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The UT Health Science Center’s College of Medicine – Chattanooga’s R. Phillip Burns Endowed Chair in Surgery Initiative is a investment opportunity of $1,500,000, and the annual return on the principal could be used to:

• Recruit a nationally recognized surgeon to the Dept. of Surgery to serve as the recipient of the Burns Chair

• Provide and sustain state-of-the-art surgical training opportunities for surgeons in training and medical students learning in the Chattanooga area

• Pursue and maintain state-of-the-art simulation training

• Support up-to-date surgical practice via regional, national, and international conference attendance

• Upgrade surgical education resources

Our goal is to reach at least $1.5M in gifts and pledges by December 31, 2023.

“Dr. Burns is an extraordinary surgeon, teacher, and leader who has left an indelible mark on the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, the Chattanooga community, the fields of medicine and surgery across our state and country, and on the lives of countless patients, students, residents, and fellow physicians. There is no more fitting and worthy person to honor through creation of the first endowed chair at the UTHSC College of Medicine – Chattanooga.”

– Dean Strome

Dr. Burns in his dual role at Burns Farms in Pikeville, TN


A successful initiative requires the participation of internal and external stakeholders. Our honorary co-chairs have been selected because of their leadership, desire to invest and commitment to the health and welfare of the College of Medicine – Chattanooga. Also engaged are those on our steering committee, who have stepped up as our working group who support this initiative with personal gifts, engagement strategy and the solicitation of prospective donors, plus providing strategic input.

$1.5 Million + HONORARY


James Haynes, MD Dean of the College of Medicine – Chattanooga


Michael Roe, MD

“Dr. Burns is an extraordinary surgeon, teacher, and leader who has left an indelible mark on the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, the Chattanooga community, the fields of medicine and surgery across our state and country, and on the lives of countless patients, students, residents, and fellow physicians. There is no more fitting and worthy person to honor through creation of the first endowed chair at the UTHSC College of Medicine Chattanooga.”

Michael Greer, MD

Jeanne Scanland, MD

Dean Strome

Scott Strome, MD Executive Dean of the UTHSC College of Medicine

Jim Coleman President and Chief Executive Officer of Erlanger Health System

Benjamin Dart, MD Chair of the Department of Surgery in the College of Medicine – Chattanooga

Laura Witherspoon, MD

Heath Giles, MD

Ann Grooms, MD

Gary Grooms, MD

Anita and Robert Headrick, MD

Gayanne Burns

Ways To Make An Investment

• One-time gift or pledge

• Gift/pledge paid over one, three, or five years. Can use cash, appreciated securities, or Qualified Charitable Distribution.

• Outright gift/pledge combined with a planned gift (planned gifts can be IRA rollovers, bequests from an estate, or insurance distribution)

• Planned gift (utilizing one of the gift vehicles above)


Please contact Jennifer M. Scanlon, MPPM, Chief Development Officer, Regional Development, via email at jscanlo2@uthsc.edu or phone 412.983.1269 for more information.


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