Volume 40 Issue 5

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inside this issue:

A Snippet of SEAM Details on p. 7

University of Maine at Presque Isle

NOVEMBER 18, 2011

Volume 40 Issue 5

To the Market We Go! Details on p. 9

Journalism for Northern Maine

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

Live and Learn

Kayla Ames


One of the greatest opportunities college has to offer is to learn about other cultures and, in particular, about the people of them. For example, on Wednesday, Oct. 19, Huijun Gao, a visiting scholar, came to UMPI and gave a talk called “Synopsis of the Chinese Public Education System.” From Beijing, Gao was introduced by Tomasz Herzog, associate professor of social studies and education here at the university. “Since China has become such a key player in so many


areas, I hope it will be interesting and useful to see how Chinese education works,” Herzog said. About 30 or so students and professors crowded into the Normal Hall faculty lounge, filling it to capacity and then some. Since English isn’t her first language, Herzog told the audience that Gao may, at times, need the help of a translator. Professors Chunzeng Wang and Zhu-qi Lu served this purpose, as well as elaborated on some of Gao’s points and offered their own experiences or opinions. Gao divided her presentation

into a few major categories, including policy and administration, enrollment, introduction to teaching and training and evaluation of education. Before diving into those topics, she gave some background information and a brief history lesson about China and its former education system. Due to political struggles, China of the past lacked the programs and policies they have today. Now China emphasizes development of science and education and promotes at Huijun Gao, a visiting scholar. least nine years of schooling. Gao sees a bright future ahead must be wonderful because of thanks to these changes. See the education,” Gao said. “I think the future of China

or NF1, also called recklinghaus disease. The types of neurofibromatosis are a group of three genetically distinct disorders that cause tumors to

grow in the nervous system. Caleb’s nickname is Cubby. The Johnsons wanted to give back to other children and their families. Cindy Johnson has

Making a Difference

The holidays are quickly approaching and this is the time when we think of giving and helping those less fortunate. You can save money, buy clothing for your entire family, furniture, appliances, electronics and treasures for your home and help children who are suffering from life-threatening illnesses, all at one stop. The Cubby, on State Street in Presque Isle and Sweden Street in Caribou, got its name from Caleb, one of the five children of owners Cindy and Chris Johnson. Caleb has neurofibromatosis, type one, Manager Nikita Cate and employee Courtney Gardner in The Cubby.

worked very hard in Augusta to establish legislation to help families in need. The best way the Johnsons could see to meet the immediate needs of children and their families struggling with a life-threatening disease was to open a thrift store. The Cubby opened in Caribou in a small space, but had to move to a larger location down the street since the thrift store grew so fast. They opened the Presque Isle location in April 2011. “People are unaware of the programs that we have set up here at The Cubby to help children and their families. We work with many local groups in the community to provide

L i v e, Pa g e 6

financial support, food, gas, lodging and other related needs to families that are going through one of the roughest times in their lives,” Chris Johnson said. Kyle Thibodeau, the manager of the Caribou store, has been working on the company website. He recently designed the site and brokered with the owner of a Vermont animal shelter. The man who owned the animal shelter also owned the website www.thecubby.com and, since he wanted to expand, it was a perfect time for Thibodeau to contact them.

S e e D i f f e r e n c e, Pa g e 6



The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Kayla Ames Staff Writers Kayla Ames Stephanie Corriveau Donna Delong Rowena Forbes Sarah Graettinger Stephanie Jellett Mika Ouellette Ben Pinette Jessie Rose Lanette Virtanen Brianna Williams

Contributors Anne Chase Chris Corsello Francesca Johnson Jim Stepp Don Zillman

Adviser Dr. J

The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

ampus University Times

November 18, 2011

Dear readers, With Thanksgiving next week, no snow on the ground and the many friends that Iʼve made while here on campus, I have lots to be thankful for. Not only am I thankful for the people and professors that Iʼve met since coming to UMPI, but also my extended family here at the U Times. Whether youʼre a freshman in your first semester or a senior getting ready to graduate in the spring, know that, while in college, you have a chance to meet new people, make new friends and have new experiences. Not only will you leave college with a diploma and the experiences that youʼll need in the work force, but youʼll have made some friends that will be friends for life. After this paper, weʼll have one more issue of the U Times and then, Iʼm excited to say, I canʼt wait to see what the next semester brings. Have great break, Lanette Greetings, Within a few days, it will be Thanksgiving. Wishes for a safe and relaxing holiday break to you all! Charles Dickens, another one of my favorites, said, “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Thanksgiving is the perfect time for such reflection. This year may have been hard, but itʼs probably made you grow and allowed you to learn more about yourself. If youʼre interested in sharing what happens on campus with your family over the break, the U Times is a good place to start. We have some heart-warming and informative stories this issue, which I hope youʼll enjoy. Please know that we here at the U Times are thankful for our readers. Until next issue, Kayla

