Volume 41 Issue 5

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inside this issue:

A Firsthand Account Details on page 5

University of Maine at Presque Isle

NOVEMBER 2, 2012

Volume 41 Issue 5

Ben Pinette


Get Your Drink On Details on page 7

Journalism for Northern Maine

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

South Hall’s New Look

If you have stopped by South Hall anytime this semester on the first floor, you may have noticed a few changes taking place. New offices are being built while other offices are being moved. This all comes as South Hall’s first floor becomes the new Center for Teaching and Learning. Jim Stepp, interim dean of students, is one of many on the board seeing this project through. “The project came out of a Project Compass grant, which was going to end soon. We

found we needed to create an area where student services and staff can get together all in one area. This will save students from having to travel all over campus.” Stepp said. The CTL will include Student Support Services in two new offices and Disability, International Students, Advising Center, Counseling and Career Services and the Writing Center elsewhere. All of these offices, with the exception of Career Services, will be placed on the first floor. Moving the different offices will have certain advantages for students. For example, the

This front porch will soon be utlized for students warmer months of the year.

Writing Center will be moving into the old tutoring space, combining the two resources. Stepp said that the front porch area will also be utilized. “I’m hoping during the warmer months that students will be able to use the porch area. We will have tables and chairs out there for students to work,” Stepp said. In the coming months, other changes will be taking place in South Hall, including moving the reception desk to a more centralized location. Leslie Williams, U M P I ’ s administrative assistant for Construction of South Hallʼs two newest offices. the dean, will be moving Skype room. Students will be “[The center] is a collabocloser to the able to use this room 90 per- rative effort to get students front desk. In cent of the time. Eventually, the have success academicaladdition, two we’re going to have a sign-up ly,” Stepp said. new offices will sheet for students and groups South Hall’s new renovabe opening up for access to the room,” tions will continue to have an for students fac- Stepp said. impact on students’ learning ulty and staff: a The Skype room will have for years to come. Skype room a large screen where as many and a general as four or five people can use c o l l a b o r a t i v e the space. space with In addition to the Skype tables. Stepp is room, laptops will be available p a r t i c u l a r l y for students to sign out using excited about their student ID card. the future of Overall, the project is the Skype supposed to be fully comroom. pleted by next spring. Stepp “I think stu- is eager for the new Center during the dents are going for Teaching and Learning to like the to be done.



The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Kayla Ames Stephanie Jellett Ben Pinette Staff Writers Kayla Ames Cole DuMonthier Nicole Duplessis Sara Gendreau Stephanie Jellett Mika Ouellette Ben Pinette Lanette Virtanen Kelsey Wood

Contributors Dick Harrison Jessica Stepp Jim Stepp

Adviser Dr. J

The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

ampus University Times

Greetings, Guess what? As youʼll soon discover, we seem to have a theme this issue: voting. In particular, Jim Steppʼs piece moved me. I highly recommend reading it. After all, no one wants to end up in a world like George Orwellʼs “1984,” without any individual power or hope for improvement. This issue also features some topics related to voting -- or, more accurately, related to government. These include law, war and politics. To learn more, youʼll have to keep reading. Enjoy! Thank you, Kayla

November 2, 2012

Hi, Our editor, Lanette, had to take care of an emergency, so Iʼm back helping out with layout, once again. We have another jam packed issue here, we hope you all enjoy it. I also want to take this time to wish our adviser, Dr. J, well. She has had some recent health problems that have kept her from being here, so I think I speak for everyone here at the U Times when I say we hope you get well soon! Weʼll be seeing you in no time. Ben

Hi everyone! I canʼt believe itʼs already November! Time has just been flying by it seems. The pretty fall colours have left us and soon snow will be covering the ground (but I donʼt want to think about that). The up-side, though, is that hockey season has begun! The UMPI team has already played their first two games, but if you havenʼt been out to support them, make sure you stop by the forum and cheer them on! Stephanie

Dates for Submissio ns to the U Times

Nov. 5

Dec. 3

Any submissions received after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.

Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2

Jim’s Journal

Get Out and Vote!

Jim Stepp.

