Volume 36 Issue 1

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Caroline Gentile remembered by community Volume 36, Issue 1


Administrative Associate President’s Office Caroline Gentile’s 85 years of service and dedication to the University of Maine at Presque Isle ended Friday afternoon. Nan Amodeo was with Caroline at the end. She reported Caroline had been responsive earlier during the day. Caroline died peacefully from the pneumonia that had burdened her for the last several weeks of her long and vigorous life. At Caroline’s request, no funeral service will be held and her body will be cremat-


ed. The University will hold a memorial service to honor Caroline’s life on Wednesday, October 8, from noon to 2 p.m. The service will be held in Gentile Hall (where else!). All classes and other University events will be adjourned for the memorial service. We will honor Caroline’s request that several people speak at the service. After their presentations are completed, we will welcome anyone to the microphone for brief recollections of Caroline. Our goal is to compile a written record of tributes to Caroline that will be housed in the library, Gentile Hall and elsewhere. Written contributions are welcome from those who do not wish to speak or are unable to attend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Photo courtesy of UMA Web sitet

Homecoming weekend celebrates owls DAVID HAMILTON Assistant Editor

Its a good time to be an Owl. This was the feeling during Homecoming weekend (Sept. 12 and 13) at the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) where students, faculty and alumni came together to celebrate the new academic year. Capping off the event was UMPI President Donald Zillman’s state of the university address. Zillman’s address noted his appointment to another term as the president of UMPI, a position that he nearly did not take. His coming to UMPI came down to three points. First, that he did not

apply for the position in 2004 when it became open. On August 8, 2006, during a sabbatical, he received the call that led to him accepting the appointment position as president. “‘It was an arranged marriage, not a shotgun marriage,’” Zillman said, referring to Calvin Coolidge’s remark. In the two years that he has been in office the university has made a turnaround. When Zillman took the post in 2006, he was the fourth president in four years, the university was short on staff and there was no dean of students. Zillman still saw potential in what UMPI could be. That potential has turned into results. The principles that Zillman observed as integral to the university’s success were that: people need to be essential to provide stimulation not only on campus but in the community as well and to help the disadvantaged. “If this is not done by UMPI, it won’t be done,” he

stated. The initiative to expand campus programs is prevalent. The introduction of the journalism and mass communications program headed by Dr. Jacquelyn Lowman, as well as Cathie Pelletier being the campus’s first writer-in-residence are the beginnings of a larger presence in mass media education. Darrell Dorgon will be joining as the journalist-in-residence in the beginning of October to hold a lecture series. Special attention has also been placed on service learning classes that get students into the community to apply what they have learned and to continue to learn in a real world setting. The business and history departments were active in this as of last semester. Coming in November is the 1968 Retrospective that will give students insight into the shifts in thought during that time that led to changes throughout the world. Ways to expand the graduate programs of business and education are being looked at as well. Academic programs aren’t the only things being See Zillman, page 4

Welcome to UMPI fall 2008 UNIVERSITY TIMES



Welcome back students, faculty and staff to the Fall 2008 semester at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. I’d also like to extend a special welcome to all freshman students, just beginning their college careers. I hope you all will be happy here at UMPI and hope all your classes go well. It took a little longer than usual to get the UTimes up and running this semester due to a lot of changes that took place over the summer months. With the addition of new faculty member and UTimes advisor, Professor Jacqui Lowman, Journalism and Mass Communication is now an official program of study here at the university, which means that the UTimes’ office has grown in size and has moved from the Campus Center to Normal Hall. We now have more computers available for the paper’s use, located in the office, and Professor Lowman is hard at work developing

