Table of Contents MISSION VISION AND VALUES ............................................................................................................................ 2 Standards of Conduct Guide ......................................................................................................................................2 Institutional Compliance Program ............................................................................................................................. 2 WORKPLACE CONDUCT AND EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 3 Fraud, Waste, and Abuse ...........................................................................................................................................3 Reporting Suspected Noncompliance ........................................................................................................................3 Retaliation..................................................................................................................................................................4 Ethics .........................................................................................................................................................................4 Outside Employment .................................................................................................................................................4 Equal Employment Opportunity ................................................................................................................................ 5 Access to Facilities and Services ............................................................................................................................... 5 Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct ..............................................................................................................5 Time Keeping ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Overtime Compensation ............................................................................................................................................5 Family and Medical Leave Act ..................................................................................................................................6 CLINICAL COMPLIANCE.......................................................................................................................................6 Clinical Practice Compliance ....................................................................................................................................6 Billing Compliance ....................................................................................................................................................6 RESEARCH COMPLIANCE ....................................................................................................................................7 Research Integrity ......................................................................................................................................................7 HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................................................................................7 Workplace Health and Safety ....................................................................................................................................7 Drug and Violence Free Workplace ..........................................................................................................................8 Self Reporting ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 Environmental Issues .................................................................................................................................................8 RECORDS AND INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................................8 Confidential Information ...........................................................................................................................................8 Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) ...................................................................................9 Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers ..............................................................................................................9 Accuracy of Records..................................................................................................................................................9 Retention & Disposal of Records .............................................................................................................................. 9 UTHSCT AND STATE OF TEXAS RESOURCES ............................................................................................... 10 Contracts and Agreements ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Use of State-Owned Property .................................................................................................................................. 10 Computer Software .................................................................................................................................................. 10 Computer Information Security ............................................................................................................................... 10 Purchasing Authority ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Political Activities ................................................................................................................................................... 11 COPYRIGHTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ......................................................................................... 11 Photocopying Copyrighted Materials ...................................................................................................................... 11 Intellectual Property ................................................................................................................................................ 11 GIFTS AND GRATUTIES ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Gifts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Honorarium.............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Kickbacks ................................................................................................................................................................ 12 OUTSIDE CONTACTS ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Media Contacts ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 Contact with Government and Outside Investigators .............................................................................................. 13 Audit Notification .................................................................................................................................................... 13
UTHSCT Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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MISSION VISION AND VALUES Mission UTHSCT’s mission is to serve East Texas and beyond through excellent patient care and community health, comprehensive education, and innovative research. Vision We will be a great institution, unified in common purpose, to benefit human health and to improve quality of life. Values Excellence: I will work every day to improve UTHSCT and the job that I do. Servant Leadership: I will put the needs of our patients and my co-workers first. Diversity: I will respect and appreciate diversity in ideas, peoples, and cultures. Accountability: I will use the resources of UTHSCT wisely.
Standards of Conduct Guide The purpose of the Standards of Conduct Guide is to emphasize the responsibility of all employees of UTHSCT to perform their duties in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, UT System Board of Regent rules, UT System and UTHSCT policies. Ethical conduct and compliance is a personal responsibility, and every employee will be held accountable for his or her conduct. The Standards of Conduct Guide is not intended to be a comprehensive list of legal and ethical standards, but provides UTHSCT employees with information about and source references for regulations that govern their conduct. Specific compliance questions should be directed to UTHST’s Compliance Department.
