for research if they think it will diminish their students’ chances of passing a statemandated test. On the other hand, researchers need to test their models in classrooms to evaluate their usefulness and to better respond to the various contexts teachers are facing.” To that end, the Research Schools Project provides a practical infrastructure for making the goals, concerns and constraints of both educators and researchers transparent. While educators are the classroom experts, researchers offer expertise in identifying reliable strategies for testing ideas. As the cognitive and neurosciences propose solutions, educators have opportunities to provide feedback. In turn, administrators and policymakers create the infrastructure and guidelines to support what research and classroom practice demonstrates works best and eventually implement it. “We are all partners contributing unique skills to complex problems,” Schwartz says. He is currently working to build relationships in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex to cultivate potential partners for the Research Schools Project and to identify community needs. He has met with local superintendents about concerns of teachers and parents and with researchers at UT Arlington, UT Dallas and UT Southwestern Medical Center in hopes of matching collaborators to solve education’s problems.

Annual Report 2008  21

college of education

Contributors Harold & Lynne Prater Endowed Scholarship Harold & Lynne Prater

College of Education Endowed Scholarship Jeanne M. Gerlach

Dean of Education Scholarship for Excellence Jeanne M. Gerlach Hugh & Anne Simmons Scholarship Janet E. Bradham Burgess International Group, Inc. Cindy Calhoun John M. Cottenmyre Pam Ernest Jan Gerhardt Jana C. Lambe Marcella Porter Cheryl Stewart Bonnie Turpin Sandra J. Warner Mary Lou D’Esposito Memorial Achievement Award Esther L. Heit Foundation R.A. “Bobby” Lane Memorial Scholarship Michelle F. Accardo Martha J. Anderson Lesly B. Annen Michael R. Baylor Beth A. Carlon Peter D. Carlon Charles G. Davis James C. Ditto Michael C. Farhat First Presbyterian Church Rebecca J. Garrett Frank M. Gault Bette M. Gilstrap Bobbie D. Greenhaw Barbara L. Griffin Robert G. Heuer Robert B. Howard Daniel J. Kauth Charles A. Key Mary Beth E. Lane Lisa L. Love Barry C. McKeown Elwood J. Preiss William E. Reeves Nita F. Scheble Cox Ralph B. Shelton Southland Conference Peter Stankosky Kyle Tribble David L. Webster Robert E. Witt

Howard H. Meyers Memorial Endowed Scholarship Marie Bannister George Barna Barbara Benjamin-Trevino Cynthia I. Bing Cheryl D. Cardell Sharon K. Carey Donald P. Cotriss Leslie S. Cownie Carol A. Davis Lucinda J. Dawson John W. Dycus Jacob M. Eiduson Sherry L. Foster Robert Gaitan Frank M. Gault Jeffrey A. Graber Thomas W. Hall Kathryn A. Head Elaine S. Higgins Rudolph P. Hy Ismailia Circus Train Marilyn Johnson Hyman Kastoff Irma D. Klein Sheldon L. Kurtzman Joan H. Lasser Thomas Lesswing Jeanette Levin Daniel S. Levine Mae C. Libotte Sue A. Libotte Margaret R. McIlroy Kenneth Meyers Pom H. Meyers Samuel Meyers Joanne C. Midlik Lori E. Newberg Nokia, Inc. North Central Texas Counseling Association Juanita Nusbaum Ruth M. Nusbaum Diane M. Paneperto Mark Permenter Selma A. Permenter Harry P. Reeder Susan J. Rouse Arthur Schwartz Ruth L. Schwartz Rita Shumsky Samuel H. Smith Ruthe Sperling Texas Counseling Association UTA Admissions Office