D at e s fo r S u bm i ssi ons t o t h e U T i mes Nov. 28

Any submissions received after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1

From Don’s Desk

UMPI: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

During the last year, we have been working on several new academic programs at UMPI. They range widely across our curriculum. They also rely on our present faculty strength to get them started. If these interest you as a student, as a faculty member, or just as an interested UMPI observer, let the key leaders mentioned below know. Our new physical therapist assistant program has its first 12 students enrolled this fall. This is an Associate Degree program to prepare graduates for licensing in the growing health care field of physical therapy. Program Director Chris Rolon is making good progress in all aspects of program advancement. This is a discipline that is carefully licensed and for which accreditation by the licensing body is essential to work in the field. Chris has moved us ahead very well on the rigorous licensing process. We have quickly discovered that the two year program is also attractive to some of our bachelor’s degree students and graduates who like the opportunity to combine two health care specialties (e.g., athletic training/PTA, medical lab technology/PTA). The PTA is an excellent boost to our overall offerings in the very attractive health professions field. See Chris or Barb Blackstone for more information.

Program two is our diverse and evolving recruitment of students from China. Our connections with the Bohua Group have grown and are responsible for the nine Chinese students enrolled this fall. A visit in August from Bohua leaders also advanced planning on a number of other cooperative programs. At the same time, we work with our friend David Hu on expanding last summer’s very successful “summer camp” for Chinese high school students who are considering doing their college work in the United States. We expect to welcome a larger contingent of students this summer and for possibly a slightly longer stay. We also will offer a second option for Chinese students in their final year of high school. They can enroll in a regular UMPI summer course for credit. This will enable them to offer evidence to U.S. college admissions offices,

Tuesday: Pasta Night from $6 per bowl. Thirsty Thursday: Drink specials and authentic Mexican food. Saturday: Late night dancing in the bar.

including ours, of the students ability to do American college work. Lastly, the University of Maine System continues to seek connections for all seven cam-

puses with Chinese students and institutions. Our third new venture also centers on Asia. Our focus is on English language fluent teachers in East Asian K-12 schools. A number of those teachers do not have a background in education prior to beginning classroom work. Drawing on our

experience with the Canadian certification program, we are planning to offer an on-line education degree for those students. Our collaborators will be our present colleagues at the Lertlah School in Bangkok, where several of our education graduates have been doing their first teaching. The Lertlah colleagues will help us with recruitment and assessment of applicants and also help us with recruitment of the in-class mentors who will help with the assessment of the students’ work in their classroom settings. East Asia is a large area, including China, Japan, Korea and Thailand. We hope to have a first cohort of about 25 students ready to begin the program next August. Last—and very close to home—is our work with new employers Balance BPO and TxVia. They have taken over the old MBNA building on the hill above the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center. Their work is providing call center

Always great food and great prices! Opposite Lowe’s in Presque Isle.

service for major corporations who have discovered their customer service work is better outsourced to customer service experts than handled within the company. This emphatically is not sales cold calling. The callers are existing customers of the businesses who are Balance and TxVia’s existing clients. They are looking for resolution of their concerns by skilled “resolvers” in Presque Isle. For the last year, UMPI has been working closely with the two businesses to design appropriate certification courses to prepare the “resolvers” for their work. We all very much expect UMPI students, present and future, will be potential students in these courses and programs. Balance and TxVia have ambitious growth plans and offer great growth opportunities for ambitious and productive students. Clare Exner, Mike Sonntag and Carolyn Dorsey, course designer, can give you more information. Our first program will begin this January. These quick summaries risk overlooking the enormous planning work that has gone into all four of these ventures. My thanks to the planners for their willingness to both think big and for their willingness to do the quiet, and often tedious, work that gets such programs off the ground.

Free Wi-Fi.

Catch up with what’s happening each week on our website: www.thecrowsnest.com or check out our Facebook page.

4 A successful business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together. He said, “It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose one of you.“ T he young executives w e r e s h o c k e d , bu t t h e boss continued. “I am going to give each one of you a SEED today — one very special SEED. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO.” One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and

Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1

Chrisʼ Corner

The Seed

he planted the seed. Every day, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Jim kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, and still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn’t have a plant and he felt like a failure. Six months went by — still nothing in Jim’s pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Jim didn’t say anything to his colleagues, however. He just kept watering and fertilizing the soil — he so wanted the seed to grow. A year finally went by and all the young executives of the company brought their plants to the CEO for inspection. Jim told his wife that he wasn‘t going to take an empty pot, but she asked him to be honest about what happened. Jim felt sick

to his stomach. It was going to be the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he knew his wife was right. He took his empty pot to the board room. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful — in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed. A few felt sorry for him. When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted his young executives. Jim just

tried to hide in the back. “My, what great plants, trees and flowers you have grown,” said the CEO. “Today, one of you will be appointed the next CEO.“

