Volume 39 Issue 4

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i n s i d e t h i s i s s u e :

Hollywood comes to UMPI details on page 8-9

University of Maine at Presque Isle Volume 39 Issue 4

OCTOBER 22, 2010

New Credit Union Promises Cost Savings for Students

employees present were Candice Roy, Campus Branch Matt Walsh, Students, faculty, alumni gra- Manager, President ciously gathered at the Campus President/CEO. Center on Saturday, Sept. 23 as Don Zillman also spoke of the part of homecoming celebra- credit union first, calling it a tions at UMPI. Along with “gorgeous addition to the camdoor prizes from local business- pus.” “We wanted for years for es such as Hannaford and Tim Hortons, students had the something like this to come to opportunity to view the ribbon Presque Isle. The Orono camcutting ceremony by Carolyn pus served the entire system Cheney, who was one of the efficiently. It was a great to prime sponsors in getting the expand. Carolyn Cheney, the University Credit U.nion to Presque Isle director, was UMPI. Among some of the instrumental in getting this here,” said Joe Gervais, the Executive VicePresident of the Portland office. The credit union takes pride in the fact that it’s here for the students, faculty and alumni. “We want it to be designed for community, the student community. We offer c h e c k i n g accounts with no hidden fees and we wave the fess, we offer financial literacy. It’s all just part of the brand unity, we are there for future,” Don Zillman drawing for door prizes with their said Gervais. Matt Walsh Some of the Ben Pinette


Journalism for Northern Maine Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

Dept. of Education. We offer loans both online and at the branch at UMPI.” Gervais said. The bank is useful because you don’t need to leave the campus to take out money or check your balance. It’s handy in a time period where some students don’t have a car to go into town to do their bank business. For more information, including how to set up a loan, or to just to talk to someone, visit the new credit union in the Campus Center and talk to the Branch Manager, Candace Roy, or contact her at 7689624. It’s never too late to open up an account.

Carolyn Cheney cutting the ribbon with Don Zillman. newest digital features in bank“There have been many ing are also available to anyone changes in loans over the past who signs up. few years. Private lending no “We cater to a lot of young longer exists. It all goes to the people, so we have such services like text alerts, mobile banking, and personalized credit cards. We offer no such “credit card” anymore, we only have a debit card designed for checking.” As the interest rates climb, and loans and the cost of tuition seem to get higher each year, the UCU isn’t afraid to Left to right: Keith Madorre, Don Zillman, offer you a loan. Carolyn Cheney and Matt Walsh.


University Times


The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editors Ben Pinette Sarah Graettinger Staff Writers Kayla Ames Stephanie Corriveau Sarah Graettinger Stephanie Jellett Julia Lunn Patrick Manifold Mika Ouellette Henry Pelletier Ben Pinette Dione Skidgel Lanette Virtanen Brianna Williams Contributors Chris Corsello Jim Stepp Rebecca Stepp Don Zillman Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

October 22, 2010

Dear readers, The weather is starting to get colder and the leaves are falling fast. We’re almost halfway through this semester and time is flying. It’s not too late to take advantage of all that’s happening here on campus. Art shows, music, movies and OAPI events are just a few of the things that are going on this month alone. Take the time to get out, see a few games and root for the home team. Check out the UMPI calendar of events to see what’s happening. Exams are happening, so don’t forget that there’s tutoring available if you need it in South Hall. Enjoy the fall and I’ll see you around campus! Lanette Hello everyone, We are definitely now in the thick of things in the semester. It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is less than a month away, then Christmas! Where did the semester go? At this time, I want to make sure to tell you to listen in to WUPI 92.1 on Sunday evening at 6 p.m. for “U-Radio,” a news magazine show produced by members of Dr. J’s ENG 212 class. I’ve lived in Aroostook County my whole life and I’ve never heard of such a local show about things on campus and even things about the community. It should be pretty cool. Look for more information about the show inside this issue. I hope you can all tune in! Ben Hello, I hope that everyone is having a great semester so far! Now we’re back from break and getting back to midterms and the holiday season. This issue is going to be really fun, and I hope that you enjoy! Sarah

Dates for Submissions to the U Times

Oct. 25

Nov. 8

Nov. 29

Any submissions recieved after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

From Don’s Desk

Whatʼs the Value of Higher Education? I spent an interesting recent Tuesday in South Portland. The purpose of the visit was to attend the annual meeting of the Maine Compact for Higher Education. The Compact attempts to bring together the Maine universities and colleges and the Maine business community to discuss matters of mutual interest. Professor Anthony Carnevale of Georgetown University opened the session with a very thoughtful review of the link between higher education and the workforce in the United States and Maine over the last half century. Carnevale is the national expert on this topic. I took two points away from. Carnevale’s thorough statistical research. First, the completion of some higher education has become vastly more important to success in the workforce over the last decades. There are only modest numbers of good and steady jobs that await the high school graduate. Those num-

Stephanie Couriveau STAFF WRITER

Dr. Linda Graves has just completed another successful chapter in her life. Graves, who is a medical laboratory technology instructor at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, has recently published “Clinical Laboratory Chemistry.” This textbook joins the collection of other books that she has authored, including “Case Studies in Clinical Laboratory Science” and “Outline Review of Medical Te c h n o l o g y / C l i n i c a l Laboratory Science.” “This is actually the third book I’ve written for Prentice Hall,” Graves said. “Clinical Laboratory Chemistry,” which was also written by Dr. Robert Sunheimer, took about five years to complete. Graves said that she and Sunheimer tried

bers appear to be declining with each decade. Second, not all college or university degrees are alike. Students should be attentive to the prospects for employment resulting from the particular degree that they pursue and the potential for salary increases in the employment. To give two examples, Carnevale suggested that a degree in religion or ethnic or gender studies was unlikely to pay back the investment in college that the student made. That isn’t to say a student shouldn’t pursue these degrees. But the reasons for doing so should include reasons beyond producing a steady and increasing paycheck over the course of a lifetime. The System officers promised to put Prof. Carnevale’s talk on the University of Maine website. It’s well worth reading. The second highlight of the meeting was a discussion among the five candidates for governor of Maine. Higher education was the focus of the

Fine Print

to keep contact, through email and phone, while completing the project. Although they’ve never met, Graves mentioned that she hopes to see Sunheimer at a conference next February. This conference will kick-off the debut of their new textbook. Graves is proud of her book and can’t wait to work with it in the classroom. “I’m really looking forward (to using it). I’ve been teaching for over 30 years. The (current) books are really good, but they’re not at the right levels. Some books are really reference books and they’re not meant to be used in the classroom,” Graves said. UMPI medical laboratory technology students, who take MLT 102 this coming spring, will be the first to use Graves’ book. “Clinical Laboratory Chemistry” touches upon sub-

discussion. All candidates were asked to outline their position on higher education—in two minutes. They were then asked a series of questions demanding a one minute answer. The format is hardly one for thoughtful deliberation over important issues. But various insights were useful. All candidates were concerned with the connection between campus and the workforce. Their interest, as is mine, is both with what is best for the current and future students and what is best for the overall development of the State of Maine. In a time of scarce resources, these pose some difficult questions. In addition to several debates televised statewide, Presque Isle will host the candidates for a debate in late October. Exact date and time will be announced shortly. That debate will also be televised. But I hope many of you will join me in the audience that night.

jects such as “glucose testing, fluids,” Graves said. Laboratory Chemistry” is what hormone testing and drug testIn the meantime, keep an you could call “fine print.” ing.” Graves and Sunheimer eye out for Graves’ book, That is, it will be a valuable worked hard to make a text- which will be sold in the cam- teaching tool that students will book that would be “user- pus bookstore. “Clinical use for years to come. friendly” for both students and instructors. “Someone just starting can get some good ideas. We’ve come up with a few little tricks,” Graves said. “Clinical L a b o r a t o r y Chemistry” isn’t the last textbook that Graves will write, however. It seems that another project is underway. “They had been talking to Bob and I about another book. We’re just in the planning stages of Dr. Linda Graves with her texbook “Cinical Laboratory Chemistry” urinalysis and body


University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

C hr is’ Cor ne r

“Puppies for Sale” A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about nailing his sign to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy.

