Volume 41 Issue 6

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inside this issue:

Giving Polio the Finger Details on pages 8 & 9

University of Maine at Presque Isle

Volume 41 Issue 6

Mika Ouellette STAFF WRITER

Walking around campus on Wednesday, Oct. 24, you may have noticed that your fellow students and even your professors had the tips of their pinkies painted purple. Perhaps they were wearing the tips of purple gloves, the less messy option. Maybe you thought there was some terrible virus going around. You had nothing to fear. The reason these pinkies were purple was to help eradicate a disease: polio. As part of World Polio Day, people could pay a dollar to have their pinkie painted purple with the funds going to the Rotary International Club’s

Going purple for polio.

NOVEMBER 16, 2012

A British Superman? Details on page 13

Journalism for Northern Maine

The Day of the Purple-Pinkied People “End Polio Now” campaign. “End Polio Now” is an awareness campaign intended to help eradicate polio in developing countries. The first batch of events started at 9 a.m. and ended around 5 p.m. There was one station set at UMPI, in the Campus Center’s Owls Nest, along with others around the city of Presque Isle. Some of these stations were at locations sponsoring this fundraiser, including the Aroostook Center Mall, The Aroostook Medical Center and Northern Maine Community College. Whether business majors or from the campus newspaper, bio-medical club or a PCJ 212 class, UMPI students and staff

played a big part in staffing these stations. According to the Rotary Club, there have been no cases of polio in the United States in over half a century. That said, polio isn’t completely gone. People in places such as Africa, Central America and Pakistan still feel its impact. Recent news says that there has been an outbreak in Asia. Some people in the United States, even in Maine, contracted it as children and are living with the effects years later. “I was one of the people from UMPI who sat at a table at the mall and tried to educate people, get them to donate,” Kayla Ames from the U Times newspaper said. “I was surprised again and again by how many passersby came up to us and said they had polio, or their family members had polio. It’s still relevant. They still need our help.” Presentations took place at 7 p.m. in the Campus Center and included talks by a local polio survivor, a TAMC physician and a Rotarian who had a lot to say about the Club’s efforts to help eradicate polio. By the end of the day, volunteers had gathered a total of $1,250. That’s a lot, especially considering how inexpensive polio vaccines in developing countries are: a

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Bryan Jennings (front) and Professor Kim-Anne Perkins (back) leaving their marks. mere 60 cents. “We’re this close,” KimAnne Perkins, professor of social work at UMPI, said while holding up her hand to show off her purple pinkie. This proves that the old saying is true, that a little bit goes a long way. This can be said not only in relation to vaccines, but

also donations and time. Though many people were very generous on World Polio Day, you don’t have to dedicate 24 hours or a ton of money. A dollar here, a word or two about purple pinkies there, and you’re doing your part to make the world a better place.



The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Kayla Ames Stephanie Jellett Ben Pinette Staff Writers Kayla Ames Cole DuMonthier Nicole Duplessis Sara Gendreau Cassie Green Stephanie Jellett Mika Ouellette Ben Pinette Lanette Virtanen Kelsey Wood

Contributors Chris Cosenze Kathi Jandreau Jessica Stepp Jim Stepp Carlos Villoria Kathleen York

Adviser Dr. J

The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

ampus University Times

Greetings, My first piece of big news? I voted for the first time on November 6! I wasnʼt sure if I was registered in this county, but Jim Stepp and a couple of fellow students helped me sort it out. It was a very beneficial experience, I think. On that note, youʼll find two stories on elections in this issue. Theyʼre in the Community section. We also have articles about everything from Midnight Madness and Penny Wars to Distinguished Lecturers who talk about, of all things, death! Also, be sure to get deeper into the paper and check out photos from World Polio Day. We loved getting out and helping such a worthy cause. I believe it was Albert Einstein who said those who dedicate themselves to something fully and passionately can be considered “true masters.” Well, to all the true masters out there, enjoy this issue. Only one more left! Have a pleasant, constructive break and a happy Thanksgiving. Thank you, Kayla

November 16, 2012

Dear readers, The past few weeks have been difficult ones for me due to the death of a family member in Wisconsin. I ended up being away for a week. It should have been just a few days but, due to Hurricane Sandy, my flight home was cancelled. Those extra days in Wisconsin meant that the last edition of the paper was done without me. Itʼs the first one that Iʼve missed since I started working with the newspaper. I work with a great group of people I feel fortunate to call friends and I want to take this time to thank them for stepping in to help out while I was away. Thanks Kayla, Stephanie and Ben. I really appreciate all the hard work. I also want to thank those who gave me notes to help me catch up on my classes. Thanks, everyone! See you around campus. Lanette

Hi everybody! Break is coming upon us, and Iʼm so excited! Granted, itʼs only three days, but I get my second Thanksgiving dinner (props for being Canadian). I canʼt wait to stuff my face with turkey, potatoes, carrots and stuffing once again. Out of all the holidays, Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite because family members gather without having to buy presents and everyone always has a good time. I hope everyone enjoys break and has a happy Thanksgiving! On that note, make sure to check out all the events coming up with the student activity groups on campus. Even though the weather is getting colder, itʼs always nice to get out of the dorms and have some fun. Stephanie

Dates for Submissio ns to the U Times

Dec. 3

Any submissions received after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

Linda’s Letter

Ensuring High Quality

Linda Schott.