Come to

All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered the financial director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified. He thought, “The CEO knows I’m a failure! Maybe he will have me fired!” When Jim got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his seed. Jim told him the story. The CEO asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and then announced to the young executives, “Behold your next Chief Executive Officer. His name is Jim.“ Jim couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t even grow his seed. “How could he be the new CEO?” the others said. Then the CEO said, “One year ago today, I gave everyone in this room a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds. They

B ig Ro c k

201 1 Openin g D ay: December 10 B ig Ro c k’s early season pass is on sale now for any col le ge or u nive r sity students. Savin gs o f $ 2 0 0 ! Vi si t o u r web si te at : w w w. b i g ro c k m a i n e. c o m It’s Big Roc k in Mar s Hill.

were dead — it was not possible for them to grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new Chief Executive Officer.“ If you plant honesty, you will reap trust If you plant goodness, you will reap friends If you plant humility, you will reap greatness If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective If you plant hard work, you will reap success If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation

So, be careful what you plant now. It will determine what you will reap later.

How to Help Save a Life Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1

Kayla Ames


Most of us, at one time or another, have probably wondered what it’s like to save someone’s life. As children, many of us dream of becoming firefighters, police officers or doctors, people we view as protectors and saviors. On Tuesday, Oct. 25, though, this dream could have become a reality. You didn’t have to imagine. A lot of people here on campus and in the community decided to do their part to keep others healthy or, in some cases, alive. What did they do? How did they accomplish this heroic feat? They donated blood. Red Cross blood drive personnel began setting up around 10 a.m. By 11 a.m., they were ready to take appointments and walk-ins. Makeshift booths lined one wall. When you first walked in, you would have seen a table covered in documents and a tall stack of books, which people needed to read so they

knew their rights and what to expect. The front table was surrounded on two sides by rows of chairs meant to give donors a place to sit while they waited. Beyond that, there were 10 or so tables and some blocky, unfamiliar medical equipment. Men and women in white lab coats waited to assist you in the blood-donating process. To the side of the tables, toward the wall opposite the booths, volunteers stood and sat. Their job wasn’t only to guide donors to their seats after they’d given blood, but also to provide them with snacks and beverages, make sure they sat for 15 minutes and alert a professional if something went wrong or people looked as if they weren’t feeling well. “Toward the end of it, I passed out drinks and asked people what they wanted to eat. I also helped clean up and, before that, organized stuff on or around the table. I volunteered for about two hours. It

felt good to help,” Sarah Ames, a junior, said. Sponsored by the Residence Life Office, Brothers of Kappa Delta Phi and Sisters of Kappa Delta Phi NAS, UMPI holds three annual blood drives each

year – one in the fall, one in the spring and one in the summer. The three campus dorms, Emerson, Park and Merriman, usually compete with one another to see which will have the most volunteers. “The floor with the highest

win $100.00 DESIGN THE COVER of the

2012 University Day Booklet

level of participation wins a pizza party. Participation is calculated by counting each pint of blood and each hour of service provided by the residents of the floor. So the total number of blood and hours divided by the number of people on a floor determines the winner,” Jim Stepp, director of residence life, said. The top floor-participation rate went to the first floor of Emerson, with 45.83 percent. The second floor of Park won second place, with 34 percent, and third went to the third floor of Merriman, with 30.88 percent. The blood drive ended around 5 p.m., at which point cleanup began. That took at least an hour and a half, and Red Cross workers and organizers still had a lengthy drive ahead of them. Though it had been a long day, most would agree it was productive. “We collected 98 pints of


blood, making this our third largest fall blood drive ever. In 2010, we collected 99 pints, and in 2008, we collected 108,” Stepp said. Stepp also reported that, since 1987, the Red Cross has collected 3,967 pints of blood at UMPI. In order to meet the needs of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, it has to gather 1,400 pints of blood every working day. A lot of time and work goes into amassing this precious life source. For more infor mation, call 1-800-GIVE LIFE or 1-800-448-3543. If you’re interested in helping the Red Cross in its efforts to save lives, you can also check out www.newenglandblood.org . The website will tell you when they’re in the area and holding a blood drive. UMPI org anizations will be sponsoring another drive this spring, so feel free to volunteer or donate blood. It could make all the difference.

ing r e t Ca ilable Ava North Street, Presque Isle *Colle ge Day T uesday 2 0 % o f f fo r c o l l e g e s t u den t s w it h I D 1 0 % wi th c o l l e ge I D a n y o t he r d a y

The booklet includes a schedule of events and descriptions of each session.

The winning cover art will also be used on posters, advertisements and other related University Day items.

University Day is Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Art submission deadline is Monday, February 27, 2012 The UDay theme is

UMPI = Global Connections For complete details about dimensions, format, etcetera, go to:


De liv er y A v ailab le M on d a y - W e d ne s d a y 1 1 a . m .- 8 p . m . T h ur s d a y - S a tu r d a y 1 1 a . m. - 9 p . m . Su nd ay 12- 7 p. m .

