4 minute read
Editor's letter
from The Energy Issue
You are holding the newest issue of Utblick Magazine in you r hands. In this issue, we explore
You are holding the newest issue of Utblick Magazine in your hands. In this issue, we explore the topic of energ y, one of the cr ucial factors in fluencing world politics and essential to protect- the topic of energy, one of the crucial factors in uencing world and essential to protecting the environ ment. ing the environment.
The political issues surrounding energy continue to expand along with the global energy The issues surrounding energy continue to expand along with the energy demand Energy is a subject that can not be ignored, from the ongoing crisis in Ukraine to the demand. Energy is a that cannot be ignored, from the ongoing crisis in Ukraine to the vital necessity of combatting climate change.
We are pleased to provide a selection of articles seven of our talented and committed sta w r iters and one g uest w r iter in this issue, each of whom br ings something u nique to the dis- writers and one guest writer in this issue, each of whom brings something unique to the discussion We are t aken on a histor ical tou r of the use of fossil f uels by Ad r iana Abr il and Ismael cussion. We are taken on a historical tour of the use of fossil fuels Adriana Abril and Ismael Izquierdo, who also emphasize the expenses associated with energ y development. By examin- who also emphasize the expenses associated with energy examining the potential of biomass energ y, Tilde Bergst röm looks at whether the world is becoming ing the of biomass energy, Tilde Bergström looks at whether the world is becoming more environ ment ally f r iendly in light of climate change. A nit a Tvedt Kaksr ud investigates the more environmentally friendly in of climate Anita Tvedt Kaksrud investigates the problems with f rack ing's impact on hu man r ights, paying par ticular at tention to the exper ienc- problems with fracking's impact on human rights, paying particular attention to the experiences of the Mapuche and Sami populations in A rgentina and Nor way, respectively. Concer ning es of the Mapuche and Sami populations in Argentina and Norway, Concerning pet roleu m, Molt as Karlsson looks into the con nection bet ween democracy and macroeconomic petroleum, Moltas Karlsson looks into the connection between and macroeconomic prosper it y T he energ y cr isis is not hu r ting ever yone equally, as Dominique Keizer reveals, but prosperity. The energy crisis is not hurting everyone as Dominique Keizer but is instead "u nfolding the deep -rooted biases " T he success of the EU's Com mon Foreig n and is instead "unfolding the deep-rooted biases." The success of the EU's Common Foreign and Secu r it y Policy (CFSP) so far is thoroughly examined by A xèle Maillard A r r icot Last but not Security so far is thoroughly examined by Axèle Maillard Arricot. Last but not least, Nat alia Olsson explores the Mer it Order Effect and how it relates to the goal of renewable least, Natalia Olsson the Merit Order E ect and how it relates to the of renewable energ y energy.
We want to express ou r sincere appreciation to ou r hard-work ing st aff w r iters and editors for We want to express our sincere to our hard-working sta writers their com mit ment to ou r project. Additionally, we would li ke to ack nowledge the cont r ibutions their commitment to our Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the contributions and suppor t of the Societ y of Inter national A ffairs in Gothenbu rg ( Ut r i kespolitiska f öreningen and support of the Society of International A airs in Gothenburg (Utrikespolitiska föreningen I Göteborg). As readers, we hope you will appreciate ou r work as w r iters with a passion for I As readers, we you will appreciate our work as writers with a for inter national relations. Fu r ther more, we invite you to consider joining ou r team in the f ut u re. international relations. Furthermore, we invite you to consider joining our team in the future. But for now, t ake a seat back, u nwind, and allow ou r publication to give you the power to thin k But for now, take a seat back, unwind, and allow our to you the power to think about the world's energ y issues. about the world's energy issues.