Mister,” he said, “I want to buy one of your puppies.” “Well,” said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, “these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money.” The boy dropped his head

for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got 39 cents. Is that enough to take a look?” “Sure,” said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle.“Here, Dolly!” he called. Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared, this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up.

“I want that one,” the little boy said, pointing to the runt. The farmer knelt down at the boy’s side and said, “Son, you don’t want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would.” With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg, attaching itself to a specially made shoe. L o o k i n g b a c k u p at t h e f a r m e r, h e s a i d , “ Yo u s e e, s i r, I d o n’t r u n t o o we l l my s e l f, a n d h e w i l l need someone who u n d e r s t a n d s. ” T he wo rld is full of peo ple who ne ed som e o n e wh o u n der st a n ds – I hop e yo u are o ne o f t he m!

On the Road Again Rebecca Stepp CONTRIBUTOR

At 4 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 1, a journey for three of UMPI’s community members began. They were members of Phi Eta Sigma and headed to a national conference in Knoxville, Tenn. The travelers included Rebecca Stepp (president), Hannah Smith and Jim Stepp (adviser). The business of the convention began Friday evening with an opening session by the national executive committee. Committees then organized and met. Hannah served on the constitution, finance and scholarship committee. Rebecca was on the future directions committee and Jim attended adviser workshops. The meetings were followed by an ice cream social and

exchange of school items. On Saturday, the delegates attended workshops on time management, forming chapter public relations and teaming up for success. After the workshops, the committees met again. Awards were presented and scholarship winners were announced during lunch. T he aft er n o on p rovi ded an opp or t un it y for t he att endees to sp li t in t o t wo g rou p s fo r di f fe re n t ac t ivities. The UMPI crew went on a tour of the U n i ve r s i t y o f Te n n e s s e e w i t h b u s d r i ve r, N o r m , and a t our gu i de who t o l d u s va r i o u s g h o s t s t o r i e s a b o u t K n o x v i l l e. The ho t el UMPI st ayed at w as buil t on g al l ow s h il l, t he sit e o f m any ha ng ing s. After arrival at the

University of Tennessee, the UMPI delegates went to McClung museum and visited the various exhibits and then continued a narrated, guided tour of downtown Knoxville and the UT campus. Along the tour they saw the World’s Fair Park and stopped at a little park where there’s a monument of Alex Haley, the author of the book “Roots.” Later they went to Market Square to go shopping before the evening activities. The national convention then offered a tour and dinner of the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame. There was a dance and a chance to play basketball before heading back to the hotel. Sunday morning brought the final business meeting where the delegates voted

on business deter mined by the committees. The voting delegate for the UMPI chapter was Rebecca Stepp. The conference will take place again in two years at a location to be determined in the spring. T h e r e ’s hope of being a part of a new regional conference next year.

Left to Right: Jim Stepp, Rebecca Stepp, and Hannah Smith in Knoxville.


University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

Fit and Fun Day Strikes A Pose Brianna Williams STAFF WRITER

The sound of giggling and screams of excitement could be heard from youngsters in Gentile Hall on October 2. These kids had the opportunity to come to the University for a few hours and play a few games. For these activities, PE majors set up stations around the multipurpose floor with instructors set at each one. Then groups of children would be brought to the games. This was the welcoming of Fit and Fun Day! One of the first activities was playing with jump ropes. Children could sit on boards with w h e e l s, a n d o t h e r c h i l dren could pull them along behind them. One child got creative and decided to play jump

ro p e i n s t e a d . At the next station, there was a game of Frisbee toss. The children here could get into pairs of two and throw the Frisbees back and forth between themselves. Another game here was tossing the Frisbees into hula hoops that were taped to the floor. This game was a bit tricky, but some were able to get the Frisbee in the hoop. Than there was a group of children playing with a giant, colorful tarp. At this station, the kids were able to play more that one game. They could play Cat and Mouse, which is where one person goes under the tarp and acts like a mouse while another person acts like a cat and tries to catch the mouse on

game the children could play was raising the tarp and running underneath it.

o n e o f t h e g ro u p s t h at participated in the fair. “This fair is a great way for freshmen and other students to learn what UMPI is all about. Some students can go all year not knowing what’s around them. It’s exciting to know that people are interested in what’s going on around them,” Caron said. Throughout the MPR, numerous tables were giving out free candy and pens. The student senate was just one group that was giving out information about what it does and how students can join. Jeff Rhoads had this to say. “The student senate is the voice of the students and everyone can join. It’s a good way for people to learn the goings on inside of the campus.”

There were drawings for what’s here instead of just If you missed the prizes. People were interact- taking classes.” Cluband Community Fair, ing, learning and meeting new Many were here to tell oth- don’t panic. You can join people: in short, having a ers about their organizations. most clubs at any time. great time. This extravaganza was a good S o c o m e a n d e n j oy t h e People who were going way to tell incoming students next adventure: get into a around to booths were signing the resources at UMPI. new club! up to be a part of the clubs and getting information about the community. Michael DeWitt was at the College Democrat booth. This is what he had to say. “This fair gives us an opportunity to reach out to the student body. Students can come here to learn about Some of the booths set up for the Club and Community Fair.

the top of the tarp. They kids could also shake the tarp while the instructor threw balls on the top. Another

There was also the art corner. This is where the children all line up, and dance to a song that plays. They could also dance to a song playing, and every time the music stops, they all freeze. The kids could also learn how to juggle. The kids each got two sacks and were shown how to juggle. Or the kids could try to juggle with fabric. The kids were laughing while they tried different ways of keeping the sacks in the air. Last, the brave kids got the chance of climbing the rock wall. A few courageous children took their chance and attempted the challenge. Many of them had smiles on their faces from succeeding. Some of the kids were clear-

ly having the times of their lives Among them was Brett Tarbox, who was running around and laughing with his group members at each activity. How much fun did he have, “A lot!”. Tarbox showed later on, after all of the activities were finished, “Everything. I danced, I climbed a rock wall, I juggled, I played Frisbee, and I danced around.” Afterwards, Brett’s father, Jeremy Ireland, couldn’t get him to want to go home! So the results of Fit and Fun Day were a success. Many of the kids had a grand old time and were giggling and running around after the day was done. Remember, being fit can also be fun!