Ca l l R ose l la ’ s a t 76 4 - 664 4 .


Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1


Continued from Page 1

In China, the government plays a key role in education. Education, as a result, is often free or cheap, as in the case of public middle and high school. China also divides up schooling differently from the United States. There are three levels overall. There are also a handful of sub-categories. Children from the age of 3 to 5 usually attend nursery school and kindergarten. Elementary school spans from first to sixth grade. Middle school and high school are grouped together. After that comes a university education, if everything works out. The four most common types of higher education take place in a research institution, comprehensive university – with a wider range of programs and degrees – independent college or private university. Another really important difference between the Chinese and American education system is the level of competitiveness. Most Chinese students spend a majority of their high school years studying for an exam that will basically determine whether they get into a quality college afterward. Gao compared it to American SATs, but this exam carries much more weight. “You take the test, you get a high score, then you can go to a

good school,” Lu said. Current statistics say that 45 percent of Chinese students go on to college. Wang told attendees that when he went to school, that rate was significantly lower. School hours there are also much longer. Students get up around 5 a.m. and don’t come home until about 9 p.m. They have homework every day and every weekend. This pressure extends to teachers and professors. There’s no such concept as tenured and teachers are paid pretty well, but they’re required to publish at least a couple of papers every year and there are only so many employment opportunities. Gao considers this a shortcoming of Chinese education, though she also listed plenty of merits. Parents pay a lot of attention to their children’s education in China, and entire families work hard to make sure their young relatives have money for expenses so they can focus on academics rather than work. This system also helps preserve the traditional culture. As for other shortcomings besides stress and too much competition, Gao feels that teachers don’t encourage students to ask questions, which limits their interest and creativity. Areas of study and employment become restricted, since many just try majoring in what’s popular, such as business, rather than pursue something they’re genuinely passionate about. This is also danger-

ous, because who’s to say the area or job they choose will always be that popular? During the question and answer portion of the seminar, Gao gave some more information on high school education and the expectations attached to it. By the time they’re done, most students have to have decided what they’ll be doing for the rest of their lives. They usually have a good idea of what they want to be, since classes start so early in China. Physics, for example, is taught beginning in seventh grade. When asked what differences she’s found in teaching methods here, Gao said she likes the interactiveness she sees between students and professors. She also discussed extracurricular activities and the exams surrounding career choices related to them, such as music or acting. As a way of summing up her observations, Gao said, “Very difficult...very different.” When she finished, Herzog thanked Gao as well as everyone present. He said he hopes this is just the first step in learning more about education. This seems to be one of college’s many purposes – to not only teach us more about our immediate world, but also to show us what it’s like to learn and live as someone else. Considering our economy and the increasing interaction between countries, this could be essential in the days to come.

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Continued from Page 1

“He was looking for a cash injection to put into his business and The Cubby wanted to have that email address for people to have better access to the company. It was a win-win for both of

us. We were able to get the email address at a good price and they could use the money to build on to the animal shelter,” Thibodeau said. The Cubby also started the Hero Program, which honors one child a month with a monetary gift. This rewards children’s bravery and takes their minds off their illnesses.

Four hundred hand-knitted winter hats were recently donated to The Cubby to go directly to children who are suffering with life-threatening diseases in the County. People have been very supportive of the efforts and come in every day, either to donate items or money or to shop for clothing or any of the many different items that are for sale. “Being a mom, I can relate to these families that want the best for their children. We provide a family-oriented place and take pride in our stores. We keep our prices low so that people can afford to get the items they need. We have knowledgeable staffs that are always available to answer questions or help people who want clothing or decorating advice,” Nikita Cate, manager of the Presque Isle store, said. So, if you’re looking for a change in home decorating, furniture or you need electronic equipment or just want something different to wear, consider stopping at The Cubby in Presque Isle or Caribou. Be sure to toss that extra change into the donation bottle or drop off those items that you don’t use. You can help to bring a smile to a little one who desperately needs to smile and enjoy just being a kid.

Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1

Chris Moore Has Done It All!