Institutional Compliance Program UTHSCT compliance program is intended to demonstrate in the clearest possible terms the absolute commitment of the UTHSCT to the highest ethical standards and compliance with all applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations. The Systemwide Executive Compliance Committee, chaired by the Chancellor, provides program direction for the UT System. The UTHSCT Executive Institutional Compliance Committee is composed of Executive Officers who oversee the activities of the Compliance Department. The UTHSCT Compliance Officer is responsible for the execution of the Compliance Program and for ensuring that the institution has a risk-based process that builds compliance consciousness into daily operations, monitoring effectiveness of compliance activities, communicating instances of noncompliance to appropriate administrators for corrective actions, performing follow-up procedures on compliance findings, providing necessary training, and continually reviewing and assessing compliance effectiveness. UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Fraud is a deception deliberately practiced to secure unfair or unlawful gain. The University of Texas System policy on Dishonest or Fraudulent Activities (UTS 118) specifies our individual responsibilities and actions regarding the prevention and reporting of fraud. Abuse refers to violations and circumventions of regulations which result in excessive or unreasonable execution of operations. Waste is an intentional, negligent, harmful or destructive use of property or processes that may result in incurring unnecessary cost. The Federal False Claims Act (FCA) was enacted to prevent the United States Government from paying federal funds for fraudulent claims involving a good or service. The FCA covers claims made to federally funded health care programs including Medicare and Medicaid. Violations are punishable with civil penalties plus three times the amount of damages sustained by the Federal Government. Civil action can be brought against a health care provider who: • Knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval to any federal employee; • Knowingly makes, uses or causes to be made or used a false record or statement to get a false or fraudulent claim paid; or • Conspires to defraud the government by getting a false or fraudulent claim allowed or paid. Offenses under the Texas False Claims Act are, in general similar to those of the federal FCA. However, under Texas law, a person may be liable if he/she presents a claim for payment under the Medicaid program for a product or service that was rendered by an unlicensed provider or that has not been approved by a healthcare provider. Texas law provides that civil penalties are greater for unlawful acts that result in injury to an elderly person, disabled person, or person younger than eighteen. The federal and state FCAs allow a private person (i.e. whistleblower) with knowledge of a false claim to bring action on behalf of the United States Government. UTHSCT employees are protected by federal and state law from retaliation for reporting, in good faith, a violation of law to government entities. UTHSCT may not suspend, terminate, or threaten an employee for reporting a violation to an appropriate authority.
Reporting Suspected Noncompliance Employees are obligated and encouraged to report instances of suspected noncompliance with laws, regulations, or policies. Compliance issues should be addressed through normal administrative channels or you may contact the UTHSCT Chief Compliance Officer. However, UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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STANDARDS OF CONDUCT GUIDE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT TYLER a reporting procedure has been established as a way for employees to report instances of suspected noncompliance outside the normal chain of command. This method is intended to preserve confidentiality to the extent allowed by law. Employees who call the compliance hotline may remain anonymous. An employee can report compliance violations on the toll-free compliance hotline (1-877-507-7316) or online at, Employees may also report fraud, waste, or abuse by calling the State Auditor’s Office Hotline at 1-800-TX-AUDIT (1-800-892-8348), additional information can be found at Violations of the federal False Claims Act may be made directly to the federal Department of Justice or to the U.S. Health and Human Services Officer of Inspector General Hotline at 1-800HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477).
Retaliation UTHSCT will not tolerate retaliation against those who make disclosures of actual or perceived misconduct. Acts or threats of retaliation in response to such disclosures may subject the person retaliating to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employees who knowingly make false disclosures or one that is willfully ignorant of the facts may be subjected to disciplinary action. If you believe you have been retaliated against for addressing an ethical or compliance concern, you should contact the UTHSCT Chief Compliance Officer.
Ethics UTHSCT values and is committed to maintaining high ethical standards of excellence, integrity, and accountability. Employees are prohibited from having direct or indirect interest, financial or otherwise, in a business transaction or professional activity, or incur any obligation of any nature that is in substantial conflict with or might reasonably influence the discharge of the employee’s official duties. Activities on behalf of outside entities or individuals must not interfere with an employee’s fulfillment of his/her duties and responsibilities to the University.
Outside Employment An employee should not accept other employment or compensation that could reasonably be expected to impair the employee’s independence of judgment in the performance of the employee’s duties. An employee’s primary responsibility is the performance of the duties assigned at UTHSCT. External consulting or outside employment that interferes with those duties should not be accepted. Any outside employment, including self-employment or employment by another state agency must be approved by the employee’s supervisor. An employee should not accept a position on an outside board that creates a conflict of interest or that imposes an unreasonable time commitment. An employee must obtain approval from the employee’s supervisor before accepting a position on most outside boards. UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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Any request outside employment or service on most outside boards must be submitted to the employee’s supervisor electronically via UTHSCT’s Conflict of Interest / Outside Activity Portal.
Equal Employment Opportunity UTHSCT abides by applicable laws and regulations and may not discriminate against employees or job applicants based upon race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability. In addition to compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, no person will be subject to employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression.
Access to Facilities and Services UTHSCT is committed to complying with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and providing equal employment opportunities and equal access to all Health Science Center facilities and services for those with disabilities.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct UTHSCT is committed to the principle that the working environment should be free from inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and sexual violence are not allowed. Employees who engage in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Any reports of such behavior should be referred to the Title IX Coordinator.