Club Fair Extravaganza

Sarah Graettinger STAFF WRITER

As crowds of people walked into the Campus Center on Sept. 15, they found table set up for the annual Club and Community Fair. There were tables for clubs from all over campus representing different aspects of UMPI, telling people what UMPI’s all about. From the community, there were banks and local restaurants to show what the community can do in a campus town. All around, people were mingling and asking questions about what the campus is all about. Many representatives h a d a l o t t o s ay a b o u t what UMPI does for stud e n t s. Ta b i t h a C a ro n i s part of the Campus Crusades for Christ, just


University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

Kayla Ames

UMPI And All Its Glory


Most of us would agree that a lot goes on in the classroom. Our homework and the hours we spend studying are testaments to that. A lot goes on outside the classroom, too. On Sept. 17 in Wieden Auditorium and at about 3 p.m., President Don Zillman made sure dozens of people knew just some of what has been going on both inside and outside UMPI classrooms. He told the approximately 45 or so people in attendance what professors and faculty here at UMPI have been up to lately. “I have the delight to report to campus on campus...” Zillman said. “I get the distinct pleasure to introduce us to us.” Zillman explained that he recently sent an e-mail to all UMPI faculty asking them what they have been doing in relation to the areas of traditional teaching/mentoring, academic scholarship, professional service and community service. Zillman said that he was overwhelmed with responses. Though there wasn’t enough time or space to address everything, what Zillman did say was more than enough to give us a basic idea of how students and faculty at UMPI have been getting involved. Teaching and mentoring, the first category, has been going on at UMPI for 107 years now. It can be measured with both numbers and words. Zillman seemed very proud of the fact that the faculty has been using collaborative educational experiences to teach rather than strictly traditional methods. Zillman also gave numerous examples. Lisa

Leduc, for instance, connected students with female inmates preparing to reenter society. Jacquelyn Lowman’s professional business class works with local nonprofit organizations while Carolyn Dorsey’s marketing class works with the local MicMac tribe. Michael Knopp’s environmental chemistry students are monitoring chemical levels in Mantle Lake and the streams that lead into it. “What’s amazing is the amount of teaching and learning being done in interactive ways,” Zillman said. Zillman named at least 20 faculty members and described the work they’ve been doing, his list seemingly endless. Scholarship is something that separates public universities and community colleges. Zillman says that rather than brag about ratings, UMPI prefers to keep its recognitions to itself and focus on academic substance. Bonnie Wood, Linda Graves, Harold Jones and Charles Johnson have authored or edited books related to their fields. Chunzeng Wang did geology research and field work in China that lead to a dozen publications and conference presentations. Renee Felini performed her piece entitled Getting Comfortable with My Surroundings, Art as My Vehicle #8 and it has since been made into a CD. Again, Zillman listed over 20 names, all from different fields. An impressive number of staff and faculty members are also doing public services related to their area of specialization. John DeFelice serves on the College Board and Educational Testing Service, helping make examinations and syllabi for European history. Chris Bell is chair of the Maine Educational Loan Authority and JoAnne Putnam is on the

Governor’s Professional Standards Board. Zillman listed approximately 30 names, all from UMPI, and all having contributed tremendously to their area of expertise. The last category Zillman addressed was community service. There were at least another 20 staff and faculty members who didn’t stop at just helping their school and fellow experts. They reached out to the people around them as well. Bill Breton is on the Board of Directors of the University of Maine at Fort Kent Alumni Association. Nancy Fletcher is president of the Presque Isle Rotary Club. Erin Benson is president of the Aroostook Youth Hockey League and Virginia Fischer serves at the polls on E l ect io n D ay. “I am enormously proud to be able to advocate our cause,” Zillman said. “Thank you for making that part of the job so easy.” Whether they’re involved in criminal justice, science, English, business, or anything in between, the staff and faculty here at UMPI have done a lot to be thankful for. We as students, benefit from their creative ways of teaching. Others interested in their field learn more as a result of their research and publications. The community gets educated, experienced leaders and advisers. Most importantly, every activity and success contributes to UMPI as a whole. Too often we make a mistake in thinking that money and rates are what make a school great. Instead, we should remember that the knowledge, passion and generosity of the people working here is what makes the University of Maine at Presque Isle truly glorious.

Michelle Morse during her Standing Block Chop.

Woodcutters Beware! Lanette Virtanen STAFF WRITER

Who needs a lumberjack when UMPI had its very own lumberjill on campus. If you showed up five minutes late, then you missed it. On Sept. 18, after the boy’s soccer game and before the girl’s soccer game, the crowd was treated to a Standing Block Chop in Park Field. The sun was shining and a crowd was gathering: all to see alumni Michelle (Davis) Morse. She was here at UMPI for the homecoming weekend. Between games she came out on the field to give a demonstration. Morse, who once chopped an 11inch log in 39 seconds, showed us just how fast that is. Before you knew it, she was done: the log was in half and it was over. In the last three years, Morse has placed 1st and 2nd in the Standing Block Chop, the Underhand Chop

and the Axe Throw. This year she competed in the World Open and placed 3rd in the Standing Block Chop. Becoming a part of this has taken Morse as far away as Australia, where she’s gone to compete as part of the Women’s Wood Chopping and Sawing team. Who would have thought after graduating from UMPI that Morse, who became a teacher and coached successfully for 11 years, would take up logging sports. As Morse said, “It took a lot of practice to get there. I compete in the summer and workout in the winter to train.” Doing what she loves, being involved in athletics, has given Morse more than just a career. She is able to teach, coach and compete. You should never think that you can’t do something. Follow Morse’s lead, try. You might just surprise yourself.

University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

NEADS Disability Awareness

Sarah Graettinger

Walking across campus, you might see a professor with a dog helping her. Jacquelyn Lowman acquired a service dog to help her from an organization called NEADS. On Sept. 20, at the Campus Center, she discussed the process and how it helps. Many people gathered to hear about the NEADS organization, and what it can do for people. NEADS trains dogs for people with disabilities. These dogs can open doors, shut doors, turn on a light, get food for the person and pick up objects. Lowman has a condition called spina bifida. It means that the person’s spine doesn’t fully develop. Because of this, she has a hard time moving around and lives with a lot of pain. She uses a wheelchair and has limited mobility. In order to remain independent, Lowman decided to get a service dog to help. “Saint is a black lab. The people who trained her said she

OMG the MMORPG WoW is at UMPI Henry Pelletier STAFF WRITER


Down on the streets where everyone can see, a Druid by the name of Erwinen (aka Buddy Robinson) dances happily (as seen above). He has experience in other arts other than dancing, and everyone can know this because he is at level 80, a great feat in the WoW community. That’s right everyone, a new club started at UMPI: the World of Warcraft Club. Coleader Buddy Robinson started the club recently and is looking for new recruits. Once a week the club will meet mainly at the Owl’s Nest in the Campus Center for a Dr. Lowman and her service dog Saint. LAN party. People will bring was the best dog they ever had. “Saint helps in many differ- their laptops with WoW She’s trained to help me with ent ways. When we went to the installed and avatar ready to everyday things that are hard to Museum of Fine Arts and rode join the clan. If it becomes do,” Lowman said. the subway, she wasn’t afraid at The training process of a all. And people noticed and service dog starts at the helped us,” Lowman said. beginning of their lives. Service dogs help peoDogs are trained to listen p l e o f a l l a g e s a n d n e e d s. and to obey. Service dogs I f yo u k n o w s o m e o n e wear a Gentle Leader. wh o c o u l d u s e a h e l p i n g Although some people mis- p aw o r fo r m o re i n fo r m a take it for a muzzle, dogs t i o n , c o n t a c t L ow m a n at can fully open their mouths 7 6 8 - 9 7 4 5 or jacquewith it on. It just provides l y n . l ow m a n @ u m p i . e d u . more control.