As we move through our daily lives, we are often confronted with signs or other indicators of quality. When we ride in an elevator, for example, there’s always a notice that the elevator was inspected and found to be safe. And when we visit a restaurant, we know that somewhere in the facility is a certificate from the local health

department indicating that the restaurant follows safe practices and ensures a clean environment. Have you ever wondered how you can be assured that your University is a “quality” e s t a b l i s h m e n t ? For universities, the assurance of quality is provided through an accreditation process. When an institution is

first established, it must meet criteria established by an accrediting agency in order to advertise itself as an accredited institution. Thereafter, each university must undergo a rigorous process of review at least every decade to ensure that it continues to conduct its operations in line with the most current professional standards. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the oldest accrediting body for higher education in the United States. The University’s last full accreditation review occurred in 2003, and the campus is now fully engaged in a self-study process that will culminate in 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 . NEASC will review the University in 11 areas: mission and purposes, planning and evaluation, organization and governance, the academic pro-

gram, faculty, students, library and other resources, physical and technological resources, financial resources, public disclosure and integrity. Each of these areas contains numerous subsets of items that are investigated. For examples, in the area of “students,” NEASC will review our admissions policies and procedures, the retention and graduation rates of our students and the appropriateness and effectiveness of services that we provide to students. The University reaccreditation process is being led by Dr. Michael Sonntag, provost and vice president for academic affairs. A committee of administrators, faculty, staff, community members and/or students has been assembled for each of the 11 areas. The committees will complete a draft of their reports by Spring 2013 and the final report will be assembled by Fall 2013. The final report

is then submitted to NEASC. From there NEASC sends the report to a review team consisting of administrators, faculty and staff from institutions similar to UMPI. Our review team is headed by President Nancy Carriuolo of Rhode Island College. Once the team has read all of the documentation submitted by UMPI, they will visit the campus in person in March of 2014. Conducting our self-study will require UMPI to scrutinize its operations in every area. We’ll have an opportunity to identify areas that need improvement and to document the great work that’s being done every day. And when we’re all done and have received our reaccreditation for the next decade, our students and our community will know that we’ve proved once again to be an institution of the highest quality.

UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday, Nov. 27: Jaws in the Pool, Gentile Hall, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1: Light Parade Down Main Street, 7 to 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 3: UMPI Band Concert, Wieden, 7 p.m.


Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

Jim’s Journal

Thanksgiving Break - Yeah!

I know our Canadian friends have already had their

Thanksgiving Break, but soon it will be time for those of us

from the U. S. to have ours. Whatever your beliefs are about this holiday, it’s a great time to visit with your family, have a large meal and give thanks for those things you have. My memories of Thanksgiving in the Stepp home revolve around the smells of turkey, sweet potatoes, corn, home-made bread, stuffing and pumpkin and apple pies cooking. I remember the front and back doors propped open and the storm door glass covered with dew. My sister and I got in trouble through most of our youth because our mother didn’t like us drawing in the dew on the windows. We had to clean the glass, but soon after we

Chris Cosenze

pus. Each floor played their cards close to their chest using the occasional weird tactic. No floor wanted to jump out to an early lead as they were afraid of being sabotaged with silver or paper money. An unnamed student dropped the big bomb – 20 dollar bill — into his competition’s bin, propelling Emerson third floor to the victory! The goal for this event was to get to $500 dollars, the precedent set by last year’s Penny War. As the week progressed, the money kept adding up. People threw in five, 10, even 20 dollar bills. The end of the week came and the total was just shy of the $500 dollar goal. So, the event sponsors asked students to dig deep into their piggy banks and laundry funds to get to the goal. After all was said and done, the event sponsors were proud to say that they had met their $500 goal.

On Nov. 2, the PULL Programmers – the sponsor of the event – went, with a check in hand, to the Central Aroostook Humane Society. They saw the joy and amazement that a donation of such a large quantity brought to the worker’s faces. The Humane Society hadn’t had a donation of that amount in a very long time. This was a joint effort from all the people of the UMPI community. The money raised went to an amazing organization and will save many animals. It will also help with the cost of dayto-day operation and the supplies needed to house a large amount of animals. Thanks to all who donated money to the Penny War. It warmed PULL Programmers hearts and everyone should be proud of what they were able to accomplish.

Jim Stepp.


Pennies were out in full force as students from across the three dorms as well as campus staff and commuter students fought it out in a war. This was not a war like most people know it. The rules of engagement were far different. The different denominations of money were worth different points. Pennies equaled one point while silver and paper money deducted points depending on their face value. There were two winners in this event. One winner was The Central Aroostook Humane Society. The event host chose this organization of others and raised money for them. They coined the battle cry, “Save the Animals! And the battle took off. The war winner was Emerson third floor as they narrowly squeaked out a victory over all the other floors on cam-

cleaned the windows, they would mist over again and we would do it all over. One of the traditions that we practiced in my family was talking about the things we were thankful for prior to eating our dinner. As a child, I always thought this was stupid. It stopped me from getting to eat. As an adult, I have carried this tradition on to help my family discover what’s truly important in our lives. As a child, I was thankful for my toys. Today, I have much more to be thankful for. Today, I am thankful for my family and all of the love they give me. I’m thankful that my sister, who lives I Newark,

War of the Pennies

N.J. She survived Hurricane Sandy with only damage to her roof and the side of her house when a tree fell on it. I’m thankful for my job and the people I interact with. This upcoming week, I challenge you to think about what you have to be thankful for. Many of you will be going home over the break and some of you will be staying here. If you’re going home, I wish you safe travels, a good meal and good conversation. If you’ll be staying on campus, please let the Residence Life Office know if you would like to join a faculty or staff member for dinner. The deadline for signing up for a dinner is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 16.

PULL Programmer Stephanie Jellett with one of the grateful recipients.

Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2


Adriano Farinella: A Man with His Head in the Clouds Cole DuMonthier STAFF WRITER

In October, Pennsylvanian artist Adriano Farinella presented his work at the Reed Art Gallery at UMPI. His exhibition was also a stop on the October First Friday Art walk. Farinella presented his exhibition entitled Bardo, which contained many beautiful pieces of landscape artwork. More specifically, Farinella’s pieces featured clouds, wide open spaces, plays on light and bodies of water. To many, they might have been visions of heaven, in more ways than one. “They appealed to different people on different levels, and for different reasons. Some would have been fascinated by the clouds themselves or the strip of land underneath. My friends and I spent time just saying what they reminded us of, what we saw in them,” Sarah Ames, an admirer, said. A lot of the scenes that Farinella creates come directly from his own imagination. Although they may also be inspired by real-life events or places, for the most part, they exist in their own separate world. In a way, this is how Farinella wants them to exist

since the exhibit’s name – Bardo — is itself an intermediate state. While here at the University, Farinella spoke to some art students. He encouraged them to pursue their dreams and to find what it is that drives them. One of these students was Lanette Virtanen. “I’d already seen his work in Reed Gallery and I loved it. Adriano sat in on our senior art class and spent 30 minutes with each of us. I considered it a great privilege to sit down and have him look at, and talk to me, about my work. He was extremely reassuring and very inspiring,” Virtanen said. Farinella also said, “Find what they do personally and help them nurture that unique thing because there are a million painters and a million photographers and a billion people doing all kinds of crafts. But there is ‘one’ of that student and that student brings something to this craft….I would say find that and nurture it.” While doing his presentation, Farinella described his process of creating artwork and the length of time for each piece. “The more that I am focused, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter

Bardo II, one of the pieces previously on display.

From left to right: Heather Sincavage, an UMPI art professor, and artist Adriano Farinella. whatsoever,” Farinella said. He went on to say that some of his largest pieces have taken minimal amounts of time while some of the smallest have been incredibly labor-intensive. Farinella didn’t only bring

beautiful artwork to UMPI. He also shared wisdom and practical experience. Ames and Virtanen were just two of the many who looked upon his time here with gratitude. For those of you who were unable to make it while

Talk about living on cloud nine....

Farinella was here in Aroostook County, feel free to visit his website at www.adrianofarinella.com. There, you can view some of his art works and can find contact information for the artist himself.


Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

Trick or House of Horrors Treating Fun! Kelsey Wood STAFF WRITER

Chills and terror seized anyone who stepped inside the haunted house in Park on Oct. 31 from 7 to 10 p.m. PULL programmers, Student Senate,

RAC and REC 232 hosted the event and, in order to get spooked, students had to bring

a non-perishable food item. Starting on the second floor, participants made their way down the hallway, then into the lounge on the first floor, down the dark corridor and into the basement, where they could

carve pumpkins—an event sponsored by RAC. “I had a really fun time decorating the basement and first

Present your student ID and save 10%

floor,” Stephanie Jellett, PULL Programmer, said. “Everyone worked well together and we pulled it off. I think it was very successful and students really enjoyed it.” There were zombies, people following attendees down the hallways and scares at every turn. The second floor was pitch black, with people jumping out from behind furniture. The first floor lounge had “maniacs” with chainsaws — always the best way to scare people—and were there to greet those brave enough to go through it. “It was scary. I almost peed my pants at the chainsaw even though I knew it was coming,” Allie Swett said. “The first floor was definitely the best, with a lot of people that followed you. I thought it was over when it wasn’t. I was glad that Stephanie [Jellett] made us go.” Despite the early ending of the haunted house, it was a great way to spend your Halloween night. Scares, laughs and good times with friends always make the evening special.

Nicole Duplesis STAFF WRITER

Youngsters from all over were delighted by the opportunity to go trick or treating in the halls

Spiderman on the hunt for candy.

or ghosts, each one of them made their way from door to door with the guidance of their parents or guardian. The halls were full of a variety of costumes and excited children just waiting for their Halloween bags to be filled with delicious candy. All of the students interacted very well with the children and seemed to be enjoying themselves just as much as the trick or treaters. Parents also seemed to enjoy themselves. Despite the crowded halls at times, it was a great experience for the children as well as the students. Inviting young children into a college atmosphere allows the school to seem more welcoming to the public. Everyone was so polite which made for a lasting impression in the eyes of the visitors. Between the candy, the kids and the sense of community, it was all very sweet.

of Park and Merriman the night of Oct. 25. The RAs carefully decorated the halls in preparation for the trick or treaters. Each room that was interested in participating was given a couple bags of candy to give to the eager children that would soon arrive. Students participating in this fun activity were able to dress up in an appropriate costume of their own to make it more enjoyable for the kids. Doors opened, music played and parents began to show up with their ghosts and ghouls! Trick or treating was only supposed to begin at 7 p.m. but, due to the early arrivals and excitement, the doors were opened about a half hour early. Whether kids were dressed up as super heroes, characters Bert and from a favorite movie

Ernie making the rounds in the neighborhood.

Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

Kayla Ames


Death is inevitable. No one lives forever. This is common knowledge, and yet this realization is surprisingly rare. It doesn’t creep up on us every minute of every day. Why is that? According to Dr. Jonathan Bassett, associate professor of psychology at Lander University in South Carolina and one of UMPI’s latest Distinguished Lecturers, there’s a good reason: our brains. Just as we have evolved to appreciate beauty and reflect on our existence, so have we developed defenses against such intimidating thoughts as “I’m going to die.” Bassett said this and much more on Friday, Oct. 19, when he gave a lecture entitled “Scared of Death: The Role of Existential Terror in Human Psychology.” He spoke in the multipurpose room of the Campus Center starting at 7 p.m. Michael Sonntag, vice president for academic affairs, introduced Bassett. After coming on stage, Bassett explained what drove him to research terror management theory, his area of expertise. He wanted to better understand why people do what they do. Terror management theory, or TMT, is the idea that human behavior is mostly the result of our fear of mortality. This theory is fairly new. Nevertheless, it’s backed by a lot of research. We’ve found ways to cope because, as Bassett puts it, just as we can’t stand to stare directly at the sun, neither can we bear to think about death head-on. We live knowing that human identity is both corporeal and symbolic, that we exist physically as well as through other means such as our names, or even our Facebook pages. We know that awareness of death is a trade-off, the price we pay for intelligence. While we can imagine a world that’s better, we can also come up with a hun-

Go Toward the Light dred things to make it worse. “It’s awesome that we can have these kind of complex cognitive abilities, but it’s also dreadful,” Bassett said. To comfort ourselves and defend against this dread, we look to culture. Our worldview and self-esteem are psychological buffers. By following what’s normal and contributing to society, we can continue to exist, in a way, even after death. We also

part, but punished violators of social norms more severely. Using varying amounts of hot sauce as indicators, they demonstrated more aggression toward someone from Mexico, for instance, than Canada. “What about circumstances where you have a gun or another weapon?” Bassett asked. He also thought that reminders of death would

a result of luck or chance. When those who had been reminded read about something bad, they were more likely to lay the blame on that master plan. Last, Bassette theorized that reminders of death would drive political ideologies in opposite directions. Liberals would become more liberal, in other words, while conservatives became more conservative. A

From left to right: President Linda Schott, Dr. Jonathan Bassett and vice president Michael Sonntag. tend to see the world as orderly and predictable. If we live right, we can delay our fate. And, by associating ourselves with initials in trees, our children, our memories, we hope to achieve some sort of immortality. Bassett theorized that reminders of death would decrease people’s appreciation of those from different cultures. They would be seen as threats to those psychological buffers because, if their way of life is right, many would assume our way of life is wrong. When tested, Bassett found that people reminded of mortality preferred those similar to them. They rewarded upholders of cultural values, for the most

increase perceptions of purpose behind events. In other words, more people will believe that “everything happens for a reason,” that what takes place is part of a master plan that will ultimately benefit them. The possibility that we live in an indifferent, chaotic universe is terrifying, so we opt for a more appealing approach. Bassett conducted tests where people were, again, reminded of their mortality then given stories describing negative or positive events with minor or life-altering consequences. They had to rate the extent to which these happened for a reason, as part of a grand purpose, or simply as

lot of researchers used to believe that liberals, when threatened, would become more conservative, while conservatives would just continue in that direction. When introduced to existential terror, however, Bassett’s theory held up. The implications of such a study are quite obvious here. Politics are a huge part of our world. Consider the part other cultures – Mexico as well as Canada – play in our economy, our security, our government. It would be better for everyone if we could find common ground and understanding what separates us could be a significant step toward that. In learning

7 more about terror management theory, we also learn more about anxiety and mood disorders, conditions centered around psychological buffers that just don’t cut it, as well as how to live a more authentic and self-governed life. As for the future, Bassett, of course, encourages more research. “We need some sort of mechanism so we can at least see a bit of the sun,” Bassett said. During the question and answer portion of the lecture, he discussed topics such as revised beliefs associated with war and whether existential terror is inborn or learned through exposure to culture. Bassett also talked about the evolution of self-esteem and differences in the ways women versus men define their worldviews. One attendee, Cassie Green, said she was surprised by the political aspect of the talk and, overall, was fascinated by Bassett’s i n f o r m a t i o n . “I think being reminded of our mortality and the way that humans consider our untimely death is something that isn’t easily discussed, but we all have questions about. The presentation was engaging and I was very interested in his own personal research and the possibility that the way we consider our own mortality affects the way we act toward others. I am so happy I went!” Green said. Though the topic of his lecture was somewhat frightening, Bassett did Green and other attendees a huge service by talking at UMPI. Death unites us like nothing else. We should come to terms with it, develop a deeper understanding and be aware of the effects existential terror has on us. Despite the saying, moving closer to that socalled light — to greater awareness — is a good thing.


Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

We Painted Our

eather H d n a ardner G a r a h sett, S s i r B c Eri right: o t t f Le Craig.

L-R: Zach Lavalle and Gabriel Lahti.

Cole Hill.

Lona Wa tson, 70-y ear-surviv or.

Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

Pinkies Purple!

ky and Bec c u d e L a eton, Lis r B l il B L-R: Stepp.

Charlie Bonin.

L-R: Henry Meyer and Miranda Cobb. L-R: Stephanie Jellett and Kayla Ames.



Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ovem b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

What’s Happening Jessica Stepp CONTRIBUTOR

Upcoming events are always a good way to get students out there, active and involved. They also give students a chance to meet new people. This is what Student Senate has been doing over the month of October. We’ve put on a couple different events, each planned by our programming committee. Here are a few of them: Pet Play Day happened on Friday, Oct. 26. This was a chance for students who missed their pets at home to get to hang out with some faculty and staff member’s dogs. The dogs had just as much fun socializing with each other as the students. We also had donation boxes around campus from Oct. 29 through Nov. 2. Everything donated will be given to the Central Aroostook Humane Society. Senators have also been volunteering at the Humane Society, walking the dogs or cleaning out cages.