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and expanding the Journalism and Mass Communication program. With all of the excitement over the changes, we’ve been a little slow in getting things started. I know I speak for all of the writing staff when I say that we are happy to be getting the paper in print again and very excited to be using our new computers. We’re also very happy that journalism is now a program and hope that it will continue to grow as more students sign up. If you would now be so kind as to allow me a few moments to indulge my vain side and tell you about myself, I can introduce you to me, the new UTimes editor. I’m a senior who, as long as I get all my classes in, will be graduating in May with a degree in English. After graduation I plan on being a journalist. Perhaps one day I’ll be working for my favorite magazine, “Geek Monthly.” I also hope to write some best-selling novels and hold a book signing at a local

bookstore, where I have been employed for almost three years. Also, if you were wondering, my favorite color is royal blue, my favorite flowers are lilacs and roses and I love Italian food. I’m also a movie buff, an avid reader and a Broadway fan. And my favorite TV show is “Heroes,” so don’t try to talk to me between 9 and 10 p.m. on Monday night, as I will be watching to see who Sylar will be surprising with a visit. All the “Heroes” fans out there will get that joke. If I haven’t scared you off and you think you’d like to write for the UTimes, we’re always looking for new staffers! We meet every Thursday afternoon at 12:30 p.m. in the new lab, which is located on the first floor of Normal Hall, room 102. We’d love to add new students to our staff and hope that you’ll join us at one of our meetings. Have a great year!

UTimes staffers back in action! DR. J


The U Times is back! And we need y o u ! We need your skills and your content. We’re looking for people who can write, photograph, draw, do layout and design, and have a knack with the Internet. We’re also in need of people with talents in business, marketing, advertising and

management. In short, if you have an interest, we’ll find something for you to do. We’ll find a way for you to be as involved as your schedule and time permit. Staff meetings are Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Journalism Lab, Normal 102. But even if you can’t make the meetings, you can still be involved.

Our next deadline is October 9. Deadlines are roughly every two weeks, with allowances for breaks and holidays. For further information, please contact Deanna Jordan at neon_green_wasabi@yahoo.com or David Hamilton at david.j.hamilton@maine.edu. Remember, if you didn’t see it in the U Times, it didn’t really happen.

The UMPI’s Got Talent Show has unfortunately been postponed!

There was a scheduling error and two events, the Talent Show and “The Billies” concert, were both scheduled for the night of September 25. On behalf of the UMPI Pride Committee we would like to apologize for this mix up and want to assure students, faculty and staff that the show will go on! More information on the UMPI’s Got Talent Show will be coming soon! The University Times welcomes your submissions (letters to the editor, poetry, articles). We reserve the right to edit all submissions for grammar, clarity, language, length and libel. Submissions must be received no later than Noon on the Thursday before publication, and must include your name, address and telephone number. Upon submission, all material becomes the property of the University Times. Submissions may be sent on a CD or written in letter form and dropped in the UTimes mailbox (102 Normal Hall or the faculty mailroom). Material also can be e-mailed to utimes@maine.edu. The University Times does not impose length restrictions on letters to the editor, but advises “the shorter, the better.”

The University Times Deanna Jordan Editor David Hamilton Assistant Editor Larry French Art Editor William Coppola III Web Manager Staff Writers William Coppola III David Hamilton Deanna Jordan Harrison Kilpatrick Johnny Lynch Jessica Mayne Ravi Munukutla Pamela Perkins Stefanie Schillinger Regular Contributors Patric Edward Jeff Lovejoy Erin Pelletier Jim Stepp Adviser

Dr. J

The University Times, a nonprofit student publication, is printed at Northeast Publishing Company in Presque Isle, Maine. Articles and photographic ideas for submission may be left at the University Times office in Normal Hall at UMPI, 181 Main St., Presque Isle, ME 04769. Advertising rates are available upon request. The newspaper takes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All rights reserved.

UMPI students help write song with Billies UNIVERSITY TIMES


Students gathered on the night of Sept. 25 to enjoy the musical styles of the lovely talented voice of Chrisie Lynn Santoni and funny man Catfish Turtle, more informally known as the group, “The Billies.” The people who didn’t attend missed out on a

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great show. Toes were a tapping and smiles were on all the faces that attended. The band is from New Jersey and considers itself to be from the genre of folk music. Not many bands that come to UMPI will let the audience in on writing a song, but The Billies did! This was not only a great way of getting to know the band on a more personal level, but this group loves to record a song every time it does a show at any college.


