The Dangers NFTs Pose to the Creative Industry Written by SHARON LOBO Illustrated by BARRETT SENN It’s no secret that NFTs have become the latest trend in blockchain technology. If you’re like me, you probably don’t get why people could possibly go crazy over an image on the internet and be willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money for one. I think NFTs are harming more than how we view the value of money; they are harming—and almost mocking—the genuine efforts of those who develop unique, creative bodies of work.
Behind closed doors creative teams spend hours developing graphics, visuals, videos, and more for their brands. Artists work day and night and are often underpaid for their art, and yet they continue to make it—only to have someone named Josh from New York make a couple thousand dollars from a pixelated image that took him 30 minutes to make. Do you see what the problem here is?