On Nov. 6, we hosted a Student Senate meet and greet. This was a chance for students, faculty, and staff to meet Student Senate. Students also got a chance for students to get the

Jessica Stepp helping out at the Humane Society. chance to talk to Leah Rodriguez and Mike Muir. Leah is running for student senate president and Mike

is running for vice president for 2013. I hope everyone remembered to vote the week of Nov. 12 through 16. We hope to do more events like these. We’re currently planning a movie night. During Student Senate movie nights, students with a current ID get into the Braden Theater in Presque Isle for free. They also get a free small soda and a free small popcorn. More infor mation will be coming out about this soon. If there are any events you would like to have happen, please e-mail us at umpisenate@maine.edu Watch out for the next issue! We’ll be announcing the results of the elections. ~Jessica Stepp

The Information Guardian Cole DuMontheir STAFF WRITER

The library located on the UMPI campus is a wealth of information for both students Email:umpi-senate@maine.edu and the public. There are many different aspects of the Phone: 768-9561 library open to the UMPI community and librarian Virginia Fischer knows them in and out. Fischer holds the titles of reference, information, and government documents librarian. She’s involved in many parts of the library’s operation and its services. Some of the services offered are printing, access to government documents, public access computers and meeting spaces. Fischer said the library is “Definitely [open to the public]. Especially because we’re a government depository, we’re required by law to be open to the public. The depth of services is not as great for the public but they are certainly there.” The library also has databases where students and community members can access information on a wide variety of topics. Students can to access these databases from anywhere as long as they have their stuOffice: Campus Center 104

Presque Isle: 260 Main Street, 764-5500 Caribou: 556 Main Street, 493-3030 HOURS: Sun - Thurs: 10:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri - Sat: 10:30 a.m. - Midnight


Pizza, Subs, Salads

dent identification card with them. Community members can still access the databases, but they must do it on campus. “We keep all the laws and statutes. Those are over in reference. We have the public papers. We have all the congressional materials on microfiche. We also, through the Maine state library, have vital records, so those are open to the public as well,” Fischer said when asked about the government documents held at the UMPI library. The next time that you’re on campus, head over to the library and look at some of the resources that are available to you. This goes for community members as well as the students. If you find yourself needing assistance, don’t hesitate to go ask Fischer. She’d be more than happy to help. For more information, go to www.umpi.edu/library. There, you can find many helpful links, including a link to “ask a librarian,” which will send a message directly to Fischer. We hope that this information encourages you to make use of all of the resources that the UMPI library has to offer.



Lucky Black Cats Kathleen York CONTRIBUTOR

Another Halloween has come and gone. As you take down your decorations and get ready for the next holiday, take some time to consider the image of the black cat. Many superstitions are attached to this animal and many people today still believe them to be true. They believe that black cats are bad luck, evil or religious symbols. Whether you believe these superstitions, black cats have been the targets of cruelty and abuse for hundreds of years and are still targeted today. Many animal shelters take special precautions to help protect their animals during the Halloween season and the Central Aroostook Humane Society is no exception. Betsy Hallett, the Central Aroostook Humane Society manager, spoke about the measures they take to protect black cats during Halloween. “For us, black cats are not going to be adopted out one week before Halloween,” Hallett said. “We might make an

University Times

exception if it’s someone we know, but for the most part, we don’t adopt them out before Halloween. But right after Halloween, we’re usually good to go with adopting. We have this policy to ensure that the animals won’t be used in any kind of ritual or anything like that.” When asked if any negative incidents have happened with black cats from the Humane Society, Hallett offered her experiences as answer. “I’ve been here for 13 years and, to my knowledge, we haven’t had any problems with it,” she said. Hallett offers this advice to any black cat owners: “Keep them in. I would even keep them in a week before H a l l o w e e n . ” You can be a cat person, a dog person or any other kind of animal person, but one person you shouldn’t be is an animal abuser. As we celebrate the holiday season and another Halloween passes us by, remember that all animals, especially the black cat, deserve to be treated with respect.

November 16, 2012


Why Does Your Vote Matter?

Kathi. L. Jandreau CONTRIBUTOR

I’m Kathi Jandreau and, as part of my participation in PCJ 212, or electronic communication, with Dr. Jacqui Lowman, I went out into the communities surrounding UMPI and asked community members for their voice. I touched on something very important, as Election Day was only a week away. I wanted to discuss one of the most important parts of the political system: voting. Specifically, I asked participants to answer the question, “Why does your vote matter?” There are many people who may not think that their vote matters. But it’s our responsibility as citizens of this free country to stay informed and speak up, and let our voices be heard through our vote. “It only takes one vote to win,” said one community m e m b e r . “It is your civic duty, and you could make a difference,” said a n o t h e r . “My vote matters because it’s my civil duty to participate in the democracy that we’ve creat-

ed,” another said. Other members of the community said, “The only way something is going to change is if I participate, and voting is that participation.” Others gave a variety of reasons voting is so important.

These include: “Voting is a right that we fought so hard for.” “We live in a democratic society and voting is part of our exercising our rights and our f r e e d o m . ” “Everyone should vote. Young people need to vote. Every vote matters.” “We’re setting up the future for our children. We need to make sure we have the right people in office.” “I think that, before people vote, they should actually

research the issues and the main concerns that are going on in each individual election. Once they gain the knowledge, they should vote because, currently, I believe only 20 percent of young people between the ages of 18 and 20 actually do go to the poles for presidential elect i o n s . ” “I think young people should vote so they can take responsibility for the future they’re going to inherit.” Through my journey, I received many great answers from members of the community. It’s always great to get a new perspective and share it with others. Too many people don’t take the time to let their voices be heard. Many have ignored voting day, thinking that it won’t affect them. If there are things that you don’t understand about our government or the importance of voting, find out—learn. Our freedom and the right to vote have been won with many wars and cost many lives. If you choose not to have a say, you really lose your right to complain about the outcome.

felt “He knows what he’s doing…and did stop the war.” A few days after the election ended, I decided to see how people felt about the results on campus. “To be honest with you, I wasn’t disappointed or elated,” said one student. They went on to say that they hope, with backing from the new Senate seats, Obama would

be able to get more accomplished during his second term. “I’m glad [Mitt] Romney didn’t win, because I like my rights as a woman,” said someone else. Although reactions have been mixed, one thing’s for sure: we’re all in this together, and we’re probably all hoping for more jobs and lower gas prices.