Kayla Ames


Homework and classes are hard enough, but when you add a club to the mix, you’re left with even less free time. Now try adding two clubs, or three, or four. Oh, and you’re also a full-time RA, or residence assistant. But that’s not all! You’re a volunteer firefighter and outstanding student. Seems impossible, right? How could anyone keep all that straight or stay sane? Enter Christopher Moore, who does all of this, and does it well. Moore does so well, in fact, that peers and UMPI faculty decided he should be Student of the Month for October 2011. On Thursday, Nov. 3, Moore and several admirers gathered in Kelley Commons in the Campus Center to celebrate his achievements. Student of the Month ceremonies are usually held at 12:30 p.m., but Moore had a meeting to attend – a testament

Francesca Johnson CONTRIBUTOR

to how involved he is – so muters and getting them hours. He also leads by exam- Special Olympics hockey proorganizers moved up the time. involved,” Durr said. ple, inspiring those around him gram, regularly offers a helping A senior and physical educaMoore is especially famous to take part in campus activities hand during fundraisers and is tion major, Moore is from for creating the Covenenth and community projects. currently planning a Fit and Manganese, Nova Scotia. His Cup, a dormitory competition “I got to know Chris a Fun Day for the public. position as vice president of the meant to build pride among lot better when he dressed Standefer also brought attensenior class, president of the residents as well as throughout up as a woman,” Madore tion to Moore’s presentation at physical education club, capthe MAHPERD, or Maine tain of the hockey team, secreAssociation for Health, tary of the hockey club and Physical Education, treasurer of the track and field Recreation and Dance, club gave Chris Corsello, dean which she believes says a lot of students, good reason to about his ability as a student. nickname him “Mr. Involved.” An inspirational leader Besides Corsello, Bonnie with a dynamic personality Devaney, director of career and constant smile, services, Chris Standefer, proMoore’s last duty of the fessor of physical education, day was to cut himself a Jannie Durr, area coordinator slice of cake. He also for residence halls and Keith received an award, paper Madore, director of alumni weight and gift certificate relations and development, to Governor’s restaurant. From left: Keith Madore, Chris Moore, Jannie Durr and helped recognize Moore. “I think you’re a fabu“I chose to nominate him Chris Standefer. lous role model,” Corsello because of the programs he’s the campus. Corsello elaborat- said, referring to when said, “and I hope everyone started in the residence ed on the responsibilities of a Moore participated in the you’ve touched has learned halls....Those kinds of initia- typical RA, saying it’s a Ms. UMPI competition. from you.” tives he takes, I think, really demanding job. RAs such as That’s only one role Moore Given all Moore has done indicate the passion he has for Moore look out for the kids in has stepped into over the years. and everything he continues not only residents, but com- their buildings and work long He assists with the Nova Scotia to do, how could we not?

More Than They SEAM

The UMPI chapter of the Student Education Association of Maine (SEAM) is a nonprofit organization focused on preparing education students to become professional teachers. Members are given access to resources that will prepare them for their professional careers through professional development opportunities and various on- and off-campus activities. President Danielle Pelkey said, “SEAM has planned some fantastic activities for the upcoming year that will help us in our goal to be professional educators, as well as allowing us to reach out to UMPI and the wider community to really make a difference.” SEAM is in the process of a


many student education majors who became members. Everyone who stopped by was treated to apple cider and baked goods thanks to campus catering, Margaret Selig, a

SEAM member and Mrs. Herzog, Dr. Tomasz Herzog’s wife. Tomasz Herzog is the SEAM adviser. Activities off campus have already started with SEAM providing a bridge between UMPI education students and the afterschool program in Washburn. Education students don’t have to wait to graduate to help children and, at the same time, they can fulfill the hours needed to graduate working with children. Upcoming events include a Praxis I “Prep Rally,” to be held in January 2012. Members and non-members, for a nominal fee, will have the opportunity to find out how to prepare for success, hear others who have already taken the Table of Treats, part of the Extravaganza Membership test and find out about where membership recruitment drive that was kicked off by a “SEAM Extravaganza” event held November first and second by the Owl’s Nest. It was an overwhelming success, with

Drive Event held on Nov. 1 and 2.

they can access resources to get ready. A Praxis II prep event will take place sometime later in the year. A SEAM membership costs $27 a year, which will give you access to MEA workshops and conferences, as well as membership to UMPI’s chapter. We have meetings bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. in Normal Hall 314. If you’re an education student interested in joining our chapter or you have additional questions, you can contact SEAM’s president, Danielle Pelkey, at seam@maine.edu. This is only a snippet of what is going on and what will happen in the coming year. Check for upcoming events in future issues of the U Times!


Univer si t y T i m e s COMMUNITY N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1

Photos and Paintings and Wine! Oh My! Local artist Jeff St. Peter lit up the store front of Morning Star Art and Framing with a display of dreamy pastels in a romantic-impressionist style.