Time Keeping All employees are required to prepare and maintain time sheets to ensure compliance with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and accurate administration of state compensatory time. All Exempt (salaried) and non-exempt (hourly) employees must record their time worked and hours absent using the Kronos Workforce Central electronic timekeeping system. Supervisors must approve their employees’ time record within Kronos before the end of every pay period.
Overtime Compensation The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) entitles non-exempt employees of UTHSCT who are required or permitted to work in excess of 40 hours in a workweek to additional compensation at the rate of one and a half times their regular hourly rate for all time worked over 40 hours in a workweek. Employees must specifically obtain prior approval for overtime and compensatory UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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STANDARDS OF CONDUCT GUIDE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT TYLER time before it is worked. Information pertaining to UTHSCT overtime is set forth in the Overtime and Straight Time Policy.
Family and Medical Leave Act UTHSCT acknowledges the importance of family issues and recognizes that employees may find it necessary to take a leave of absence from their jobs. An employee may request and receive a leave of absence with pay, provided the employee has accrued paid leave, or without pay for up to 26 weeks per 12-month period for certain family and medical reasons as specified by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
Clinical Practice Compliance UTHSCT physicians are committed to providing high-quality patient care and to complying with all applicable laws and regulations. As a teaching hospital and as an academic medical center, the University intends to foster a teaching environment by educating physicians and other employees about the laws and regulations related to providing health care and billing for services to patients and third-party payors. Employees and medical staff members are subject to disciplinary action for failure to abide by the Standards of Conduct or Medical Staff Bylaws.
Billing Compliance UTHSCT is committed to providing high-quality patient care and to complying with applicable laws and regulations. All claims for professional fee reimbursement made by or on behalf of University shall adhere to applicable federal and state laws and regulations, The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations, and institutional policies. The institution will follow all legal and regulatory guidelines for billing hospital and physician services. Any contractors engaged to perform billing or coding services are expected to ensure that all billings for government and commercial insurance programs are accurate. UTHSCT shall collect only those amounts to which the institution is entitled and refund amounts billed and/or collected in error. Employees and medical staff members will receive disciplinary action for failure to abide by the applicable federal and state laws and regulations, The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations and institutional policies.
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Research Integrity UTHSCT is committed to ensuring that employees engaged in making research advances comply with all applicable legal requirements and institutional policies; maintain the highest ethical standards of conduct in their pursuits; and receive appropriate education, training and guidance. Faculty and employees applying for and conducting research of any type have the following responsibilities with regard to research integrity: • Knowledge of and abide by any legal rules and requirements placed on research activities. • Conduct research activities with respect, integrity and honesty. • Collect, retain and maintain all research data in a reasonable, responsible and honest manner. • Follow federal regulations and institutional policy governing research of human subjects found here: Governance of Human Subject Research • Not engage in research misconduct such as falsification of data, research results, plagiarism or other practices in violation of institutional policy: Misconduct in Research and Other Scholarly Activities • Report any research compliance concern to the appropriate Supervisor, Research Integrity Officer, Compliance Department, or the Compliance/Ethics Hotline. UTHSCT uses the ECRT system to document that all charges to sponsored projects are appropriate. Research personnel should report their effort timely and accurately to comply with federal and institutional effort reporting requirements.
Workplace Health and Safety Safety and health requirements are established and enforced to protect employees and visitors from injury and illness as well as provide a safe and healthful place of employment. UTHSCT is committed to a safety management program that establishes the expectation that doing a job safely is part of doing a job right. Safety is the responsibility of each employee, and each employee is responsible for their own actions and should become familiar with and understand how laws, standards, and policies apply to their specific job responsibilities. If questions arise, these should be directed to the supervisor or the Safety Officer. It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that all employees are trained to work safely and help eliminate work hazards in the workplace.
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STANDARDS OF CONDUCT GUIDE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT TYLER Drug and Violence Free Workplace UTHSCT is committed to a drug-free environment. Faculty and staff reporting to work under the influence of an illegal controlled substance or alcohol, or unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and on any property under the control of the University. The use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in and on University facilities. However, the President may waive this prohibition with respect to any event sponsored by the University. UTHSCT is a Tobacco-Free Campus. No employee is permitted to use tobacco products on campus, including vehicles. Employees are expected to practice good customer service in informing others of this policy if a violation is witnessed.
Self Reporting UTHSCT employees must report in writing to their department head, within five (5) business days, any criminal complaint, information, indictment, no contest plea, guilty plea, deferred adjudication, or criminal conviction, excluding those for misdemeanor offenses punishable only by fine.