I’m writing this article while watching the third and final presidential debate. So far, this debate has been much more

civil than the second, and I hope that will continue. This year, as with other years, Americans over the age

Mika Ouellette

ing: Hallie Bartlett, Eric Brown, Michelle Bucci, Kenneth Conley, Cole DuMonthier, Sara Gendreau, Skylah Gendreau, Kyle Gilson, Cassie Green, Robert Head, Melinda Hitchcock, Andrew


The University of Maine at Presque Isle chapter of Phi Eta Sigma usually performs its inductions in the fall during Homecoming weekend. This year, it decided to change the date to Oct. 20, the weekend after October Break. Despite the date change, all of the traditions, including lifelong membership, remained the same. Phi Eta Sigma members are busy people with lots of demands. The reason for the date change was that so many inductees would have missed the original date because they were attending other Homecoming events. There were 22 student inductees this year, includ-

of 18 will be able to cast votes to select the next president of the United States. It seems that each election is given the title of the most important in recent memory. It’s hard to say if this election is more important than any other, but to all of us, it should be the most important at this time. We all know stories of someone who fought to help protect our right to vote. In my case, it was my father. He was part of a crew of 10 men on a Boeing B17 bomber during World War II. Following a bombing run over Germany, the plane was damaged and crashed. My dad was severely injured and was in the hospital for nearly a year. He was the only member of the crew to survive. His best friend, a left waist gunner by the name of Danny Bloomingthal, died in

his arms. Not all of the people who fought for our right to vote died. Many fought and survived. Their contribution was and is as important as those who died. We all know someone who is serving in the military today, and we should be thankful for all they do to keep us safe. On Tuesday, Nov. 6, we will have the chance to vote. I would like to encourage everyone who is eligible to vot e t o do so. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or some other party, your vote counts. Whether you consider yourself a conservative, a liberal, or a moderate, your vote counts. Whether you are 18, 25, 40, 60 or 99, your vote counts. I have voted in every election since 1979. Some of the

Members for Life Hunt, Rachel Jordan, Logan Lockhart, Dylan Markie, Traci Martin, Shelly Murchie, Sara Robins, Amy Schnoor, Susan Sewell, Lanette Virtanen and Christina Wall. Nearly all of the inductees attended along with the chapter officers and their families. “Once you’re inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, you’re a member for life,” Jim Stepp, chapter adviser, explained to the student inductees. Even with a different date, the induction was still a joyous event. More people shared the joy since the timing was better, allowing for more inductees and their families to attend. Let’s hope that organizers will keep the new schedule for future inductions and, in

3 people I voted for have won, other have not. I have voted for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents over the years. Win or lose, I believe that my vote counted. I do not believe in voting a party line. I challenge every one of you to study the philosophies and policies of all of the candidates and vote for the person who best matches your philosophy and ideals. Go to www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec /upcoming.html for more information about the Maine State Ballet. This year Mainers will be voting on 4 bonds and one ballet initiative (Same sex marriage). We will also be voting for state and national senate and house seats and for presidency of the United States. Your vote counts. Please make sure you cast it.

Chapter adviser Jim Stepp (left) and one of Phi Eta Sigmaʼs newest members, Lanette Virtanen (right). doing so, make it possible

for more to share the joy.


Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2

Ben Pinette


Our beloved Campus Center has been a mainstay here on the UMPI campus for 20 years. Students, faculty, staff and community members have come to the campus for meetings, workshops, banquets and other social

Faculty, staff, students Campus Center.

gatherings. The 20th anniversary celebration took place upstairs in the multipurpose room of the Campus Center on Thursday, Oct. 25. Light conversation and refreshments start-

The Center of It All

ed at 4 p.m. Shortly after 5 p.m., Linda Schott, president of UMPI, discussed how the Campus Center has been a resource for many over the years. “The Campus Center brings lots of people together for wonderful conversation. It’s been a collaboration between the cam-

tion was Charlie Bonin. He has been at UMPI since 1975 and remembers the process it took for the Campus Center to be built. He also shared a few facts. “The planning for the Campus Center started back in 1986 as a way to add on to Kelley Commons. There were three different funds the money came out of to make it possible to build it: bond issues, fundraising and student fees. Without these things, this place wouldn’t exist,” Bonin said. Kelly Commons, which houses dining, the mailroom and dayand the community gathered in the care — provided by Aroostook County Action pus and community for 20 Program and Head Start — years. Thank you to all of you was built in 1965. Before the 20 years ago,” Schott said. Campus Center was built, the One of the integral people campus had to get creative in involved in the Campus where to host events. Center’s building and construc“We used to do campus func-

tions in the basement of the library,” Bonin said. Construction started on the 2.4 million dollar Campus Center in 1988. By October 1992, the 8,100 square foot building was set to open to the public. Bonin credits the local contractors for helping them. “We had a lot of help from local contractors and, because of them, we got the best deals,” Bonin said. Mary Lawrence, coordinator for conferences and special programs, has seen many pass through the doors of the Campus Center. “So much history and so many events have taken place inside the Campus Center. We’ve seen state officials, astronauts, ambassadors and international groups pass through our doors. Thank you to all of you. You’ve made it possible for us to be here,” Lawrence said. Over the years, the value of UMPI’s Campus Center has increased to around 4 million dollars. A ribbon tying ceremony took place at the end of the gathering. Schott said that she thinks this was the first time a


ribbon tying ceremony has taken place in northern Maine. The ribbon was blue and yellow. The blue ribbon represented UMPI and the yellow ribbon represented Presque Isle. Both ribbons will be put up on UMPI’s famous Christmas tree in the Campus Center toward the end of the semester. Congratulations, Campus Center! We hope the next 20 years will be just as successful as the last.