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7 too difficult to meet at the Owl’s Nest, you don’t have a laptop, then you can meet up online from the comfort of your desktop. Don’t have an account yet? Don’t worry about it: you can create an account when you join the club. Yes, there are fees to play WoW for those of you who don’t already own the game. The game itself averages about $30 on amazon.com, but there’s also a monthly subscription. It’s fifteen dollars a month, but if approved by the student senate, the WoW Club will be able to provide minimum support for its members. If you’d like to join the club or have any questions, feel free to e-mail Buddy at buddy.robinson@maine.edu.


University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

A Hollywood Nigh Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

The little town of Presque Isle, Maine, went Hollywood, Tuesday, Sept., 28. A large number of people gathered within and outside of the Braden Theatre to await the black limo that would bring the stars to the red carpet. Not only was there a red carpet, but inside there was a variety of delicious food, catered by Aramark. The reception was at 5 p.m., so that friends, family members and community members had time to chat with the stars, then proceed to watch the film. In the spring of 2009, Cathie Pelletier had a screen writing class at UMPI. One of their projects was to create a short film. Once finished with the script, it was time to actaully shoot. Zoran

Popovic, a famous cinematographer, directed and edited the script. Reneé Felini also helped with the production. The film, called “The Proposal,” is about a man wanting to propose to--he hopes--his future wife. But little does he know, he’s in for quite a night! The film might only run about 15 minutes, but it includes many laughs and will probably remind you of a time in your life where you’ve been in a similar situation. The lead male actor, Jason Lesaldo, who is from For t Kent, said, “It’s a great experience being in a film.” T he lead f emale actress, Sara Har vey, who is originially from Allagash, couldn’t agree more. Both are ver y familiar with theater, so they said it was different

Arriving in style.

talking into a mic instead of projecting their voice. More cast members include Matt Delamater, who plays the waiter for the restaurant. Cissy Libby and Rod Thompson, who are from Aroostook County, were also in the film. The film also f eatured music from Rock Dox, Travis Cyr, Carl Hileman and Shannon Ambrutis. “I am very impressed with the actors and everyone who helped,”Cathie Pelletier, who is the producer of the film, said. Filming “The Proposal” took place in the basement of President Zillman’s house, which was then transformed into Café L’Amour--where Lesaldo would propose to his so-called future wife. UMPI students could volunteer to help out with this project: they could help

with holding lights, assisting the director, checking props, etc. They only had five days to shoot the film, so they had to do three pages of script a day. “That was perfect, so let’s shoot it again!,” is a famous line that Zoran Popovic always said after shooting a scene. This was the first official showing. Cinema two in the Braden was overflowing. The crowd laughed at the funny parts--which Pelletier was glad to hear-and applauded and cheered when it was over. After the film there was a question and answer session. “Did it look convincing as a restaurant?” Pelletier asked the audience. Everyone roared “YES!” Many people from the audience asked questions. A lot of the questions were

about the actors/actresses-how did they like it? How was working with Popovic? With Pelletier? Will they pursue acting as a career? “ I can’t say enough how proud I am. It was amazing,” Pelletier said to the final question. “ I’m just so proud of them and the film.” Pelletier has a good reason to be proud of them. Among future plans for “The Proposal” are to try to get it into numerous film festivals in the various states and see where that goes. It was time to depart and everyone congratulated the actors and actresses on their amazing performances. They got back in the black limo and drove away. It definitely f elt like Hollywood night in Presque Isle.

Lining the red carpet.

University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

ht in Presque Isle



University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

A Helping Hand

We the People Julia Lunn


Lanette Virtanen STAFF WRITER

Who knew that helping Haiti could be so much fun, all you had to do was show up, dance and buy a CD. Wieden gym was hopping Sept. 17, with the sounds of Caribbean music before you even got close to the gym. Revelacion Maranatha, you might not be able to pronounce their name, but by the time the night was over, you were going to remember what they did that night and why. The stage was set with a variety of instruments: keyboard, sax, bongos and guitars. The chairs were set up with plenty of space left for dancing and before the night was over, there were men from the group, along with audience members, dancing in front of the stage. When the music started, you couldn’t help but move. The group not only got people on their feet, they also got 3 audience members to join them in front of the stage to help sing

Revelacion Maranatha getting the music started. part of a song. While up there they had them take the mics, sing and do some dancing in front of the audience. Rhonda Cyr, one of the people that were brought up to sing, said, “This is so much fun, I’m glad that I came tonight.” Three members of Revelacion Maranatha got down off the stage and joined the group dancing and had more and more people join them. Whatever dance step that they did, the people dancing joined in and copied. Before you know it the there was a huge circle of people dancing and having fun. The group was there to raise funds to help Haiti’s children with their school. The schools in Haiti are private and now they need everything. Basics that we take for granted, they don’t have and need help to get. Books, papers and even pencils are needed. By performing they

aren’t just helping the children; they are giving back to Haiti. The group is from Dominican Republic, but they all share a connection to Haiti through their parents who are all from there. One of the group members is graduating medical school and will be helping At the back of the room was a long table set up with 9 different CDs, plus t-shirts that they were selling to raise money. All they asked was that you give $10 and you could have anything on the table that you wanted. Wanting to give back for the great night of uplifting music made you pay the regular price of the CDs, $10 a piece or less if you bought more. “What a fantastic evening!” Steve Graham said as he was leaving with his wife Velma after the music was done that evening. After the night was ove r, if yo u bought one of their CDs, you could get back into that spirit every time you listened to it. N ex t t i m e yo u see that there’s s o m e t h i n g g o i n g o n h e re on campus, take a ch a n c e a n d g o. Yo u c o u l d be sur prised at h ow mu ch f u n you can have.

Members of Revelacion Maranatha dancing with the crowd.

What would you do if you could meet one of the Founding Fathers? Ask him a question or two? Simply stand in awe? On Sep. 17, President Zillman had the privilege of introducing the first official United States Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton. Brent Anderson, fellow staff member at UMPI, dressed as one of the nation’s most memorable voices of the American Revolution. He took the audience back in time to experience and understand the trivial events civilians faced while fighting for their freedom against England. He addressed the chronological sequences leading up to the making of the Constitution, from the increased taxing of the people to pay for Britain’s new militia; to the rebellions against the King; and finally, the unification of the 13 colonies. Anderson pointed out the main concern of their time: can the people govern themselves?

When the system had gone too far, the Founding Fathers met in secret in Philadelphia till the Constitution was written and signed. People were intrigued by the real aspects of Anderson’s story. You could see their interest and enthusiasm to learn the story behind the Constitution. Anderson finished by asking for questions. “How did you maintain the friendship, respect and trust with these men during the making of the Constitution?” asked an audience member. Anderson answered with this: It took a man of integrity to be able to do it. Every man in that room was seeking to do the right thing. They were the examples teaching the individual states how to do the right thing. The future would hold them accountable for being involved. They were trying to rescue the notion that the people can govern themselves. “We knew we needed to do this for our people,” he finished.