The lyrics of the song were as follows: “Sure nice being here with you, I don’t ever want to leave too soon. Everyone needs a clown, there are not enough smiles to go around. Don’t give up! Everyone needs to be themselves. Exactly. Time is going by real fast, but I know this friendship is going to last.” If you would like to hear this song, it can be downloaded from The Billies’ MySpace page and it is labeled “UMPI’s SAB Exactly.”

Photos by: Pamela Perkins

“The Billies” band member, Chrisie Lynn Santoni, strums her guitar during the recent concert held on campus. Students enjoyed the music and had a great time participating in the band’s ritual, recording a song with their audience!

Chrisie Lynn Santoni and Catfish Turtle, also known as “The Billies,” perform for UMPI students on Sept. 25. Students also helped to write a song called “Exactly” with the band, which was recorded during the show and is available on their MySpace page.

Iron Man a special effects marvel JOHNNY LYNCH Staff Writer

Iron Man Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard, and Jeff Bridges Rated: PG-13 Runtime: 126 min. Iron Man was such a film delight that I saw it twice in the same evening when it was in theaters last May. Seriously, even if superheroes aren’t your game, this movie has enough story, eye-candy and funny moments to please. Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.), a successful businessman and inventor, has long staked his claim to fame as the top-most designer and sup-

plier of military weapons. He is happily oblivious to the end results of his weapons trade and to the feelings of others, particularly his secretary/confidante Pepper Potts (played by the stunning Gwyneth Paltrow) and his best friend “Rhodey” Rhodes (played by Terrence Howard). But after a near-death experience caused by a group of terrorists, who strangely enough are armed with Stark Industries weaponry, Stark is imprisoned by said group and they demand he build his latest and most powerful missile for their cause. His imprisonment and survival help Stark realize his lack of accountability in what he made available: the power over life and death to the highest bidder. In atonement after a successful escape, he turns his genius into the development of Iron Man, an armored superhero dedicated to stopping anyone who would terrorize innocent people. Armed with

amazing gadgets and the ability to fly as fast as a jet, Stark sees his mission through. The hitch in his endeavor is Obadiah Stane, co-owner of Stark Industries, who would love to destroy the would-be avenger for both business and pleasure. Normally I have my qualms about too many digital special effects, even in a digital age such as ours. But with the detailed abilities and finer specifications that naturally associate with Iron Man’s armor and how spectacular it appeared onscreen, I was able to forget about it this time. In short, the film was excellent in both sound and visual quality. Over all, I was pleased with how Iron Man handled the subject of the current “war against terrorism” in

See Iron Man, page 4




Thursday, October 2, 2008

continued from page 1 improved upon. The campus also has undergone change, namely with the renovations that are coming to an end on Folsom Hall to make it a more efficient building. A new project is now coming into being in

the form of a wind turbine that will give power to the university as well as lead to educational opportunities for students. The future of UMPI is full of opportunities to get

involved and to have new experiences. On our growing campus, Zillman encourages students: “be bold, take reasonable chances, and have fun.”

of military weapons, but it isn’t far from the truth today or in the past. Iron Man took this and made a convincing story, albeit a fantastic one with super-

heroes, showing a single person awakening to his responsibility. I, for one, look forward to its forthcoming DVD release.

Iron Man

continued from page 3 the Middle East and examined how crazy the armstrade is. You might not believe that there could be such lack of accountability in the sale and shipping

Save your money at the gas pumps STEFANIE SCHILLINGER Staff Writer

Have you asked yourself lately, “Where’d my money go?” Your answer may be at the gas pumps. With the rising cost of fuel, it seems that money is disappearing quicker and quicker every day. I have come up with some tips to help you save the green stuff. 1.) Don’t be an aggressive driver. Did you know

that aggressive driving can lower the brake you not only hurt your engine, but you burn your gas mileage significantly? more gas which hurts those pockets. 2.) Avoid carrying heavy objects that aren’t needed. 6.) Could that speed limit sign really be useful? Yes This can weigh your engine down and that uses up it can! Gas mileage rapidly decreases at speeds above more gas. 60, so let’s take the lead off our feet and slow it 3.) Keep those tires inflated properly. Tires that aren’t down. properly inflated is like driving with your parking 7.) Avoid excessive idling. This gets you zero miles brake on and will cost you a mile or two per gallon. to the gallon. Three to five minutes should be good 4.) Watch that gas cap! When your gas cap is dam enough. aged, missing or loose, guess what happens? Your There you have it, seven simple ways to help you gas vaporizes. save on gas and money. Hope it helps! 5.) Don’t touch that brake. If your foot rests or rides