Charlie Bonin sharing his story.

Friday, Nov. 2: Mountain Biking with OAPI at the Nordic Heritage Center, 1 to 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2: First Friday Reception for Christopher Laveryʼs “Of Our Elaborate Plans,” 5 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 5: Make Your Own Election Button at Whooʼs Hut All Day Thursday, Nov. 8: Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Michael Holick, Campus Center, 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15: Thanksgiving Dinner at Kelley Commons 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1: Light Parade Down Main Street, 7 to 8 p.m.


Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2

Kayla Ames


What must it be like to live through war? How would you feel as you watched other people take over the place you thought was a refuge? Harder still, what if you were divided, unsure of who to support, of where you would go afterward? Some don't have to imagine. Dr. Liliane Willens, UMPI's Distinguished Lecturer on Tuesday, Oct. 2, is one of them. Willens' presentation, which started at 7 pm in the multipurpose room of the Campus Center, was entitled “Firsthand Account: Life in China During the Civil War and Communist Takeover.” More than 60 people showed up to hear her speak, including several dozen students from the

Always the Truth

land” was denationalized, meaning she and her two sisters didn't really belong anywhere until they managed to enter the United States. Willens' father worked for a Canadian insurance company. She can speak several languages, including Pigeon English, thanks to her nanny, and she swears in Chinese. In other words, Willens has seen the world and come away with a deep understanding, a colorful past and an abundance of skills. Some of the greatest troubles in China, according to Willens, started with the Opium Wars. The Chinese government ended up paying and obeying what they called unfair treaties. Even when the British and French attacked, they were only two in a line of

Dr. Liliane Willens signing her book.

Maine School of Science and Mathematics. Willens was introduced by Dr. John DeFelice and started off by describing her background. Her parents were Russian. She underwent French schooling and considers that language her first love. In 1925, anyone who left “the home-

conquerors and oppressors. “They completely dismembered China,” Willens said. People lost their control. Willens herself lived under three regimes including those brought forth by Western powers and the Japanese. The political system was weak and corrupt. Several leaders stepped

forward, presenting themselves as the solution to such misery. It ended up leading to a Civil War that lasted until at least 1950. Meanwhile, economic chaos reigned. Money was next to useless. Beggars concentrated on getting food, not change, and babies starved to death, their mothers left with no other option than to leave their bodies on buses. They were subject to curfew as well as a fence around the city, executions took place without even an attempt at a fair trial and soldiers looted museums. “Despite the approaching Communist army, parades were still held,” Willens said, obviously recognizing the irony. When the Communists did arrive and take over, the Chinese people welcomed them. Everything seemed great at first. The new power arranged parades and dances to entertain them. They set up portable libraries in an effort to make everyone literate. The government taught them about hygiene and vaccines, sent prostitutes to reeducation centers, introduced a world without bribery or corruption. They sang “Down with Imperialism,” the motto of the time. It truly looked like someone was interested in taking care of them. “Communism is beautiful in the beginning,” Willens said. Soon enough, that beauty faded. The Communist power demanded people register their property and give it up – if they didn't, they were sent to jail. Propaganda was excessive and no one was allowed to complain about their ideology. There were forced to attend weekend meetings and take part in Neighborhood Watch Committees designed to find people who broke laws. Those who had converted to Christianity had to change their religion. Everyone had to

wear uniforms. “So, in China, there were two colors I noticed: the blue of the uniform and the gray of the city,” Willens said. While this went on around her, Willen collected stamps praising Stalin along with his Communist counterparts. She watched as a man was interro-

not settle there. Willens praised her latest homeland, saying she wanted to end her presentation on a positive note. Prior to the question and answer portion of the night, she promised to answer everything honestly – “always the truth.” Audience members brought up topics ranging from

Copies of Willensʼ book, “Stateless in Shanghai.” gated in front of a mob of people then dragged away. She often told soldiers she was Russian since she could speak the language and it meant she wasn't subject to the same cruelty as Chinese citizens. Despite all this, people didn't rebel. They weren't starving, so they put up with it. In the wake of the Korean War, Willens said there was an exodus. By the time she left China, only 400 foreigners remained where there had once been upward of 5,000. Her family waited years for the immigration visas that would allow them to reach Boston. When they finally arrived in the United States, they witnessed racism against the Chinese. Things changed, though, as Willens can attest. In 2011, the US government expressed regret for having passed laws that said ethnic Chinese could