University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010


This Rocks Not Gonna Roll Lanette Virtanen STAFF WRITER

When is a rock more than just a rock? When it’s a piece of granite that’s been sculpted to be more. When you walk outside of Folsom and head up towards the library, you can’t miss the newest addition to campus. Where did that come from? What is it all about? Who made it? Well ask no more. We found out on Sept. 17 at the unveiling of the sculpture. The sculpture was created by Andreas von Huene and is called To the Other Side. The stone sculpture is made from “Freshwater Pearl” granite from the Frankfort quarry in Frankfort Maine. It stands about 73 inches high and when seen, you can’t help but walk around it to see what’s on the other side. When creating this piece, von Huene put a lot of thought into it. It says more than just that it’s like UMPI, where cultures are coming together. Every curve, edge, round surface and holes that are in the piece mean something. They signify different things to everyone that views it. To say that it means just one thing would do a disservice to the man that created it. As von Huene says in his remarks about the piece, “I drew inspiration from this University’s desire to attract a diverse student body and its practice of reaching out both locally and internationally. To the Other Side was designed to recognize and respect diverse cultures and modes of thinking by showing each is viable, that they are not far apart – connected even – and are of the duality we find in human life. We also must respect nature. Good fortune saw to it that I put holes in my sculpture that allow this glorious long visual stretch of east-west lawn some

President Zillman with members of the UMPI commutnity at the unveiling of the stone monument.

passage. It has been a real pleasure working with and being of service to such a University community.” As the tar p was pulled away and the sun shined upon it, the crowd that had g athered moved closer to look at and touch the sculpture. Even the shadows that are cast by this sculpture are interesting. This is another wonderful addition to UMPI’s campus. Next time you walk by, stop and take a look at it from all angles. See if you see something dif ferent. Be inspired by what von Heune says about the piece as well as by the sculpture itself.


University Times CAMPUS October 24 2010

Lanette Virtanen STAFF WRITER

Shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, yeah yeah. Disco is back! At least it was Sat. night Sept. 18. in the Wieden gym during the homecoming festivities. The lights went down, the disco ball lit up and on

Superfly the stage came the Motor Booty Affair. Complete with afros, bell bottoms and platform shoes, the group took the stage and got people dancing. What started as a hand full of people on the dance floor, quickly turned into more, and it didn’t take long for the floor

Boogie Wonderland

to fill up. Some showed up in disco style, while others were disco dancing. All were having fun. The band, made up of four “funkateers straight from the Planet Funktar.” Introduced themselves as Superfly, Spanish Fly, Sir Rumpus Funkberry and Cyclone Link Skywalker Jr. While their names sounded out of this world, their music went took us back to a place that had us doing the “Boogie Oggie Oggie” “It was a tr ip, a t ri p d own m em o r y l a n e. ” s a i d La n a S mi th key The Motor Bootie Affair perfor ms all around New England and is well known, around here, for recently playing in Fort Fairfield at the Maine Potato Blossom Festival. The group got the crowd to sing along with them, as well as pulling a few up on the stage with them to sing. They were also taking pictures of the crowd. They took a quick break about halfway through to change clothes, put on their “Boogie Shoes” and they were back out on the floor to sing about a “Brick House.” A member of the a u d i e n c e , J i l l D e Vi l d e r, stated, “No band in this c e n t u r y r o c k s t h e F RO like they did.”

Getting down to that funky music.

The beer garden in the b a c k w a s bu s y a l l n i g h t w i t h t h e p ro c e e d s g o i n g to benefit the UMPI

Alumni scholarship F u n d . A s t h e y s a n g, “Last Dance” and the c ro w d s s t a r t e d t o l e ave

to go home. So to all that went, remember the “ G o o d T i m e s, ” b e c a u s e D i s c o n e ve r r e a l l y d i e s.

Motor Booty Affair getting the crowd on their feet.


University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

A Crowning Achievement Kayla Ames STAFF WRITER

UMPI’s wind turbine towers above us as we walk to class or play soccer. We can see the shadows of the blades flickering from our dorm rooms when the sun is just right and its construction has made UMPI known both near and far. But how much do we really know about it? Walking past, could we guess what inspired it? Do we know how much money it saves the campus on average or where it came from? The Wind 101 film, which played on Sept. 16 between 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. on WLBZ in Folsom Hall’s student lounge, gave answers to these questions and many more. In a week full of homecoming events, the film showing may have slipped people’s minds or failed to grab their attention. It was still a great way to unwind at the end of the day while learning something new. Sandwiched between the athletic hall of fame banquet and Motor Booty Affair concert, Wind 101 started off with an introduction to Aroostook County and UMPI before moving on to the wind turbine project. “UMPI established a wind turbine on its campus in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint,” Joe Zubrick, the film’s narrator, said. The exploration of healthier alternatives really started with Gentile Hall. The university considered other possibilities, such as geothermal energy, before settling on wind power. They chose the latter because it was visible, made sense for the campus and would take less work since a lot of it was already done. A 20-month study on wind power performed in 2006 indicated that it was good here but not great. That meant the wind turbine would have to be smaller than originally thought. Despite that, many estimated that the turbine would save UMPI $100,000 or more a year. University staff, including President Don Zillman, also saw it as an exciting educational opportunity.

“It’s going to provide a foundation for sustainable education,” Zubrick said. The film explained how the turbine works and the process people at UMPI had to go through to see it built. Some of the steps included hiring engineers, searching for a turbine contractor, securing funds, checking permits and zoning and moving construction forward. They chose a company called Woodard and Curran to do wind data analysis and construction. UMPI eventually settled on a turbine model they found in India, though only after looking at several models in places such as California and Europe. Despite the $50,000 grant they received on October 24, 2007, the university shouldered most of the financial burden. One of the biggest hurdles was permits, which took between 18 and 20 months to complete. After all that preliminary work, it was time to start building. At one point, they got help from the Maine National Guard, which saved an estimated $60-70,000 dollars, money they used to transport turbine parts directly to the site. Site work began in November 2008. By December, electricians were in India doing final tests. Parts were shipped by January, unloaded in March and the wind turbine itself was installed in just four days. UMPI, which had set the finishing date at Spring 2009,

met their goal. The opening ceremony included the release of doveshaped paper balloons and a Native American ceremony. After that, there were only a few loose ends to tie up. UMPI started out hoping to use the wind turbine to lower its energy bill, reduce its carbon footprint and provide an educational experience. They not only succeeded in meeting these goals, but exceeded them. The educational opportunities extended to the community. Other colleges and organizations interested in doing something like this will have a model to refer back to. UMPI is proving itself a generous leader, blazing a trail and sharing the knowledge it has gathered along the way. It’s now investigating solar panels and biomass, proving that one environmentally responsible choice leads to another. “The possibilities aren’t just out there, they’re being explored. And it all started with a wind turbine and a promise...” said Zubrick. A question and answers session followed the Wind 101 showing. President Zillman shared his experiences, people’s negative and positive reactions to the wind turbine project and some of his hopes for the future. He described the project as a continuing adventure, one that has raised marvelous emotions, has already begun to inspire others and from which anyone can learn.