Environmental Issues It is the policy of UTHSCT to comply with all environmental laws and regulations pertaining to its operations. The University operates each of its facilities with the necessary permits, approvals, and controls. The University acts to preserve natural resources to the extent reasonably possible. The University strives to employ the proper procedures with respect to handling and disposal of hazardous and biohazardous waste, including but not limited to medical waste. The University makes reasonable efforts to minimize waste generated as a result of University activities. Appropriate receptacles must be used for the disposal of sharps, glass, and biohazardous waste. The University is not subject to Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) guidelines; however, the University is required to follow state laws and regulations, specifically the Texas Hazard Communication Act.
Confidential Information Confidential information about UTHSCT students, employees, patients, strategies, and operations is a valuable asset. Although an employee may use confidential information to perform a job, that information must not be shared with others, inside or outside of the University, unless the individuals have a legitimate need to know and is shared in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. Confidential information includes personnel data, student information, patient information, research data, financial data, strategic UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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STANDARDS OF CONDUCT GUIDE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT TYLER plans, marketing strategies, employee lists and data, supplier and subcontractor information, and proprietary computer software. When the University collects information from individuals, such as students and patients, it is required to disclose to the individual their rights under federal regulations.
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) The UTHSCT is a covered entity under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Under this federal law, applicable state law, and UTHSCT’s policies, we have a responsibility to protect our patient’s privacy. Communications involving patient health information should be limited to those who need the information for treatment, payment, or health care operations. By violating these laws there can be either civil or criminal sanctions imposed. If you become aware of a possible issue involving HIPAA please report it to your direct supervisor and the Privacy Official.
Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers It is the policy of UTHSCT, to protect the confidentiality of social security numbers without interfering with the business of the institution. Employees shall use and collect SSNs only as reasonably necessary for the proper administration or accomplishment of the institution's business, governmental, educational and medical purposes. In addition, The University of Texas System has implemented a policy to protect the confidential nature of social security numbers employees are required to adhere to both policies with regard to the use of social security numbers. UTHSCT Policy #2146229 Use of Social Security Numbers UTS 165 Standard 13: Use and Protection of Social Security Numbers
Accuracy of Records Maintenance of the integrity and accuracy of business documents and records for which they are responsible is expected of each employee at UTHCST. All records, whether of a medical, operational, or financial nature, should be maintained in accordance with applicable laws and policies. No one may alter or falsify information on any record or document. Making any false statement in a medical record that is used to support billing of medical services may be considered criminal fraud. Billings to third-party payors (government and private insurance payors) and federal sponsored research are examples of records that must be accurate and conform to appropriate laws and regulations.
Retention & Disposal of Records UTHSCT is required to maintain an active and continuing records management program that identifies vital and confidential records and ensures the appropriate retention and disposition of UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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STANDARDS OF CONDUCT GUIDE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT TYLER records. All official records will be retained for the minimum periods stated in the Institutional Records Retention Schedule as approved by the State Library and Archives Commission in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 441. No employee should tamper with records, remove or destroy them except in accordance with the approved retention and disposition policy.
Contracts and Agreements The authority to bind UTHCST to any form of financial commitment comes from the authority granted by The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System in the Regent's Rules and Regulations. The regulations define that the President can delegate authority to individuals within the component to make financial commitments on their behalf. The only individuals authorized to sign contracts at UTHCST are the President and administrative officers designated by the President. In addition, only Purchasing is authorized to make financial commitments for goods and services other than through the use of contracts.
Use of State-Owned Property It is the responsibility of each employee to preserve the University's assets, including time, materials, supplies, equipment, and information. Institutional assets must be used only for state purposes. As a general rule, the personal use of any University asset is prohibited. The incidental use of items such as e-mail, the Internet, and telephones is permissible provided that the use complies with all applicable policies and that the use does not result in additional cost to the University. A local phone call is an example. Any use of University resources for personal financial gain is prohibited. Telephone logs and e-mail are public property, and may be subject to open information requests.
Computer Software Employees who use software licensed to the University must abide by applicable software license agreements and may copy licensed software only as permitted by the license. Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted software is a violation of federal copyright law. Furthermore, it is illegal to install licensed software on more than one computer, unless the license expressly provides for more than one installation.