wines of Italy and complimen- November. issues, his current show, “A Mile tary appetizers for each variety. Chef, author and host of There and Back,” is a personal Downtown Presque Isle was Self-taught photographer Open Kitchen on WAGM-TV and close-up look at his own the place to be for artists and art and owner of Shining Hope Nathan Scott spoke to listeners quiet retreat. enthusiasts as the First Friday Images Marcie Fowler dis- about recipes and food photogThe next First Friday Art Art Walk once again played her work at raphy. He also sold and signed Walk in Presque Isle will be brought out the best in Catholic Charities. copies of his book, “Nathan held on Friday, Dec. 2, with a local talent. From 5 to 9 Fowler strives to capture Scott’s Open Kitchen 2011,” at new host of talented artists. If p.m. on the first Friday of the hope and beauty in Mark and Emily Turner Public you’re interested in being a part each month, artists are the shining moments Library. of the First Friday Art Walk, showcased throughout found in life and share Freddy P’s Bar and Grill contact Wintergreen Arts downtown Presque Isle. them with others. hosted artist and photographer Center’s executive director November hosted a wide UMPI art professor Jason Grass. An artist who has Wendy Gilman-Zubrick at 762variety of options for Heather Sincavage worked on a number of social 3576 for more information. enjoyment, including live opened her first Presque music, photography, mixed Isle showing to an media, book signing and enthusiastic full house at wine tasting. Café Sorpreso. Wintergreen Arts Responding to the Center welcomed Pam welcome she received at Crawford to display an Café Sorpreso, assorted collection of Artwork from “Logging in the Maine Sincavage said, “Coming mixed media art. from Allentown, Pa., I Woods Today” exhibition. “My mixed media art had become accustomed involves recycling, repurposing, Nilda’s Bakery provided baked to hundreds of people who transforming and renewing goods for the event. would come through my open found objects and junk,” Reed Gallery at UMPI pre- studio and politely compleCrawford said. sented the opening of “Logging ment my work. Never in my Bosom Buddies, a singing in the Maine Woods Today,” a wildest dreams did I anticipate duo made up of Sherri photographic exhibition on such a hearty reception at Café Calhoun and Melissa Hall, tour from the Maine Museum Sorpreso. It was an enormous shared a collection of music of Photographic Arts. This col- honor and delight to be acceptfrom the 1920s through the lection of black and white pho- ed into such a tight-knit and popular music of today. tos was available for viewing in supportive community.” Immediately following their the gallery through Dec. 17. Sincavage examines identity perfor mance, the Presque Merchants on the Corner, through the deconstruction and Isle High School’s another local business, held an reconstruction of the figure in Shipmates’ Playhouse pre- event a bit out of the norm for mixed media. Her work is availsented musical selections the First Friday Art Walk: a able for viewing at Café Artwork by Heather Sincavage. from the Wizard of Oz. wine tasting, featuring five Sorpreso through the month of Rowena Forbes STAFF WRITER


Have you ever found yourself saying, when I win the lottery…? What would you do with the money? A local business, Ray’s Corner Variety Store, sells lottery tickets and is not a stranger to winning. When a store sells a winning ticket, it gets a share of the winning. Raylene Shaw, owner of Ray’s, has had the good fortune to sell a few winning tickets. But

Dollar and a Dream

in August 2007, the store sold a ticket to a local man worth $9.875 million. Shaw received a percentage of the winning – $ 30,000. She used the money to implement store improvements, give back to her staff and offer more to her patrons. More recently, Ray’s sold a $250,000 winning scratch ticket, the highest that can be won on such a ticket in the state of Maine. Shaw received $2,500 and plans to expand her exist-

ing business. The recent winner was so pleased that he’d won that he came back to the store and rewarded the sales clerk with money and wrapped presents to thank her. Ticket sales have skyrocketed since the 2007 win. “All I can say is, someone up there likes me,” Shaw said. The stories that people hear usually cover winners of the lottery, but what about the business owners? Having an influx

of cash can make the difference between a business making it and going under in these economic times. The money won by a lot of stores has gone into renovations, paying off debts and back into the community. Happy endings don’t come to everyone who wins. Scams on the Internet aren’t new and lottery scams are one of thousands constantly taking place. There are many ways people can pull the wool over your eyes

and take advantage. Shaw is a reputable business person who takes joy in seeing others win and is very thankful that she can profit and pass that good fortune on to her patrons and employees. So the next time you’re wondering what it might be like to win the lottery, remember you can’t win without buying a ticket. You may be helping to support your local economy while you decide how you’ll enjoy your winnings.


University Times

oic e

November 18, 2011


Lost Men — and Women — of Christmas Anne Chase CONTRIBUTOR

Tom Weber, formerly a columnist for the Bangor Daily News, annually revisited his vivid description of what he termed “the lost men of Christmas.” These were lonely, bereft and increasingly panicky characters who appeared in shopping malls on Christmas Eve like unwelcome ghosts in the bed chamber of Ebenezer Scrooge. Lacking ideas or inspiration, rudderless and directionless, they wander aimlessly and hopelessly. In Weber’s

own words, they are “like the Lost Boys in Peter Pan, but with long pants.” We smile in recognition at his description of last minute shoppers exposed to picked-over leftovers of a Christmas buying frenzy. These desperate souls are exposed to the tinny, repetitive notes of a tired Muzak tape loop with a semi-holiday theme, suffering not a clue of what to look for or what to buy. We also secretly recognize the rising desperation in our own holiday shopping experience. We ALL have a great-aunt who is impos-