Mixed Reactions to Local Elections Derek Boudreau CONTRIBUTOR

It was Nov. 6, Election Day, and I went down to the polls to see what people were thinking about this year’s race. Understandably, a lot of people were reluctant to share their thoughts. The race had been close and there were some controversial measures on the bal-

lot this year. “No, I don’t think so,” “I’ll pass” and even laughter were common responses when I told people coming out after voting that I was working on a piece for the University and wanted to ask their opinions. Fortunately for me, there were a few people willing to share their thoughts. “Obama will win by a large

amount …. I hope so but I don’t think so,” said a local student. “I’m hoping for a moral prediction, that’s what I’m hoping for,” said one man. When I asked who he was hoping would win, he said Mitt Romney. “I think it’s going to be a close race,” said another local student. She predicted that Obama would win because she


University Times


November 16, 2012

Ready To Go!

Carlos Villoria CONTRIBUTOR

The University of Maine at Presque Isle women’s basketball team is ready to start their new season with coach Marc Heidorf. After losing captain Emily Moore last year, Emily Pelletier from Fort Kent, Maine has emerged as the new leader that UMPI Owls women’s basketball team needs. “Emily is a true captain in every sense of the term,” said Heidorf. With seven first-year players, Heidorf made this one of the most attractive recruiting UMPI classes in the last couple of years at UMPI. He brought talented players from Alabama, Ohio and Maine. These seven newcomers are going to give more depth and help the

returning players from last year, who are led by Pelletier, a senior, and junior Olivia McNally from Sherman, Maine. Keep an eye on freshman Doni Yendriga from Conneaut, Ohio and Janel Sewell from Mobile,


ers,” said Heidorf. The goals for this team are clear: finish above .500 in winning percentage, reduce the turnovers and go to the USCAA nationals, which host the top 16 teams in the country. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is set to start their season on the road at New Hampshire Technical Institute on Nov. 17. Their first home game will be hosting Southern Maine Community College on Nov. 25 at Wieden gymnasium. Remember to support the womenʼs basketball team. Women’s basketball team here for their Ala. They will provide this home games and follow team size and strength. them at UMPI’s athletics “We have a good crew of w e b s i t e : kids coming in. We http://owls.umpi.edu/landi brought in seven newcom- ng/index.


Are you planning to complete your degree requirement in May or August of 2013? If so, you need to submit an Application for Graduation to the Office of Student Records by November 30, 2012. Applications for December 2012 potential graduates are due NOW. Students who submit their application for graduation by the November 30, 2012 deadline, and who have a complete degree status report signed by their adviser and the director of student records will be allowed to participate in the May 2013 Commencement Ceremony. Once students have completed all degree requirements, the office of student records will issue a transcript and award the degree.

For applications, go to: www.umpi.edu/universityoffices/osr/graduation

Univer si t y T i m e s SPORTS N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2


Let’s Get Pumped Up!

Midnight came a few hours early the evening of Nov. 1, when Wieden Hall filled with its annual night of basketball madness. This year’s basketball teams showed their skill and potential as spectators young and old cheered and shared their supportive spirit for the upcoming 2012-2013 season. Both men and women’s teams were a blur of blue and yellow as they tore up the court with scrimmages, a dunk competition, three-point competitions and fan shooting contests. The evening was emceed by funny and vibrant physical education senior Josh MacKinnon, who kept the audience laughing and dancing throughout the evening. MacKinnon called out to students in the crowd, interviewed student athletes and even paused the evening for a Gangham Style dance response from the crowd.

When asked his impression of the event, MacKinnon said the evening went very well. “The crowd was fantastic, and hopefully this much support for both men and women’s teams will continue throughout the season,” MacKinnon said. The first 100 Owl fans received a free Midnight Madness t-shirt. They also got a raffle ticket to enter them into fan shooting competitions and a drawing for two major prizes of $50 gift cards from Amato’s. Emerson Hall, second floor, won the highest percentage of residents at the event and earned themselves a pizza party in the dorms. Rent-A-Center offered Owls fans the “Best Seat of the House” if holding the proper ticket. The best seat was an oversized brown leather loveseat angled toward the center of the action. This will be an option for fans during all home games this season. Hootie, as the Owls official mascot, was also present at the event and taking photos with

Photo by Stephanie Jellett.