Defending, not eroding, democracy


Ralph Nader talks about the erosion of democracy, something we all take for granted, due to the corporations fighting for supremacy. For beginners, there is no way that we could actually have a supreme corporation, since a corporation usually penetrates one, two or maybe three industries. And then, there are corporations such as General Electric, which happens to be a conglomeration of 80 different business units. GE is still a company that makes electric equipment and engines, and not much else. So, how is it possible for there to be a supreme corporation? Second, corporations form the basis of the great American society and are the backbone of our econ-

omy. Had there been no Industrial Revolution, had there been no legislation to give corporations the right to be treated like a person, where would we be? Speaking of rights of a corporation being treated like a person, that is what allows for a person or a group of people to sue it when it makes mistakes. With millions of shareholders in some of our large corporations, what would you do if you wanted to bring a lawsuit against a major corporation? Find all the shareholders and sue them separately? Good luck with that, mate. Another interesting thought: yes, corporations do not have the right to use the Fifth Amendment. But along with that, a corporation does not have the ability to hoose to join the civil service, or join the United States military or do anything that would amount to service to our great country. All it is able to do is through corporate responsibility and corporate giving. Responsibility and giving are pretty much expected from a corporation to its stakehold-

ers, however, its their primary duty to answer to its shareholders how much profit it made. Only part of that profit is donated for causes. A corporation cannot do service, unlike our liberal population, which claims that it doesn’t believe in serving our great country. Let us talk about having the entire population serve first, without any consideration of whether they are conservative or liberal, and then we can talk aboutt corporations swearing allegiance to the flag. These corporations that Ralph Nader seems to have issues with serve our country much better by providing jobs, increasing our GDP, improving our economy and improving people’s lives. So, let us, as people, start acting more responsible, and then talk about a corporation acting better. We people have souls but corporations do not. The people who run these corporations, we hope, have souls so that they run them with responsibility and ethically.

Dorgan to be first Distinguished Lecturer of the year UNIVERSITY TIMES

Media Relations Office

The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s 2008-2009 Distinguished Lecturer Series will kick off with a guest speaker who will discuss community journalism, pioneering spirit, and how to conduct successful grassroots projects during his three-day stay in northern Maine. Darrell Dorgan, an award-winning journalist, documentary filmmaker and executive director of the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame, will be in Presque Isle from Oct. 6-8, speaking to local groups, hosting a community workshop and offering the first University Distinguished Lecture of the academic year. Dorgan will deliver his community lecture at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 8, in the Campus Center. He will discuss everything from homesteaders and ranchers to Maine guides when he offers his talk, “Pioneering Spirit: How 19th Century Maine and North Dakota Helped to Shape a Future President.” The subject is an especially important one to Dorgan as he is currently working on a feature-length documentary film about the life of President Theodore Roosevelt, who had strong ties to North Dakota and some interesting ties to Maine. In 1884, Roosevelt

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began ranching in the North Dakota Badlands along the Little Missouri River. Two Maine men helped Roosevelt build his famed Elkhorn Ranch there. Dorgan’s work in the field of journalism and with the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame – Roosevelt is an inductee – led him to the subject matter of his latest documentary. During his visit to northern Maine, Dorgan also will speak with University classes and local service organizations about the importance of community journalism. Dorgan is the recipient of more than 50 awards for journalism excellence, including an Emmy nomination in 1992 and a National Associated Press award for “Reporting Beyond Reproach.” Along with his speaking engagements, on Tuesday, Oct. 7, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Campus Center, Dorgan will lead a community workshop based on work he did to help move the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame from dream to reality. The workshop, “If You Build It, They Will Come: Rustling Up Support and Wrangling Publicity for Major CommunityCentered Projects,” will provide strategies for planning large-scale projects, fundraising, building and maintaining a network of support, and promoting a project around the state, around the country, or around

