Volume 1 | Issue 2
a publication of the Walker Center for Teaching and Learning
From Strength to Strength, a New York Times instant No. 1 bestseller, offers its readers a roadmap for finding purpose, meaning, and success as we age, from bestselling author, Harvard professor, and the Atlantic’s happiness columnist Arthur Brooks.
From Strength to Strength is available for purchase through Amazon, Audible, Barnes and Noble, Kindle and more.
INNOVATIONS Editorial Contributors
Careers in academe are filled with possibilities and peaks, as well as perils and pitfalls. The trip offers exhilarating vistas and unexpected curves. How shall we traverse this treacherous terrain? Is there a secret to success? Those who remain in higher education for a long time will find themselves navigating several life stages. In his new, well-researched book, From Strength to Strength (Penguin, 2022), Arthur Brooks recommends respecting what each life stage requires or else find yourself derailed in the process. Brooks taps the four life stages found in Hinduism: training during youth, the accumulation of wealth and prestige in adulthood, the reflective retirement of fuller maturity and the enduring wisdom of aging. He suggests that many in academe and elsewhere go wrong when they cling to the peaks of adulthood and miss the benefits that come from reinventing oneself in life’s later years. Rather than be derailed by the inevitable decline that follows promotions or the climb up the corporate ladder, Brooks suggests transitioning to the resurgence that can happen later in life by cultivating lifelong friendships, mentoring others from a place of experience, helping mend this broken world and nurturing the inner life. The secret is knowing when to make the leap. Brooks followed his own advice by transitioning away from his thinktank work at the American Enterprise Institute, only to find himself unexpectedly teaching a course on “Leadership and Happiness” at Harvard Business School. This book will challenge and inspire you on your path in academe.
Jennifer A. Glaab, M.S., Interim Director/Editor-in-Chief David Pleins, Ph.D, Assistant Director Bengt Carlson, M.A., Experiential Learning Coordinator Troy Carroll, M.S., LMS Specialist Peen De Guzman, Administrative Support Assistant Christopher Johnson, Ph.D, Sr. Instructional Developer Mary Marr, MAT. Sr. Instructional Developer Kim McCroskey, M.Ed., Technical and Training Coordinator
The Walker Center for Teaching and Learning aims to promote teaching excellence and innovation that cultivates student engagement, learning, and success. We offer a large variety of programs, services, and support to full-time and adjunct faculty at UTC, including: Faculty Development Opportunities - Pedagogy Workshops/Sessions - Online/Hybrid Course Design, - Development and Delivery - Quality Matters Workshops - Accessibility Workshops - Book Clubs - Summer Cohorts - Instructional Excellence Conference - Teaching and Learning Institute (TLI) - Faculty Fellows Program Development - Faculty Fellows Course Development - (Cohort) - Faculty Hikes - New Faculty Orientation - Adjunct Faculty Orientation Learning Technology Integration, Training and Support Assistance with the Quality Matters Certification Process Development of Accessible Course Materials Implementation of Pedagogical Techniques and Strategies Instructional Design and Development Services Small Group Instructional Diagnosis Classroom Observations Peer Review of Teaching Online Course Reviews Syllabus Support Online Course and Programs Development Experiential Learning Consultations
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