Nate Chisholm: Dunk Champion.

of all ages. fans The 2012-2013 UMPI Dance Team, led by senior Emily Keaton, opened up the evening with a fiery performance in glittery blue sequins and shoes, which set the crowd’s energy for the rest of the night. Fan shooting competitions gave several Owl fans the opportunity to win free t-shirts and other UMPI gear as they completed lay-ups, foul shots and three-pointers. The crowd’s excitement grew as the lights were turned off and a beaming spotlight and loud music introduced the individual athletes’ names and hometowns. This momentum continued into high-energy inner-team scrimmages for both men and women’s teams, where they showcased the skills they’ll use to challenge opponents during the 2012-2013 season. A three-point competition took place for the Lady Owls. Senior Emily Pelletier, junior Olivia McNally and freshmen Darby Toth and Kirsti Wright faced off to see who could make more from downtown. Claiming the title of threepoint champion was shooting superstar Pelletier, with a total of 10 shots made in one minute. Lady Owl’s head coach Marc Heidorf predicts a successful season ahead for his young team. “We’re young and will make some mistakes out of inexperience, but we also have kids that LOVE to play and want to learn and I think they’ll pick things up quickly” said Heidorf. When asked who to look out for, Heidorf mentioned both Pelletier and McNally, his upperclassmen this season. “Emily Pelletier is heading into her senior season. We’ll ask a lot of her at times but she is one of the hardest working players I’ve worked with. Olivia McNally is a kid who, if you’ve been in Wieden or Gentile Hall, chances are you’ve seen her working on her game. I think people will finally get to catch a glimpse of what

we in practice have known all along: this is a smart player that can shoot the lights out!” The men’s team head coach Jim Casciano believes that Owl fans will see a season of great


Chelsea Boudreau. Other strong dunks raised excitement from players, such as senior Brad Trask, juniors Michael Warner and Claude Louis, and freshmen Jayson Burke and Nate

Photo by Stephanie Jellett.

Patrick Manifold sporting his Union Jack flag while dunking. improvement in his players. In his second year in this position, Casciano says his players know him and they know what he expects from them. “I think what we have to challenge our opponents with is depth, versatility, experience and athleticism,” said Casciano. “We have a more competitive team this year, we just need to learn how to win, which is always a process.” According to Casciano, the team has many players to look out for this year, including upperclassmen Manifold and W a r n e r . The men’s team offered Owl fans a showcase of their best dunks, along with challenging props and daring obstacles. Senior Patrick Manifold stole the stage with his Union Jack flag cape, even smashing one dunk over the head of girlfriend

Chisholm. Chisholm was deemed the winner of the competition based on crowd applause after a showcase of explosive dunks and assists from student helper Kobe Ashkir. An unforgettable moment took place after the dunk competition as head baseball coach Leo Saucier placed a ladder underneath the basket after the winner was announced. When asked what he was doing, Saucier responded with “So you can dunk!” which earned him a round of applause from the Owl fans. Saucier offered the event his usual concessions, including popcorn, candy and refreshm e n t s . The exciting evening ended with the UMPI Owls basketball teams and coaches staying behind after the event to sign autographs and programs and to take photos with Owl fans.


University Times


November 16, 2012


The Reel Deal:

‘Snow White and The Huntsman’ Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

3.5/5 Stars PG 13

If it wasn’t for Kristen Stewart playing Snow White, this movie would have gotten five stars. The acting — aside from Stewart’s – was very well done, especially the character Ravenna (Charlize Theron), who inspires chills. Of course, The Huntsman, (Chris Hemsworth) wasn’t too bad on the eyes either. The story begins with a young Snow White. After the death of her mother, her father, who is king of Tabor, remarries Ravenna, who is actually a powerful sorceress. On their wedding night, Ravenna kills the king. Her brother, Finn, and his army

take over Tabor and lock Snow White up in a tower. Time passes and Snow White becomes an adult and is still locked away. Ravenna learns from her magic mirror that it is Snow White who is the fairest and, to keep herself young, beautiful and immortal, she must cut out Snow White’s heart. Snow White escapes from the castle and runs away to the dark forest, where no one dares to go. Ravenna seeks out the Huntsman, who has travelled in the dark forest before and bargains with him to bring Snow White back. The Huntsman realizes he’s been tricked by Ravenna and decides to help Snow White, instead by bringing her to the Duke so she can reclaim Tabor.

The special effects in the movie were terrific! Not only were some of the creatures creepy but the battle scenes were pretty great. It had really good transitions from light to dark scenes. For example, while being hunted by Finn, Snow White and The Huntsman end up travelling through a faerie sanctuary, which is a peaceful place, and then the army finds them and brings darkness. Overall, this movie was really enjoyable. Granted, it’s pretty long — 127 minutes – but it’s worth watching at least once. A lot of people said they didn’t like it, that it didn’t have a story line and that the characters were bad, but it really just depends on the person.

Do you like music? Do you want to learn guitar but donʼt have one? The holidays are coming up. Looking for a gift? The U Times has a solution! Weʼll be raffling off a guitar and its case before the end of the semester. Itʼs $2 for one ticket and $5 for three tickets. This Johnson guitar is new and unused. If you want to look at it yourself, come by the media lab (Normal 102)! All proceeds will benefit an educational trip to Washington, D.C. in March. Weʼd love to have your support. For more information, contact Dr. Lowman (jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu), Kayla Ames (kayla.ames@maine.edu), Lanette Virtanen (lanette.virtanen@maine.edu) or Ben Pinette (benjamin.pinette@maine.edu).

Univer sit y T i m e s LIFESTYLE N ove m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 2

December 21, 2012: The End of the World – Part 3?