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UTA COBA Undergraduate Advising Center UTA International Office Fay L.Van Dam Maxine R. Weissman Beth S. Wright Marjorie E.Yaffee Fred R.Yelverton Gladys M.Young James Zagroba Judy Zeckhauser Kappa Delta Pi Excellence in Education Scholarship Kappa Delta Pi Mary Lynn Crow Scholarship R. J. Leffingwell Melanie C. O’Steen Elaine L. Wilmore Rebecca Wright Memorial Scholarship Heloisa Carman Cornerstone Baptist Church Randal F. Ford Nancy L. Hadaway Carol S. Marshall Patty J. Motlagh N.A.A.C.P. Arlington Branch James C. Quick Mary E. Ridgway Robert E. Witt Donna Wilkie Memorial Scholarship Jeanne M. Gerlach Frank Gault Endowed Scholarship Nova D. Albers Elizabeth Alexander Shahrzad Amirani W. A. Baker Marie Bannister Dennis R. Beck Barbara Benjamin-Trevino Cynthia I. Bing Carolyn S. Bray Ruth H. Brock Sharon K. Brown Smith Cheryl D. Cardell Peter D. Carlon Judith J. Carrier Bill D. Carroll Brian E. Chase Micky Choate Michael E. Cinatl Clifford A. Clark

Dayle M. Clark Phillip Cohen Charles H. Connally Lucinda J. Dawson Anne P. Daye Dan Dipert Neil H. Dishon John V. Dowdy Andrea L. Downey B. W. Duke John W. Dycus Gigi G. Ekstrom Arturo F. Elizondo Li-Chih W. Fan Jack Fitzer Jim Fitzhenry Kathleen M. Forehand Charles Gaede Robert Gaitan Brent M. Gault Don R. Gault Frank M. Gault Suzanne G. Gault Jeanne M. Gerlach Michael Gossie David A. Gray Ruth V. Gross Renda C. Hawkins Kathryn A. Head Linda D. Hoffman Alissa E. Horrigan Cherry A. Hudson June James Robert R. Jara Mary F. Kain Daniel J. Kauth Derrick T. Kinney Raymond L. Lewis Mae C. Libotte Sue A. Libotte Connie J. Lorick Robert Magnusson H.H. Manner Seldon B. Mapel Karin E. McCallum John P. McClendon Jeffrey T. McIlroy Barry C. McKeown Robin A. Melton Howard H. Meyers Rosanne B. Minyard Jerry C. Moore Patty J. Motlagh National Order of Omega Nokia, Inc. Patricia C. O’Neill Janet S. Osborne Paul B. Paulus Mark Permenter Selma A. Permenter Cheryl L. Prather

Elwood J. Preiss Dawn Prejean Karen G. Pressley R.Z. Prince Mary C. Pritchett Barbara G. Rackley Mary A. Radley Vijay V. Ram James F. Reder Nancy B. Reid Joan W. Reinhardt Talman M. Richie Molly A. Riley Warren D. Robb Anne S. Robillard Joe E. Rode Cynthia A. Rodgers Dawn R. Roeber Susan J. Rouse Martin D. Say Curt Schafer Judy Schneider Louann T. Schulze Sherry E. Schusterman Christi M. Shady Neal J. Smatresk Jerry D. Smith Judith A. Smith Melissa M. Stewart Karthik Thirumalai Cathy M. Thomas Lisa M. Thompson Veronica K. Tyson UTA Campus Recreation Department James E. Walther Carole A. Washburn Rebecca G. Webb Kenneth D. Welch Nancy G. Whitted Audrey A. Wick Laurie I. Wilder Adrian J. Williams M. D. Williams Shannon L. Williams Cristy C. Williamson Cathey B. Wise Robert E. Witt Nancy V. Wood Jackie C. Wyatt Dale C.Young Gladys M.Young Eugene W. Anderson Endowed Memorial Scholarship J.F. Anderson Keith Anderson Martha J. Anderson James P. Andrus Susan J. Ball

Susan Beckham John M. Beehler Barbara B. Ben-Ezra Allison S. Bender Bill H. Boyd Amador Cano William A. Coari Mary L. D’Esposito Judith A. Darrell Alisa D. Davis Melody A. Dennis John H. Downing Diamond B. Fence Co., Inc Debora G. Durant Stacy J. Ernst Dwight U. Freeman Suzette Freeman Donna K. Frick Debbie K. Gamill Kelly A. Gamill

Karen C. Giles Lori D. Goetz Cathy Halencak-Kahlig Claire M. Hart Patty L. Haselbarth Freddie L. Heitman Rodney W. Hicks Terry K. Hobby Tammy L. Hornick Patricia Hughes Linda S. Jarnagin Thomas A. Kloza Jeffrey B. Lawson Carla D. Lowry John L. Lumley Barry C. McKeown Stephane F. McVay Ronald D. McVicker Joseph H. Morgan Michelle R. Murphy