Scott Delcourt

To the Future and Beyond Ben Pinette


In an economy where jobs are tight, it isn’t always certain that graduates will be guaranteed a job after attending a four year college. On this thought, Scott Delcourt, a U Maine graduate and admissions representative, came to UMPI on Sept. 29 to give two sessions to students thinking about applying to grad school. “I ran into Bonnie DeVaney around four or five years ago for the career fair. She has since asked me to come and do some workshops up here. I love it,” Delcourt said. Originally a grad student himself, Delcourt spent nine years at the department of biochemistry as a research scientist. He eventually got interested in graduate studies and is now a speaker to all of the UMaine colleges around the state. His general message to all students was that it’s never too early or late to think about applying. “It’s never too early to start thinking about a graduate school. Start planning early. Actually start to do research. Do thorough investigations about financial information before you apply.” Delcourt mentioned that most graduate schools don’t necessarily break the bank. “Teaching assisting may give

you a stipend. One package I remember was valued at around $13,000. Some schools can be nearly free with scholarship, at least for the first two years.” Depending on your major and degree, the typical load could very well vary. “A master’s thesis lasts two to three years. Doctoral programs could last five to seven years. Get ready to read 200-300 pages a week. Graduate schools focus on more construction and less on lecture.” Delcourt mentioned some advice when picking people to ask for letters of recommendation. “Don’t pick the vice president or president for your recommendation letter. Faculty is best. They are the ones you’ve done well with in the past. Make sure also to make the deadlines. Otherwise, admissions at your school will not even look at your application. There’s nothing better in the world than the feeling of getting your master’s diploma in your hands.” For more information on graduate schools, you can stop by and see Bonnie DeVaney in South Hall, or you can contact Scott directly at Scott_Delcourt@umit.maine.e du. The path to graduate school is only one step away.


University Times CAMPUS October 22, 2010

Stephanie Jellett

Dance, Dance, Dance!


Loud heavy bases, good dance music and a lively crowd of UMPI students dancing their hearts out. Lights are shining on the dance floor, and you go crazy to the sound of the beat. You and your friends are in the middle of the crowd, sweating it out, as your bodies move to the beat of your heart. Epic Events--which is run by Ben Pinette and Mike Muir--provides the DJing service for UMPI’s dances. The homecoming dance started at 8 p.m. and was supposed to end at midnight. Many students shouted for more, but they already played over their limit. Here are some questions and answers with Epic Events’ Ben Pinette.

Mika Ouellette

Q Is this the first time DJing a dance this year? A “No, I started last January at the ‘80s dance.” Q What made you decide to DJ dances at UMPI? A “I like doing it because it’s really fun, plus I get paid. I’m already part of the radio, so why not DJ?” Q Do you have any preparations to do before a dance? A “Set up everything: tables, speakers, etc. Get the music ready. It takes a long time to get ready.” Q How do you think the rest of the dances at UMPI will go? Will you DJ them? A “I hope they go good. They get better each time--music wise. Well, if I don’t do them, Mike will, he’s the best part.” Q Any last comments? A “I don’t know when the next

dance is, but I’m sure it will be around Halloween.” Along with Ben, the media also got a chance to talk to two freshmen this year. Both said that this is not their first dance, and that the music was pretty good. Corey White, AKA Justin Bieber, said: “ I’m looking forward to dances not being before game day.” Omar Hassan, AKA Fifa, agreed with him. Both of them are on the UMPI soccer team. The homecom in g da nce was definitely a success, as many

students danced the night aw ay to m a ny new hi t son gs. Once th e mu si c stopped, everyone retreated back to the dor ms to

continue on with the loud music. As for the DJs, they packed up the equipment and put it away until the next dance.

Dancing the night away.

A Lifetime of Honor: Phi Eta Sigma Holds Inductions


For the sixth year in a row, the Presque Isle chapter of Phi Eta Sigma held its fall inductions as a part of homecoming. Homecoming was earlier this year than in previous years. It gave shorter notice to new inductees and their families. This did not affect the traditional aspects of the ceremony. There are 15 members in Phi Eta Sigma: Kelsey Albert, Angela Burnell, Naima DeFlorio, Casey Egan, Janelle Gagnon, Marina Grivois, Amanda Harrop, Reba Heath, Desiree Higgins, Keren Ruth Morin, Mika Ouellette, Danielle Pelkey, Candice Rivera, Daniel Sheffield and Bryanne Thomas. “Once you’re inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, you’re a member for life,” said Jim Stepp, chapter adviser explained to

the student inductees. A member of Phi Eta Sigma, Stephanie Corriveau, got inducted for the first time. She was present at this fall’s inductions allowing her to be

officially inducted as a member of Phi Eta Sigma. “I know it’s a bit strange to induct a current member, especially an officer but at least she finally

made it,” Stepp commented on the induction. The inductions were a joyful event. Even though they do not attend inductions, inductees of Phi Eta Sigma are

still considered lifetime members. Hopefully, future inductions will be scheduled at a time which more inductees will be able to attend and celebrate their achievements.

University Times

15 Patrick Manifold STAFF WRITER

The scene was set: a room filled with little groups of people dressed in smart clothing and chatting happily. Walking through the groups and catching small parts of their conversations, there seemed to be one common theme: sports. The room was full of athletic looking men and women, including a couple of members of each of the university’s sports teams. The University of Maine at Presque Isle Athletic Hall of Fame induction dinner took place in the MPR room in the Campus Center. Three past UMPI athletes— Peter J. Belskis, class of ‘74, Michelle Morse, class of ’94 and Matthew Townsend, class of ’00—were inducted into the athletic hall of fame class of 2010. Dean Chris Corsello, kicked off the night by introducing inductees, Peter Belskis. While at UMPI, Belskis represented the Owls varsity baseball team as a utility player, who played outfield,


October 22, 2010

Hall of Fame Induction

behind the plate and at the mound. After earning his Bachelor of Science degree in health and recreation, Belskis graduated and began his profession as a teacher. Since then Belskis has coached soccer for 31 years, during which his boy’s varsity teams have won 5 Eastern Maine Soccer Championships. The second inductee of the night was Michelle (Davis) Morse, who was presented by UMPI men’s soccer head coach and previous UMPI women’s basketball coach, Alan Gordon. Gordon talked about what an amazing athlete Michelle was, playing and dominating in three sports: basketball, soccer and softball. While participating in these sports, Morse won lots of awards. She was also named to tournament and conference teams in all three sports. After graduating from UMPI in 1996 with a degree in physical education, Morse started teaching and coaching at the junior high level. In just 11 years, she had coached teams to 15 middle school championships: one in softball, five in

Left to Right: Peter Belskis, Michelle Morse, and Matthew Townsend soccer and nine with both the boys and girl’s basketball teams. In 2003, Morse started competing in logging sports and has since become a world champion Lumber Jill, representing the U.S.A as a member of the Women’s Wood Chopping and Sawing Team. When it came to

Awardees, sponsors, and adminstrators bask in success.

Morse accepting her award, she was very brief. You could tell it meant a lot to her and that she appreciated the induction as she quickly thanked the university for her special time here. The final inductee of the evening was Matthew Townsend. Townsend played golf at UMPI, was also a four year point guard for the Owls men’s basketball team and was the team’s captain for his junior and senior seasons. After Townsend’s time at UMPI, he is now ranked 10th all time in total points and is fifth all time in assists, sixth all time in 3 point percentage and ninth all time in free throw percentage: a very respectable career. Townsend was presented by his first basketball coach, turned lifelong mentor and friend, Bill McAvoy. McAvoy referred to Matthew as a gym rat. “He was constantly in the gym working on his game, before and after practice and on nights and weekends.” Townsend had a great work ethic and although he may not

have been the most gifted physically, he more than made up for it by working so hard to tirelessly master his craft. The UMPI Hall of Fame dinner concluded as President Zillman gave a closing speech that gave his opinion on the importance of sports and how they can teach so many important life lessons. What better way than to finish than with a quote from him that we, at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, should all understand. “T h e d ic ti on ar y is t h e only place that success co mes be fo re work. H ard wo rk is th e pr ice we must pay for suc c ess. I t hin k yo u c a n acc o mpl ish a nythi n g i f yo u’re wil lin g t o pay t he p rice. ” Are you willing to pay the price to be who you really want to be? If you are, then maybe you will be one of the special individuals, like the three inducted into the 2010 UMPI Athletic Hall of Fame, who gets inducted to a hall of fame for something you have achieved.