Willens' education and the languages she can speak to her time in the Peace Corps and dating American versus Chinese boys. This was followed by a reception during which she signed copies of her book, “Stateless in Shanghai.” “I just loved the firsthand, personal experiences she was able to share,” Gwen DeFelice, an attendee, said. “It made it really fascinating.” Willens was also humorous, knowledgeable and straightforward. She didn't flinch in the face of war or Communist takeover, nor did she turn her back on harsh facts or terrible realizations. Much like China, Willens endured, then flourished. Among other lessons, she teaches us that everything and everyone has a past, some of it chaotic, that things can get better and, of course, that honesty is always the best policy.


Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2

Let Your Voice Be Heard


To UMPI Students: Student Senate needs your vote! Every November, Student Senate has an election. This election is where student’s vote for the new president and vice-president and any other matters that Student Senate needs votes on. This year running for president is Leah Rodriguez. She is a junior with a double major education degree and her concentration is K-12 science. She is a transfer student from NMCC and Hesser College in New Hampshire. She has been at UMPI for a full year. She has a license in massage therapy and has been working in various different areas such as an assistant manager and a personal business owner. Her most rewarding job is being a mother of four children.

Leah Rodriguez.

She has three sons, one daughter and a very loving and supportive husband. They all live in Caribou. She is working with Dr. Scott Dobrin, the new anatomy and physiology instructor on counting neuron branches in a honey bee’s brain. She graduates

in 2014 and is going to Thailand face-to-face, we’re having a for 10 months for student teach- Student Senate meet and greet ing. She is also the president of with student groups. This is S.E.A.M, Student Education open to anyone, even if you’re Association of Maine. For more information about Leah, please feel free to e-mail her at leah.rodriguez @maine.edu. Running for vicepresident is Mike Muir. Mike’s major is recreation and leisure studies with a concentration in outdoor leadership and a minor in business management. He works for Mike Muir. the Maine Army National Guard as an aircraft not part of a student group. fuel handler and section leader. The meet and greet is on Nov. 6 He enjoys hunting, kayaking, in the Alumni Room from rock climbing, farming and 12:40 to 1:40 p.m. being outdoors. He Refreshments will be provided. currently lives on a Hope to see you all there and I farm in Woodland. hope you remember to vote! Voting will occur Also, we now have a Facebook the week of Nov. 12 page. If you would like to stay to 16. Student Senate informed of what is going on, will send you an e- please find us and join. The mail letting you know group name is UMPI Student that elections are up Senate. If you can’t find it youron Blackboard. Once self, please let any senator know. logged in to ~Jessica Stepp Blackboard, look under “My Office: Campus Center 104 Organizations” for a group called Email: umpi-senate@maine.edu UMPI Student Senate. Select the Phone: 768-9561 notification about elections and vote! This process will not take more than five minutes. Voting is one way of letting your voice be heard! If you would like to know more about what will be on the ballot or want to talk to Leah or Mike

Law and Broccoli


John Zaborney, Dr. Brent Andersen and Justice E. Allen Hunter joined each other to talk about their views and the historic importance of the Constitution on Monday, Sept. 17. Zaborney, a history professor at UMPI, started off the discussion by giving a brief historic background on how the Constitution came to be and why it was put in place. Leading up to the creation of the Constitution, the people of the Americas declared independence from England, which had consequences on the settlements, such as more taxes that could only be paid in gold and silver. The Constitution was put in place after Shay’s rebellion in 1786 to 1787. Andersen had a different approach when discussing the importance of the Constitution. He spoke of it as the government’s way of saying “the constitution governs what the government can do.” He said the Constitution is like a list of dos and don’ts that the government follows. Also, Anderson described what is constitutional. “Laws can be policed into being constitutional, but can government force you to eat broccoli?” Anderson asked.

The Constitution regulates the powers of government so things like forcing people to eat broccoli can’t happen. However, according to Anderson, “Federal law is supreme law.” To end the panel part of Constitution Day, Hunter spoke. His job gives him a different yet similar view of the Constitution as compared to the other panel members. Being a Justice, he gets firsthand accounts on the uses of the Constitution and its importance to the structure of government. One of his first comments was that he doesn’t consider himself an expert on constitutional law. When talking about juries, he mentioned popular excuses for getting out it. Back when jury duty was beginning, the jury was paid to travel. They were given up to 25 dollars a day. Today, according to Hunter, they aren’t paid enough. At the end of Hunter’s discussion, the panel encouraged the audience to ask questions about the Constitution and share their views on certain aspects. Constitution Day provided excellent insight into the different views and uses as well as the historical background of where it came from and how it came to be.