Write Here H


the world. The workshop is free, but you must reserve a space to participate. Dorgan has served as the executive director of the Hall of Fame since 1997, working first to establish a large support base and raise more than $4 million to construct the 15,000-square-foot facility –it opened its doors in 2005 – and later to promote the institution to the world. Last year, the interpretive center for the history of Native Americans, ranching, rodeo, and frontier life was named the 2007 North Dakota Tourist Attraction of the Year. The University’s Distinguished Lecture Series was established in 1999. Each year, the UDLS Committee sponsors five to six speakers who come from Maine and other states representing a range of disciplines and viewpoints. While the emphasis tends to be on featuring visiting academics, it is not exclusively so. The speakers typically spend two days at the University meeting with classes and presenting a community lecture. For more information about Dorgan’s lecture, community workshop, or other speaking engagements in the area, contact the Media Relations Office at 7689452.

Write Now

UMPI Writing Center Offering one-on-one consultations for writers at all levels of course work, at all stages of the writing process C

50 years old and still playing with rubber ducks UNIVERSITY TIMES



Regular Contributor

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I, the world’s first artificial satellite. Sputnik I was about the size of a beach ball (22.8 inches in diameter) and weighed 183.9 pounds. The launch heightened the stakes in the Cold War and started the space race between the U.S. and the USSR. In July of 1958, the US Congress passed the National Aeronautics and Space Act (the “Space Act”). This act created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on October 1, 1958. NASA’s first high-profile human spaceflight program was Project Mercury. On May 5, 1961, Alan B. Shepard Jr. became the first American to fly into space, when he rode his Mercury capsule on a 15-minute suborbital mission. John H. Glenn Jr. became the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth on February 20, 1962. Project Apollo became a NASA priority on May 25, 1961, when President John F. Kennedy announced, “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.” On July 20, 1969, JFK’s challenge became a reality when Apollo 11 landed on the moon and Neil Armstrong stepped out of the Eagle Lander on the Moon. To see this speech go to http://www.space-

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video.info/speech/19620912-jfk-rice.html Over the past 50 years, NASA has had many successes and failures. The quest for space has cost the lives of the Apollo I crew and the crews of the space shuttles Columbia and Challenger. In total, 17 astronauts have lost their lives in the pursuit of space. For more information about NASA, go to http://www.nasa.gov/ Now for the rubber ducks: NASA has placed 90 of the little bathtub ducks in the Jakobshavn Glacier on Greenland. Its hope is that when the rubber ducks reach the ocean and begin floating away from the glacier, the ducks will be found and their locations sent in to NASA via e-mail. NASA is offering $100 U.S. for the first person to find a rubber duck, and smaller monetary amounts for subsequent ducks. For more information go to http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/09/nasadeploys-ru.html The International Space Station will be visible in the evening sky until October 10, 2008. Go to www.heavens-above.com to check on exact times and to print off a sky chart of the appearance. If you need a sky chart, go to http://www.skymaps.com/downloads.html When to look for the planets Sunrise: 10/06 - 6:39 a.m.; 10/13 – 6:48 a.m. Sunset: 10/06 – 17:59 p.m.; 10/13 – 17:48 p.m. Mercury: 10/06 - Not visible; 10/13 – 5:48 a.m. to 6:18 a.m.