Computer Information Security Computer passwords should be considered highly confidential. You should never disclose your passwords to anyone. Furthermore, you should not write or otherwise document passwords in a place that is accessible by others. It is a violation of the Texas Penal Code to disclose computer UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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STANDARDS OF CONDUCT GUIDE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT TYLER passwords. Penalties range from a Class B misdemeanor to a felony depending on the related monetary damage.
Purchasing Authority No employee may expend University funds for any purchase unless the person is authorized to make the purchase, and the purchase is made in accordance with all institutional purchasing procedures. University employees should aid in achieving the current Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) purchasing goals.
Political Activities An employee may participate in political activities provided such activities: • are not conducted during work hours; • are in compliance with the constitution and laws of the State of Texas; • do not interfere with the discharge and performance of the employee's duties and responsibilities; • do not involve the use of equipment, supplies, or services of the University; • do not involve the attempt to coerce students, faculty, or staff to participate in or support the political activity; and, • do not involve the University in partisan politics. Political contributions from any source of UTHSCT are prohibited.
Photocopying Copyrighted Materials Most works should be presumed to be copyright protected, unless further information from the copyright holder or express notice reveals that the copyright holder intends the work to be in the public domain. Permission must be obtained from the copyright owner to copy copyrighted materials where: copying extends beyond the boundaries of the guidelines contained in the copyrighted materials policy; advice of General Counsel has not been sought; and, copying is not fair use. Intellectual Property Intellectual property includes any invention, discovery, trade secret, technology, creation, scientific or technological development, computer software, or other form of expression of an idea that arises from the activities of persons employed by the University, anyone using Health Science Center facilities under the supervision of University personnel, or candidates for master or doctoral degrees. The University of Texas System Board of Regents owns the intellectual property created by its employees if the intellectual property is: UTHCST Standards of Conduct Guide V5.0
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developed within the course and scope of employment of the individual, resulting from activities performed on University time or with support of State funds, resulting from using facilities or resources owned by the U. T. System or any U. T. System institution.
A University employee must disclose the intellectual property created by the employee to the institution well before the employee submits any information about the intellectual property for publication, or makes any public disclosure or even a private disclosure to a commercial entity.
Gifts Employees must not accept or solicit any gift, favor, or service that might reasonably tend to influence the discharge of official duties or that the employee knows or should know is being offered with the intent to influence official conduct. Employees should never accept gratuities or tips from patients or others. Gifts of nominal value and obvious propriety may only be accepted as long as their receipt does not influence any decision making process. Examples of acceptable gifts are T-shirts, pens, caps or other promotional materials.
Honorarium An employee may not accept honorarium for services the employee would not have been asked to provide but for the employee’s official status. However, in general, and employee may accept meals, transportation, and lodging in connection with the employee’s services as long as the services are more than merely perfunctory or superficial. Any conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest and certain financial disclosures must be made electronically via UTHSCT’s Conflict of Interest / Outside Activity Portal.
Kickbacks Kickbacks are undisclosed payments, gifts, or services offered in return for something of value, increased business, or business referral. It is a criminal offense to receive or solicit any remuneration, including a gift, cash, bribe, rebate, or discount in return for referring an individual or patient to the University or for any service offered by the Health Science Center. It is also a crime to receive or solicit remuneration in return for purchasing, ordering, or arranging for or recommending purchasing, leasing, or ordering any good or service. Employees who are involved in any type of kickback scheme will receive disciplinary action, including termination and possible prosecution, if applicable.
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Media Contacts The Office of Public Affairs acts as the official spokesperson for UTHSCT. If a member of the media contacts you, direct them to the Office of Public Affairs at (903) 877-7075.
Contact with Government and Outside Investigators
UTHSCT expects to cooperate in government investigations with all reasonable demands made in any government investigation of the Health Science Center or a University employee. However, it is essential that the legal rights of the University and its employees be protected. If an employee receives a subpoena, inquiry, or other legal document from any governmental agency regarding University business, whether at home or in the workplace, immediately notify the Office of Legal Affairs at (903) 877-7704. The University does not prohibit an employee from speaking to any government investigator or agent. However, to best protect the employee and University, if any governmental agency or any attorney contacts an employee at home concerning University business, the employee may politely ask the agent to contact the employee at the office. Audit Notification The Office of Internal Audit coordinates all audit activities at UTHSCT, including external audits. The Office of Internal Audit is responsible for ensuring proper access to appropriate records and information. Any time notification is received that an external agency will be conducting an audit at UTHSCT, the Office of Internal Audit must be informed at (903) 8777528.
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