Univer si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2

I Can’t Believe It’s Dance Is for Not a Cocktail Anyone!

Mika Ouellette STAFF WRITER

You’re hosting a party for your friends. You’re looking for a fun, festive drink to serve so you look at a recipe book. Looking at your guest list and your recipe book, you find yourself in a pickle. None of your guests drink and all of the recipes you have contain alcohol. Just when you’re feeling stuck, you go to lunch and discover that they’re serving

alcohol-free drinks called “mocktails.” You taste one and are instantly hooked. You now know what to serve at your party. As part of Alcohol Awareness Week, UMPI’s Student Activities Office made mocktails or alcohol-free drinks during lunch on Tuesday, Oct. 16. This was part of a contest they held to see who could create the best drink. Students tasted the drinks and voted to determine the winner. The winning drink was called “Strawberry-Pineapple Pizzazz.” It was created by UMPI students Natasha Bishop and Abby Woodstead. It’s a fruity, frozen treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth. If you’d like to try this recipe at your next party or to enjoy yourself, here it is.

Present your student ID and save 10%

Strawberry-Pineapple Pizzazz This drink is a delicious frozen treat with a sweet tropical taste for anyone looking for a little escape to paradise. Makes one serving. 1 – 8 ounce can of pineapple chunks with juice 1 – 6 ounce can of pineapple juice 5 crushed ice cubes 2 tbsp. strawberry syrup In a blender, combine pineapple, juice, sugar, ice and strawberry syrup. Blend until smooth and frothy. Then, pour into a glass to serve and enjoy. This recipe will give you and your guests a fun, festive drink without the less festive feelings that come with consuming alcohol. When they taste your Strawberry-Pineapple Pizzazz, your guests will most certainly say, “I can’t believe it’s not a cocktail!” Meanwhile, you’ll be glad knowing that your drink is the life of the party, even without alcohol.

Nicole Duplessis STAFF WRITER

The UMPI Dance Team or, as many people call it, “The Spirit Team,” has reunited for the 2012-2013 school year. Captain Emily Keaton started off the year teaching two dances that will be performed at the upcoming Midnight Madness. Since the start of the school year, all eight members of the team have dedicated some of their time throughout the week to get together, practice and make their performances as strong and entertaining as possible. “You don’t have to have any dance experience to be on the dance team,” said Keaton at the team’s first meeting Knowing that perfection wasn’t expected on day one reassured many members. Possible members were also informed that there would be practices throughout the week, fundraisers, team gatherings and, of course, dancing during half time at the home basketball games. Co-captains Doree Bell, UMPI dancer since 2009, and Gaila Allan, who has been an UMPI dancer since last year, were very encouraging and welcoming to the new members. They, along with Keaton, created a friendly atmosphere, one that someone would want to be a part of. Dance is a great pastime for

anyone who isn’t interested in dedicating hours of their day to one particular sport or club. It allows you to stay active, meet new people and also have time to maintain a balanced schedule. Learning new moves is motivating and it’s always a reward to see the dances come together with a wonderful end result. The team also welcomes new members at any time throughout the year. As mentioned before, anyone can join whether they have experience or not. Being on the team is a commitment, however, and practices and other team events always require everyone’s presence. As a member of the dance team, one should expect to work hard, sweat a little, but create lasting memories. With new costumes, motivated personalities and some fun dance moves, everyone is sure to enjoy the upcoming performances of the dance team. They have worked hard but had fun at the same time. New members Natasha Bishop, Nicole Duplessis, Sha Liu, Anna Nestor, and Hanna Patterson are ready to break the ice with their first UMPI Dance Team performance, as well as many more to come. Be sure to come watch the dance team at Midnight Madness, as well as at the first home game on Nov. 16. A good deal of support always pays off and the dances won’t disappoint!

Members of the UMPI Dance Team.


Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2

Dancing with the Ghosts

Nicole Duplessis STAFF WRITER

Everyone got ready and dressed up, adding to the excitement of what the night was going to bring. Whether people were trying on their costumes for the first time, trying to figure out what to wear or doing something funky with their hair, you could feel the excitement and energy in the halls as students took pictures and made lasting memories with friends. They were all preparing for the Halloween dance. Crowds of people danced the night away on Thursday, Oct 25, in the multipurpose room in the Campus Center. There was large variety of costumes, all original and different, with a lot of time and effort put into them. The atmosphere was affected by dancing, not to mention laughter and tons of smiling people just enjoying the night. Music kept everyone moving and on their feet and people rarely sat. Decorations lit up the walls and brought the room to life. The balcony was open for those who needed a breath of fresh air and glow sticks were given out to add some fun to the night. Everyone was singing lyrics to the songs they knew and bust-

ing out dance moves because it was the perfect time and place to do so. “I had such a fun time!” said an UMPI student at the end of

ronment! The dance was a great way to bring everyone on campus together to have a good time. Having the Halloween dance a week before the actual


Are you planning to complete your degree requirement in May or August of 2013? If so, you need to submit an Application for Graduation to the Office of Student Records by November 30, 2012. Applications for December 2012 potential graduates are due NOW. Applications can be obtained from the Office of Student Records, 235 Preble Hall, or online at http://www.umpi.edu/universityoffices/osr/graduation.

Left to right: Abigail Poole and Danielle Ackerson.

the evening. It’s hard to imagine who wouldn’t have enjoyed themselves in such an upbeat envi-

holiday really got everyone in the mood and prepared students for a week of celebration and fun activities.

Students who submit their Application for Graduation by the November 30, 2012 deadline, and who have a complete Degree Status Report signed by their Adviser and the Director of Students Records will be allowed to participate in the May 2013 commencement ceremony. Once students have completed all degree requirements, the Office of Student Records will issue a transcript and award the degree. Students will receive a diploma that will be dated the August, December or May following the actual completion of degree requirements. Diplomas are awarded only three times per year.


University Times


(1) The Girl Scouts of America welcomes all interested girls who want to join and adults who want to lead. In sharp contrast, the Boy Scouts of America bans members and leaders who are gay. The Washington Post calls the ban a “merit badge for bigotry.” If the Boy Scouts welcomed queer people, they’d risk losing significant financial support, meeting space and a huge number of members. This is ironic since evidence suggests that the founder of the Boy Scouts, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, was most likely a gay man living a closeted life in Victorian England. A New York Times ope d a s k e d , “ Wa s B - P a closet queen?” Major League Soccer has announced that it will end its affiliation with the Boy Scouts and will not renew a strategic partnership with the organization. (2) Orlando Cruz, the first openly gay professional boxer, has won his first fight since coming out. The Puerto Rican has a 19-2-1 record with nine knockouts. "I feel happy with where I am. I'm free. I'm more at peace,” Cruz said. He seemed to be more at ease with his new position as a gay role model, no longer hiding who he is in one of the world's most macho sports.

oice N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2

Quick Queer Facts

(3) A record number of openly LGBT candidates are running for Congress, eight for the House of Representatives and one for the Senate. They’re from Ohio, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, North Dakota, Rhode Island, California and New York State. (4) Another Federal Circuit Court has ruled that the socalled “Defense of Marriage Act,” or DOMA, is unconstitutional. DOMA denies legally married same-sex couples the same federal rights and benefits as opposite-sex married couples, a violation of the equal treatment clause of the Constitution. The Obama Administration has stated they will enforce the law but not defend it, so House Republican leaders have jumped in to do just that -- defend the law -- and so far have spent close to $1.5 million on what appears to be a futile effort. (5) Speaking on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” President Obama stated, “You want a president in the Oval Office who will say, for the first time, no, we’re not going to amend our constitution to restrict rights for gay and lesbian couples.” Romney supports a constitutional amendment to restrict marriage rights to heterosexuals only. (6) Amazon, Expedia, Google, Microsoft, Nike, Nordstrum, REI, Starbucks, Alcoa and TMobile are the latest in a line of

major corporation that publicly support the right to marry for same-sex couples. (7) The anti-gay group NOM (National Organization for Marriage) continues to refuse to identify their donors, despite a U.S. Supreme Court ruling to do so. NOM’s latest campaign disclosure report to Maine's Ethics Commission omits the names of donors to their campaign against marriage equality. Their TV ads are misleading. NOM says that Vermont B&B owners who refused to host a same-sex wedding event were sued/fined/punished due to their anti-marriage equality views. The truth is that these people violated existing nondiscrimination laws (public

accommodations), not marriage equality laws. (8) David Blankenhorn, founder and president of the Institute for American Values, and a onetime opponent of marriage equality, now strongly supports same-sex marriage rights. He had testified in favor of California’s anti-marriage equality ballot measure (Proposition 8), but described his change of heart in an op-ed in “The New York Times.” “I grew in my feeling of the importance of accepting gay and lesbian people as equal members of the society,” Blankenhorn said. (9) California has become the first state to ban gay "conversion" therapy for minors, a con-


troversial practice that many believe leads to depression and suicide. Also known as reparative therapy, the treatment seeks to "cure" homosexuality. The bill was supported by the California Psychological Association and prohibits the practice for children under 18. (10) Did Mitt Romney and President Obama, who traded barbs about Big Bird, realize that the beloved Sesame Street character was the product of a profound partnership between two gay men? Christopher Lyall and Kermit Love were partners in work and life for half a century and in the 1980s traveled with Big Bird to the White House for the annual Easter egg roll.

