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From the Chancellor
The new Pathologists’ Assistant Program that launched in January is an excellent example of how the College of Health Professions and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center are meeting the health care needs of the citizens of Tennessee. One of a handful of such programs in the country, it will train professionals to assist pathologists to make diagnoses on everything from laboratory specimens from cancer surgery to post-mortem examinations. The graduates will increase the ranks of health care professionals and help fill gaps in health care across Tennessee.
I am proud to tell you that with all six colleges, UTHSC is working to improve health care in Tennessee by training the highest-quality professionals, meeting current needs, and addressing unmet needs.
This is our legacy. This is our daily duty. This is our commitment to the future. For more than half a century, the College of Health Professions has done an outstanding job filling the ranks of health providers in varied professions from occupational therapy to physical therapy, to audiology and speech pathology, to laboratory and diagnostic health sciences. Our graduates take what they learned at UTHSC and use it to improve lives from one end of the state to the other.
In my time at UTHSC, I have been so impressed by our alumni, who are always ready to give of their time, talent, and funds to support those who come behind them. That speaks volumes for the education they received at UTHSC and the regard to which they hold their alma mater. It also speaks to their dedication to a brighter tomorrow instilled in them during their time at UTHSC.
As chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, I want to thank you for all you do for your university and for the wider world. We are grateful for the part you play in ensuring that our students and trainees are ready to face their future.
Peter Buckley, MD Chancellor
The University of Tennessee Heath Science Center