sible to satisfy or parents who simply buy what they need when required. If only they would drop broad, helpful hints to aid development of a satisfying and satisfactory holiday shopping list. Even more difficult to buy for are the nieces, nephews or seldom-seen children of friends who live away, whose tastes are a complete cipher to a generation twice removed... lost men indeed. We battle crowds with decidedly uncharitable determination, throwing body checks like enforcers in the NHL. We cut off potential competition in the aisles with Andretti-like shopping cart maneuvers. Black Friday may mean black ink for retailers, but only black moods and black bruises for consumers who buy into the tradition of

working off the soporific effects of too much Thanksgiving turkey with adrenalin-pumping consumer combat in the holiday arena. Once home, we find ourselves too busy and too frazzled to even consider the absurdity of our actions. At least it makes the second-largest retail day, the day after Christmas, with long lines forming in front of the return counter, easier for the recipient to navigate. If there really are Christmas angels such as Clarence, watching hopefully for an opportunity to step in and earn his wings, imagine their confusion—so many more Mr. Potters than George Baileys in our world. Alternatives exist, lost men and women! Unique, locally handmade items, artwork from

talented neighbors and fresh, flavorful foods from Aroostook County farms will be available at the very first Holiday Farmers and Artisans Market in the multipurpose room in the University of Maine at Presque Isle Campus Center. It will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 19, to enable welcome patrons to shop for Thanksgiving meal items, special holiday gifts for both man and beast, and even some potions and lotions to make your achy joints well again. That last is should you decide to battle the crowds the following Friday all the same. Stop by, drop by...there are plenty of parking spaces at the top of the hill and plenty of vendors with holiday smiles to visit with inside. Hope to see you there!

The Pizza Box 14 specialty sandwiches

14 flavors of wings Delivery Available College ID $1.00 off any large HOURS:

Monday-Wednesday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m.-8 p.m.

Call 760-8344 527 Main Street Presque Isle



ifest yl e

November 18, 2011

Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

PG-13 86 minutes **

University Times

Do you remember watching “Beauty and the Beast” as a kid? You probably loved this Disney movie. The songs were catchy and the characters were sassy. “Beauty and the Beast” is truly a classic that you might even consider having your children watch. The thing about classics, though, is that it’s hard to look at them in a different light. They become so dear that any other version might not feel quite right. Unfortunately, this is the case with “Beastly.” The problem is that “Beastly” is too predictable, but that’s most likely because it relies on the “Beauty and the Beast” storyline that you may already

The Reel Deal:

know too well. “Beastly” isn’t a cartoon— it’s live-action. The film is about a teen named Kyle, played by Alex Pettyfer, who bullies others and leads a


cruel life. He picks on the wrong person, however, when he insults the school’s witch, Kendra, played by MaryKate Olsen. Disgusted by his actions, Kendra places a

curse on Kyle. His whole appearance changes. Kendra warns Kyle that his looks will only return to normal when he finds true…well, you probably know where this is going, right? The best thing about “Beastly” is that it takes a modern twist on “Beauty and the Beast.” If you’re interested in remakes, you may really enjoy the film. After all, it’s sometimes fun to match the


“Beastly” characters to their corresponding “Beauty and the Beast” cartoon versions. Again, though, if you’re familiar with the storyline, you may be hoping for a little more out of “Beastly.” Perhaps if it was slightly different, it would leave you with that same excitement that you had after watching “Beauty and the Beast” as a child. The way it is now, though, “Beastly” proves mostly unsatisfying.

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46 North Street

Presque Isle, ME


21st -- Game Night, Owls’ Nest, 7-9 p.m. 29th -- “Color Your Life” Tie Dye & More, Campus Center Owl’s Nest, 1 p.m. 30th -- Movie Night -- “Transformers 3: Dark Side of the Moon,” Campus Center MPR, 8 p.m.


1st -- Go RED Dance, Campus Center MPR, 9 p.m.-12 a.m. Check your email for a Student Activities survey coming soon! Chance to win a $50 gift card.

* Presque Isle’s only 24 hour CITGO, C-Store & Snack Connection! * 3 quality grades of CITGO gas In-store deli with homemade sweets, sandwiches and entrees. In-Store Deli Hours: Monday-Friday 5 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday 6 a.m.- 2 p.m. Sunday 7 a.m.- 2 p.m.

* We have a 12--door-cooler with all the beverages you need *We’re confident that we have what you need and, if not, we can get it! FMI call 764-6130..