Presque Isle: 260 Main Street, 764-5500 Caribou: 556 Main Street, 493-3030 HOURS: Sun - Thurs: 10:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri - Sat: 10:30 a.m. - Midnight


Pizza, Subs, Salads


University Times


November 2, 2012


The Reel Deal:

‘The Cabin In the Woods’

Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

Rated R 1/5 Stars Released in 2011, “The Cabin in the Woods” looked like a really promising movie, even though the trailer made sure to include all “scariest” and most questioning parts of the film. Reasoning behind the one-starout-of-five rating includes: its lack of interesting story line, predictable scenes, cheesy lines and clichés, the lack of scary parts and its inclusion of just about every major scary object and supernatural creature. Basically, it’s a train wreck. The story follows five friends, Dana (Kristen Connolly), Curt (Chris Hemsworth), Jules (Anna Hutchison), Marty (Fran Kranz) and Holden (Jesse Williams) who are going camping where all communication to

the outside world is lost. You get the feeling that someone is watching them when the friends pull up to a rundown gas station and talk to Mordecai (Tim DeZarn), who then calls Sitterson (Richard Jenkins) and Hadley (Bradley Whitford) to let them know they’re on their way to the camp. When the friends are about to drive through a tunnel, a bird flies into an invisible shield and gets electrocuted, which makes you think, “What is going on?!” It also makes you question if the movie is going to go all high-tech. The group arrives at the camp and immediately picks their rooms, starts drinking and plays “truth or dare.” This is when the basement trap door opens and Dana gets dared to go downstairs and check it out. While downstairs, she finds an old diary of a girl who was

abused by her father. By reading some random sentence in Latin, she awakens the family from the grave and they come back to life…as zombies. A bunch of very predictable scenes happen and boredom starts to set in when you realize what makes this supposed horror movie unique is that it’s also a comedy. First off, how can a horror movie be comical? Isn’t the point of a horror movie to be frightening and not reason to laugh? Seems like a bit of a contradiction. For this film, the comedic parts definitely made the whole movie ridiculous. You just couldn’t take it seriously— you’ll laugh because it’s stupid. Then, once you think, “Oh, I’ve got this movie figured out,” it throws you a whole other curveball which sends your brain into overdrive and you just give up on trying to under-

stand the purpose of the movie. Once those 95 minutes are over,

you’ll be left wondering, “Was this for real or is it a parody?”

Do you like music? Do you want to learn guitar but donʼt have one? The holidays are coming up. Looking for a gift? The U Times has a solution! Weʼll be raffling off a guitar and its case before the end of the semester. Itʼs $2 for one ticket and $5 for three tickets. This Johnson guitar is new and unused. If you want to look at it yourself, come by the media lab (Normal 102)! All proceeds will benefit an educational trip to Washington, D.C. in March. Weʼd love to have your support. For more information, contact Dr. Lowman (jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu), Kayla Ames (kayla.ames@maine.edu), Lanette Virtanen (lanette.virtanen@maine.edu) or Ben Pinette (benjamin.pinette@maine.edu).

Univer si t y T i m e s LIFESTYLE N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 2


December 21, 2012The End of the World? Part 2 Jim Stepp


There are many events that are predicted to happen on or around 12/21/12. These include potential effects on galactic alignment, shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field, large solar storms, the close approach of a wandering rouge planet names Nibiru and the ending of the Mayan Calendar. In this, the second of four articles about December 21, 2012, we’ll be looking at large solar storms and their effect on the earth. Every 11 years or so, the Sun progresses through an event known as a solar cycle. During these cycles, the number of sunspots drops to zero and then rises to as many as 50 or more sunspots on the Sun at a time. As the sunspots increase, so do the solar flares. If flares are big enough, they may produce a solar storm. Solar storms hit the Earth in three waves. The first wave consists of high-energy forms of light such as x-rays and ultraviolet light. These forms of light ionize the Earth's upper atmosphere and interfere with radio communication. The second wave consists of a radiation storm that could be dangerous to unprotected astronauts. The last wave consists of a coronal mass ejection (CME) which contains matter and charged particles. When a CME hits the Earth, it interacts with Earth's magnetic field to produce powerful electromagnetic fluctuations and northern and southern lights. The largest recent solar storm happened on March 13, 1989, two solar cycles ago. This storm produced northern lights visible in Texas. It also caused a large power outage that disrupted electrical service