University Times SPORTS October 22, 2010

Patrick Manifold

UMPI Womenʼs Soccer vs. MMA


The sun was shining and the bleachers along both sides of the Park Family soccer field were packed with UMPI soccer fans. As it happened to be alumni weekend, the atmosphere was electric as the UMPI women’s soccer team was about to take on local rivals Maine Maritime Academy. The Owls kick off and keep possession within the midfield, after just 3 minutes, a ball goes over the top of the defense and #2 Desiree Smith places the ball in the bottom corner leaving the keeper left still as a statue, 1-0 UMPI. With 28 minutes to go in the first half, Smith, after using good skills to beat her defender, crosses the ball from the right hand side of the box and #25 Elena Estrada connects with a thunderous strike which lands in the back of the net, 2-0 UMPI. On a rare MMA attack they place a ball over the top of the UMPI defense which ends up in a goal, thankfully for the girl’s the linesman has his flag up for offside and the goal is disallowed. This disallowed goal

Carolynn Tuck kicking the ball. seemed to give MMA a boost of confidence as they attack again, but due to a courageous dive at the feet of the striker by #17 goalkeeper Taylor Ussery, she could not even get a shot off. This great save spurred on our Owls to counter attack, the ball was delicately passed through the midfield and after a great pass #14 Carolyn Tuck volleys the ball with great force, the keeper dives but has no chance as the ball sails over her head into the back of the net,

superb goal, 3-0 UMPI. Continuing their onslaught of attacks, Desiree makes another run down the right wing and crosses the ball which lands at #21 Susan Lavertu’s feet, she strikes the ball with her right foot and leaves the keeper on the ground searching in the back of the net for the ball, like it’s a lost contact lens, 4-0 UMPI. As halftime came, the Owls were confident and the second half just seemed like a formality. But MMA came out determined to make a game of it and showed resiliency. But UMPI defended like warriors, still keeping the strikers at an arm’s length. New coach Dan Williams, who was directing the team from the sideline was very vocal. Coach Dan opted to play the 4-4-2 formation for this game, which complimented this squad’s ability wonderfully. When the final whistle blew, the large crowd erupted with gracious applause for the show put on by the fearsome lady Owls. What a great win against a team UMPI women have not beaten for quite some time. And what better time to do it than on a sunny alumni weekend. What a start to the season for the girls: 4-0 UMPI.

Spaghetti Supper a Sure Success Kayla Ames STAFF WRITER

Tasty pasta, quality conversation and familiar faces. What more could anyone ask for? The UMPI women’s soccer team made sure everyone got what they wanted on September 17. Starting at 5:30 p.m. in the multipur pose room of the Campus Center, they dolled out servings of spaghetti to anyone standing in line. The spaghetti supper was designed to bring in money for the soccer team and, judging by the attendance, it was a major success. Approximately 100 or so people from campus and the community showed up to support them. Oftentimes the line was so long it spilled out into the hallway and so many people were talking at once it was impossible to distinguish one conversation from another. Besides spaghetti, the women’s soccer team offered an assortment of other food and beverages to those in attendance. Options included sauce with and without meat, bread, salad, deserts such

as cookies and brownies and beverages such as water, lemonade, iced tea and fruit punch. Staff always seemed to be replacing the spaghetti and salad, bringing out a new dish only to have it disappear a few minutes later. Hungry supporters made sure everyone stayed busy. As fo r t he so cc er playe r s, t h e y f u n c t i o n e d a s b o t h ser ver s a nd delivere r s. W h i l e s o m e l a d l e d sauce or scooped salad, ot h e r s bro ug h t plat es to p e o p l e ’s t a b l e s a n d d i s tributed silverware and n a p k i n s. They w ove around tables with a sm i l e or o ccasio n al w ave, sometimes stopping to ch at w ith f rie nd s o r peop le t hey kne w. Outside the multi-purpose room, new soccer coach Dan Williams rejoiced alongside team members. “I’d like to say it’s so great seeing so many people out here supporting the girls, and long may it continue,” he said, sounding both happy and hopeful. If this year’s spaghetti supper was any indication, Williams’ wish is sure to come true.


University Times VOICE October 22, 2010


Jim Stepp


Earth-like Planet Found

One of the best movies of the year is “Avatar.” In this movie the human race goes to a planet where intelligent life exists. During the movie we see the human race as people who only care about taking the natural resources of the planet. In the end we see good triumph and love win out. Science fiction abounds with stories of life on other planets, but until recently it was only science fiction. No other planets similar to the Earth were known. That has all changed. Recently a team of scientists reported finding a “super earth” in the neighborhood (well sort of). About 20 light years (~1x1015 or 1 quadrillion miles) from the Earth, there’s a star known as Gliese 581. Gliese 581 is a small red dwarf star that has five known planets circling it. The newly discovered planet is considered to be in the Goldilocks orbit – not too close, not too far away, not too hot, not to cold, etc. Because of this, Gliese 581g most likely has liquid water and may even have an atmosphere close to what we find on earth. Gliese 581g has a mass three times greater than the Earth’s, which makes it about 1.5 times the Earth’s diameter. Because its parent star is so small, this planet must orbit very close to its star. The closeness to the star would gravitationally lock the planet to the star, so that one side would always face the star and the other side would be in perpetual darkness. We see a similar condition with our moon: one side of the

moon always faces the Earth. One side of the planet would always be dark and cold. The other side of the planet will always be hot and in bright starlight. The magical piece of real estate would be where the star is setting: the area where twilight exists. At this spot it will be just right for life as we know it. For more information about Gliese 581g, please go to http://news.discovery.com/ space/earth-like-planetlife.html.

Mercury 06:18 – 06:30 Not visible Not visible

THE NIGHT SKY From October 2 through October 19 the ISS is visible in the morning sky. After October 25, the ISS will be in the evening sky. Go to www.heavensabove.com for exact times and locations. You’ll need to register at this site and load your location to be able to get exact times. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is located at 68d00m7.8s west longitude and 46d40m45.6s north latitude. To get a free sky chart, go to www.skymaps.com.

Uranus19:18 – 03:30 19:00 – 02:54 18:42 – 02:06


THE NIGHT SKIES OVER AROOSTOOK COUNTY All times are listed in Eastern Time. Please add 1 hour for Atlantic Time.


* All of the times and dates below are calculated by http://calsky.com. You must do the free registration in order to get accurate times.