Univer sit y T i m e s LIFESTYLE N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1

Jim Stepp

MESSENGER at Mercury


The planet Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, averaging only about 36 million miles away. Its orbit is highly eccentric, with it coming as close as 28.6 million miles from the Sun and going out as far as 43.3 million miles. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, it is only 3,032 miles in diameter, in comparison to our moon, which is 2,159 miles. Mercury was named after the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology. So, if you want to send a space probe to Mercury, you would of course call it MESSENGER. True to form, NASA’s new space probe to Mercury is called MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging or MESSENGER. The MESSENGER Probe went into orbit around Mercury on March 17, 2011, becoming the first spacecraft ever to enter Mercury’s orbit. Its 12 hour orbit around Mercury brings it as close as 124 miles from Mercury and as far out as 9,300 miles. What will the MESSENGER probe find on Mercury? Quite a few odd features. Mercury is heavily cratered like our moon, but it also has a large cliff, or scarp, system that runs most of the way around the planet. This scarp system seems to have been formed when the planet’s iron core cooled and contracted. As the core contracted, the surface shifted and sunk, causing these mile high cliffs to form. Mercury also has a huge crater called the Caloris basin.

The asteroid that caused this crater to form caused such a huge impact that it formed mountains on the other side of the planet. To view the picture that the MESSENGER probe is sending back to NASA, please go to http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/i ndex.php. To learn more about Mercury, go to http://www.solarspace.co.uk/ Mercury/mercury.php Mercury can be one of the hardest planets to find in the

night time sky, but during the middle part of November, you will be able to find it fairly easily. Mercury will be about two degrees from Venus during the middle of the month in the western sky. Venus is very bright, so look for a dimmer point of light (Mercury) below and to the left of Venus, about 30 minutes after sun down.


The International Space Station (ISS) is visible in the morning sky beginning November 16, 2011.

Go to www.heavensabove.com for exact times and locations. You will need to register at this site and load your location to be able to get exact times. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is located at 68d00m7.8s West longitude and 46d40m45.6s North latitude. To get a free sky chart, go to www.skymaps.com Sun and Planet Visibility

November 20, 2011 Sun Rise 06:41 Sun Set 15:53 Mercury 16:24 – 16:48 Venus15:54 – 17:06 Mars 23:12 – 06:06 Jupiter 16:06 – 04:24 Saturn 03:42 – 06:06 Uranus 17:24 – 00:12

November 30, 2011 Sun Rise 06:26 Sun Set 16:04 Mercury 16:18 – 16:48 Venus 16:06 – 17:06 Mars 23:24 – 05:54 Jupiter 16:18 – 05:12 Saturn 04:18 – 05:54 Uranus 17:30 – 00.48 ASTRONOMY EVENTS

All of the times and dates below are calculated by http://calsky.com. You must do the free registration in order to get accurate times. The events below are listed in Eastern Time. For Atlantic Time, please subtract 1 hour.

11/01@17:49 Mercury degrees from Venus


11/02@11:38 First Quarter Moon

11/06@02:00 End of Daylight Saving Time – Move your clock back 1 hour

11/08@08:06 Moon at Apogee – Furthest from the Earth – 406,200 km or 252,400 miles 11/09@16:12 Moon degrees from Jupiter


11/10@15:16 Full Moon – This is the second northernmost full moon of the year. 11/13@03:28 Mercury degrees from Venus


11/14@03:42 Mercury greatest elongation – 22.7 degree high in the evening sky – Best time to observe 11/16@00:00 Northern Taurid meteor shower – 5 meteors/hr

11/16@01:00 November IotaAurigid meteor shower – 5 meteors/hr 11/16@05:00 Leonid meteor shower – 5 meteors/hr

11/16@08:00 November IotaAurigid meteor shower maximum

11/17@01:00 November IotaAurigid meteor shower – 5 meteors/hr 11/17@05:00 Leonid meteor shower – 9 meteors/hr 11/17@23:00 Leonid meteor

Wouldn’t you love to have your message seen and heard in print or on radio? Consider placing an ad in our school newspaper, The University Times. Another possibility: our campus radio station, WUPI 92.1 “The Owl.” Contact Sales Manager Donna DeLong at 227-0070 to inquire.


shower maximum

11/18@05:00 Leonid meteor shower – 10 meteors/hr

11/18@10:09 Last Quarter moon 11/19@05:00 Leonid meteor shower – 6 meteors/hr 11/20@06:12 Moon degrees from Saturn


11/23@18:14 Moon at perigee – Closest to the Earth, 223,500 miles away 11/25@01:09 New Moon 11/26@16:30 Moon degrees from Venus


11/29@11:18 Venus at Aphelion – Farthest from the Sun, 67,691,000 miles

12/02@04:52 First Quarter Moon

12/04@03:54 Mercury in inferior conjunction with the Sun. Passing between the Earth and the Sun. 12/05@01:06 Mercury at Perihelion – Closest to the Sun, 28,583,000 miles

12/05@20:06 Moon at Apogee, Farthest from the Earth, 251,900 miles 12/06@16:18 Moon degrees from Jupiter

12/10@17:36 Full Moon


12/11@15:44 Earliest Sunset of the year

Donna DeLong Sales Manager


U n i ve r si t y T i m e s

N ove m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 1

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