in Quebec for more than nine hours. But this storm was small in comparison to the one that occurred in 1859. In 1859, a British astronomer by the name of Richard Carrington observed a very large flare on the Sun. Three days later, a display of northern lights was visible in Cuba and Honolulu. There were reports of people living in New York being able to read by its light. At this time, there were not many electronic devices, but there were telegraphs, which used electricity to convey messages through Morse code. The electromagnetism that accompanied this storm sent electrical charges back through the line and shocked telegraph workers and actually started fires in telegraph stations. If a storm like this were to occur today, what would happen? For starters, global positioning systems (GPS) would be disrupted and planes and ships would have difficulty navigating. Cell phones would stop working, items that use electricity and are turned on may be damaged (computers, TVs, cars, etc.) and huge areas would lose power. If power grids weren’t shut down in time, multiple blown transformers could take weeks or months to fix. Some estimates state that power in some areas could be out for as long as a month. Although these events would not be life-ending for the human population, it could cause many deaths and great inconveniences. But human life would continue. This would not be an Earth-ending event. For more information, go to http://news.nationalgeographi c.com/news/2012/03/120308 -solar-flare-storm-sun-spaceweather-science-aurora/. For

information on how satellites may be affected, go to http://news.nationalgeographi c.com/news/2011/09/110920 -sun-megastor m-satellitesspace-weather-science/.

THE NIGHT SKY The International Space Station is visible in the evening sky through Nov.2. The ISS will become visible in to morning skies beginning on Nov. 11. Go to www.heavens-above.com for exact times and locations. You’ll need to register at this site and load your location to be able to get exact times. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is located at 68d00m7.8s West longitude and 46d40m45.6s North latitude. To get a free sky chart, go to www.skymaps.com. Sun and Planet Visibility 11/10/2012 Sun Rise 06:28 Sun Set 16:03 Mercury Not visible Venus 03:30 – 06:30 Mars 16:36 – 17:54 Jupiter 17:24 – 06:12 Saturn 05:12 – 05:54 11/20/2012 Sun Rise 06:42 Sun Set 15:52 Mercury Not visible Venus 04:00 – 06:42 Mars 16:24 – 17:48 Jupiter 16:42 – 06:30 Saturn 04:35 – 06:12 11/01@00:36 Mercury at half phase 11/01@11:17 Moon at Apogee – furthest from the Earth – 406,000 km or 252,300 mi 11/01@21:08 Moon 1.6 degrees from Jupiter 11/03 55th anniversary of Sputnik 2 sending Laika the

dog in to space (1957) 11/04@02:00 Day light saving time ends – turn your clocks back one hour and gain an hour of sleep. 11/06@19:35 Last Quarter Moon 11/11@07:36 Moon 5.5 degrees from Venus 11/12@05:13 The ISS passes 0.7 degrees from Venus 11/12@06:00 Moon 6 degrees from Saturn 11/13@17:08 New Moon – 2nd closest New Moon of the year 11/14@05:15 Moon at Perigee – Closest to the Earth – 357,400 km or 222,100 mi from Earth 11/15@01:00 November IotaAurigid Meteor Shower – 5/hour 11/15@17:06 Moon 7.3 degrees from Mars 11/15@14:00 November IotaAurigid Meteor Shower Maximum 11/16@01:00 November IotaAurigid Meteor Shower – 5/hour 11/16@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower – 8/hour 11/17@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower Maximum 11/16@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower – 11/hour 11/17@10:48 Mercury passes

between the Earth and the Sun – Inferior Conjunction 11/18@05:00 Leonid Meteor Shower – 7/hour 11/18@15:54 Comet Linear at 6.9 mag. Visible in a small telescope 11/20@09:31 First Quarter Moon 11/20@22:12 Mercury at Perihelion – Closest to the Sun – 46,001,000 km or 28,583,700 miles 11/26@20:11 Venus .5 degrees from Saturn 11/28@09:45 Full Moon – This is the smallest and northern most Full Moon of the year 11/28@11:30 Comet Linear closest to the Sun (Perihelion) 11/28@14:19 Moon at Apogee – Furthest from the Earth – 406,300 km or 252,500 miles 11/28@19:12 Moon 0.5 degrees from Jupiter 11/29@00:54 Comet Linear reaches 6.3 magnitudes 12/01@00:42 Comet Linear reaches magnitude 6.2 12/01@08:18 Mercury at half phase Note: Comet Linear is predicted to become visible to the naked eye in late December and Early January. It will be its brightest on December 30, 2012 at magnitude 4.9.


Get out and exercise your right to vote!

Shuttles to the polling station in Presque Isle will be taking place from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Campus Center circle.

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