Venus: 10/06 - 18:00 p.m. to 19:06 p.m.; 10/13 – 17:48 p.m. to 19:00 p.m. Mars: 10/06 – 18:30 p.m. to 18:36 p.m.; 10/13 – Not visible. Jupiter: 10/06 – 18:30 p.m. to 22:42 p.m.; 10/13 – 18:18 p.m. to 22:18 p.m. Saturn: 10/06 – 4:12 a.m. to 6:06 a.m.; 10/13 – 3:42 a.m. to 6:18 a.m. The Night Sky 10/04 20:00 p.m. Mercury closest to Earth 0.657 AU 10/05 6:37 a.m. Moon at Apogee – Farthest from Earth (251,588 miles, 404,757 km) 10/06 6:00 a.m. Mercury 2.4 degrees south of the Sun 10/06 13:51 p.m. Mercury 2 degrees from Sun 10/06 21:31 p.m. to 21:48 p.m. Moon eclipses Phi Sgr. 10/06 22:06 p.m. Moon 5 degrees from Jupiter 10/07 3:00 a.m. Jupiter 2.5 degrees north of the Moon 10/07 5:04 a.m. First Quarter Moon 10/09 Draconid Meteor Shower Peak 10/10 12:43 p.m. Space Shuttle Atlantis scheduled for launch 10/11 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 7 launch (First manned Apollo Mission) 10/12 11:00 a.m. Uranus 3.8 degrees south of the Moon 10/14 Shenzou V Launch (First Chinese Manned Space Mission) 2003 10/14 16:03 p.m. Full Moon

Midnight Madness!!

Teach in Scotland!

Here is your chance to meet all our UMPI athletes and cheer for your favorite professors, staff members and students as they compete in a variety of basketball shooting contests and in a scrimmage. Then count down to midnight when our women’s and men’s basketball teams are introduced and the teams hold their first scrimmages.

Would you like to hear about the education scene in the United Kingdom and discover how you can experience life in the UK and at the same time earn a good salary and start your teaching career in a welcoming school with a supportive staff? Why not join the other education graduates from Canadian and American Universities who are currently working in Scotland and other parts of the UK and having a great time? To discover how you can live and teach in the UK, attend one of these information sessions- Monday, October 6, at 12 p.m. in the Campus Center, room 118 or 2-4 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge in Normal Hall. Ian Dutton, a former Director of Education in Scotland, will give a short presentation on the opportunities that are available with TimePlan and answer any questions. For information, contact Career Services, 205 South Hall, 768-9750, Barbara.Devaney@umpi.edu

Monday, October 20, 11:00 p.m., Wieden Hall Gymnasium Contests, raffles, great prizes and entertainment!

Campus and community members are invited to join the fun and be part of UMPI’s Midnight Madness.

Who is UMPI’s student of the month? UNIVERSITY TIMES

Chris Corsello, Dean of Students, and the UMPI Pride Committee are sponsoring a new program to give recognition to an UMPI “Student of the Month.” Do you know students who: * go out of their way to help other students? * contribute to school pride? * contribute to student life? * serve as a positive role model for other students? * embrace diversity? * are open to all students? * do community service? Each month of the school year, one student will be

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chosen to represen UMPI as its Student of the Month. Nominations will be accepted from anyone at the University. Completed forms should be submitted to Chris Corsello, Dean of Students. Corsello and members of the UMPI Pride Committee will review nomination forms and select a monthly recipient. The selected student will receive the award at the next Pride event and will be announced in the University Times and other campus media. Nomination forms are due by the 15th of each month. Return completed forms to the Dean of Students, South Hall.

UMPI soccer teams battle rivals ERIN PELLETIER Regular Contributor

The men’s and women’s soccer teams battled hard the past couple of weeks and have faced some tough competition. On Sept. 13, both teams played Maine Maritime Academy where the Lady Owls lost 1-0 and the men triumphed, with Devon Peaslee scoring both goals in the 2-0 win. The following weekend, the teams competed against two conference teams and showed that they are surely contenders for the conference championship. On Saturday, the men beat Paul Smith’s College of New York 2-0, with Devon Peaslee and Corey Fournier each putting one in the net. The ladies also defeated the Bobcats, with Erin Pelletier and Chelsea Boudreau each scoring one and Jessica Kinney with two goals, to end the game 4-0. On

Sunday, the teams faced the reigning conference champions, SUNY Canton. After a hard-fought battle, and double overtime, the men tied at 0. The women’s team followed suit and also played double overtime to end in a 3-3 tie, with freshmen Olivia Jameson, Carmen Allen, and Desiree Smith each scoring for the Owls. On Wednesday, the teams traveled to Maine Maritime Academy, where both the men and women played into overtime once again. The ladies tied 0-0 and the men lost 2-1 off a Mariner penalty kick. The men’s record stands at 3-2-1 and the women at 3-1-2. Concerning the season, the women’s coach, Tammy Krul said, “I am definitely pleased with our team this year and am very optimistic about our season. Even though we have a young team, it’s comprised of fast learners and dedicated athletes, so I anticipate making it to post-season play.”