Wendell H. Nedderman Kellie J. Patterson Joanne Pickens Rusty Pippin Professional Fitness Instructor Training William E. Reeves Calvin L. Reimer Tiffany A. Ryan John R. Sauerhage Marilyn D. Seymour Sherwin-Williams Foundation Jacqulyn M. Skelton Kenneth D. Smith Sandra G. Taylor Melinda Terry Laura S. Thias Mark A. Thompson Lannie G. Tucker

Verizon Susan Wade Thomas Ward Sandra J. Warner Sherry D. West Steven A. Wilkins Tammy S. Willoughby Judy R. Wilson Karen S. Wilson Joe M. Wolff Beth S. Wright Jin H.Yan Judd Ramsey Memorial Scholarship Lois A. Ditto Dance Ensemble Scholarship Victoria C. Chen

D & B Restaurants Gwendolyn J. Notestine Rollin E. Phipps Ben Hogan Athletic Training Scholarship Ben Hogan Sports Therapy Institute Mary C. Crowley Scholarship Dallas Wheelchair Mavericks Carol Sue Marshall Scholarship Jeanne M. Gerlach Patty J. Motlagh Diane P. Patrick

Investing in Education The College of Education has a rich history of excellence in preparing tomorrow’s teachers and administrators. Its faculty members work collaboratively with community educators in the K-12 school districts and community colleges, and they work closely with leaders in the business and corporate sectors. As a result of these unique partnerships, Dean Jeanne Gerlach established an outreach program, Partners for the Future, which provides educators an opportunity to share resources, create innovative programs and expand curriculum to address growing community needs.

Corporate and Foundation Giving

For our Partners for the Future program to continue to propel the College of Education into the 21st century and beyond, we must maximize all aspects of community support through traditional and nontraditional avenues. Traditionally, tax dollars have provided a base of financial funding for public education. However, fluctuating government budgets coupled with escalating expenses to our public institutions have made it increasingly important to develop nontraditional revenue streams.

The College of Education is located in eight campus buildings with each facility showing its age. A first-rate academic facility must include high-tech equipment and be designed for optimum learning. To meet these expectations, we must attract significant private philanthropy for one facility.

Philanthropic Giving Opportunities Annual Financial Gifts Financial gifts can be directed to a current initiative for immediate impact.

Financial support from a corporation, foundation and other civic organizations helps sponsor academic programs, conferences and events.

Endowment Gifts Financial gifts create faculty positions and scholarships for students.

Priority Initiatives State-of-the-Art Facility

Academic Programs The recently launched Center for Mind, Brain Education fosters partnerships among neurobiologists, cognitive scientists and educational researchers throughout the region. Academic programs will assess and recommend best practices for academic learning.

Faculty Recruitment and Retention

Planned gifts encompass bequests, trusts, annuities, securities, retirement plan designations, gifts of insurance policies and gifts of retained real estate.

Talented faculty are key to the College of Education’s success. Private philanthropy helps establish endowed chairs and professorships to attract distinguished teachers and scholars and enhance professional education.

Gifts in Kind

Student Support

Future Planned Gifts

Non-cash gifts such as paintings, specialized equipment or machines, map collections, or manuscripts can be put to use by UT Arlington and/or converted to cash.

To attract the best and brightest students, the College of Education will continue to provide both need-based and merit-based awards and increase the amounts awarded to each recipient.

To learn more about investing in the College of Education or to make a contribution, contact Donna Chandler, Director of Development, at or 817-272-7451. Annual Report 2008  23