Jim Stepp


There are many events that are predicted to happen on or around 12/21/12. These include potential effects from a galactic alignment, shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field, large solar storms, the close approach of a wandering rouge planet names Nibiru and the ending of the Mayan Calendar. In this, the third of four articles about December 21, 2012, we’ll be looking at the close approach of a large wondering planet. Nibiru, or planet X, is supposed to be a planet that orbits the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit. The orbit of this alleged planet takes it out past Pluto and then inside the orbit of the Earth every 3,600 years. Nibiru is said to be about four times the diameter of the Earth or about 32,000 miles in diame t e r . What would happen to the Earth if an object this big came close to it? The short answer is we would be in big trouble. The moon is our closest neighbor and about 2,160 miles in diameter. It weighs about 1/80 the mass of the Earth and is approximately 239,000 miles away. Even though the mass of the moon is fairly small compared to the Earth’s, it’s capable of raising the tides as high as 47.5 feet. Nibiru’s volume and mass would be some 85 times larger than the Earth’s. If this was the case and Nibiru passed the Earth as close as the moon’s orbit, the tide produced would be about 400 feet high. The gravitational effect on the Earth

would be huge and could cause massive earthquakes, monstrously high tidal surges and throw the Earth out of its orbit. What are the chances that such an object could go undetected? Pretty slim. NASA has been looking for Near Earth Objects (NEOs) for years. Currently, the NEO

project is using Earth-based telescopes and an orbiting satellite called the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. NASA estimates that there are about 4,700 potentially dangerous objects over 330 feet in diameter that cross the path of the Earth. Only about 20 to 30 percent of these objects have been found. WISE is capable of spotting objects as small as 33 feet (10 m) in diameter while they are more than 10 million miles away. WISE can detect objects as small as 1,000 miles across from more than 4 billion miles away. Surely it would be able to spot a planet as big as Nibiru even at its furthest point from the Earth. For more information about Nibiru, please go to www.december212012.com/ar ticles/PlanetX_Nibiru/What_I s_the_Planet_Nibiru_and_Is_It _A pproaching.htm

For more information on WISE, please go to www.minorplanetcenter.net/ia u/NEO/TheNEOPage.html. THE

NIGHT SKY The International Space Station is visible in the morning sky until December 2. The ISS will become visible in the evening skies beginning on December 10. Go to www.heavensabove.com for exact times and locations. You’ll need to register at this site and load your location to be able to get exact times. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is located at 68d00m7.8s West longitude and 46d40m45.6s North latit u d e . To get a free sky chart, go to w w w. s k y m a p s . c o m Sun




1 1 / Sun Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

2 0 / Rise Set Not 04:00 16:24 16:42 04:35

2 0 1 2 06:42 15:52 visible – 06:42 – 17:48 – 06:30 – 06:12

1 1 / Sun Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

3 0 / Rise Set 05:12 04:24 16:18 16:00 04:06

2 0 1 2 06:55 15:46 – 06:24 – 06:54 – 17:42 – 06:42 – 06:24

11/16@01:00 November Iota-

Aurigid Meteor Shower – 5 / h o u r 11/16@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower – 8/hour 11/17@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower Maximum 11/17@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower – 11/hour 11/17@05:55 The ISS passes 1/3 of a degree from Aldebaran (Alpha Taurus) 11/17@10:48 Mercury passes between the Earth and the Sun – Inferior Conjunction 11/18@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower – 7/hour 11/18@15:54 Comet Linear at 6.9 mag. Visible in a small teles c o p e 11/20@09:31 First Quarter M o o n 11/20@22:12 Mercury at Perihelion – Closest to the Sun – 46,001,000 km or 28,583,700 m i l e s 11/23@07:28 The ISS passes 1/2 a degree from Venus 11/23@07:28 The ISS passes 1/2 a degree from Saturn 11/26@20:11 Venus .5 degrees from Saturn 11/27@05:44 ISS passes 0.9 degrees from Pollux (Beta G e m i n i ) 11/27@05:46 ISS passes 0.5 degrees from Spica (Alpha V i r g o ) 11/28@09:45 Full Moon – This is the smallest and northern most Full Moon of the year 11/28@11:30 Comet Linear closest to the Sun (Perihelion) 11/28@14:19 Moon at Apogee – Furthest from the Earth – 406,300 km or 252,500 miles 11/28@19:12 Moon 0.5 degrees from Jupiter 11/29@05:40 ISS passes 0.4 degrees from Betelgeuse (Alpha O r i o n ) 12/01@08:18 Mercury at half p h a s e


12/01@22:22 The ISS passes across the face of the Moon. 12/02@20:45 Jupiter at opposition – behind the Earth, up all night and closes to the Earth – 608,700,000 km or 378,200,000 million miles 12/04@17:48 Mercury at greatest western elongation – 20.6 degrees, visible in the morning sky 12/05@23:42 Comet Linear at magnitude 6.6 12/06@10:31 Last Quarter M o o n 12/07 40th anniversary of the Apollo 17 launch – Last manned mission to the Moon ( 1 9 7 2 ) 12/09@04:36 Mercury 6.3 degrees from Venus 12/10@04:00 Moon 4.3 degrees from Saturn 12/11@06:30 Moon 2.2 degrees from Venus 12/11@19:33 Moon 1.1 degrees from Mercury 12/12@18:07 Moon at Perigee – closest to the Earth (357,100 km or 221,900 mi) 12/12@21:54 Comet Linear at magnitude 6.2 12/13@02:00 Geminid Meteor Shower – 19/hour 12/13@03:41 New Moon 12/13@21:48 Geminid Meteor Shower Maximum 12/14@02:00 Geminid Meteor Shower – 28/hour 12/14@17:00 Moon 7.5 degrees from Mars 12/15@02:00 Geminid Meteor Shower – 5/hour 12/15@02:46 Moon 5.5 degrees from Mars Note: Comet Linear is predicted to become visible to the naked eye in late December and early January. It will be its brightest on December 30, 2012 at magnitude 4.9.




Can you guess who this UMPI professor is with Lou Holtz? Holtz is an ESPN sports caster, former NFL coach and member of the College Hall of Fame Coach. Submit your answers to: utimes@maine.edu



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