Sun and Planet Rising and Setting Oct. 10, 2010 Oct. 20, 2010 Nov. 1, 2010 Sunrise 07:14

Venus 17:54 – 18:00 Not visible 07:06 – 07:12 Mars 18:24 – 19:00 18:06 – 18:36 17:48 – 18:12 Jupiter 18:06 – 04:48 17:54 – 04:06 17:30 – 18:12 Saturn 06:00 – 06:12 05:24 – 06:24 04:48 – 06:42



10/07@14:44 10/08@10:00

06:42 06:56

Sunset 17:54 17:36 17:16



Moon at perigee 0.002403 AU (223,396 miles or 359,444 km) Mercury 7.221 degrees north of moon. Saturn 7.707 degrees north of moon. New Moon Saturn 0.560 degrees north of Mercury. Draconids meteor


10/14@17:27 10/16@08:00



shower possible peak. Venus 3.441 degrees south of moon. Mars 3.412 degrees north of moon. First Quarter Moon Mercury 1.012 degrees north of sun. Neptune 4.723 degrees south of moon. Moon at apogee 0.002710 AU (251,994 miles or 405,458 km). Jupiter 6.949 degrees south of moon. Uranus 6.220



10/22@21:36 10/24@07:00



degrees south of moon. Comet 103P/Hartl ey 2 closest to Earth – May be visible to the unaided eye – for more information http://ww w.skyandtel escope.com /observing/highlig hts/102632 669.html. Orionids meteor shower possible peak. Full moon Mercury 7.180 degrees north of Venus. Venus 6.638 degrees south of sun. Last Quarter moon.


University Times VOICE October 22, 2010

The Reel Deal: ʻLetters to Julietʼ Stephanie Courriveau STAFF WRITER

PG 105 minutes Okay, so “Letters to Juliet” sounds totally cliché. You’re probably thinking that this movie is just going to be another Shakespeare spin-off. But, try not to be too critical of the title. It might not be what you think. After all, unlike Shakespeare’s classic, the main characters are still living at the end of the film (which leads to a very happy ending and an overall decrease in tissue use). Other than the fact that this film is a romance and includes references to “Romeo and Juliet,” it really isn’t like Shakespeare’s classic. “Letters to Juliet” focuses on a woman named Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), who travels to Italy with her fiancé. While there, she stumbles upon a wall that’s plastered with letters addressed to “Juliet.” Women from around the globe travel to this wall to post messages about their

lost loves. And interestingly, these letters don’t remain unanswered. Sophie discovers that a secret organization mails back responses, in the name of Juliet. It doesn’t take long for Sophie to join in on the fun. She happens to discover a message from a lady named Claire (Vanessa Redgrave). Sophie knows that it might be too late to reunite Claire with the man Claire had planned to marry, but she takes a chance. And it does pay off. Claire shows up along with her (over) protective grandson, Charlie (Christopher Egan). Can Sophie carry through with what she started? “Letters to Juliet” is truly a sweet film. It’s interesting to watch how the fates of Sophie and Claire are intertwined. If you are someone that enjoys romances, this movie is a must see. “Letters to Juliet” symbolizes the types of fairy tales that you can only hope for in real life.


In an effort to create a more inclusive and vibrant community, student senate at UMPI extends its heartfelt support to students who identify as heterosexual and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and ally as they react to the recent gay suicides. Student senate at UMPI offers their group statement of support for all races, religions, and sexual orientations and encourages all clubs and organizations to join them in becoming allies and protecting UMPI as a safe and inclusive space for all. - Buddy Robinson


University Times VOICE October 22, 2010

Marie Mazzerolle STAFF WRITER

Budgets for college students are financially tight and Halloween is just around the corner. OH NO!! What are we to do? Well, for starters, students could get involved on campus with decorations. Nothing feels better, than when everyone is in the Halloween spirit. Every year the residents in Emerson, Park and Merrimen halls have decorating contests by floors and whoever wins normally gets a pizza party. So, here are some awesome ways to look good and eat scrumptious cookies on Halloween for less money. Costumes: 1. Thrift stores. (Marden’s, Wal-mart, Salvation Army.)

Trick or Treat Budget Savers and Goodies

They are super cheap and if you look hard enough, you could find some pretty interesting things.

2. Don’t Procrastinate. (Time is Money.) Where Halloween is just around the corner, you don’t want to wait until the last minute. Plan in advance so you can get all the costumes first. 3. Have a backup Halloween costume. (Better be overprepared than under.) Expect the unexpected and besides, it leaves your options open. 4. Wear a comfortable costume. (No need for riding up and tears…its embarrassing.) No need wearing a costume for a few minutes then

changing. That’s when backups come into the picture.

5. Try to make yourself look attractive. (Unless your goal is to be silly.) Halloween time is the only time when you can dress like a prostitute and in drag and it’s not scrutinized. 6. Pick a costume that people know. You don’t want to be insulted if people don’t get it right away. What’s the best part of Halloween? Definitely the goodies! Itsy, Bitsy, Spooky Spider Treats: Ingredients 3 tablespoon(s) butter or margarine

1 package(s) (10 ounces, about 40) regular marshmallows, or 4 cups miniature marshmallows 6 cup(s) ready-to-eat Rice Krispies Cereal Food coloring Assorted candies Canned frosting or decorating gel

Directions In large saucepan, melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. Add Rice Krispies cereal.

Can you Spot the Difference?

Results will be in our next issue

Stir until well coated. Using buttered hands, shape cereal mixture into eight spiders. Cool. Decorate with frosting and/or candies. Best if served the same day Have a fun and safe Halloween! If you want to find further information, you can check out: www.mydollar plan.c om www.delish.com www.collegetips.com


University Times VOICE October 22, 2010

Halloween Facts 1. Which tradition was NOT a precursor to Halloween? A. The Celtic tradition of giving thanks at the close of the harvest season? B. The European tradition of lighting candles and masquerading in costume to scare evil spirits away. C. The celebration of the birth of Marilyn Manson. D. The Irish custom where wealthy landowners would give food to the poor in hopes that the ghosts would look favorably on them and spare them from mischief. 2. Which phobia is the fear of Halloween? A. Caspariophobia B. Samhainophobia C. Demonophobia D. Boophobia 3. Where does the name "Halloween" come from? A. In Scotland, the Celtic Feast of the Sun, which marked the end of summer was known as "Hallowe'en." B. In Ireland, the Celtic Feast of the Sun, which marked the end of summer was known as "Hollow Eve." C. The Druids held a ritual on that night honoring the leader of their sect. His name was Hal Ween. D. The Roman ceremony of burying a hollow casket to trap evil spirits beneath the ground. .4. How did the "jack-o-lantern" get that name? A. An old man named Jack who was too mean even to get into hell. The Devil gave him a piece of burning coal and sent him away. Jack used a turnip to hold the burning coal and serve as a lantern. B. The Devil's favorite dish is pumpkin pie and a clever man named Jack carved all the pumpkins in town into lanterns to drive the Devil away with a blaze of bright light and of course deprive him of his treat. C. In ancient times, when children went trick-or-treating, they were guided by a man who carried a lantern. The guide was called a "Jack." D. The man who first cultivated the potato and carved it into a lantern was named Jack. 5. Can you pick out Halloween's former name? A. All Hallow's Eve B. All Hallow's Day C. All Hallowmass D. All Soul's Day

bat black bones broom cauldron cat costumes creepy dracula frightening

ghosts goblins halloween haunted monster moon mummies night owl pumpkin

scary skeleton spider spiritis spooky trick or treat vampire warewolf witch zombie

ANSWERS: 1) C 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A

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