Are you an UMPI enthusiast? Here is your chance to get involved. We invite students, staff and alumni to join the UMPI Pride Committee and help pep up UMPI. We plan and hold events that generate school spirit. Our first co-sponsored event will be Midnight Madness on Monday, October 20 at 11 p.m. in Wieden Gymnasium. Other events planned for this year are the Winter Festival, service projects, contests, and a Student Appreciation BBQ. We are also initiating an award recognizing a Student of the Month. Join the UMPI Pride Committee. Contact Charles.Weiss@maine.edu or Barbara.DeVaney@umpi.edu.


Student of the Month Nomination Form Name of Nominated Student_________________________________________

Degree Program of Nominated Student (if known)_________________________________________

Nomination Month/Year (i.e., October 2008)___________________________________________ Please tell us why you think the above named student should be Student of the Month____________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Nominated by (name, student,staff or faculty member)_______________________________________

Can we contact you if we have questions? ___Yes ___No

If yes, what is the best way (i.e., phone number, email, etc.) _____________________________________

Let your voice be heard!

If you haven’t registered to vote in the upcoming election, there’s still time! Please stop by South Hall to pick up all necessary voter registration materials. Let your voice be heard and exercise your right to VOTE


Food for thought UNIVERSITY TIMES

Thursday, October 2, 2008


By Jessica Mayne

The cool breeze pushes against my body It mingles with my uneven breath. My heart beats beyond its normal speed The elation goes beyond instinctive death.

My surroundings blur, I pick up speed Across grass, abandoned roads, drifting fall leaves. Sweat drips into my eyes, I no longer care As I let myself go.

Heat courses through my body, my heart aches. My legs get heavy, I continue to run. The thought of stopping flashes through my mind then fades with the dying sun.

The wind rushes past me and then returns Beckoning to me, despite the physical burn. I pick up speed, and continue to glide into a starless night.


by Leah McEachern

Comic by Bhava Albert

Pizza Problem

There are three closed boxes before you. You are told that one box contains a fabulous prize, while the contents of the other two boxes are worthless. You are offered your choice of the boxes and you make a selection. One of the other boxes is then opened to reveal its worthless content and you are offered the option of keeping your chosen box or switching to the other unopened box. Should you switch?

Please email your solution to this problem to umpicontest@maine.edu. The best submission, as judged by a select panel of your peers, will win a free large pizza, so please include contact information. The winning solution and a new pizza problem will appear in this space in the next issue of UTimes and also at the UMPI mathematics program Web site.. Happy ciphering!

I admired you, love, For your undisputed integrity, Your genuine understanding, And your unfaltering passion. You had a strong sense of good and evil, But I don’t know if you still recognize where that border lies.

Brotherhood is a thing to be cherished, Indeed, a thing that we must have to survive. But why did it come down to this? Surely, this madness was not intentional. Don’t lie to me, love, but please Tell me it isn’t true.

How could you? Why would you willingly take such poison into yourself? Common sense is not so common anymore, And I always thought you were rare. But why? Will I ever see you when I look at

you again? How long will it be before I can look into your eyes once more?

This pain I feel, No matter what I do, it doesn’t seem to fade. Explain to me, love, why do I feel so alone? I’ve always known it would be this way. But I’ve tried so hard to fight that destiny. I’ve done everything I could to avoid this fate, But I see now that this was meant to happen.

Will this wound ever heal? I admired you, love, For your undisputed integrity, Your genuine understanding, And your unfaltering passion. You had a strong sense of good and evil, But I don’t know if you still recognize where that border lies.

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