Visiting Council Advisory Committee Partnership works to develop better educators Partnering with outside organizations and businesses to meet the community’s educational needs is a key component of the College of Education’s mission. “Education is the foundation in any community because of a ripple effect that is felt by all,” said Donna Chandler, the college’s director of development. “It is important to understand the different perspectives we hear from industry partners to know what education means to them.” These partners meet at least twice a year as the College of Education Visiting Council Advisory Committee to discuss issues and provide a connection between college programs and research and those elements that relate most to the practicing profession. “There’s a quote from a guy named Edward Everett that I like that says, ‘Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army,’ ” said council member David Russell, vice president of external affairs for Verizon. Russell is former chairman and long-time board member of the Texas Business and Education Coalition and the Texas Education Reform Caucus. “I consider education a key element to keeping America strong.” Russell also says it’s important to his company, one of the state’s largest employers and one of the top corporations in America, to have a work force that knows how to learn. “Technology changes constantly and we need employees who can learn and adapt. That requires a good educational base,” he said. “Teachers play such an important role in establishing that educational base that it is essential our College of Education develop great teachers.” The council provides insight on issues like the high school dropout rate, student accountability measures, teacher preparation and accreditation and makes recommendations to Dean Jeanne Gerlach. Members also discuss potential and existing programs, such as Mind, Brain Education and the Superintendent Golf Tournament. “The college has the reputation of being a progressive leader in teacher preparation,” said council member Jim Nelson (’72 BBA), executive director of the AVID Center, a nonprofit based in California that prepares average students for four-year college eligibility. “I am interested in anything that increases the college’s efforts to assist schools and districts in securing better educators. “

Duties and responsibilities of the Visiting Council • Serving as an information source on the points of view and needs of industry and professions that will help bridge the gap between academic procedure and professional practice 24  UT Arlington College of Education

• Reviewing the relationships between the college’s activities and external constituents • Advising on opportunities for enhancing and expanding external involvement and advancement • Advocating for the college and its various constituent groups • Providing the instructional staff with expert comment on and appraisal of efforts Most council members are from business and education, including TXU, ExxonMobil Corp., Texas Instruments,Verizon, Bank of America, Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District and Tarrant County College District. Council members are selected by a nominating committee that identifies and researches potential members. One-third of the membership is replaced or re-appointed each year. Each person serves a two-year term with an optional third year.

Visiting Council Members Sal Adamski, Workforce Solutions Gene Buinger, Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District Truman Bell, ExxonMobil Corp. Nancy Berry, Nancy Berry and Associates Lois Ditto, Community Volunteer Tahita Fulkerson, Tarrant County College District Robert Gentry, TXU Cynthia Gonzalez, Choice College, Inc. Merryl Kettler, Troops to Teachers Norm Lyons, Texas Rangers Baseball Brad Mayne, American Airlines Center Cynthia Fisher Miller, Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Jim Nelson, AVID Center Steffen Palko Bob Pence, Freese and Nichols, Inc. State Representative Diane Patrick, Texas District 94 Torrence Robinson, Texas Instruments David Russell, Verizon Aleta Stampley, Bank of America Rob Watson, C5 Foundation Dr. Mike West, UT Arlington Fort Worth Higher Education Center


Facts Figures Degrees

The College of Education is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. The college is one of only 24 members of the National Network for Educational Renewal, one of the oldest and most selective organizations of its kind. Its mission is to improve the quality of Pre-K to grade 12 education about democracy and the quality preparation of educators for schools.

Bachelor’s Degrees Conferred 350


300 250


200 150





Master’s Degrees Conferred

The college enrolled 2,006 students in fall 2007, including nearly 700 in master’s and doctoral programs.

200 150 100

Since fall 2003, minority enrollment has increased by more than 75 percent.

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction’s early childhood through grade 4 teacher preparation program is nationally recognized by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and serves as a model for Texas. The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies boasts the largest superintendency program in the state. The Department of Kinesiology is endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine in recognition of its curriculum for preparing students to meet the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for certification. It is also accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.






50 2002-03


The college lies within a 60-mile radius of more than 180 independent school districts with a combined student population approaching 1 million.

Minority Enrollment 1000 Enrollment

Faculty members received $589,651 in grants and contracts in 2006-07.



96.3% of graduates passed the Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas to become certified teachers in 2007-08.

The college has 138 faculty members: 21 tenured, 15 tenure track, 85 non-tenure track and 17 graduate teaching assistants.








600 400

826 524

200 2003




Enrollment by Ethnicity (Fall 2007)

l White 52.3% l Hispanic 18.4% l African American 18.4% l International 4.9% l Asian 3.7% l Other 2.2%

College of Education

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